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Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Volume speciale n. 1 (2002), 263-272, 7 ff.

Seismic image of the compressional and extensional structures

in the Gubbio area (Umbrian-Pre Apennines)

ABSTRACT carte delle isocrone dei vari riflettori marker e delle carte delle iso-
bate relative al riflettore della faglia di Gubbio.
This paper is about the results obtained from the analysis of I principali risultati ottenuti da tale elaborazione di dati, si pos-
four commercial seismic profiles located in a zone of the Umbrian sono raggruppare in quattro punti principali:
Pre-Apennines comprised between the structure of Gubbio and the – In tutte le sezioni, la successione torbiditica della Marnoso
Val Tiberina basin. The aim of the research has been to reconstrust Arenacea appare interessata da strutture compressive a piccola lun-
the deep setting of the main compressive and extensional structures ghezza d’onda che non coinvolgono la sottostante successione car-
in the area. bonatica.
The good resolution of the seismic profiles allowed the easy – Le strutture compressive principali rilevate che coinvolgono la
localization of the seismic markers and isochronous and isobath successione umbra sono l’Anticlinale di Gubbio e l’Anticlinale del
maps of the main seismic markers have been produced. Monte Subasio.
The Carbonate sequence appears to be interested by two main I risultati ottenuti in questo lavoro hanno messo in evidenza
compressive structures: the Gubbio anticline and the Mt. Subasio come entrambe le strutture si propaghino in profondità. Le carte
anticline whose northern continuity can be traced in sub-surface delle isocrone delle varie formazioni evidenziano per i riflettori del
until a depth of about 3-4 km. This data processing have shown that Bisciaro, delle Marne a Fucoidi e del Top evaporiti andamenti ana-
the Tops of Bisciaro, Marne a Fucoidi, Triassic evaporites are invol- loghi, mentre le isocrone del Top basamento sono completamente
ved in these folds, whereas the Top of basement shows a dishar- diverse. Questo risultato suggerisce la presenza di un livello di scol-
monic pattern: this character underlines the presence of a detach- lamento posizionato all’interno delle evaporiti Triassiche.
ment within the evaporites. – Le strutture estensionali principali esaminate sono: la faglia
The geometry of the Alto Tiberina fault (ATF), an extensional Alto Tiberina e la faglia di Gubbio.
shear zone put in evidence by the CROP03 profile, and of the ATF La faglia Alto Tiberina, che borda ad ovest il bacino dell’alta
antithetic, WSW dipping, normal Gubbio fault (GuF) has been char- Valle del Tevere, può essere tracciata sulle linee sismiche con conti-
acterized. The GuF cuts the internal limb of the Gubbio anticline, nuità fino ad una profondità di circa 8 km. Il piano di faglia pre-
with a strike of N120°, a dip direction toward SW. The seismic data senta una direzione circa 140° N, un’immersione verso ENE ed
show that the deeper part of fault plane joints the frontal thrust that un’inclinazione variabile. L’analisi delle linee a disposizione ha evi-
generates the anticline, representing phenomena of inversion tectonics. denziato inoltre una traiettoria a «gradini» del piano di faglia. Que-
A good relationship between the geometry of the GuF obtained sta faglia, di significato crostale, presenta un rigetto complessivo di
from this work and the seismicity, has been found. 5 km.
Le linee sismiche consentono anche di precisare la geometria
KEY WORD: Extensional and compressional tectonics, dei depositi che riempiono il Bacino dell’Alta Val Tiberina. I depo-
Umbrian pre-Apennines, Seismic reflection profiles. siti mostrano un andamento asimmetrico con depocentro spostato
verso Ovest, con una profondità massima di circa 1700 m.
La faglia di Gubbio taglia il fianco interno dell’Anticlinale di
Gubbio, immerge verso SW ed ha un rigetto complessivo di circa
1 km. La faglia ha una direzione 120° N e un’inclinazione che varia
RIASSUNTO tra 50° e 70°. Dalle sezioni sismiche studiate si evince come la faglia
in profondità riattivi un preesistente piano di sovrascorrimento,
Immagine sismica delle strutture compressive e distensive invertendone il movimento.
nell’area di Gubbio (Pre-Appennino Umbro). – Di notevole interesse è stato inoltre analizzare il rapporto esi-
stente fra la struttura distensiva di Gubbio e la sismicità. Esiste,
L’integrazione delle informazioni provenienti dalle indagini infatti, un’evidente correlazione tra la distribuzione degli ipocentri
sismiche con i dati geologici di superficie e con quelli provenienti della crisi sismica di Gubbio del 1984 e le geometrie della faglia di
dai sondaggi profondi, ha notevolmente migliorato la definizione Gubbio ricavata. In particolare la sismicità appare in relazione al
delle strutture geologiche presenti nell’Appennino, come ha dimo- segmento meridionale della faglia di Gubbio. Gli ipocentri sono
strato il progetto CROP03 (PIALLI et alii, 1998). localizzati tra 3.5 e 7 km di profondità, in una fascia che corrisponde
In questo lavoro si sono utilizzate le informazioni provenienti a quella compresa tra l’emersione della faglia in superficie e la sua
da quattro sezioni di sismica a riflessione, messe a disposizione da intersezione con la faglia Alto Tiberina.
Eni/Agip Division, che interessano una porzione, di circa 30 km2, del
Pre – Appennino Umbro in una zona compresa tra la struttura di
Gubbio ed il Bacino Tiberino. La buona qualità delle linee sismiche TERMINI CHIAVE: Tettonica compressiva ed estensionale,
utilizzate, ha permesso la facile individuazione dei riflettori marker pre-Appenino Umbro, Sismica a riflessione.
più significativi che, insieme ai dati geologici di superficie e ai dati
provenienti da perforazioni effettuate in questa zona, ha consentito
la descrizione efficace delle principali strutture compressive e disten-
sive presenti nel sottosuolo. INTRODUCTION
Per ricostruire l’andamento in profondità delle strutture, evi-
denziate nei profili sismici, si è proceduto alla costruzione delle
The integration between information coming from
seismic soundings, surface geology data and from deep
wells has remarkably improved the definition of the geo-
(*) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Piazza dell’Università, logical structures in the Northern Apennines, as well
06100 Perugia. E-mail demonstrated by the CROP03 project (PIALLI et alii,

