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Running head: PEPSI SCREENING 1

EDU 220 PEPSI Screening

Marisa M. Hare

May 2019

College of Southern Nevada



The individual that is being observed for the PEPSI Screening is Matthew Hare. Matthew

is an 18 year old white male that resides in the Spring Valley area. Matthew also goes by Matt

or Matty, rarely ever his full name. Even though Matt was born and raised in Las Vegas, he has

never really been exposed to much of the city. He has lived in the same 5 mile radius his whole

entire life. Matty has lived a privileged life in a fairly large home shared with his two parents,

two sisters and loving animals. His family works hard to provide a higher middle class life.

This year, 2019, is his graduating year. Matt plans on attending College of Southern

Nevada after completing his degree at Spring Valley High School. While at College of Southern

Nevada, Matt plans on completing a degree in computer science to be a computer network

architect. Matty’s whole life, he has always been very interested in technology, and very

technologically advanced from a very early age.

Even though Matthew has had a more privileged lifestyle than most people, work has

always been very important to him. Matthew got a job at a Clark County public pool, at the age

of 16. He has had his own bills to pay since he was 17. Matt worked hard to save up for a down

payment on a car, and works to pay his car payment, insurance, and other things such as gas,

clothes, personal items, etc.

At about the age of 17, Matthew had made the decision to become a vegetarian. This is a

big part of his lifestyle. Being the only one in his family with a restricting diet, his dedication and

determination to live this lifestyle is clear. Matthew knows what he wants, educates himself, and

goes after his goals.



Matthew, like most males this age, is pretty much fully developed. For about 12 years

(from the age of 5-17) Matthew was dedicated to wrestling. This puts a strain on a growing boys

growth, often stunting growth. Matt has gone through cutting weight (essentially starvation) and

vigorous training schedules from an early age. At this point in time, Matthew stands at about

5’10 and 155 pounds. At first glance, he appears to be very slender and tall. According to the

article developed by J’Anne Ellsworth, “Male height may continue to develop, but body

definition is generally set.” (Ellsworth, 1999) Matthews body is essentially done growing, but his

height will increase over the next couple of years. In the last years alone, his height sprouted

more than 3 inches. Also correlating to the previous statement is Matthew’s weight. Even though

he did do things to his body while in the growing stages to cause long term effects, his body

definition has been stable without much working out or effort. Matthew does live a pretty active

lifestyle, while working at the pool and visiting the gym occasionally, his frame has not changed

in years. While reading an article by Donald Weatherley, I came across information pertaining to

the fact that males have a later growth spurt. After discussing if females grow at the same speed

as males, “The early data obtained in the Adolescent Growth Study suggested that it does not -

that an effect opposite of that found in boys occurs.” (Weatherley, 2009) As stated above,

Matthew only had a growth spurt at about the age of 16/17 when, for females, the age is about

14/15. While researching the developments of males at late adolescence, I found that their

reproductive organs are fully grown. “ Also by this point, your reproductive system has fully

matured, rendering you fully capable of having a family, if you so choose.” (Bruner, 2018) In


aspect, Matthew’s organs may be fully developed, but is not sexually active, nor appearing to be

interested in relationships with females. Matthew is very focused on his well-being, physical

appearance, and living a healthy lifestyle.


Over the last couple of years, it has been apparent that Matthew has found his sense of

self. It might not be his permanent feeling about himself, but he is very proud and passionate to

pursue his interests and wants. “There is an emerging sense of self identity, of who and what the

person is becoming.” (Ellsworth, 1999) While researching, that quote stood out to me, because I

feel as though it really relates to Matthew and his life. Within the last year alone, Matthew has

adapted to a new vegetarian diet, made the decision to stop his wrestling career, and changed his

outlook on life. This would present emotional maturity. Maturity might not have reached the

fullest potential, but it has improved over the years. In another report found, “While a young

adult, just like a young teen, may not be overly affectionate toward his parents and will probably

spend more time with his friends, it's less of an act of rebellion and more an evolution of the

natural state of things.” (Bruner, 2018) Upon my research, I found that Matthew actually does

not conform to this statement. Matthew enjoys spending time at home, with his family and his

pet cat. Matty does have friends over at his home, but not rebellion. Matthew’s friends and his

family are very close and comfortable, considering his friends as part of the family. Matthew and

his family have a close relationship, even though his childhood was not always that easy.

