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M1A3: Library Activity #1: Choosing a Topic

The topic I've chosen for my research paper is Middle-Class Squeeze and I plan to focus on the Federal
Reserve and the part it has to play. My proposed thesis is: The Federal Reserve is the fundamental cause of
the destruction of the middle class and should be abolished.

I read the chapters on Celebrity Culture, Teaching Values, and Closing Guantanamo and then turned to the
chapter on Middle-Class Squeeze. The subheading, "Is More Government Aid Needed?", just about made my
choice for me. After many years of experience and much study and reading since 1972, the year I graduated
High School, I am convinced that the answer to that question is a resounding "No!" I have carefully read and
re-read the chapter and only find the Federal Reserve mentioned twice, and only then as a source of statistics
that illustrate symptoms of the declining middle-class wealth that I hope to show are the inevitable result of
the actions of the Federal Reserve since its creation in 1913.

I learned a couple of things about my paper by searching the library's databases and one of those is, that to
my surprise and disappointment, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley, was
not to be found. On the other hand, I was gratified to see that simply searching "Rothbard" led to some
results that I will find quite useful in making my point. 1,2

Culture of Enterprise: It Didn't Have to Be This Way: Why Boom and Bust be Unnecessary—and How the
Austrian School of Economics Breaks the Cycle
by Veryser, Harry C.
DATE December 2012

Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises: Theory of Money and Credit (5th Edition)
by von Mises, Ludwig
Batson, H.E.
Rothbard, Murray Newton

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