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Boat and Stream Part-2

By Rahul sir

1.एकनावकोPसेQ बिन्दुकेिीचधाराके प्रवाहकीओरजानेमेंतथावापसQ सेP कीओरप्रवाहके बवपरीतआनेमें

3घण्टेकासमयलगताहै।उसकीबथथरजलमेंगबतक्याहोगीयददनदीकीधाराकीगबत1दकमी / घंटाहैतथाP औरQ
के िीचकीदूरी4दकमीहै?

A boat travels upstream from Qto P and downstream from P to Q in 3 hours. If the distance
between Pto Q is 4 km and the speed of the stream is 1 km/hr, then what is the speed of the boat
in still water?

a)3km/hr b)4km/hr c)5km/hr d)6km/hr

2. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4km an hour. A boat goes 6km and comes back to the
starting point in 2 hours. The speed of the boat in still water is
एक नदी की धारा 4 ककमी. प्रति घंटा की गति से फहिी है । उसमें एक नाव 6 ककमी. जाकर अऩने
प्रस्थान बफन्द ु ऩर 2 घंटों में वाऩस आ जािी है । िदनस
ु ार स्स्थर ऩानी में उस नाव की गति
ककिनी रहे गी?
(1) 6 km/hour / ककमी./घंटा
(2) 8 km/ hour / ककमी./घंटा
(3) 7.5 km / hour / ककमी./घंटा
(4) 6.8 km/hour / ककमी./घंटा
( SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam, 04.12.2011
(IInd Sitting (North Zone)

3.एक नाव प्रवाह के बवपरीत P से Q बिन्दु तक और प्रवाह की ददशा में Q से P बिन्दु तक की दूरी 3 घंटे में पूरी
करती है। यदद बथथर जल में नाव की 9 दकमी प्रबत घंटे हो और धारा की गबत 3 दकमी प्रबत घंटा हो, तो P तथा Q
के िीच की दूरी दकतनी है।

A boats travels upstream from P to Q and downstream from Q to P in 3 hours. If the speed of the
boat in still water is 9 km/hr and the velocity of the stream is 3 km/hr, then what is the distance
from P to Q?

(a)14 (b)8

(c)12 (d)6
Boat and Stream Part-2
By Rahul sir

. km

A ship develops a leak 20 km from the shore. Despite the leak, the ship is able to move towards
the shore at a speed of 12 km/hr. However, the ship can stay afloat only for 23 minutes. If a
rescue vessel were to leave from the shore towards the ship and it takes 8 minutes to evacuate
the crew and passengers of the ship, what should be the minimum speed of the rescue vessel in
order or be able to successfully rescue the people aboard the ship?

. 3 km
5km/m 7

A ship develops a leak 20 km from the shore. Despite the leak, the ship is able to move towards the
shore at a speed of 15 km/hr. However, the ship can stay afloat only for 27 minutes. If a rescue
vessel were to leave from the shore towards the ship and it takes 7 minutes to evacuate the crew
and passengers of the ship, what should be the minimum speed of the rescue vessel in order or be
able to successfully rescue the people aboard the ship?

6- बजतने समय में एक खरगोश 5 छलांगें लगाता है । उतनी देर में एक कु त्ता तीन छलांगे लगाता है । यदद कु त्ते
कीएक छलांग खरगोश की 3 छलांगे में लगाई गई दूरी के िरािर हो तो कु त्ते व खरगोश की छलांगों / चालों का
अनुपातक्या होगा ?

In which time a rabbit places 5 leaps. In a while, a dog throws three leaps. If a leap of a dog is
equal tothe distance set in the 3 leaps of 3 rabbit, then what will be the ratio of dogs and rabbits
leaps (speed)?

7- एक बसपाही चोर का पीछा करना शुरू करता है जि चोर 10 कदम चलता है तो बसपाही 8 कदम चलता है ।
बसपाहीके 5 कदम चोर के 7 कदमों के िरािर है बसपाही और चोर की गबत का अनुपात क्या है ?

A soldier starts chasing the thief when the thief moves 10 steps, then the soldier move eight
steps. 5steps of the soldier is equal to 7 steps of the thief What is the ratio of the speed of the
soldier and thief?
Boat and Stream Part-2
By Rahul sir

8. A boat takes half time in moving a certain distance downstream than upstream. The ration of
the speed of the boat in still water and that of the current is

एक नौका को कुछ दरू ी िक धारा के प्रतिकूऱ जाने की िऱ

ु ना में नीचे की ओर जाने में आधा
समय ऱगिा है । स्स्थर जऱ में और उस धारा में नौका की गति का अनऩ
ु ाि क्या होगा?

(1) 2:1 (2) 1:2

(3)4:3 (4)3:1

(SSC CGL Tier–II Exam 12. 04.2015 TF No. 567 TL 9)

9. A man rows upstream 36 km and downstream 48 km taking 6 hours each time. The speed of the current

एक व्यस्क्ि ने 36 ककमी धारा की प्रतिकूऱ ददशा में और 48 ककमी तनचऱे प्रवाह में दोंनों िरप से 6-6 घंटे
नौका चऱाई । धारा की गति क्या थी?

(1) 0.5 kmph / ककमी./घंटा

(2) 2 kmph/ ककमी./घंट
(3) 1kmph/ ककमी./घंटा
(4) 1.5kmph/ ककमी./घंटा
(SSC CGDL Tier –II Exam. 12.04.2015 TF No. 567 TL 9)
10.A boat moves downstream at the rate of 1 km in 7 minutes and upstream at the rate of 5 km
an hour. What is the speed of the boat in the still water?
एकनौका 7 मिनटिें 1 मकिी. कीगमिसेमनचलेप्रवाहिेंजािीहैऔर 1 घटं ेिें 5 मकिी.
(1) 32 km/hour/मकिी.घंट
(2) 62km/hour/मकिी.घंटा
(3) 4 km/hour/मकिी.घंटा
(4) 8 km/hour/मकिी.घंटा
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 25. 10. 2015, TF No. 1099685)
Boat and Stream Part-2
By Rahul sir

11. A motorboat can go 25km up stream and 39 km downstream in 8 hours. While with same
speed in 11 hours it can go 35 km upstream & 52 km downstream. What is the speed of current?
एक मोटर –फोट, एक गति से 8 घंटे में धारा के ववऩरीि 25 ककमी. िथा अनदु दश 39 ककमी. जा
सकिी है । साथ ही उसी गति से यह 11 घंटे में धारा के ववऩरीि 35 ककमी. िथा अनदु दश ककमी.
जा सकिी है । धारा की चाऱ है -
(1)2 km/hr / ककमी./घंटा (2) 3 km/ hr / ककमी./घंट
(3)4 km/hr / ककमी./घंटा (4)5km/hr / ककमी./घंटा
(SSCGraduate Level Tier –II)
Exam. 04.09.2011 (IstSitting(Delhi Zone)

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