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Méthode de Violon avec application d'études des mattres classiques Course of Violin Instruction with exercises selected from the works of well-known masters & FERDINAND KUECHLER Traduction francaise d'aprés la huitiéme édition allemande English version translated from the eighth German edition Volume 1 Saher Leth eV. = Book I I I IV. EDITION HUG & C2, BALE-LEIPZIG Copyright 1914 by HUG & Co, Basle Contents. Volume I. First book, pages 144. Por the teacher: Preface to the fet and ascond edition, — atrodaction. ~ How to hold the violin. — Holding and monaging the bow. — Flat exerci in the tse of the bow. — The stOpping of the lft hand's gern — The fit exercaes of stopping ad bowing combined. — Exoreisr for the right shoulder and arm —~ The major scale, — Bereiss with the second Kind of stopping, — Tied note, popular songs. Second book, pages 45—9, Bow stroker on to strings, — Major wale of G tough two octavo, interval, souge — Exercises for the ahoulder;oint, caw: Join, for rang and lowering the band with the west. — Exerlace with'the thd iad of stopping. — The seule of Dusaor, intervals, fonga. — ‘The scale of A'majer, intervals, conga, — Exercises with (he fourth kind of stopping, saley interval vongn— Exercios with le fifth kind of stopping, veale of Conor, iatervaly, new exercises {or the bow, songe. — The sealo of Fruajr, intervals, songs. — The cle of Bp major intervals, songa — 10 abort studi ‘Third book, pages 94—143. ‘Smoothness in changing the bow. — Of the different intensition ‘of tone. — The eroing from one ering to the other. — Preparatory fxercses for thrown bor. — ‘Thrown bowing. — pring bowing. "The Ab major scale, ntdies, songs. — The Ep major scale, tervals, studies, songs: — The Bmajor and Buajor scale, interval studies, wongs. — "The minor bese. ~ ‘The Arming? scale, interval studies’ for the broud forearm bewatroke, songs. — The Esa scale, intervala, new nadies for bowing, songy ‘She D ninor scale, fnertals, diferent wudice for the bow, songs, ducts by Maas and Campagnol Fourth book, pages M4—194. izle of fthe of the diatonic gale. — The chromate scale, ‘The minor mode of g, — Study for broad forearm bowatrokee, — ‘The minor mode of b, diferent bowings, interval, — The minor ‘mode of ¢, intervals, studies. — The playing of ehorde on theee and four wings. — New studies for crowing the stings. — Smooth bow- sroken at the aut. — New exercees for the shoulderjolne and the ‘rst, — Hammered bowing (marelt). — Exercieea with alternate mo- ‘emeot for strengthening, vayunies! nurenem — OF grace notes and other embellishments. ~ The shake. — Stadies and Duets by Cam- paguel, Mazas und Hic. — The stsccato, — The pure Intonation of Goublestoys and the apmpatheri sounds — Finger exercnen. — All ‘the minor modes in the ae portion with diferent Kade of bowing ‘Recommended works as 4 necasary completion of this Viol Meth Table des matiéres. Volume 1. Premier cahier, pages 144, Pour les profeeseun: Avant propor de 16 prumitre ot seconde dition, — Intoduetion. — La Tenue du volen. — Ea Tense et le ‘Mouvement de Tarchet. — Premiere exercion du Coup Garchet, — Le Placement des Doigt de In Min Gauche, — Lee premiers exer: siraltanG des dagts et de archet, — Exereies pour Vetealation de Vépaule. — La Ganme majeure. — Exericesaveo le seconde ma- alive de placer les doigts — Noten ies, chansons populaires ‘Deuxitme eabier, pages 45—93, Dos coups darehet aur deux conden. Deux ootaves de In gumme de sol majeuz intervalles,chassona, — Rstrcievs pour Tépeue et ‘oude, — Exeriees pour lever et bs ‘main hTaide du poiguet S“pxerices avec lt teste mane de placer ler dois — La ‘Gamme de resajeur,laterales, chansons, — Le Gatme de lamajeat, Intervals, chansone. — Hxereien avec Ia qutritme manitre de pacer les doigta, game, iseratey,chanaons,— Exercioes avec Taclnquitne ranitre de placer lor doigt Ia gamme de do majeur, ntervalles, nou vellesexercices poor lerchet. — La gunme de famajeur, interalies, ‘chansons. — Ta gumme de sibémol majeur, Sntervalles,chantons, — 1 ptites Braden ‘Troisitme eabier, pages 4—143, 1s souplese du changement de Varchet. — Les diférence ne teosivé sonore. — Changement de cordes. — Exerlees prépratoires pour le coup derchetjéte — Le coup archos jee. — ‘Du Sauule Ler eummer de la bétol majeur et mi bésol majeur, intervals, ‘fades, chansons, — La game de i majeur et si majeur, interval, fader, chanconn, — In gamme mineure. — La gamme de le minew Intervals, tudes, chansons. — Btdes pour Vavantbras, Je grand dauché. ~ La ganme de mi mineur, intervalles, nouvelle Gade pour ‘ferents coups Parchet,clangons. — La gnnme de ré minear, iter- ‘alles, dfrente coupe Garehet, chansons, Duos par Manas e¢ Cam- agro Quatridme eahier, pages 144—194, ichelle des gpinter doe gammes diatonigu ratique. — La tnalité de tol mineur, — Gr tonalité de si mineur,Saterealies, dtades pour Varchet.— La tonlitd {he do mineur, inervalies, elude: — Bxerlecs pour jouer des avorde ‘ur train ot quatre cords, — Ditrent pasmgee d'une earde a autre Te coup alurebet dea doige (at ton), ~ Exeeices poor Tarte culation de PSpanle ot le poignet. — Le martelé. ~ Exerices pour forties Taaurince rhythmique —- Lex Omements. — Le tile, — tudes et Duos par Campagnol, Baaas et Hien — Le staccato, — intonation pure dex doubles conden t les soon résltanta — Exer- sloes pour les dogts, — Toutes le tonalite mineuren en premitre Poaiton avec des coups @archet diféenta. — Oeuvres recommandées ‘comme complement indispenaable h cette méthode. (=) 254122 Méthode de Violon avec application d'études des mattres classiques Course of Violin Instruction with exercises selected from the works of well-known masters 5 FERDINAND KUECHLER Traduction francaise d'aprés la huitiéme édition allemande English version translated from the eighth German edition Volume 1 Cahier ft Hh IV. Book 1. 1, ti. N. EDITION HUG & C2, BALE-LEIPZIG Copyright 1914 by HUG & Co., Basle

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