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Exam Practice Questions

1. The examination is worth 50% of the overall assessment.
2. The examination is marked out of 100.
3. You must pass the examination in order to pass the unit.
4. There are THREE (3) sections in the exam. All sections must be attempted.
5. Section A contains 20 multiple-choice questions (1 mark per question). All questions must
be attempted. This section is worth 20 marks.
6. Section B is a short answer section and is worth 40 marks (20 marks per question). This
section lists three (3) questions. You must select and attempt TWO (2) questions. Each
question is worth a maximum of 20 marks.
7. Section C is the mini essay section and is worth 40 marks. There are two (2) questions.
You must select and attempt ONE (1) question from this section.


Here are some exam-type questions for practice. Try to answer the questions first and discuss
with your friends and/or your tutor. All the best for your exam.

SECTION A (Multiple-Choice Questions)

1. ________ research is undertaken to help identify problems that are not necessarily apparent on
the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future.
A. Problem-solving
B. Problem-identification
C. Problem-manipulation
D. Problem-correction

2. Samsung would like to showcase its latest LED television and gather some feedback about
consumers’ viewing experiences. Which of the following survey methods would be most
A. Mall intercept interview
B. Mail survey
C. Internet survey
D. Telephone interview

3. For most behavioral marketing research, which type of scale is the preferred measure? (Must study
the ratios)
A. Interval
B. Ratio
C. Nominal
D. Ordinal

4. All of the following are steps involved in the data-preparation stage of collected data EXCEPT
A. editing
B. coding
C. assigning missing value
D. collecting

5. ‘What comes to mind when you look at this advertisement?’ is an example of which type of
A. Open-ended response
B. Multiple-grid
C. Fixed-alternative
D. Determinant-choice

6. Which of the following is NOT a step in the marketing research process?

A. problem definition
B. problem correction
C. research design formulation
D. report generation and presentation

7. A sampling frame is:

A. A subset of a larger population.
B. A list of elements (means a list of respondents) from which a sample may be drawn.
C. The number of sampling units accidentally omitted from the sample list.
D. Any complete group of entities that share some common set of characteristics.

8. A marketing research project is warranted when _______________________
A. The required information is already in the organization.
B. The decision which the research addresses has already been made.
C. Time or money are not available in the adequate amounts.
D. The cost of the research is less than its eventual benefits.

9. Which of the following represents an example of a secondary data source?

A. The formula for Coca-Cola.
B. Population census data. (Census is entire population and survey is targeted a
portion of the population)
C. The new models to be introduced by Samsung in the next one to three years.
D. Experiments.

10. What test is suitable to answer the following question?

“Do local students have higher attendance as compared to international students?”
A. One sample t – test. (When we compare the means between one variables with just one
B. Independent sample t - test (When we want to compare one variables for two
C. Paired samples t – test (When we want to compare two variables)
D. Regression analysis (how do variables affect somethings)
E. One way annova lets you compare among more than one groups)

SECTION B (Short Answer)
1. Identify potential sources of error that might be associated with the following situations. ( 2 points
with elaboration with solutions and examples) discuss what is not appropriate and the potential

(a) A university gymnasium and sports centre interested in new members prints a questionnaire
in the local newspaper. Readers return the questionnaires by mail. – Low and slow response
rate due to inconvenient way to returning for respondent. Can be given through email
and person can go and collect the response. Local newspaper targets the wrong
(b) A shopping mall that wishes to evaluate its image places packets including a questionnaire,
cover letter, and stamped return envelope in the mall where customers can pick them up if
they wish. Self-selection bias
(c) A survey of Facebook users ranks MacBook’s as far superior to other personal computers
for business applications. Self-Selection bias, personal computers can’t be prescribed for
business use, just asking Facebook is limiting population sample and making it less
(d) An insurance company obtains a 75 per cent response rate from a sample of university
students contacted by mobile phone in a study of attitudes towards health insurance.

2. Evaluate and comment on the following questions, taken from several questionnaires.

(a) A university computer centre survey on SPSS usage:

How often do you use SPSS statistical software? Please check one.
 Infrequently (once a semester)
 Occasionally (once a month)
 Frequently (once a week)
 All the time (daily)

(b) A survey of a car dealer:

To what extent do you agree with the following statement?

BMWs are fast & comfortable.     

(c) A survey on a chocolate dessert:

How do you rate this chocolate dessert on the following scales:

Boring Tasty
Sweet Sickly
Calorific Low Fat

(d) A survey on a toothpaste brand:

How often do you clean your teeth?

