Sei sulla pagina 1di 138

0l Bisl{ lanfl use planning

in Banglafleslr



EamD00li d ni$( Sensiliye Land Use planning

tpazilas and Munidpalities in Banglaflesn

a?- I
: :,ri.nld f trrrk \\nrks (r,loHrr),rn+nsrsnftion\ronitorh!anLl
.: \rrD), Plinnins ConnnissiN,, oi DEanerr].n glndt
i.i. itRnglrLlnli (CSB). H.lrirgrxl tsu,lJinx lte+rrh Lr*nuE
. -i aNrDer.n..iFscD), rtDIL_s sLLrt DDsrl Dlraka Liilesi6 anll
N El. enlrFrirnr.o1PL.nnrcF (Bn,l
Handbook or Risk sedtive Land Ui. uaminrq lor Uparhr an'l Muni.iPalitis in B sldah

F at rubli\h.d' Februa4 2Ol6

Published by th? Urhn Develophont DiFdorare (UDD)

3tr ScBunbagi.ha, Dn.br000

URL: hh/nv .udd.govbd

Copyright O 2016 U6rn D.velopmni DrcdoEtu (LrDD) All righb resencd. oPinioN
exprcsscd in the h.ok arc of thc rcspechve autho6

hsign & Irinr.d ri Geo'Planning Lr Ad\aed Devcl.rnenr (crAD)

cP I: 61, Moha(rali, Gulshan, Dhaka Dr2, Bangladesh
Web: na w padbd ..m, Phone + 38 02 9362743
IrH le.nh p,bL,i.o, ri" frid..) Lrptca.trr.on Prhf-\p,PIn
rd D!*r.r Preparedn*s Cnb (ADPC) and Lrrbn Deeelopn*t Diredorate
d have h€en po$ibr. r,iihour ihe .onrin&$ suppor oI Mr xlondker
-a Bin rand, DirNb], UDD, wno gae pnclous timc rlm his busy *hedule
si- mf. b r\..,8\oL rhP
Fid LDD \oLld lik to erprs its appreoarion ro ADoor lironcial md

brtE S€@tary MhEtry ol Housing and Publi. worrs ovloHrw),

d Bangladesh lor his .ontinm6 inspiratim guidanedd conhnuc b

E€ro.on!$ smleF SBhbde,. rhc T€ worli$ Crcup or\,G) wnose

rint o{ HousinS and l\blic wnks

LEr bfratu.tur Dimsim, Tic Ptmnins commisim
+q6rjon vonjrorins and EvarL,rion Divisio., Minisry .r Pbnnins
rlFbEr of Dissn Manasmmt
c.r.<i:r s!^ ey of Banslldah
EGeh Fire ssvi.e and Civil Defense
lbB ad BuildinS re*e.h rn*Ide
}.!tsu, rnshture oI ?1ame
IErr4\,n lturiht of Dcdrer lrevenrion and LJdan Salen/, Bmslad6h Unir6iiy
aaER'inEdnd l"-lx olog)
EFdat of Di$$er scien e d Mma8tment Dhaka Universiiy

s. bgrFh"rn+ 3,r4d!tuv, t.fq,M,tb,,o' redd.5rq De(roprer

d hp{dentatio4 ADPC, who helped d\e tcah o,rftlly frm ADrc! sidc.
(Iro rcJd rirc . n.y lpp.r hdir. .! .h. prJnning prJ-.iJar. &
'o *hnded n\eir ppot dui$ dre hainins mr*slo} m rc
d B.nghdesh lho
d rtE hindbook ror sh,ins rheir * and su8s$tions which hale bd
D$L6nal rcPo of the handbook.

N r. (hondkor F.\!,r lvlrhmmcd Bin Farid' Dne'tor' UDD

Mr. shah.en Ahtodd, S'nior Plamer (Tdrn Plannins)' UDD

?linnu Cmhr Plamin8' 2' I rDD
vr. U.laf sink r Das, Senior Grrana

Mr . Md. Tanii Hasa. Rezaul, Ilannen UDD

Iv,s IN/ia Shamir Tiuri, Planr'r' UDD

Plolcd Manascr/A'iinB H'ad' ltcsi!+nr

c i6 ana Urban Itrsk
Nir. Annr RihfrN Sloor
rnd Urhan Risk
;",,n"'. sr6!'kl Uiban Plannins orfi'er' Rcsllienr 'nics
". ".
Dr. S$il trishar, Ir.Srar cGndinabr' Safr Ih cloPt'rt rlrmingrdl Pl.fldnrnon,
1\l *nsitivc land usd planning has been pradned jn dirfernt .dnt ies .f ii€ {orl{ dDush
ilht mir of both dev.lop' and risk redrcrio\ in oG{ wordr a...pting some risk ror
aonori.Sain d Yice verua

ari5 handb@kaeaL (itl1rotrr p,rh ) Pan A cenenl inlorn,hm,,i) PdLB nisk s€nsitile
::nd Ua PlaminS, i4 Pdc Diia r.luncnLri fdr Risk Sensirilc L ,d Usc Uamhg h
arngl.rlcslr, xnd iv) Pan-D PotirT Rc.mmcnJrrion! and Pl ring Toois tu nsk sensitire
l:nn Usc Planning Ris* sensi t l d use plrniinB .unot be e6e.ttu if thc risk a$e*nent
and is noL a(untuly well.ollded Thls handbook seks
: 5uild kno$lodg..a uiban tl meE in Lenns ol undc^bndin8 the ki{ tun.+tr and dira
:.]ircment of nsk arsihve land ue plaming, ro know Lhe rerhodolqies ror nsk
:<$mcnt, d io know rhe poli.y options io be onsid$cd dudnS Pl formuhtion ard

l: 1.!L rishr noths b p6duo rhis h.ndhoot rd dre pro..s of dcveloping dre Sudelines
_ 1
o]] ed s-n eril roln d s or nEonns .onsulu tions, reerirl8s, ard {o shoptwhnh bok plae
:.r..n UDD Urbijr Planncs and ADI'C. This handbook will a$ist urban Fla.n.s as well as
:.iuc5 sunimable.nd rusili6t si

sedion 2Natual haards and disaste$ in BanAlad6h


sediu { Ri.k sensitir ldd lse plrnninsi General slidan.e


sdim 5 - Dala r.qniftffii ror .ti]feFnt g?es ol nrlan md land usc


kion 6 Pori.t, r{.mn€ndaiio.s forrand use plan impl.mmtarion

:mer 1 psrtu oI malor .ities in Brgladesh

Disaster risk
:m* 2 Myreroiryh stassi. Devclopmcnt llan (MsDl') Pqmi,
b- r Prep:rition ot Urb and L.nd U* P m Bdi8lrdesh StrP

An.ex- r LnE oI Risk ldeniifi.aiion Methods 1,*
ok6',,r aBJ-. '" raolo6i or . dr'.P' Tr
''1n verho'
'. L.ndL, rasBzr'h

AI e. o n 1flns)Lrddo.
- ; Dir+n I htrF+ dr db
'., :
iffi"'-m ai"tirt-p.t"* r.t,ryr.riiir"g"r"n"" ".a n r"'-t
q" hon b." '3 Jnd D'^s Vi Sdro'
a*.i rr m"r s"*ni* u.t"i r.-a u"" t't,""r''g1e911 l'z1

Fig 2.1 Exposure level of popularion ro frllti ]lzads at UPznh

Fignre 3.1 Addessins isl

FrE4I compomE of rsl
ft g!re a.2 uLEt,hon sno\trB diturent elemenb th$uEh

sme<ofmaplayn5 _
F mhr anrlrsls
ture4 r Rrr
Fisnreaar cjteElE!9lriB
ftluEr r'{J jfPIE-

I S,,"a n- -",1r-" b- r"."mrriry.eni. r?'drFdmdDb'

Erscrc "oh')E iro,mrdF,tJco.'qrutuftp'r
.kn+: r lrp",,i -L- *
-=--. -, - I'brn"?-
plr ru'r rallr-jtllllrrr m dP Plr r Bd

i.;:;,_;dffi1,**,*,,,,. :
Table 25 c6r or rctubittafin md tPl"."mmt"tDr,;l;r\l,h-uppty 19-

!!f"]fl\v:4@!i!gAsjt !qa!!!e!!!!!"
Iable 3.3 Tenporal chederistiG oI h-ad o"*;;
Table 3.4 Hazard
e_ !5:::!!vqgrr!4u!p!l!!!
Tabh a 6 Core nceds,
'rik;"*- - ]-;
poliq, opacitv,
.bh 4rP ameteB of stfta ha,ards
I!!ll 4?Ia!r4rr94!4!9-y*sanj.i
rabre 4 r Lr{dt m tu e o,. hd
-a,d,y; ; t;;;p, ".d

i.rd "
lff , ;: :, ;i::;.T;;l'#l:'-
Table s 6 List or leaturs and inronatj- ,"q"t.@; f., r*,t A-. pl,n
rable 6.1 Are6 and p.ti.y r.oll@nd.d.* f; f-;,I"n
"1 "
Table 6.3 lnd dsfi.atio uses ior new ubm ar;;
!!tr c4r".d d,*ii. d". r. b
Asirn Dhdrd I'rcPdcdns
BaoILrd.41 Bu!5u vt !br\ti6
BmslJdelh l$tituE'rI
BM (ode
;...rid6h Nrhonir Bu'ldins
Bdr8ladAh v! sD*cloP rtBdrd
ComnuniiY Risr< n$essent

ori.h Er.ti. suPPlr

^u'htrLir t**Y
n",-*"* oI t""a o'na' -a
n""*,--,* r*'"_'
O"p-*-,. e'r t u*ltr r'r'**"^
Dca cr Rl.k As*sn'nt
Dhashr Risk Mdgemml

Emers.n.Y M'nagencntAnfi alia

Eneq$cY Ercnts Drhbasc
EMI Ea hquar<es md MeSa'itics
Fed Agn'ultuF orgdiation
F@s GdP DidEsion
Fire S€N.e and Civil Deren"
ceoeGphj. lnromation SY*ef,
.."emment olBansladesh
.*olN.rlsurrcr of Banelsdcsh
H-",;t *d E 'ldi"e?"^h
Hrcs!r mliorl brA'rion
r"r".ourrrl e",b"'
lnrerl]NemsblIJre! cLLm*e Lh gc

r Go@ment Division

r Coremment Ensneering
LddusePlan/Pl ning
Ilrilenniun DeveloPsent
Mini{ry oI D$ancr Managment md nelicf
Ministl oI Housl.g .nd Pubk works

Pioritr lnplenenraiion P heshiP

Pani.ip o,-v Rural ApPraisal

Roads and HiBha ay Deparhcnr

su*ahable Devdlopnui Coal
soil Rcsearh Developfrdnt lnstitu&
stengdrs, wcakne*s, Opportun ics dd Ttueib
Te.hnol%y oI Prrti.iparion

Urban Developnent Counol

U$an Der.lopneft Dne.iorah

unit-"d Naiions Disastcr Rclier or3

Un ed Nati.ns lntcmriional Staiegy for Dca{er redu.ho

A seids disn,ption of dre h,..iioning oI a co]mlnir-v or
sciet-y $ide$Prcad hunan, materltrL, e.onomic or
enfionmenhl 1(rs5 exeeding the ahil y oJ thc atreded
@in, o snoerylo oPe usna!l!!!."9!Ie!]
'nre poEnthl di{dft to$6 in li?s, hcalih sta tus, lilelihoods
(hich .ou1a o.dr io a Paniolar

Ihe sysbmati. prud$ ol nsi.g adninisea[Yc dindivct

orsinizations, in,l op.raiional 6kills and raPacitic io
imrle, stateFcs, poli.i.\ and inproled coPrng .apacities
in .rder to les-n th. adveEc rnpas of hazdd! and thc
pciblliq ol dH6tq:
l'coPlq PrcPd y, s]'srems, or oth.r clel]ms Preenr in ha'zard
u' .rlEr . n'.ot',D '1. lL
c;*p"cr $It"** d.\isned to .iPhtre nanase, an,lvze
S,stens mddisPlry nulLiPl. Ions or SeosraPhnrr\ rrcroed
'rhe {ien.e of surfr.e landfoi:ns and rhrtrinerprcbh rm rhc
bais df seolosy and climaie
Haz.rd map A naP drai hishliShb areas rh.t aie bv or \dmrable
r F!4q]t! dru(iol rdc. 's,A
Lind use plan A doturent o' sei ol dodmenb Providc clear poli'-r
and srrara8ic nrstucrion 60r achi in8 sn{airobl!, etredive
se*ial deYclgPE!4llll1s'l!! lal
Land use plamine Sy$emft and ibrarive Pro.edure .a ed .tr in order io
creah an dabling envnome.t Lr susbinable deleloPment or
land rcsour@s \'hjch nces peoplds neds and demands It
ass$ the,, institutional all(l leeal
porentials :nd onshrint aidr tsPed to an oPhnal md
su$aiable usc oI lmd resoures, and emPoNes P@Ple io

t11e k sflmahon orr s,lrrom: $ tlru.lLludrb'casthe

re lt of incased
Pof PEsi!4]:
smale* iddtiaable ar., in a DruniciPaliq wiih a setllsent oI
a hdoFenous $oup of people. rd oPeraiional conYcnien.q
* Gticaih nahallas are delineatcd wnhin wards.
Mi.ozomrion is a sy{entnc N:} Jor ihe da gem.nt of
ead\qna*e rulnerabilig, intgrating for aPPkaiion the cerL\
d e$in@niF {ienGs

Defnih aa dgmcaka ard idmtilied by thc rcve.u.
deP,rheni uiL\ a jd6didion list nmbe. Irnayhe popdahd

Nafur:xlMrJ A d,rrr F r" J" prenon€mn,siJ5J 1od."bm.,

cJ+qurle, ,n4. rry tuL* 16 or I're .n'Jr u ,t. h rlrl
.mPx6 D,/P!,a drmr8" lo.' of li.t'noodE md ""1....
""q4q49!9!9E&dr!!r!9!.ltl!tl l
!d!i!!!r! m urbm
Rural rcrers ro an aEa whi.h is noi
inclnded within a nui.ipalftr or cmbnsl
Iic ombimhtr ol th€ prcb;bilil ot ralTt d 6negrd\e

A neL\odol%y ro deremine the nahft rd dbt oJ risr by

anaryzhs pohnti3] rr:ads d *aluaiing existing ondidoE
oI rlnerab.l.ry -apaot) -t corld p6e r poFrill rh'", or

rkc do q tr d.)-F- ,()]mui, 0 {oeN b

haard. br.. :b.o'd,anrnoodr.brd rm\erf!- ^ouad fi"
ptb.a ol J hJad n d nmeL) dnd erfahr rmo. idrdmg
tuorEn rte p'se-va m aro ol ir. es+nrJ bJ.i.

U'b'. o hose aF:, wr? h

'deFor h d"d ,
popu rio "aplo)ed r or.nN o.he. t-
,gIturrF rd su
l]lou.r o popu drion iad dn d q"e" rlmba oI people no.le$

: c:,. a L]fr i> 'nllvd d rou" iid vilr{F6. A tn.r

Smallest geqra?hic lnit ol rural area. A

single moz4 or th*e nay be sore lhm
nolza Ir G ahays popdaJqd:
The .haraclsisiiG and cidmsr.nes oI
or a$et ihar makc ii suKptible to the

snanet bGl adn'n'jshative (oel Sovernnent) unit or uiban

amas. ro opaatioml .mluiene, a mmidpalityt ars ir

ha5 D qain p,.had


r, :fi' '
\r ( u()N 1 tNl noDU(TION f() THt- H,\NDR(X)k

i'Dr,Lr,r., ,..r o.ot..t .

,," ht,, I
ilrqlr rh! IroGl r;!r.inDr.r tn3i,reeri,rs ',..- t,?F-sP'adrr t.i.1
-nrLi.n. i nrnEr Di p,iFk praiii.H oibfiier Fb;: in
p,.p.1 |.h;s ii" rh*.8.i".-.1
. i,"tn,,,, , , ,,t..,.
,ii t , i"".1
.tlt . .to ,

:r'Elidenr.rl!l hn beuri l^d bvalL is.noes.ngasiri i,lphn Fiep.xlir

tri i b.ok his h..! prsPitud ,or

. i
. .unn,liini!isnrllisortrern.rt.hotd&suii,edirlanJur.ptinprcpinho.
ool le\pls \Lho s.!( .r berer undd{rrli.s or [E ftFiirs

h.L rhnhmdb.or
h,at ituL n\hnkt; s4iporl dnn n
imp'.vl"g the quili.rolubin ld linll uls ptinr, Id ladl ar! jrnrle;r$ht r or
. r."rp'i,r"-,.,'t,,",d"d",,d Lh",or!oir,izard,ind rrskdn:.nrdnrro .riljndtrr n,

,,,,n, !8,
' |',,,,,, ' 'tr \,,,,. !! Ftimi,rs brL o!*i;d ds',1
l n ',
nr rh! .onre\r or din e
-r 13! mFids hare not bcen rotrrhcd ir drb, bur.s dim . $drgr nN n orc of rhs
:'l '|,"
:i1frtu\rrand u*PL.nnins


2.1 To frrnlrianTr ihc ror'lcr wiih thcnituml hazirds and disa$crs in Bangladcsh Th.
se.non Ervcs bncroreNicw ornatural haz,d nsks in uban arcas and highliBhr!
npads or mijorufti. di,{.F in thd.ountrr AJ
*ampleitdi$Nss [r ]993 n

2.2 To inform the reader about 0E key ladoE ftspoGible tur lDin areal vul.qability b
y .m be redu.ed ihmn8h land us planni.8.

2.r Admg.rousllllmomcnor b*ano,hxm,nadivityor.ondiiioiharna],causeloi.

ol lifc, injury or oiher health impads, properlv damage, lo$ ot helihoods and
P6on, or hvnonhmtil drmiga

2.r Nah,rl prod,5s or phenoneion nray th (aue loss or lifs injury or od\er health
impads, propen_a dirige, o lN
disruPhon, or.nvmnnenhr damase.