1998). In particular, in the structural province of the basins with a NNW-SSE trending (N150° ± 20°) bordered
Umbrian pre-Apennines, (sensu DEIANA & PIALLI, 1994), by normal faults. The most important among them is the
lying between the Val Tiberina basin and the main ridge Val Tiberina basin, related to the presence of an impor-
of the Umbria-Marche Apennines (fig. 1), the available tant east-dipping normal fault called the Alto Tiberina
network of seismic reflection profiles, NNW-SSE and fault (hereinafter ATF). It crops out at the western side of
WSW-ENE trending, has allowed a good characterization the Val Tiberina basin and dips toward east until a depth
of the geometry of the main compressional and exten- of about -5s TWT (~12 km) beneath the western ridge of
sional geological structures in the area (BARCHI et alii, the Umbria-Marche Apennines. The extensional character
1998; BARCHI et alii, 1999). In this paper we improve the and the geometry of this fault has been recently derived
definition of these structures, analyzing a set of transver- by an integration of geological, geophysical and seismo-
sal (WSW-ENE) commercial seismic profiles across the logical data (BONCIO et alii, 1998; BARCHI et alii, 1999;
upper Val Tiberina basin, in a region comprised between BONCIO et alii, 2000; COLLETTINI et alii, 2000) underlining
Città di Castello and Perugia, and the adjacent Umbria- its seismo-tectonic role in the region.
Marche Apennines. The trace of the seismic profiles ana- Other intermountain basins are present to the east of
lyzed is reported in fig. 1. This research has been carried the Val Tiberina basin disrupting the preexisting com-
out within a project of the Structural Geology group of pressional structures. The most important among them
Perugia aimed at the definition of the potentially seismo- are the Gubbio, Gualdo Tadino, Colfiorito, Norcia, Cascia
genic structures of the Umbria region. and Castelluccio basins, bordered by SW dipping normal
The Umbrian Pre-Apennines, from a lithological point faults interpreted as active faults, based on seismological
of view, are characterized by the outcropping of the Mio- and geomorphologic data (BARCHI et alii, 2000).
cene turbidites of the Marnoso Arenacea Fm., which rep- The Gubbio area is particularly interesting because it
resents the uppermost unit of a litho-structural sequence, offers a catalogue of the different tectonic environments
also including, from top to bottom, the Meso-Cenozoic that have interested the Umbrian Pre-Apennines. Its
carbonatic multilayer, the Triassic evaporites and a Per- structural setting and stratigraphy has been studied in
mian-Triassic phyllitic basement. The stratigraphy of the detail by many Authors (MENICHETTI & MINELLI, 1991
region is schematically reported in fig. 2: for more detai- and references therein). It consists of a NE verging root-
led description see CENTAMORE et alii, 1986; CIARAPICA et less anticline whose axis strikes N130° and which over-
alii, 1987; CRESTA et alii, 1989. This area, like the entire thrusts a syncline of Upper Miocene Marnoso Arenacea,
Northern Apennines, has been interested by two principal separating the Gubbio anticline from the Umbria Marche
tectonic phases migrating from west to east: a compres- Apennines. The local stratigraphy has been obtained by
sional event followed by an extensional one (ELTER et alii, the outcrops located at the core of the Gubbio anticline
