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Register & Authentication........................................................................................... 1

➣ 1) Register ........................................................................................................................... 1

➣ 2) Authentication .............................................................................................................. 2

Uploading Products ...................................................................................................... 3

➣ 1) Uploading in bulk& Picture adding ......................................................................... 3

➣ 2) Uploading individually ................................................................................................ 6

Term of Payment& Discount ...................................................................................... 8

➣ 1) Term of Payment Setting (For buyers who applied for term of payment in

platform before and be given authentication) ............................................................... 8

➣ 2) Discount Setting ........................................................................................................... 9

Logistics ......................................................................................................................... 10
➣ 1)Set the Delivery Fee Template............................................................................... 10

Tender ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

➣ 1) Inquiry Market ............................................................................................................ 12

➣ 2) Tender Review ............................................................................................................. 15

➣ 3) Inquiry Order ............................................................................................................... 15

Ordinary Order ............................................................................................................. 18

Return& Refund ........................................................................................................... 20

Supplier Guidebook

Register & Authentication

➣ 1) Register
1.1 Click “Sign in” option in upper right corner.

1.2 Click “Create Account”.

1.3 On creating supplier account, Corporate or store’s name is recommended in

“Your Name” filed, register with business e-mail account is also suggested.

1.4 Our platform will automatically send a verification code to your registered e-
mail account, entering the code, and here your account will be created.

➣ 2) Authentication
2.1 Click the Store icon in upper right corner.

2.2 Enter into the authentication page, input the required information, submit and
wait for the TKO Checker to review.
a) Input your Company’s name, Store’s name and Business License No.,
upload your scanned Business License in jpg/png format and max
500*500px size as well.
b) Enter the legal representative’s name, ID No. and upload the scanned ID
card in jpg/png format and max 500*500px size as well.
c) Choose “Yes” or “No” in “Duty Free” field, input “Tax ID No.”.

d) Input the contact person (store administer)’s name, phone number and

store’s detailed address.
e) Upload store photos of at least four directions.

f) Choose a Bank in which you have an account for receiving/making payment,

and input the Account Name and Account No.
g) After entering all the required information, click “Apply to be supplier”
and wait for the TKO Checker to review, the process will take 24 hours.

Uploading Products

➣ 1) Import Product& Picture adding

1.1 Uploading in bulk
a) Click the Store icon in upper right corner to enter into the background.
b) Choose the “Product” option in the list.

c) Choose “Import product” option.
d) Choose if use the “Delivery Fee Template”, if your answer is yes, you
should turn to create a template first (see 4. Logistics below), if not, delivery
fee will not be displayed in the product page. Suppliers are supposed to input
the actual delivery fee manually when confirm the order. The template is not
suggested to use at early stage.
e) Click the “Download template” option, download “Commodity
Introduction” excel file.
f) Input the information of Part No., Part Name, Price, Discount, Stock,
Condition and Grade for each product. (Note: Product items should be less
than 500, or duplicated Part No. might occur).
g) Click “Import Excel” option to upload the completed file.
h) All the products uploaded in bulk can be found in “Product off shelve”, you
can choose to “up shelve” after adding pictures for each of them.

1.2 Picture Adding
a) Click “Product off shelve” option, the right area is the product list being
uploaded in bulk.

b) Click “upload” option, pops out the uploading window, choose 5 product
pictures at most to upload.
c) If not manually click, the system will set the firstly uploaded one as main,
or you can choose the best body-displayed image Set to main.
d) Click “Complete” button once the pictures have been loaded successfully.
e) Click the “Up Shelve” option in right side of the list for each product with
pictures added.

➣ 2) Uploading individually (Create Product)
a) Click “Create product” option.
b) Type in a Part No. and click “search”. The platform will match its Category,
Adaption type and Part Name automatically.
c) If the uploading product lacks Product No., click “Product without Part
No.”, choose right category, adaption type and input part name manually.

d) Input the part condition (products without Part No. without this field),
Brand, Specification (not a must), Side, Minimum unit, Unit
specification, Weight and Size.

e) Choose the Sales Unit and decide whether use a Delivery Fee Template.
f) Input the product’s price and its discount.
g) Choose Stock Type: Unlimited Stock or Actual Stock.

h) Click “uploading” for uploading pictures displayed as main images.

i) To elaborate your product’s introduction and display more of its pictures,
put them in “Details”.
j) Click “Complete” button to submit, the product will up shelve
automatically after reviewed by TKO Checker.

k) Products uploading successfully can be checked in “Products in sale”.
l) If modification is needed, please “down shelve” the product first, and
find it in “Product off shelve” list, modify it and up shelve again.
m) The resubmitted products are needed to be reviewed by TKO Checker
before up shelve. They can be found in “Under Assessment” list.