\,'{?: ]\r,n,"I ,n:,r dl d. !ll] Yl ,f

" rt tn{ sit to lrt rtns. Nntr)at rmd ns.r"bt
dnnd .d blt tn n!"nntu nttuEi\1,sp.d "4 rl otrt, dtntk, nrt rm afdtnt. b n rryb,
dnhttnk. hrat stlrn drritians ni t\ntt! rJfut r tuhtiatl\ sntt ftsidt, hrpd.l ,sr^ u rd.
bdnttrp tdtti'trM! td nlni,il8l,r,,nr. /,, s ..,* /i,:trdr,n! bt dttrl ,^nttht
J1a.\1otset r hlri.ntrt tlr \ttrtnri thrt is.rtntud bu )enl\mkt

2.5 UIban aea or Bmgradesh is,ulrralLe to smnl nabial hazards as shoM in

Tibk 2.1Urbin I'rzrd3 i', Rrnul.d.5h

un nc r Manrtp.t tulor



*4* Fue'bddig@nBP'eenhqua['dd,

LMr4erd{cd dvdqb33i8
fu& m (xhs)Gsdb'fu wqkhp lhE 9$Pt4 ],
[or deiait infornaiim on aI ]razards rhat lavc affected urbm r€as of Bmgladcsh, please se

Dne(t and rndi.e.t I mp..ts oI DisNteE

2.6 L1 the re@nt ,asi najor dis, (anmi 1) have bmusli s*ral dlrect ,nd ind@.t
lor*s ald damages 1o ihe nrban anas ol Baneladeh. sone ot theh a&:

. darDc. bo water opply *wsase, drainase facilities, ind othei utiliti*

. daaeb oty rods
. daruierodre cEhou*s
. mviomenbl dlsidation
. harhands rh,n pFbleh.
. d'vuprimof hdsinss,lolmeKElacthitie5
. d agr to snall and medim indu*ri6
. disptionof .ofrnuniadon
. outbleir ol watr bome disases
. IosoleMmi.a.rivities

2.7 NatuDl and man-made disashrs lmve caued sisni6.,nt los or

lces globally. The ose of Bangladeh @ntums $e smc c nigNighhd in ihe bble
2.2 t ble 23. Mor€over, the impad is lrigh due b thc fact that a la€e number
'.d h exposed b mnlti-nazards {Iisue 2.1).
:1":.;.:';' ;'',.;:.;..',:. .'li,l''i'.::r'l
,'l:. "''*'",11,':; ; "" ll:.:'.:
"l:'l .:,I1




l,s I I sxp.nrclarelor|ofularion ro rnunr hizrd\ * r.rF,lh.nd nrni ldral

u(s Dep tmenr of Drs&.r \i anag.n.n( md RelEi

1993 Ulb nood in la$hdesh
2s P:rtidbny nr citlcs, e.oromn dAcloPnenred ditisr'rPPPrr'dnes hat
.i6es' {llncEbil irv to disastua

tut rtlnt rlittuth a l ntl|

iLrt, intl! tlis6i.* nt tktlr ni hnr ttur
h.tusi,/EthntJrJhim y n iltktl ta titt!. .tuN HABITAT' taaTr

h 4s " nriJ flou. j 1' :' i id '_

'ble 'lr
,"" h.-tu r Dhr ' , 'a ., ooi i f, D\r ,. a," 'd 30" r rt D" "''.,op|.,F;-,..;0 r '._{-1m!ar'i' r'o)0 'i

Ar{04 dradlaelleeilldiF)
Ric Prddbtr risEjldlli!]lotr)

Eebilueis d444 ibl 1!1!

\''qel db!(qct id al{ 5irblE{

I) !r.lIl{ud rflcdrd ltrplL if

Tahle 2.s Cost 0r nhabilitation and Epl,.er€nt of Dh*, w cr SuPplv svden (DwAsA)
due 6 ree3 urban rlood, Mrrh 1999

r R;eakmddsb*d 0 hh-!E !vag-d1'-!uqq!!4

, R4b6d4!!ee hbe ldk
lc4s!4 {!a! !a:!4js 4erEl!4

2.10 napid 8e$mmb of the a*eddd ,rc:s bv rIE 19$ n&d showed that floodin8
displaed or dislocai€n 9l% ol Ianilies h n.; evsety afte.ied areas, 52% of Imilics
in the *verely sEeed des, and s0% of fanilie in nodeEiey aftthd *s

\a,ErtuDol! r d orcd,.don ve'c aPdl aMd"o dL'inE e% fmd! &'huwr in

hhL4 r;t n5bn@ ntr6br.h".44deetub"nc'iw.F jfe-Edbl loodw.!''
nredl.oonor lrol -he* wa.-u.Fied, ro "shmt<d lo's r ha.a ! du'
.o rhe$.pp D.u xLarT'llion i'EaPc-ds,PLo dad Alam !00ri.

199s flood, nore rlan 262000 sheltcB (or 30%) under Dlaka
Mertubolitm AEas oGed lo* of Tt' 13lr nillion. out of thsc aroud 311p6 wt
J-u.atl huu.Ps b"lu B ro ' ,n rc did'I" la$
..Ii- *\o **" -r'dep."dF,.,d-,'" o, renab.'ar'o, ro lorn HrqMd

2 13 Sinildv i6ne are $voal exmples in Bangladesh wh@ naeal dft'steB caused
extcnsi; los oI liE ,nd creai:d m domous c@ic los in rhe 'itics ror
"wp'e, coltyrlone n BrsLd$1v\ aEe.. d ai Co\ BrTdr 1
- rc I 000 pmp . m thee rirs rd n.r by r'[ds
"tu(h "o
, ! wh Daka a .ito ulnsable b scn disasb6 md how land ue planniry
conrftur. in redu;ng dq/s wlneEbility to sucn dGaste6?'?

cctub 6dy d Eiimrcot uniBdry dr!tuo

aid;6;n; 'tu^du;Pb'lq
tkd*' c"/'
cddlMGab cnY vd-'b nY bN.i;t
(nri{ dGq*r dt€tu ',F"
- h-"( €
ir;i,J p"6;i i"J'q-t Ph""8
iliii,"i'.ili;i'*. "*" *.**'

tu-a"iB da*6P"6tia Lhr d r-d -"


d*nF.Fi ;N'-e&""""M6"
; ii[.:T;;"**"**",".*"'
c-;nhG rid:n' ;"'r 'd dh" ^-*'*
,.P"'^ - i.- _d""

Rtk se iti\tu La|d


;: :. -" "., ,* :: e :T:,- D"':', ir '; ',':c'':-l:i'* :1:
B''Bi h! ' ]n -?''' 'i0-
\DFL '0u ' D'':n:: *l'i:i"';..,'l

;5;,.t:,'*' i't;liil#iiti,P#,
,J".c,.d+, )
.,o,.:''. I']lr:'ea. i":".^. :nrRpLr','o.aL,ad
l :'s#':''"rj-"i a;r' o'*
P:ii,{- ; ?i: I Y:l ir #'"':,'',.; i :i

v,qn,(aetra'nrluJrgraqr .D,.,nonLruo,\rro,i'tun

:'; ?r1..['ile; -r"L,l

"ri[H' l;;];"e;i:'';i ili;L

Hu,l5 mdAla M.(2003)IloodM agencnt and Vnlncnbililli oI Dhak Ciiy.ln . Krcimc'i
\largaret Anold, and A Carlin (Eds), Burding Salcr criiGr Tird Fuhrc of Disincr Risk
Disdel Risk Mragenent s.nes n . 3. (pp. r 2r rt5). Thc wond Bink !!as6i.sro. D c

H'eA. (1999)'Et'fcdm Llv.tihood." In A. Nisrrat rvr. ReaTx,rdrL and oth.B (Eds ), rhe r ees
GryD€pa m€nr oI Enlionncnr i .oniunction wfth

LDD e0r5) Con lration workstrop on ltandbook oI REk sensitivc L.nd use Ph..irs
Uparilas and N{uni.ipaliries of Bngladesh. Wo sho p Organ ized by LrDD and ADPC on

UN HABITAT (2004 Lr$rn SaIcty

S.tlm.nh l,ro8ramme llN HABIIA-I

htpr !(uuni.niolg/sdinr.rr/tlnnlnoloAf
LSAID (200e) B sl,dcsh cydone.Ia.r sheei "r Yar (rY) 201r.


t ,t

1.1 To d.v.lop a bdsi. mdsshding ol ee rcader regar'lina risk knsitit land $e

phnnins 6y din$ins ib deJinftion axl lir*aaes with isk nanaS.m.nt hanesorl
To oncnt thc radc! vnh the prparalim or ubm dl use plan ln BanSladesh
d identify key questions ihd on sulpo Lh€ inorporation'l oJ rtuL nanagcncnt in6o

Risksedtvehnduspl nins GSLLrP)is rhat inbgsia ftdu.tion,

allow omnmities b find tle right mir of blth devclopmmt md rjsk ndudio&

3 .1 ln orher wods, ft ohbln6 rhe rB* mmgdent pro.s$ (i.e. nsk a*$ment, risk
terhmt and olhen) wiL\ the land 6e platri$ lmes*s (ris. 3.1).
It One of the mGt inpotnt pdn iples of RSLUP is b avoid d{ elopnen t in the hazard
"hot sp.b' thai de exp@d ro ihe nsk oI nitural
h:,rds and dimat..hanSe

Pisk p&dion c Disd.r Risk Rcducbm (DRR) deals m€Pt and Ph.ti.e or
Edu.ins dii$d nsks though systmatic ufforrs 60 analyze ed n
age ihe.ausal
including drmqlr rriued .apGnr io hauds, leMed
rclnerabiliy of psple md pnperv wi* nan.smmt or lrnd ,nd the envnot@nt,
rd inprcved preparednBs for adve6e ermb,
: lrr#lEGilE i.


) i., 1

! |

r,l Siep I freFiihon aims b enib|>h fl.Gbtc !.rdirons hr I .r un. pti,xijrg

prorld nnr.llJ,5 ihe n tnfingidifiri.!:

. Lrn!cnake i.lI irl!h eNlrr. rl\.sn

. ser Ptansoars d objc.hles
. riD ize rhcrorkirlsnPrh.;oroar
r Ddffin. rhe ril.tre &a1 budsd

rlr Ke\ DRn CDnid{aiioN h srp r: rruFr i rion

r rhre a*embliq rr ream, cnnft ihar ar! (lerini rllmaip i.!l dL:{.r
ii the LLf Pro.e$ i.d ho\ nrD rh$ be

. Ar. f u r hizanls frqRndy oonri,lt] ii r6e LUt, ei rntl hon. d. dfr ift(r

. st .{t,. ,".ir
t .4 o.rl' .i" , .,o.. t,, ' I
populiuoi, de.ion ftr[{s anLi tr.h.tral s.]h?
. rrrtu( i nesd (rderdrp d..rsterand.lim c rilk rrirene$ fidl
. L ur s.le.rd
'n*hodot.$ ledrni..t ind 6nan.ia[] iLldruse! ihe !liiE(,ann
dieser,,s( isarsl

ol" hnS6'Trv''''ft n in'n
.'.' .-p"'- d'd s*iad l o- r '-dn
^" -,c, "^.n"-
involves ihe rolhwnrg adivnilsi - ",

*heduh and budsd for.{ch team

'. Pr€D.awo
rE'p e a base m,P using GIS
. Coled *condary data
r undenalc a iop%mPhic lrrey
. Unddile iPLd suweys dintedicws
. lnrecraEan dahinroL\eclsnaP
r.15 Ke]' DRR considerahos in stcP ll Dab ad Inr'marlon GathcrhS SbEe

. Is risk a$e*ienr lor LUI ar€a .learlv and.rsbod d bighlighred in the wort

. what $ .uisi level of kEwled8e in r*ard. ro risk- risl< matu$emeni' hauard

r*sfrent, nlnarabitry amlysis,;sk id;tiri.ahm, risk arulvst risk evaluah@
whar l*cl or loowledge and laniop:tion k needed ror a sPrate dsk maPpin8 md

wLa't G cunmt le"el oI dab oi inlomation availabLe Ior rUP area in Jesards Io
i,..,-L *r - *r,^,-* ^,.di c'i r,.e d.f
a o,i, \e.ha',"a.F "3.' LruE
-,r,r,. -t^r-.i,*, L*,i"q ".er mdnJsemmr
i . o \aPrc tu .t*. .F' oL" r'oF' r d 'd'qLr"
'r.. ".o ".p". ''ird
Resardins se.ndary dara .oll{rion, ,r. lron
the hazaras and nsk naPs
ielevant eurcs Ior rne analysis?
ls hMdd dah .olected dunnA the toPqEPhic suNey and lield srfl,eys ,nd

Ae tutne nsks i.fluncsd by mpid ubaniation, .limaie chmsq me afll ei.

srcprrr: Dri.,nd lnfonn nnr

3 16 sEb nI: Data and lnJomation Amlvsjs,ins ar of oll{ted d a 6 gct ihe
-.-rra","--*.' "1 .d r"; r.'s"(.ft.'' 'nalvsis
a ';.p. *r | - - --,. '""' "-.-
hdudes tre folowing adimhes:

. Aniv,e soci, e.onomr dab and inlormation

. Analize sedorat dab and inro ,rion
. AnalyakrsP. nrondahrndinlormJ6on
. Anr y.een!mmeoL drJrnd infom,non
undeftke swoT a.alysis
'. a
Draft and slrarc *donl and anrlyti.:l iePorb

r.17 Ket' Dnn Msidehrionsin shp :DaraadInrornarimAnarysn
. the ri5k analysis considering hrArd. and vulnembilities be*be integrated in
the gmeial ba*line alalysh?
. Wlat level oI *nffle4e d pa i.ipatio n€ded jor utilinn8 G$graphical
lnlormation Systeh, Participabry Rapid Appnisl, ftsr Mairn Analysis Ior risk
.1srherisk alysis uscd lor awapne$ iBing or the popularion atris*?

r.r3 siep rvr Plm FomLnatiDn deals mainry frth rh. pr.pra66 of dDrr L.nd u.c Pran,
whidl is aevelopea ttuoq! coNurtition w h Flevanr srakehorders. Trie p mary
outPur of ihis siage m.inly i.cluds dn@ rypes ol plans: shere pla urb ea
plan, nd ddaired ,r.: pr,n. rt incrudes rh€ folowiry activiiies: -

. Dei.miningplannincshnd ds
. F@ulrtu dcv.lopnmt wmios
. Diaft plamiru propnsalB

. Drali ihe {rudure, ubm afas and derailed ard plan

. Idenriiv pdonly Ploi{b

r19 Key DRR.onsidaaiions in Srep Iv: Data md lnlomation Analysis

. t6th.dnasuriskrelev tmoughbbe mentiored r rhe laid s. yGid and poli.iet

and is n adequaEly included (eg human sonry or eonomi./e.oLgi..l

n i\e lomulatioe papared to idediry the mGt

adequat isk rdu.inE measurs or
esures Gtudral md nmjhudrd
heanre, idmdfied in rhe tuP ro Plermt disa eE d/or pEpar
. Hrve ris( seroitire land w planrn8
. Haveisk crii ia lorlmdE (e.E zming) bcen idcniilicd?
ins of dna6Er nsk tch idcnrified?

r.20 sep v: Adoprion md cazetu Pubriorim or Phn deab wnn .oNerins rne phn mb
legal dmumeni for implcmcnbhor! in oL\d words, ro.onwr rand 6e plan inro
sazetu pl.n. It jncludcs following adivnies: -

. subnn dan ror apprcvar

(cy DIIR.onsidcrarids nr siep v AdoPitun and Cazctu l'uhln ionoIIlan
. tl[
adoDtins cnriiies amra of tolevane rnd oi*quen'es th sPe'nr
^e .rira,: r i sP{Er PnFds ...,
i.:,;'l,::;;,::... .'."r. '
. r. 'r" " ts\rnr u's lFoptrlr I
.tr(ot rh! rootoi'h (""ne6h+')'
.'i.'",i,,,, .",;-,-',,
Xf,lL:llil;::riJI"::.:; ,,,. ,,,,,', ,

1'r " Br"n dgnn 'rqr d
'- ,J,..;-'', r.
l,'"..:. .;':':..,. "r "-'"r
. :,.,;.1. .",,," in ort\or'Lemens
. ,ituirorv n;nb
. i 5Pe.iried iutureti'rc Pciiod
Equltion Of RNK =

rnnorrn.!u,dmoln.And vD ortrJoF"honio:orllLndlrrdtrS {'\'
nahred nL hi-ard ,. -i..,ore" "_ rAd s.snor'r " oD tuts i

. There is r ned ro balme 4.rous *is1i6. or Dtiotrl analysG agaiBt othei

''bcliel Iacros" oI e.ial or pc$onal inPota.e

PNoh,e.nrdb'-s s',,1 he. 'qcw "F,', _ ) b.'Jff.( d

e p"-- i,. - n''de qLro.-s r"to o.'rdrrr'
drerd or inrCtur un

v iiti.n of voruntar1gliNJ@tr84!,E)q and Presrmed atili, oI eftedive

osls md bsafis Nciaietl x ith sPe.iri. oPiions of risk ndu'tion
AltualibleirLt literal .ods vs beru6r
A(6bbrpntl.. p€r!hok*
Deorol! hF" reliriv€ Probabilityot sL

oPlion for Rnk R.dndioni

Dedsim nul,ng - Esmhal ro hrvc Foliii$l ommihent

. IriortyneudsoIafrc.don
. Tinc:nd ie$ure allo.atiotr
. D{ide relatir ertudr ot inteddtim

126 Inpdhc.rinlomation
. for poli.Y deierm'nid.n

. Mm-tod€ tr.z ds ofi.i mudr Pohrial for Prevmtion

' NaiuDI hzar,ls ofiei le$ Potrnti:l ror F.venti.n

r.5 Vulnerabilityedudion

. Stutual measuH ol nitisatim

. Non{tu.bral reasuts oI mitigarion

rfrll' t.rx. rbnpr'o p{il] r5e'1d7rd o'o1"r''

p'ibrb'r'ry" o, r -e, o q.",-.-i-<.,arr'.P am.e1\'i$r
iJteil rlm! pe,iod ttr pe/mrs!tybP:(/rime)
il,,r, r,r!,,,rr! r,. r.r 1l!;
i qolelo''ddidsr ?m. qns f" r'!F Pn;' !
. I1" r'+."i:":'.":.i":;i

.:; :: t1;i: I T'l,';J; :i Ldsmrrn

;"d'':J,'::iii;i"',*,r'; r.,:-
ii'-..iu a ,.i.",r u.. ar' t *air'bP
:.j:i;;ii':,;, ;"; ", ''.'"d "mp', {L'( ^"Lab:

6;t.isi d]l;,d ,qi!ep.4irld F!ri''L

,!r"!1,.!..n!!11ql!:lE, lql"--,
ciP&i! or PlEitriL d oatujr' 1'f '_=
L;,;h d iN' "j ?1E .l!,Fr
a@'^;q " ii. or -'r1 1.# Eli r.l'e'L
rlgpr i;..]!ria',plr..r.aPg'lPre!..r

rnrld r.{ HiTrd rse*'ncir d$idd ions

' 1. r
:*,1:' :,.:";,,"1 :: .:;"'h;e_B;'""'
r ;;;; "'
):.i :1.: I ;4".":'.'': I.'

ro ths Efieds r Hr'ds
(dned .on*
or envir.nNent, Proc$e' or
hr *dn Thosr €lrmcnE PelPLe Pr'Per)
atreted br th!fur'ls!rJhE'
drrt trd6:


,,r, !,"dco--nl .\-.u jn"nfdF' d sor1 rr!ellnda4'icounreol

p'rr. p'oP€'ty rl" "F'! o"Lfhn"d \'i d' " "

Dhv!'6, or dde(d m u 'r" o ' '' :eP'ibla ro 'F'

.h"., "rr,"-.ids or..;.!n 'rl.eFp.'ortur ov\.'rlnn.
e\oord D.r? "r ra1.\ 1l,si.,r",tv.'.,'^' "t"3"'
d :apdol d o' rlne,'bilir) a ud, ;,' - r "1,' o' r\"' r'd

lr5 Types of Vulnehbiliry

. vulnerabili& p€naiirins to mat€6 or lo.arion Pmxim , *ructural and

iniashtr.tural .ondiii;, IEquit\ indudins asricultoil a$eb rs EPtoFdnrs



L,6!'@qu.nii Nldeoeqa(i $

R-"..;,. ,-.. nEi.

rdo, B!q1r !qc!re!r!l 5P!t4( ry!o!!!uri!r

rn capabilities: wnen condnctins a Nln.rrbililv ana\sit note snouu be bk n or
ponh€ atribuks able b dentified ihat may ..ntnbrk b an enne.ed abilit-v to
prevenr or m,tisate the etre.E ol a disaster, or Nhi.n mar, {rmEihen a omuiry!
abilii_abFspondefiedn€lybtheh, d

lidenna EbaicparaneeBIorn agi$ riskmd sers thc sope and oifi, rdrhc
p6.e*. tnablishing ihe .onhxt includes onsidetug inernal and erbmal
ren of the
p.iandfrs i.lev,nt io ihe o€intrhon r : wh.le a well as the b..rgbud to dre

; -bbrishins the .me{, the nsk **$mqr objdi*t isk 6ihn

-:!afr(e de detemined and asreed,

ar r +e.ilicdsk asesneni, esbbrhhhB rhe mkxi shoula indude the delinihon oI rhe
5=na1, intcmal and risk nanigem.nt .micxr and .lasiti.ation oI tu* cdieria.

