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Lecturer : Dr. Siti Hikmah. M.Pd


Phita MS 7777180002
Encup Suprayogi 7777180018
Rina Maryant 7777180009




Analysis of Development Curriculum

1. Curiculum

The term curriculum is derived from the word Curir meaning runners, and curere means the
place or places race. While the curriculum has meaning "distance" that must be taken by
When viewed from the 1955 Webster's dictionary, the curriculum is defined as follows: (1) a
race course, a place for running; a chariot, (2) a course, in general; Particulary applied to the
university course.
A course, especially a specified fixed course of study, as in a school or college, as one leading
to a degree. Harold B.Alberty; defines curriculum as "all of the activities that are
Provided for the students by the school.

The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the purpose, content, and
teaching materials and methods used to guide the organization of learning activities to
achieve certain goals (UU Sisdiknas No. 20 tahun 2003).
Alice Miel in his book Changing the Curriculum: a social process states that the curriculum is
all experience and education patterned effect obtained every child in school . The curriculum
covers the knowledge, skills, habits, attitudes, appreciation, ideals, norms, private teachers,
principals, and all school employees.
J. Galen Saylor and William M. Alexander in his book Curriculum planning for Better
Teaching and Learning defines curriculum is any attempt to influence the child's school
learning, whether in the classroom, on school grounds or outside at school, including the
curriculum. The curriculum also includes extracurricular activities .
Harold B. Albertys in the book Recognizing the High School Curriculum, defines curriculum
as all activities both in the classroom and outside the classroom that are under the
responsibility of the school.
William B. Ragan in his book Modern Elementary Curriculum, states that the curriculum
includes the entire program and life in school, even all experiences under the responsibility of
a child . The curriculum includes not only the material, but also covers the whole life of the
classroom, including social relationships between teachers and students, teaching methods,
and how to evaluate.

2. The Curriculum Development

Curriculum development is includes the processes that are used to determine the needs of a
group of learners, to develop aims or objectives for a program to address those needs, to
determine an appropriate syllabus, course structure, teaching methods, and materials, and to
carry out an evaluation of the language program that result from these process.
Lim comment on such an initiative in Singapore and notes that the curriculum development
now includes “need analysis, goal setting, syllabus setting, materials design, language
program design, teacher preparation, implementation of the programs in schools, monitoring,
feedback and evaluation.
The purpose of the curriculum is the goal to be achieved by a course of study. And a field of
study and subjects, which is based on the goal instutional. Formulation of curriculum
objectives based on the categorization of educational goals / objectives taxonomy, which is
associated with the related fields of study.

3. The Organization of Curriculum

The organization of curriculum is a pattern or shape of the preparation of lesson material that
will be delivered to students. According to Nasution the organization of curriculum is very
closely related to the educational goals to be achieved due to the different patterns will result
in the content and delivery of different ways.
There are 3 kinds of patterns of organizing the curriculum:
a. Separated Subject Curriculum (Curriculum by Subject)
The curriculum is so called because all the learning material is presented in a subject or
subjects separated. So many kinds of subjects into narrow scope. The number of subjects
were given enough vary depending on the level and type of school. In the practice of teaching
delivery, the responsibility lies on the individual teacher or educator who handles a subject
that holding.
b. Correlated Curriculum (Curriculum Combined)
Correlated curriculum is the curriculum form which indicates the existence of a relationship
between the subjects with other subjects, but taking into account the characteristics of each of
these subjects.
c. Integrated Curriculum (Integrated Curriculum)
In the integrated curriculum subjects focused on an issue or a particular unit. With the
determination of lessons expected to form a personal determination learners according to
their communities. Therefore, the things that are taught in schools should be adapted to the
situation, problems and needs a life outside of school.
4. Curriculum in Indonesia

In the journey of education in Indonesia has adopted seven curriculum, there are:
a. Curriculum 1947
Curriculum 1947 was introduced as a lesson plan. Learning Plan 1947 contains the following
provisions. (1) Indonesian is used as the language of instruction of the school; (2) the number
of subjects for the Elementary School (SR) 16 fields of study, 17 subjects junior and senior
majors 19 fields of study.

b. Curriculum 1968
The purpose of education according to the curriculum of 1968 was heightens mental-moral
character and strengthen the assurance religion, enhance intelligence and skills, and
fostering / developing a strong and healthy physique. Terms curriculum 1968 was: (1) are:
Correlated subject curriculum; (2) the objects.

number of subjects for up to 10 fields of study, 18 junior high school subjects (Indonesian
Indonesian differentiated I and II), a major SMA 18, SMA 20 major fields of study B, 19 C
High School majoring in the field of study; (3) high school majors performed in class II.

c. Curriculum 1975
The provisions of the 1975 curriculum are: (1) is integrated curriculum organization; (2) SD
has a structur program consists of 9 fields of study; (3) Natural Science lessons and
Biological Sciences into Natural Sciences (IPA); (4) Lessons and Life Sciences Alajabar
Measure into Mathematics; (5) The number of middle and high school subjects 11 fields of
study; (6) High School was divided into three majors: science, social studies, and language
starts at the beginning of the second semester of grade 1.

d. Curriculum 1984
The provisions of the 1984 curriculum are: (1) properties: content-based curriculum (2) The
program includes 11 fields of study subjects (3) The number of junior high school subjects
into 12 fields of study; (4) The number of high school subjects into 15 fields of study core
courses, 4 fields of study for the program of choice; (5) high school divided by five majors:

Physics Science A1, A2 Biological Sciences, Social Sciences A3, A4 Cultural Studies,
Religious Studies A5; (6) Majors conducted in class two.

e. Curriculum 1994
The provisions of the 1984 curriculum are: (1) properties: Objective Based Curriculum (2) is
replaced with the name of junior secondary schools (Secondary School Level) and a
replaceable high school high school (High School); (3) lessons PSPB removed; (4) primary
and secondary school teaching programs are arranged in 13 subjects; (5) high school teaching
programs are arranged in 10 subjects; (6) program majors performed in class II consisting of
the IPA program, the IPS program, and Language Program.

f. Curriculum 2004 (Competency-Based Curriculum)

The provisions of the 1984 curriculum are: (1) properties: Competency Based Curriculum (2)
the name of JSS replaced SMP (Junior High School) with a replaceable high school and high
school (High School) (3) elementary teaching program organized in 7 subjects (4) teaching
program SMP compiled in 11 subjects; (5) high school teaching programs are arranged in 17
subjects; (6) program majors performed in class II consisting of iIlmu Natural, social, and
g. Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP).

KTSP is one form of education reforms that give autonomy to schools and education units to
develop the curriculum in accordance with the potential, the demands and needs of each.
KTSP curriculum is a curriculum development strategy to achieve effective school,
productive, and achievement. In the curriculum, curriculum development undertaken by
teachers, principals, and the school committee and the Board of Education.
The current of education in Indonesia has implemented a new curriculum is the curriculum
2013 as a refinement of the curriculum curriculum KTSP.

5. Curriculum 2013 in SMP N 6 Cilegon

Curriculum 2013 or Curriculum-Based Character, a new curriculum that was initiated by the
Ministry of Education and Culture, to replace the Education Unit Level Curriculum.
Curriculum 2013 is a curriculum that promotes the understanding, skills, and character
education, students are required to understand the materials, active in the discussions and
presentations as well as have high discipline manners.
In Curriculum 2013 Junior High School students will not have any IT classes but all of the
remaining classes will be technology integrated teaching. The curriculum, however, scraps
Computer or IT from the compulsory high school subjects. Students are not required to sit in
the class for computer subject, rather, they can learn it outside classroom.

