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Good communication and efektik is absolutely essential for a nurse or other health care
personnel. The nurse is one of the health workers who was instrumental in helping to cure a
patient. Where we know that a nurse directly relate or interact directly with patients both in
communicating to ask State or do therapy in accordance with his duties.
Where we know very many complaints that went either from suggestion box as well as
social media about a less satisfactory health services primarily by nurses who pelayananya
insufficient for example provide information is not complete, Bitchy, grumpy, admonish with
immodest, not listening to the complaints and abusive either in the hospital or clinic. This would
give effect to the relevant agencies of the Ministry that insufficient or poorly. This is where the
role of a good nursing communication and effectively applied or applied so that the patient feels
valued, given special attention and can understand clearly what we tell them.
According to Permenkes No. HK. at 02/Menkes/148/1/2010, that the nurse is a person
who has passed the nursing education both inside and outside the country according to applicable
Nursing is a form of professional services is an integral part of the maid's health that is
based on the science of nursing, and tips service shaped the bio-psycho-socio-a comprehensive
response, addressed to individuals, families and communities both sick and healthy human life
cycle which includes (soemantri 2006).
In accordance with his duties a nurse in addition to relate directly to the doctor or other
health care personnel more nurses come into contact or directly related to the patient or the
patient's family. Thus a good and effective communication is absolutely in need at the moment to
work, given that we face is the family ill patients or patients themselves.
Communication has a very important role in human life, whether individual, group, or
organization. According to Achmad s. Ruky, communication is the process of the transfer and
exchange of messages, where pesanini can be shaped as a fact, an idea, a feeling, data or
information from a person to another person. Prosses is done with the aim to influence and/or
change the information as well as the behaviour of the person receiving the message
(Achmad s. Ruky).
According to Prof. Dr. Alo Liliweri communications is the transfer a message from one
source to the recipient to be able to understand
(the basics of Health Communications, 2003, p. 4).
Communication in general means the process of sending and receiving messages or
information between two or more people effectively so that they can be easily understood. Based
on the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) communication is the sending and receiving of messages
or news from two individuals or more so that the message that is reported can be understood by
the other person. At least there are many experts who express their opinions about the notion of
communication. Not only their understanding, they also give opinions related to the purpose,
terms, functions and benefits of communication. The following are some of the meanings of the
term communication based on the opinions of experts.
After understanding what is meant by the meaning of communication, what is the
purpose of the communication itself? In general, communication functions to convey information
to the recipient. Where the recipient of the information clearly understands the main message
intended by the communicator. Communication also functions to understand other people.
Therefore, it is very important for communicators to pay attention to the process of information
transmission that will be carried out so that other people who are the interlocutors understand
what is intended.
Communicate effectively means that the Communicator (Messenger) and komunikan
(receiver) both have the same sense of a message or information. Therefore, it is in a foreign
language people call it "the communication is in tune" that both parties communicate alike
understand what messages are delivered. Effective communication was seen as a crucial and
Communication activities in the practice of nursing takes place in collaboration between
nurses and nurses, nurses and doctors, nurses and patients (clients) as well as the family of the
patient (client) in a professional, moral, good manners and responsible. Of the many medical
workers involved in the communication process of nursing, nursing is one of the medical
workers during 24 hours interacting directly with the patient or the patient's family. Therefore, as
a nurse should have the ability to communicate well and effectively so that misunderstandings do
not occur or miss communication between the family of the patient or the patients were. This
communication aims to identify and understand the patient and change your opinion and way of
thinking of the patient.
According to experts, as summarized by Anjaswarni (2016), a dwarf in the nursing
communication is good and effective is listening well and active i.e. listen attentively to what
was delivered by the patient or the patient's family. When the patient or patient's family speak
should the nurse showed open attitude, looking or staring at the patient, make eye contact, avoid
unnecessary movement and menganggukan head while the patient requires a response or
feedback the subject is considered very important. Shows the attitude of accepting attitude that is
willing to listen to what is delivered by patients without a doubt. When applying this nurse
should avoid the dwarf's body language in communication who showed disapproval. Otherwise
the nurse should exhibit an attitude of accepting what the patient or the family delivered patients.
Give questions related to providing ubunga berhu questions ...
As a nurse is very important to know, learn and are expected to apply engineering
communication in nursing well. This aims to avoid or reduce misunderstanding between nurse
and patient party.
A wide range of objectives to be achieved from a good and effective communication
among them so that information or message that is delivered by nurses can be understood by the
patient or the patient's family, by the way nurses need to need to explain the main message or
information with clear details and as much detail as possible with a polite attitude and manners.
By making effective communication, every individual can understand other individuals with the
ability to hear what other people talk about. It also aims to let our opinions biased accepted by
others, through persuasive approach is one way that the notion we are received by others
comfortably without coercion and violence let alone also aims to drive the people other or patient
to do something as it wants.
It is not easy to implement good communication and effective according to Ron Ludlow
& Fergus panton, there are barriers that lead to ineffective communication, namely the effect of
status where the existence of social status updates which belonged to every human being,
semantic problems, namely the use of language that is used for example for smooth
communication of a nurse or Messenger message should really pay attention to the pronunciation
or mistakes in the comfort it can give rise to misinterpretations ( misunderstanding) or
interpretations (misinterpretations), which in turn can cause wrong communication
(miscommunication), distortion of perception that can cause a difference of views on ourselves
and the way of thinking and understand the contrary to others, cultural differences and physical
In general, the communication function for nurses can be described as follows, among
others, can convey thoughts or feelings, not isolated or isolated from the environment, can teach
or tell something, can know or learn events in the environment, can know yourself, can get
entertainment or entertain clients , can reduce or eliminate feelings of tension, can fill spare time,
can increase knowledge and change attitudes, and habitual behavior. 10. Can persuade or force
clients to argue, behave or behave as expected.
Besides that communication in nursing management makes it easier for a nurse to carry
out his obligations as an intermediary or liaison between patients and a doctor. In addition,
communication in nursing management can optimize a job to achieve a common goal. There are
various ways for nurses to communicate, namely when they want to find out their identities and
other information about patients, provide reports on patient health to doctors, exchange
information with colleagues about patients, and communicate to outside parties such as
cooperation with other medical agencies. This nursing management requires a leader who is able
to listen to responses from members of the nursing organization. The response will usually be an
evaluation material for the performance of nursing members, so that it can increase the
productivity of its human resources. Thus, communication in the field of nursing will be more
The conclusion is a good and effective communication were very important for a nurse,
therefore try to make communication be good with some tips the dwarf in the communications
described above. In addition to helping in the work will also form the attitude and a more polite
with good language spoken and easily comprehensible for the patient or the patient's family.
Similarly when it wants to communicate with patients or others, please do so with effective in
any condition are advised to always be able to communicate effectively. By communicating them
well and effectively we can show the positive characteristic personality and open yourself to
always grow and evolve for the better.

Permenkes No. HK. at 02/Menkes/148/1/2010 understanding nurse
Soemantri, Irman. 2006. Medical Surgical Nursing: Nursing Care. Salemba Jakarta medika
Achmad S. Ruky. 2006. Performance management systems. Jakarta: PT Earth Revised
Liliweri, Alo. 2008. The basics of Health Communication. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
Anjaswarni, Tri. 2016. Communication in nursing. Jakarta: Pusdik human
Resources for health Ludlow, r. & Panton, f. 1996. The Essence of effective
Communication (effective communication Deddy Jacobus)



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