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Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Volume speciale n. 1 (2002), 199-207, 9 ff.

Neogene strike-slip reactivation of Jurassic normal faults

in the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline (Umbro-Marchean Apennines, Italy)

ABSTRACT bordo di un alto sinsedimentario del Giurassico. Altri stretti pa-

leoalti giurassici, con prevalente orientazione N-S, interessano l’am-
The effect of pre-existing faults on the development of oblique pia zona di cresta dell’anticlinale nella immediate vicinanze della
to transverse discontinuities in thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts Faglia di Corno di Catria.
has been investigated through detailed structural mapping of the La compressione neogenica, che interessa anche questo settore
southern extremity of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline in the dell’Appennino, causa la parziale riattivazione dei paleoalti giurassi-
Umbro-Marchean Apennines of central Italy. This NE-vergent asym- ci, sostanzialmente obliqui rispetto alla direzione di massimo rac-
metric box-shaped brachyanticlinal structure evolved during the corciamento NE-SO. In particolare, la riattivazione come faglie tra-
Neogene through incipient buckling over a sole fault in Triassic eva- scorrenti destre delle paleofaglie dirette bordanti gli alti giurassici
porites followed by stepped thrusting. The general style of deforma- (sia i piccoli alti N-S che quello più grande orientato NNE-SSO),
tion was determined by massive platform carbonates of Early Juras- permette il trasferimento laterale del raccorciamento dal fronte di
sic age. The main anticlinal body is bounded by a NNE-SSW sovrascorrimento fuori-sequenza della retrostante Anticlinale di M.
trending oblique primary tear fault which presumably coincides Cucco al fronte di sovrascorrimento dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M.
with the margin of a Jurassic synsedimentary high. The broad anti- Catria. In altre parole, il meccanismo deformativo che ha interessa-
clinal crest adjacent to this Corno di Catria Fault contains several to la terminazione meridionale dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Ca-
approximately N-S trending narrow reliefs of Jurassic origin. The tria può essere considerato una sorta di espulsione tettonica.
Neogene paroxysm of orogenic shortening determined the partial
strike-slip reactivation of these oblique discontinuities. This accom-
modated the lateral transfer of strain to the thrust front of the M.
TERMINI CHIAVE: Appennino umbro-marchigiano, tettoni-
Nerone-M. Catria Anticline from the out-of-sequence thrust front of ca giurassica, tettonica neogenica.
the overriding M. Cucco Anticline. The identified mechanism can be
regarded as a kind of tectonic expulsion.
KEY WORDS: Umbro-Marchean Apennines, Jurassic tecton-
ics, Neogene tectonics. Geometric variations along-strike due to strain trans-
fer are common in thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts
(DAHLSTROM, 1970). Their identification is important for
RIASSUNTO hydrocarbon exploration as they may determine the lat-
Riattivazione neogenica in trascorrenza di faglie dirette
eral closure of structural traps.
giurassiche nell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria (Appennino In case of limited seismic coverage, transverse to obli-
umbro-marchigiano). que discontinuities often are poorly constrained. Such
Durante l’esplorazione per idrocarburi in aree a geologia com- features can reflect basement irregularities (WILTSCHKO
plessa, la comprensione dei meccanismi che determinano le chiusu- & EASTMAN, 1983; MCDOUGALL & KHAN, 1990), mechan-
re laterali delle strutture, e quindi delle trappole, è di fondamentale ical inhomogeneities at the level of the sole fault due to
importanza. In particolare, scopo di questo studio è stato la com- lithology or pore-fluid pressure variations (HARRIS, 1970;
prensione del ruolo giocato dalle discontinuità pre-esistenti nello svi-
luppo delle terminazioni laterali delle strutture in catene pellicolari a HARRIS & MILICI, 1977), as well as rheological properties
pieghe e sovrascorrimenti. Per questo motivo è stato eseguito un ri- of the overlying multilayer (SUPPE, 1985). With regard to
levamento strutturale di dettaglio nell’estremità meridionale dell’An- the latter, the reactivation of pre-existing discontinuities
ticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria (Appennino umbro-marchigiano). is particularly advantageous to the kinematical segmenta-
L’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria è una brachianticlinale
asimmetrica con vergenza nord-orientale, di età neogenica. La sto- tion of detached terrains.
ria deformativa consiste in un piegamento iniziale seguito dal pro- This mechanism has been investigated in the Umbro-
pagarsi di sovrascorrimenti con una geometria a gradini relativa alla Marchean Apennines of central Italy, where Jurassic syn-
litostratigrafia. Lo stile strutturale è dominato dalla reologia dei car- sedimentary faults are known to have conditioned the
bonati di piattaforma del Giurassico inferiore, completamentie scol-
lati dal basamento grazie alla presenza di evaporiti triassiche. Il cor- pattern of paroxysmal Neogene shortening (DEIANA &
po anticlinalico principale, allungato in direzione NNO-SSE, è PIALLI, 1994).
delimitato nel quadrante meridionale da una faglia obliqua NNE-
SSO, nota come Faglia di Corno di Catria, la quale coincide con il

