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The client will have wires attached to the scalp and lights will
COLLEGE OF NURSING flash off and on.
NUR 040 B. The machine will be loud and the client must not move the
head during the test.
COMPETENCY APPRAISAL 2 C. The client will drink a contrast medium 30 minutes to one (1)
hour before the test.
Name: D. The test will be repeated at intervals during a five (5)- to six
Date: (6)-hour period.


6.Which assessment data should the nurse assess in the client
Score: Percentage: diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome?
A. An exaggerated startle reflex and memory changes.
B. Cogwheel rigidity and inability to initiate voluntary movement.
NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS C. Sudden severe unilateral facial pain and inability to chew.
D. Progressive ascending paralysis of the lower extremities and
Score: Percentage: numbness.

7.Which statement by the client supports the diagnosis of Guillain-

A. “I just returned from a short trip to Japan.”
Score: Percentage: B. “I had a really bad cold just a few weeks ago.”
C. “I think one of the people I work with had this.”
WRITE THE CAPITAL LETTER OF YOUR FINAL ANSWER BESIDE D. “I have been taking some herbs for more than a year.”
8.Which assessment intervention should the nurse implement
IMMUNE SYSTEM AND INFLAMMATORY DISORDERS specifically for the diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome?
Multiple Sclerosis A. Assess deep tendon reflexes.
1.The nurse is assessing a 48-year-old client diagnosed with multiple B. Complete a Glasgow Coma Scale.
sclerosis. Which clinical manifestation warrants immediate C. Check for Babinski’s reflex.
intervention? D. Take the client’s vital signs.
A. The client has scanning speech and diplopia.
B. The client has dysarthria and scotomas. 9.The health-care provider scheduled a lumbar puncture for a client
C. The client has muscle weakness and spasticity. admitted with rule-out Guillain-Barré syndrome. Which preprocedure
D. The client has a congested cough and dysphagia. intervention has priority?
A. Keep the client NPO.
2.The client newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) states, “I B. Instruct the client to void.
don’t understand how I got multiple sclerosis. Is it genetic?” On which C. Place in the lithotomy position.
statement should the nurse base the response? D. Assess the client’s pedal pulse.
A. Genetics may play a role in susceptibility to MS, but the
disease may be caused by a virus. 10.Which priority client problem should be included in the care plan
B. There is no evidence suggesting there is any chromosomal for the client diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome?
involvement in developing MS. A. High risk for injury.
C. Multiple sclerosis is caused by a recessive gene, so both B. Fear and anxiety.
parents had to have the gene for the client to get MS. C. Altered nutrition.
D. Multiple sclerosis is caused by an autosomal dominant D. Ineffective breathing pattern.
gene on the Y chromosome, so only fathers can pass it on.
Myasthenia Gravis
3.The 30-year-old female client is admitted with complaints of 11.Which ocular or facial signs/symptoms should the nurse expect to
numbness, tingling, a crawling sensation affecting the extremities, assess for the client diagnosed with myasthenia gravis?
and double vision which has occurred two (2) times in the month. A. Weakness and fatigue.
Which question is most important for the nurse to ask the client? B. Ptosis and diplopia.
A. “Have you experienced any difficulty with your menstrual C. Breathlessness and dyspnea.
cycle?” D. Weight loss and dehydration.
B. “Have you noticed a rash across the bridge of your nose?”
C. “Do you get tired easily and sometimes have problems 12.The client is being evaluated to rule out myasthenia gravis and
swallowing?” being administered the Tensilon (edrophonium chloride) test. Which
D. “Are you taking birth control pills to prevent conception?” response to the test indicates the client has myasthenia gravis?