Curriculum 2013 is a competency-based curriculum. Competency-based curriculum is

outcomes-based curriculum and therefore be driven curriculum development on the
achievement of defined competencies of SKL (Graduation Standards).
The process of learning in the curriculum in 2013 for middle and high school level or
equivalent conducted using a scientific approach. The learning process of the three domains,
namely attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The end result is an increase in the balance between
ability to be a good human (soft skills) and people who have the skills and knowledge to live
a decent (hard skills) of learners that includes aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
For assessment in curriculum 2013 using authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is
significantly meaningful measurements on learning outcomes of students in the realm of
attitudes, skills and knowledge

In curriculum 2013 the structure SMP / MTs there are additional hours of study per week,
from its original 32 to 38 for each class VII, VII, and IX, while each hour long lesson learned
in SMP / MTs is 40 minutes


Kelompok A
1 Pendidikan agama dan budipekerti 3 3 3
2 Pendidikan Pancasila dan 3 3 3
3 Bahasa Indonesia 6 6 6
4 Matematika 5 5 5
5 Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 5 5 5
`6 Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial 4 4 4
7 Bahasa Inggris 4 4 4
Kelompok B
1 Seni Budaya 3 3 3
2 Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan 3 3 3
Prakarya 3 3 3
Jumlan Alokasi Waktu Per Minggu 38 38 38
i. Art subjects can load vernacular culture.
ii. Science and social studies lesson was developed as an integrative science and
integrative social studies, not as an educational discipline-oriented education both
as applicable, developing the ability to think, ability to learn, curiosity, and the
development of caring and responsible attitude towards the environment, social
and nature. Besides, the purpose of social studies education emphasizes on
knowledge of the people, the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, and the community
in the field of economic activity in the field of the Homeland. IPA is also indicated
for the introduction of biology and surrounding environment, as well as the
introduction of excellence in the archipelago.
iii. Art culture consists of four aspects, namely art, music, dance, theater. Each of
these aspects are taught separately and each unit can choose the aspect of
education is taught according to ability (teachers and facilities) on the educational
iv. Craft consist of four aspects, namely craft, engineering, cultivation, and
processing. Each of these aspects are taught separately and each educational unit
organize learning the craft at least two aspects of the initiative in accordance with
the capabilities and potential of the area in the education unit.

6. Implementation of Curriculum 2013

Implementation of the curriculum is the curriculum actualization of potential into actual
curriculum by teachers or faculty in the teaching and learning process.
Implementation of the curriculum is a joint venture between the government and the
provincial government district / city .
a. The Government responsible for preparing teachers and principals to
implement the curriculum.
b. Government responsible in evaluating the implementation of the national
c. Provincial governments are responsible in conducting supervision and
evaluation of the implementation of the curriculum in the relevant province.
d. Government district or municipality is responsible in providing professional
support to teachers and principals in implementing the curriculum in the district or
city .

Curriculum 2013 implementation strategy consists of :

1) Implementation of the curriculum at all levels of education , namely :
a) July 2013 : Class I , IV , VII , and X
b) July 2014 : I, II , IV , V , VII , VIII , X , XI and XII
c) July 2015 : I, II , III , IV , V , VI , VII VIII , IX , X , XI , and XII

2) Educators Training and Education Personnel of the year 2013-2015

3) Development student book and teacher handbooks from 2012-2014
4) Development of management, leadership, systems administration, and
development of school culture (culture of teachers), especially for high school and
vocational school begins January - December 2013
5) Assistance in the form of monitoring and evaluation to discover the difficulties
and problems of implementation and reduction: June 2013-2016.

7. Result of Interview
Researchers conducting the second in collecting data on the implementation of the curriculum
in the teaching and learning process in SMP N 6 Cilegon by interviewing teachers, which
teachers are teaching in class VII..
Researchers conducted interviews with informant agreement regarding the date and time of
different places, but the purpose and the questions are the same. The number of the questions
in the interviews conducted are as many as 20 questions. And it can be concluded from the
results of interviews with two teachers are as follows.

a. The teaches’ perception about the curriculum in 2013

The teachers said that the curriculum in 2013 is a formula that is the latest in education,
which aims to forward reason students. With used Scientific method approach is teachers is
facilitators and students are center. In the scientific approach there are five core activities ie
observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and communicating. It's just that
there are still difficulties in the authentic assessment.

b. Training.
All of english teachers at SMP N 6 Cilegon have attended training on the implementation of
the curriculum in 2013, but with different intensities. Because, in each limited delegation
training, so it was a little inhibiting information, although fellow teachers to exchange
information already in school but still less than the maximum.

c. Difficulties in implementing the curriculum in 2013

In the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 there was no difficulty in every sense of the
teachers, but for students in core activities, especially part of questioning a little shy and to
the curriculum in 2013 should have most of the material performed by using IT or
information technology and tools but this school especially for the IT facilities very minimal
as only the existence of two infocus, and even then took turns wearing it.

d. Lesson Plan
Lesson plan is important point in the teaching and learning process, as a guide and learning
objectives are made by the teacher. Which watchers interviewed all teachers create lesson
plans independently. Making lesson plans for curriculum 2013 has been a teacher get from
some of the training they follow. There is no difficulty in preparing this 2013 curriculum,
both core activities to adapt to the basic competencies, as an understanding of the core
activities and core competencies in any written material on teacher guidebook facilitated by
the government.
e. Teachers’ Book and Student’ Book
Teachers’ Book and students’ book is a facility provided by the government to support the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum guide teacher guide book is held by the teacher, in
this book there is a description of the core activities, core competencies, objectives and
indicators of learning. Book teacher facilitates the task of the teacher as a facilitator in

implementing this curriculum in 2013. While the student book is student handbook that
contains material that is in accordance with that of the teacher book.
From the interview results obtained by researchers, there is no difficulty in understanding the
content of the teacher book, even a book teachers and allows teachers to add information in
the process implementation of curriculum. Some teachers also have to adjust and analyze the
contents of the material and the teacher book student book, the material in it is the same with
each other, and to the material in it also had to meet with the characteristics of junior high
school students, only ever met one of the images in the sense of lack of fit of the student book
f. Implementation of curriculum 2013 in SMP N 6 Cilegon
Implementation Curriculum 2013 for junior high education level in 2014 is planned has been
active in the classroom VII and VIII. From interviews were obtained, SMP N 6 Cilegon also
has, implement curriculum 2013 of class VII and VIII, only the application of a new place
this year. Because SMP 6 Cilegon is a target school than curriculum implementation in 2013,
to a school in the city is the core of SMP N 1, N 2 SMP, and SMP N 3 Cilegon.
In practice there are several factors supporting and inhibiting. motivating factors, among
others; support from the principal about socialization curriculum in 2013 to all school
officials and all students, any student handbooks and handbooks for teachers. Obstacles in the
implementation of SMP N 6 in Cilegon is a lack of facilities and infrastructure in the field of
information and technology, whereas in 2013 the use of IT curriculum is very important
g. Scientific approach
Scientific approach is a method of tools in each subject in the curriculum of junior high level
in 2013. Scientific approach is a method that used scientific and natural approach in the
delivery of material included in the English language learning materials. In SMP N 6
Cilegon, according to interview data, teachers and students do not have difficulty in applying
this method, instead of this method makes students more familiar with connecting material
and activities that students often encounter in everyday life.