:rr It is a pm.e$ ol lhdiry, r{%nizi$ md descibiry sks. ftis sirge aims to ,nswcr

. what ae the elnmh (people livel$ood, emsyftms and physical asl, d nsk?
r whar n rh. citenr or l.$.s, d:mas! and injuries is4 Jron drenzrd?
. lstheFsysbmati.amlysis.f impa.tsandeonomklosanalysnafierea.hdha$er?
Hol are resuLts ol inpacr asesenrs u*d in ds* idhh6shdz
t, . Io what exrent is sk.han tedzaiion d onmuni.ation ,. int Ei:l
is*.aent pr@ses?
prt or nsk

delelop€d as a risk reduchon mcchanisn?

3.39 Xev.msideri$ns'
. u;hould based as mu.h ar Po$ible on qlinhbtiv€ (hisro (aL sraiGti.aD dara
ou,lna$vc iniornEtion . aho be usetul
. a",rr*i""*a;u" -. U..ollcrbd through various neihods sx.h astr
.pi.i a.m'..llgpn, rt*Ur_..\n{r,..JmapP".F ad
PJsun'ns te(hn\uPs or urher 'on
. od.oDe or iisk aF m th. 6m .r lni dr id.ntiii€d isLs d
ods aie en.lo*d in the Ama 4

Ri:k ntlsis shothl h! bn* an qnttnoiu ddnj rhe a*$n{t of the Probabilry oI
{q rt .7..dJoLoo"br-d $\..p!,,ioh on'n x.'o - ,.o'q } (e
o, inl ..d1" md "!d'l,o.e r . i " or 'qFdnr foi dn d :ly' orrhe E
ddve6, {hi.h.m r. pi.k up on r.clectin8 tendt e g drc ro dim e.ha$s
A$esme.r ol ihe l6el inPacb snould be in quanhrative erns:n1e ase$
nP + po-'on :'o ' 'old " otr. he r.cq ,rh '
und€rlyins e!id;.e. Iie n;e.I un.etainty {ill be tuthcr sddP$ed hdo{ \i
reIer;e io +Nfiiviiv amlvsh and ihe pre.aDrionary PinciPle. x is i. mv c
led, Fn" 's .rr"L. r'
"i -r*" ;*do*h,-' t" !'o.. ',".. ". o'arlhpr.t"7rd'
niskAtriysnshdldal$onsidshazard alysnandvulnerabilitvanalvsis

r12 ri G a proNs oI companng the re lh ot rkk analvsis with risk.riteia io detemine
-rchq he'ul d o. r 5-dsr ud,bs ."pubt, o.@.e.abte
. sirr 0 r " or , J r "q ur..i ba*d ; n.t n Frid ., ,!J k o- r J, +,r or

. Risk diieriam @sE and bheib, regal ft+nemcntt

socio{onoBic a envirmmenhl fado6, conerm of shkehotdeE ek.
. Inriskevaluation,sigificaneolechsp!ci6.riskshouldbta(epiedorh ed

r $ It involves el.ding md aareine ro one or more ElevMi option6 lor .hmsinp ihe
olG. .'n-e rt,ec f4, o,
ooLi, biti. .1. v b.+ r d irp "r{bnb her:pr or,.
. L.,rolb",,lD) d.)d,.- p.oF ' d'. w,d;..*
b deemining iis iolerabilfty agnin* the cnErta previousty sr, in order io de.ide
wherher fuither reahmt is iequncd.
r Land nse plming is a signili.anr iGt keahrmt neasure

1! It n $e omponent oI dsk managehenr rt ise$miiar rhar risk and.onhls shodd be

H nonibred and Fviewed 6 a resutar bastu r! yedly ihat


b. 6{!dqpei6o 63 PrcPMy aPPtr

t 3.1s Ii .an suppod rjsk a$e$nmt ihrouSh mps rhar can be inporbnr iook to show
inlro hJZ".o.
ta .
.uppo. 'on.bour
p'ne..d d o!1... r- ld8fed6bj"3) "rd

r rraPs.m *t proriiiB for nsk i

i Disseninahon oI risk inlofration ro key srateholdm i3 cniiol io esrr. L\rt all
ados have thc sue infomation
. Risk naplinE cm also b€ usetut in the broader on&xi of tand $e plming

. Ma?s showing the expeded sprilal disribution or frajor hazards. Tlp ditblenr
l-d7dl,rd rre f.o^. d.o'e-nrd mypd-J?r:p.
all Elevmi .l3mmh $ar need b be psbed such as poputarion, intasrldlr;
naturary proret.d ea&.
S"pimte maps lor diheenr $Lbiecb or P' bc P(P.tud $ina
C€osrrFhiol hnrmrion sysem su.h i omiiion .in be brought tqdthci
AihndseriesorhrysshouldshoN thesp Jdnbiburionorvulnerabililvin terms
or su{eptibiliq i. darnagc for i rcle\ ani subjecb or Pnte.tion (in sepan tc n:Ps
rd difgrPnt subj{b oI pro'..6on)
In i s(od iep, dt* fraps on tltn provide rhe 6ais ror the Preparation of ri5l
nrps in hhs ol showing ue.omblniiion of l*elihood ind imPad oJ a .ctiin
event as *cll as lor a!s,€s edn,uidirrs.

3.47 To iinilianz. ths reader Nith thc .ccd ror dsk *ns ivc land $e plming by
disn$ing k$,fador ihai po* majf.hall.nB.s b.onv€ntion,ll du*Pl ringin

It' DPn Li.ocn .f'..1.en.. 'r. $olJung

3 49 To dNcnrp iMrenes oI the Hder :b.rt the likrahrc o. thc
sensib( l,nd usa Fl,min8, Ioi erample, poll.y, capa.irv rnd invshdnt lor

350 Urb iziio4 risr ind LrnNhi.ty

t {'J..hocdrod.:'or o aai o'dlo'. .. '

. rhiee naior fa.toE th contribnte to urban srorth arei

a.c of u$aniz nm

io{ Jo,{lr populd.d.ounLLics rnd hrsilsoli(d Ep,d
i ld .eihll]r althonsh the noB,laiion B@\rh ok hi5
:trlaiion groNdr droughoul rhe
s tD N n.s a
r m. 0!.rtd Dank &
:.r{lideshCentc io.AJr,i.!d Strrlis, 1993)

.niliLlsh! trlLr popultriion lls h(n $oLlns r r$rlr r\Pnge rile oI6 P.rQntslrt.
li!.nden.. ita hme vhen dr n nmlpoFulir i Boil \*sl2 perenl As a res'tr, ihc
:rrnFoFulih.n rsE \n!rfold, p.pulation

1 25 po.!nt rn hnghdpslr'r turtenr popuhrir,, o rdil\

i Ln nrban e Oatlrl5urb F.Fuliiid! ,notu thar hirl ln?s r Ih
- rh. chidaso ir, (]rul'riand Raj\hihi

ti ifopulihon ot alm.{ 12 million, Dhak. r rlr -plbl,nd

l.ygat liry nr Banilla.lesh lt
-rl$ihrrrthl,,gstdil,.dle,ro u) nnk!{i asone.lihe
.Jl.15lean ln?blt .irr. ALthough, i..onie gro,rth is lighei a.d drc lovdr in.r!n.e n
\*tlranrherunolE gladc\hTho\hiri.llrnmi.popularionlrom.uDltoLrban.isis

rinh.llad derelopment oftsi rires pla.d i'r highii\k trs, nKh rs hillside noFc.,
j!lp.i,$, oro. subsidnril land, non onen putins t1r F.ol

\ r rulnecbI poPulrt]o.i h ing in d!m Qft lererG, tmd io tideorr thr v;lu!
'lnvnonmenbl arddisi(d irc!_ Ihr) Liv. lr .lose l,ro\inirl tor.onomnoPF. unitiar

':,e iihrcont,buiiig r: or ro ulba] ri5k r.e.oiomi.liberaliz.iion, urba. e\pdrslo., r.d

a,k Fublic polnias (sudmeie.Rieux d trl, r0t3l. rh.s. ,idois m inteilined d .E or
rp.!ur, tui.* re ..onom i. liberliza hon, (hrh Froided Pd ate inRnos b inbsil
: In ed.,eloPn!.ri..\F.+J:nd nst Frodp r.a!; uibal.xt)ansion, \'hi.h onhrbubd
r!.r d erclopnL! i, .n *..npnr degrada tio4 and rirkl deldopneni i
r.Jli! polides, \'hi.h havc l.d to so.irl nrequalinl l..k oi ffk,niomdioD $*k Plami.S
.!andR .n\nonnsiiL,!s!ldd.n.(sudfraerriPuretal,20lr).
*,;rii'' =t
1i!NabiaLhrz ds rd dimate in BinBbdah
erPosure oI BanBlidGh to mruiil hazrrds ai:
GurgraPh'ca] +tin8 inoea€s

vorld &nds L\'

to ocdtr beeeen
nr thc
G roin.idenhllv urd ei $nat Poot'
':t:i;:j []li; il]l'l':il:ii;i":lltTl Jlll;"

rfin$ffi :.*ffi [tl$xi*,ilgst;*ft,.1:f

Onsoins dP\dloPrent i'r th' 'ount!-
hd otaled vulner'ulitils ro
nihmlhrz c

fr Hislliiltir*+#,lini'#,ir+Ilif,;rii*$xi,+il"*'-*

iir+i:"ft l:#r

'"'r'':''-1r:, i
f" iH*l'[i i,!*j,l
people bv dE mid 20th centur!

Pu 'n . +'rrJ

,,li " '"' 3i r'r"'!"

I i.,"JL,,"r'.., *".."-,,h. Apmsion oI.rii$ rool PLa'e rr hri.'l Pionr
-. .. ,"i i'.., ir"."r .*i"* r,.a dA ei,pntdr is u'3br' t enstr !Ie or thc u,t,an
,,',- r',",,d'
, . , ;.,," ,,
r lt n r nd nunorP..t ."nd Pl.{$
ii +rNngthcvul,re[b]lr$inde\P.nft hnn{rrLhizilns 1dnrtuateihcRSLL]|
. -,6, dr'i,ibu ksirieN!.rih! p('prs d Pric5
rr,.,,, tL* oteit oI Psponsc ti and tuot llonr dlsrnec' R'sLUr ls v{}

_f l 1
""o"' ''i_

rtbv imtl'neflnrE "b rd Lr'k behe/ Pnf iple

jr onboll.d urbin grr*h

a.nmmiir- proredi.n or rPll Lre'ns n trdrpled oN o' th mioi ur'mes oI

ed iir the ldld use PlanninS

lrnnpoEtins ilk miniE.msnr obF lYs and aPlirca'hes il tlrc + t'gL'Flanrin8

l'jl.nming.ontolt and design ire 5ile rcsPof\ive'nd 'ommNiq


ashiirnadaFted llon thelmPad\ oi d!:{'i ro m:nasrSihc rd(

,. .a P'c e _ 'i-
hde.-- publi. Ptr tilDtion in ihc
,,,,,rq ",
.r prfr. aiF r hehd u{ pir1n.Fr.'.!.f.

b kL! lhk tudtrction elcnents as I Fer rLe it is inFdhnt tltr
r 64 ln order bnnE
dpd'h !r\' ' rlnr '\\ord
: ;,; i": ,.,.i.' c 're, 'n iF 'ra o " ' a 'no
n,r &FMI 20X I s Nshl'AnEd 'r ihe hble ''r
r.r b]! ]'6 (in nluli, PoLi.r ' pi.nii.d

J,6.i".,,P-* -d-.^i-


I F:d r is ex.erpred, with adiprrtion ftum:

rDfc oq9l) appendix 7
, Ii sha6a (ed). Disasrr

\e\ Derhi h
c d.rires for I hzird

u,N Oeelal cr1ape! 2 Disi

',Ln,ser!Itmdbook AsiuD.vdlopfrentB k.pp.9.3
As*$meni and \hlnenbilir_a Amtysis. rn

-$cr t{N G99tL,) Appendir Ai Vxlndabiliq Analtrrs. ln ADB Disaier M.n:gemtne

r:n$er Managert Handbook. Asi
nisrarion. Nen unii€d

uas!fr.nri A Disa$rer

:..bun AW
-ibun Rls Pomffi
sspenre RJs, l,omnis oeer) vulnerable and Rirk
canbridEpArdr €.trtralRese .hLimited, UNDP
r: s l rnd cn ph sP {r eel ) "re.hni!-:r Br.k8ioud pipcr, DEaser Mitisa
' Asnn DcvNroPnenL Banl: Ma.ita.
:: gsnd! ivlr:E n.!r Aunraria (1.d.) Aunrat;n EmeEenry \'I ual Conrmunlty
::q3ens rrlinninB cuide. N*ional Disascr om..
::{sor.r Mdagsnenr Au{Dria (2002) Plinning situr coNnun i.s Lad u+ pl3trhg for
t ',:ruEr Ilazards.Manuil 7Au{raria rme+h.y Marual smcs. I]me

a:arpcin commission (2010) Rn* AsessDeni and Mapping cuidel]nes lor Dnaner

t: .:n!8lneni.commissro. sbff vvorkins Paper Enropcan commlssi.n, Bru$els

connission (2009) Ri't Mini-g.rncnt
t :hiquesFinalDn(lnrcnationarsrandard rEc/rDrs310r0:200e(E)
I :!i11 rrin'&Pbierh.iassdn.EppenEim

: - rs.n.y rvlatursement shar ia (2002) flannfs saldr cnfrnun,ticsr L d Use llamirs Jor
'.::rr.n r rJzds trbrual^u7 Aushalia EneryenN Mrurl scncs. trmetsmo Mmqement

t r..6, r.i!r. G004 rusk sensidv! Land use Planii$r Iniegftting Lrisasrcr Risk Redncrion
1 PEdi.e md oI Lan.r u* Prannin8
-,j,!is Rieu K Ira Prleq u. carJdr:aen, M. E*Fll4 M Ra.iud, Fa:t.bolcdo4 M.
: r) opl[nrnities, in.mhvc$nd .hallarga 1o rlsk sensitila land usc pl.nnins Lcsns
- - \cpal, spanr md viehrn. Backsrcund faper pr+aL.d fn thc
...1 Bank in d Erur (20r.1)
Ris*,sensiri \'. Land use plannlng: ct ideboo k B. nsh d csh ur b
i:-iqoil.R.silic.& rioled, r_eb I

To devenrF unde6lan'liigorthc turderibour rhc di$uq nsk *esnent Ptu.s

dnrashg hazird, erp6u r r an.l vn lnek bi Liir, isses! hdn t.

hdnr\ues and undcrrtud h.( sulh re$ni

.an b! trscd to.o1ht risk asessncnr inrormrtion r.r l d nst Plannlng PreP a6
usutr (is nrudural
non itucftil) nf dirlereni land u

r.l Risk {nsltivr land ur planninE G.SLUP) i'&rp,,i $ .sd \! nri
as{snrcni,si}rr.tih! l:ndlsePlamin8
{1 Derclopmefl shoul.l br.vo in high{is* ''hor 5Ff' rhit atu.\posad to na

(no\rle dge o r th e tuli ti.nships of !l elelopment, rrod ur rnlr isrs P

plameB i dep.r undcd"n,lns oi wh* driles peot,! i,l ! ! ih! ns.l,es Ln

n'l in pl,nnirg:nd shernrg Iutuie dereloPntnt

ui et ai6.:l Pubh fa!,llnies md servns

i'npo .nt piram.tssthatdeiine tlrevul.eEbihy or.onnmitiasbhaTards
1.9 throush land uv, plinni,rs, y! Lncn'bilih paran€ bd ndJlndd tD iedre d

J.10 W i6 anay oI ps! la rorr rn d non{*! lato4 tedrniq

h u.r d land
pLunnrg .d b(onre ao chcdn! b 'n..hanismt

Thu,Eh tlr u* of dhaser risk nnornJtionin lrnd us.plannin& Phnning unic {ould

r.,.JI L!o,"GFoih,,
r\hcrc n n e$ary to enrure eff{rntn.s ol rsPonf rdn [es su.h is

l lrt=s=r@
rll IhE i.l.n6ficaiion woLld hetp in reshi.tins t!.arion ot hL,ran *frl..menk a.d
l-o",kd.u ao.e.^,,,n tr {.Drlo\do, tr,?.rts.,.cUorJ
Er ",tor
bhum srrru;L!
. und-,.r.,d [." J ' of .(
"rt o'o;. ,-,., ar- .r.rh*nro,p.i.,..;
.Ned.n ,.
ine rd i<trdtngly sei dcveloFnhr $its md
r13 Provldcgnfi .e jn fornnLlatin8 suirabte rnk rududi.n policies and zonjnq
.hh . o,,tdmA<ho,..
l.r.r Psridc suiddre in id opiing .ui iable risk redu.dln measuE in rhe dertlopmcnr

rra Hazard A*snhr r sonetinc! crtted Hrz.rd

\ .1.
" o..t-,.. n 10to3.

1- , , ,. e of, r1, dlu .irr. {, f.Tr {. rcn r Ei,r . "Fituo. s ,td

sPe.rfird period or 6ne.
r17 colle.rion of infornadm.bour
t. . L.!irhazirds LMrion&Pmbabitik
. 1tu.\hrrovhi.hrlreyrtued(!})oPlLirions serrity
. Eissvirh $hi.h thri elle.h on be avertud . t\,,anigeab,lrtr,

I 1 13 llesernry

. 4.1'rru'
ndi.hG c\€nrp incre.It
ana6Er hrzaL.Lrisquanrihed iniermsDf rhemJSn,r.
can .lso be done in (rnE oJ rh. c#i.r oi
1FF' r..
dre ocoiien.e
p inP,'. mr i

Th. pr(e$ oI oll*ting dris infoim

,1.19 Ariilible scimufic inlormatioa induding gdologiq Econordn. md soil nafr

rrimab a.d hydrcbsnal daia) aerial phoioEhpht aN

{20 Hidorcl nrloxnalion, bodl (itr n rdplns ind oral a<ounts fronr lons,rE
Ejidenrs.-lhe6e hal, in lude m)iths ind lcg.Tds.

