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Nature: Refers to biological or hereditary information that reflects child development and


Nurture: Refers to the day today interactions children encounter in their environment.

In my opinion, “Nurture” is the biggest influence on person’s behavior/personality. I can

support my argument in the support of nurture through my own example. My sister is

extremely different to me in terms of personality traits. This maybe because of her nature;

however, facts suggest it is more likely nurture’s doing.

I was raised by my aunt and grew up around her social circle and remained mostly away

from my family and siblings. My aunt is a very independent person who is not emotional

or sensitive person. On the other hand, my siblings lived with my mother. My mother being

a non-working woman provided lot of time and attention in raising and caring for my siblings.

Thus, my siblings spent most of their critical sensitive period with her and she tends to be

of a more caring and giving personality. Not surprisingly, my siblings display extremely

caring, emotional and sensitive behavior. I on the other hand am not much of an emotional

person rather a realist. So, nurture does play a role in developing personality traits.

Some may argue that the behavior of my siblings is in their nature but suppose that if they

had been brought up with my aunt, would they still be the same person they are today? I
think not, because a during a child’s critical sensitive period, children learn through their

environment, personal relationships and experiences. Had my siblings been brought up

with my aunt, their personal experiences and interactions as well as environment around

them would have been different and shaped their personality accordingly.

You can never take nature out of a person entirely but a personality is most defined by the

way one is nurtured. I was born in a small village where women generally are not very

independent and mostly tend to manage their household. Brought up by my aunt who was

a school teacher and very independent women turned me into what I am today; an

independent woman who has not only raised a successful family but also capable of

building her career. While I love to decorate my home; cook and bake; I am also equally

up to new challenges and build my career.

Nurturing sometimes always brings in some weaknesses along with it as well. One

of the weakness I have developed is trusting everybody without asking a question.

Lot of people say that it is a good habit; though I have learned that you cannot trust

everyone if life blindly but I cannot still help myself as that’s the way I have been

brought up. And yes, I am a true believer and my faith has never dwindled.

I do believe that nature plays some role in a person’s life but the way we spend our

life and interact with the world around us is shaped by nurturing and not by our

genes. Our genes may define our height, color, body shape and even IQ but we are

who we are because of the way we are brought up, our interactions and experiences

in the world around us.

Microsystem Macrosystem Chronosystem

Ecosystem Mesosystem

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