 Twice a day
 Once a day
 Every other day

 Once a week
 Less than once a week.

3. For each of the following example of survey questions, identify the type of scale and justify your

(a) How long have you been living in Bandar Sunway?

…………….. Years ……………. Months.

(b) Where is your office?

 Level 1 Bonaventura Building.
 Level 2 Bonaventura Building.
 Level 3 Bonaventura Building.
 Level 4 Bonaventura Building.

(c) What is your age?

 16 – 20 years old.
 21 – 25 years old.
 26 – 30 years old.
 31 – 40 years old.
 41 years old or older.

(d) Which one is your most favorite English Premier League football club?

 Chelsea.
 Tottenham Hotspur.
 Manchester City.
 Liverpool.
 Arsenal.
 Manchester United.
 None of the above.

4. For each of the following surveys, identify the type of sampling method used and justify your
(a) The manager of a local theater is interested in assessing customer satisfaction. The manager
decides to distribute a survey to every 10th ticket purchaser. What type of sampling is to be
used? Critically evaluate this method.
(b) The manufacturer of DrySleeper (an Australian product) was planning to enter a new
Malaysian market. Before the final decision about launching its product, management
decided to test market the products in two cities. After reviewing various cities in terms of
external criteria, such as demographics, shopping characteristics, and so on, the research
department settled on Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. What type of sampling is to be
used? Critically evaluate this method.
(c) A telephone interviewer asks: ‘I would like to ask you about your preference for televisions.
Which of the following televisions do you own: Panasonic, Sony, Samsung or other?’ After
the respondent replies, the interviewer says: ‘We have conducted a large number of surveys
with people who prefer that brand, and we do not need to question you further. Thank you
for your cooperation’. What type of sampling was used? Justify your answer.

(d) A researcher stops passers-by in a shopping centre to get responses for his survey on
consumer perception of the shopping mall.

5. A study was conducted to examine whether consumer attitudes towards recycling differs
by gender. Using the SPSS outputs presented below (5-point Likert scale), what is your
conclusion? Justify your answer.

SECTION C (Mini Essay)
1. You have just been appointed the market research manager for a car company. The company is
planning to launch a new car in a very competitive market segment. Unfortunately, the company
has no previous sales and marketing experience in this market segment.

(a) Write a one page covering letter for a questionnaire that could be used to survey potential
customers for the new car.
(b) Develop a short questionnaire (maximum 10 questions) that could be used to survey
potential customers who might be interested in buying the new car.

2. A marketing manager of a large supermarket chain wanted to determine the effect of shelf space
and price on the sales of pet food. A sample of 15 equally sized shops was selected, and the sales,
shelf space in square meters and price per kilogram were recorded. After conducting a multiple
regression analysis, the following tables come out. The manager needs your help to interpret the
key findings. He asked you this question: what contribution do both shelf space and price make to
the prediction of sales of pet food?

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method

1 space, price . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: sales of pet food

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate

1 .922a .850 .825 6.05904

a. Predictors: (Constant), space, price


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 2502.390 2 1251.195 34.081 .000b

Residual 440.543 12 36.712

Total 2942.933 14

a. Dependent Variable: sales of pet food

b. Predictors: (Constant), space, price



Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.029 5.126 .396 .699

price 10.500 3.262 .916 3.219 .007

space .057 2.613 .006 .022 .983

a. Dependent Variable: sales of pet food

3. You have been engaged to conduct a research into customers’ views about paying for plastic bags
at the local supermarket or shop.

(a) Briefly describe the research problem and identify three possible research objectives.
(b) Identify and discuss a possible survey research design that could be used to conduct this type
of marketing research. Include in your answer a possible research instrument, measurement
scale and statistical analysis technique(s).

4. The ABC company is planning to launch a new car in a competitive market segment very soon. In
order to make the right marketing decisions, the market research manager is thinking about
conducting a survey to gauge the reaction of the local market, and has approached you for advice.
(a) What factors would you advise the manager to take into account before conducting
marketing research? Explain.
(b) If a survey was chosen to be done, what type of survey would you recommend to be
conducted? Provide explanations to support your answer.

5. The Jumping Bean used to be a successful franchised coffee chop, but has experienced a steady
drop in revenue over the past 12 months. You are the leader of a team commissioned to conduct
research into this problem.
(a) After conducting your research, your team has found that none of your initial hypotheses is
supported. Explain how this could have occurred, and what are the implications of this result
(i.e. what should be done?)
(b) What would you suggest to Jumping Bean after the data analysis?

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