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hi Yogi's welcome to my channel my name

is Kassandra and today we'll be doing a

yin yoga practice for the sacral chakra

so the sacral chakra is located in the

pelvis it's underneath the belly button

above the pubic bone and it's the second

chakra associated with the color orange

now this sacral chakra has everything to

do with themes of creativity passion

pleasure and sensuality so that's really

what we'll be working and exploring with

today if you've done my other chakra yin

yoga classes on youtube you'll know that

I really love to pair yin yoga asanas

with affirmations now the way to use

affirmations in this kind of context is

not to try to convince yourself that the

affirmation is true for you instead what

I want you to do is as we're going in

and out of these poses and as I'm

telling you certain affirmations simply

listen to them and just repeat them back

to yourself a few times so your job is

not to convince yourself that this

affirmation is true for you and that you

should believe it instead just pay

attention to your initial gut reactions

towards those affirmations so for

example some of the affirmations may be

will be very easy for you to hear

they'll make you feel good you'll be in

agreement with them and

usually means that there's probably not

any work for you to do in regards with

that theme things are balanced and going

well if however I say a certain

affirmation about creativity or

sensuality or passion and you notice

your body tensing up or you feel a

little bit of resistance towards that

affirmation or maybe some emotions start

to come up to the surface view I often

get emails and messages is it normal to

cry is it normal to start shaking it

absolutely is so if you have a stronger

reaction to a certain affirmation this

is usually a pretty good indication that

there's a little bit more work to do in

this area maybe there's a wound that

needs to be healed or maybe there's just

a little bit of inquiry so I always

recommend that you have a journal

somewhere close by so that you can

really note what works for you or what

happened for you during this practice so

sacral chakra has a lot to do with the

pelvis and the hips so all of our poses

today will be hip opening poses so

physically this is a pretty challenging

flow or a pretty challenging practice

I'll ask that you have some props so I'm

only going to be using two blocks but at

home make sure you have as much as you

need around you some blocks some

bolsters pillows blankets and let's

begin with a seated meditation to

initiate this first connection to the

sacral swadisthana chakra sit in any way

that is comfortable to you you can let

your hands rest on your knees and just

close your eyes


I feel your body soften with every

exhale melting away any tension or

stress physically or mentally


and as you breathe in and out through

your nose start to deepen this breath

and send it all the way down to your low

belly and low back so sending your

breath to this space of the sacral

chakra lower than the navel just above

the pubic bone you might visualize a

glowing orange jewel glowing a little

brighter with every breath that you take



and as you breathe deeply into the

sacral chakra simply repeat back to

yourself I love and enjoy my body I love

and enjoy my body simply be receptive to

your reaction to this affirmation

I love and enjoy my body






please bring your palms together at the

front of your heart

we'll open with the chant of ohm one

time inhale to chant breathe in


and opening the eyes release the palms

our first asana is a winged dragon or a

variation of low lunge please make your

way onto hands and knees you might want

to have your blocks somewhere close by

for winged dragon we'll step the right

foot forward to the outer edge of your

right hand and you might want to pad

your left knee if it's comfortable as is

you can just keep it that way so this is

your first option keeping your knee and

toes pointing forward winged dragon is

when you curl the toes up and simply

rotate out onto the blade the side of

that foot so your knee hip and toes are

all starting to face over towards the

right side of your mat and you can

choose to stay up on your palms you can

come down onto your forearms or even

onto some blocks so I usually like to do

this from the form and then I place a

block underneath my forehead so that my

neck doesn't really have to work get

yourself as comfortable as you can in

this pose and deep hip opener


come back to the rhythm of your breath

and internally repeat to yourself I have

healthy boundaries

I have healthy boundaries






slowly lift your way out of the polls

coming back to your tabletop sense maybe

move your hips back or side to side and

emotions here that feel good keeping the

focus to the other side left foot steps

forward and you can choose to keep your

knee and toes as they are or you can

curl the toes up and roll to the outer

edge of that left foot and from the

lunge stance you do want to make sure

that your knee is directly above your

ankle just so your knee is protected

here rotating out slide the back leg a

little further back and just ease your

way into your edge your variation of

this pose so if you find that you can't

breathe deeply that's usually a good

indication that you've gone a little bit

too far into it soften your arms and

your upper back as much as possible just

let the body unfold as you continue to

breathe deep into the pelvis low belly

and low back deep into the hips

and repeat back to yourself my

creativity is endless my creativity is







lift back out take your time back into

your tabletop stance move in any way

that feels good I will be moving into a

swan pose next so you can keep your

blocks close by bring your right knee

behind your right wrist and extend your

left leg back behind you so if the right

hip is pretty high off the ground you

can put your block underneath you here

to keep the hips and the shoulders

Square it to the front of the mat

otherwise that the hip can stay grounded

keep it that way

and you can lower down either on a block

on your arms forms whatever works or you

can just make a little pillow with the

back of your palms to rest the forehead

try to ground your left hip bone as much

as possible so that you're not rolling

over onto your right leg this is another

one of those pose poses where we want to

relax the chest the shoulders and the

arms as much as we can

one of the deepest hip opening asanas

that we have and this one really

activates the sacral chakra so as you

hold this asana repeat back internally

my sexuality is sacred my sexuality is










push into the palms lift your chest make

your way back tabletop and it might feel

