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Confidential - Student in your class with an IEP

Dear Teacher,

Hi, my name is Scott Bowman. I am the Special Education IEP case manager for your student,
_________________. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this student, please feel free
to contact me by placing a note in my mailbox, by e-mail, or call me at extension
38928 (The Learning Center – Room D100).
You have access to your student’s individual goals, accommodations, and Behavior Support Plan (if
necessary) through confidential contact between you and I and attachment to this email. You are federally
mandated to follow your student’s IEP and provide accommodations/modifications
accordingly. Unfortunately, we are not able at this time to attach documents in Synergy, so this will be the
primary written contact provided to you. Please familiarize yourself with all documents by requesting copies
from me.

Reminder: It is imperative that teachers provide updates on a student’s progress on

the goals listed in the student’s IEP. The IEP team needs this information during every IEP meeting
and at each semester for a progress report that will be sent home. Again, please contact me with any questions
regarding this process.

If you wish to view the entire IEP, please let me know. Along with providing accommodations
and/or modifications in the classroom and updates on goals, it is also mandatory to have a
general education teacher’s participation and signature on all IEP’s or to have a written
excusal. I will invite you to come to the IEP meeting for your input and signature. You may not have to stay
for the whole meeting depending on the parent. If you are not able to attend the meeting or will need coverage
for your class, please let me know prior to the meeting and send me written input that can be shared. Your input
is very important and valued for the parent and for us to know how our student is doing.

If you happen to send this student out on a referral, please notify me with a copy of the referral
or an email, so that it may be included in the IEP/Behavior Plan if necessary. After 5 days of Suspension
(including In School Suspensions), a Behavior Support Plan may need be developed. If you have any questions
about your student, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,

A short summary of their IEP is included as an attachment.

Please disregard the “Accommodations/Modifications for Classroom Participation and Assessments”
section. It is only for State Testing.
Please apply all listed accommodation/modifications to all teacher classroom tests and


*This is a confidential document. This document is not to be copied or redistributed.

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