(*) ENI S.p.A. - Div. Agip/GEBA, Via dell’Unione Europea 3, The Umbro-Marchean Apennines form part of the
20097 S. Donato (MI), Italy, Umbro-Marchean-Romagnan Zone of the Apenninic oro-
(**) ENI S.p.A. - Div. Agip/ESPR, Via dell’Unione Europea 3, genic system, which is contiguous with the stable Adriatic
20097 S. Donato (MI), Italy,
(***) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Stu- Foreland to the NE. They are an arcuate thin-skinned
di, Piazza dell’Università, 06100 Perugia, Italy, fold-and-thrust belt of outward convexity which was

Fig. 2 - Geologic scheme of the Inner Ridge of the Umbro-Marchean

Apennines between Scheggia and Serra S. Abbondio, showing traces
of cross-sections of figs. 3 and 6.
– Schema geologico della Ruga interna dell’Appennino umbro-marchi-
giano tra Scheggia e Serra S. Abbondio, con ubicazione delle sezioni
delle figg. 3 e 6.

Fig. 1 - Schematized stratigraphy of the Umbro-Marchean-Roma- At the base of the Umbro-Marchean Sequence are the
gnan Succession in the Umbro-Marchean Apennines. Upper Triassic Burano Anhydrites of more than a kilom-
– Schema stratigrafico della Successione umbro-marchigiana-roma- eter thickness which represent the principal detachment
gnola nell’Appennino umbro-marchigiano. level of the sedimentary cover (SELLI, 1952). They have
been encountered in the Burano 1 well just NW of the
area studied in detail (MARTINIS & PIERI, 1964). The over-
emplaced during the Neogene (BALLY et alii, 1986; LAVEC- lying platform carbonates of the Upper Triassic to Lower
CHIA et alii, 1988; DEIANA & PIALLI, 1994). Its substratum, Jurassic Calcare Massiccio attain a thickness of about 750
encompassing both the actual Hercynian basement and meters.
its Permotriassic tegument, has been encountered by The upper part of the Umbro-Marchean Sequence
exploratory drilling near Perugia, at the inner margin of the consists of more or less thin-bedded Lower Jurassic
Umbro-Marchean-Romagnan Zone (GHELARDONI, 1962). through Paleogene calcareous-marly pelagics with a com-
The sedimentary cover of the Umbro-Marchean-Roma- plessive thickness in basinal sections of more than a
gnan Zone is constituted by a bipartite succession reflect- kilometer. Limestones prevail in relatively competent
ing the encroachment of Apenninic sedimentation and intervals of commonly several hundreds of meters thick-
deformation patterns upon the Adriatic Foreland (fig. 1). ness, while marly lithotypes define the intervening less
Its lower part comprises Mesozoic through Paleogene competent levels. The resulting litho-structural multi-
evaporitic-carbonatic-marly deposits of foreland affinity. layer comprises the Lower Jurassic Corniola; the Bosso
This Umbro-Marchean Sequence outcrops extensively in Formation with the soft Lower Jurassic Rosso Ammonit-
the Umbro-Marchean Apennines. In its Jurassic portion, ico and the Middle Jurassic Posidonia Limestones; the
conspicuous lateral facies and thickness variations reflect Middle to Upper Jurassic Diasprini Limestones; the
synsedimentary extensional faulting. Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Maiolica; the soft
The overlying Umbro-Romagnan Sequence consists Middle Cretaceous Fucoid Marls; the Calcareous Scaglia
of essentially Neogene terrigeneous clastics which accu- composed of the Upper Cretaceous Scaglia Bianca, the
mulated in a migratory foredeep system associated with Upper Cretaceous to Upper Paleocene Scaglia Rosata and
the propagating Apenninic orogeny. the Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene Scaglia Rossa; the