Growing up, Matthew had a lot of family problems, which can affect the emotional stability of

him later on. While conducting further research, I found an article by M. Timmerman stating, “In

childhood, stressful events partially account for the cross-influence of externalizing to

internalizing problems.” (Timmerman, 2010) Those stressful events have had an effect on

Matthew, he often internalizes his feelings and issues. Matthew has always been a person that

keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself, resulting from previous situations.


Normally at the age of 18, “There may be recognition of the need to establish a belief

system for self - not a reflection of childhood or peers and a sense of the importance of meeting

the best good society.” (Ellsworth, 1999) As discussed above, Matthew has adapted a lifestyle

and views that are a system of himself. He has begun a vegetarian lifestyle, became more

educated in politics and developed a sense of character. Matthews developments are not a

reflection of his families’ ideals, they are of his own preference and research. Matthew is very

philosophically independent. Going along with that statement, “With this increased push of

autonomy, often comes an increased level of conflict, particularly with family members”

(Fondacaro, Brank, Stuart, Abraham, Luescher, McNatt, 2006) This statement most cases, can be

true. However, in Matthew’s case, he is mature and responsible enough to not quarrel with his

family, rather respect them. Matt has a good sense of what is right and wrong, morally, and

conflicting with family members for an increased sense of “self” is not something worth doing.

While reading an article by Murphy and Gilligan, “Real-life data on the same subjects suggest

that this progression is related to actual experiences of moral conflict and choice which lead to

the restructuring of moral judgment to a more dialectical mode.” (Murph & Gilligan, 1980) This

relates to Matt and his development because his real life experiences is what lead to the recent

changes in philosophical ways. His beliefs, actions and views have matured to morally correct

and secure views.


Socially, Matthew is fully developed. Matt has very advanced conversation skills, and

knows how to keep a conversation interesting. Matthew has friends, a couple of them being his

best friends, that he sees on a regular basis. Work relationships are held properly and Matty

knows how to use the art of conversation to assist him in his accomplishments. It is important to

Matt to be a well rounded individual. “The self is more defined as a self and less dependent on

external acceptance.” (Ellsworth, 1999) This statement tests true in Matthews case. Matthew has

a very good sense of who he is, and the important to staying true to his beliefs. Vegetarianism is

a very big part of who Matthew is, and he embraces it fully. Being vegetarian makes him

different than most people, especially the people that he is around on a daily basis. Matthew is

the only one that occupies a stricter diet in his house out of pure preference. He puts extra effort

to ensure that he stays true to himself, and accept it. Despite being different, Matthew and his

family have a very nice relationship. In an article written by Bruner, “Adolescence is tough on

the family for some reasons, mainly because the child's life no longer revolves around his family

and is instead widening to include friendships with their peers and even other adults, like a

teacher or coach. “ (Bruner, 2018) This article is not as true in Matthews case. Based on my

observation, I would say that Matthew is above the standard of how males at age 18 should be.

Matthew’s life has different factors being included, but his family stays a permanent factor.

Work, school, teams, friendships, etc. often hinder the relationships at home, often a way of

rebellion. Matthew defies the standards and balances factors in his life evenly. Outside of high

school and his family, Matthew has a job that entails at least 25-30 hours a week. His workplace

is a mix of individuals also in their late adolescence, but also adults as well. Matthew explains

that he usually gravitates towards the adults for a more stimulating conversation. Believing that

work is one of the main influences on the development of his social skills, he credited his work

relationships as the most important to him. “Adolescents tend to report high levels of satisfaction

with their jobs and hold many of the same beliefs as their parents about the benefits of

employment.” (Mortimer, 2010) Getting a job at an earlier age has been one of the greatest thing

Matthew did for himself. He now holds a higher importance to maintaining positive relationships

and his goals.