A. The client has no apparent change in the assessment data.
4.The nurse enters the room of a client diagnosed with acute B. There is increased amplitude of electrical stimulation in the
exacerbation of multiple sclerosis and finds the client crying. Which muscle.
statement is the most therapeutic response for the nurse to make? C. The circulating acetylcholine receptor antibodies are
A. “Why are you crying?The medication will help the disease.” decreased.
B. “You seem upset. I will sit down and we can talk for D. The client shows a marked improvement of muscle strength.
C. “Multiple sclerosis is a disease that has good times and 13.Which surgical procedure should the nurse anticipate the client
bad times.” with myasthenia gravis undergoing to help prevent the
D. “I will have the chaplain come and stay with you for a signs/symptoms of the disease process?
while.” A. There is no surgical option.
B. A transsphenoidal hypophysectomy.
5.The client diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is scheduled for a C. A thymectomy.
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the head. Which D. An adrenalectomy.
information should the nurse teach the client about the test?

Nurse Joseph Bahian Abang

14.The client diagnosed with myasthenia gravis is being discharged D. Abstinence is the only guarantee of not becoming infected
home. Which intervention has priority when teaching the client’s with sexually transmitted HIV.
significant others?
A. Discuss ways to help prevent choking episodes. 22.The nurse is admitting a client diagnosed with protein-calorie
B. Explain how to care for a client on a ventilator. malnutrition secondary to AIDS. Which intervention should be the
C. Teach how to perform passive range-of-motion exercises. nurse’s first intervention?
D. Demonstrate how to care for the client’s feeding tube. A. Assess the client’s body weight and ask what the client has
been able to eat.
15.Which collaborative health-care team member should the nurse B. Place in contact isolation and don a mask and gown before
refer the client to in the late stages of myasthenia gravis? entering the room.
A. Occupational therapist. C. Check the HCP’s orders and determine what laboratory tests
B. Recreational therapist. will be done.
C. Vocational therapist. D. Teach the client about total parenteral nutrition and monitor
D. Speech therapist. the subclavian IV site.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 23.The client diagnosed with AIDS is complaining of a sore mouth
16.The 26-year-old female client is complaining of a low-grade fever, and tongue. When the nurse assesses the buccal mucosa, the nurse
arthralgias, fatigue, and a facial rash. Which laboratory tests should notes white, patchy lesions covering the hard and soft palates and
the nurse expect the HCP to order if SLE is suspected? the right inner cheek. Which interventions should the nurse
A. Complete metabolic panel and liver function tests. implement?
B. Complete blood count and antinuclear antibody tests. A. Teach the client to brush the teeth and patchy area with a
C. Cholesterol and lipid profile tests. soft-bristle toothbrush.
D. Blood urea nitrogen and glomerular filtration tests. B. Notify the HCP for an order for an antifungal swish-and-
swallow medication.
17.The client diagnosed with SLE is being discharged from the C. Have the client gargle with an antiseptic-based mouthwash
medical unit. Which discharge instructions are most important for the several times a day.
nurse to include? Select all that apply. D. Determine what types of food the client has been eating for
A. Use a sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater when in the sunlight. the last 24 hours.
B. Notify the HCP immediately when developing a low-grade
fever. 24.Which type of isolation technique is designed to decrease the risk
C. Some dyspnea is expected and does not need immediate of transmission of recognized and unrecognized sources of
attention. infections?
D. The hands and feet may change color if exposed to cold or A. Contact Precautions.
heat. B. Airborne Precautions
E. Explain the client can be cured with continued therapy. C. Droplet Precautions.
D. Standard Precautions.
18.The nurse is developing a care plan for a client diagnosed with
SLE. Which goal is priority for this client? 25.The nurse is describing the HIV virus infection to a client who has
A. The client will maintain reproductive ability. been told he is HIV positive. Which information regarding the virus is
B. The client will verbalize feelings of body-image changes. important to teach?
C. The client will have no deterioration of organ function. A. The HIV virus is a retrovirus, which means it never dies as
D. The client’s skin will remain intact and have no irritation. long as it has a host to live in.
B. The HIV virus can be eradicated from the host body with the
19.The nurse is admitting a client diagnosed with R/O SLE. Which correct medical regimen.
assessment data observed by the nurse support the diagnosis of C. It is difficult for the HIV virus to replicate in humans because it
SLE? is a monkey virus.
