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1. Ernst mayer : Darwin of 20th century , origin of species.

2. Linnaeus : * Binomial nomenclature * two kingdom of classification * artifical system of
classification * Systema naturae.
3. R. H Whittaker : five kingdom of classification.
4. Aristotle : first to classify organisms.
5. Bentham and hooker : natural system of classification .
6. Robert hook : dead cell.
7. Robert browm : Nucleus.
8. Walther Flemming : chromatin.
9. Anton von Leeuwenhoek : live cell.
10. Rudolf virchow , schwan and scheilden : cell theory.
11. Camillo Golgi : golgi complex.
12. Singer and nicolson : fluid mosaic model.
13. George palade : ribosomes.
14. Ernst munch : munch flow hypothesis.
15. Julius von sachs : *Hydroponics * glucose is stored as starch.
16. Joseph prestlie : * discovered oxygen * role of air in photosynthesis.
17. T. W Engelman : first action spectrum.
18. Van neil : oxygen comes from water.
19. Jan Ingenhouzsz : role of sunlight.
20. Mohl : Mohl's half leaf experiment.
21. Hatch and slak : C4 cycle.
22. Melvin calvin : calvin cycle.
23. Black man : black man law of limiting factor .
24. Embden , otto , meyerhof : glycolysis.
25. Hans kreb : kreb cycle.
26. Cousins : ethylene
27. F. W went : auxin.
28. Skoog and Miller : kinetin.
29. E. Kurosawa : gibberilic acid.
30. Alfonso corti : organ of corti in ear .
31. Panchana Maheshwari : embryologist and taxonomist.
32. George Mendel : laws of inheritance.
33. R. C Punnet : punnet square to calculate the genotype of a cross.
34. Sutton and Boveri : observed the chromosomal movements for the first time.
35. Hugo de vries , tschermak and corren : chromosomal theory of inheritance.
36. T.H Morgan : verification of chromosomal Theory.
37. Alfred sturtevant : genetic mapping.
38. Henking : X chromosome.
39. Langdon down : down syndrome.
40. Friedrich Meischer : discovered DNA for the first time and named it as nuclein.
41. Watson and crick : double helix model of DNA.
42. Erwin chargaf : ratio of purines and pyramidines is equal to 1.
43. Fransis crick : central dogma of Biology.
44. F. Griffith : transforming principle.
45. Ostwald , colin , maclyn : biochemical nature of transforming principle.
46. Hershey and chase : DNA as a genetic material.
47. Meselson and stahl : DNA replicates semi conservatively.
48. Taylor : In vicia faba ; DNA replicates semi conservatively.
49. Jacob and monad : lac operon.
50. Allec Jeffrey : DNA fingerprinting.
51.louis pasteur : Theory of spontaneous generation.
52. S. L Miller : life comes from amino acids
53. Oparin and haldane : life comes from non living material.
54. Charles Darwin : Theory of natural selection.
55. Lamarck : lamarkism.
56. Thomas Malthus : stated that population shows exponential growth and food shows
arthematic growth in darwin natural selection theory.
57. Alfred Wallace : described theory of natural selection briefly.
58. Hardy Weinberg : HWE to calculate the allelic frequency of the population.
59. M.S Swaminathan : father of indian green revolution.
60. Normam borlaug : father of green revolution. And introduce the semi dwarf varieties of
61. Mary mallon : Typhoid mallon.
62. Alexander Flemming : pencilliun discovered by him.
63. Chain and florey : full potential of pencillin was explained by them.
64. Herbet Boyer : restriction enzymes concept was given by him.
65. Stanley cohen : discovered a method to remove Plasmid and add it to the host.
66. Allen : allens law.
67. Mac arthur : species can coexist due to behavioural difference and foraging patterns.
68. Gause : Gause competitive exclusion principal.
69. Connel : connel elegant field experiment.
70. Edward wilson : popularized the term Biodiversity.
71. Robert may : stated their are 7 million species on earth.
72. David Tilman : diversity is directly proportional to biomass and variation is inversely
proportional to species
73. Paul ehlrich : rivet popper hypothesis..

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