According to a study done by Stanford’s Children Health, “The adolescent begins to

question authority and society standards.” (Packard, 2012) In Matthew’s case, he had the typical

questioning phase, and now understands authority and society standards. Through his

understanding, Matthew has done a lot of personal research on politics, diets, society, etc.

Matthew has came to the conclusion about what he feels is morally correct and what works best

for his lifestyle. Matthew has very strong beliefs for the things he is interested in. While doing

research on the things that he feels is right for his lifestyle, his diet, vegetarianism, came to his

attention right away. Matthew has always cared and loved for all animals, and loves the

environment. “The student often wishes to "change the world" based on ideas and the shear will

to make a difference, solve problems.” (Ellsworth, 1999) I saw a connection between this quote

and Matthew’s choice to be a vegetarian. I felt the connection because through his journey on

being a vegetarian, and the main reason why he began, is to make a difference to the

environment and respect the earth that he lives on. Matthew puts an importance on living a more

green lifestyle by recycling, reusing and being conscience of the things that he puts out into the

earth. This is all in hopes to solve the world's problems, which is a helpful choice. While

conducting further research on how individuals should be developing at the age of 18, I found a

lot of articles on impulsiveness. “teens in late adolescence tend to act seemingly without thinking

in certain situations.” (Bruner, 2018) Matthew surpasses this statement. Matthew is a very level-

headed person in a lot of ways. Before making a decision, Matthew contemplates the outcome.

Matthew has a lot of discipline to his personality, stemming from his wrestling days.


Based on my research, Matthew has a developed life. Matt meets, if not exceeds, all of

the PEPSI developments.

My recommendations to keep up/ further the progress being made would be to keep

evolving. Physically, keep up with the momentum, and change things up a bit. Matthew is a

creature of habit, and he might benefit from doing different workouts, classes, runs, hikes, etc.

The body reacts to change. Being physical is very important to Matthew’s lifestyle and it helps

his progress in developing.

Emotionally, Matthew meets the standards on his development, but internalizes his

feelings. I think that it would be positive for Matthew to open up and talk his feelings, ideas and

expressions with his family and coworkers. Expressing yourself helps development because it

helps individuals deal with their emotions. Letting other people know your thoughts and feelings

can be a very positive addition to his life.

Philosophically, the standards are met. Matthew is a very curious person. Progressing

philosophically never really stops, and I feel that Matt’s interests are always growing. Matthew is

constantly doing research and informing himself. Vegetarianism, politics and environmentalism

are Matthew’s passions. I would suggest that Matthew continue pursuing his interests and never

stop being curious.

Socially, Matthew is fully developed and thrives on debates and conversations.

Discussing his passions with his family and friends is fun for Matthew, because he likes to

expose people to things that they might not already be exposed to. My recommendations would

be to engage in more people his own age, and try not to be so mature, so fast.

Intellectually, Matthew has met the standards. Matt’s intellect is a virtue and takes it very

seriously. My recommendations for his intellectual progress would be to always be realistic.

Matthew has a need to change the world, while is a positive thing, could lead him to

disappointment. It takes millions to change the world, and Matthew works hard to do so.


● Weatherley, D. (1964). Self-Perceived Rate of Physical Maturation and

Personality in Late Adolescence. Child Development, 35(4), 1197-1210.


● Timmermans, M., van Lier, ,P.A.C., & Koot, H. M. (2010). The role of stressful

events in the development of behavioural and emotional problems from early

childhood to late adolescence. Psychological Medicine, 40(10), 1659-68.


● Fondacaro Eve, M. R. (2006). Identity orientation, voice, and judgments of

procedural justice during late adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,

35(6), 987-997. doi:


● Murphy J, M, Gilligan C: Moral Development in Late Adolescence and

Adulthood: a Critique and Reconstruction of Kohlberg’s Theory. Human

Development 1980;23:77-104. doi: 10.1159/000272541

● Mortimer J. T. (2010). The Benefits and Risks of Adolescent Employment. The

prevention researcher, 17(2), 8–11.

● Ellsworth, J. (1999). Pepsi Development. Retrieved May 11, 2019, from

● Bruner. (2018, October 15). Changes To Expect In Late Adolescence. Retrieved

May 11, 2019, from


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