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bortion – Moral Ap
  h A
Abortion – M
Moral Appro
oach 2009


An 2009
9 apiit/ucti moral studies Assign

Source:, viewed 31st May 2009

m Wenn Shin
n Tan Yit Yee Chew Kean Ho Wong Je Ni Cheonng Kah Mun
16310 TP
P018017 T
TP016777 TP016075 TP0180966
UC2F00905AF UC1F0808BM
U MP UC2F0905ME UC2F0905KM

Is  aborttion  an  act   of  killing  ann  innocent   soul,  in  the
e  name  of   human 
h right?  In  the  piicture 
above, S Senator Barrack Obamaa stands on  the ground d of Pro‐Lifee is saving th he very inno ocent 
life  of  human 
h being g.  Should  th he  mother   sacrificed  herself 
h for  the  child  or   should  the   child 
sacrifice  mother? It’ss a debate yet awaits itss complicate
e his or her l  ife for the m ed, paradox xically 
conclusiion that will shake the v  very foundaation of hum man right. Inn here, we s  stand on mo orality 
and reve eal the abor rtion comple exities with 
nn Shin (TP0 our conditi
016310) anddonal disagre
Her Team eement to a  abortion acttion. 
Copyrigh hted by Manndy Lim Wen
Abortion – Moral Approach  2009 
Dedicated to

Ho Wai Leng

Tan Yit Yee

For the support and encouragement


Kean Ho


Thiagarajan A/L Sinnu

Directors Editors Resources Financer and

Lim Wern Shin TP016310 Chew Kean Ho TP016777
Tan Yit Yee TP018017
Cheong Kah Mun TP018096 Wong Je Ni TP016075

Tan Yit Yee TP018017

This entire assignment report is under copyright from the moral study team members named as
mentioned above along with their registered ID name from APIIT/UCTI Malaysia in TPM. Any
duplication or copy without permission or proper reference is considered plagiarism and action
will be taken as procedures par to the APIIT/UCTI Rules and Regulations.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wenn Shin (TP016310) and Her Team

Abortion – Moral Approach  2009 

Report Section Page Referral

1. Abortion Prologue
- A brief introduction about abortion. 1

2. Abortion Illustration
- Graphical supports on abortion. 5

3. Moral Aspects Approach

- Briefing on how we approach the abortion with moral theories 10

4. Social Morality Theory

- Approach Social Morality Theory with studies on abortion. 11

5. Teleological Ethics Theory

- Approach Teleological Ethics Theory with studies on abortion. 13

6. Egoism Theory
- Approach Egoism Theory with studies on abortion. 14

7. Utilitarianism Theory
- Approach Utilitarianism Theory with studies on abortion. 15

8. Principle of Duty
- Approach Principle of Duty with studies on abortion. 17

9. Overall Justification
- Summary of all theories along with our own point of views. 18

10. Conclusion
- Our conclusion on yes or no to abortion. 18

11. Reference and Appendix

- Our sources of researches and future attachments. 19 onwards

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wenn Shin (TP016310) and Her Team

Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
1. Prologue

Abortion, according to Ministry of Health of Malaysia (2005), is an action of removing or

expulsing an embryo or fetus from the mother’s uterus, in which delivering the unborn child to
its death. However, according to Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia
(2009), stated that abortion is an action of elimination of an unsafe abortion and ensure effective
use of contraceptive to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Both agreed of termination of a fetus life
with human capabilities and human action.

By Ministry of Health Malaysia (2005), there’re 2 general types of abortion: Medical Abortion
which abortion due to medical purpose like saving the life of the woman, preventing the delivery
of a severely defected baby upon detection and to preserve the woman’s physical and mental
health; Induced Abortion is abortion due to deliberate human action, usually voluntary.

With today’s technologies, there’re various methods being carried out for abortion, depending on
the carriage and the time-length of the fetus development. According to Ministry of Health
Malaysia (2005), based on medical abortion, chemicals such as mifepristone and prostaglandins
are usually being used during early stage of pregnancy. Otherwise, according to them again,
surgical abortion is being carried out, such as vacuum aspiration (whether it’s manual suction or
electronic suction) is suitable for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy; Dilatation and curettage
(D&C) suitable for 15th to 24th week of pregnancy while lastly, intact dilatation and extraction
(partial-birth abortion) which suitable for advanced, third trimester pregnancy.

