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Colegiul Agricol POARTA ALBA Responsabil comisie metodica,


Clasa: a XII-a, limba I, Manual NEW PROFICIENCY GOLD
An scolar: 2012-2013
Nr. ore pe saptamana: 2h
Nr. total de ore: 66h Prof. Ing. Director,


 Tema
Nr. de Observa
Nr. Unitate de  Funcţii communicative ale Competenţe Activităţi de Saptamâna
ore ţii
crt. învăţare limbii specifice învăţare
 Elemente de construcţie a
Revision Revising and assessing Ss’ knowledge and 17.09-21.09
1. all 4h
language skills 24.09-28.09
Skimming a text
People and relationships Scanning a text
Unit 1 Reading: short extracts, multiple choice Fill in the gaps
1.1, 1.2., 01.10-05.10
Nearest and Improving your writing: letter Fill in (a text
2. 3.2,3.3 4h 08.10-12.10
Dearest Use of English: open cloze Matching exercises
4.1., 4.2
Listening: multiple choice Word building
Review of verb forms and uses Free discussions

A Proper Education Skimming a text

Unit 2 1.1, 1.2.,
Reading multiple choice Scanning a text
Learning for 2.2, 15.10-19.10
3. Writing: proposal Fill in the gaps 4h
Life 3.1., 3.2., 3.4., 22.10-26.10
Use of English: word formation, gapped Fill in (a text
4.1., 4.2., 4.4.
sentences Matching exercises
Listening: sentence completion Word building
Speaking: interactive communication Free discussions
Conditionals (1) + wishes/preferences Debate
Vocabulary: context and style, meaning in
context, education

Cinema and TV
Reading: shorts extracts +multiple choice Skimming a text
Writing: review Scanning a text
Unit 3 Listening: multiple choice Fill in the gaps
2.1. 29.10-02.11
4. The Moving Speaking: discussing quotations Matching exercises 4h
3.2. 05.11-09.11
Image Participle clauses, Inversion Free discussions
4.1., 4.2.
Vocabulary: fixed phrases and idioms, Debate
dependent prepositions

Advertising and consumers Fill in the gaps

Writing: formal letter, register 1.1, Matching exercises
Unit 4
Use of English: comprehension and 2.1., Word building 12.11-16.11
6. The Hard Sell 4h
summary 3.2., Free discussions 19.11-23.11
Emphasis (preparatory It) 4.1., 4.2. Debate
Vocabulary: advertising Role play
Nr.  Tema Competenţe Nr. de ore Saptamâna Observaţii
Unitate de învăţare Activităţi de învăţare
crt.  Funcţii communicative ale limbii specifice alocate
 Elemente de construcţie a comunicării
Preventing and Punishing Crime
Scanning a text
Reading: gapped text
1.1, Fill in the gaps
Unit 5 Writing: proposal
2.1., Matching exercises 26.11-30.11
7. A Life of Use of English: open cloze, word formation 4h
3.2., 3.3., Word building 03.12-07.12
Crime Listening: three-way choice
4.4., 4.5. Free discussions
Modals and related expressions
Role play
Vocabulary: collocations
Revision and 10.12-14.12
8. Contents Units 1-5 all Peer evaluation 2+2h
Progress Check 17.12-21.12
Unit 6 City Life 1.1; 1.2, Skimming a text 14.01-18.01
9. 4h SEM II
Bright Lights, Writing: report 2.1 4.2 Scanning a text Fill in 21.01-25.01
Big City Use of English: gapped sentences, key word the gaps Fill in (a text)
transformation, comprehension and summary Matching exercises
Listening: multiple choice Word building
Speaking: presentations Free discussions Debate
The passive, Relative clauses,
Relative and participle clauses
Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs, metaphor
The Natural Environment
Writing: essay Fill in the gaps
Unit 7 Use of English: key word transformation Fill in (a text) Matching
1.1 2.1; 28.01-01.02
10. The Living Listening: sentence completion Cause and exercises Word building 4h
2.2 3.2 4.2 04.02-08.02
Planet result, Conditionals Vocabulary: the Derivation
environment, style and register: word Free discussions
formation, fixed phrases
Revision Contents Units 1-7 all 2h 11.02-15.02
Reading: gapped text Skimming a text
Writing: formal letter Scanning a text
Unit 8 Use of English: gapped sentences, Fill in the gaps
comprehension and summary 1.1 2.1; 18.02-22.02
11. A Sporting Fill in (a text 4h
Listening: multiple choice 2.2 3.2 4.2 25.02-01.03
Chance Speaking: discussion Word building
Emphasis Free discussions
Vocabulary: sport, phrasal verbs and idioms,
lexical cloze, prepositions and participles
Scanning a text
The Mind and the Unconscious Fill in the gaps
Unit 9 Reading: language and detail, multiple Matching exercises
2.2., 2.4
choice 04.03-08.03
12. The Mind's 3.2., 3.4 Multiple choice 4h
Writing: article 11.03-15.03
Eye 4.2, 4.5. Word building
Use of English: open cloze, word formation,
key word transformation, gapped sentences Free discussions
Role play

