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Annals of Botany 107: 1427– 1431, 2011

doi:10.1093/aob/mcr122, available online at


The evolution of flower development: current understanding and
future challenges
Annette Becker 1, Karine Alix 2 and Catherine Damerval 3,*
University of Bremen, Evolutionary Developmental Genetics Group, Leobener Str., UFT, 28359 Bremen, Germany,
AgroParisTech and 3CNRS – UMR 0320/8120 Génétique Végétale INRA/Univ. Paris-Sud/CNRS/AgroParisTech, Ferme du
Moulon, F-91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
* For correspondence. E-mail

One of the most fascinating questions in evolutionary biology have evolved several times independently provide interesting
is understanding how novelties such as new organs or novel frameworks for addressing this issue. For instance, bilateral
body plans arise. Answering this question is all the more chal- symmetry appears to be an adaptive trait that has probably
lenging as obvious predecessors cannot always be identified in evolved jointly with specialized pollinators, increasing precision
the incomplete fossil record. Evolutionary developmental in pollen deposition on the pollinator’s body and thus resulting
(evo-devo) studies address this issue by examining how devel- in better cross-pollination efficiency (e.g. Citerne et al., 2010).
opmental mechanisms have evolved over time. To undertake Symmetry characteristics involved in flower–pollinator inter-
such studies, rigorous assessment of trait homology (i.e. inher- actions are often clade-specific but with conserved general
ited from a common ancestral trait) is necessary, and this can trends (e.g. bilaterally symmetrical flowers exist in Orchid-
now be conducted in a robust phylogenetic framework thanks aceae and Fabaceae but with different architectures: Fig. 1C,
to the remarkable recent progress in molecular systematics H). Bilateral floral symmetry probably emerged repeatedly as
(e.g. APG III, 2009; Moore et al., 2010). Close examination a result of selection for increased reproductive efficiency,
of the sequence of developmental events underlying homolo- and involved the evolutionary tinkering of inherited genetic
gous traits, and the genes regulating developmental changes, networks (Jacob, 1977). The molecular network controlling
is critical to our understanding of the present state and evol- flower symmetry is beginning to be characterized in distantly
ution of biodiversity. Indeed, the emergence of novel body related taxa of core eudicots, revealing both shared and differ-
plans or organs very often coincides with the rise of a ent factors (Costa et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2008). Similarly,
wealth of new species, suggesting that evo-devo concepts selfing has evolved multiple times from outbreeding, with
can revolutionize our understanding of macro-evolutionary associated changes in several floral traits. In this Special
events. The flower is doubtlessly the most beautiful example Issue, Sicard and Lenhard (2011) examine the selfing syn-
of an evolutionary innovation that is believed to have been a drome, with a specific focus on sex allocation to male vs.
major contributor to the diversification of angiosperms. female function and flower morphology. The molecular
Flowering plants nowadays dominate terrestrial ecosystems bases of these traits are still largely unknown, but this
and, as a major food source, are of outstanding importance system appears promising for examining the importance of
for mankind. Floral structure is generally conserved with genetic constraints in evolution, especially in the early stages
four main organ types (sepals, petals, stamens and carpel); of the transition to selfing when selection associated with out-
however, the variation on this theme is breathtaking. The breeding is expected to be relieved.
types of variation include abortion of organs, radial versus Homeotic mutants in model organisms have been crucial for
bilateral symmetry, whorled or spiral phyllotaxis, dramatic the discovery of genes controlling key steps in developmental
variations in the colour, arrangement, number or size of processes. The evolutionary potential of homeotic mutants is
floral organs, or even evolution of extra floral organs, such still strongly debated. Goldschmidt (1940) was the first to
as, for example, in the genus Aquilegia. In recognition of the propose the concept of ‘hopeful monsters’, which has been
recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms strongly challenged by the tenants of the Synthetic Theory
involved in the evolution of floral phenotypes, this issue of evolution. It seems, however, that discrete phenotypical
gathers together eleven articles contributing to the field of differences between species cannot always be explained by
‘flower evo-devo’, which represent diverse approaches the accumulation of small changes and that, in at least some
ranging from morphological and developmental comparative cases, evolution may have proceeded in a saltationist rather
studies, to phylogenetic analyses of important developmental than a gradualist way (Rudall and Bateman, 2003; Theißen,
regulators, and gene function analysis in non-model plants. 2009). Gould underlined that mutations in key developmental
Beyond their remarkable appearance and diversity that genes could result in drastic phenotypical changes in adult
enchant our eyes (Fig. 1), flowers function as the angiosperm forms without conflicting with the Darwinian theory, and
reproductive system. The amazing morphological diversity that the evolutionary potential of such phenotypes could not
results from the interplay of selection and developmental con- be simply dismissed (Gould, 1980). In plants, few mutants
straints; however, evaluating the relative importance of these of floral phenotype are known (e.g. the ‘peloria’ flower in
two evolutionary forces is not straightforward. Traits that Linaria; Gustafsson, 1979): in this issue, Wang et al. (2011,
# The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved.
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1428 Becker et al. — The evolution of flower development

