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Students’ Grade Record Profiling System Complete Capstone Documentation

Chapter 1
Computers have changed the world and are here to stay. They have changed people lives not only in
everything they do. But also they changed daily activities, and lot more. Computers are used as storage
and management of data; they can serve as huge knowledge bases and can be harnessed for all sorts of
transactions due to their processing power and storage capacities. As computers are a daily utility, they
have gained immense importance in day-to-day life. Their increasing utility has made every business
organization and educational institutions switch from paper-based to automated systems.

The move from paper-based record systems to automated systems, or the upgrade of existing automated
systems, means that there is a greater chance that information will be readily available when important
decisions must be made about improving educational services. A well-designed student record system
ensures that data are readily available to manage the education system efficiently and to effectively meet
the needs of students.

According to Gordon Schools the advantages of automated systems are the following: Speed, they can
process information much more quickly than humans; Repetition – Automated systems can do the same
task over and over again without getting bored, needing breaks or making mistakes; Accuracy, they can
do very detailed work and follow precise instructions without error; and Efficiency, the quality of the work
done is always of the same standard being materials are not wasted due to human error.

One of so many problems encountered by students is the time they spend in getting their grades in the
Registrar Office. In front of the Registrar’s office, a crowd of student can be seen who are waiting for the
release of their grades.

The record of every student and every course are handled manually and is purely paper-based. The
office is currently not using a computer to record and process the releasing of grades. If the students want
to see their school records, particularly their grades, the office staff will have to search and fetched for the
records of the students one by one.

This process is very tedious and time consuming. The whole school is depending upon one man who
maintains the student’s records. In this current system, data records are kept under file maintenance
system. Due to this, the placement of the data is not at one particular place. This results in more
consumption of time for the proper maintenance of records. Also, the system does not support any type of
data integrity.

Registrar Office is using manual system in keeping grades of students. There are cases that some of the
grades were lost or misplaced due to misfiling of student’s records. Sometimes students are making
unusual actions like changing and getting grades without the concern of Registrar’s staff or even the
teachers that is in charge of a particular subject.

There is no proper arrangement and procedure in issuing grades. It is also hard to the part of the
students, they fall in line about a couple of minutes or an hour just to get their grades but the flow of
issuance of grades is too slow. If they are still using the manual system the Registrar can’t give better
service to the students.

In line with this, the researchers were challenged and developed a study on the development of a
computerized record-keeping system, entitled “Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System, that is accurate,
fast, and accessible for the Registrar’s Office of OF THE SCHOOL.

SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL would facilitate the record-keeping and issuance of grades. It will provide
smooth operation purposes and it seeks for further advancement in the school system where technology
can help the office to be more efficient. The SGRP system will automate the records of students and the
process of grade issuance of the school. If the student’s records will be automated, the school will be able
to increase staff efficiency, perform routine tasks automatically, and deliver their services more efficiently.

Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to develop an automated student record-keeping system that
is accurate, fast, and accessible.
Specifically, this study aimed to:

1. Minimize the manual system in record-keeping and issuance of student’s grades.

2. Eliminate lag time between the submission of grades by subject teachers and the department head to
the registrar, thus preventing a delay in submission and issuance of grades.
3. Provide a system can be used by the faculty, department head, registrars’ personnel and staff.
4. Develop a record services using database system in storing students grades.
Significance of the Study
This study is beneficial to the following:

School Administrators. The study will provide important information that will lead to school administrators
in finding ways and means to increasingly rely upon computers and information technology to deliver their
services and programmes more efficiently.
School Staff. Student’s retrieval of records can easily be accessed. The study will provide an improved
method of processing the hundreds of grade reports and distribute them anytime the student needs it.
Faculty. This study will save the faculty effort and will lessen the time of recording the grades in grade
Students. This study will help lessen the late issuance of grades that can affect the students in
many ways including approval of scholarships, delay of graduation, and others.
Researchers. This study will give the researchers a venue to further develop their programming
skills. This study will also improve the research and thesis writing skills of the researchers.
Future Researchers. The result of this study will encourage other researchers to conduct further
studies in automation to facilitate daily operations and planning in a records and archives of educational
Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study focused only in the issuance of grades in the Registrar’s office and the system offers more than
just a class card function, and encoding of student’s grades. The system will lessen the work especially of
those within the registrar’s office because the grades will be stored directly into a database.