A. Pericardial friction rub and crackles in the lungs. D. The HIV virus uses the client’s own red blood cells to
B. Muscle spasticity and bradykinesia. reproduce the virus in the body.
C. Hirsutism and clubbing of the fingers.
D. Somnolence and weight gain. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
26.The client diagnosed with RA is being seen in the outpatient clinic.
20.The client diagnosed with an acute exacerbation of SLE is Which preventive care should the nurse include in the regularly
prescribed high-dose steroids. Which statement best explains the scheduled clinic visits?
scientific rationale for using high-dose steroids in treating SLE? A. Perform joint x-rays to determine progression of the disease.
A. The steroids will increase the body’s ability to fight the B. Send blood to the lab for an erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
infection. C. Recommend the flu and pneumonia vaccines.
B. The steroids will decrease the chance of the SLE D. Assess the client for increasing joint involvement.
spreading to other organs.
C. The steroids will suppress tissue inflammation, which 27.The client with RA has nontender, movable nodules in the
reduces damage to organs. subcutaneous tissue over the elbows and shoulders. Which
D. The steroids will prevent scarring of skin tissues associated statement is the scientific rationale for the nodules?
with SLE. A. The nodules indicate a rapidly progressive destruction of the
affected tissue.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome B. The nodules are small amounts of synovial fluid that have
21.The school nurse is preparing to teach a health class to ninth become crystallized.
graders regarding sexually transmitted diseases. Which information C. The nodules are lymph nodes which have proliferated to try to
regarding acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) should be fight the disease.
included? D. The nodules present a favorable prognosis and mean the
A. Females taking birth control pills are protected from becoming client is better.
infected with HIV.
B. Protected sex is no longer an issue because there is a 28.The nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with RA. Which
vaccine for the HIV virus. assessment findings warrant immediate intervention?
C. Adolescents with a normal immune system are not at risk for A. The client complains of joint stiffness and the knees feel
developing AIDS. warm to the touch.
Nurse Joseph Bahian Abang
B. The client has experienced one (1)-kg weight loss and is 6.The nurse is caring for the following clients. Which client would the
very tired. nurse assess first after receiving the shift report?
C. The client requires a heating pad applied to the hips and A. The 22-year-old male client diagnosed with a concussion
back to sleep. who is complaining someone is waking him up every two
D. The client is crying, has a flat facial affect, and refuses to (2) hours.
speak to the nurse. B. The 36-year-old female client admitted with complaints of
left-sided weakness who is scheduled for a magnetic
29.The client diagnosed with RA who has been prescribed resonance imaging (MRI) scan.
etanercept, a tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor, shows marked C. The 45-year-old client admitted with blunt trauma to the
improvement. Which instruction regarding the use of this medication head after a motorcycle accident who has a Glasgow
should the nurse teach? Coma Scale score of 6.
A. Explain the medication loses its efficacy after a few D. The 62-year-old client diagnosed with a cerebrovascular
months. accident (CVA) who has expressive aphasia.
B. Continue to have checkups and lab work while taking the
medication. Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
C. Have yearly magnetic resonance imaging to follow the 7. The nurse arrives at the site of a one-car motor-vehicle accident
progress. and stops to render aid. The driver of the car is unconscious. After
D. Discuss the drug is taken for three (3) weeks and then stabilizing the client’s cervical spine, which action should the nurse
stopped for a week. take next?
A. Carefully remove the driver from the car.
30.The client diagnosed with RA has developed swan-neck fingers. B. Assess the client’s pupils for reaction.
Which referral is most appropriate for the client? C. Assess the client’s airway.
A. Physical therapy. D. Attempt to wake the client up by shaking him.
B. Occupational therapy.
C. Psychiatric counselor. 8 .In assessing a client with a T12 SCI, which clinical manifestations
D. Home health nurse. would the nurse expect to find to support the diagnosis of spinal
NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS A. No reflex activity below the waist.
Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) B. Inability to move upper extremities.