F I G . 1. Floral diversity among angiosperms. (A) Aconitum napellus. (B) Akebia quinata. (C) Lotus corniculatus. (D) Lamprocapnos spectabilis. (E) Doronicum sp.
(F) Gentiana acaulis. (G) Papaver somniferum. (H) Ophrys scolopax. (I) Cleome spinosa. (J) Leptospermum scoparium. (K) Callistemon citrinus. (L) Eschscholzia
californica. (M) Brassica oleracea. (N) Aquilegia alpina. (O) Heracleum spondylium. (P) Lilium martagon. Images: C. Damerval (A– H, N– P); A. Becker (I–L);
K. Alix (M).

who also review other cases) describe a double-flowered traits, some of which may be related to their inclusion in the
mutant of periwinkle, and underline the need for fitness carpels. The review points towards the diversity and morpho-
studies in natural habitats to evaluate the evolutionary potential logical trends of ovules in major angiosperm clades, providing
of such anomalous phenotypes. Ronse de Craene et al. (2011) evo-devo researchers with a new framework to investigate the
address the question of the evolutionary role of carpeloidy, by molecular bases of ovule evolution.
comparing the hermaphrodite flowers of Carica papaya and More than 20 years ago A. thaliana was established as a
the superman1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, which both convenient plant system to study the molecular mechanisms
display stamen-to-carpel conversions. They are able to show of diverse physiological and developmental processes. The
that the developmental mechanisms differ in the two species molecular genetics of flower development has been a major
and suggest that the way the conversion takes place in arabi- research focus from very early on, and yielded a wealth of
dopsis may be reminiscent of early events in the evolution information about the regulation of floral organ identity, and
of bisexuality in plants. This comparative developmental floral meristem identity, maintenance and termination.
study highlights the importance of in-depth knowledge of Studies on A. thaliana in combination with Antirrhinum
how organs are formed in order to formulate relevant evol- majus, for which large collections of mutants have been avail-
utionary hypotheses. In connection with this topic, a review able for a long time, have allowed the identification of a
by Peter Endress (2011) is devoted to the development and limited number of transcription factor families such as the
evolution of angiosperm ovules. These organs can be traced MADS, TCP, NAM/CUC and YABBY families that have
back to the origin of seed plants, being shared by angiosperms played crucial roles in floral morphogenesis in core eudicots.
and gymnosperms. Angiosperm ovules have evolved specific Orthologs and/or homologs of the A. thaliana and A. majus
Becker et al. — The evolution of flower development 1429