h. Assessment Authentic
Assessment is part of the curriculum in 2013, this authentic assessment, teachers are required
to assess students Subjective. There are four sections in the assessment authentic assessment
ie assessment of attitudes, spirituality, skills and abilities. Not much different from the

previous three aspects of assessment that is affective, cognitive and psychomotor. Authentic
assessment is still considered a little difficult because the ability of students in SMP N 6
Cilegon is not like the other students in the school that became the core of the school,
teachers have to be more patient in order to give the students gain understanding of four
aspects of value that meet the passing standard (SKL) .
The method is a way of tools teachers in presenting the material and the media is a tool or
facilities that support the learning process in each material. The use of methods and media in
teaching and learning are very important effect on students' understanding of each material to
be in accordance with the purpose of education. From the results of interviews conducted by
the researcher and the four informants said that in any learning materials teachers use
methods appropriate to the material, but by keeping in tune using the scientific method
approach ie active student learning (CBSA) and reason can bring students in each core
activities, method ever use including role play and presentation.
To use the media teachers also usually customize the content and atmosphere so that the
learning process is not tedious, because if students feel happy in a student's ability to follow
the lessons in understanding the material will also be good. Media of various kinds of tools
each teacher sometimes make their own or use objects in the environment around the school,
teachers also used IT as a support media for example in the presentation of the use of
powerpoint, email and short massages.

i. The role of the teacher in teaching and learning,

From interviews that get by researchers, especially the teacher's role in the curriculum of
2013 is as facilitator and motivator, so it was not to be the only source of learning for
students. The teacher did not say much or explain at length, but students in the curriculum is
the center so that students can choose their understanding through multiple sources for
example from the book, searching on the internet, or can learn from fellow students.
To improve the performance and role as a teacher, four informants said that they also must
often learn, lots of reading, and following training, in order to obtain information to support
teacher quality is good, so that curriculum implementation can also work well.
Teachers also often hold both the student evaluations at the end of the semester or with fellow
teachers of the subject in order to be able to judge about the success of a teacher's

8. The foundation of curriculum in Indonesia
As gain formality in the implementation of curriculum in Indonesia, the curriculum should to
require foundation. The foundation is useful as the background of existence and
implementation curriculum. In basically, the foundations of curriculum in Indonesia are
consists of five elements, such as legality, philosophy, psychological, social and culture, and
finally id technologically. These foundations are very vital in train curriculum in Indonesia.

 Legality

The first foundation of curriculum is placed by legality. The legality is contain some of
rules that emerged by the government. With the rules, the existence and the implementation
of curriculum is more legal and licensed by the government, education institution, and also
the society.

 Philosophy

The foundation of curriculum is based on philosophy that a country attentive. There are
many countries that attentive philosophy as their reference in operates their country, such as
Indonesia. Indonesia, a sovereign country is using Pancasila as their philosophy. In other
word, the development and implementation of curriculum in Indonesia are based on
The foundations of philosophy in curriculum are consisting of three elements, that is
entomology, process to operate, and the benefit of curriculum for societies.

 Psychological

The implementation of curriculum in Indonesia should to give attention to psychological

principle. The psychological principle means activity that related with psychology students.
With give attention to psychology student, the implementation of curriculum will be success.
It is cause the needed of student in many level is different with other, although it has relation

with other. In simple example is when Indonesia government want to create and develop
curriculum, they should determine the student needed in Indonesia.

 Social- Cultural

Curriculum should to relate with social and cultural of societies. The relation is located on
goal of curriculum, which probably to necessary of society. Usually there are different about
student necesssary in a school, or even to interplace. Hence, the development of curriculum
should to give attention to student needed. With give attention to student needed, the
implementation of curriculum will be success and suitable for student necessary in a place.

 Technological

The development and improvement of technology is one of foundation to develop

curriculum. To develop curriculum, the government should to observe the develop
technologies that might amend and changing at these time. Especially for education
technology, there are three technologies that useful in the education, such as information
technology that create teaching and learning will be easier. It is because the materials can be
accesses in the information media, such as Internet, mass media, and electronics media.
Furthermore, instructional technology that probably teaching and learning is occurs without
meet directly to student and teacher.


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Oztruck, Ibrahim Hakki July 2011 Assist. Prof., Education Faculty, Çanakkale 18 Mart
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Richards, Jack C. Curriculum Developments in Language Teaching. New York:

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1. Apakah pendapat ibu/bapak mengenai kurikulum 2013?

2. Apakah ibu/bapak pernah mengikuti pelatihan dalam rangka
mengimplementasikan kurikulum 2013? Kapan?
3. Apakah ibu/bapak mengalami kesulitan dalam mengimplementasi kurikulum
4. Apakah ibu/bapak membuat RPP secara mandiri? Apa ibu mengalami
kesulitan dalam menyusunnya?
5. Apakah ibu/bapak mengalami kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan Kegiatan Inti
dengan Kompetensi Dasar?
6. Apakah ibu/bapak mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukkan dan
menyampaikan indikator pembelajaran dan tujuan pembelajaran?
7. Apakah ibu/bapak mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami buku guru? Dan
menyesuaikannya dengan buku siswa?
8. Apakah ibu/bapak pernah menganalisis isi dari buku guru dan buku siswa?
Apakah menurut ibu/bapak buku tersebut sudah sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa
9. Apakah penerapan kurikulum disekolah sudah berjalan sesuai yang
diharapkan? Apakah ada factor-faktor yang menghambat atau mendukung penerapan
kurikulum 2013?
10. Dalam kurikulum 2013 khusunya untuk tingkat SMP itu menggunakkan
pendekatan scientific, apa ibu/bapak mengalami kesulitan dalam menerapkan
pendekatan scientific dan menghubungkan dengan materi pembelajaran yang ibu
11. Bagaimana cara ibu/bapak menyesuaikan assessment authentic dengan 3 aspek
penilaian yaitu Afektif, kognitif, dan psikomotorik?

12. Apakah ibu menggunakkan media dalam mengajar? Jika iya, apakah media itu
hasil karya sendiri atau buatan orang lain? Sebutkan media yang biasa ibu gunakkan
dalam mengajar?
13. Apakah ibu/bapak memanfaatkan teknologi dan informasi seperti computer
dan internet dalam mengembangkan pelajaran B.Inggris?
14. Apabila siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam pelajaran, apa yang
biasanyaibu/bapak lakukan?
15. Apakah ibu/bapak memotivasi siswa dalam menyampaikan pelajaran?
16. Apakah metode yang ibu gunakkan sudah sesuai dengan materi yang diampu?
Metode apa yang sudah pernah ibu gunakkan dalam pembelajaran dan metode apa
yang biasa digunakkan?
17. Apakah yang ibu/bapak upayakan untuk mengatasi hal-hal yang diaggap sulit
dalam mengajar? Apalagi penyampaian materi dengan menggunakkan kurikulum
18. Bagaimana cara ibu mengoptimalkan peran guru dalam proses pembelajaran?
Terutama dengan penerapan kurikulum 2013?
19. Apakah ibu selalu mengadakan evaluasi dengan siswa atau teman sejawat
tentang cara mengajar ibu dikelas?
20. Kegiatan apa yang pernah dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kinerja guru?