.1.21 Eor ase$ment oI no+ .auhl plldofrend, one .annd erped compleie d.b
rerNned to c
ry out i on,prehensh asesrent. A mrd.ipal Llpaib
engheei lin e,sirv Frcpirc rfu hazard profle oI saer mui.ipat l/ulrzil. ba
usinrg simph bok lik! .onductins PRA or FCD5 ind fereni ry dtunio'sind thisi:
the iarhns point orplan.eG i,r bu

litil!r,r H'L'' PdilcofN iy ]g i

ic- !i.%i

to .on$ine iheE w,rh

s.bronomlc dah tacilitaies anaLysn. rt impnms .omnuni..tions .hoig
prti.ipanb rr [re hazaid n:n:8ttuei p{.css rnd bsrrcer pllmeE ad

rrrr'.'"1 ",::o. ritr.. .t..i
p nrudfc or iF{rrl rrkd raro, iid si,.rnt oclion
1*(1 iddf$. ii e
lrr Lxposur klysnlsi'nend.d ro.onncdtdeniiiirll hizldsnrh rheelerur5,rcL
,Lrri.h rn uhi i.rsrtrdure frej.d 8en&an! nru Lo h(fd, por! lons ard

+rr np+ Gnh.mbinld $nh ihesF..ifnrrlnlribiti{r oi 01.c\Fosed ctrmcic rD inr

F' i.darh.,a.d io enlrn.reth. qu itrir i5k5 asmnrd n, h d* h, diIrh!
ira oI ini.r!{ tL\rsDR, 2009)

.{otrily of thc c\pontrc d i h

i -..n.i,it r,i
', e,,1 ,, d,
r27 utulciihndin! th. .1pdic6on rDr rtre rur is\rsmenr,! mrcnanr h, e\}1xur!
dekfupnpnr rd c!Nft., dE Ennne! aii] ri \ rcqftrl r, sssd!c;p $irr
, .,." bra. 1 l

rs rlrose !.ndu.rd ar natninit I

i,r.r!de a$r.!aGd plponrc d a derrnrijrcd br rDF{nrrr e*inrron ot.ounr or'rerFoNlalrn drd asignDranr or rr, dradersris. Ttre+ ,8sr.sare
,d.,1..,t..,,.,. ..," irl!, n F.drmn,d
drhlbutionofpoFulaliordamise, o!! Ellsis
+r3 Hnturnil d i y al nr uid.tsij.d hon.$!
impadpDporifi ons ard infrain,.tui..

r.3.1 li manr.ascs, nc.esrr daLi riy nore*r horrerer aLr. iLp sngi.c.rinE bas.d
rDr!lnrl hodds th* .siim e imfidr .r dr${rE

r3r QMnri6. ion.risk ll e h. quNifi' nrd
riskiht. dntifi.ationoalo.ilh.7 ds '
Hizad odrref.o PnbiL.lll (P) ilrd Probilrilitv or.(rreno ii a

r r +re.i,id nhrc time Perod

rop!! or, (hi.h xre PxNsld to tlr.

(L) tlr dlgreP or o$ 1o

iii. Expdcd loss
ea.h rhment, sh. d i hiz d ori gn€n
*!eilt\ o@i lrs i..ura.l and
a(epbhilnv ,!ill deP.nd on tha
methdol%r usql to de rit Fig4.l componenc olrnk

,',, ,,, - 7 ,o. 'l' 'I o

rd iheihiti' nrrhe.umi, rh rulippsnlr I n..'5
' '1,

lnlonnid.n sv(n* 1Cl5) ;odslins nies manl drtireni kinds irionar(''

.$e$ rnk Honavr t Nfds soPhntnntd f dtlc sofirsru 'iand crPc*ia

06' i, ,j ni|, I

\rDrds, ir i m,ppi.E sofi,' e llr Pmvides +rtrlnLinrorm ion hl

(itl ntuturn n .5our rta lLr. ion! rnd th. outriur Jatelmin! Prfl'ns
spiinl phenorenon :s drnr iniis!re l2(lc$iDn.til 200R)


thoush a *ri6 ol nap lJv's

unrdnnr showing ditrttnt scograPhic'] clenen6

!{r GIS hs f.r naior ke} €cssion et al'' 2003):

' iqFmFdPn' i'rnui

h . ^ i"**"-*i:*'"'i.".".'*t', as,.r
toer'{sl q!e1 ro -n'<
: .'";i.-;,i ;.: 'p' )ru 'an 'r'[r
!' prrrrurPrEnbion -'..

,-"-,,,".," ; i;;;".s ,o a", . ,rd8"aq, ,m".F.\"

t " ;,"p:, ,,'.-1.;";..*. i' ", . p€,'d""-'' p''e' x d''o"'


r:r-i ii)r* *;,iif ,jlsiix.ti:;:;"i :ir#:i:

l.ra B] d(plN,ng Llrr porcnriaLdaDrigcs that haz ds 'm 'tuse GIS hPlPs
ttrkt P(Yen emcJsur.s

,t.1/ 1r€ dort\ on the hkglihood d o.(trtunla G.iLe) arc mrltiplfud riih se\anr
.onsqLrcn€s ( a' srroLln

kprt.rn d'ftttrtlLre d.i\r \nhtrrqueNlih 'sh r

r sr I }l+ \rih AnJr \ s

. crlre5drJ rrmer lo$ r5k

Lrel,^r).h Al ir,l (/\mh" I "ri,a,Lr,,.r,F"d -'-"^




Fis I1 ,urC esoies.friJk
r! The r.drodo.!y.r RLk as.!\D..r nrclres r.\!n n.p5 as tollo$
Deii'r! thr BNFFTh( ca (,rie {trdtrd
Idenril\|e:nd.,hdr.rotdaranlcd (,.omfler.drrntes.lenenr\ r torerriil hizird(st I,iihin th! ilskirua
fr.B, e iirennr of rteDren6 n ri5r
haz d sP!.i6. dam,ise h
rasequaniirrtircrror nkFdlnh,rd n.13eltQlitunc!
A|Prf ro$ h,nr6!ns rr d.lnmrj. rc to srirri. t.vd oi drnorl, .r

rr Risri npliDE, rhis is N prlsorblon oi ih. ,suttr di isr .s+

lhoNinS rhr roer5 oi e\p!.rrd tdses, rhrr cf bt anri.ipaeLl i! 5po.tfi. eis.
drnrgipi i.ur.rrrihdF!ri).r.Ei dEanerhi/ d\ 1l3l.inr 6:



FiB4.5ltisk nriFi.S

r-r Ln'all! qun]hfvehrmssu.h N

{a2 IhP o tpn t! ol probibilnt ic rl5k i$!$rpnts .a. hN rany Poll.y aPPlic ions

rrrhri.l plannin8 to ideniiry, k,r slamPle, ao.d plails or g.ogmPhn

s.cmrios iro,n ,! h+:kes or ls'namis;
Irn,a*nL.turer isscsmenrlorinisesNnrof .\Pededdimi$rron
Co{ hrmri analysi! t.r ffih8ation ncNEs;
Irup .dne$ nre,sutus nn (ppon or .tr*8en4 and .onri$en.-v PLimiIs r

rnn&ncc pmrnLn alolih.n! r.r ptuvision oI ic&turs nrrornih.n :t\

rnnral eip.&!l l6s and r(b.ble ra\nnun ltxs ior i !P!tifi. area
Dah .one.hor. xsesDrnr a.d apdi.arjoo

|.r-.o"'r"l,di o'pn
isk i$e$m.nt is ilre hiuad nap pnnlk.d i
on.rmell lorsnrmt asenry th. r.l..nob8r oti.e ior r) haT.rdi
m€t.o,.Ldg! ofi.e fd llLrodins,.nd dre 3eos.b.c\.li.eidrlandnides (Tibl! +3).

H:zrrd milE.F c$cnthl ior und$Ltndins what lolntions c {$iad to h,zn

d thc rnk posed. lvlippins botlr ths Phrs..L Pe rd th. .xponft d
r reEbili! or l]eopl(. iJ h,irds .an helP sudc dtlisions about Nheie to lor
ftilkal i.Ir{nrt,ru dd hrnan {fr|lordr (c 3, ivoid dereloPmsr in hish n
areas) nl odlernlLirjati.n eaatres rlutniShtrrciPF pn,ia


IrrdesinbletlD he*,raps.ontiinnrlorm,ononrlr.aturnpondorrruquoi.r d
I;:, o..ldenrp gjren rhe magnitude Foi *rnplq in dreflrillppi'Ns, haTard mps d.fir.
the sueptlbiliq nod{
le\€ls, hiEh nE!?ttible area lHsA), en'seplibler.i(NI5A)
itu1lo\r ns.epiible a,ei ILSA)r orp,one and not p,one a,tas

I,.- ln rh. ab+tuT ol hriid .o,nmmit! Lra+d haT Lr Nappnlg is ntirDxd an,r
Lepnnrcd GIS mps are 'napr
Gakd brsed on th. Pan,.ip ory R,pid AwEisl (PR'\)
m.rhodol.g]l sudl freth.d.log! ,s siAnntrnt r?! b dldd rnd i'n$'it rilk

t. intumnion intolind 6a plJminsproes5

fi,rnirrirorr R,,t ]\pprii5ir 0IA) i

ti7 li iicip .rvRapidApp nil(l,RA)isar€se .hred qrcdrdDpe.lintarriturrL

and carlt l9s0s by re+e.hen in intcnahonat de\?topnpni as rn .]r.m ird :n,j
omFlcnlen o .onrpniioml nmplc {nl:{B IRA a a rvir oI leiming from, and wlrl.-
.o'nnutrity menrbea to lnrcstigate analyzq
opporhties, rd intumcd md tim+ d{isio's lqinlinS ircvdlopNn:
pDjeds nisameiho.l br\hi.h i to*a(hieafr canqunklrind ryd.mau.arlyolla

the generaL,nallsis ori spe.ih.opk, gueiion, or problem

rd.nrifyrnsand pioriizins projeds

prcj(t tr pruenm sarurb
.153 Thc nDln oukohe oi the parti.iPiiorv appu.h is i.aeased rnon ledge rbour ihr, coromi!, enltonDert, phy\i€r y,bnss rh.r aL€ availabte borh wirh L\.
r.s.r.hcr rd ados nr ur€ situ nr fie nraror adraniaSes oI pi .ipation .r
cnufr cErd,re eft i.ien.1r ehe.ti\r
r5e PR^ tool ip now ned nn bo$ urbin rnd flml es, ioreximp].., r{sDpBi$tade+
lnorpoDted &is iool ior both plan prcparation and.oxe.6.n ind incrusion oI nsi.
rrnonnirion nno rhe pl.n ri.r d dr L prease se rhe Amer r. Ihk rirforDrlion $r.r8h crs blscd DiFs sooal Ntrps d?ahd bJ, ti-

r itrkif 3 f(rr sirh Rnk
l.6t fRA to.hnllLn!.rr tu linked niih rnk ses cnt bt dr pnrs or c ,_ri,rs ori

nnn$ rFrs 17 Strrhnsl niDuf $fu ptudu..Lr L sin!

T..hfiqu.siln.l\ kI I.g,rglDil.r NloLilizirg(. rmu

'I6.i lof n ir thc bisn gr.rf t.ilLhnon ipdlinlNr larir F.!nJ

s N..200r
,rl,idr aF desisiPd br
Afi.rib hld irr uSAlFa.iririnr crinrlr,200])
r (Dnnun! de\elopftnl rhorsrr cnsilrlg f..f .
rf e d!.Gi!,rmikinrj anLl iDf l.mPf


n.\ meir i inurid*,

sotare fn,rn b.f! h rh! ru a.r.! b thc Lr+nll
delpa' rdeqrn.l,ns
(rinifuk or crltunl Adin5,n !] ) ro,,,li,a {onns ndhod F
hr brused .on\er nr. Tr. prlrdtrn trr cr . br?if*d.nfA

nid cnibles racili.tor ro -Ptuf a group! be$ thinking,
ir( diLefe g€nent. pn.ti<il and ftativ. qrLurions, l-€l ihc Fliylng
,eld,h. lvciy yotu, develo! i shxng !.nansus and prr eiorufrIrPeopl.b
odeBhnd.nch othe. a ons orheh (l'Rtitrre ol CultuDL n.d.). I'r addiuo.,
ihis Mrks]tp mtth.d trcry rerul fd is*$ing ^rf,is,
prcbl.ns i.d nP€ds, idcnri\inE
so\trns ihd projcds, nnN arnrg l(icd trsks and rclPonsibiLiiies (Fa.llion
c.nndr, 20m) nr. pmcedurt n erplam<l ii th. Amex 7.

I6S TheadonOlaiiin8pnx.s€nablpslaolihtorbvtulizear.lariiculaieasu(etfil
crt{t!dc lomsolic.ounbb,Lrt}rndder.l.,P ictionri6rli..,rnongothcr nrc
pro.edur. to c rylut.!frnunit! adion plannug is elplaiFd in th.Alner 3.

t (DR^) rmm PRA !r oth.r somes rsulb 6ms ihe basis

ri0 Ite DR^ ptuvidcd inionnalion on $h* :tuas nr lhe Pl.rnning nnit are nscFdblc ro
ealnha7ard, wh.rihehisherlosrsdnl d:nages(ino.or,ho\mudlrhaz d m.I
rcs rxt quriiy ot lni ir Lhc unr nishr b.

,.71 h terms ot land u{, the rollotr ing questions will derermim rhar.ha4es are nec'lc.l
to the exdiry land us. Flan.
. theoHlntn$.lopnrninrate$ rdiin? e g should rcsdcnirlbtildings
or. sl,oulll orent ons be rctrufiftd? shonlLt
houksnoibebuilt .ll i. ttu rea?
. Ho\ do the risks impa.i $.nlcc.noni..ondltions?
HoN do rhe l, dMnslr intsrad Nith oth.r aras(e.8near
ru.i.ipr rti\, poli'rNs, ruliof r, phrsi.allyaod cotni.all!?
r:r rhr aFlysis of nnt impads to lind uic 8dltes Plinncr ind Pok! makc's n]
I dehrmn rs $hcrc ard uhat dercloPDmi could be tuithd undediken ,n rhq!
omliti.rismllas!h .odltbedone to,mP ve.urruntdN.LoPmentconditions,
ihErbv redu.injj isks nr populaiion .nd p(Flniei

r:r C ti.aln e ]a'lnNbili\'or populati.n and asers in@ br

$ould lntustand tlre
iddrlsingthsevlln.mbilities,.opinE m.chini sare iDProvcd andihapolsibility
s.rhE is iDProred b rdudnB the vLdneEbilit-v
handlc cventuatlvleds to rc(l!.ins dsks

r:r ltc s.ils rnd oblecrnc or rrnl u* Flans shoul.l ,cr'l!rr ihis a
rhm, into the plmed sFc.iri. Fogians and PqlEr' sbud ral and fon{tudurl n
,rn,a,i$!shbndctrftrit"*1r'il,rl,l1lY*:ii:T:::,l'li:xll{:: '
rh" "'tr '"'r'''
iti.lil,:l:l .i:.i'lili:"ili ill,fr.ri .i". ,-pLi;".,""


t@h rtu&tuo{ir, rd bri'riid.9rd

t.; a]bl!oJYb*h'untrLi,q6hh]ghi+iE4

bu:Li$ iii !6e\ h iGh i{ i6! iden b!


.!.trBrer.!s!"rirr !-q,

16 mlJ LA ! ). h3h iuiddiq q riL' $q'

{bxr' No4oa u
rq{ t!!r!!!!
' jr1rr
IsRrLrir! ars rn[i.h(- crsffL'r. r ea Dlpraff rs [5Rr
f.r.r (ria(D!rrl200rtHdrLrhor safs Dre(hnr.(rilbLri^rLe.ommonfi ra(Lnonr
(n nr t. \rirnq$, rLh hinarf 20Dr

l,rlnLtr oa a,n,rl Ahins l,rrl) rne L.drnolo$ ii l,.di.ip Lon lniiring Sef.slhe

rexstrr i\l u.Ln.ndri A Jlli*rt I11003) ccogrnphi. lntun,,{nrn s\$ms ind NisL
trs+stu5r,Rcsd.niirl. iilr r!.h.i!.rr n+1ns l!)ir n!!rah.!!rr
E urNan c.r!n! nl xi L\
uLrD 120rr) Drifr MPo .f urbi
r\lsDf) ?0rl nB1




il Toiwareread{\irhth.diftnrc qrsofiskintumaiiondahrcqunciorurbaiind
lind plan p6parilion in BangLidesh
I 1b ranili.ilTe and develop under*aidlng oI tlre rcidcr ih^,*
mcasures or ophon! r.qniFd bI ditrertst itPts of !lba. ahd land $. Pl,ns i.

oIUtuu rJ L ,d U+r'l nlinAinB gl, $h

As d;dsd in ihe prc!tuus pr t, PRA n one or tl,. cffednp i€chniqu.s hr gatlrer risk
.r data .olle.tion ihe (o,rnrunn! .r waLd ter€1

RGk dsesmenr inbmtrdon .oneded thrcugh I' be u{rrL to ak€ land uv'
pLan fisk sensit r, csp..iiLly ror ds Eut, lor liiSe s.alc aEat n i5
csdn6.'i t rir( unde*and dlffcrni iypes or N. plds in B sl,tlclh rnd a hat
tt !tr oI dara is requrrl ror ntrmulatin8 lrd useplan indnding risk .sessnmt?

lr smll.rdesl], .urui pl3nnins pradi.e is to prpiE drree rnes or Plins baserl on

duriiio( s.ale ,!d poligr l}eseare odliircd bdd(

6 .Ivllops brGd statrtlrs for n,anagins ,nd Ponotlrg "+i-"' -d"n h

rhe lhdue plif lit
gries e.ono
envirunmcnklplamin3lbjedncs,Pn diryalrrncr.rkrordsleloPDrentadn'iiies

conPrred io the othe' Plani ihe stkiurt plin sre6 a lars{ nri.i ir idi
lo.Edrpsdodoriine llrc prin n.xPresed a (mtogic Polity ior kcy scdos, sudr I
the {ononN housine rPrtial de!.l.Pntnt, land
t. Ateniion b al! Sivar io the irEhh,6.nrL
requnencnts d inPlerenlrion of thc* skregjes.
Plans i..l e ml6n or thc niid .oroiiaints and opponmities in the rea and
prcridc major develoFment opti.ns an.l Poli.ies bil..l on these Usrally dtE is also
sonre Ddn:hon oI the mo( luiiab c &as ior devrloPnent, d Nell as $6h..tion.t
pion\ scnrn d adivities tuimpl!frenti$lhc d.\cloPntnt nGtBI