Nr.  Tema Competenţe Nr. de ore Saptamâna Observaţii
Unitate de învăţare Activităţi de învăţare
crt.  Funcţii communicative ale limbii specifice alocate
 Elemente de construcţie a comunicării
Work and Its Future Scanning a text
Reading extracts and multiple choice 1.1., 1.2., Fill in the gaps
Unit 10 Writing report 2.1; Matching exercises
The World of Use of English: comprehension and summary 3.1., 3.2., Multiple choice 4h
Work Future forms 3.3. Word building
Vocabulary: compound adjectives, collocation, work. 29.03
4.2., 4.4. Free discussions

Revision and 15.04-

Contents Units 6-10 all Peer evaluation 2
Progress Check 19.04
Technology and Progress Skimming a text
Reading gapped non-fiction Scanning a text
Writing: essay 1.1., 1.2., Fill in the gaps 22.04-
Unit 11
Use of English: open cloze, key word transformation 2.1; 2.3., Fill in (a text 26.04
The Monster in 4h
Listening: short extracts + multiple choice 3.2., 3.4. Matching exercises 29.04-
the Machine Speaking: discussion 4.1., 4.2. Word building 03.05
Reflexive pronouns, future forms with modal verbs Free discussions
Vocabulary: idiomatic expressions
Travel and Tourism Fill in the gaps
Writing: review 1.1., 1.2., Fill in (a text
Unit 12 Use of English: comprehension and summary 2.1; 2.2., Matching exercises
The Last Speaking: discussion 2.4., Word building 4h
Frontier Indirect speech 3.2., 3.4. Free discussions
Vocabulary: style, sentence adverbials, prepositional 17.05
4.2., 4.5. Debate
Ambition and Success
Reading: gapped text: fiction Writing: article Skimming a text
Use of English: gapped sentences, key word 1.1., 1.2., Scanning a text 20.05-
Unit 13
transformation, open cloze 2.1., 2.2., Fill in the gaps 24.05
The Price of 3.2., 3.3. 4h
Speaking: complete interview Fill in (a text) Matching 27.05-
Success Clauses of concession 4.2 exercises Word building 31.05
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs and idioms with Free discussions
get and go, compound nouns

Fill in the gaps
Aspects of Culture: a Set Text 1.1., 1.2., Fill in (a text 03.06-
Unit 14 Use of English: comprehension and summary, key word 2.1., 2.2 Matching exercises 07.06
3.1., 3.2 4h
A Good Read transformation Speaking: discussion Comparisons Word building 10.06-
Vocabulary: lexical cloze 4.1., 4,2 Free discussions 14.06

Final Revision All Units all 2h

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