Sekolah : SMP ......

Kelas : VII

Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris

Semester :2

Standar Kompetensi : 7.Mendengarkan

Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan


Materi Penilaian
Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Pokok/ Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Instrumen Instrumen

7.1 Merespon makna Contoh: 1. Tanya jawab Merespon Tes lisan Merespon Listen to the expression and 2x40 menit- script
dalam percakapan tentang ungkapan- ungkapan respond to it percakapan
transaksional (to berbagai hal ungkapan :
get things done ) terkait materi
dan interpersonal A : Pass me the 2. Membahas - Meminta &
(bersosialisasi) kosakata dan memberi jasa - rekaman
pencil, please! media
sangat sederhana tata bahasa:
Listen to the expression and elektonik:
secara akurat, B : Sure. Here you noun phrase, Tes tulis
- Meminta & match it with the suitable kaset, VCD,
lancar dan adjective,
memberi response DVD film
berterima untuk Are. adverb, verb
berinteraksi dengan yang terkait barang
lingkungan terdekat dengan
yang melibatkan meminta dan
tindak tutur : A : Give me a memberi
meminta dan piece jasa, - Meminta &
memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi fakta
meminta dan of paper, memberi
memberi barang, please! barang,
serta meminta dan meminta dan
B : Sure, Here You
memberi fakta memberi
- Pass me the pencil, please.
3. Mendengark Merespon
an Unjuk kerja tindakan
A : Did you come sesuai
here yesterday? materi
4. Menjawab
B : I did. pertanyaan
dengan isi
5. Menjawab

7.2 Merespon makna Contoh : 1. Mendengar Merespon Tes lisan Merespon Respond to the following 2x 40 Script
dalam percakapan kan dan ungkapan- ungkapan expression orally. menit percakapan di
transaksional ( to merespon ungkapan : buku teks
get things done) A: What do you think?
dan interpersonal A. What do you - Meminta dan
tentang memberi
(bersosialisasi ) B: .Not ........
Think? topik materi pendapat
sangat sederhana Rekaman
secara akurat, yang akan - Menyatakan A: What do you like to drink?
B. Not bad. percakapan
lancar dan disampaika suka dan tidak
berterima untuk A. I like tea n suka B: ...................
- Meminta CD,VCD,DVD
berinteraksi dengan B. I dont 2. Mendengar
lingkungan terdekat klarifikasi , film
I like milk kan dan
yang melibatkan - Merespon
tindak turur : secara pilihan Listen to the expression and
penjelasan Tes tulis
meminta dan interpersonal ganda choose the best option
kosakata Rekaman
memberi pendapat A. Are you sure ?
dan menyatakan B. I am dan A: Are you sure? percakapan
suka dan tidak tatabahasa otentik
suka, meminta tentang B: .............
klarifikasi, dan A. Are you? topik materi
merespon secara Yes, I am yang akan a. Ok b. Fine
interpersonal dipelajari
c. Alright d. I am
3. mendengar

al dan
al tentang
topik materi
4. mengidentifi
kasi tindak
6. merespon

Standar Kompetensi : 8. Mendengarkan

Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive
dan procedure

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Penilaian
Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Pokok/ Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Instrumen Instrumen

8.1 Merespon makna yang  Teks fungsional 1. Brain storming Merespon makna Tes lisan Pertanyaan Listen to the text and answer 2x40 menit script :
terdapat dalam teks lisan pendek berupa : tentang dalam teks the questions.
fungsional pendek sangat kosakata terkait fungsional pendek : di buku guru
- Instruksi
sederhana secara akurat, - Daftar barang materi
lancar dan berterima untuk 2. Membahas - Instruksi tentang :
- Ucapan
berinteraksi dengan kosakata dan - Daftar barang instruksi
lingkungan terdekat tata bahasa belanjaan
el Listen to the text and choose
terkait materi - Ucapan
a Tes tulis -Pilihan ganda the best option.
tentang : noun, selamat
m - daftar
noun phrase, - Pengumuman
at barang
- Pengumuman adjective, verb, -
adverb. Menentu
3. Mendengarkan
teks fungsional kan fungsi - melengkapi Listen to the text and complete - ucapan
yang komunikatif teks the sentences.
Kosakata terkait mengunakan yang didengar. selamat
tema dan jenis teks gambit-gambit
please, thanks, Menentu kan ciri - pengumum
excuse me, kebahasaan dari
Ciri kebahasaan Listen to the instruction and do
sorry. masing-masing teks Melakukan
teks fungsional : it ! -an
4. Menjawab fungsional yang perintah
pertanyaan didengar Unjuk kerja
- instruksi
sesuai dengan

- daftar barang isi teks yang Rekaman
-ucapan selamat 5. Menjawab
- pengumuman tentang struktur
teks fungsional
yang didengar

8.2 Merespon makna yang  Teks monolog 1. Mendengark  Merespon Tes lisan Pertanyaan Listen and answer the 2x40 Script teks
terdapat dalam monolog berbentuk: an dan informasi dalam lisan following questions menit monolog
sangat sederhana secara - DeskriptIf merespon teks lisan deskriptif/prose
akurat, lancar dan berterima - prosedur tentang monolog dur dalam buku
untuk berinteraksi dengan berbagai hal guru
 Kosakata berbentuk :
lingkungan terdekat dalam terkait tema / - Diskriptif
terkait tema /
teks berbentuk descriptive jenis teks - Procedur
jenis teks
dan procedure yang
 Ciri  Menentukan ciri Rekaman teks
dibahas. Pilihan ganda Listen to the text and choose
kebahasaan kebahasaan teks monolog
2. Memperhatik Tes tulis the best answer by crossing
teks deskriptif yang didengar. deskriptif
an a,b,c or d
dan procedur. penjelasan  Menentukan /prosedur
 Langkah tentang fungsi komunikatif T/F
retorika teks kosakata dan teks yang
deskriptif / tatabahasa didengar.
prosedur yang muncul
dalam teks Completion
deskriptif /
3. Mendengark
an model Tugas rumah Listen and make a draft of
monolog teks retelling descriptive/procedure
deskriptif/pro text
4. Menjawab Penugasan
secara lisan
tentang isi
5. Menyebutkan
teks yang
6. Mengidentifik
asi kata kerja
dari teks
7. Mendengark
an teks
deskriptif /
Standar Kompetensi : 9. Berbicara

mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi

lingkungan terdekat

Materi Penilaian
Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Pokok/ Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Instrumen Instrumen

9.1 Mengungkapkan makna  Contoh: 1. Tanya jawab 1. Bertanya dan Tes lisan Performance Perform the dialogue with your 2x40 menit  Script
dalam percakapan yang berkaitan menjawab berbagai friend in the front of the class! percakapan
transaksional ( to get dengan materi informasi : dari buku
things done ) dan A : Pass me the 2. Membahas - Meminta dan teks
interpersonal kosakata dan memberi jasa
pencil please! tata bahasa: Listen to the expression and
( bersosialisasi ) sangat noun, respond to it , example :
 Alat peraga
sederhana dengan B : Sure. here you adjective, - Meminta dan
Merespon 1. Pass me the salt, please.
menggunakan ragam adverb, noun memberi barang
are. ungkapan 2. Give me the paper, please.
bahasa lisan secara phrase
akurat, lancar dan  Rekaman
3. Menirukan
berterima untuk ungkapan- Create a dialoque based on the
berinteraksi dengan ungkapan yang
A : Give me the paper - Meminta dan role cards and perform it.
lingkungan terdekat yang digunakan
melibatkan tindak tutur : memberi fakta
Please! dalam
meminta dan memberi percakapan
jasa, meminta dan B : Sure, here it is. sesuai materi Bermain
memberi barang, dan 4. Berlatih dengan peran
meminta memberi fakta teman
ungkapan yang
ada dalam
sesuai materi
5. Bermain peran
ungkapan yang
telah dipelajari.