I(p,oliles:mrdirmtenn(i....orn,alht.nye ) {irtqy for rhe d.v.l.pfrent ol the

urban dlri lt detures ihe seosr.phn b.u.d:ries of th. Plamin; aE ovs the hr )€ar
ar0 Lnr rl?ipL.,turirli{oiar,rns.orrn.D.nb,n.ludinrqdr..ingnL(\ao,dnunri.
ea, mokistd.r.n in\?{np.rprrsrios,sc.hilnNs,ntrh i! rarri., populanon
Nnp4n.*o turrrF,r rhcntuli(f !f kerrirril re\[]and.dtrlirioml

rtu pxLn4r.ror lanLr{rrnDed pla.i, sr ell tind d.v.topmenL plins ani
ntannrrtrtreledn.doFnnnrpla'sandrturmFnn.m,nrpins The DAFSrrillr.i

a r2 lhe mip rr.of ddil rea L000 trhnh q,r)s bu di

s nsus\, $ht.r r!qn. on dunn:
$e can\ pon\roarrr.nru.htreptan (n.mrnr ttu 6rn fn? Rad

prin, rr,e deiiil.d ifui pLan do5rr,

e\arinlsii!rpordesderi L.!t glldin(oii
LeimP mmr.d or{ dre sho*.( n
1.rr th.pL.nr5(rnurrLonishiSrrrpadi.ipiror\ rrmdn66aFororrlfrcleds rdi.dL
rh.r i(ordi'rg ro p.oni\ For rlre piorlirerLpror!.6, rh! ptan prol .s!n inr
E.sins ou E rortri.i !i rhe p.oiei, ib goits ir obj.dires, ker idor 0:
r8.ur( ,tqutr&t ind 6ultijcr lmf

i1i RuralAie: fri (F^r) fmyides r lonrj b nEr$rtul0\eirin!1..\$fnrt.:

dp\?lopmerr.i,uFr {eir,!ithrrr 0roFloi(rr }.i.
r16 cPne rhr R^P.onraiN ar .\P.n.(r rqad, DnPi .on{rf i([ .n::
.rniS.rnor qrod, plannilg rrt.!, runl rlr fra.'esotrrc
and.' nnnh,!.dorn nRnn.:


*x r nldddr!d arei p ii n BrnchJ(rh

: cF u, fldn'.,r i " tr.n t.j iiBFr.,,, 1

\',d. ,.qo\i-,[u]r,nroi
o' I "ti':,A..t,-r
1t., n _ .1, ,r",g..i,,ri",, ,.
.t....d v.,.,,.r,
-ruri?. tr',1..rru,.p,,6,,' d
,,lii.ti.ld. I r,p -.p,r.".r,.\, p
r13 \cxi {.p is ro..m, out urban /\rei fl,n compri5ins Lw more

phle5i. \h!wn n rJbt. i.r jr Jnd 5:l

rur4fl.hL ci!.!ir \ri!f

n ,s in rrr. nnm of arrosrifhi.n r onnir.

sr*!fr (lls) n.F\, lt,5.$d!l (, ouli! dr.m \ h othcr nraps lnodu.d :
!llHdcrr nu.l.5 inJ nnpl! trDiLnilr

a I\?e, Boundrry Dcmar ion

:rros idcsh Lruriu oI sbt {i$, \rI nL.iniliir oftir, tipiTilir:iishad Dln.e

TlPeExposlr.rnvenrory/ Easc MlprEparaiion :nd D abrseDevetopndr

rrni\t!vork, r l ne&!rk, iiv!. ddr(rk. Eh.ri.iryn.b\ork, t;imii'r idriork (I.rnr),

.r!oi1mun..iion n{$or
i. k

ruLr ur ,rei, Hrel bodi.s, :3rid,rn re, hr.n, hl ) ituns, mr nrrrr,eel aruas

,, . ,. il, , t ,,
Df lann',\rl
-;iJ(nnnLnjGtions, \{jil!n of llhrer lienu.c!, Nlhrisrn

T\pe Dehographi. A6ped rntomauon and study

r ddP, ar trtr"isirrr idDu!,ui.i

aid in PoFulahon size, AEs conpoliionr Sex Composiilol [thni.conp.lifi.n] nd,s,ous
:.m|1osltion; Fenn,E Gobl f. llltf rate, cruda Lrr r Etun; Ilorark (tnhnr iuhttrr,
r:r.6lionoiriturihnth,.rud. deirhrales); MigErton(Prcpnron otirlnrlgnnc, realon f.r
1r rn!, lsngth of .oilinuous rerdencl
:urcs oi riri,rnmriL,, \Iinist! .a r,linDns, B Sladesh s turu oa Sritil.s, r,tinGh! of

! pe smial sebr hfomdo. rnd nudy

r5rjhuh.n.i<hoor rrr telst;Trcndsoifhool[m..rbr- g

r nud.nts hy orEnr, age and nx; s.hool agp p.F!;iion b! $ e lr) \!,nbcr ol repeates trnil drcFours br'srade leF| Disribuft,r dr
-rhools b, onn{slrlp; rhrsnrl.oniidon of {hool! and dren ra.ili
rluried; limb lerns irl.led 1o ed yrrneir and onsonrE psje.6 dnl b b rc ph ns.
:.16rrn,i' du,r \rnisqolEdd.idon;\tini$r]otIGRD and Gop.rrifd5

llnins numb.i of hrilrh i'Erihndf hy trpr, tunrh t?EorEl; Ile3lrh i.{]tulnDs b!

. lO'rn
Nuh innihrdons; Phls..l .ond 't, nn oaron or heauh
nhrutionsr' $n1Nr tundr.d bf e\istins hsalrh nf6tu(m5; Fuhft plan and
."..,. !r8oi.g ptui.dlr d Probt.N rula
- as tJ Llkrtuti Vinrro oi hraL[] rd iamny $.rrre

Nunbd .t phrgDmds b), nelghbornood, spon detds and *rdiuo; ivairabilit) .f Pi*5 an:
zoo \, J rib,r tr rrLLr. r G anLt I
5 rir \ i r'hn ,,
Type t.onomi. sedor Surey ,nd Shdy

N.mL . I o' o.. "

s, . /r,ri n' \4iii\k Irr,hor ndL,emfovheir

:., -o , .".."o o
iEn rrded mior.L$omss; Ivkjo.hsIenses and opporunlies or rh. *do.
sdfeJr/"rhr dr,r\Iinish.rrDdplrJoT), \{i.;dry of Planning(\{or)
rnvenmenr & rnvenmenr dinare

Nunber or rprrolsd pr.j.d5 bv sedor (isi.ulturE uilushL; enns d..); Erpedr:

emPloynenr oeaiion cpa.lrv of ihe Frop.6r captal .I approrcd proiedsr ]nrc*nr:
dim eavair:bJftv or senied land, ruduF, suppo inniturion:, ales & resulaiior:
ek ; oppo mitils :nd .hallenges of invatmnt :.drfties
nrrs o,r/rlHdhrr \{inskv or rGde (N1or)

\umbprorvanur:.tunnE by lpe of eDrploi-nenr ind maior proLtuds/ourputs (ime rricJ

spaiial distibuiion of manul:rtunnE &tivilhs, Nlrjor lure oi m$ nDieri,ts/inp"ts r".
ndu irii I linka ger porenh,ts :n d .haneryes of rhd sddor
sr,rs dl,rr,,i4rio[Nli.ctn or riadp (Mor)

Miaoand snan Entei?rhe (!isEs)

Numb*., FcEons engaged GepaFred br s.r) i'r \r5E op(arion by scdor (.mpera eti
organized indrviduals). iime 5ci. ,jr produdslourprr!
(dedrind orhei re.hnn: r su Fpont; Pornriats.nd dD[enBes tor r4sE dselopmenr
sdrGdj'rt dtrr,, \,li',isi|! or r r.1\ror)

dsou(aof.aFn.Lspaiialdisti jolsour.esolinprr :
narorQ{omorexcrinSlhkaSe \rh
s,r'.a,lriiin,trr,,r llini*r.rLlome A#in!

DIa nequiPnent ror Hazard Ass6rhent
rJf,r liGr onorM40rHazdrd damundrhepbn o,Ae"
:li*oncal tu.ords of warr levet, duration, Feriod
Dolmalr o Durk, \[du3.rqi DDV. fte. o*etopnelr
qodrd w"F.-"{r ",lla--'$oa.' .",- D.ofr"nr".veEo,oto$

r.'..ic:lFe.o'o. !.trd.ppd ro-mrl'r.ep rdd",4 4a odrlBe. dL,rhor

n-., olrr"sorioo, D"p*h"""l of M"ko.olnBy

ii$oncl Reords, naSnitude danaSc larnl tine!, fomaiion, geneEl soit

ii/.4 olr,t,'rib,: Depihmi or Mereoroto$r D€pehent ot c€ol%, Ceologicat Surey

rin r{ords, aftecred es,

i rm o/r'rnd;o,: Depatuent ol Mersrolqy, wler Developnent Boad,
rahr Resoures Pltuing organizaron

D{a lequiftnent lor Earard A$ssnenr

:,r.idst inlobrv damage and .asuahs,

i.trf4 ollr.o,mrior Deparrndt ol Meiorclo$, and Depahent of ceoloSy

ili!trs o/r,f'na,,oir rne s€nic and civir defense

,}?e, Envimhnent d clin.k Cnange Srdy
i\idand Resourcs oloia & rauna)
irmr olr"r/,itiol Mmici?aliries, Lcal corernment Divisio4 Deparheni ot Enliromenr
sqrcrelr,RoreoiJ,rfere rtr\ (Nco\, nnrDir :ed., sorrrrerl Llsrlr;ne!.r'd tsI:
redql redr isrEr for soLt $in. Nrigrmdi hn.rmunnrf:
looFmrion lor ilid nane mmasemenl; Lo.alicd poli6 sudclin
reso io$ relired hn rline miniEeDenr Pmblens, ofrioftu be
sorr&d,,1i,n,nrirr rlLu,.iprlines, coy.tunar Dn isiof, D.p

itrD$er oi t,iht ta(lLiies hr t!re; \r&1knjsm5 o, (,ll&iln, hdtFo iti,,n, dirr!

ie.!drg, r.d tearn'ent oIIiqtrid r?*p, Trpa rnd rn'porition ot liqnid Mrer !o,ri,.:
6afti th!i':F ldnobtriionr lrrktslt allohed lor l(' :
r?{c rninig.m!.rr rni.rinmi.i},n (qrtirnn o. \an! irnig.m
e\*ins\i$d,sPoilnt!,,t !ilili.l
sd,r:,Irrirr iitril\tufl.lFalirle!IoclCovemnreniDnnion,I)ep tnenrotEnrnoor.- fr;ift nnr.. .. md.., fi

01 kil.hrn r.'.ilirr, l p! .r o.r!r nlm! in!l unl
s rri,,/ rrrirnlri.n, vLrrir.i rtr!\, coysrir.ii D j!i\dr Dlpr hr!nr of Enlnonm.

Dailr vonllrly and Ye.irtr (na\i'nu! mi'rinn r ard aleage)

sori r"! l/ rrtu,trrd| Depa tnn'.r of Nr.i.or or.,rjl

Daih,\ronrhry d \eirrv ('na\imrun. mhinm rd ?r.r8e)

sd(.Jrrr/rr- di DeFdmeniol\lereorologiDep ime.roiAsrnuliunl

TyD.: siudy onHydrolosy and Dninase

B.sin srzrire., rrop., !h+r! r.r8rh, \idLh, drrmg! d.'sir! su n.c xnd sub{udir.
!eolo$; Depresion nonrle rnfoirlionrNues ot r\art rdsc!, i
5 u* f/rrtutultrlli.n6 orA

t ahamel.svse hloui, channel sh,p4.Lo*+.hnr ctr:m.t stopq now dire.rion, oudcr
:\pe d prokdl@ ch3. t ryp. (nd it.ham.r! man.tsi.s, bnided, sbrshr), Ftdr
k r!j* e rcgsinoni tubri./ arlimenbho4 solid w6rs, bto.kasls eti flts bwss
rLl btr* ondftioro, pioEdff lo. ion, dEdsrns reords, 0o! c mddis6c, bacrtr
nn nation lrom re.eivjns srrrn - sjzc torn oralignmenr
rxds r,,rn,r,onr Reofes Plannins organnauon, and Minjshl
',, ..\'loIAo' tutr tre

cen.El minhl .haEcrerisri.s, rainti| lnrensit, r€cordsr w er lt\rl and

rhSe dis.h,EerarinScunes
j.rrN ,/rrrrmr.r,: Deprhur of hdeorololu, md w pL D.v.topnreni Board
TvPe;Tr sporSuweyandstudy
t itt6nrnr t h.tam inn [Kr $\
o id \Pn .r, d..F.a r,,Frn i

I tif. Pdt \.ro.r c o I p.. n..,.

1\hminrl rreBhr(rmud E Ln ni[.n p!d,d.
'I'r' 'a o -. ar' .rq,on. lD"p
i1,r.5,c... . Ba,]A ot c r i f V.. . pdrr_.i d I p,i. .p..,.,Jd

Tiar6. Cdnt surel; O.D surcI, Raii pa$sgd Sune), & or R lwa!
Inlrniory srarionr tsus
P6*nBdsunElrtuckopfl ion sunpr) h;dory oiAr r6ispoi! tuief oi
jrl6'/nlfui,rdnr rhisny ot co'nmu.i.arions { R Hish""s),- raitnzr, 8lr{ra, orli@ oI ihe vuni.ipalitl, "
d Lpazila panshad ".d

\rnber of househoLds d housinE un s, Housin* lnjs bv ienqE

r.nred, etc.I Houstns uib by prrpo* tesidmtial, busine$, er.)l
lrdusinS unns; Distnbliion or hoGhg uib by tun*tu.hon mahnal,
:.1.iliiies rnfohar hoLEinE uni6, prubten relared b housin* and,

' t r I-h,rdot \1rr ra r'uFD 10

trorrs. Buredu ofsra' +i6
Type, tan,l owneship d Land V.lue srudy

. , t.o n6, {r.r ohe, rfv.tri l ba.\

rdanhlicatim of lmd ownechrp,after4
d \?lm :$estuenr ltima serE! dri l,,r,t"o -p./"..b+sjJrd,
ffi@, {Cland ohe V n sh\ orhii
ldmtilrtheads,,rus related ro ,11 thc *u.lies b.i,,g(nduded und.r lerepe.: I

sd,!r. ,r ,i [n ,]a, id rvriii srrr- oi Houslng d lublr wor[t Mninry oa L..a] Cov nmr::
Niu,i.ipalii, Upazila Parishad
TyPe, LoQl Resoui..s and Toudsn srudy

seies d a o. nnmber ot rouri*s; Tou sr*asonsr

Ia.irftics tour anrt.hon Nrfrh., rnd r_ape of trnnisrori? ed enrerprls.\,
proDnnionadnifies; rior.lil rourirrahi.rion'ies
s &s ],!lhditi: Minisiry of cifil Alirri.n ind Tournn (Brnglidesh i
TyPsIn$ ionarSellinsStudy

\a'ne, numb.r .aleSory of coyem cos opemring in rii

.onn.nd orear exnUrrg.trpacfties.r rhe trgen.ils, shon.omnrss; weaknasj.rga.i;tion:
sdfc ln//irr,trr vinistry or LCID and o.opeLafi?s (NGo Affan,

"Po, o. et"7 io

fl,. \p o.dJ..., ,P.....Soo,.irooa no

fl( n..dC.o o .,,Eptda,.
analyTc dEanerissues more.riii.alf L\3n rh€s!ru.hre.plminSphaf
T.ble s,4 Lisr of fe,rlres and infom ionrqunem.nrloruibanAft.plan


Road Aligrienr wiih widui xrd Row
tail AriBnmenr iviiF Ro\i

Locarron orBus, rrucr! Rait;ian:j

l,vaier supFtv N.rivoil

s23 To utegrarB rd infomarion inio uib r area ptin, thd hazard maps(hbles.3)
beov lay on maPs shol,i,lg ba*d on diff..ent da*s tabre 5 r)

E\.,'.Fgdet,,,,ruoh"ro 04 -o{dp ., j, -r.j

rio, b" . ,.Loh .r",,l.i,ii.,d o.r,,.F.r
', 'L-ro
526 Upsnded{ d'dormE E .an be !=d ro M:lyr inrom rm.onedd m rabtr
ri,and ouicome of rhis w,[ i.tom {har sEoduil and non,srucbral
m6sules trre
nee*a4, rnr su{ainabt€ derclopmeni

i*;llli,,,' ;"-* -"' , " ,tp"rhq " 'i.thr"'"' "E r"'"r

Dtt^ tuflna'MG fot he Ast.rtr
t Rkk

rig:Pl!!1r!9tl ryF d rad, \lidth rmq.rh, nuh+r or linqud drvid{

$,aN supprl, n.rwrl, D o; or pitetine, n idlll Ler6 hah, pump

!ddr, gir rohol nd of; sarage

Drta Reqtn!"E,tsld Etlotu Rkk As*,,r!!

skudual r),pe, :{umbc or or.upanb, Asl9r !lt! ! tl utE

s,atu suPPry id(dk, D*qnL or I

D o RelliE dnstotL tddntuRtkA$ssar

or bu rLrhs rooFnnr
( ru fu \,j,i ' i iP"d, ,
'l ^o.
( dfi, srs, tunror *ahdn: sq!rye
dDnebrr suPP y N*Rdr

son.t d,\dnihe\ w

H( iLth. LJu.aini,,siiiiti,, r hiril,lie5

rnrirArrgimfr rithrnlrh d,!l Ro\\

Th. o .or. nr thF ufuAriti.( \! I! ot i atori!!.nd.i$d\ tlDl
.\ps lo n r.,oni dr.! oi h.Tanrs rtli.lLrrc nt rnignitde, nr.rtld. lh.-
Lr\, m..liui,, Nl hlgh{Ft an,$

![CllON 6 - l('\ llli(()N1\11:\D\TIONS fOR LINI) USI IL'\\
r\1r!r rNIF\T'\I lO\

6r To fimiln.ize Nder rith ihe xt .nntrl Dolir! rc'omrcn

... . h .. tr : r,'
*-,..i,,-. -r,- r".-,-...ononr r.d Inrl(irhdr' rhi*nL'hrF aid ttrhLi'
"*. ,-,-u.o -.l
1..--. .,.i'. ...t "" -"-""
in .lctril,!-a nFlii'n'on rrl mean: ''
mrd!flenEhonlrvon.e rsen. ora$n.ies

urb rqb ind nrLt ltuf irlis

,lLitrr5 d,s. poli$ ofhon! r ,lelail by d.n,Lbns tlni, ltEliliritof, .rn .
,nunprenhtu . i.d irrlero,Li,ig iE.n.!