1. A 78-year-old client is admitted to the emergency department with C. Complaints of a pounding headache.
numbness and weakness of the left arm and slurred speech. Which D. Hypotension and bradycardia.
nursing intervention is priority?
A. Prepare to administer recombinant tissue plasminogen 9.The rehabilitation nurse caring for the client with an L1 SCI is
activator (rt-PA). developing the nursing care plan. Which intervention should the
B. Discuss the precipitating factors that caused the nurse implement?
symptoms. A. Keep oxygen via nasal cannula on at all times.
C. Schedule for a STAT computed tomography (CT) scan of B. Administer low-dose subcutaneous anticoagulants.
the head. C. Perform active lower extremity ROM exercises.
D. Notify the speech pathologist for an emergency consult. D. Refer to a speech therapist for ventilator-assisted speech.

2. The nurse is assessing a client experiencing motor loss as a result Seizures

of a left-sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Which clinical 10.The male client is sitting in the chair and his entire body is rigid
manifestations would the nurse document? with his arms and legs contracting and relaxing. The client is not
A. Hemiparesis of the client’s left arm and apraxia. aware of what is going on and is making guttural sounds. Which
B. Paralysis of the right side of the body and ataxia. action should the nurse implement first?
C. Homonymous hemianopsia and diplopia. A. Push aside any furniture.
D. Impulsive behavior and hostility toward family. B. Place the client on his side.
C. Assess the client’s vital signs.
3. Which client would the nurse identify as being most at risk for D. Ease the client to the floor.
experiencing a CVA?
A. A 55-year-old African American male. 11.The occupational health nurse is concerned about preventing
B. An 84-year-old Japanese female. occupation-related acquired seizures. Which intervention should the
C. A 67-year-old Caucasian male. nurse implement?
D. A 39-year-old pregnant female. A. Ensure that helmets are worn in appropriate areas.
B. Implement daily exercise programs for the staff.
Head Injury C. Provide healthy foods in the cafeteria.
4.The client diagnosed with a mild concussion is being discharged D. Encourage employees to wear safety glasses.
from the emergency department. Which discharge instruction should
the nurse teach the client’s significant other? 12.The client is scheduled for an electroencephalogram (EEG) to
A. Awaken the client every two (2) hours. help diagnose a seizure disorder. Which preprocedure teaching
B. Monitor for increased intracranial pressure. should the nurse implement?
C. Observe frequently for hypervigilance. A. Tell the client to take any routine antiseizure medication
D. Offer the client food every three (3) to four (4) hours. prior to the EEG.
B. Tell the client not to eat anything for eight (8) hours prior to
5.The resident in a long-term care facility fell during the previous shift the procedure.
and has a laceration in the occipital area that has been closed with C. Instruct the client to stay awake for 24 hours prior to the
Steri-Strips. Which signs/ symptoms would warrant transferring the EEG.
resident to the emergency department? D. Explain to the client that there will be some discomfort
A. A 4-cm area of bright red drainage on the dressing. during the procedure.
B. A weak pulse, shallow respirations, and cool pale skin.
C. Pupils that are equal, react to light, and accommodate. Brain Tumors
D. Complaints of a headache that resolves with medication. 13.The client is being admitted to rule out a brain tumor. Which
classic triad of symptoms supports a diagnosis of brain tumor?
A. Nervousness, metastasis to the lungs, and seizures.
Nurse Joseph Bahian Abang
B. Headache, vomiting, and papilledema. 21.The nurse caring for a client diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease
C. Hypotension, tachycardia, and tachypnea. writes a problem of “impaired nutrition.” Which nursing intervention
D. Abrupt loss of motor function, diarrhea, and changes in would be included in the plan of care?
taste. A. Consult the occupational therapist for adaptive appliances
for eating.
14.The client has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Which B. Request a low-fat, low-sodium diet from the dietary
presenting signs and symptoms help to localize the tumor position? department.