9.2 Mengungkapkan makna Contoh : 1. Mendengarkan Bertanya dan Tes lisan Performanc Perform a dialogue about 2x40 menitScript
dalam percakapan dan merespon menjawab berbagai e asking and giving percakapan
transaksional (to get pertanyaan information with your own dalam buku
things done) & Informasi
A. What do you think tentang topik words! teks
of this? materi yang
(bersosialisai) sangat
sederhana dengan B. Not bad akan
disampaikan Meminta & memberi
menggunakan ragam Answer the following Script otentik
bahasa lisan secara
A. I like tea questions orally!
akurat, lancar dan Daftar
B. I don’t 2. Mendengarkan
berterima untuk pertanyaan
berinteraksi dengan dan merespon Rekaman
lingkungan terdekat yang A. Are you sure pembahasan percakapan
melibatkan tindak tutur : B. I am tentang Menyatakan suka
meminta dan memberi kosakata dan dan tidak suka Create a dialoque based on
pendapat, menyatakan tatabahasa the role cards and perform it
suka dantidak suka, A. Do you? Bermain Alat peraga
yang terkait
meminta klarifikasi, B. I do peran
dengan topik Meminta klarifikasi
merespon secara
interpersonal materi yang

Merespon secara
3. Mendengarkan interpersonal
dengan topik

materi yang

4. Menirukan
dengan topik
materi yang

5. Melakukan
dengan teman
dengan materi
yang dipelajari

Standar Kompetensi : 10. Berbicara

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive

procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Penilaian
Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Pokok/ Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Instrumen Instrumen

10.1. Mengungkapkan makna Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab yang Mengungkapkan Tes lisan Performance 1. Give instrtruction to your 4x40 menit - Script
yang terdapat dalam teks pendek berbentuk : berkaitan dengan makna dalam teks friend orally based on the percakapan
lisan fungsional pendek materi fungsional pendek picture. dari buku
sangat sederhana 2. Membahas berbentuk : 2. Make a list of things you teks
dengan menggunakan kosakata dan tata find in ...
ragam bahasa lisan Instruksi bahasa: noun, Instruksi 3. Announce a certain - Alat peraga
secara akurat, lancar, Daftar barang noun phrase, adj, Daftar barang information to your friend
dan berterima untuk Pengumuman verb, adverb Pengumuman 4. Congratulate your friend on
berinteraksi dengan Ucapan selamat 3. Menirukan his / her success
lingkungan terdekat ungkapan-
ungkapan yang
digunakan dalam  Memberi instruksi
percakapan secara lisan.
sesuai materi  Menyebutkan
4. Mendengarkan daftar barang
teks fungsional / tertentu.
pendek  Mengumumkan
5. Menjawab sesuatu
pertanyaan  Mengucapkan
tentang isi teks selamat
yang didengar.
6. Menggunakan
ungkapan yang
ada dalam
sesuai materi
dengan teman
7. Mengguanakan
ungkapan sesuai
dengan materi
10.2 Mengungkapkan makna 1. Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan  Mengungkapkan Tes lisan Daftar Answer the following 4x40 menitScript
dalam monolog pendek dan merespon berbagai informasi pertanyaan questions orally! monolog teks
sangat sederhana berbentuk :
berbagai hal dalam teks monolog deskriptif/pros
dengan menggunakan berbentuk :
tentang teks edur dalam
ragam bahasa lisan Descriptive /
deskriptif/prose buku teks
secara akurat, lancar dan
Descriptive/Procedure dur Procedure
berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan 2. Memperhatikan  Menyebutkan fugsi
dan merespon komunikatif teks
lingkungan terdekat
yang didengar. Script otentik
dalam teks berbentuk 2. Kosa kata penjelasan Performan Describe something /
descriptive dan tentang  Menyebutkan ciri someone with your own
terkait tema / kebahasaan teks
procedure kosakata dan ce words orally in front of the
jenis teks. yang didengar.
tatabahasa class! Rekaman
 Melakukan monolog
3. Ciri kebahasaan dalam teks monolog
dalam bentuk
teks deskriptif / monolog deskriptif / prosedur
prosedur Deskriptif/prose
dur tentang
Dea/How to Tell your friends how to do Alat peraga
make a cup of something (make a cup of
tea. tea)
3. Mendengarkan
model monolog
lisan tentang
4. Mendiskusikan
kelompok draft
n kembali,
dengan kata-
kata sendiri
5. Melakukan
monolog lisan
secara individu

Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca

Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure
yang berkaitan

dengan lingkungan terdekat

Alokasi Sumber
Materi Penilaian
Kompetensi Kegiatan Waktu Belajar
Pokok/ Indikator
Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Instrumen Instrumen

11.1. Merespon makna yang Teks fungsional - Tanya jawab yang  Mengidentifikasi Tes tulis Pertanyaan - write down the answers 2x40 menit Buku teks
terdapat dalam teks tulis pendek berupa : berkaitan dengan berbagai completely
fungsional pendek materi - Choose the best answer by Yang relevan
informasi dalam
sangat sederhana Instruksi - Membahas teks fungsional crossing a,b,c,d
secara akurat, lancar kosakata dan tata Esai
Daftar barang pendek berupa:
dan berterima yang Ucapan selamat bahasa: noun, Instruksi
berkaitan dengan noun phrase, adj,
pengumuman Daftar barang
lingkungan terdekat verb, adverb
- Mendengarkan Ucapan
contoh membaca selamat
- Answer the questions orally
nyaring yang Pengumuman
dilakukan guru . Merespon berbagai
- Berdiskusi dengan informasi dalam
teman menjawab teks fungsional Tes lisan Pertanyaan Teks otentik
pertanyaan bacaan pendek - Read the text aloud.
- Menjawab Esai Bacaan
pertanyaan bacaan - Membaca nyaring
secara lisan teks fungsional /
individual pendek.
- Membaca nyaring
bergiliran ce