. \..rsL, (,r11r.,Lirr.rill Li t)iLtrir

Poriq cP/l contol Haz dPnne

\nr.piinln,o nshri, Lfiril,, I1r i:h!], LDt)

Ioli.y cP/z: conser! ion oIRUG

r, idrok i'lf, ID.J n, n tu

ft,Lil rid iA'i0 trft hnd rla\

, ,.1 l '

I1.1, DoA, Nhni.FtrldrPouh r,

Polny cP/} Proiedion orwli€r b

N.bEl \ute.tddis n1,!el lRl! ril.n,ol!

f Lrr . hrI il,tirn lhc .'(r ni'rtort.r:
n.rLrnts L. rnl ro nd orIr!.nLrlril.lPiLitrr!r'rl

5houl!l hkpiNn.irun.*rFs ilrl!nNi,d

iE, Munn4rariiv/!Pi,h riaish:!r
Poli.y CP/4 Flood and Eiosion Conhol

\r,nniparrNrupazih exFcncn.inE ilo.diirs needs $nrot

tropprh Thd h sio b]lc neintresnrorrolmplrng; dNeiopmenr shj.h.o ribuiesn)

Ihir FolKr Qn bo ihi oush enrdnH n$L Le*ulari,,ni, rorpr(no.iiorof $erihiard
rr.n! ireas nrc .!n(ned agm(/adhorirr, shonr{r hle i'nmedft. d+s in lrris rei]rnl.

31!DB, \lan,.iparnr',/Lrlrzilaparishad

Poli.y c}ls: Prcseruatio, d Renorrrion of Hnbi.rl & Arcteologi.'l s e6

is & lrenr:gr ind rhere aru itso

kriiv b beone hsirs. irrelrrrlJn, bke ma Gto
pdpd rh.! Fraas a.d it$.n{rc rh.r rhosc pla.e,strllJnlLie use fo, inorlrer pdrpos.

n.!/ rhoiiyshonrd rike imtudd;tr

Pori.y uA/I, oprinun use of Av,ilrble r,ind Resonres

Dsntu gro$dr wiihin lhe .*ibiished urban arei shouti r{ pmmoEd D

P hored i.n .n(r nsed ro .p6mre Ee of lind Kealn! larsc L;d aus ot rad.r hnd
r{rashava/vuni.ipalih and up.Tila s.dr

rhn poli.! .ir

bc nnPknrntM rM.uEr $dlr! .ew rcslrilon' whidr ans ,.r
iLllnrlhc ion r ptu€s nr dotlopfle.r .i dre l?.anr LanJ in urbrn r!pJ! T .on.erne.r
igln.r/.ruih.rih sho Lr r.rrd ;mrediar nlPs
lrxl:1i:"lll?.,',i:;:';. -. " *,, ""'in SPonhncous Ar'as
Poli.y UA/2r lnira{ru'tur' D!relopfr enr

r-." ,. n'ur , l; . ,.' ' " ,

,.,' .l
::t, .'" .". : ':'''"1"'': "''" "

:I.i Jll:l'"1" l: ::xlli',;:,;,''

ill l:i"l::*.:Y. 'l
,'" ,' :',:'",
,,:1,;.lilii-,.,ifl I1,.,,,".,.,l]irir i!h si.,r
trn., r,f

AtrD eloP6f t

:--,,,, " ';

rh.tloiB tlr'* r ei! "'r "'"'

-nn!!{rie! LIDD AD'c

ro! ll omr CrcrD' ?nd '5eI0o'

o' Hou''-g rorrl'€
roh.J HO2 r'oForo"

Lrban Ati
oiHoulingArcr D'veloPmentinN'e
t'ori.y Ho/r Pronotion

I':r'ii J:

,lil'ii',,.,:'i,t ll"'r'"::"
DDN! Di$dd$en; rnd vanasehcnifa.u ties orunivdGiijes, uDD, Al)tr

llti']']\a F-,;r',Ed',".r1ind.n'B' / L 1tu.,.a...o,ia o..,on

j-d.o V,)k.f.

\H\ LDD rutr;sh;,r/Nrun (prrftr d up- isddr.

,JTtr-J..'sr "L b..

" " ""ru,._. " .t"*,y.1.r. r ,_.r.*

NHA, t DD Pofish;va/vuni.ipatitv and upazilasad:r

do i.i",dPo..,5 . F..+,..tdr.
:,-^",']":* ' :::'. 1 i" ,,. ts."-, ", ",,1*,M,,"i'h'y:,dl P,J|,,v;",
, lnr.Jr r. Pii!dr
o., Jr. v, i r oiti\ i id I )J. ;. li '"' '

l, f"1l,,
r".1{ I,ousr,' i.. 14n, ^,.3!rdr,1 . ih
.j.l i;" . .-@r.d.s rr , !.,h

\rI{, vor- L D4 rouristrar2/Mum.ip.lir], and uparla sidd

L, r,','\ u.lI t rnUr
Poli.r Ech, Boodins of neEionat Agricutru€

lsnorrure is b po de Iood and dditi.n.l reeuras Lo ulb .rcas and ihe

Ih. o, a -", o...- .'. -c rd, r. r. ,, i i 18, y 1Br l. j F ..

r.F 4.
,,,a| ' o,'n 1,'l'l.Pn
Pornv E(/2r Pronorion of hblic?rivrrc loint tndnsnial vdnturc

"*r;-*..-a*r' roa .{ouid lrn,Fsruirruui.4l

." '.,.rr *-,t f., tlrFltl!r n t.

I n!l r. turrJ

. l) in,L !1. ..rrrl \ ! I , ilarl \d' ..-

Poli.l TR/], IftenEnhl Roid Ndroik Dcvelopment to* ds ih' riial

Rnrisr-' dlrr-idirit\ .u.1 rPuih sirt, onler $ rnnit tuhlt t i ftir rsGti"

, n t,r,
,*^-*,' rL"".."*.i**..iuirNrtr shor LJ hreinnEdiitrsref\ trns(srd .1

RHI!. L. tD, i-trAlrurln

i .i.d LP.riii s l.rL

PokyTn/l Devdopn€ntolPed!(d:n rr{ilities Wiihin th'Urhan Arei

Nd&rnn- iplr in htL n' nrbdr .].\?loDnc i

ii' i..i,L .

LCI:D.Llntri:h.nrr\l ri.LoilnraNrLFiTil.sidx

nrri\Dnnrt Iio.r(irror
Poli.y Tolrr: Pohotion ot Tourjsn rhrouch
Inrhdru.tuE Dev.ropnenr a. thlokam.

Merns of rnplehenraiion
r . Ni( u; be mp!,,{ar
., ., ,.,.", i launrRn
. ,,;, , .,
l,;t':";' ; ... j
;r,, i,';,.':,,:" .i

roti.y Toura pronorion of Loor Hdiirs.

Based To.risn

,,',],,,,:", *

rh,\pokJ.& . npremsElIhru,gh
." .r g....., "rnrsn.r(culitrln
i..,...-,. i:,";;.:'il"r"l,:;il:.;,,i ,

Mi.i"h v .r cnjt A,i"ii h _d r*.isn, &nrish:rrvu d.iP"tir! anLr Lpaziti sid.r

Poli.y ENvn: pm&orion of Rece ionrl
open/ceen Spa.e

onei .Fi..\ ri.r F.)B!trnr h. [!. houd

p oro,..r.h. .do !,,. . r,..1,.
r',," r
be ntr ,Lha]
.;"i.,,ll,.l.,i:;1.,,:, . .,, .,
\ p!l'.r
,, ,,r.."..., ,lrAt'.1 ; -"-'---
rh ..rn jhPeirenEri
., .s",.p he
.,... ..

DUE&Fo,""i,r,n; ;,r\,r,.niprlnvand
Poli.y ENv/2: Preve ion or stlfi.e ware.Iro Poilution


,^...r .:.h , or'


67 Lud u\lflanrirg.ontibnte nllbndla'onl .

-r.i,.t i" *..i-t""r.**"*r miniBercnl, frornlof o' l,nrdncr\irri rrn!

6$ ra md usc pLr.nint G rnk sositire ir.h su(r*iul]r beNlrt t) ihP or)l(\'_

69 Tlfrc ile s.ltijttDolt forrist 5lnitna brd ds.PLinfhS r sholr in tll t]51'

rl0 11..tu ..dib.a.odpDa .d.-.1, .,.1Jr.,-.".a.
q,, + n' q . rd .d.(. ir .,,tru" ,- r .p.ft
' '.":Jt
.r. ti. d p,,.. tr d

N, D-*i;i

, Jop pq o1
, -, t.";.r .
Depin ent of Hlmn s.trldndts ind Horsing Derclopmenr, R
Dpprrtment, GeNial Admi'ristauon D.p hcnt ofM dilit Orll Fne serv.d DcFad
or \landala) Cil, Mmdalar C,!_ tuldopncnt c.frfrideq AIEAID, and ADPC (r0:
curdcrncs lor lnregratin€ Di*$d lusk Infohrtidl i'no urtr r L ,l us Pl,nnfs
rwrnn (!ith spe.ialrelern.eloMindalay.itl).ADPa, Binskok


&Fhr6n r;d Ddii

\riaai .r5r4i l,i-"h . L'r' LN!

lIJ \
R.!4!qvjU!P'iirh3 Prkr3r

ddhir4lllr1ir3r 3 s!-tEN f@r

o,k";!,1;F-d --"1"s. ,"" r
!. i-ii;;{d ;ih;


A\N[x 3 ll.cfir.lion of Urbin .nd I ind Us. pLf in Bangt.doth: Sr.p

,ddlrid, o, ,.d idrt-

m'r,,5ri ?d{r5,n.otdo ! i.birrt,,,.,oo,o... ._ !(, i o,ovd- .ppt df
a ,, i.:p.r . 4 tr 3r Srddn H , p .. t". -.o .!.db r. fti{a..i.. y r,
u.. 1.urpoD' vn iih nec$rry m.d i(rLo5.


Y.ur n
ring poinr c rhe E.cipt of an otri.ial ler$ raquesing your plannina :sm( r!
""r Prcpare or relise a nNcture plia urb:n ea ptan


rru orc e.L

ourPur rn.epron Repu4 'ndenale

A muuids.Plimry PtaminS ham E a$hbledindudingrlatreqenvironmenhtsDe.iati{s

e.onomjns, enginerr SsgnPhers and re+,rcheE. rhe kam romrt,rs rhe on.l"r or rhe
MurhdnciPtin:!"ramsGn h! of.Jiff!rcnr \pe5:id.oDPo\ hon:

ilq,!!1!ry a^!FE crlqllrq5

Fomally inyn. rhe ieah mehbers d renehber ro .ubn r ihe n:mes or rhe ham m€mbers
,i". 1l:..".. e"' i'" ' 'P1r',
i.qun.d Bisn inloinnbn NduLlesdrra on

r ea, t 1frng'ridlnsr m5

: ;;,;;;i;l.:;J,,,,1 '"',:",.5 imhdiis rouron or sovcutuent ise"ici

. Lour$de\ and NPs
. Sir.r'..ndinons
urlre |lLord in;o\csturisrls c\* rs !r then rr J shn! f ri,r r d he'Dr rchlr

Usc er fins uiilibl. miPs nr id'nlrr drt LounLl vofrh'ar'a6belordedbrdreFlai

. po5r, fr. miP\
r adni"nt ivemaFs

. r-iLpt,o r.p*-r-t I .+''

. c$lo;i.alvaP lo'al ind Ear8radesh

- "i; ..,. ., , .

- ' ,-
,t'-.i :-i,",.
t...a"a"a $i,.t,,,"f4i,,S i,' ' "
adul and with g'ualer a(uia'!

oi cxinins maPs $hen lnd'rtakhg the Prlimin v nn'll Ddrin8 ihe sni
: ,"--.'-' ."-.J .' rd''r'r' 'pcr{'o 'o'boJidd '
;,'', ;.. ".,.,.,,..'
n 5ik5 oIc'ononnEro($

. .:,.---t rnd. lr, r! nmrir orBdntrr ons

. sh!.tu,eorlh! nnnropalor lFinh auihodlY
I r n! i rJ dAJlPm r

: ," ,;. ."

:. t:." ,,. ..
. N,(cr'" d"' " ""d'oi od'e' ' 'tl"+ i&
. I + easLnlLtrdfqre\Je rninr rdr+rr zure5
u'h asbu+s md Po*s

Ex.ctnr Engin{r of Muni.ipililt
To(,n Planner ol MunldPalin
civil smieq or the Mmn,Pab

upazila lmjcd irPlen nbiion ofiior

Upazila s.lial *elfarB
Up, zila Ulesb.l and F isheris o ffi.., E]
Cn il S..ieiy or the UPazila
Ljpazila &rnulhre
upzil, Proiedinpl.mentition016..r i
Upazila so.ial nPlfare

Chanmen ol the Union hrcl

M.mb s ol ihc Lhion level

[recuhG Engineer DPHE

Eieoiive EnSinecr, w e' Borrd

B?spd on .onsulration wiih rhe* shkeholdes ihc Planning r'an idstif, ihe mh
-r"."., Jr'.,.rcG'm d r' uo--''inF tun J"'ho'd''-gN:r
-;;;- ":i.u;e;i",\;';
;';,;;, Din
,, "n d
pii,ii"iii ;r';;. 'u pt- neque r;dba.k on thc main soils 'nd obje'hves or a l

-dqrrq he
E!al. d ob,., h ^ d hp d,ts,r fl n4 .t oLdc! sr" .,ro.drts gtuup.
dif.. orirdi*d rrctremf, r 1," ot,Ths p".r"... .rd
.10.ud.rdr r5r'
h4F n@FJ and

L,:.yT!r,!.- :-., ."" *l}odoro$ .ur pn D,nns isr.m,

e o F.tshriuN ur budqo.. humr I sour(s, hn".. orhcr
\.,tubr$ d.dotosrhryrpa r be re,i_a,"a.noi[
or a rrs+b) , sp b,tris. The b, tud mdhodot,
u."** _.-
shdtd ,ffie sy @L r.k h" r"u"* ic,
ri8! ?{. 5<Fetur . d,?g am d mc+ dotq} 4. pror,ing d s<{ls.riF
r tr ban .nd Lle

iEEiIB-,a.--- --

l' ',, J,,
't I\('L ,i
,r.! Nlr.nnrr.n{r \l\llr.
alt rar frrr'nr'in
..i.trG! tr, -;\ - 1r,. !' uu,!

rt ,i .i,5t. rLftl r:i{rL,,Nrl

. l.r[gio, nd or l]e F,(l.d
. lbicdnls o, rho Pror.d
. rrftllnqrr rt ttu fr,rt\t
r po$!r[.G)
. rinn nni rid du .n[r<d tla Prod

prueri,g tuth.r $ rlrdrsfLanfr.f ngaroe$

.!npi.h.nrcJ iGP ii inJr.i 5*niLroiLla Flr.iinrrar idt)
is*onnr dri5 iLtoi! itii+
l!itrur (\+nr S<1!nli{ilD.! tor rl'. PhNrinsr?i
\lindr\ o ftrr:Thnn+ri'ro\!itlr.Pn].]udnar. iL,,o.rdnis.oi\r.oidn.(qrut'
. s,.r inr ir\ d,r nlt'r' {,rh isneoos,idri., Blutrnrl, h\ !lnnogial, s$,
. r,,i4'rrr frr,trr,r fnn $, ree orri.dn'P hcd rid
ri llipitoF iFm rFtmi5ir nrPs
Ti,n. lte!tri.d: 20 1'r.cks

rr.1(,r s.h L cril n.rki,r8 usr oi .\is!.8 ir lilil. rlp,
budg(tn!. 1\r upln i.s(p

l.q, +D!.r nin! b ui!r.tirf rh i(rd nn\(\

uL|lnonn! ,(oali.8 rl'. run116!n.. rh.{r\.\

s tr.Lrln! L.lrort dnDitr.

+.nn.nri I in li! \rPo nfo\d{i tr,
u.: tl,.br+ nr+, s r lo.rlidi ,.Irr1i.., ri ir rh.f

Lr tr nilro, N ilPh.!)[,+]h 'sl
.!*i,icrsd*i i,.r r.nd (,P1 (p.,ro tii! )t.Bi[ fhL.

e !*p nfi Lh. l la1{i.I d

\uLli (!'!linrcrrr r,ing..t din.lenl r8en.ies
trot(..]hN rrr n,LriLi.i.rIor i!d\ n) t]t r

rr1 I t.$,bli .i. Lie dftdLr d!! rt a]L tn, e\rnde, ,t tlt !l: r
i. p.,f.iirs.d riti.r mPs.i.. rhis J i rill h . t,L.e d snv, L,n.$ d'. tsrn fLd{s tr,

oJ:$ i Li( L|irn[l[],)ll,ilt. Il!
i rr1.!. \\n \hoi'r,rri, $

l . ,ll -j

di]]itizpJ o. t .on+n r. Io$nre ie.rurls unnh m) hi( ro 6. nrtr(el (\li,8on
.'rr o trri i

The:e(,alir\ !l.ri rurie\ stroollt giv, rr Lr.i!1Lh! riir

natrrirhiz.ndsurr.,n(. !l,1innh N'sta{rtll r.\ra
ih$rrfr.rd nLne\s rnrin{r.rrsr! iti kcr rni5 nj!.rh{ r.v.nd i.Lr r sk intrnn*nr)

\" ,l l,\

theprimiiarE.nn 5rrourddlend .rtd,innkdnm unng,r

(,oad ruDbeF, (t.dri. Y
(r inrrnri.s ol rra. a ti (i'rnrnlls ri u al [,ri\, rd;dldrLi
ra(r supl,Lr) ridd rnp\5.rr rlnr Nunirls.rnd .onllr $ ti.rin uided.lrirg rhrm,
nh. ! .ntl trr{ n.rtnn ! n iorn.nnrLrEi r.!!ls rietur Sdri,rs (ider\il.r 6.lLr {rr.\r

l!l.on nL iiur !r,!\lr!{

Thcplinnfs re,nn shorld rnd{rtrL.6{lJ *(\\ ol e\isliriE L.!nl

," ,i,'o lL

lriLL orcs in,fttr

.,irr rr b.\rirp rnh rh. dih \ ndi

'IhF Jurln nnfl . rLll, olxuftn cls ,]it .r ur. ,n.i \ ir 1 rL ol urL d,rh L1ar1.d ,nro rhe N:


obj.dnc r,, NiLr\g rh! r., lhrrr n{nl s rjilr'ci:
d$crL,pnur t.r[. n! d Lrn f.r]r rSir 1ir,,r r.rr^:f! rrslrL rr:!d!!prfripli .

Pani.L|.n.r\ ltjl.nLrf|L.nil ReN' r: pLn! ih nrr \ !N nL .Llxi.rL ri! lLcsre5.1.