The risks of abortion and its effect are considerably high and have long-term effect. According to
Spirrey Press (2005), A few health risks, like general anaesthetic (such as choking, slow
recovery, feeling sick and vomiting), Haemorrhage (like excessive bleeding after abortion,
commonly due to adherent placenta or an incomplete abortion or failure of uterus in contact),
infection (like pelvic inflammatory disease), Perforation of uterus, future infertility, cervical
incompetence and ectopic pregnancy.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   1 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099
The stattistic of ab
bortion in Malaysia,
M a
according to Federatioon of Reprroductive Health
Associatiions Malayssia (2009), abortion
a casees reported with
w 38 in 1000
1 womenn is actually aged
15-49 years old and rate
r of illegaal abortion iss 0.1% or 5000 per 500,0000 life birth annually.

As forr statistic, inn brief all arround

the world,
w accordding to Cyynthia
Dailardd (2009), baased on year 1999
abortioon reports worldwide,
w o of
estimaated popullation of 210
millionn pregnanciies, 4 in 100 are
unintennded pregnnancies. Cyynthia
Dailardd (2009) also
a added that
most women
w not only wanteed to
control the size of the familyy, but
the tiiming and space of their
childreen’s birth as
a well. Hence,
Cynthiia Dailard (2009) elaboorated
that inn almost all countries, leeast 6
in 10, in most couuntries moree than
8 in 100 wanted to halt
h or postpponed
their chhildren’s birrth.

Large proportionss of women

d the world have
nned births..


viewedd 25th May 20009

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

Copyrighhted by Man 2 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099
Cynthia Dailard
D (200
09) mentioneed that more than 46 milllion unintennded pregnanncies annually, 2
in 10 of total
t are reso
olved with innduced aborttion.

Source: printed-scree
p wed 25th Maay
en from, view

By the chart
c above,, Cynthia Dailard
D (2009) stated thhat in that current
c timee, for develooping
countriess, 6 in 10 women
w or 555% and 86%
% in developped countriess live in thee a law-perm
abortion environmen
nt. In contraast, Cynthia Dailard (20009) added that
t 25% off women lived in
abortion prohibited or
o abortion only
o allowedd to save the mother’s liffe environmeent. On the above,
Cynthia Dailard
D 09) mentioneed that the reasons for going
(200 g a Too young or
induceed abortion are:
too poorr for raising
g a child; diffficulties with sexual paartner; unem
mployed; nott need a chiild in
school; have
h to and need
n to workk.

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

Copyrighhted by Man 3 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
The 2 dominant groups that made the debates on abortion are formally known as pro-life group
and pro-abortion group in all around the world. According to Diana Brown (2008), pro-life
groups are believers that a fertilized ovum is a human being and that its destruction is a murder
while pro-choice group believes that fetus is still far from reaching human being is merely a part
of the mother’s body, in which the mother has the right to dispose of; more of like having an
abortion is rather similar to getting a haircut.

According to Spirrey Press (2005),

Pro-lifer, believes that the ‘right to kill’ the closest relatives is improper and it’s a fundamental of
family violence. They believes that each family and community individuals value are equal and
no bias or extras to anyone. Addition to it, the price of freedom is not at the cost of another
human being’s life. They too believe that abortion is a failure for society in answering the call of
the help from a woman in crisis with difficult pregnancy. They strongly agreed with life starts
with conception, where modern genetics and embryology proven that human is formed the
moment the ovum is fertilized, just that it’s discriminated as unseen, unheard and can’t plead for
his/her own life. They believe that unborn child, regardless from intended or unintended
pregnancy is entirely innocent and womb is the ‘Home Address’ for them. They accepted that
abortion laws reflect values and abortion laws doesn’t discriminate women, considering the age
and magnitude of the abortion action’s value. Besides, alternatives such as adoption are always
available for unplanned pregnancy which resolves the young and poor mother’s difficulty. They
strongly stands for no medication support to abortion and should not be paid by tax-payers.