A. Widening pulse pressure and bounding pulse. C. Provide three (3) meals per day that include nuts and
B. Diplopia and decreased visual acuity. whole-grain breads.
C. Bradykinesia and scanning speech. D. Offer six (6) meals per day with a soft consistency.
D. Hemiparesis and personality changes.
15.The male client diagnosed with a brain tumor is scheduled for a
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan in the morning. The client Substance Abuse
tells the nurse that he is scared. Which response by the nurse 22.The friend of an 18-year-old male client brings the client to the
indicates an appropriate therapeutic response? emergency department (ED). The client is unconscious and his
A. “MRIs are loud but there will not be any invasive procedure breathing is slow and shallow. Which action should the nurse
done.” implement first?
B. “You’re scared. Tell me about what is scaring you.” A. Ask the friend what drugs the client has been taking.
C. “This is the least thing to be scared about—there will be B. Initiate an IV infusion at a keep-open rate.
worse.” C. Call for a ventilator to be brought to the ED.
D. “I can call the MRI tech to come and talk to you about the D. Apply oxygen at 100% via nasal cannula.
23.The chief executive officer (CEO) of a large manufacturing plant
Meningitis presents to the occupational health clinic with chronic rhinitis and
16.The wife of the client diagnosed with septic meningitis asks the requesting medication. On inspection, the nurse notices holes in the
nurse, “I am so scared. What is meningitis?” Which statement would septum that separates the nasal passages. The nurse also notes
be the most appropriate response by the nurse? dilated pupils and tachycardia. The facility has a “No Drug” policy.
A. “There is bleeding into his brain causing irritation of the Which intervention should the nurse implement?
meninges.” A. Prepare to complete a drug screen urine test.
B. “A virus has infected the brain and meninges, causing B. Discuss the client’s use of illegal drugs.
inflammation.” C. Notify the client’s supervisor about the situation.
C. “This is a bacterial infection of the tissues that cover the D. Give the client an antihistamine and say nothing.
brain and spinal cord.”
D. “This is an inflammation of the brain parenchyma caused 24.The nurse is working with clients in a substance abuse clinic.
by a mosquito bite.” Client A tells the nurse that another client, Client B, has “started
using again.” Which action should the nurse implement?
17.The public health nurse is giving a lecture on potential outbreaks A. Tell Client A the nurse cannot discuss Client B with him.
of infectious meningitis. Which population is most at risk for an B. Find out how Client A got this information.
outbreak? C. Inform the HCP that Client B is using again.
A. Clients recently discharged from the hospital. D. Get in touch with Client B and have the client come to the
B. Residents of a college dormitory. clinic.
C. Individuals who visit a third world country.
D. Employees in a high-rise office building. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
25. Which diagnostic test is used to confirm the diagnosis of ALS?
18.The nurse is assessing the client diagnosed with bacterial A. Electromyogram (EMG).
meningitis. Which clinical manifestations would support the diagnosis B. Muscle biopsy.
of bacterial meningitis? C. Serum creatine kinase (CK).
A. Positive Babinski’s sign and peripheral paresthesia. D. Pulmonary function test.
B. Negative Chvostek’s sign and facial tingling.
C. Positive Kernig’s sign and nuchal rigidity. 26. The client is diagnosed with ALS. Which client problem would be
D. Negative Trousseau’s sign and nystagmus. most appropriate for this client?
A. Disuse syndrome.
Parkinson’s Disease B. Altered body image.
19.The client diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) is being C. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
admitted with a fever and patchy infiltrates in the lung fields on the D. Alteration in pain.
chest x-ray. Which clinical manifestations of
PD would explain these assessment data? 27. The client is being evaluated to rule out ALS. Which
A. Masklike facies and shuffling gait. signs/symptoms would the nurse note to confirm the diagnosis?
B. Difficulty swallowing and immobility. A. Muscle atrophy and flaccidity.
C. Pill rolling of fingers and flat affect. B. Fatigue and malnutrition.
D. Lack of arm swing and bradykinesia. C. Slurred speech and dysphagia.
D. Weakness and paralysis
20.The client diagnosed with PD is being discharged on
carbidopa/levodopa (Sinemet), an antiparkinsonian drug. Which Encephalitis
statement is the scientific rationale for combining these medications? 28.The nurse is assessing the client admitted with encephalitis.
