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- tee, and the Special Prosecutors office

could have u3ed. And various sources

have told lntellig.ance Report that her "Termination with extreme pre.
te:{'l a&might have been among the is the term used by intelligece agE
wASHINGTeti~ver since the,Watergate most d· ii'iirevidence ever presented for assaisinations. It is consid
scandal began unfolding, rumors of all against the Nixon administration. standard tool by most countrie
stripes have swept the nation's -Capital. At the time of her death, Beverly large intelligence forces, includi
Many of these rumors have turned up Kaye was 42 years old. Divorced from United States. "Troublemakers,"
in print through the efforts of dedicated her husband (who was in Air Force In- security risks , and opposition
journalists. Most of them h~ve b~en telligence), she lived quietly in Falls ciaos are regularly assassinated
damning to the Nixon administration. Chruch, Virginia. The stories that she curity forces in countries with t
But the heaviest rumor of all-that told her friends and neighbors about her ships, like Greece, Chile, or
members of the White House staff were experience at the White House had them Vietnam ...In South Vietnam, the C
authorizing or encouraging assassina- ,convinced that Nixon and his aides were Intelligence Agency set up a pr
tions of individuals in a position to do fully involved in the Watergate bugging for mass assassinations of pc
extreme damage to the Nixon admin- and cover-up long before the press and opponents known as the Phoenbl
istration- is a stone that has been left investigative agencies began bringing gram. over 40 ,000 civilians we
unturned by the straight media. forth evidence to the American public. ecuted without trial during the pealj
The mysterious death of White House Shortly beofre Christmas, 1973, Ms. of the Vietnam war by Phoenix ~
secretary Beverly Kaye in December, Kaye told her co-workers that she was ination teams. The program coll
1973 is serving as the focus of the as~­ feeling ill. A White House physician today under the name "F-6".
ass111ation rumors currently sweeping was summoned, and was in the process
Washington. Highly placed sources in- of taking her downstairs in an elevator Many of the techniques and tt
s ide the Federal Bureaucracy have told when she reportedly collapsed. She died, logical advances developed duril
Intelligence Report that they believe according to doctors at George Wash- Vietnam War have been put to l
Ms. Kaye was murdered because she ington Hospital, of a massive stroke. security agencies in the United ~
knew too much about the content of the But did she really die of a stroke? Some sources in Washington D.(
White House tapes. One prominent coroner reported that wondering whether or not assai
Beverly Kaye began working as an Ms . Kaye's death by stroke represented tion is one of the techniques thal
executive secretary in the White House a "statistical abberation". One doctor come home from the war.
during the Johnson administration_. She told Intelligence Report that Ms . Kaye's Beverly Kaye is not the only pol
was according to friends, "a confirmed death could have been very easily caused witness in the Watergate affair th
De~ocrat, and very quietly anti-~ixon" • by the injection of an air bubble into her met a suddent death. Murray Ch
Wring the Nixon administration she bloodstream. Any sort of superficial a key witness in the Vesco case
worked as secretary to Stephen Bull, autopsy would have analysed this as run over by a truck last winte1
the Secret Service agent who was (and being a death coused by stroke. Howard Hunt's wife died in a 1
is) in charge of safekeeping tap~- record- Beverly Kay's funeral was paid for strange plane crash while carrying
ings of Presidential conversat~ons. The by the White House. At the Everly money" during the first week in DE
actual storing and preservation of the Funeral Home in Alexandria, Virginia, ber, 1972.
tapes were among her daily tasks. With Stephen Bull, the Secret Service agent Clearly, there is no hard evide1
the controversy over the "eighteen min- that Ms. Kaye worked for, refused to al- support any claims of assassina
ute gap" and numerous inaudible portions low the casket to be opened. Alleged- at this time. But a key element
of the White Bouse tapes coming to the ly this was because -of facia l disfigure- assassination programs of inte~
forefront of the Watergate investigations, men_!., but it i s normal during high agencies is "plausible denial"- a
there can be no doubt that Ms. Kaye class funerals (such as this one) that alibi, and a good cover. One ihi
would have been among themostimport- cosmetic methods are used to make is clear is that the Nixon admini
ant witnessess that the Senate Watergate the deceased suitable for viewing. tion has benefited from all these dE
Committee, the House Judiciary Commit-

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