Pro-choices, believe in opposite to pro-lifer, thinks that abortion is a woman’s right, an essential
act of a woman’s freedom and an unwelcome pregnancy child is a trespasser. They strongly
stand on feminist side where abortion laws are the discriminations against woman and are the
central right for women’s struggle for equalities. To them, abortion is necessary for a very young
pregnant woman. They agreed that unattended child may be lead to wrenched lives and child will
be battered if left born. They regarded that government should provide legal medical and
financial supports to abortion, in reducing death of abortion victims.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   4 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099
2. Abortion
A Illustration

viewed 21sts May

pg>, vieweed 21st
May 2009

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

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Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099
tion.jpg>, viewed
21st May 20009

Abortion onnto a
week-9 andd below

viewed 21st May

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

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Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099
>, viewed 21st
Maay 2009

Critic Comics on

vieewed 21st Maay

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

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Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099

Top: Source: <http

2008/03/parttial_birth_abbortion.jpg>,, viewed 21sts May 2009

Aboorted Babiess

wed 21st Maay

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

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Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099


Clearer Illustration
I o
Abortionn for Week-77
and below

Source: < 
1.jpg>, viewed
v 21st May

Bottom: Aborted Bab

bies Week 7 and below

Source: < http://1.bp.blogspot.coom/__Sj-
abortion.jjpg>, viewed 21st May 2009

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

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Abortion – Moral Approach 2009

3. Moral Approach

In our research, we’ll relate the Abortion based on Principles of Moralities and Moral Theories.
Based on our scope, we’ll look into the Abortion from that perspective point of view and may
look into all direction, one by one as according to theories. The theories that we’re going to
relates will be as follows:

1. Social Morality Theory

2. Teleological Ethics Theory
3. Egoism Theory
4. Utilitarianism Theory
5. Principle of Duty

We’ll look into all directions, basically summarized all the aspects and point of views into Social,
Religion, Medical, Population, Community, Science and Economics. In and out, we’ll relate
some facts aligned to Pro-Choice (believes in fetus is mere tissues and should not be considered
as life) and Pro-Life (life is formed when an ovum is fertilized) point of view, par to point of
views based on medical articles rather a solid ‘yes’ and ‘no’ perspective.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   10 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
4. Social Morality Theory
a. Definition
“Social morality theory encompasses social taboo to ensure social harmony. It is
generally the theory of normative values and societal regulations becoming a
measure or criterion on determining a matter or action.”
Kenny Ken (2007)
To be specific, this theory relates with every cause and action with priority given
to the society attributes, rather than individual attributes. It’s the matter of setting
the needs and concerns for the society, relating every individual in one society
and contributes to that society.

b. Theory Approaches
In United States community, according to Robinson (2008), in certain states,
abortion is still be accessible with all pre-elementary criteria fulfilled, par to pre-
1973 anti-abortion laws; while Roe v. Wade (1973) stands fully on pro-life point
of view, in which abortion is illegal except saving the mother’s life. However,
Robinson (2008) mentioned that U.S. Supreme Court may override Roe v. Wade
in future (from 1973 onwards) and 1973 anti-abortion laws may be applicable.
By Pregnant Pause (2008), U.S has legalized abortion anytime during pregnancy
for any reason. Hence, we may justify that in U.S, although stands on both Pro-
Life and Pro-Choices point of view, accepts abortion as legal and should be done.
By both Pregnant Pause (2008) and Robinson (2008), In Canada, the country is
accepting abortion is legal at any reason. Robinson (2008) mentioned in early
2008, there is still no law in restricting access to abortion. By Pregnant Pause
(2008), in Russia, abortion is legal with condition to the pregnancy period; in
China, abortion is virtually available for all reason except gender selection.

For Malaysia community, according to Pregnant Pause (2008), abortion is legal

mainly on saving the mother’s life, physical and mental condition ONLY. They
added that for Islamic countries, abortion is illegal prior to Islamic laws (Pro-life
standing point-of-view).