good to extend your right leg back and

just press into the heel

switching sides swan pose to the left

bring your left knee behind your left

wrist straighten and reach your right

leg back behind you and again you can

prop up on a block if you'd like try to

ground your right hip down so you're not

rolling onto the left side of your leg

and maintain some length in your spine

so that you're pulling the chest forward

and down and not rounding through the

upper back I try to settle in the pose

make any adjustments that you need to

I am open to intimacy
I am open to intimacy














unlined from the polls so all of our

other poses will be reclined laying down

on your back but before we do that just

extend your left leg back behind you

push into the heel squaring off the hips

keep your props somewhere close by you

can extend your legs out in front of you

and lower all the way down onto your

back coming into our butterfly pose

bring the soles of your feet together to

touch and let your knees open up wide so

you can always put a block under each

thigh or HT here if it feels a little

sensitive in your lower back or a little

bit too much for the inner groin and you

can play with the distance between your

heels and the pelvis and because we are

working on the sacral chakra I'm going

to take yoni mudra which is simply

touching the index fingers and the

thumbs together making a little triangle

shape and just placing that directly

over the boob space so directly where

you have that sacral chakra breathing

into the space underneath your palms

relax your legs

and the affirmation for this pose and I

allow myself to experience pleasure I

allow myself to experience pleasure













release the yoni mudra and use your

hands to help your knees come back up

and it might feel good just to pull the

legs into the chest giving it a little

squeeze you can rock a little side to

side massaging a little back

and simply let your feet come down to

the floor keep your knees bent we'll

take a little IT band stretch to get

into the outer edge of the hip you can

cross your right ankle over the top of

your left thigh flex your foot instead

of pulling the knee in towards the chest

we're just gonna let the left thigh drop

to the left and try to get your right

foot flat to the mat if the hips are

very tight you might not be able to set

it down to the mat in which case you

want to be able to just prop it up on a

block a pillow or a bolster and you can

make this pose more sensational by

bringing the foot closer in towards your

chest I like to either hold on to the

ankle with my hand or I'll usually use

my left hand to push the right knee and

the right thigh away from me and you can

reach your right arm out to the side so

that both shoulders are grounded

continue to breathe to the lower belly

and internally repeat my power lies in

my sensitivity my power lies in my










let's lift the knees back up uncross

your legs and you can either pull your

knees in towards your belly or I might

feel good just to take a few breaths

widening the feet letting the knees fall

in towards each other and again I'm

taking this yoni mudra and just letting

the palms rest on the low belly three to

five breaths here before we go and do

the IT band stretch on the other side




this time you'll be crossing your left

ankle over the top of your right thigh

keep that left foot flexed then you can

just drop your right thigh over to the

right until the left foot comes down to

the ground or to a block either hold

onto your ankle with your right hand or

you can press the left knee further away

from you and I like to reach the left

arm out to the side just to help ground

that left shoulder to the mat so you

should be feeling it from the waist all

the way down the outer edge of your hip

and if you're very tight you might feel

it into the quads as well I am open and

receptive to connection and intimacy I

am open and receptive to connection and



















uncross the legs lift back up and one

more time just separate the feet let

your knees fall in towards one another

and rest your hands to your belly



for our last pose before we come to

shavasana let's take happy baby pull

your knees in towards you and separate

them wider you can either choose to hold

on to the shins and draw the knees down

if you'd like to go a little bit further

into this pose you can hold on to the

toes or the outer edges of the feet

soles of the feet facing up stacking

your ankles over your knees and you're

dragging the feet down to the floor the

thighs down also pushing the knees open

a little wider try to ground your

tailbone to the floor lengthen your

spine relax your arms as much as you can

internally repeats I live life with

passion I live life with passion













release the hold of your feet bend your

knees and make your way into shavasana

our final resting pose

extending your legs and your arms out

normally shavasana the palms would turn

up to the sky you're welcome to do this

if you'd like to take yo knee mudra

again you can connect one last time to

the sacral chakra thumbs and index

fingers together connecting to this

powerful space seat your sensuality

sexuality creativity connection and

passion in our final affirmation for

this practice is i nurture my creativity

and sensuality i nurture my creativity

and sensuality


relax your facial muscles and feel the

effects of your practice















like to breathe a little bit deeper as

you slowly wake back up wiggling fingers

and toes maybe you reach your arms up

overhead take a great big stretch you

can keep your eyes closed as you roll

over to one side and we'll lift up

coming to take your seats

so ending our practice the same way we

began sitting up nice and tall drop your

shoulders away from your ears


make a commitment to yourself to honor

the sacral chakra


let's bring our palms together at the

front of the heart

closing with the chant of ohm one time

inhale to chant breathin



namaste thank you so much Yogi's for

doing this yin yoga practice with me I

hope you enjoyed it please grab your

journal and just write down while it's

still fresh in your mind fresh in your

body note down what this practice did

for you and you know which affirmations

may be provoked something a little bit

more powerfully than others if you're

new to my channel please do subscribe I

put out new classes every single

Thursday and I'll be growing this yin

yoga chakra series adding new ones every

couple of weeks so over the next few

weeks or so you will see more of them

but you can still definitely try my root

chakra in yoga class and they also have

a few full body chakra in yoga sessions

here on YouTube thank you again have a

wonderful day



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