Fig. 3 - Sections across the southern portion of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline and the northern portion of the M. Cucco Anticline. Traces
are indicated in fig. 2.
– Sezioni attraverso la porzione meridionale dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria e la porzione settentrionale dell’Anticlinale di M. Cucco.
Ubicazione in fig. 2.

soft Marly Scaglia with the Middle to Upper Eocene Sca- bodies are not uncommon. A more continuous anticlinal
glia Variegata and the Upper Eocene to Lower Miocene structure instead defines the outer main ridge.
Scaglia Cinerea; and the Lower Miocene Bisciaro. Thin The Umbro-Romagnan terrains SW of the inner main
nodular deposits of the Bugarone Formation represent ridge are completely decoupled from their Umbro-Mar-
the condensed equivalents of the Jurassic pelagics on syn- chean substratum as a parautochthonous thrust sheet.
sedimentary highs. The onset of thin-skinned contractional tectonics in
The Umbro-Romagnan Sequence comprises a tripar- the Umbro-Marchean-Romagnan Zone is generally attri-
tite turbidite suite with a relatively incompetent prototur- buted to incipient buckling, whereby the Calcare Massic-
biditic lower portion of Middle Miocene Schlier marls. cio acted as the dominant member of the detached multi-
The overlying Middle to Upper Miocene orthoturbiditic layer which conditioned fold geometries and dimensions
Marnoso-arenacea Formation and the Upper Miocene (LAVECCHIA, 1981). As demonstrated experimentally by
kataturbiditic M. Vicino Formation consist of marls alter- BLAY et alii (1977), such a process generates en-échelon
nating with sandstones. arrays of brachyanticlines. With continued shortening,
The structural pattern of the Umbro-Marchean Apen- progressive failure of the Calcare Massiccio in anticlinal
nines is characterized by more or less continuous ridges cores determined stepped thrusting which, in the case of
composed of anticlines which to a variable degree over- the inner main ridge of the Umbro-Marchean Apennines,
ride the adjoining synclinal zones to the NE. The inner of prevented the coalescence of brachyanticlines into a more
the two main ridges consists of brachyanticlines arranged continuous structure. Flats typically developed in the rel-
systematically in a right-hand en-échelon pattern with atively weak marly portions of the cover, namely the
«zig-zag» linkage (SCARSELLA, 1951; LAVECCHIA & PIALLI, Rosso Ammonitico, the Fucoid Marls, the Marly Scaglia,
1980; LAVECCHIA, 1981; DEIANA & PIALLI, 1994). More or and the basal portion of the Neogene clastic foredeep wed-
less oblique discontinuities bounding the brachyanticlinal ges such as the Schlier. The further evolution of the anti-

Fig. 4 - Frontal geometry of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline in the Balza dell’Aquila, 2 km ESE of M. Catria (summit in background).
The top of the main cliff face corresponds to the contact between the Calcare Massiccio and the overlying Corniola. A N-S trending dextral
strike-slip fault is situated at the base of the cliff. The upper cliff in the background is formed by Calcare Massiccio bounded by another
N-S trending dextral strike-slip fault. The lower cliff instead consists of the intensely sheared Maiolica of a frontal thrust slice.
– Assetto frontale dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria nella Balza dell’Aquila, 2 km ESE di M. Catria (cima in secondo piano). La sommità della
parete principale coincide con il contatto tra il Calcare Massiccio e la sovrastante Corniola. Alla base della parete è una faglia trascorrente destrale
con direzione N-S. La parete superiore in secondo piano è costituita dal Calcare Massiccio ed è sempre bordata verso E da una faglia trascorrente
destrale con direzione N-S. La parete inferiore invece è formata dalla Maiolica, intensamente deformata, di una scaglia tettonica frontale.