11.2 Merespon makna dan Teks monolog 1.Mendengarkan Mengidentifikasi Tes lisan Daftar Read the text carefully and 4x40 menit Buku teks
langkah retorika secara berbentuk dan merespon berbagai informasi pertanyaan then answer the following
akurat, lancar dan deskriptive/procedure introduction dalam teks descriptive questions briefly! Yang relevan
berterima dalam esai dan procedure
tentang teks
sangat sederhana yang
berkaitan dengan  Mengidentifikasi
lingkungan terdekat Kosakata terkait dur dengan
langkah retorika
dalam teks berbentuk tema / jenis teks. topik materi dalam teks
descriptive/procedure yang akan descriptive dan Answer the questions Teks otentik
dibaca. procedure Uraian based on the text.
2. Memperhatikan Tes tulis
Ciri kebahasaan
 Mengidentifikasi
penjelasan fungsi komunikatif
teks :
- procedure tentang teks deskriptif / Alat peraga
kosakata dan procedure.
- descrptive tatabahasa  Mengidentifikasi
yang berkaitan langkah retorika
dengan teks teks deskriptif
deskriptif/prose /prosedur
dur yang akan  Menyebutkan ciri
dibaca kebahasaan teks
descriptive /
3. Memperhatikan
tentang langkah
retorika teks
4. Mengidentifikasi
langkah retorika
dalam kerja
5. Mengidentifikasi
informasi dalam
kerja kelompok
6. Mengidentifikasi
langkah retorika
dan berbagai
secara mandiri

11.3 membaca nyaring Teks Mendengarkan Melafalkan kata, Tes unjuk Melafalkan Pronounce the following 2x40 menit Buku teks
bermakna teks fungsional descriptive/procedure dan merespon hal- frasa dan kalimat kerja words or phrases correctly!
dan esai pendek dan hal yang perlu dengan baik dan
sangat sederhana benar
berbentuk descriptive/ Teks otentik
Pronunciation kegiatan membaca
procedure dengan  Membaca kata frasa Read the following
ucapan, tekanan dan nyaring teks Intonasi
dan kalimat dengan sentences by
intonasi yang berterima descriptive/proced intonasi yang benar
ure tentang applying correct intonation!
Intonation  Membaca nyaring
pentingnya teks
pronunciation, descriptive/procedur
intonation, e dengan baik dan
punctuation punctuation, benar.
kualitas suara
Read the following text
model membaca
nyaring teks

membaca nyaring
dengan intonasi
dan jeda sesuai

Membaca nyaring
sendiri dengan lafal,
intonasi, dan jeda
yang baik dan


Standar Kompetensi : 12. Menulis

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk
descriptive dan

procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Penilaian
Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Pokok/ Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Instrumen Instrumen

12.1 Mengungkapkan - Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab yang Menulis teks Test tulis Melengkapi Complete the sentences 4x40 menit - Buku teks
makna dalam teks tulis berkaitan dengan fungsional
fungsional pendek sangat Instruksi materi pendek berbentuk
sederhana dengan Daftar 2. Membahas dan :
mengembangkan - Alat peraga
menggunakan ragam barang Instruksi
bahasa tulis secara Pengumuma kosakata dan tata
Daftar barang
akurat, lancar dan bahasa: noun,
n Pengumuman
berterima untuk noun phrase, adj, - Tempat-
berinteraksi dengan verb, adverb, Ucapan
selamat tempat
lingkungan terdekat simple Pr tense, selamat umum yang
- Kosakata terkait
imperative ada teks
tema / jenis teks.
3. Membuat frasa, Esai bebas Write down your own shopping fungsional
- Ciri kebahasaan
kalimat sesuai  Menulis kalimat list based on the situation given.
teks fungsional.
dengan materi sederhana
4. Membahas
struktur atau ciri-
ciri teks tulis
5. Membuat teks
tulis fungsional
pendek terpimpin
6. Membuat teks
tulis fungsional
pendek sendiri
dengan bebas

12.2 Mengungkapkan makna Teks monolog 1.Mendengarkan  Melengkapi teks Tes tulis melengkapi Complete the blank spaces 4x40 menit Buku teks
dan langkah retorika berbentuk dan merespon descriptive /
dalam esai pendek introduction procedure Correctly.
sangat sederhana  Menyusun teks
dengan menggunakan Alat peraga
Descriptive/procedure penulisan teks  Menulis teks
ragam bahasa tulis
monolog berbentuk
secara akurat, lancar dan
deskriptif / Descriptive/pro
berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan prosedur. cedure menyusun Arrange the jumbled Teks otentik
lingkunguan terdekat 2.Memperhatikan teks sentences into a good
dalam teks berbentuk penjelasan descriptive/procedure text
descriptive/ procedure tentang
kosakata dan
Write down a simple
yang berkaitan Esai descriptive/procedure text
based on the picturewith
penulisan teks
your own words
deskriptif /
3. Memperhatikan
dan membaca
teks deskriptif /
4. Menulsi frasa-
frasa, kalimat-
kalimat yang
untuk menulis
teks deskriptif /
5. Menulis teks
deskriptif /
dengan struktur
teks yang

Mengetahui: ..........................................., ........................


Kepala .................................................... Guru Mata Pelajaran,



Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 6 Cilegon

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VII / I

Materi Pokok : Teks Lisan dan Tulis Nama Hari dan Bulan

Alokasi Waktu: 4 X 40’ (dua pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Dasar

Kl 1 : Menghargai dan menghayat ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan mengahyat perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektf dengan
lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (factual, konseptual dan procedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni budaya terkait fenomena dan
kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan mengurai,

merangkai memodifikasi dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat 1.1. 1 Mengungkapkan rasa syukur atas

mempelajari bahasa inggris sebagai kesempatan dapat belajar bahasa
bagasa pengantar komunikasi Inggris.
internatonal yang diwujudkan
dalam semangat belajar

2. 2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, 2.2.1 Bertanggung jawab atas tndakan

percaya diri dan bertanggung jawab anggotanya saat menjadi pemimpin
dalam melaksanakan komunikasi kelompok
transaksioanal denngan guru dan
2.2.2 Mengakui ketka membuat

2.2.2 Tidak menyalahkan orang lain atas

tndakannya sendiri

2.2.4 Melakukan hal-hal yang dikatakan

akan dikerjakan tanpa diingatkan
orang lain

3. 3.3 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks 3.3.1 Menentukan tujuan komunikatf
dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks teks
untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan
3.3.2 Mengidentfikasi struktur teks
nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam
hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, 3.3.3 Mengidentfikasi unsur kebahasaan
tanggal dan tahun. dalam teks

4. 4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk 4.3.1 Menanyakan hari, bulan, dan nama
menyatakan dan menanyakan hari, waktu secara lisan dengan akurat,
bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, lancar dan berterima
waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal
4.3.2 Menyatakan hari, bulan dan nama
dan tahun, dengan unsur
waktu secara lisan dengan akurat,
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
lancar dan berterima
4.3.3 Menanyakan hari, bulan dan nama
waktu secara tertulis dengan akurat,
runtut dan berterima

4.3.4 Menyatakan hari, bulan dan nama

waktu secara tertulis dengan akurat,
runtut dan berterima

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikut serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat:

1. Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks tentang hari.

2. Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks tentang bulan.
3. Siswa dapat mengidentfikasi fungsi teks tentang hari dan bulan.

A. Materi Pembelajaran
 Teks lisan dan tulis
 Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama
waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun.