The database maintenance focused on adding and deleting user accounts; maintaining and managing
table entries of student records, user’s log, and monitoring of user’s activities in the system.

The developed system shall be installed in a central server located at the IT department and will have a
back-up server that will serve as secondary storage in case of main server breakdown. The ARS system
can be accessed by front-end users and back-end users through the school’s Intranet.

The SGRP system shall be limited to the front-end users such as the OF THE SCHOOL’s faculty,
department head, registrars’ personnel and staff to access the system; and back-end user such as the
system administrator. A user ID and password will be issued to authorized users in order to access their
user account in the system.

The features of the system focused on log-in/log-out services, recordkeeping, database maintenance,
and help assistant.

Chapter 2
This chapter presents the related literature and studies of the present study wherein researchers
will acquire basic information that are necessary in the study.
Related Literature
Advantages of Automated System
The advantages of automated systems are the following: Speed – they can process information much
more quickly than humans; Repetition – Automated systems can do the same task over and over again
without getting bored, needing breaks or making mistakes; Accuracy – They can do very detailed work
and follow precise instructions without error; and Efficiency – the quality of the work done is always of the
same standard being materials are not wasted due to human error.

(http://www.Gordon, October 5, 2010, 4:00pm)

Basic Requirements of an Electronic Recordkeeping System
An electronic recordkeeping system must be able to: collect, organize, and categorize records; and
facilitate the preservation, retrieval, use, and disposition of records. On integrity, the system must ensure
the integrity of the records it manages and be able to: minimize the risk of unauthorized alteration or
erasure of the records, allow only authorized personnel access to the records in the system, allow only
authorized personnel to perform administrative functions such as creating or deleting directories, altering
the parameters of metadata fields, and assigning access rights. On retrieval of records, the system must
retrieve records and be able to: permit easy retrieval in a timely fashion; ensure that records are
accessible by individuals who have a business need for information in the records; provide a method for
all authorized users of the system to retrieve desired documents, such as an indexing or text search
system; and permit retrieval of both individual records and files or other groupings of related records.

( tools/erks.htm, October 5, 2010, 4:00pm)

Related Studies
Benefits of a Well-Designed Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System
A well-designed Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System will reach more than teachers and
administrators. It will also benefit the students, parents, community, legislators, and others by providing
information on the functioning and success of the education system. The advantages of a Well-Design
automated Record System are the following: Cost saving and cost avoidance- A well-conceived and
implemented Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System can reduce the costs of handling the paperwork
associated with record keeping; Quicker Response- allows for timely retrieval of needed information;
Accuracy- is vital at every stage, from data collection, to entry, to maintenance in the system it provides
users with the confidence they will require to rely upon a student record system; Getting the needed
information- they can provide the information required on request, easily, and without burdensome trial-
and-error searching; Moving data among different education agencies- allows for the easy and efficient
movement of student records among levels of the education system using standard formats.

(, October 22, 2010, 3:00pm)

Records that provides Statistical Reports and Rosters
According to University of North Carolina (2010) the institution is using a Student Academic Information
Datamart (SAID) it is a data mart storing historic student records from the Student Information System
(SIS). The data mart is implemented to satisfy the growing needs for specific data and information about
many different types of academic information. The Student Academic Information Datamart (SAID) has
data up to Summer 2010 and new data will no longer be loaded. The ITS Student Data Warehouse will
contain student enrollment data beginning in the Fall 2010, this database is totally controlled by ITS.

(, October 23, 2010, 10:00am)

Student Records
The University of Wisconsin Madison Student Record main purpose was to ensure the following:
established record keeping requirements, protect the University’s liability, provide institutional
accountability, and safeguard the academic interests of students, to insure that records are retained for a
sufficient period of time in order to meet administrative, audit, legal, research, and historical needs , to
establish uniform retention and disposition of student records, to promote cost effective and efficient
management of records and information, and to provide campus offices with the legal authorization to
dispose of records on a routine basis. The creation, maintenance, retention and disposition of student
academic information is a core function within higher educational institutions. Student records identify the
academic institution’s official student body, document their progress through a course of study, show
degrees and certifications earned, support applications to other institutions, support job applications, and
frequently are referenced as historical records. Student records and record keeping supports and /or
documents all the administrative activities relating to the admission, attendance, advising and counseling,
completion of coursework and requirements, and ultimately graduation and the attainment of a degree.

