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Well, I reviewed the comments and then released them for response. These are not easy comments.
YouTube hid these comments, and called them spam. They are not spam. They let us know that the
Black Nobility is tormenting some of us. Where we go one we go all. I will take a day to share them
with you all. They will become something for us to process during the Global Currency Reset.

At some point we are all going to be on the same page in reality. Australia's and all of
the other countries' intelligence agencies are puppets, working for the Bankers.
There is no such thing as Australia's national security according to the corrupt way
things are operating until we clean them up.

We have been fighting this corruption for a long time. Last week YouTube removed
the archives for about six hours, before restoring them. The net effect was to alert
an ever-widening audience about the corruption in the world's money and the Global
Currency Reset.

It takes time for people to understand how we are all in this together. As we all gain
confidence, things are going to move faster. We are in the middle of an historic
transition. One of the unknown but very positive factors is the fact that we are
"transcendent beings". I understand that many of us are trapped in a state of being
that does not allow us to realize that potential. We are going to learn and teach each


Cita Previa • 4 days ago

The network is deep very deep : You may have accepted
a role as a player !!! But I never have !!! Do u comprehend what it means to be a
tortured, triangulated prisoner !!! You have no Soul !!! Do you comprehend the pre-crime
prison against my own thoughts ... that the dew's can inflict !!! Do u comprehend the
rape of such nature? You have made the choice to slave for status and tokens !!! You
are in the clown/Batman/joker suit and you can't admit since you took an oath for this
controlled evolution and you would have to pay the consequences if you leave. The
people that are martyred are the reactions to their (you're) agenda. Slanderers pigs
while you are publishing for hbs, yet you gain financially and yet I don't get a voice !!!
That makes you a rapists and a killer! Love is not pretending.

Comments fetched successfully

Human Earthling • 4 days ago

Whether I have shared what little I know, with politely minced words or with the same patience
exhibited by Karen Hudes, or not (mostly not, as I admit) I have at least shared some bits of
documented facts I have researched in the congressional record. It's not enough for me to make

polite sounds of support without sharing some part of what I have learned from my own efforts
to add to the connection of the dots. Karen Hudes cannot define every word she uses. It's for us
to look them up if we don't know what they mean. People can recognize and appreciate my
sharing or not, but damn it, I have shared. I have shared knowledge gained first hand in the
private corporate corrupt fed. court system in other videos through the years, and I have gotten
exponentially more angry and frustrated at the fact that I get responses mostly from the govt.
trolls who take offense at someone speaking out....but very few comments in support of my
revelations (which I truly appreciate and am happy to know that there are brave souls out here; I
am not as alone as I was when I stood before the evil I found in Fed. ct. hauled in on trumped up
false charges to discredit me and my utterances...I still marvel that at the time all I prayed for
was the strength to stand my ground and God answered my prayers. I felt the understandable fear
lift off my sholders as I stood there presenting my documents . [ I prevailed and went on to prove
my contentions; representing myself.] The only real tool a corrupt govt. has is the fear it can
generate in its victims. We must quit giving up our power to evil, weak poseurs. I look forward
to seeing that there are more and more who dare to not only speak out to support those of us who
have made the effort to know and understand why so much chaos is happening but to share the
bit of the puzzle they have gained knowledge in. We must share. and we must quit fighting over
how we say what we say. Political correctness is the muzzling of discussion. Sometimes our
frustration will show; our tempers might show strain. But evaluate what is said by doing your
own research. Only then can there be real communication between equals.

Human Earthling • 4 days ago

She is right about corporatism taking over countries whose constitutions have been
rendered inoperative. Interregnum means without a legitimate leader. There is such a
tool called a dictionary . People should listen to what this woman says. She has shown
a patience I find almost heroic. I would be furious at how long it takes people to grasp
what she is saying. I have SEEN the corporate documents founding the US govt., filed
on the congressional record. She has told her public where to find it on the same
record. I wonder why so many manage not to make the effort to see for themselves.
Ther is implication in every fact she gives that unless one looks up the words they
cannot grasp the whole meaning. The US govt. is not the legitimate American
government. That's why she says interregnum because this fact MEANS interregnum
(not a legitimate govt., therefore not a legitimate President of a legitimate govt. but an
illigitimate President of what most people THINK is President of America, the Republic
but is NOT. He's the President of the corporate entity called the US govt. Get it? I bet
most of you know who won the last world series and what the damn score was! What a
waste of minds..... Also she says gold and silver are the best values that set currency
on the local level. She does not mention crypto currency. She does not advocate a
world currency based on a digital blip on a computer that's unregulated and has nothing
of value to back it up. Yet, there are those who STILL try to slip cryptos into the mix.
One's thinking apparatus cannot function better than their vocbulary. A vocabulary is
ESSENTIAL. Thinking is essential, logic is essential, effort is essential. No one can do
the thinking every life individually requires.. No one [not even God] can save the asses
of a mass of ignorant fools. Ignorant fools do not stick together because they are to
ignorant to work together; they panic. They cannot maintain a cogent thought process
long enough to grasp meaning. There is no organization with ignorance. only chaos. like

exists today with so many praying for God to send to Earth another of HIS sons to die
for our sins (ignorance, errors). And people who think like this believe they love God?
That they are Christians? They're childlike creatures, not adults. These are the same
ones who believe in Democracy, a system of mob control whereby everything is
determined by a vote [even what is taken as fact] ' a system of the ignorant leading the
ignorant..."And the blind shall lead the blind"... A system that depends upon a public
being kept ignorant to what is going on so their VOTE is meaningless due to being

On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST

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