JUNE 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thrusda Friday Saturday Sunday


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B. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Pendekatan ilmiah
2. Model : Discovery Learning
3. Metode : Role play
C. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Media
 Nama-nama hari
 Nama-nama bulan

 Kalender
2. Alat
 Realia benda, spidol warna, kertas buram dan plano, LCD

3. Sumber Belajar
 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013. Bahasa Inggris, When English
rings the bell. Jakarta: Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatf. Hal 43 s/d ...
 Guru-guru dan siswa-siswa di sekolah

D. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan I
1. Kegiatan Awal (5 menit)
a. Guru memberi salam (greetng);
b. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa;
c. Guru memberi motvasi
d. Guru menanyakan kesiapan siswa tentang kesiapan siswa untuk mengikut
e. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan yang berkaitan antara pengetahuan sebelumnya
dengan materi yang akan dipelajari;
f. Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan
g. Guru menyampaikan cakupan materi dan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

2. Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)


Mengamati (Observing) 5 menit

1. Mengamat gambar sebuah Guru menempelkan/menayangkan

kalender sebuah kalender.

2. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk

Mengamat nama-nama hari yang mendengarkan dan menirukan
ada pada kalender. ucapan guru tentang hari
Menanyakan (Questioning) 5 menit

3. Melakukan tanya jawab atau Merespon dan menjawab
interaksi dengan guru untuk pertanyaan siswa tentang hal-hal
menanyakan hal-hal yang belum yang ingin diketahui.
diketahui atau ingin tahu.

4. Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang Menjelaskan tentang urutan nama

urutan nama hari/bulan yang hari yang ada dalam tayangan.

5. Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang isi Menjelaskan memberi

teks, makna kata, tata bahasa, kesempatan kepada siswa lain
struktur teks, fungsi komunikatf untuk mencoba menjawab atau
teks, serta hal-hal lain yang ingin merespon pertanyaan tersebut.
diketahui dengan cara yang Kemudian membantu menjawab
sederhana. pertanyaan siswa.

6. Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang Menjelaskan tentang cara

cara mengucapkan nama hari dan mengucapkan nama hari dan
bulan yang ada pada slide show. bulan.

Mencoba (Experimenting) 10
7. Mengidentfikasi fungsi dan jenis Meminta siswa mengidentfikasi
kata yang berhubungan dengan fungsi dan jenis kata yang
hari. berhubungan dengan hari.

8. Mengidentfikasi struktur kalimat Meminta siswa mengidentfikasi

yang terdapat dalam teks dengan struktur kalimat
cara sederhana.

9. Mengidentfikasi tujuan Memberi pertanyaan pengarah

komunikatf teks berdasarkan kepada siswa untuk
pertanyaan pengarah dari guru. mengidentfikasi tujuan
komunikatf teks.
10. Mengidentfikasi struktur teks
berdasarkan pertanyaan pengarah Memberi pertanyaan pengarah
dari guru. kepada siswa untuk
mengidentfikasi struktur teks.

Menalar (Associating) 5 menit
11. Peserta didik membentuk Mengelompokkan siswa menjadi
kelompok (3 atau empat orang) beberapa kelompok.

12. Setap kelompok menerima Membagikan kartu hari atau bulan

sekumpulan kartu hari atau bulan, kepada setap kelompok serta
kemudian kartu dibagikan kepada menjelaskan cara
anggota kelompok. mengerjakannya.

13. Setap anggota kelompok Memberi penjelasan cara

mengurutkan nama hari atau bulan mengurutkan hari atau bulan dan
dengan benar. meminta siswa melakukan hal
yang sama.

Mengkomunikasikan (Networking) 5 menit

14. Setap anggota kelompok Meminta siswa untuk
bergantan menyebutkan menyebutkan ungkapan diikut
ungkapan-ungkapannya diikut nama-nama hari.
nama-nama hari.

15. Setap anggota kelompok Meminta tap kelompok (wakil

bergantan menyebutkan kelompok) untuk
ungkapan-ungkapan nya diikut mempresentasikan hasil
nama-nama hari. temuannya.

16. Mengucapkan nama-nama hari, Memberikan perintah untuk

bulan secara bergantan mengucapkan nama-nama hari,
bulan dengan benarsecara

3. Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

a. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran dan manfaat-
b. Siswa dan guru memberi umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran.
c. Guru memberi tugas (PR) untuk membuat poster yang berkenaan dengan hari-hari
besar nasional dalam satu tahun.

d. Guru memberi informasi tndak lanjut dari pembelajaran yang baru saja dilakukan.
e. Siswa dan guru mengucapakan salam perpisahan.

Pertemuan II.
1. Kegiatan Awal (5 menit)
a. Guru memberi salam (greetng);
b. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa;
c. Guru memberi motvasi
d. Guru menanyakan kesiapan siswa tentang kesiapan siswa untuk mengikut
e. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan yang berkaitan antara pengetahuan sebelumnya
dengan materi yang akan dipelajari;
f. Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan
g. Guru menyampaikan cakupan materi dan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

2. Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)


Mengamati (Observing) 5 menit
1. Mengamat gambar sebuah Guru
kalender menempelkan/menayangkan
sebuah kalender.
2. Mengamat nama-nama bulan
yang ada pada kalender. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk
mendengarkan dan menirukan
2. ucapan guru tentang bulan.

Menanyakan (Questioning) 5 menit

3. Melakukan tanya jawab atau Merespon dan menjawab
interaksi dengan guru untuk pertanyaan siswa tentang hal-
menanyakan hal-hal yang belum hal yang ingin diketahui.
diketahui atau ingin tahu.

4. Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang Menjelaskan tentang urutan

urutan nama hari/bulan yang nama hari yang ada dalam
ditayangkan. tayangan.

5. Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang

isi teks, makna kata, tata Menjelaskan memberi
bahasa, struktur teks, fungsi kesempatan kepada siswa lain
komunikatf teks, serta hal-hal untuk mencoba menjawab atau
lain yang ingin diketahui dengan merespon pertanyaan tersebut.
cara yang sederhana. Kemudian membantu
menjawab pertanyaan siswa.
6. Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang
cara mengucapkan nama bulan Menjelaskan tentang cara
yang ada pada slide show. mengucapkan nama bulan.

Mencoba (Experimenting)
7. Mengidentfikasi fungsi dan Meminta siswa mengidentfikasi
jenis kata yang berhubungan fungsi dan jenis kata yang
dengan bulan. berhubungan dengan bulan.

8. Mengidentfikasi struktur Meminta siswa mengidentfikasi

kalimat yang terdapat dalam struktur kalimat
teks dengan cara sederhana.

9. Mengidentfikasi tujuan Memberi pertanyaan pengarah

komunikatf teks berdasarkan kepada siswa untuk
pertanyaan pengarah dari guru. mengidentfikasi tujuan
komunikatf teks.

10. Mengidentfikasi struktur teks Memberi pertanyaan pengarah

berdasarkan pertanyaan kepada siswa untuk
pengarah dari guru. mengidentfikasi struktur teks.

Menalar (Associating) 10
11. Peserta didik membentuk Mengelompokkan siswa
kelompok (3 atau empat orang) menjadi beberapa kelompok.

12. Setap kelompok menerima Membagikan kartu bulan

sekumpulan kartu bulan, kepada setap kelompok serta
kemudian kartu dibagikan menjelaskan cara
kepada anggota kelompok. mengerjakannya.

13. Setap anggota kelompok Memberi penjelasan cara
mengurutkan nama bulan mengurutkan bulan dan
dengan benar. meminta siswa melakukan hal
yang sama.