(, January 30, 2011)

The literatures and studies gathered and presented in this chapter gave the researchers insights, facts,
and adequate information that will serve as the basis, guide, and reference that are relevant and
necessary in the development of system. It also guides the researcher in making comparisons between
his findings with the findings of other similar studies.

The concept on the advantages of automated systems such as speed, repetition, accuracy, and
efficiency provide the researchers facts on automated systems and significance on the quality of the work
done and efficiency in the work place which serves also as bases of the researchers on how to developed
the software.

The Student Academic Information Datamart (SAID) is implemented to satisfy the growing needs for
specific data and information about many different types of academic information. The developed student
record system will also implement the use of a database that will store academic information such that
locating, searching, and processing of records will be fast. However, the present study will only store
student’s information and academic records particularly student grades.

The study on the benefits of a Well-Designed Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System by
had given the present study relevant information, particularly, on the benefits of a well-designed Studnets’
Grade Record Profiling System to students, parents, school administrators, and others.

These concepts, ideas, and studies are adopted by the researchers to support the study and to establish
references that are important and necessary in the development of system.

Chapter 3
This chapter presents the system methodology and software development approaches and techniques
used in the conduct of the study.

System Development Method

On software development and implementation, the researchers used the System Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) method in the development of the SGRP system. This method helped the researchers in
conducting the study, analysis and design of the system. It is made up of several phases and the details
of these are: Information Gathering, Analysis Phase, Design Phase, Development, Testing, and Delivery.

Information Gathering. In this phase, the existing system was evaluated and deficiencies were
identified. This is done by interviewing users of the system and consulting with support personnel. Data
were gathered from the respondents to determine their perception on the following: problems they
experienced or encountered in the existing manual system of registrar system; the level of difficulties; the
perception on the extent of need; and the features that should be included in the development of the
Respondents of the Study. The respondents of the study are the registrar staff, department chairman,
faculty, and the students.
Table 1.0 showed the distribution of respondents according to their course and year level for the students,
faculty and department chairman, and registrar staff.

Sampling Procedure and Technique. The researchers used the Slovin’s formula to determine the sample
size of the students. Stratified random sampling technique was employed since the student respondents
are classified according to their course and year levels, as well as, the faculty and the department
chairman while the registrar staff is treated as total sample.
Data Gathering Instrument. The researchers have made use of SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL Survey
Questionnaire as an instrument to gather data from the respondents. Respondents of the study were the
five (4) Registrar’s Personnel, fifteen (15) faculties, and 317 students of OF THE SCHOOL (Main
Campus) who were officially enrolled in School Year 2010-2011. The sample questionnaire is shown in
Appendix 1.
The questionnaire was composed of two (2) interrelated parts. These are:

The first part of the questionnaire was designed to determine the occupation of respondents for the
purpose of grouping the respondents.

The second part of the questionnaire was subdivided into three (3) sub-sections, which were labeled with
A, B and C.

Section A. This section was intended to determine the level of difficulty encountered by the respondents
in the existing system. The respondents were instructed to choose among the five (5) alternative choices
based on the 5-rating Likert Scale, such as: 5 for “extremely difficult”, 4 for “very difficult”, 3 for
“moderately difficult”, 2 for “slightly difficult”, and 1 for “least difficult”.
Section B. This section was intended to measure the perception on the extent of need as perceived by
the respondents in the development of SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL. The respondents chose from five (5)
choices based on the 5-rating Likert Scale, such as: 5 for “always needed”, 4 for “very often needed”, 3
for “sometimes needed”, 2 for “rarely needed”, and 1 for “never needed”.
Section C. This section was intended to determine the features that should be included in the
development of SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL by the use of check list method. The respondents were
instructed to check in the box of the features that would be included in the system.
Data Gathering Procedure. The survey questionnaire was constructed by the researchers using
two (2) methods: 5-rating Likert Scale method and Checklist Method.
Validity of the Questionnaire. In testing the validity of the questionnaire, the researchers consulted three
(3) jurors. The questionnaire was subjected to face and content validation of the jurors. The content
validity was based on the criteria set-forth by Garner V. Good and Douglas R. Scates as shown in
Appendix 2.
The mean score obtained was interpreted as follows:

Score Range Interpretation

4.21 – 5.00 Excellent

3.61 – 4.20 Very Good

2.61 – 3.60 Good

1.81 – 2.60 Fair

1.00 – 1.80 Poor

After the questionnaire was presented to the jurors, the questionnaires were gathered and the jurors
rating scores were tabulated. The over-all mean score was 4.3, which was descriptively interpreted
as very good. Thus, the over-all score had indicated that the survey questionnaire was valid.
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment. After the tabulation of the survey results, the following
statistical tools were used to interpret the collected data. For section A1, A2, and B,
the arithmetic mean was used.
For section C, percentile ranking was employed. The top three (3) features were included in the
development of the system. However, other features that the researchers perceived to be important were
also included.
On Analysis Phase. In this phase, the researchers studied how the system will work, determine the
user’s needs and requirements, and will recommend a solution. This also involves developing estimates
for the work to be performed, and defining the plan to perform the work.
On Design Phase. On this phase, process modeling and data modeling was designed by the
researchers. Context diagram and data flow diagrams was used to represent the flow of data in the
system. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) was used as data model for the system.
On Development. The developed system was built in this phase. Activities performed by the researchers
were the following: acquire necessary hardware and software, GUI designing, database design, coding,
and integration of the modules.
On Testing. After the software was developed, the developed software was tested for potential errors
and bugs. The system was evaluated by three (3) IT experts, the developed system was installed, and
was made available for user for the user acceptance evaluation.
On Delivery and Maintenance. In this stage, the system is put into service so that the users can now
start utilizing the system for their review.
The process framework used in developing the new system is presented in Figure 1.
The Process Framework of the Students Grade Profiling System

Software Development Procedure

The researchers present the software requirements, user requirements, hardware specifications, and
people ware recommendations for the new system.

User Requirements. A self-made questionnaire was made by the researchers to determine user’s
needs. The result revealed that the intended users of the new system experienced problems in the
existing system of processing student’s grades, have strong extent of need of a system that will facilitate
the record services of the school.
To minimize these problems, the researchers were able to identify the following user requirements:

 A login form that requires users to enter username and password to secure students records.
 A system that will provide relevant, accurate, and confidential student’s record.
 A system that will minimize the time consume in searching, retrieving, and preparing student record
System Requirements. This section presents the software requirements, hardware requirements, and
peopleware requirements necessary for the development of the SGRP system. The researchers were
able to gather information from the IT experts, searching from the Internet, and identified the existing
equipments of the school. The researchers presents the minimum hardware requirements that are
needed to fully utilized the SGRPS. The software requirements presented were the software used during
the development of the system and also used in the documentation and in the presentation was
System Design
This portion describes the existing system, the developed system, screen forms and report layouts of the
developed system.

The Existing System. The existing system of OF THE SCHOOL for processing and issuance of grades
is paper-based and student grade report cannot be generated instantly. Documents are stored in folders
and in filing cabinets. Storing of paper documents gets very voluminous.
The researchers present the context diagram and the decomposition diagram of the existing system
which shows the procedures of each function, the users and the expected outputs of the existing system.
Decomposition Diagram of the Existing System

There are four (4) components in the existing system. These are the Student Registration Process; Grade
Sheet Process, Filing System Process, and Student Report Card Process. These are presented in Figure

On Student Registration – Upon enrolment to the school, students are required to fill in a student
registration form to gather information from student such as personal data, addresses, and important

On Grade Sheet – After each term grade sheets are printed by the registrar’s office and are given to the
teachers. The teachers will fill in the grade sheets, verify it, and submit it to the registrar’s office.