A. There will be fewer side effects with this combination than Which data require immediate nursing intervention? The client:
with carbidopa alone. A. Has bilateral facial palsies.
B. Dopamine D requires the presence of both of these B. Has a recurrent temperature of 100.6˚F.
medications to work. C. Has a decreased complaint of headache.
C. Carbidopa makes more levodopa available to the brain. D. Comments that the meal has no taste.
D. Carbidopa crosses the blood–brain barrier to treat
Parkinson’s disease. 29.The client admitted to the hospital to rule out encephalitis is being
prepared for a lumbar puncture. Which instructions should the nurse
teach the client regarding care postprocedure?
Nurse Joseph Bahian Abang
A. Instruct that all invasive procedures require a written D. Only the licensed nursing staff may care for the client’s
permission. skin.
B. Explain that this allows analysis of a sample of the
cerebrospinal fluid. 7. The nurse is caring for a client who has developed stage IV
C. Tell the client to increase fluid intake to 300 mL for the next pressure ulcers on the left trochanter and coccyx. Which
48 hours. collaborative problem has the highest priority?
D. Discuss that lying supine with the head flat will prevent all A. Impaired cognition.
hematomas. B. Altered nutrition.
C. Self-care deficit.
30. Which is an expected outcome for a client diagnosed with D. Altered coping.
A. The client will regain as much neurological function as 8. The nurse is caring for clients in a long-term care facility. Which is
possible. a modifiable risk factor for the development of pressure ulcers?
B. The client will have no short-term memory loss. A. Constant perineal moisture.
C. The client will have improved renal function. B. Ability of the clients to reposition themselves.
D. The client will apply hydrocortisone cream daily. C. Decreased elasticity of the skin.
D. Impaired cardiovascular perfusion of the periphery.
Burns 9. What is the scientific rationale for placing lift pads under an
1.The client comes into the emergency room in severe pain and immobile client?
reports that a pot of boiling hot water accidentally spilled on his lower A. The pads will absorb any urinary incontinence and contain
legs. The assessment reveals blistered, mottled red skin, and both stool.
feet are edematous. Which depth of burn should the nurse B. The pads will prevent the client from being diaphoretic.
document? C. The pads will keep the staff from workplace injuries such
A. Superficial partial thickness. as a pulled muscle.
B. Deep partial thickness. D. The pads will help prevent friction shearing when
C. Full thickness. repositioning the client.
D. First degree.
10.The paraplegic client is being admitted to a medical unit from
2. The client with full-thickness burns to 40% of the body, including home with a stage IV pressure ulcer over the right ischium. Which
both legs, is being transferred from a community hospital to a burn assessment tool should be completed on admission to the hospital?
center. Which measure should be instituted before the transfer? A. Complete the Braden Scale.
A. A 22-gauge intravenous line with normal saline infusing. B. Monitor the client on a Glasgow Coma Scale.
B. Wounds covered with moist sterile dressings. C. Assess for Babinski’s sign.
C. No intravenous pain medication. D. Initiate a Brudzinski flow sheet.
D. Adequate peripheral circulation to both feet ensured.
Skin Cancer
3. The client has full-thickness burns to 65% of the body, including 11. The school nurse is preparing to teach a health promotion class
the chest area. After establishing a patent airway, which collaborative to high school seniors. Which information regarding self-care should
intervention is priority for the client? be included in the teaching?