A!tr\s.Ltuibm n,r rnldr Fith$ed InnDshihedrLJ* er nlnnr^icLvs, innud r
th! +(\ idrNiftnr sidu.d SiY( *,sii; :.r.h. .1t,rron i
Tr miLfis sha'l!l ldoldrr dr..hridlish's or the PnPtlihon (ig

. Hs\ nshh\nrhcL;ar rdurt\ smd nsl

. rft . rlrs r PloPner t PLoir.E Lhrreil

biid !o rhe $.iD e.onoml. annrsi5xndcdi[ef and

{di !d ., rLr iiIon.*nrn g hrtud lrnNgl, Lhrneld *rs inLlrric\*

t. n(n'Dt.idh6ril-n qrE+ {- r 'e r' ritrni

{- n uin!.i ^r,ndr q

rie!a10,,elo s (\ er nsuas $dli5:

sranJd nso
. --1. h dilitts (d{ftilt tolsthon! .onnr.t ont
. rh, ifmri.L ft rrD! lllr. lIr zi

L.s,rs.r,rrnsnl rt,!&rr Nn i
d drr.n rid nduork! inLi

rorn.indri.riir tri rrrirr.fitr ri r

d i, .Drior n,Lt(tr!t rtw(,gh n

. rh!ii,,i,, Ld,Lr lisin rta ..1

.nD! nhnv
r.,, rrrh$.ncp,r.rdfd.dBr
r fl,c D.,i,r ,.ntriL rore\idrd, dlods, en)slim\ .r d. -
,| \.n,ri rt'.LrPIcrorr\rd 1L],{

diLcrh inn Lll, ars n.rli \h itr rtr re.Dr L! !n\.l.finr

!m{ r.,refli.. r{
r!rr\.J tr)d,fi.r.nlhrzrJ\
[o\o +].
. Lrh.I
.hr..|r Lii'r8! nnd! ttuhi+rrntrpel.
an.r i. rlf,n.i irnr ofi
r5 af 1.. nh!, ,.n ln th!.n!.1

.P.rr. rhlJr orlLr!:

1'::;::1,:]:,]:]].,}ir"\,*'!.:nBllE;1!eil'tse'oP|otrDtrr5]nlllrrlaE(5 oI]J
f ,rh\; d +rzli.rheslvor rr,.r:..rtr,.;
isniNb,rsrd.n iime in drc ri!,r,r


\i, L,|.vjlJ' l]' !]n ]] ]r.]tr*rili$r

hks thc ni.itr $.r(trmrj. rop d \u rri is lcll i! nn,

5lr,usthcnrin Efo6 Nrlr tutbiguesind {:LrholltoEnL+aLrrrr...nseirhptpsrohuld

,' 'l"q ' l

SIl,l'l J'l A\ l Oll!1,1.\ ll()N
ObjddiveTopryift thedrah LUP ii dEulr (n $ irh (al€horadc

Prinary ouipurs:sbuduril'lan, Urbm ALeaFL,., DehilG r\rei rLr

Se.oMary outpa6: sedom|A.t d l'Lins

Tin. Requiftd, l2 L6 \ee*5'r*e.ri"t".-.,
.l i,d JaP
. ro ':,,,d,1.,,,
io. d... 'd
r rL l'F''' _'r' oid "
'' '0 b 'or _

. H!, thrDucula un.,d e.ol rr, tr rd) tollDnEJ

, , o "J ,,,,1, L

.l n!- 6 i L.uLtol th! rb.1".li,nc6'

s.h.ols, hospibls, housins rnd intdnthtr,

. H.n,(nlnr,lr*ialandPoPulitiondunssimF.ctonrhenihtralm\nonment?
r H.\a.lm c.lrmsc i\ litelv b rned rhc aai
. rhcLmts rd dtllorgs 10 Eo\ di nr rh. rrea?
A1... -.. ih" .,--"'f""d ;ussstion, \'n!h th. tam en.omered hri's tu':
". ofl.l th" l.-l -.-..iri." ,"d .doinnt lon \ill lrnt a de id':
otryhatnesds to hrppen i'1 theto\noruF,ili
ro de., ID a,a no. t1x5 Dr..e.,.rn bc rlll.+a ], bthP qu.dionsabor)

I -"":"' '' ;
I :, ,r,,"'
,' "..:. "
.,,.J", r ,.,:,":.J

, ff
"ill:Jl':Ifi ,i:,:, iTil"Hi ned ro amcnd ks pl ning fiopo\ak :nd

Pli!' f'r Lhn b!r' tlr' r'inh's drr 1o Lorrlrr!

tlt endr ind losril oi htur. u'bin srorth

*,1 ;,-" a.* * -n.." r. tt* ",*

. rr",.' .t I ' "' l'

:". '','

. Hr\ rn\ itedtrnsp.rinn anJlnrduse

. lr.1r}rmrdedgiotrthshouLillld'$ribtrt'di'a'shro\n
tllual nr dr'ePi \
Eam h's da'
seondl, rhcbim should{ri on rhr road nelworL Plin' ror ihc hsr' thr
. i p.n th! oa i +d,
' r etrElrndul , oo lmc+
|lb 'rnlrr\ ! hrrT rh'
. t"P. i--.4. tr ,' hr e fl'r' r

trdosNhen Pl ningtheroaLrnel nt drhehieE.h

or Drimr \1 sc.onlri4r dstibuir and d!:
. rcdt rim thr PL n "o$rl
nsri\ ins
:R,....;.. ".,i'".,,10'q
. n,oi me.t!\ rLl
. *,., :-
,.-, r
. rhe trnnrlrohlUfth< rer
. r*r.,ln;.i-*' tro !r; m 're5 r'tr'leh'J')
r PioPosedlandnse5

ft. roaLr nehrorr tlins 5lro d trDridc oPlons ror rL rrc

ioid J'Plopmei( Thesc 'ftn-'
$irrLedi{n$ed Jitlr.Nlr onn htioi nredinE
Thndly, the kan shorld pGPaE ' PropondLnd
tr''Plrr n h ale'notaln,[d .olouF)
. i
',1 i nrirg. r dr. nnm or uPaTilr

hoL ses

6 Refca,n,nLserparklifdsarsr--nbelE
rlle prcposed hid use ptu shourdbr biled on: nh rr! r For Dh.. ,.., r"p .8,",
rdrbL fr, il. r i.\DUbronr
. ]'he re! 6 ot rtredis*rr rllr:*s5men
r:.r'- r prcPr'yLl ro,!-ar
rhns or rhP r,. nirJ
. LlnrmaE d+.r ,ns iiJ drrfsrhe\on5ul[{ron\

fuhln bundijrs, 1*ni'a (n,rlie6' nropi

Lsrt.unn., shoorslr ) *d puLrri
r, .'rh,J, .e ,ern, rhord p,fp". ,e8r-,!ern nerh?L\eo,
rr.,m h* rheio un iiobar js I

rpl ciun flrdbi ','',,|'lI

. T, ,^,,'s'.;,,, n
. I p.\ dcrS rarinsrh*ije\bodfmu.f,..n.
Theierm should.onsider:
. L d an.ibutdirSs pchi(ed i
. 5pe.ial.isesrh .:.bep.mihed
. r.o.dron ofbuildin! no.rbonndin,
. Lo.ari.n ofbundljrgrfrDh
l.lainrnb *
. Li. r.nofm. "d"1,;, ",
. H!dn5dh'tLrnS
. r r n". .p*" ia !i rour! Drnd.a
. F,u, r " !re, onotbui Ll n!
!l,nss rrhrt brat.epular!o!
. rnRr 1e- ror!n {csnBrnrp..pej,r", rau"ion
. Iroridp . ind *.ur urb .nri'umcnt
$r \iti t.rhon!.holds iod oLhlrb ld ss

Exislns !u6or n, lenni.I nrisilon, rc.qt ra lall an hc, noirn frquen(-r' and
duraiion, pr.jcdRr n urc +.rm and.!dof€ ar!1luenq,n,l llunrion (thn s lnmliIE
du! to dnn e.hinge,plpql idr d.nsilr
Fuhrc derclop,ndni, ror lh. ptuPos.d road neh . rk rn.l thr P-Posed land n\t Plio
' I r1' '1 1G
lo(aiion oin.irnnter$di:Se mr, posslbili\ of uiiiri lakes, m sh.t pond!in\l

sllrt i fl
The objedivcs of prioniizins prci..a are:
. Io3$d.,mpl!.ocntahon
. To t!- to influene the.onteni oi orher developnreni Flans Gocio{.onomi.
derelopmenl plans, ror in*.n e)
. ro ftntilr prole.6lor r nh prbliq pivd. or inbn ionrl tunding slrould bd

Ine pl:n b. prionryprotcbshould beb#d on:

. 'I]re existi$ tur.omi. plans foi dp ,el
. FrelerenGs lor prote.a e\prssed drrinB ..n$ltrti.n Lrith adminktati.n
. ]lre pFiened planningoptio.r
. thdpopdsdd (EJ tuhvork, dninasc dlind usephn
. Sho rcnni mcdiunr tm .nd lonE iern horizons

objedive,ro to.vefr thapri.s inb rdsar n'inFremdnbho.

Prinary ourput Cizcncd plan!

Se(ondrry outpu6: Leaflei, pose. aare isement iboui ihe plan

lu shourd t]Iien{l
rh! ipim shorld olrinre,ncdhgs raLh \rrr|it:nd lo.ilidDi,rld tions iLdg r'ilh ill
r'hP td! Ltrions i( nr:
objedn G ot tL$e
' n, Gisr {,.n.soL tirc.l,rn PliN Gtnrdure rlan, unran .i Pl4 drhilld ita

. To r!..h asrec qt on th. (Dilnt oI d\e Plin

Irrr reim shoLld In( Nct Nnh \{l]r1\, arl odl.cs.l\rHr'$ rs requtud Foll(r'inB
.onmlnE rnd {gg.*,ons ii.u tlre lltrfw llrl!.h nr) nre r *rl
plinn, dr! letrm Gn tueet,iiur dikeholdeA

ir iJd ,on 1o kly nakeholdsi rlre re.hns \ rhe l{ilalmhnt ion shouLr b.ofen []
inctu{d ps cnr tie tha gdt,iL tublir).r dl. ll nrg rie'
i{ds nr 6e idrc licdt.11rNl.Lt
Ire tlrfr +.uld erpli,n dearl-v ind deraLl how PtuPosals i. the dmrt tlins .Ikclli tr)
ar{e.l rh ixn and ;lriYiduil i illisG n.n!ftiir)!r.Prusenhhra.'ho r.fd
fie neetins thd they f{d i,tor ts oi ihe dEii Plans rnl

Eiih{ thenr.cdL,a* d \ i\!s

Thd blloNhedoone.6 shonld bepresentrd rt dNsem(dngr
. IhebasenaFsshorrnrENr6.3inr..n ion
. rhep virnl and distrt5o.i. sNnom,cde\rloPmentfla.s
. Ir!P PosedPlinnr8oPtionr
. nrep,oFosed nru.h,tu fhr and u,Linrrua Plan
. The popored ro.d f.hro,k plin
. The p0poscd nrudn( PLdn
. rhe piopoii rnd use plin
. Th. lid ol parhlipant

rI ir r!i iFrued dn'lrg rhe mc.rinrjs thar sF6ri. &a.Serlrid t be l

drould bJmade N ni.. as PoeibL.. Ir isr(m!.t iras n.i ruadr..l, iher rill b. ndhcr
dc.Lirn r:equned tu!.me to.or+nntr
.d' " ''' I d' "d
,, l'rl'.o'" '1-. ob 'r \rB'o.'l 1i' Pi
' "P. 'i

\!th$m.plintrhctcnb.!.1.mlrounJ5ot.onnnkFondndi tfdmentbetuturhaflan

ijii;tjlr,a#ii:t1i"fl:ifl] *:,ffitirfi:i.,r";;,xj:;,,:.:*rT",,:n

f.l[j:.1i:tiu[Ix?:]::::x.ijL-.,::::j:,i;];*i.ili::;" i, N, sik.dr
:: ti"i :: . .tJ, ." ,,'riit:'i _,..1..1. ,"-_"i . '". . , ,*
: ' "::l:,,;;:i ";"."ii:r;;":,1ii,i;,1 jj",".:'" r'i ,;":
4\N|\ r I iqt( nI Ili(I Id.ntili.rii.n Nl'{h.ds'

L r.m,jiii({

n,-i l.i,
rm.hiuni i.iuu !d(o !di! \r

( q.nilrt.!eri+hqliisiDr


:\NNl:\ i Or.^itw ot PR,\ t..hri(lu.s: So.iiL nliPPing, v.fn lirgri n,
I i\tinit, rnd Tcdrndl.S! of Pi'inifrliof 1n,l)r '

l1r. b,.rd Dbie.hle.r rR^ G to in!.I'e locl FN e ii dre fhnnulf P(trN The ipc'ilic

. Inatiin6rth nr pidiriP orr rionnitionondi{ncrrrd'oPiigm(hionroithc

. ro a;inn.r.p rkr arEaorttunlLdr
. To;r[ebrgd pNrnra.rnt Lrths th]n fi*n.r Pli'mnEPdss
. n,,rry.l.t i'. Erlnrr rugi rErhcploed

-, ..,. ,i,.r .,,

. Adetia!i metlr,lol.grrnd r\s
. \1r'lupl.p*spedircs .
. (:io pi,! Trl
. ra.ilitidsNpek anll nakehold.s
. Lc li.g td suniincd dion a,mPlinsM.rhods

N!.Lrh ranki',gand
l,tcnieNgrid.s S..ialraps
and.hec*lisb rniervtrrmilx

.uDD(201r) Dcit R.po otr sk lsn Ds?6P0mr Phd l 5D:

obktr'ars a4r
.D!nlUnrqmrtr'\ rlord n3 r r (s ! re h.,.<or h( er

. ra.itiiator:
l)l {o.e) peroo
t ,nJi! rbh,
r iPPn ra r I r otL.n!l]b^oi
(!n. reEln

llill:"".:l;';"" **" ""'.

si!. r.n.,, rab e oi Hoo*nd cor,n ,.a'e. Drr bc

' -"'', .,,;,, r-,-.' ro , D.. p. .,

' dn

,,t-ti:,';i,'t::lt :;'",,j1,: I :J r:i

: ;li:,j:;';i ;:'llJ:i r.' :,"r ;',,
. :::;,;.t,..":;",,,r,j,*:,,i,i,:i i,r".,.
,: ,: :._
. \.h ,:.,..*__.
: .:'""ii,:lI?"J,.';' ;-; :;.";.:,,,,,".,1;",, r,;; -.
: l:lx;l? il1,u"[]ji:.*"
. Ia.ihablot
.,t rh{ (onerreron
r (?PPoraur0r 0r(.nc)
Miteiial, Po*d l);p.r ($hnc ind .olour, SiEn P.n, 5.tsso6, clue $nk, Ma.klng iapc, will or

l}oftd!( ot \tm DiaEnmi

. lliefa.ilitaior.][LLsd.dapelsonanDngthepri.pintiaoras,sbne,Nhowould
.ur dE prp* i,r. cirGr,r fom ot siz. nn vdr ltiigrafr :id *nk drem on

. corour posrr paper nQ inb.irorl forn a..ordi.8 ihe sercrjiv of thr probrmi
.olour poner papei
. The bi$d.ntubr sirdd p,Fer\!uld indi.aieihe mon sev.rc problem i e., no.01
pr oblem and rhr srTd oI Lhe .ii.le woulll tu.h.. i<ording to dc{cndins ordei
. -rlrnan!of ir.,
r Thc})nrbl.i$Lvouldbe knEed a..ording ih.n lrnponan.e ror ae+hefts
. SlCnihreoIaI rhe panilip:nrs' vou ld be tak€n ontheraudiagram

objedirs:To mfi fv pr.bir,h ellh. i. rrrc poblenE ol E rea

r Vdnuc Crnandquieienrimnnrri
r Parh.iPint , 10 to 15 Fdrof!

. raohb('r 0r lo.c)PeEon
. ccFi.irbto.0l(onetPeron
. Rappo elr 01lom)Pefon

Ilahr;l: Posrer Paper l rfte),M kcr fen, siSn Pen, clft s6cr. M,ski

. nre r. oh h tor shall *led a peEon rhe panripanb' ior a$isran.e ha vin8 good

. llre ra.ilit*or a!!ld elpla,n rh. produLe.leaLty and may Ge rhe,c o K.+E ,i
. To lind out the probairh solution to the problehs ht - nging rh.r a..ordns n
piiori!, r hrh have bc.r id.nti6ed nom vam diarqnm.
. Obhinirg sig.atue or aI the padopr.h'
t \ae$ r tuIkrionh displayi.srhaln6nx
. f.,.iur,no,,0r
. (! Falitit or !.ofrrnn
aono Pi dni
. lraFPod[.0r 0lrond P4.i-
. :1"."..,i.,.": ,. .'.,..
,' ,:".,. ,i .',\t ;;
",, l ";'.,
,,;,.,r;;1, .i; ..:" = ,,, ,
t'i" ..
a:r:'' ,';'t,''', it ,'' ;''
' ",,,11;",;. ,.,i l , ;'r ,,l"l l.*
.\N\r\ 6P,o(.dut\1.raord!.lifqll,rin\t,) nr \lrlhoLl
Frrulu! !.sls.rl lo s.noitc i l.,rsP nu$.r orldN!on
r snln sulri.d or r Fr$Lmr r. b ul.s h Lrmi.nonus
1l.s.nhe\rber,r, nf{iru i .nd

Ilis m! noluh n.Sdn'.r!unf,idndnr ei5,lnni,rgtrrladhht.P,ohh.'

sdlin! th,.ugh the,r\ o, lLLrnit) l.rals quilih: r i! trsrmpliorr N 1ft rlrc sk d rlrr
mmbo ornn!\ g$enFd,lhl gr. s the drola !t pn ud'rs rrdl

t 6 oristpn4nrltl(l rhrt ii srotr . ttrt .i hol.r ln*eil

.lnnnediitp[n],ghlri.ln.fg\itr, m.i,ihcra l.i0rtstrr.usonrnuddB
or addnig nli, Rrrniis diti.i l lor i lit(, .t,!.,1 +.rgP Dl tht Froc$ Er $!
rL 3fr5t. .ne r&res a n,l,tNtrt atinrPlrue \h.tu frridtan

si)s ol thinkins rd pnniJ! t,rtrd solL(,ons trin rtSul;r id.i! nr.1 .rn be generi(tl L1
nDkus h.Dr i.dEr ps+rcdl\ r.i setinsis ea5n,6Plids

looJ e -nbe.oD,r,i',lllblLrinisinsLe!{!*ooJ .r Tlistrtpl

nnnrl.trthrbulldniEoiLde6brip .esoIasolidrn

. E\Fhin rr. pu4rxp,{.,rn'ng inn Nire l]di.iFnb in tr h$dl! mhier tr'
e\p,ts thor irils and PEf.nnr! o' th. obiedncs rnn rdrir fttd" u l.
d.ner,.rddbfuaLircthem 'sLor
. Brgiibnitrronnr]ui.ihrlrrgPrgrDUtPnllllg.rtoneLd.a rti'nP
. Asr Pmtnlggreros i, tigEerN'r ideas
. ri lrrqD! s nor rillii,S t) trll6ur ner{rh.le!! rbL.10 rriie, r.! ! h4lrd I r:

.In di5n.Ntobe,eorded rd gnn+rd inro d,rrr(ni nLbred or ptut lrm at.s

t nf lnrllBroufs ior.rdr suti -! arri intl rsk lrr
g'iuN nrurlr{ r'un. tlN iders i
mirli.u.t(Lorth.Prnhl n&ds,re1 adnit.'