On Filing System – After the grade sheets are submitted to the registrar office, they are sorted according
to semester, school year, and department and placed in folders.
On Student Report Card – The students will then present their prospectus and/or school ID to the
registrar staff, the registrar staff will process the request by searching and locating the grade sheets
submitted by the teachers and writes the grades in the student’s prospectus or student report card.

The researchers have observed that the need to automate the record keeping process of the registrar
office will have a great impact in modernizing their facilities specifically in record keeping and grade
issuance. Through the implementation of the developed system, they can be assured of an improved and
systematic searching, recording, and releasing of student grades. Fast, accurate and reliable services
will be offered to the community, accessible and relevant information for the Administrators.

The Developed System. This portion presents the context diagram, data flow diagram, database
schema, and project dictionary of the developed software.
The SGRP system developed by the researchers will not only provide the institution a computer-based
software but also to introduce the technology that will benefit not only the students and parents but also
the school administrators.

The SGRPS offers several benefits, such as: reliable and complete information; easily accessible and
accurate student record reports; high quality information; reduces errors in the result; produces output in
greater quantities and of better quality; and provides an electronic tool that is user friendly and easy to
use. The developed system also provides an information back-up to prevent computer crimes and file
Context Diagram of the Student Grade Profiling System

Figure 3 presents the context diagram of SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL system which illustrates the user
input to the system and the output information to the users. The users will need to enter their user id and
password to be able to access the developed system. Users will be provided the following: Students
Grades; Population Report; Grade Sheet; and Users Account.
Level 1 DFD Explosion of Students Grade Profiling System

Figure 4 illustrates the process on how users can access the four modules namely: User’s Login Process,
Student Profile Process, Student Grades Process, SGRP Reports Process, Database Maintenance
Process, and Help Assistant Process.

DFD Explosion of the User’s Login Process – Students Grade Profiling System

Figure 5 presents the Level 2 DFD Explosion of the User’s Login Process of SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL.
In order to access the system, user is required to enter their user ID and password. Upon successful login
in the system, users can access the student profile process and other features of the system. Authorized
users can also change their password.
Level 2 DFD Explosion of Student Grades Process – Students Grade Profiling System
Figure 6 presents the level 2 DFD explosion of the student grades of SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL. Faculty
updates the student grades of students officially enrolled in their class. A Student Grade Report can be
viewed by the Faculty after saving the changes made on student’s grades into the system.
Level 2 DFD Explosion of SGRPS Reports Process – Students Grade Profiling System

Figure 7 presents the Level 2 DFD explosion of the SGRPS Reports module of SGRPS-OF THE
SCHOOL. Authorized users can view and will be provided a hard copy of student grade reports. The
registrar’s office staff can print and release student grade report of each student.
Level 2 DFD Explosion of Database Maintenance Process – Students Grade Profiling System

In the Level 2 DFD Explosion of Database Maintenance on Figure 8, the System admin and Registrar’s
Office staff have access to this feature. The system admin can add, edit, and delete user’s account and is
in-charge of backing-up the system. The Registrar’s Office staff can update subject information, course
information, and year level information.

Database Schema. The researcher presents the database model by utilizing the Entity-
Relationship (ER) Diagram. The SGRPS database stores details about the students, faculty, courses, the
semester and the school year a student took a particular subject and his grade if he completed it, and
what course and year level each student is enrolled in.
The researchers consider the following requirements list: the admin or dept. head provides system
access to faculty; the admin manages the users of the system; the faculty is the one who gives grades to
students of a particular subject offered during the semester (1st or 2nd) and school year; a student is
enrolled in a course who belongs to a year level; a student must enroll in a subject; a subject has a
subject code, subject name, and unit; a course has a course id, a course initial, and a course name; and
the registrar releases the grades of the students on a subject.
The ER diagram derived from the requirements list is shown in Figure 9.
Entity Relationship Diagram of Students Grade Profiling System
Network Architecture. The SGRPS shall be installed in the OF THE SCHOOL main server employing
the star topology and adapts a Local area Network (LAN) connection specifically in the ICT Department.
Hubs will be used for network connections. The hub is a device wherein many computers can connect to
a server for sharing of data and information and it connects computers within the limited area only. A
back-up server will be provided to assist the main server in-case the main server bug downs.
Authorized registrar’s office staff can utilize the SGRPS through the school’s Intranet. The developed
system can be accessed by Faculty members in their respective departments where one (1) computer
unit was installed.