1975; LAVECCHIA et alii, 1987; LAVECCHIA et alii, 1994). (Bottaccione Gorge and the Contessa Valley, LUTER-
The compressional phase, acting since the Middle BACHER & PREMOLI SILVA, 1962; ALVAREZ et alii, 1977)
Miocene, gave rise to the Umbria-Marche Apennines fold and by a borehole (Gubbio 1) in the NW part of the struc-
and thrust belt, which has been interpreted as a typical ture (fig. 1). Many compressional structures interest the
thin-skinned structure (BALDACCI et alii, 1967; BALLY et external limb of the anticline: the age of these features
alii, 1986). Others authors suggested the involvement of spans from Late Tortonian to Messinian and, probably, to
the basement in the main thrust sheets, following a thick- Early Pliocene (DE FEYTER et alii, 1990). The anticline is
skinned model of deformation (LAVECCHIA, 1985; LAVEC- also affected in the SW limb by the normal fault that orig-
CHIA et alii, 1987). This latter interpretation has been inated the Gubbio basin during the Plio-Pleistocene time
developed by BARCHI et alii, 1998, describing the structu- (MENICHETTI & MINELLI, 1991).
ral style of the Umbria-Marche belt as determined by the In order to define the compressional and extensional
presence of multiple detachments located at different structures in the Umbrian-pre Apennines, we interpreted a
structural levels that gave rise to a complex pattern of set of transversal (WSW-ENE) commercial seismic profiles.
contractional structures. The main detachments are loca-
ted at the top of carbonates, within the evaporites and
within the Phyllitic basement: each of these levels gave DESCRIPTION OF THE SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILES
rise to the formation of different structures, having differ-
ent wavelengths: the shallower the detachment the shor-
The profiles analyzed are located in the sector of the
ter the wavelength of the structures. The hierarchic
Umbrian-pre Apennines, comprised between the Val Tib-
arrangement of the compressional structures results,
erina basin and the western side of the Umbria-Marche
thus, in, from top to bottom (BARCHI et alii, 1998): 1)
Apennines (fig. 1). The good general resolution of the
Shallow Embricates mainly involving the turbidites,
seismic reflections has easily allowed the individuation of
achieving a complex pattern of short wavelength, asym-
a relatively homogeneous sequence of seismic markers.
metric folds, embricate fans, duplexes and backthrusts
These markers, whose geological interpretation has been
calibrated on surface geology (existing maps and field
et alii, 1995); 2) Umbria-Marche Folds (the two major
control) and on the data from a deep borehole drilled
compressional structures present in the area, i.e., the
between Umbertide and Gubbio (Monte Civitello 1), have
Gubbio-Mt. Subasio anticlines along whose culmination
been related, from top to bottom, to:
the carbonates crop out) involving carbonates and eva-
porites; 3) Basement Wedge involving evaporites and the – the bottom of the Miocene turbidites (Bisciaro Fm.)
basement rocks. – a marly Fm. embedded in the carbonate sequence
Intense extensional deformation, following the com- (Marne a Fucoidi Fm.)
pressional phase, affected the Umbrian pre-Apennines – the top of the evaporites
during the Pliocene-Quaternary giving rise to continental – the top of the phyllitic basement