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   11 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Apprroach 20099
Source: Print-
Screened from
viewed 21sts
May 2009

For Prro-Choice who

w believes abortion is acceptable
a inn their respeective comm
ding to Herittage House '76,
' Inc. (20006), their reaasons are as follows:
i. Every chilld should be a wanted chhild
ii. Fetus is a mass
m of tissuues, not hum
man yet.
iii. Woman haas the right to
t decide forr her body.
iv. Abortion should
s be leggal especiallly rape and incest pregnaancies.
v. None can impose his/hher moral to the mother.
vi. Understannding that huuman is over populating the
t planet.

For Prro-Life who believes abortion is unaacceptable inn their respeective comm
ding to Herittage House '76,
' Inc. (20006), their reaasons are as follows:
i. Unborn child is hum
man and it’s a life.
ii. Rape andd incest punnishment is not
n the unborrn child’s ressponsibility.
iii. At conceeption, life begins.
iv. Rights are given to every
e single human soul, including unborn
u childd.
v. None can impose hiss/her moral to
t the motheer.
vi. Believess in religiouss supports aggainst abortioon.

ndy Lim Werrn Shin (TP0016310) andd her Team 

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Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
5. Teleological Ethics Theory
a. Definition
Teleological Ethics Theory means that the value of the action is determined by
prioritize effect/consequence of that action. According to Kenny Ken (2007), the
theory, known as consequentialism, in which the final result determines the
rightfulness of an action.

b. Theory Approaches
For Pro-Choice who accepts abortion is necessary, according to Spirrey Press
(2005 and 1999), their reasons are as follows:
i. Young mother may destroy her life by giving up education or career with
unwanted pregnancy.
ii. Mother may die after risking herself preserving the pregnancy while she’s
medically too weak, resulting two deaths instead of one.
iii. The child suffers long-life sickness or defects, causing burden to the
family if left born after the severe defections has been detected during
iv. Children are battered, being abused and causing social problems if women
keep their babies live in a wretched life resulted from unwanted pregnancy.

For Pro-Life who denied abortion, according to Spirrey Press (2005 and 1999),
their reasons are as follows:
v. The mother may suffer numerous physical, emotional and psychological
risks in both short term and long term after the abortion.
vi. Abortion will cause chaos to the society in future because it is a form of
attack to the fundamental of human rights; an action of killing innocent
unborn child.
vii. The mother may suffer negative impact from unresolved grief with her
partner, children, family members, extended family members and the
community upon having herself with abortion.
viii. May corrupt the fundamental of moral teachings.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   13 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
6. Egoism Theory
a. Definition
“Egoism is a theory which consider a value as good if it benefits the individual
himself, and bad or cruel if it harms or causes him to suffer a loss.”
Kenny Ken (2007)
In short, egoism theory simply consider the results upon the individual who
applied the action; good results equal good; bad results equal bad.

b. Theory Approaches
For Pro-Choice who accept abortion, according to Spirrey Press (2005 and 1999),
their reasons are as follows:
i. Young mother may not need to give up her career or education because of
unwanted pregnancy.
ii. The mother would survive from death and breeds in later time, after
abortion from a pregnancy that can kills her.
iii. It’s better to end a much defected unborn child life rather than letting the
mother suffering in raising the child who will be a life-time burden to her.
iv. It would be last resort of birth-control for the mother so that she can
carries out the duty as her mother equally to her children, avoiding
neglected child.

For Pro-Life who denied abortion, according to Spirrey Press (2005 and 1999),
their reasons are as follows:
i. The mother suffers permanent emotional and psychological trauma after
having abortion. Seriousness may reach to committing suicide.
ii. The mother may suffer permanent physical injuries and reproductive
problems inclusive infection and incompetence after abortion.
iii. The mother may become object of discrimination from her partner,
family, external family and community, deteriorating her life style.
iv. The mother may not survive the abortion or after abortion if it’s
performed illegally or she’s too weak for abortion.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   14 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
7. Utilitarianism Theory
a. Definition
Under this theory, it prioritizes the amount of beneficial of an action to people,
whether self or a great number of people; the greater the beneficial to people, the
better the value. According to Kenny Ken (2007), he mentioned that action is
right if the value of happiness benefits the great number of people, inclusive self.