Term of Payment& Discount

➣ 1) Term of Payment Setting (For buyers who applied for term of

payment in platform before and be given authentication)
1.1 Click the Store icon in upper right corner to enter into the background.
1.2 Choose the “Customer” option in the list.

a) Enter in the name of buyer (already in transaction relationship) requiring

for term of payment, and search. Or click “Add Customer” to search buyers
(not in transaction relationship for now) through e-mail.
b) Click the “Settlement” option after the specific buyer has been searched out.

c) Set the maximum bill amount during the term of payment in “Credit Limit”.
“Credit Used” is the amount had been bought on credit. “Credit Available”
is the remaining on credit amount during term of payment.
d) Choose the length for term of payment in “Settlement Type”. Click the
“Specified” will be calculated with the unit of “Month”, and input the fixed
date buyer needs to pay the bill; click “Unspecified”, choose within how
many days buyer needs to pay the bill after goods receipt being done.
e) Tick the “I confirm….” if you accept the terms and conditions, and press the
“Save” button.

➣ 2) Discount Setting
2.1 The “Discount” option is next to the “Settlement”. Search out the buyer, and
click the “Discount” option.

2.2 Input the actual discount in “Discount Setting” field for your buyer.
2.3 Choose the valid period of this discount. Click “Ok” after finishing.


➣ 1)Set the Delivery Fee Template

1.1 Click the Store icon in upper right corner to enter into the background.
1.2 Choose the “Transaction” option in the list.

1.3 Click “Delivery Fee Template” under “Logistics” in left side of the page.
a) Click “Add Template”.

b) Name your delivery fee template in “Template Name” field.

c) There are 3 pricing types to pick up, choose one you deem reasonably.

d) Following are steps in choosing pricing according to package number

(Other types are similar in setting).
e) “Default Fee” applies to large areas, input “Below” field of under how
many packages, the default delivery fee will be Rp XXXXX. “For each
addition” number of packages, you will charge another fixed Rp XXXX.
f) “Additional Fee” applies to special areas demanding for different
template for cost’s sake. Click “Add” to choose these areas and input new
charging template. Multiple templates can be set by continue clicking

g) Click “Save” to store the delivery fee template.


Click “Tender” in the category of background.

➣ 1) Inquiry Market
1.1 Click “Inquiry” comes into the inquiry market, which is designed for mass-
purchasing buyers: they submit the needed-to-buy parts information such as
parts number, name, pics and other notes to TKO, then the platform generates
inquiries according to the demands.
All the inquiries listed in inquiry market are open to TKO suppliers, whom

may review each inquiries and tender to those with stocks they get. One inquiry
can receive multiple tenders from different suppliers. Buyers will choose one to
make transaction.

1.2 Suppliers tender according to their actual stock. Inquiry details with parts
information can be found by clicking the Inquiry Number. Check if the
required parts in inventory list. If yes, tender the parts to get an order.

Note: To assure suppliers tender the parts buyers exactly needed, the latter provides
Part No. usually. For those uploaded all products to TKO, the following actions are
recommended to quickly search out the needed information.

Online Search: copy the Part No.➞ open the product page ➞ click product in sale ➞ paste
the No. in search bar for the needed parts ➞ click “Detail” to check parts key information.

1.3 If the inquiry parts are stocked, suppliers may return to the Inquiry page and
click “Tender” to fill up the tender information.

1.4 Enter into the tender page, fill up the Part No., choose the parts type(Original,
Recondition and Replacement) suppliers will provide, text in the corresponding
price and discount, and put in the Delivery Fee(packing fee included) and
Estimated Delivery Time. Click “Submit” if filling-up is done.