A. Replace fluids and electrolytes. A. Wear a sunscreen with a protection factor of 10 or less
B. Prevent contractures of extremities. when in the sun.
C. Monitor urine output hourly. B. Try to stay out of the sun between 0300 and 0500 daily.
D. Prepare to assist with an escharotomy. C. Perform a thorough skin check monthly.
D. Remember caps and long sleeves do not help prevent skin
4. The nurse is applying mafenide acetate (Sulfamylon), a sulfa cancer.
antibiotic cream, to a client’s lower extremity burn. Which
assessment data would require immediate attention by the nurse? 12.The female client admitted for an unrelated diagnosis asks the
A. The client complains of pain when the medication is nurse to check her back because “it itches all the time in that one
administered. spot.” When the nurse assesses the client’s back, the nurse notes an
B. The client’s potassium level is 3.9 mEq/L and sodium level irregular-shaped lesion with some scabbed-over areas surrounding
is 137 mEq/L. the lesion. Which action should the nurse implement first?
C. The client’s ABGs are pH 7.34, PaO2 98, PaCO238, and A. Notify the HCP to check the lesion on rounds.
HCO320. B. Measure the lesion and note the color.
D. The client is able to perform active range-of-motion C. Apply lotion to the lesion.
exercises. D. Instruct the client to make sure the HCP checks the lesion.

5.The client is scheduled to have a xenograft to a left lower-leg burn. 13. The nurse is caring for clients in an outpatient surgery clinic.
The client asks the nurse, “What is a xenograft?” Which statement by Which client should be assessed first?
the nurse would be the best response? A. The client scheduled for a skin biopsy who is crying.
A. “The doctor will graft skin from your back to your leg.” B. The client who had surgery three (3) hours ago and is
B. “The skin from a donor will be used to cover your burn.” sleeping.
C. “The graft will come from an animal, probably a pig.” C. The client who needs to void prior to discharge.
D. “I think you should ask your doctor about the graft.” D. The client who has received discharge instructions and is
ready to go home.
Pressure Ulcers
6. The nurse in a long-term care facility is teaching a group of new 14.Which client is at the greatest risk for the development of skin
unlicensed assistive personnel. Which information regarding skin cancer?
care should the nurse emphasize? A. The African American male who lives in the northeast.
A. Keep the skin moist by leaving the skin damp after the B. The elderly Hispanic female who moved from Mexico as a
bath. child.
B. Do not rub any lotion into the skin. C. The client who has a family history of basal cell carcinoma.
C. Turn clients who are immobile at least every two (2) hours. D. The client with fair complexion who cannot get a tan.

Nurse Joseph Bahian Abang

15.The middle-aged client has had two (2) lesions diagnosed as 23.The client is diagnosed with herpes simplex 2 and prescribed the
basal cell carcinoma removed. Which discharge instruction should antiviral medication valacyclovir (Valtrex). Which instructions should
the nurse include? the nurse teach?
A. Teach the client that there is no more risk for cancer. A. This medication will prevent pregnancy and treat the virus.
B. Refer the client to a prosthesis specialist for prosthesis. B. This medication must be tapered when discontinuing the
C. Instruct the client how to apply sunscreen to the area. medication.
D. Demonstrate care of the surgical site. C. This medication will suppress symptoms but does not cure
the disease.
Bacterial Skin Infection D. This medication may cause the client’s urine to turn
16.The client comes to the emergency department complaining of orange.
pain in the left
lower leg following a puncture wound from a nail in a board. The left 24.The nurse administered morphine sulfate, a narcotic analgesic,
lower leg is reddened with streaks, edematous, and hot to the touch, IVP 45 minutes ago to a client diagnosed with herpes zoster. On
and the client has a temperature of 100.8˚F. Which condition would reassessment, the client complains the pain is at a “5” on a 1-to-10
the nurse suspect the client is experiencing? scale. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
A. Cellulitis. A. Turn on soft music and shut the blinds.
B. Lyme disease. B. Apply warm, moist heat to the lesions.
C. Impetigo. C. Notify the HCP for more pain medication.
D. Deep vein thrombosis. D. Encourage the client to ambulate with assistance.

17. The client comes to the clinic complaining of sudden onset of 25.The client is diagnosed with disseminated herpes zoster
high fever, chills, and a headache. The nurse assesses a patchy secondary to AIDS. Which interventions should the nurse
macular rash on the trunk and a circular type of rash that looks like implement?Select all that apply.
an insect bite. Which question would be most appropriate for the A. Place the client in contact isolation.
nurse to ask during the interview? B. Administer a corticosteroid IVP.
