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Bearing defect on inner race

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Resonance on Fin Fan Cooler
Wirana ST's post: My experience 2 years ago. This case remind me about "never st…

Triggered by Bearing Defect

Published on October 1, 2018

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Predictive Maintenance En…

This was my experience two years ago. I write on this media to remember how hard that
time. Lol.

Let's begin!

This is fin fan cooler driven by electrical motor and connected to gearbox reducer. On
November 2016, we collected vibration data on this unit. High vibration reach 8 mm/s
rms, and danger status. All point measurement were high vibration on vertical direction
with single dominant frequency at 2862 rpm. Motor speed was 1480 rpm. Frequency
2862 rpm was non synchronous frequency. But none motor bearing and gearbox bearing

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frequency match at this frequency. Then we think it must be come from fan bearing. (At
the first time we didn't know fan bearing number, there was no data on SAT document)

And this is fan bearing defect frequency.

We suspected resonance due to vibration pattern was very directional. The to verify this
hypothesis, we took bump test data on this equipment. Bump test measurement closed
to forcing frequency 2862 rpm which closed to 2xBPFI.

Last but not least, we took vibration data solo run on motor and gearbox (coupling fan-
gearbox disassembly). At this condition all vibration data were in good condition.

Then, we jumped to the conclusion that high vibration on was due to resonance issue
which triggered by bearing defect frequency. Then we replaced the lower fan bearing.
After lower fan bearing was replaced, vibration at this bearing decrease significantly.
But, vibration on motor and gearbox still high.

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At this point, we realized that we had wrong decision to find the root cause of high
vibration on motor and gearbox. After this condition happen, we had a meeting to fix
this issue. What plan should be taken?

The upper fan bearing was not monitored due safety issue. It was impossible to collect
vibration when unit running. Then, i explained that we never know if high vibration was
triggered by upper fan bearing, until we took vibration data on it.

And the plan was we went to took vibration data on upper fan bearing. We stop the unit,
pull out the power source, and then attach vibration sensor on upper fan bearing. After
ensure all preparation done, we turn on the power and unit was starting. Vibration data
was collected, and i was happy when saw vibration data on my CSI 2130 because the
mystery of this high vibration would be solved immediately.

Then we replaced upper fan bearing. And found this bearing damage on inner race.

After replaced that "bad boy", this unit was

running smoothly. And the important thing
is our client happy.
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Wirana, ST

Predictive Maintenance - Vibration Analyst CAT III


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