clinal structures mainly resulted from fault-propagation tear fault (cf. DAHLSTROM, 1970). However, it does not
folding. On a regional scale, the pattern of Neogene short- represent a true transfer fault since it does not connect
ening shifted gradually toward the Adriatic Foreland. with the thrust front of the M. Cucco Anticline.
In the vicinity of the Corno di Catria Fault, several
approximately N-S trending dextral strike-slip faults dis-
STRUCTURAL SETTING OF THE SOUTHERN PORTION sect the backlimb and crestal zone to join the frontal fore-
OF THE M. NERONE-M. CATRIA ANTICLINE limb of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline (fig. 4). The
effects of this fault system on the regularity of the main
The NW-SE trending M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline is anticlinal body appear to fade northward (figs. 5 and 6).
a faulted asymmetrical NE-vergent box-shaped element of The most significant feature is the Bocca della Porta-Valle
the inner main ridge of the Umbro-Marchean Apennines delle Prigioni Fault which extends to the periclinal clo-
(CENTAMORE et alii, 1975; BARCHI et alii, 1989). The lat- sure of the structure in front of the M. Cucco Anticline.
eral decrease in structural magnitude at its southern At the level of the top of the Maiolica, the structural
extremity between M. Catria and M. Motette coincides pattern appears more regular than the deeper outcropping
with an increase in magnitude of the northern portion of one (fig. 7). Apart from the rather abrupt lateral closure of
the overriding M. Cucco Anticline (figs. 2 and 3). This the broad crestal zone of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline
attests to a mechanism of more or less distributed strain in correspondence with the Corno di Catria Fault, the dex-
transfer. The main body of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anti- tral strike-slip faults merely give rise to bland folding.
cline is bounded by a prominent NNE-SSW trending dex- The deformation pattern suggests that slivers of the M.
tral strike-slip fault. This Corno di Catria Fault dissects Nerone-M. Catria Anticline were forced northward out of
the anticlinal crest and forelimb to join the thrust front of the way by the overriding M. Cucco Anticline. Accordingly,
the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline as an oblique primary the advance of the latter to some extent took place out-of-


Fig. 5 - Geologic map of the southern portion of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline.
– Carta geologica della porzione meridionale dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria.

sequence. The identified mechanism of lateral strain distri- The most significant feature is a narrow NNW-SSE
bution is comparable to the extrusion of material sideways trending high which is exposed in the Balze degli Spicchi
in front of a rigid die which indents a plastic body (cf. TAP- between M. Catria and Corno di Catria (fig. 6, section A-A’).
PONNIER et alii, 1982; RATSCHBACHER et alii, 1991). Thickness variations of the Jurassic pelagics suggest a total
palaeotopographic relief of about 250 meters. Thus, the
basinal Corniola and Bosso Formation grade into thin nod-
ON THE NEOGENE DEFORMATION PATTERN ular deposits of the Bugarone Formation while the overly-
ing Diasprini Limestones and Maiolica are markedly redu-
The crestal zone of the southern portion of the M. ced in thickness. The eastern margin of the Balze degli
Nerone-M. Catria Anticline displays an accentuated Juras- Spicchi High roughly coincides with the Bocca della
sic palaeotopography with elongate highs of Calcare Mas- Porta-Valle delle Prigioni Fault. Its western margin instead
siccio (fig. 8). Sedimentary by-pass margins are repre- is less regular and displays several minor escarpments
sented by exhumed fault scarps similar to those identified which have only partly been affected by Neogene shearing
in other segments of the Umbro-Marchean Apennines (fig. 9).
(BICE & STEWART, 1985; ALVAREZ, 1989; 1990; GALDENZI, East of the Balze degli Spicchi High, local thinning
1990). Sedimentary dykes subparallel to the inferred Juras- and onlapping geometries of the basinal Corniola charac-
sic faults are not uncommon in the vicinity of escarpments. terize minor Jurassic highs whose eastern margin typi-
The highs are partly mantled by the condensed Jurassic cally coincides with approximately N-S trending dextral
deposits of the Bugarone Formation. In particular the Cor- strike-slip faults of Neogene age. Less prominent escarp-
niola bordering these highs contains prominent detrital ments define the western margin of these features.
intercalations as well as slumps and slides whose sense of The Corno di Catria Fault marks the southeastern
emplacement complies with the inferred palaeoslopes. margin of a more pronounced NNE-SSW trending Juras-

