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Earth, that one tiny insignificant ball of dirt in the vastness of the universe, the only

place that a species of beings called “humans” could call home.

For countless civilizations, there had been said a guardian of the Earth, born and lived
with the planet itself. It had many names, mainly feminine, but there is only one that stood upon the
rest, kind of like that feeling when you say that name out loud and everyone knows who or what it is.

Gaia, the Mother Earth.

The protector of all that is living, the one who preserves the natural law and balance
with her utmost power.

But, right now…..

“WHAT!? I…..failed……again!? Oh, come on!! Really, humans and their games. Eh? No
more cola? RYAAAAAAAANN!!!!!??”

Her shout reverberated all around the house, shaking its foundations like a magnitude
seven earthquake just hit us.

“Yes, yes, I’m coming,” I answered, fearing that she would destroy the house if she
would not get what she wanted immediately.

I got a cold Space Dew soda drink in the fridge, climbed the stairs to the second floor,
and knocked at the door of my supposed room.

“I’m coming in…”

I heard no answer, so I helped myself in.

And I snapped myself at what I saw.

It was a mess. A….big……MESS!!!! The room looked like a tornado just passed inside it,
with all the junk food wrappers, bottles of Space Dew, and my precious volumes of my favorite mangas
laid everywhere. At the left corner sat a girl in her teenage years, headphones in her head, and playing
some kind of otome game on my computer.

“Just put it there,” she said, eyes still glued to the screen.

I could only look at her in disbelief. Are we humans really are not that worthy of a last
chance anymore?

Yes, you guessed right.

Gaia, the guardian of the Earth, gave up and became an otaku instead.

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