b. Theory Approaches

Under Pro-Choice who supports abortion, according to Jeremy Bentham's

Hedonic Calculus (Mitch Meredith, n.d.) based on Spirrey Press (2005 and 1999)
i. Intensity: it’s very intensive in making decision that decides to enter
motherhood intellectually and emotionally; deciding to take the chance
between her death in preserving unsafe pregnancy or her life sacrificing
the child; willingness in bearing a serious defected child after birth, for life.
ii. Duration: Life time. Death on the fetus or the mother or both.
iii. Certainty: Probable. A matter of convinces, counseling, logic and
rationality; a matter of time in saving the mother’s life or death for both.
iv. Remoteness: Immediate. Abortion can performed in any medical hospitals.
v. Fecundity (repeat tendency): Depends. It’s up to the mother’s
disciplinary, health after abortion, faith and surrounding environments.
vi. Purity (premature tendency): Depends. It’s up to the mother’s
disciplinary, health after abortion, faith and surrounding environments.
vii. Number of Benefits: Herself, her partner, her family, her external family,
her close society and peers.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   15 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
Under Pro-Choice who supports abortion, according to Jeremy Bentham's
Hedonic Calculus (Mitch Meredith, n.d.) based on Spirrey Press (2005 and 1999)
i. Intensity: it’s very intensive in giving birth of a child, creating a new form
of life and new discoverable love in the family; not supporting in
corrupting the fundamental of human rights; adoption is always available
for the child; sacrificing for the child from a mother.
ii. Duration: Life time. Creating a life (regardless wanted or unwanted).
iii. Certainty: Probable. A matter of convinces, counseling, logic and
rationality; to strengthen the spirit of the mother in giving the birth and to
cancel the effect of the initial fear and shock from having a child.
iv. Remoteness: Immediate. Counseling is always available throughout the
world and easy accessible.
v. Fecundity (repeat tendency): Depends. It’s up to the mother’s
vi. Purity (premature tendency): Unlikely. Since there’re solutions (ex:
adoption) for the child if the mother can’t bear the children, the mother
may be able to cope up if there’s any unwanted pregnancy occurred.
vii. Number of Benefits: Herself, her partner, her family, her external family,
her close society, her peers and the community she lives in.

NOTE: The calculus only considering these cases for abortion:

i. Induced Abortion
a. Teen pregnancy
b. Unwanted Pregnancy
ii. Medical Abortion
a. Mother’s life in hazard
b. Severe child defects detection during pregnancy.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   16 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
8. Principle of Duty
a. Definition
Principle of Duty gives ultimate priority on the motive, intension and purpose of a
task/action, rather not on what are needs to be done and the consequences behind
the task/action.

b. Theory Approaches
For Pro-Choice who accepts the act of abortion, by Spirrey Press (2005 and 1999),
i. It’s her duty to decide whether to suffer in long life with unwanted
pregnancy, rather than only concerning importance about the child.
ii. It’s her duty in controlling her fertility upon her will, inclusive acts of
abortion if she can’t cope up with motherhood for that child.
iii. It’s her duty to decide for herself with concerning her health safety as well,
rather than just being focus onto the baby like the Pro-Life supporters does.

For Pro-Life who denied the act of abortion, by Spirrey Press (2005 and 1999),
their reasons are as follows:
i. The mother should carry out her duty as her mother in protecting her off-
spring, rather than killing it.
ii. It’s rather a duty for the mother to seek out all flexibilities for the
unwanted pregnancy child, instead of killing it as a one-stop solution.
iii. Indeed bringing up a child requires huge commitment, the mother cannot
neglect her responsibility is giving birth for a child, whether wanted or
unwanted, as there’re many solutions in resolving the unwanted child
such as adoption.
iv. Mother should be responsible along with her partner when she got
unwanted pregnancy if their intercourse is voluntary, whether safe
intercourse or unsafe intercourse.
v. The mother should have done her duty in preparing herself for
motherhood before engaging a voluntary intercourse.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   17 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
9. Justifications
Judging from all the arguments along with its theories, there’re numerous cases we think
it should be applied when necessary.