Fig. 1 - Schematic map of the study area.

– Localizzazione dell’area di studio.

mic markers point out an inversion in the throw, from

extensional at the surface (top carbonates and Marne a
Fucoidi reflectors) to compressional at depth, as evi-
denced by the Top of the evaporites.
The profile also puts in evidence that the Marnoso
Arenacea Fm. is interested by short wavelength folds,
whereas the underlying carbonate sequence is not invol-
ved in this shallow deformation.
Along the profile, the ATF is underlined by some ali-
gned oblique reflections and by sharp interruption of the
seismic markers in the hanging wall. Its trajectory, dip-
ping toward ENE,can be traced with continuity on the
seismic line until to depth of about 7 km. The good qual-
ity of the profile has also shown some significant details
of the internal geometry of the continental deposits infill-
ing the Val Tiberina basin. The shape of the basin is
asymmetric, with the progressive eastward onlap of the
strata, and the thickening of the sequence from east to
west: the thickness of the sediment reaches 1.4 s (TWT),
about 1500 m.

PROFILE D (fig. 4a-b)

The seismic profile D starts about 7 km north of Peru-
gia, crosses the southernmost part of the Gubbio basin
and reaches the westernmost part of the Umbria Marche
Apennines to the north of Gualdo Tadino (Fossato di
Vico) (fig. 1).
Immediately to the east of the Val Tiberina basin an
anticline is clearly recognizable that represents the north-
Fig. 2 - Schematic stratigraphy of the Umbria-Marche Apennines.
ern ending of the Mt. Subasio anticline, involving the car-
The mean values of the seismic interval velocities that have been bonate sequence (fig. 4). Its outern limb is bordered by a
used for depth conversions of the seismic profiles are also reported thrust fault that joins the ATF at depth of about 1.8 s (4.5
(after BARCHI et alii, 1998). km). The crest of the anticline is buried under the turbi-
– Stratigrafia dell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano. Sono riportati i
valori medi delle velocità sismiche di intervallo usate per la conver-
dites at a depth of approximately 600 ms (TWT), corre-
sione in profondità (da BARCHI et alii, 1998). spondent to approximately 1000 m, and its southern limb
dips toward east until a depth of about 3-4 km (fig. 4b).
The Gubbio anticline is crossed at its southern end-
ing, and appears much less pronounced compared to the
The bottom of the continental deposits can be also other section, maintaining however, its fundamental
recognized in the seismic profiles, infilling the Val Tibe- structural characteristics. The disharmonic pattern of
rina and Gubbio basins. deformation between the Marnoso Arenacea Fm. and the
In order to define the correct geometry of the main underlying carbonatic formations is also shown.
compressional and extensional structures, the interpreted Here, the ATF has an emphasized staircase trajectory,
seismic profiles have been depth converted, using the with a rather abrupt connection between the section with
data of interval velocities available in the literature (fig. 2), a high angle attitude, delimiting the Val Tiberina basin,
and Geosec software. and the section to low angle, dipping towards the struc-
In this paper we present two profiles (A and D in fig. 1) ture of Gubbio. After an initial steep attitude, down to a
representative of the structural setting of the study area. depth of about 1.6 s (about 4 km), it evolves into a flat
shear zone and finally into gently east-dipping segment in
the lowermost part.
PROFILE A (fig. 3a-b)
The upward concavity of the seismic reflectors, under-
The northernmost profile extends from SW to NE, lines the internal geometry of the continental deposits
from the town of Umbertide to Pian di Serra, north of the infilling the Val Tiberina basin: the thickness is about 900
town of Gubbio, crossing the Val Tiberina basin and the ms (TWT), corresponding to approximately 1000 m. A
northern termination of the Gubbio anticline (fig. 1). splay of the fault border the Val Tiberina basin on the west.
The seismic profile clearly shows the geometry of the
Gubbio anticline (fig. 3a-b). Its backlimb is bordered by a
normal fault (the Gubbio fault, hereinafter GuF), dipping DATA PROCESSING AND DISCUSSION
westwards, that reaches the ATF at 2 s (TWT), about 5 km
in depth. Isochronous maps of the Top Fucoidi, Top evaporites
The forelimb is bordered by a thrust fault that gener- and Top basement (fig. 5) have been produced in order to
ates the anticline: the GuF joins the thrust at about 1.5 s verify the consistency of the proposed interpretation of
(TWT), about 3 km, representing a probable phenomenon the seismic profiles and to obtain a map view of the sub-
of inversion tectonics. Along the GuF fault plane the seis- surface structures at different structural levels. We choice