Arnex- 7 Procedures forCondu.ring Con3ensus
r, Desisna roctrr Quesrion

. Firr in ihe 10|okmg hrbix


l,w4!!e,!11L.-fu_-,.*o",;1 ,l
Fomulak our of rhe tu?k
and rhe raiioat objedjve a

tr/.nvn" s^s""
kidt !,lr{ n!e. en
he i
. HiSliight the lms quesrion;
:r !^p{nhepu.po.c oq.! \ortlhopl
r\FU e mrkshop

r wh{wassoine wc[? wtar hs aier

. whar ham you leatud 6on rhat?
. w}trrresme rtrnBs rh* nec,l b be inDftdl
Pot rhe ruorquchon
i rM $meb.dyElrtucsnptert2 hed

. Intl qdual nnom

rrr lard rnr
r H Shlghlhe r molrrmDounr,r..
. Ioh3ub 8lops
. wnEbrs b)onerde pcr.Jrd..r3 5 wordD pftcrd
rG.i[r:6ryor\dFbsofrts brr6ndro..rdrrr, a..nLm. nx,.rnor ?dFdto
co ndl dreLrigien b ths'ftnl'( "lrnn"

Rcrl th! ('ns quenn r rlti.{lc


rfinh on.r rhc mondifh.ulr ro Qal"

whL.h i: the fton imP.t niotlorkoil
lvher. e I o! gDilg (i (or I i] the n!\r $+r?

for Cond(ting Conmunity Actior ptanning,

prcjet or 6opic you would lite b do a comuni, a.tjm

:p b. D{iae hoN tons the workho! wi[ take?

ridc abtut tlcPrc@you u,l ao ttumahl

. {@te\ rd dcodeDn Lralme.e,.,wtrl hn"n.!row.,
vr-rq lvisurr.L\rtutu,cbyb,r\@mi,FMrfl,pmd./,0qtrorh.
'I (LmntReilts/10%
. Decide abo KeyA.hGrnd Djv,ds b5k/ xr96oItjne
' r.r( p drnlg p?nhdo F and d€de dood rp{ sh?. / r0$lo. hn"
Pc Deideab t who wirr facititak wha,
P d !.epare yor mrenak ,nd ehinr of lhe rcoh
. rrepare ft,reri.lstu.n 6 r)flrp(h.ris,2) obEchves,nd
ar 6duns ),ou i ix asr !, ,ch n;;

Char hi'l rh. FrLp n wld bd of pep r. he), @Lld

I ratrhg

. cutui R@t'ty (shgrhs, wekn.$, Bmettb. D&k6r

. k,mihst/Goar
. Key Actim dd djvide task
Show Ur* ,Eps on r tup(ha .

UadFn.jd h6 nads bem +. b6,pd. dr k Lh! ro @ jns.

r wtuh dosr I r "bou.
proid) .rw dil hep{DtFirnegnpnrre
,,mp Femfh%.
r $'hen * rIbeinplemmkd dcombrakdl
. wh". r dT?60r xhyirw.Io"impt enelwharis.hpoD,eriv".
. tud who
^.'t Froe or o,ovide onbibubm o hok rllh wilt be
. whm:wlqe{U ptra.eab,Ebr or ophinE o.h.
ot 6e prciecr
orodo, @plp{mdaE
ble ol,e?
:r rr I . r' \+r ilrl-h' tJ' ln I 1n

''l alr.lkr hlksrul'01\rhis\l1ro'etlro'Lrcid\

. tr],,( --.,srm, '

. \.r.r h trLliv nfd'rLhrr''errqr! r('' I

r :.
; ... . , .- "

ll li'1.,..-,i-1"''" '
-l \lit!r r raFh r
- .".i",'1,- q r-.-'"
:1..:'.: ," ""';,"'
: -,"

irf lfirs:li',:',.lili'j'il:iiiilriilix'rr'iil:"

1'+ 1.;gffi 1,iiili,;iiii.i':::'iil'i"*:li':::i': ""''""''''"'"'''"''
. \5!hi \r r+r!rr,
nsl &e grouP .,kr Pu L thesc o. Po*.n

rrr..l io
.:,""': .,
,:; .,';'.:; .-'.l:',1,.,:.
'"lr. eJ{m!nrrLr
.: "" , ..".'::,,.,'.,,.,1,1.,,.

Hii['i]Tli,::,;:;.fi:IilitL^n,here\, rdths dn,ru,d,*{,eAi

.\ ionsworkshop c0 50nin.)

:i';:,'r 1..,,, ,

i,J,i. : .,i:::" :,' I '

r.o'sshoutd be:.iiois, rrhi! hc ihFldiLrld by.h. ErotrF and itu Leilrri.
:.:,,1,:,lill;:,I1\:-'^" di'|iir!'iasL]re.o,a,h1cd
, rnnIdrrrbin.i ,i B,inrormdrpdntoL,a.
, ,-,,...
' HqhLdhr'h.jmo+rmo,,d, 7
rsl 7 u 3 idGr ps srDL+r (r !a|eruil,Mnebt&I arn di$rqrdl
c Pr h! r n.{ tr Po r 4[.n5]

-* "" -, .."... ch,.r 6dirrL, hraijrr.irn conol|;: ^is,inB.
. Rc.rl r,)nr q!sti.. Hrrc Llr srut ro ammxt( , i.h du*er in L I (.n]s l]i :,
thenNmirrrn nr I 5\ordsl
r sturrrrfirhr hicc!* d!$, h

r Hi( th.BrorP10 rea.l thcwor

. whi.h l.hon do $u like d! no{l
. L\lri.h on! i!thp os diffi.rlrro
t NLdr ( rhg frln diffi.uli io i4rlentnri
. che!.r Nith the gi oup if i
Dd br r *rp torriig fl\.? Tr\ ro naror'.lr
uroid]drnr drEe Lrrkirs 8ruP.
. I.dr. ! ]'hrr inclorp l,2 rdl
. A5l Po+n! b siSr ul ir n hidr I

I raepiru ai|[h b on the 6lld{rlg !?\

\rnrsof dr! nr.nnr6 Ln ihe,!o{i,r8 Broup

Dcid i..s strrnrg Responable

dare E.dingd*e p.rn,(t

t h+rudd1 d thP rrolking lrorps

. f.rn,uL.t ioLrororrrvorkio*sroupdr.h.ilionJE]nrrouldlrl<cbr.hti
. FlrmuLitt ldions oi na8s oI inplemenhhon, rolr (orking SrouP ir !.,::
.otr,pl.t.ijld nnp I mcn t. lndi.]re stanrgand.ndinB ditls
. Eonu.,hL. Frodjirs, iviryr rt"rwor^,rnE^-
d rcro* rJ m@d d.rijir_ ;.J" y-,-d _r.,,
r wlox oc+^@,oituurorEpmibr"Nr$n,rorrcu,wortnggarpr

Erlh Ercup Bds 20 40 minu res ro ond4c thur chndl

rde6lhould be x.itudGrds E hi;r4a.

Preanbriuns l5 h'nuhs ea.h Amup)

' r thchd_trgd'oup." rFel ie) gp r rrnrp,bp,.4r ftnp f, Ftip.r:ro
i 2 - 3 hinubs wlll be 8ivetr 1o rhe orher parj.ipmrs ro asr qu6Ltrs ol.larcotion.

a r f8. hbbr L\e fonowrioLeshon,

. !\lnkh dd!iryare vou ir;tdnrro
. l{11ichisihenctinbotun,
. wl]rh 6 L'f mGt4;h b,mDrensr?
. uarich q'tEho ,rih. tu;D6c l
. How 6n we tjih ih{i
. rlrDi adivitiesaearneed b be .eordinahd tr linkedT
r \h* tuul or !hj5 plm b€ Efe@n,
. whdr ",e-r\" Mr r'ncnede!o aN
Borlq b oo in t" @mjg rom. w' e h.
. wtodillbeL\prn.tF.porr"epe60Mpa.,r4orr 1qs,4up.
. whenwiub€L\em.r metur?riLcENi[f hc ._i"
. wn:r wJl b€ rhe aEendal
h ldoM-r h" !o.kri@ E..s I o ourmrBor rn. r+tu
srr.JJds l,), rriltltrrt I r.iliLlc\



commnn y Md so. 5eri.6

i ,.* no,ooo r,"p


l 1 in -E.h Polrash-a

neral / ASrclcohrse
-fA"*'.-",- - l
-qir--*s r i. *"r.

, t Ade / 10,000 pop
I in a.h Pourshava
"-* ]

fopt.""t r ,, ]
Urility and PhFical InfEshduF

I{-qlob"!!@.31 rh."d,p;"G l
:-lg" __ __ -e":]
W.ter sup?I, Sewerl
Watn sulply Stahon wiih 1

setrna8errc.bmt Point

**" L:rt4olqryo I inschP hs1*u I

s,ppryst tr- , i!lsq!11"!!ry 1
Trdspotrdon dcomanictiotrInrrah.tut

0.5 ade 20,2000 PoPtlation

tucr+J!,^JanrremPo sr d
0.5 ,o. /20 2000 ?oPU L'trun

P,'trrfld.rr L
/!sDe' lo(:l".e.l
s"mad..vdair ,eqdlrnm
e Pe' ld:l

Er* h ^.,r""-.,rl,"""s,""",,r *.ui*d tus "6 uDD.l

\\\r\, t.r ir ,,t, .oi. \r t{i;,,.rii. _/ ti.,,. .r, \ d,o.
r rr tl L -r t,t rni rri r! rrisi\ll, [! I ni D

claur numtilr r7.r,17.5, ud 176!i rhe N ional

7.1 .op,r .iii

. r ,,, , ",,] ,1P. ,, ''
rnr \trL 6 li"
;;,,.; ., ; ;i; d;it; .iil;'i,::i,iii;l::

tPotrrislfk) ataus! :rloiih! do.

,'r,, , ,, ,, 1|'
i.. oib-t , ' 'o
ib'.ti ."..,,t.- .T..

r" I DD ddrnm,.r
t,oiri.1 F j

Ihn .d his been emded io lonro haDhazid

onhrhr d b ld ni,, herc. etrlnu;kn.e,l
u br -, ir n Brna rdsh s{im A jr rh! dr
dneds ihar u{ of rhe e\isti'rs budnl* hus be
lonsrLrr Nith the lind
propold h ,hev rer n!n To su rhe brrp !r

r, h rre +p qrm Jurna ir '

me u brtd ns

6 srrd"+ Nr M, Bu .,; Lo.h To rfrril rhe nKAsr"t q{(rn ot ih. Buildin;

rcs: (Bc Brn^:d.rrrJr
\irio irr B dnpcod. LB\Bc)hr.beh oreDtr 4l
n toud. Tne oh d \e
or dre ENBC rs ro +r a DriillmDn i dard tor
de.3n r rj lon{ru. }bu dtr s.s ,ell ij ru 5cr
.rik.h.r !r e,.< a
mai.rfl E .i buildinxs ro ennrc sif.r :.d
pubri. r,elf .

By ihc propcr and r4omus imFlcm.nhtim of
BNBC it is p.siblc io achicvc a satc llvins
cnlirumenr a5 n ptu;dcs ditu.tio ,n,i Nbic6on
on the buildins desisn$ ,nd heiAhts in the risk
knsitive areas For In$ane. ii reIers what xill tle
.ivn mgin€eriry preoutim and s.i bac* rulc b
build a eidential house to a flood plan or
sithqtike ,sL &ea. I}d nem ir a RsLu" is
dcsign.d pnrpcrly wiih L\e exad dasifi.aiion oI
disashr risk aftiiivity thFuSh land use zoning
,nd rcsulahom tho n is pcibl. b bndgc thc gap
betaen pldandinplemstation a..ordi.aly
'n1isOdind.e co@lidarE and amentu the law
relali$toa.'tuisitionmdf'tuisitionorlmdoi y
oihs immovabl. prilah propcdy in thc puhli.
inhru$ Ir is edid regarding .onlensaiion for
,cquipd prcper$ h L\c law drc Ac{tuisition ara
Requisnion of Inmovable lrop€It]r Oditune,
1932, properry me sany*rutuesonlandor y
righr over su.h prcperr), pioperr, whi.n upa lor
rel4ious woship or d
a graveyad, .rmaiion
8r.tnd orph.i,8c hdpit l or Ptbk library n

Dsaner Managemenr A.i 20rl TheDisstei Manasnent Ad oI 2012 {as macred

on s€piembs 24 2012 b i in tlre Ionowin8
. To miiEare ihe overau dbash4
To .Dndur po*
rehabjl ation programs {ith nore skilk)
To prcvidc cm.rgen.y humanihnan aid to
wln.{.blc ommuniiy by brmsinE the
hamtul efte.r of disaster 60 a rolecble leEl
$iough adoptin8 disashr nsk redu.iion

To enad rules to deate effective dGastd

hanasemenr i.ft4rruduF b n8nr

To nute ihe adivities oI oncmed public

and private dSanizatims more
coortrinahd, obisr orienred and
dmngth.n.d b la.e th€ disa*cs.
l ,.1, .. o. tt t"',' .,
llinl]lin,]l],i,..r.''.' "';
,uriu.ihirirr 01 rtr poDl

!l.Ire, m.L rrr P

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tur,l.lloJ...- ^l
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I nr dr,i,;_ , .,

rililrld, optn !rir., rak rd

u:k; ,, !, r". I..-d.,.
r ronnr!! [!ut,ne F]or.n,n
n, r{tLn. ,}
+[ r,P 1p].'
cotri 1: Alonc \fth
fnfgnnk, r|!h spice, frr arlt nitrr.r r!,rhr

' .. H"",] , h." ",.i

mi1.oii.erhcl]n);trh.60i [*mak];us{ rL,

i'm E ro mike rhe plai ,afriti,, ro 0E liriz.n inr

ANNIXIl Risk Sensitiwe Urban land Use PlnnningTools r

RPgulabry mea$tre lil(e }uilding .odes md land re plming, whm imptm.rtd wiih ORI

Buildi$ .odes aNure dut n€w dRlopmmi does .ot ocdr stu.hrra aie .{esigned
and built ro {jthshnd the impa.t ol hazads. His[oriol dib rclatin8 to past di$steE, alons
(,i$ tuture hazard proledioro md s€n is inlom d{ision makcx about thc necsa{
rcshi.tions to plac. on buildi4 o,Etucrion nakrial xisni. b€arinlr lo.d6, ,.d intc.ded p
of ihe shturu Tnis tml cn bc draftd at the loel level/ using National Buildiq Codes as a
model drd sharEd bwads lool conditids Thc Dcrlopmmt comnit€e working wi$ th€
PLMD or CAD $ould de.ide on the proper Eellations oI rollowh8 appmvaL r
buildhg inspedor or other appoinied govexrnent repGmiative ro dsuft rh ,
buildhg . be saie\ used for i6 inkfta puaose. These odo o
bl.ldrs. .E ehhred prc*'lu r ode' aw hned trdl( ni
, h.zard scnario naps, d buildiry daiabase
. L,nd us. .an be r+alaled rhimgh rhe eshbrishnent of appspriah mnig
mm rcs w hin arc6 snhjed b, d pohntirlly $1bjed ro hazards. ciry D€velopnd
comnifrcesindtlishids(forsmall.rtoMsandnrban ed)cannoNdrafilandr
ph.s DrEHD has assise,l in the pJi m .onnuhng pr..pc.6v. plan! r.d ..dd
serve asanadvi$ry oleln rhis,swell. Exanpl$ or land nsc reSdaiions indude:
o Ddsmine land u*, demiq, building plaemmt, and sfrvicing dmdards
o Ds$natim oI lad as nazard prore, Ii*e idmhiaho or a oedFlain
Biabltuhes that derelopnreni is linired, or will not o.dr in a harardG

o Minifrrm bdlding el.vations & s.tba.k tur land in haard pmne areas
Ddn trrd&l: Map oI urban area wiL\ nenr land us, nazard nup, building d abme dn

cmpEhereive lmd r plms ar not tho n1y way to ch.ngr or reshd I'nd us Amrielr d ained at specihc haad Prcne aEas oI a city oi even a spe.ifi. develoPtrnr iE

L dA.quisirion is a wherc gain owncFhip of land Ior dr pnnart

purpose oJ addresi$ publi. salet, through purhase o c\proFrhd ThE has been dm i
odH ca*s lor mem oI e.ononic developmenr but hee it is t.mnmded rd mvnomed
preserv,tion or prolection. land ( be acquired rora variery ofpuryoscs includiry Plddir
w.rk (dikq maneove/corar rer reroratio4 md no bdld zoner. rand acquisitid .an aleh.
don. to prevcnt ihc dcvclopncnr or io lEld it in publi. owneEhip lor exclusive publi. n* Iib

hr Gn; Mo&Lr q
c !)Guddhclrorhb8 h3Dnaktu
Gdu$PhmiqrM)?in4l{ihipN,E6mehr6 .h!ciq) ADrc,&qrqr
F, N.turar ftok.tid Tools

Co,€bl welhnd Creario. or Redoration uiiliz$ rhe natural Im.tiotu of wttl & and
mansEves io hclp .reare of i b!ftc io Pdure rcae cnerEv, wln.h c,' 8rcadv redu@
indct or cyclon6, sors s"rBe ad nmdins
Ddr, ,ed?d: Hhid. ninfall, hisiorjc disa er d,ta lrazard naps, mP or lrb area win
ofr mtland use and emlqioL ifl eY
Dune suitdin! or RlhJbi[tution Nito':l\bd dmes pruqde:1 {''lFdc;E''34i6
o-na'otuio;noflou'nqbv,rF pdh,1lrnoodulh'
1.uv "b- "?' roEoya -'c sd.r ddiJ{:n'erPn'
,,.i""' . n *.a."t * .".lindh o, >e m. Bur\ ndrtrrldo ntiF 'dLF 'n be
.,,'uiri,+ - ." ' .s. r-. PL"r ,s. 13+ i ' ' oo r rr 'ub 1 ! I P dur
'r '
Dd, tr?.d.d HGbric ranrfdl, hi{o c disdter dat4 haz*d naPs, map or ur6an area (ith
dn€nr l,.d e, and smey

N,tuar soil Nouishrent pfe( to $e addition or sand or orher dmikr sdimot nahn'l io
T'mdtu. dld o
r' o;.msJ phrt'"rao.ionor '.'e'.nr'-"iso'l'
o' Nr).re.]turu b' ".o 'edd'-
Drri ielld: H$tdri. rainf l, hGtonc disa er d:tn hazard maPi mp
drFnt land usq and eoloErdl sun eY

NaMl windbie*. like t€es cn ,irhsbnd high{peed winds rion 'vclms md oin6
or, n ' r 'Eand r:nF.ded trbr grFn!P,6.d - 'vP " ' ' r 'l rd\'o 'o trdLe
rhpe rr' o'sl..ped wirds o' or'o'13 rd a h"'.'tds.ructuF.

D,.a ,*AdHisbnc sbm dab wiur avcsg€ wind sPfrd, hktori. disder d a haard maF
map oI urba. dea wth tuiimt land use ,nd eologr.'l survev
coNqucneg htpl/iusF2o0gprhdr'ddF'osq0':6


,n word Bank andtrMI 2or1 ftsk

! 6'ruah tusnioo Prci{t r'

n.s! d B r (ao4 Brsbdesh srnbsl


.l!i StT"{e,-tF
--' I
6- ir,'
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