genes have been identified in other angiosperm species as ancestor of angiosperms and gymnosperms thus most likely
being related to specific traits, and have been characterized contained a NAC gene expressed under the control of small,
in terms of sequence conservation and expression patterns. non-coding RNAs. Members of the TCP transcription factor
This so-called candidate-gene approach has turned out to be gene family have crucial roles in the regulation of cell div-
very insightful, suggesting that many genes have functions ision, controlling organ size and bilateral symmetry in
that are conserved among higher eudicots, and sometimes several plant species (Martin-Trillo and Cubas, 2009). This
between them and other lineages of angiosperms, in accord- family has been studied for a long time in eudicots, where it
ance with the monophyly of angiosperms (Soltis et al., 2008; has been shown to undergo repeated duplication events (e.g.
APG III, 2009). An emblematic gene family for flower devel- Citerne et al., 2003; Howarth and Donoghue, 2006;
opment is the MIKC-type MADS-box transcription factor Damerval et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2010). Here, Howarth
family: indeed, most genes involved in the control of floral et al. (2011) compare expression patterns of orthologs of
organ identity in arabidopsis and antirrhinum are MADS-box specific TCP genes in radially and bilaterally symmetrical
genes (Coen and Meyerowitz, 1991; Causier et al., 2010). members of the Dipsacales, and find meaningful associations
Studies of MADS-box gene expression in key species for between gene duplication, changes in expression patterns,
floral diversity suggest that their role in floral organ identity and flower symmetry and shape. Mondragón-Palomino and
specification is widely conserved among angiosperms (Kim Trontin (2011) establish a phylogenetic framework for the
et al., 2005). Additionally, MADS-box genes have been TCP family in monocots, and suggest that expansion of
shown to play roles in a variety of developmental processes these genes in grasses originates from two rounds of WGD.
in plants, such as floral meristem specification, regulation of Genetic redundancy as a by-product of small-scale or genome-
flowering time, embryo and fruit development, and are wide duplication is a mechanism that should ensure robustness
involved in nodulation during symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing of the gene networks underlying developmental processes,
bacteria (Zucchero et al., 2001; Seo et al., 2009; Vrebalov while neo- or sub-functionalization would contribute to ‘evol-
et al., 2009; Zheng et al., 2009, Kaufmann et al., 2010). vability’ of these networks. Evolutionary possibilities offered
Considering the reproductive phase, SOC1 is a major flowering by multiple duplicates is then reviewed by Geuten et al.
pathway integrator in arabidopsis (Moon et al., 2003); in this (2011) in the case of B-class genes, whose role in petal and
Special Issue, Ruokolainen et al. (2011) characterize three stamen identity appears conserved in a large group of angios-
homologs of SOC1 in Gerbera hybrida, and describe the con- perm species. Through mathematical modelling, they tackle
tribution of a paralog of SOC1 to the floral and inflorescence the role of diversification in activation mechanisms and
phenotype in this species. Indeed, the candidate-gene approach protein – protein interactions on downstream gene regulation.
is currently the only way to tackle unusual variation in pheno- As a means to decipher the molecular origin of evolutionary
typic traits. For example, Clianthus maximus is a Fabaceae novelties, the candidate-gene approach suffers from several
species with an unusual order of floral organ differentiation limitations. The first one is that experimental designs in non-
that produces inflorescences all year round, all of which model plants often lack the ability to specifically down-
abort except during a limited time in the autumn. Song et al. regulate genes in order to test functional hypotheses, because
(2011) address the molecular bases of these unusual traits by transformation protocols are available for a few species only,
characterizing MADS-box genes of the ABC model of floral and are mostly time-consuming and laborious (often involving
organ identity and the homolog of Leafy. tissue culture steps). Recently, however, this limitation has
The characterization of candidate-genes in a growing partly been relaxed by using VIGS (virus-induced gene silen-
number of species affords the possibility to reconstruct the cing), which employs the plant’s innate defence system against
evolutionary history of gene families. In many cases, such viruses not only to silence the viral genome but also to target
studies point to the frequency of independent gene dupli- genes of interest. As most plants are susceptible to viruses and
cations and losses. This must be considered in the context of many virus genomes can be converted into vectors suitable for
whole-genome duplication (WGD), a major process of the VIGS, this valuable technique has been successfully applied to
evolutionary history of angiosperms (Van de Peer et al., elucidate the role of floral homeotic genes in Nicotiana
2009), which has opened the way for the emergence of tabacum and basal eudicots such as Papaver somniferum,
novel functions and/or patterns of expression by neo- or sub- Eschscholzia californica, Thalictrum sp, and Aquilegia sp
functionalization of duplicated genes. Several papers in this (Drea et al., 2007; Gould and Kramer, 2007; Wege et al.,
Special Issue underline the importance of these phenomena. 2007; Becker and Lange, 2010; Di Stilio et al., 2010;
Vialette-Guiraud et al. (2011) focus on the evolutionary Yellina et al., 2010). In this Special Issue, Hands et al.
origin of the NAC gene family (NAM, ATAF1/2 and CUC3) (2011) report the functional analysis of two differentially
in seed plants. Members of this large transcription factor spliced Papaver somniferum AGAMOUS orthologs, and
family are essential for the formation of organ boundaries in demonstrate that beyond an expected redundant function in
plants. The members of the NAM subfamily are regulated by specifying carpel and stamen identity, one of the splicing pro-
micro-RNAs (miRNAs), while CUC3 subfamily members ducts has unique roles in septum, ovule and stigma develop-
are not. Intriguingly, Vialette-Guiraud et al. demonstrate ment. This finding is especially important as it is one of the
that separate NAC and CUC3 lineages already exist in the rare cases where a functional significance can be attributed
three earliest diverging angiosperm lineages (Amborellales, to alternative splicing.
Nympheales, Austrobaileyales: ANA-grade) but a common A second limitation to the candidate-gene approach is that
ortholog of both groups, possessing a miRNA regulation the ‘classical’ model species A. thaliana and A. majus are
site, was present in gymnosperms. The most recent common members of the highly derived clade of core eudicots, and
1430 Becker et al. — The evolution of flower development

their genetic repertoire has most likely changed tremendously evolutionary questions, such as the relative importance of
since the lineage split from the remaining angiosperms. In selection and developmental constraints, and the evolution of
addition, the genome of A. thaliana is rather reduced in size modularity and its role in robustness of genetic networks.
and might not be a suitable representative for most angio- The possibility to model gene networks and their morphologi-
sperms. Thus, the regulation of flower development in plants cal outcomes, and to simulate perturbation in network func-
distant from arabidopsis might involve genes that are not tioning as a result of genetic mutation or environmental
merely orthologs to A. thaliana genes, and/or the regulatory cues, should be illuminating in this respect.
networks may be different. Flower evo-devo thus needs to
move towards a less ‘arabidocentric’ view, even more so
when taking into consideration recent studies that show that ACK N OW L E DG E M E N T S
significant functional differences exist between orthologs of We thank Dr Hélène Citerne for fruitful discussions on flower
transcriptional regulators. One example for such a phenom- evo-devo, and for critical reading of an earlier draft of this
enon is the arabidopsis YABBY gene CRABS CLAW (CRC), manuscript.
which is required for carpel and nectary development. Its
rice ortholog DROOPING LEAF (DL) is required for leaf
midrib formation and carpel organ identity specification and L I T E R AT U R E C I T E D
floral meristem termination. The basal eudicot Eschscholzia
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