Mengkomunikasikan (Networking) 5 menit

14. Setap anggota kelompok Meminta siswa untuk
bergantan menyebutkan menyebutkan ungkapan diikut
ungkapan-ungkapannya diikut nama-nama bulan.
nama-nama bulan.

15. Setap anggota kelompok Meminta tap kelompok (wakil

bergantan menyebutkan kelompok) untuk
ungkapan-ungkapan nya diikut mempresentasikan hasil
nama-nama bulan temuannya.

16. Mengucapkan nama-nama bulan Memberikan perintah untuk

secara bergantan mengucapkan nama-nama
bulan dengan benarsecara

3. Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

a. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran dan
b. Siswa dan guru memberi umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil
c. Guru memberi tugas (PR) untuk membuat poster yang berkenaan dengan
hari-hari besar nasional dalam satu tahun.
d. Guru memberi informasi tndak lanjut dari pembelajaran yang baru saja
e. Siswa dan guru mengucapakan salam perpisahan.

E. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

Instrumen Penilaian
Answer the following questons!
1. What day is today?

2. What day is tomorrow?
3. What date is today?
4. What is the second month of the year?
5. What month is after this month?

a. Penilaian Proses
Lembar Pengamatan Sikap
Aspek yang dinilai Catatan
1 2 3
Tanggung jawab

Rubrik Penilaian Sikap

Aspek Deskripsi
Sungguh-sungguh 1. Sangat sungguh-sungguh
2. Kurang sungguh-sungguh
3. Tidak sungguh-sunguh
Tanggung jawab 1. Sangat tanggung jawab
2. Kurang tanggung jawab
3. Tidak tanggung jawab
Peduli 1. Sangat peduli
2. Kurang peduli
3. Tidak peduli
Kerjasama 1. Sangat kerjasama
2. Kurang kerajasama
3. Tidak kerjasama

b. Penilaian hasil
Indikator Pencapaian Teknik
Bentuk Penilaian Instrumen
Kompetensi Penilaian
sda tertulis uraian sda

Pedoman Penskoran

Aspek Skor
Jawaban benar dengan tulisan benar 2
Jawaban benar dengan tulisan kurang benar 1.5
Jawaban salah dengan tulisan benar 1
Jawaban salah dengan tulisan salah 0.5
Tidak menjawab 0

Tangerang, 9 Januari 2017


Kepala Sekolah SMP N 6 Cilegon Guru Mata Pelajaran


School : SMP N 6 CILEGON
Class / Semester : VII / 1
Subject : English
Lesson : Simple present tense
Skill : Grammar and writing
Time Allocation : 20 minutes
A. Core Competencies
1. Living and practice the teachings of their religion.
2. Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive and displayed as part of the
solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and
in placing itself as a reflection of the nation in the association world.
3. Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based on curiosity
about science, technology, arts, culture and humanities with an insight into humanity, nationality
and civilization-related phenomena and events, as well as apply the knowledge procedural in
specific fields of study according to their talents and asked him to solve the problem.
4. Rework, in the realm of reason and cover concrete and abstract domains associated with the
development of the independently learned in school, and was able to use the method according to
the rules of science

B. Basic Competence
3.1 Analyzing social function, text structure, and language features from the introducing text based on
the usage context.
4.2 Arranging simple spoken and written text, explaining, questioning, and responding about
introducing ourselves, being paid attention with social function, text structure, and language
features correctly and appropriate with context.

C. Competency Achievement Indicators

3.1.1 Describe the verbal structure and form of simple present tense
3.1.2 Describe the nominal structure and form of simple present tense
4.2.1 Arrange a sentence with the simple present tense
D. Learning Aims

1. During and after the learning process, students can appreciate the grace of God for the existence of
English and use it in accordance with the rules and context to unite the nation.
2. During and after the learning process, the students have and demonstrate an attitude of
responsibility, caring, responsive, and courteous in using English to make explanation and
hortatory about social issues, the environment, and public policy.
3. After learning simple present tense and discussed them, with honest behavior, discipline,
responsibility, caring (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and
proactive, students can understand the structure and rules of simple present tense through written.
4. After discussion and practice, with honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual
assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive, students can produce a
sentence as written text with simple present tense.

E. Learning Materials
1. Social Function
a. Describing
b. Arranging
2. Text Structure
I see you smile. You give me a gift. She goes to school. She runs there with him. I’m a good boy.
You are beautiful.
3. Language feature
a. Simple present tense in verbal form as “S+V1(s/es)+C
b. Simple present tense in nominal form as “S+To Be (is, am are)+C
c. Usage s/es in plural pronoun
4. Learning Method
Discovery Learning
5. Media and sources
1. Media
a. Worksheet
b. Power point
c. Jack card
2. Source
- Dwi Wahyu Priyanto, English on Sky1 for Junior High School Students Year VII, Jakarta:
Penerbit Erlangga, 2006.
- Lida Baker, Focus on Grammar, an Integrated Skills Approach, USA: Pearson Education, Inc,
- Marjorie Fuchs, Focus on Grammar 3th Ed, USA: Pearson Education, Inc, 2012.
6. Learning Activities
Opening 3’ TYPE
Teacher Students
1. Teacher greeting the students 1. Students answer the teacher
2. Teacher checking the student’s attendance 2. Students are listening while the

teacher checking students’ attendance
3. Teacher ask students about the material 3. Students are answer the question
last week about the material last week
4. Teacher explaining the aim of learning 4. Students are listening what the
teacher’s explaining


5. Teacher explaining the new material 5. Students are listening what the
teacher’s explaining

Main Activities 15’

Observing 2’
Teacher Students
1. Teacher give a picture about daily 1. Students read and think about what
activities they do everyday
2. Teacher shows more about what activities 2. Students pay attention of teacher’s
usually occur picture in power point
Questioning 3’
Teacher Students
1. Teacher ask students about what activities 1. Students answer by giving such
in the picture activities based on the picture
2. Teacher ask students what supposed to be 2. Students guess and predicts what’s
the materials today probably the materials today

Exploring 3’

Teacher Students
1. Teacher shows the table structure and form1. Students try to understand about the
of simple present tense structure of simple present tense

2. Teacher gives some examples about simple2. Students pay attention what teacher
present tense. showed
Associating 4’

Teacher Students
1. Teacher ask students to identify with their1. Students discuss about the form and
friends structure of simple present tense

2. Teacher gives jack card to students which2. Students make the sentences
have been divided into two groups according to the sample of jack card

Communicating 3’

Teacher Students
1. Teacher call a representative from each1. Students come forward and write in
group white board
2. Teacher correct the sentence mentioned 2. Student pay attention to the teacher’s
Closing 2’

Teacher Students
1. Teacher doing a reflection and concluding 1. Students following/doing a
the material reflection and listen the teacher’s
2. Teacher give information about learning 2. Students pay attention of
activities for next meeting information about learning activities
for next meeting
3. Teacher greetings the students 3. Students answer the greeting

Lesson = .............................................................................
Class/ Semester = .............................................................................
Year = .............................................................................
Time&Date = .............................................................................
Add (√) check in available column based on the observation!
Grammar Punctuation Handwriting
No Students Name
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 = Poor
2 = Average
3 = Good
4 = Excellent
Merak, 17 Januari 2017

HeadMaster of SMP N 6 Cilegon Teacher

_____________________________ _________________________


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