➣ 2) Tenderer Review
Tenderer No. will automatically be generated once suppliers submit the tenderer form,
for which can be checked by clicking the “Tenderer” in left bar. The status of each
tenders are listed in their corresponding tabs. “All” tab lists out all of the tenderers
suppliers submitted; “Wait” tab shows the tenderers buyers still in inquiry;
“Unprocessed” tab presents the tenderers system automatically tenderered while out
of stock at present.
In this page, supplier can check the number and amount of successful transacted

➣ 3) Inquiry Order
If a buyer accepts the supplier tender, the tender converts into PO and present in Inquiry
Order page. Below is the review of each status tab in order.
“Unconfirmed” tab lists out POs unconfirmed by suppliers; “Wait” tab with POs
wait to be paid by buyers; “Paid” are POs paid and waited to be shipped out; “Sent”
are POs on the way to buyers; “Refunding” tab shows POs being Return/Refund;
“Done” are POs with goods receipt confirmation by buyers; “Closed” are canceled POs
in any of the transaction phases.

3.1 If a buyer accepts the tender, the system will generate a PO automatically, which
shows under the “Unconfirmed” tab firstly. Supplier are supposed to click
“Confirm Order” to check if the information listed in PO is correct.

Input the “Order Discount” if any, double check order information and click
“Confirm Order” if correct.

3.2 Then, the PO will transfer to the “Wait” tab, in the status of waiting buyer to pay
the PO.

3.3 After the buyer pays the money, the PO shows in “Paid” list, supplier can click
“arrange shipment” to ship the product out.

a) For shops with OMS connected, suppliers enter into OMS page once click
“Arrange Shipment”. Then, choose “Transfer to WMS” to send the data
to warehouse for arranging the delivery.

Once the parts being shipped out in WMS system, the PO in TKO will
transfer under “sent” tab automatically.

b) For suppliers without OMS connected, logistics filling-up page will turn
out after clicking “Arrange Shipment”. Tick the shipping products, choose
the cooperated Courier and text in the Delivery No., and submit. The PO
will in “Sent” status as well.

3.4 If goods receipt has been confirmed in buyers’ part, the PO will come to “Done”
status ultimately.

Ordinary Order

1. Click “Transaction” in the category of background.

2. Click “Order” to check if there are new orders. The new ones appear under

“Unconfirmed” tab, click “Confirm Order”.

3. To confirm the order, suppliers need to check the product information and fill-
up the Delivery Fee (Packing Fee included) and Order Discount. “Confirm
Order” if complete.

4. The order will transfer to “Wait” status once confirmed by supplier. When
payment is done, it appears under “Paid” tab as well. Suppliers need to click
“Arrange Shipment” and prepare to ship out the goods.

5. Tick the shipping products, choose the cooperated Courier and text in the

Delivery No., and submit. The PO will in “Sent” status as well.

6. If goods receipt has been confirmed in buyers’ part, the PO will come to “Done”
status ultimately.

Return& Refund

1. Before receipt confirmation, buyers may apply to return& refund if the received
parts are broken or wrong parts being sent. Suppliers can check these return&
refund orders by clicking “return and refund” in the left bar of inquiry order
(Tender)/ordinary order (Transaction).

Note: the status of return& refund order can be referred as follows:

To be processed New return& refund orders Closed Buyers return overdue

Cancel Buyers cancel return& refund Success Return& refund done

To be shipped Wait for return of goods Refunding In the process

2. Click the After-sales No. of the “to be processed” order to enter into the
return& refund page (It will be automatically agreed if supplier do not process

3. If supplier agrees to return& refund, click “Agree to Return/Refund” to process

the procedure. If not, suppliers may click “Chat Now” to contact with buyers
for further understanding the questions or click “Reject to Return/Refund” as
reasons of which are insufficient.

a) Agree to Return/Refund
Suppliers wait for the return of the goods before entering into the next phase.
If the goods failed to be shipped out in 7 days, the return& refund demand will
be turned down automatically.

b) Reject to Return/Refund
The corresponding reject reason should be clarified if does so. Submit and wait
for the response of buyer.

The return& refund demand will be ultimately rejected if the buyer fails to
modify a reasonable reason to return the goods in 7 days.


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