Chapter IV
Results and Discussion
This chapter presents the system description, system implementation and mechanics, project
management and cost analysis of the study.

System Description
The Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System (SGRPS) is an automated system for the registrar’s office
to update student’s profiles and fast and accurate release of student’s grades. The developed system
can provide an accurate and fast releasing of grades to students. It also minimizes the tasks of the
person in-charge in the releasing of grades and keeping the student’s record.

The target users of the developed system are the faculty, department chairman, registrar office personnel
and system administrator.

This system provides a computerized student’s records and the registrar’s staff can print student’s
population report, and student’s grades. The department chairman can also view student’s grades and
the faculties subject load.

System Implementation and Mechanics

This section presents the decomposition chart of the software and discussion of each menu, sub-
menus, its functions or purpose, and accessibility of the menu/sub-menu(s).
The researchers present the decomposition diagram of the developed system which shows the
procedures of each function, the users and the expected outputs of the developed system.

The User’s Log-In Process will be designed to protect the system from unauthorized access. Authorized
users are prompted to enter their user ID and password. This includes the back-end users and the front-
end users. The back-end users are the system administrator and head of Registrar’s Office who have
access on user accounts, and database maintenance. The front-end users are the registrar’s staff and
teachers who have access to: student’s profile, grade sheets, and other features of the system.
The Grade Sheet Process will allow faculty to input student’s grades in the system.
The SGRPS Reports Process will allow authorized users of the system to print grade sheets, student
grade record, population report, and users log report.
The Database Maintenance Process will allow the system administrator to manage data and backup the
The Help Assistant Process will be designed to assist the authorized users on how to use the different
features of the SGRP system.
Menu and Submenu of SGRPS-OF THE SCHOOL. This portion presents the main menu and submenu
of the developed system. The authorized users of the system are the following: Registrar, registrar
personnel, department chairman, and faculty.
This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation based on the findings of the study.

After conducting the research, the data gathered which includes the research method used; the
respondents, the research instrument and the statistical tool used were summarized. The findings of the
study were also presented in this section.

The study deals with the development of an Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System for the school. The
objective of the study is to develop an Studnets’ Grade Record Profiling System to that is accurate, fast
and accessible. The study aimed to: 1.) Minimize the manual system in record keeping and issuance of
student’s grades. 2.) Eliminate the lag time between the submission of grades by the subject teachers
and the department head to the registrar, thus preventing of delay in submission and issuance of
grades. 3.) Provide a system that can be used by the faculty, department head and the registrar’s
personnel. 4.) to develop a record services using database system in storing student grades. The study
was conducted to assess the registrar keeping the records of the students, the current methods and
processes used by the registrar in keeping the records of the students, and the problems encountered by
the students, faculty, as well as, the registrar with regards to the need in securing student’s grades and
grade reports from alteration or loss, issuance of grades at the end of the semester, and submitting error-
free grades by the faculty.

This study aimed to help the registrar’s office to the problems in record keeping, issuance of
grades to the students, and submitting on time and error-free grades of the faculty.
Descriptive survey method of research was used in this study and questionnaires were prepared for data
gathering. The survey questionnaires were distributed to actual respondents.
The total respondents of the study were one thousand nine hundred forty seven (1,946) and the sample
size is three hundred thirty two (332) was determined using the Slovin’s formula. The students were
grouped by course and by year level. Stratified random sampling technique was utilized.

The developed system was evaluated by three technical experts. The evaluation was based on the
criteria on System Evaluation Instrument by using the McCall’s Software Quality Model which determined
the quality of the software being developed. The evaluators had given the software a rating of 4.17, which
was descriptively interpreted as very good.
Final testing was conducted by intended users of the developed system. The user acceptance mean
score is 4.37, which was interpreted as excellent. Therefore, the developed software passed as a good
quality software and the objective of the researchers have been achieved that is to developed SGRPS-
OF THE SCHOOL that is that is accurate, fast, and accessible.

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