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1. Background of The Research

Language is known as a tool of communication used by human being to

express his thought, emotion, and desire to others by using sounds, gestures
and signals. Then, language is so essential for everyone that cannot be
separated from human’s life. Hartley (1982: 3) says, “Linguistics has
something to do with language, it also implies that linguistics relevant to the
learning of language”.
One of linguistic aspects is concerned to the contrastive linguistics.
Contrastive analysis is the method of analysis whereby the differences and
similarities of two or more languages (or sub-systems of languages) are made
explicit (Jawasi Naibaho, 2006:1). the main goal of contrastive linguistics is to
find out what the differences and similarities in analyzing languages.
people living on Tanah Karo and such as Kaban Jahe and hence forth in
North Sumatra.
From the statement above, it means that the main goal of contrastive
linguistics is to find out what the differences and similarities in analyzing
languages.And in this occasion, the writer tends to contrast prefixes in English
and Karo language that appear in mark section one. Prefix is a part of affix
that must be added to a baseform in front of it, and morphologically prefix can
not stand alone because it is a bound morpheme. For example:
anti- + septic: antiseptic
er- + jabu: erjabu
In prefix, there are four points that writer needs to compare in both
languages. They are in form, distribution, function, and meaning. Form talks
about whether a prefix that can be attached in the root of words, which began
with phoneme vocal and consonant. Distribution, concerns when a prefix can

be distributed to any class of words, whether it is noun, adverb, adjective, or
etc. Function, talks whether an attachment of a prefix can change the class of
words. And meaning is concerned on the meaning of words after putting a
Indonesia is one of the big countries in the world consists of islands which
are separated by ocean and islands that has many tribes as well as their
languages. One of the tribes in Indonesia is Bataknese. The Batak`s society
consists of a few tribes such as Karo, Pakpak, Toba, Simalungun, Angkola or
Mandailing. The Batak Karo language is one of regional languages in
Indonesia. Batak Karo is a dialect of the Batak language. It is spoken by about
one million
Comparison, then is the best way to begin morphological analysis
(Mannis, 187: 146). The most efficient materials are those that are based upon
a scientific description of the native language of the learner. Furthermore, in
the course of teaching, the teacher shoul make a good use of any opportunity
we may have to make the learner aware of the distinctive characteristic of the
We chosen this topic because the following reason: first, this is the subject
that the lecture given to us and the second, we are interested to discuss about
prefix that appear in mark section one from holy bible.
2. Objective of The Research
In connection with the problem mentioned before, the objective of the study
are: - To find the differences prefixes that appear in mark 1:1-45
- To find the similiarities about the prefixes that used in Holy Bible.
3. Identification of Research Problem
The problem of the study is formulated as follows:
1. What are the prefixes that appear in mark1
2. Does they contrast ?
3. Does they similiar ?

4. Limitation of Research Problem
1. The writer only discuss about prefix that appear in mark 1:1-45
5. Significance of The Research
1. To be a guide for the readers know the similarities and differences of
English and Batak Karo in prefixes.
2. To be a reference for the readers tend to study about Batak Karo and
English in prefixes.
3. This analysis can be an additional information in contrastive linguistics for
the students especially in Faculty of English.


2.1 Description of Contrastive Analysis

In order to get the best result of the analysis, the writer finds many theories to
support the study. Some of them are adopted from the books or last research
related on this study.
Hartman and Stork (1972:43) stated that comparative and contrastive have
similarity that is they compare two or more languages. It means that the
comparative and contrastive linguistics are the branches of linguistics that
compare two or more languages. Besides, the contrastive analysis is a method of
analysis by contrasting two or more languages.
Erina Apriani (2001:58) said that in English and Rawas prefixes, there are
correspondence, partly correspondence and non correspondence in form, function,
distribution, and also meaning. It shows that the three goals of contrastive analysis
can be found.
Ridwan (1997: 121) says: “Analisis konstrastif menggaris bawahi usahausaha
untuk menemukan unsure-unsur yang sama (correspondences), sebagian sama
(partly correspondences) dan tidak sama atau beda penuh
(noncorrespondences)antara bahasa-bahasa yang dibandingkan.”
Contrastive analysis (Naibaho 2006: 2) is an activity in contrasting the first
language structure with the second language structure in order to identify the
correspondences and non-correspondences of the two languages. Contrastive
analysis has some purposes, such as to contrast the first language structure and the
second’s; to predict the difficulties and the error in learning language and to
arrange and to prepare the method in conveying the material.
Ronald W. Langacker (1972: 78) states: “Affixes that precede the word roots
are called prefixes.”