Fig. 6 - Sections across the southern portion of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline. Traces are indicated in fig. 2.
– Sezioni attraverso la porzione meridionale dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria. Ubicazione in fig. 2.

faults as reverse faults (COOPER & BURBI, 1986), as tear

faults (DEIANA & PIALLI, 1994), and as normal faults (CA-
LAMITA et alii, 1998). Passive behaviour of Jurassic features,
instead, was documented by BARCHI et alii (1996).
TAVARNELLI (1996) emphasized the control of approx-
imately N-S trending normal faults of supposedly Late
Cretaceous to Paleogene age on the pattern of Neogene
contractional shearing in the southern part of the Umbro-
Marchean Apennines. These faults, which compare with
the Jurassic ones from a structural point of view, appar-
ently constituted the mechanical inhomogeneities in the
detached sedimentary cover which determined the forma-
tion of thrust ramps.
The Jurassic reliefs of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anti-
cline, besides the ones identified in the study area, comprise
the lozenge-shaped M. Acuto High between the basinal
realms of M. Catria and M. Petrano (GALDENZI, 1990), and
the broad M. Nerone High, which is situated near its north-
western closure (ALVAREZ, 1989; 1990). All these features
are situated in the crestal zone of the structure. Thereby,
they follow a rule which seems to apply to the Umbro-Mar-
chean Apennines in general. This suggests that folding to
some extent was conditioned by the presence of more or
less aligned heterogeneities of Jurassic origin. Accordingly,
the control exerted by the rigid Calcare Massiccio on the
spacing of incipient buckle folds should be considered at
the scale of chains rather than individual brachyanticlines.
The coincidence in the study area of the more signif-
Fig. 7 - Structure map of the top of the Maiolica in the southern por-
tion of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline. Thrust faults have barbs
icant identified Jurassic discontinuities with dextral
on hangingwall. Contours in meters a.s.l. strike-slip faults of Neogene age attests to a precise role
– Assetto strutturale al top della Maiolica nella porzione meridionale of the former. The reactivation of the NNE-SSW trending
dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria. Triangolini indicono il corpo Corno di Catria Fault as a primary tear fault relates direc-
superiore dei sovrascorrimenti. Contours in metri slm.
tly to the emplacement of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anti-
cline. Apparently, it was suitably located to accommodate
the lateral decrease in fold magnitude near the periclinal
sic high characterized by thin nodular deposits of the closure of the structure.
Bugarone Formation as lateral equivalents of the basinal The strike-slip reactivation of the remainder of the
Corniola and Bosso Formation. The not exposed western array of approximately N-S trending discontinuities
margin of this Corno di Catria High presumably is less instead must have taken place subsequently to accommo-
abrupt and not affected by Neogene shearing. date the lateral strain distribution in front of the advanc-
The Jurassic basinal deposits between the Balze degli ing M. Cucco Anticline.
Spicchi High and the Corno di Catria High are less thick
than in the surrounding true basinal realm. Accordingly,
the Jurassic geometry characterizing the southern portion CONCLUSIONS
of the crestal zone of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline can
be regarded as a broad rise composed of two highs which The role of pre-existent discontinuities in the evolution
diverge northward to enclose an articulated depression. of thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts depends on their
The identified palaeotopography is essentially defined by orientation and distribution relative to the general pattern
NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW trending discontinuities. These of contractional shearing. As exemplified by the southern
represent the main trends of the general pattern of E-W portion of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline, discontinu-
Jurassic extension recognized in various segments of the ities at a relatively small angle to the shortening direction
Umbro-Marchean Apennines (COOPER & BURBI, 1986; ALVA- can be reactivated as tear faults accommodating differen-
REZ, 1989; 1990; GALDENZI, 1990; DEIANA & PIALLI, 1994, tial shearing within a thrust sheet. The reactivation of dis-
BARCHI et alii, 1996). Note that the NNW-SSE trend also continuities at a higher angle to the shortening direction
characterizes the margins of a minor Jurassic high discern- instead may allow the lateral distribution or transfer of
ible at the frontal hinge of the M. Cucco Anticline between strain in response to localized space problems. The latter
M. Motette and Coldipeccio. The third regional trend of are particularly likely to occur at obstacles to thrust prop-
WNW-ESE discontinuities is not evident in the area of study. agation inherent to an out-of-sequence deformation pat-
The way in which the Jurassic extensional fabric con- tern. In terms of constraints for analog modeling, this
ditioned the pattern of Neogene contractional shearing of mechanism relies on the absence of lateral confinement.
the Umbro-Marchean Apennines has received surprisingly In general, an ancient fault pattern trending at a rel-
little attention in recent literature. Identified or hypothe- atively low angle to the direction of shortening appears
sized effects include differential shortening induced by the more likely to determine major lateral variations in struc-
absence of weak potential detachment levels on ancient tural geometry compared to one at a higher angle to the
highs (COSENTINO, 1986) and the reactivation of normal direction of shortening.