Fig. 3 - a) Line drawing of the seismic profile A; b) depth converted profile. The location of the profile is reported in fig. 1.
– a) Schema dei riflettori del profilo sismico A; b) profilo convertito in profondità. La localizzazione del profilo è riportata in fig. 1.

these markers because their lateral continuity, the unifor- Fucoidi, that represents the best key-reflector for the
mity of the facies and thickness and the possibility of cal- structural interpretation of the carbonate units (fig. 6).
ibration offered by several wells, makes them key reflec- This map was obtained by separating the data on the seis-
tors representative of the geometry of the geological mic marker found in the hanging wall of the thrust from
structures in the area. The maps were drawn utilizing the the data on the marker in the foot wall (fig. 6). In fig. 6
data coming from two other seismic profiles, E and F the intersection between the fault plane and the Top of
(PAOLACCI, 1998), in order to improve the areal distribu- Fucoidi of the hangingwall is also shown.
tion of the data (see the trace of the profiles in fig. 1). The The isobath map of the GuF was also constructed: in
maps (fig. 5) were constructed picking in regular spatial fig. 7, the intersections of the fault plane with both the
intervals the depth in double times (TWT) of the markers topography and the ATF are shown.
(the crosses reported in fig. 5). The intersections between This data processing, together with the analysis of the
faults and reflectors are also sampled. The data obtained seismic profiles, have allowed the characterization of the
were interpolated with common contouring techniques. main geological structures in the area and the results
In the making of these maps, the markers were con- obtained will be discussed in following.
sidered continuous, and, for this reason, although the
maps are a good tool for improving the regional trend of
the main geological structures of the area, they do not COMPRESSIONAL STRUCTURES

indicate the thrust of the Gubbio anticline. For this rea- A common characteristic in all the seismic profiles, is
son, in order to reconstruct the geometry of the thrust the different attitude between the shallow seismic reflec-
fault, an isochronous map was drawn of the Top of tors (above the Bisciaro Fm.) and the reflectors in the

Fig. 4 - a) Line drawing of the seismic profile D; b) depth converted profile. The location of the profile is reported in fig. 1.
– a) Schema dei riflettori del profilo sismico D; b) profilo convertito in profondità. La localizzazione del profilo è riportata in fig. 1.

lower part of the profiles. In fact, whereas the former are The figure 6 shows that the axis strike of the anticline
characterized by steep and bent reflectors and compres- shows a slight eastward convexity, following the same
sive deformations with short wavelengths, the latter are bending of the thrust north of Gubbio. The westward
smooth and continuous. This different attitude underlines shift of the axis strike of the anticline in correspondence
the disharmonic deformation of the turbidites compared with the Gubbio town, is probably apparent and con-
to the underlying carbonates and evaporites: thus, the nected to the lack of data in this sector. The recently anal-
Marnoso Arenacea Fm. is interested by short wavelength ysis of an available set of seismic profiles in the sector
folds, whereas the underlying carbonate sequence is not south of the Gubbio town (MIRABELLA et alii, 2000) will
involved in this shallow deformation. This structural dis- improve the definition of this structure. The thrust gener-
harmony and the overall flat attitude of the carbonate ating the anticline shows a strike of approximately N130°
multilayer is clearly shown in fig. 3. and a SW dip direction (fig. 6).
The main compressive structures involving the carbo- The Mt. Subasio anticline is shown at its northern ter-
nate sequence are the Gubbio and the Mt. Subasio anti- mination: for this reason its crest is buried under the tur-
clines, whose geometries are clearly visible in respectively bidities to a depth of approximately 1000 m, as shown in
fig. 3 and fig. 4. They consist of NE-verging anticlines fig. 4. The thrust fault bordering its forelimb, joins the
striking about N130°, as shown by isochronous maps (fig. ATF at depth of about 1.8 s (4.5 km).
5). The back limb of the Gubbio anticline is bordered by It is interesting to note that the isochronous maps
a normal fault (GuF), which is an antithetic of the ATF, (fig. 5) clearly show that the whole carbonatic sequence
and inverts a previously formed thrust fault: in fact, the and at least the upper part of the evaporites are involved
GuF joins the thrust fault, which generates the anticline, in these structures, whereas the Top of the basement
at about 3 km in depth. shows a different disharmonic pattern (compare the fig.