Contrastive analysis (Guntur 1972:43) has two aspects of analyzing, they are:
a) Psychological aspect
Psychology aspect concerns on difficulties in learning, the way of arranging
the teaching materials and how the way in giving the teaching materials
b) Linguistics aspect
Linguistics aspects concerns with the contrasted problems, what will be to be
contrasted, and how to contrast them.
2.2 morphology
Morphology is considered as a scientific study of details of words’ building
with the influence of words structure changes into a group and the meaning of
words. A word can consist of two units or more that each unit has a meaning. For
instance the words of act, action, react, actor, etc, has different meaning each
other although come from one word that is act, as the steam form.
The vowel of action, react, actor, have two morphemes for each that is
morpheme –ion, re-, -or, as affixes and the morpheme of act as the steam form.
There are some linguists’ opinions about the definition of morphology, they are:
a. Nida (1974 : 1) says, “Morphology is the study of morphemes and their
arrangements in forming words”
b. R.R.K. Hartmann and F.C. Stork in their book Dictionary of Language and
Linguistics state, “Morphology is a branch of grammar concerned with the study
and analysis of the structure, forms, and classes of the words”.
c. J.W.M. Verhaar (1978 : 52) says, “Morfologi adalah bidang linguistik yang
mempelajari susunan bagian-bagian kata secara gramatikal”.
The writer can say that morphology is a linguistic field that learning of
words’ structures grammatically. For example, the words bag consists of three
phonemes, but the words consist of only one morpheme. One morpheme can also
consist of one phoneme only like –s in English language like: looks, makes, etc.
From the definition above, the writer can conclude that morphology is a branch of
linguistics, which learns about details of word structure, the elements and form
changes, function, and meaning that appears as the effect of a process.


3.1. Data
The methodology research is aimed to solve the problem by describing the
facts and data systematically based on the recent fact. The writer will do library
research. Library research is the method, which is supplied by collecting data or
information from references, which have been written, by linguists or other
In addition to library research, the writer also uses descriptive method.
Nawawi (1995: 67) states, “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur
atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek
yang diselidiki (seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, pabrik, dan lain-lain)
sebagaimana adanya, berdasarkan, fakta-fakta yang aktual pada saat sekarang”.
In writing this thesis, the writer tries to apply a sistematic theory to
describe prefixes in English and Batak Karo with their kinds and examples. The
proposes some examples of English and Batak karo prefixes.

3.2. The Source of Data

The colleting data is very important. In this analysis, the writer analyzes the
holly bible mark section one in English and Batak Karo prefixes based on their
category in morphological process. The books that used by the writer are the holy
Bible of batak Karo and english holly bible

3.3. The Technique of Analyzing Data

The writer tries to analyze the data by collecting some references which
are related to this research. There are some steps that the writer has done to
analyze the data:
1. Collect the data
First of all, the writer collects the data from English and Batak Karo some
references of morphology.
2. Select the data

Then, after collecting the data from holly bible, the writer selects them.
3. After words, the writer identifies the English and Batak Karo prefix
4. Next, the writer classifies the data according to form,and meaning.


4.1 Prefixes in English Bible Mark Section One

Basically, the Batak karo has more many prefixes than english prefixes in
Mark chapter 1.
However in this research, the writer only analyze three of The English prefixes on
which is find in Mark chapter 1 as mention bellow:
1. prefix “Re”
 Re + Mission (n) → remission (N)
- In here the distribution of prefix Re- is noun
- The function to changes noun into noun
- The form does not change
- and, the meaning is forgiveness
2. Prefix “be”
 Be + come(Vi) →become (Vt)
- In here the distribution of prefix be- is verb
- the function to changes verb intransitive to verb transitive
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is make
3. Prefix “Un”
 Un + loose(adj) → unloose (adj)
 Un + Clean()adj → unclean (adj)
- In here the distribution of prefix un- is adjective
- the function to changes adj to adj
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is not