Fig. 8 - Jurassic elements of the southern portion of the M. Nerone-M. Catria Anticline. Major Neogene features are shown for reference.
– Elementi giurassici della porzione meridionale dell’Anticlinale di M. Nerone-M. Catria. Le principali strutture neogeniche sono indicate per

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Appalachians. In FISHER G.W. et alii Eds., Studies of Appala-
chian geology: central and southern. Wiley, New York, 161-173.
Research was carried out in the context of the project «Mechan-
ical simulation of tectonic deformations» operated by Agip, I.F.P., HARRIS L.D. & MILICI R.C. (1977) - Characteristics of thin-skinned
S.N.E.A. (P) and Total C.F.P. Prof. G. Pialli headed a team of the style of deformation in the southern Appalachians, and potential
Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Perugia which hydrocarbon traps. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 1018, 40 p.
conducted part of the fieldwork. This comprised F. Brozzetti, M. LAVECCHIA G. (1981) - Appunti per uno schema strutturale dell’Appen-
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at the Institute of Geodynamics and Sedimentology of the University It., 100, 271-278.
of Urbino, and S. Galdenzi were helpful by sharing their knowledge LAVECCHIA G. & PIALLI G. (1980) - Appunti per uno schema struttu-
on the area of study. Exchange of ideas with B. Colletta (I.F.P.), H. rale dell’Appennino umbro-marchigiano. 2) La copertura. Studi
Lecanu (S.N.E.A.(P)) and A. Mosconi (Agip) is also acknowledged.
Geol. Camerti, 6, 23-30.
We are grateful to Agip’s Prof. L. Mattavelli, former Vice-President
Geological Studies and Laboratories, and L. Anelli, former Manager LAVECCHIA G., MINELLI G. & PIALLI G. (1988) - The Umbria-Marche
Structural Geology, for their support. arcuate fold belt (Italy). In WEZEL F.-C. Ed., The origin and evo-
Permission to publish was granted by ENI S.p.A.-Agip through lution of arcs. Tectonophysics, 146, 125-137.
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Manoscritto pervenuto il 31 Luglio 2000; testo approvato per la stampa il 21 Giugno 2001; ultime bozze restituite il 16 Aprile 2002.

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