5a-5b with the fig. 5c). This characteristic points out the
presence of a detachment within the evaporites, which
are traditionally considered as the main decollement of
the Umbria-Marche fold and thrust belt (BALDACCI et alii,
1967; BALLY et alii, 1986). Considering the four profiles,
going from north to south, a gradual transfer of the com-
pressive deformations was found. In fact, the shortening
of the Gubbio anticline is gradually transferred to Mt.
Subasio, in an inner position, depicting an én echelon
pattern (fig. 5).


The profiles analyzed show a good definition of the

main extensional structures in the area, i.e. the Alto Tib-
erina fault (ATF) and the Gubbio fault (GuF).
The seismic expression of the ATF is marked by a
strong alignment of reflections and is confirmed by the
sharp interruption, at its hanging wall, of the seismic
sequence so far described. It outcrops at the western bor-

Fig. 5 - Isochronous maps (seconds TWT) of the: a) Top Fucoidi;

b) Top evaporites; c) Top basement. The time depth of the reflector
has been picked along the seismic profiles. Crosses indicate the
measure points used for contouring. Dashed lines indicate the axis
of the antliclines.
– Mappe delle isocrone (secondi TWT) del: a) Top Fucoidi; b) Top
evaporiti; c) Top basamento. La profondità in tempi dei riflettori è
stata ricavata dai profili sismici. Le croci indicano i punti di misura
utilizzati per il countouring. Le linee tratteggiate indicano gli assi delle

Fig. 6 - Isochronous map (seconds TWT) of the Top Fucoidi of the

hangingwall and footwall of the thrust fault generating the Gubbio
anticline. In this map the measure points of the thrust hangingwall
have been contoured separately from those of the footwall. The thick
black line indicates the intersections of the thrust plane with the Top
Fucoidi of the hangingwall. Crosses indicate the measure points
used for contouring.
– Mappa delle isocrone (secondi TWT) del Top Fucoidi, campionato al
tetto e al letto del thrust generante l’anticlinale di Gubbio. In questa
mappa i punti di misura del tetto del thrust sono stati campionati
separatamente da quelli del letto. La linea nera spessa indica l’interse-
zione tra il piano di faglia del thrust e il Top Fucoidi campionato al
tetto. Le croci indicano i punti di misura utilizzati per il countouring.

Fig. 7 - Isobath map (meter) of the Gubbio normal fault. The distri-
bution of the hypocenters of the 1984 Gubbio earthquake (HAESSLER
et alii, 1988) is also reported. The thick black line indicates the trace
der of the Val Tiberina basin and dips toward ENE, with at surface of the Gubbio normal fault. Dashed line indicates the
a strike of N150°, and it can be traced with continuity on intersection of the Gubbio normal fault with the Alto Tiberina Fault.
the seismic profiles to a depth of 8 km. The seismic pro- Crosses indicate the measure points used for contouring.
files underline the staircase trajectory of the fault, whose – Mappa delle isobate della faglia diretta di Gubbio. con riportata la
distribuzione della sismicità legata alla crisi sismica del 1984 (HAESS-
geometry has been described in detail (BONCIO et alii, LER et alii, 1988). La linea nera spessa indica la traccia in superficie
1998; BARCHI et alii, 1999; BONCIO et alii, 2000; COLLET- della faglia normale di Gubbio. La linea tratteggiata indica l’interse-
TINI et alii, 2000): after an initial steep attitude, to a depth zione tra la faglia normale di Gubbio e la Faglia Altotiberina. Le croci
of about 1.6 s (TWT), it evolves into a flat shear zone at indicano i punti di misura utilizzati per il countouring.
a depth of 2 s (TWT) and, finally, into a gently east-dip-
ping segment in the lower part.
The geometry of the Val Tiberina basin is also char- The GuF cuts the internal limb of the Gubbio Anti-
acterized by the good quality of the seismic profiles. The cline, with a strike of N120° and a dip direction toward
basin shows an asymmetrical shape infilled by continen- SW. The inclination of the fault is variable from 50° to
tal, fluvial and lacustrine deposits of Upper Pliocene (?) 70°. The seismic data show that the deeper part of the
to Quaternary age (AMBROSETTI et alii, 1978; AMBROSETTI fault plane joins the frontal thrust that generates the anti-
et alii, 1995; CATTUTO et alii, 1995) with the progressive cline, representing a phenomenon of inversion tectonics.
eastward onlap of the strata and the thickening of the The total displacement of the normal fault, as detectable
sequence from east to west. Considering the four profiles, by the position of the Marne a Fucoidi reflector, can be
a complex variation of the thickness of the Val Tiberina estimated as being more than 1500 m.
basin has been observed going from north to south: it is The intersection between the ATF and GuF south of
about 1500 ms (TWT), corresponding to approximately Gubbio is located at a depth of about 6 km in the south-
1500 m, in the northernmost profile (A); the thickness ernmost sector, reaching 4.5 km toward the north, and
remains more or less constant in the two central profiles then reaching a depth of 5 km near the town of Umber-
(B and C), reaching a depth of about 50 ms (500 m); and tide (fig. 7). (The relationships between the ATF, GuF and
it then reaches 900 ms (TWT) corresponding to 1000 m, the seismicity have also been described by BONCIO &
in the southernmost profile (D). LAVECCHIA, 2000).