4.2 Prefixes in Batak Karo Markus Bindu Sada
Prefixes in Markus Bindu sada as mention bellow :
1. prefix “Er”  Er + Sembuyak(N)→
 Er + lebuh (v) → Erlebuh (v) Ersembuyak(v)
- In here the distribution of prefix Er-  Er + jabap(N) → Erjabap (v)
is verb  Er + jimpun (N) → Erjimpun(v)
- the function to changes verb into - In here the distribution of prefix er-
verb is noun
- the form does not change - the function to changes noun to
- and, the meaning is doing an action verb
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is to show
relation, doing an action
2. Prefix “i”
 I + turi (v) → ituriken(Passive  I + pepalem(v) → ipepalem
voice) (passive voice)
 I + dudurkenna (V)→  I + serganggi (v) →
idudurkenna(passive voice) iserganggi(passive voice)
 I + pelawasna(v) → ipelawasna  I + dilo(v) → idilo(passive voice)
(passive voice)  I + tadingkenna(v) →
 I + jemak(v) → ijemak(passive itadingkenna(passive voice)
voice)  I + bena+ken(v) →
ibenaken(passive voice)

- In here the distribution of prefix i- is verb

- the function to changes verb to passive voice
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is doing an action
 I + pedah+inna(N)→ ipedahinna(passive voice)
- In here the distribution of prefix i- is noun - the form does not change
- the function to changes noun to passive voice - and, the meaning is action

3. Prefix “ku”

 Ku + suruh(v) = kusuruh(v)
- In here the distribution of prefix ku- is verb
- the function to changes verb to verb
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is action
3. Prefix “Pe”
 Pe + pinter(adj) = Pepinter(v)
 Pe + ridi(v) = Peridi(v)
- In here the distribution of prefix pe- is adjective and verb
- the function to changes adj to adj, the second verb to verb
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is action
 Pe + ngajar+an(v) = Pengajaran(n)
- In here the distribution of prefix pe- is verb
- the function to changes verb to noun
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is to show a process
4. Prefix “Per”
 Per + sembah+an(v) = Persembahan(n)
 Per + suruh+an(v) = Persuruhan(n)
- In here the distribution of prefix per- is verb
- the function to changes verb into noun
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is to show an action

5. Prefix “se”
 Se + kalak(n)= sekalak(n)
- In here the distribution of prefix se- is noun
- the form does not change
- the function to changes noun into noun
- and, the meaning is to show number
6. Prefix “me”
 Me + sawang(Adj) = Mesawang(adj)
 Me + kuah(N) = mekuah(V)
- In here the distribution of prefix me- is adj and second is noun
- the function to changes adj into adj, the second to changes noun into verb
- the form does not change
- and, the meaning is to show attention

4.3 Analysis/
In this contrastive analysis, the writer chooses holy bible of batak karo and
English in Mark chapter 1/ markus 1 in karo language.the writer try to find
prefixes in karo and English holy bible.And in this occasion, the writer tends to
contrast prefixes in English and Karo language that appear in mark. Prefix is a
part of affix that must be added to a baseform in front of it, for example
 Per + sembah+an(v) = Persembahan(n)
 Re + Mission (n) = remission (N)
In this thesis we found differences that every words get prefixes that have
found in holly bible of English and batak karo especially in Mark chapter 1 almost
get change in the meaning and their form. In English bible we found about 1 word
change become noun,1 word change become verb and 2 words become adjective
While in karo holy bible. We found 9 verbs,10 words passive voice,3 words Noun
and one become adjective.and the simililarities researcher found in prefixes the
word that get prefixes change become noun has a little amount between all the
words that get prefixes in English and batak karo language holy bible on Mark
chapter 1 and Markus 1.


5.1 Conclusion
From previous explanation and the analysis by using the terms of form,
distribution, function and meaning with the prefixes as the object of analysis, the
writer can conclude that:
1.the researcher find more verb in holy bible karo language (markus 1)than in
English holy bible after get prefixes.
2.then the researcher find more Adjective in English bible than in Batak Karo
language after get prefixes.
5.2 Suggestion
Finally the writer of this thesis comes to suggest the readers that a
contrastive analysis will be a study and teaching guide, because one aspect of
linguistics (morphology) of two languages has been known, that’s why contrastive
analysis need to be grown up and as the additional information in terms of
contrastive linguistics for students to do this method that can know the
characteristics of two languages directly.

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Holly Bible


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