From science, under Social Morality Theory, we believe that Pro-Life supporters’ reason
on life starts at conception is logical and true, by proving via full unique human DNA
formation in the zygote stage.

We too support the Pro-Choice supporters’ reason on aborting the pregnancy when the
mother’s physical and medical condition is outfitted; saving one life better than saving
none. Based on Egoism Theory, we accepts the argument that the mother may have a
chance to breed in later time; rather than none after risking herself dying.

However, by the Principle of Duty theories, we fully support on Pro-Life side since every
couples should be responsible for what they did and whenever there’s a flexibility, killing
isn’t necessary. We denied the Pro-Choice side due to our reason which is allowing
freedom to abortion may stimulates more unwanted pregnancy especially during teen era
when they have more curiosity about sexual attraction.

Under Utilitarian Theory, it’s vividly proven that Pro-Life side is more beneficial and
effective to more factions than Pro-Choice side via Jeremy Bentham's Hedonic Calculus
by Mitch Meredith.

Under Teleological Ethics Theory, we believe Pro-Life’s statement on abortion will

corrupts the fundamental of human right and leaves chaos to the society since every
mother is given the right to kill her own off spring at her will.

10. Conclusions
From out justifications, we conclude that abortion is not a good act and should not be
carried out except the case of mother’s physical, mental and medical condition that might
kill both the mother and the unborn child simultaneously.

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   18 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
11. Appendix and References

Ministry of Health of Malaysia / Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, © 2005, “Abortion” in, MYHEALTH Editorial Board Members, viewed 21st May 2009,


Federation of Reproductive Health Association Malaysia, © 2009, “Abortion” via, MYHEALTH Editorial Board Members, viewed 21st May 2009, Media
and Publication officer, Jeen Voon Leong, viewed 21st May 2009,


The Spirrey Press, © 2005, “The Abortion Issue”, Ligare Pty. Ltd., Riverwood, Sydney,

Kenny Ken, © 2009, “Abortion, Right or Wrong?” in,

Associated Content Inc., viewed 21st May 2009,


Kenny Ken, © 2009, “Abortion, Right or Wrong?” in,

Associated Content Inc., viewed 21st May 2009,


Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   19 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009
B.A. Robinson, © 1998 to 2008, “Major U.S. laws concerning abortion” in, Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance,


B.A. Robinson, © 1998 to 2008, “Canadian court decisions” in,

Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance,


Pregnant Pause, © 2002 to 2008, “Summary of Abortion Laws Around the World” in, Pregnant Pause,

< >

Pregnant Pause, © 2002 to 2008, “World Abortion Law Map” in,

Pregnant Pause,


Heritage House '76, Inc., © 2006, “I AM Pro-Life and here’s What I Think” in, Heritage House '76, Inc.,


Heritage House '76, Inc., © 2006, “I AM Pro-Choice and here’s What I Think” in, Heritage House '76, Inc.,


Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   20 | P a g e  
Abortion – Moral Approach 2009

Kenny Ken, © 2009, “Abortion, Right or Wrong?” in,

Associated Content Inc., viewed 21st May 2009,


The Spirrey Press, © 1999, “The Abortion Debates”, Ligare Pty. Ltd., Riverwood, Sydney,

Diana Brown, 2008, “Abortion Should Not Be Restricted” in “Should Abortion Rights be
Restricted?”, Thomson Gale - Greenhaven Press, U.S.A

Mitch Meredith, n.d, “Jeremy Bentham's Hedonic Calculus”, in, Hawthorne

Justice International, viewed 25th May 2009,


Cynthia Dailard, 1996-2009, “Abortion in Context: United State and Worldwide”, in, Guttmacher Institute, viewed 25th May 2009,


~~~~~~~Any article(s) attached beyond this page will be the attachment for this report.~~~~~~~

Copyrighted by Mandy Lim Wern Shin (TP016310) and her Team   21 | P a g e  

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