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UP Language Consultants 24/06/18 17:18

Candidate E-mail: Date: 24/06/2018 19:14:32

Hourly load required: 300


Thank you for completing our TalentUp English Test! In order to interpret your results, please consider:

What we seek to analyze with the TalentUp English Test is how well prepared you currently are to apply the English
Language in a professional context.
The important thing for us is not the number of correct answers, but how much you can continue to develop and enhance
regarding your current English skills. This is what dictates our criteria for ranking and providing the results feedback you will
see in the table below.
Your approval or fail in the selection process is not linked to the test results, but rather to the ranking of applicants' results in
each process. In other words, the level you claimed to be your level was used for screening your prerequisites, and your
result in this test will be compared to those of the remaining applicants.

Hours of study
and practice
the language
Your score in the Test Talent Up indicates that you: What does that mean?
and constant
of their

Invest in continuous
Understands the main points when the language is used in a clear improvement of their
manner, when the topic involves familiar aspects in the context of: knowledge! Keep practicing
work, school, leisure activities, etc. Capable of participating in most and studying in a formal or
situations that may arise while traveling to an area where the target informal way! The important
300 horas
language is spoken. Has a simple connected speech over familiar thing now is to understand
topics, in different areas of interest. Capable of reporting events, any communication, in
experiences, express desires or ambitions and briefly justify addition to field and
reasons for a project or an idea. spontaneity to use the

About the study workload: The TalentUp English Test also evaluates grammar and vocabulary and often, even when the applicant is
fluent in the language and communicates pretty well, there are still opportunities for learning and improvement. This also happens
with our native language!

The final result achieved shall be valid for 12 months (as from the date of the test) for all of Cia de Talentos' Selection Processes for
which you apply during this period that use the TalentUp English Test as the assessment tool. After all, this is a technical skills test
and your English Level won't change from a selection process to the next, unless you are investing in the development of your skills
or you are not studying or practicing the language at all. And if you want to redo this test for some of these reasons, all you have to
do is contact us.

Want to get an international certificate which details and certifies your proficiency level? We recommend the TOEIC ®
Test, click here to learn more.

Want to keep improving your English by studying online? Want to be better prepared for interviews and oral evaluation
tasks? Click here to learn more. Página 1 de 2
UP Language Consultants 24/06/18 17:18

Kind Regards,

Cia de Talentos Página 2 de 2

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