The isobath map of the GuF satisfactorily describes the area studied, are the structures of Gubbio and of Mt.
the regional attitude of the fault, showing a steep trajec- Subasio, having wavelengths of about 5-10 km. Looking
tory a shallow depth (about 40°), emphasized by the at the isochronous maps, the basement is not involved in
thickening of the curves, evolving into a flat shear zone these structures, suggesting the presence of a second
(less than 20°) up to its intersection with the Alto Tibe- important decollement level within the evaporites.
rina fault (fig. 7). The trace of the GuF drawn by the offi- The top of the Phyllites, traditionally regarded as the
cial maps (Foglio Gubbio), has been given on the map, basement, is involved in thrust sheets. This data confirms
showing a good correspondence with the locating of the the only direct geological control on the presence of these
fault at the surface indicated by the seismic profile (0 iso- structures of the S. Donato 1 well, where a repetition of
bath). In the southernmost sector of the area studied, the evaporites and Phyllites on the border between West-
where the fault displaces the Marnoso-Arenacea turbi- ern Umbria and the Umbria pre-Apennines was drilled.
dites, a slight discrepancy (about 1 km, eastward) is 3) The geometry of the Gubbio normal fault and its
obtained (fig. 7). The poor correlation found south of relation with the ATF have been defined. A good correla-
Gubbio between the tip line and the intersection with the tion was found between the GuF geometry obtained and
topography of the GuF obtained from this data process- the seismicity. In fact the distribution of the hypocenters
ing could be explained by two different hypotheses. The of the 1984 Gubbio earthquake are located from 3.5 to 7
first is the lack of data in this sector, as above underlined; km in depth, involving a region comprised between the
the second is the unclear location of the tip line in the Gubbio fault plane and its intersection with the ATF. A
field, being an intraformational fault. possible segmentation of the GuF in two different seg-
The locating of the GuF at the surface shows a left ments has been supposed. The 1984 earthquakes appears
bending in correspondence with the Gubbio town: the to be in relation with the southernmost segment of the
segment NW of the town of Gubbio appears shifted fault, whose continuity is about 15 km. This dimension is
toward the west. The isobath map (fig. 7) shows that this comparable with the magnitude of the recent and histor-
geometry is maintained even in the deepest part of the ical seismicity of the region.
fault and, thus, it is probable that the GuF is character-
ized by two different segments. Showing the distribution ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of the hypocenters of the 1984 Gubbio earthquake
(HAESSLER et alii, 1988) on the isobath map (fig. 7), a The authors are deeply grateful to ENI-AGIP Division for their
permission to study the seismic profiles, without which this study
good correlation can be observed between the geometry wouldn’t have been possible. The authors are also grateful to Prof.
obtained and the seismicity. The hypocenters are in fact Giusy Lavecchia and Dr. Sergio Rogredi for improving the manu-
located from 3.5 to 7 km in depth, involving the region script with valuable suggestions and to Dr. Saverio Merlini for the
comprised between the Gubbio fault plane and its inter- discussion during the seismic interpretation.
This study was supported by the CNR-GNDT 1998 (resp. M. Bar-
section with the ATF. The distribution of the hypocenters chi) and Ateneo 1998 (resp. C. Federico) grants.
also suggests that only the southern sector of the fault
was activated during the 1984 earthquake.
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Manoscritto pervenuto il 20 dicembre 2000; testo approvato per la stampa il 6 Agosto 2001; ultime bozze restituite il 14 Gennaio 2002.

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