A. “Do you own dogs that stay in the yard?” C. Assess the client’s pain on a 1-to-10 scale.
B. “Have you been working in your garden lately?” D. Request that the client not have any visitors.
C. “Have you been deer hunting in the last week?” E. Ensure that only nurses who have had chickenpox care for
D. “Do you use sunscreen when you are outside?” this client.

18.The school nurse is discussing impetigo with the teachers in an Fungal/Parasitic Skin Infection
elementary school. One of the teachers asks the nurse, “How can I 26.The school nurse is assessing a teacher who has pediculosis.
prevent getting impetigo?” Which statement would be the most Which statement by the teacher makes the nurse suspect that the
appropriate response? teacher did not comply with the instructions that were discussed in
A. “Wash your hands after using the bathroom.” the classroom with the children?
B. “Do not touch any affected areas without gloves.” A. “I used the comb to remove all the nits.”
C. “Apply a topical antibiotic to your hands.” B. “I washed my hair with Kwell shampoo.”
D. “Keep the child with impetigo isolated in the room.” C. “I removed all the sheets from my bed.”
D. “I had to fix my daughter’s hair with my brush.”
19. The client is admitted to the medical floor diagnosed with cellulitis
of the left arm. Which assessment data would warrant immediate 27. The school nurse is discussing how to prevent tinea cruris with
intervention by the nurse? the football players. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
A. The client has bilaterally weak radial pulses. A. Instruct the football players to wear tight, snug-fitting jock
B. The client is able to move the left fingers. straps.
C. The client has a CRT less than 3 seconds. B. Explain the importance of wearing white socks.
D. The client is unable to remove the wedding ring. C. Teach the football players to not share brushes or combs.
D. Discuss the need to dry the groin area thoroughly after
20.The nurse writes the client problem of “acute pain and itching bathing.
secondary to bacterial skin lesions.” Which interventions should be
included in the care plan?Select all that apply. 28. The elderly client is admitted from the long-term care facility
A. Keep humidity at less than 20%. diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The client complains of
B. Maintain a cool environment. severe itching on both hands and the nurse notes wavy, brown,
C. Use a mild soap for sensitive skin. threadlike lesions between the client’s fingers. Which comorbid
D. Keep lesions covered at all times. condition would the nurse suspect the client of having based on
E. Apply skin lotion after bathing. these assessment data?
A. Tinea capitis.
Viral Skin Infection B. Herpes simplex 2.
21.The nurse is discussing the prevention of herpes simplex 2. C. Scabies.
Which intervention should the nurse discuss with the client? D. Psoriasis.
A. Encourage the client to get the chickenpox immunization.
B. Do not engage in oral sex if you have a cold sore on the 29.The HCP prescribed Kwell lotion to be applied to the entire body.
mouth. Which instructions should the nurse teach the client concerning this
C. Wear nonsterile gloves when cleaning the genital area. medication?
D. Do not share any type of towel or washcloth with another A. Leave the lotion on for two (2) hours after applying it to the
person. body.
B. Make sure that the skin is completely dry before applying
22.The client is complaining of burning, lancinating, stabbing pain the lotion.
that radiates around the left rib cage area. The nurse cannot find any C. Repeat total body lotion application daily for at least one (1)
type of skin abnormality. Which action should the nurse implement? week.
A. Transfer the client to the ED for a cardiac work-up. D. Put the lotion in the bathwater and soak for at least 20
B. Inform the client that the nurse can’t see anything. minutes.
C. Administer a nonnarcotic analgesic to the client.
D. Ask the client if he or she has ever had chickenpox.

Nurse Joseph Bahian Abang

30. The nurse in the long-term care facility must delegate a nursing
task to an unlicensed assistive personnel. Which nursing task would
be most appropriate to delegate?
A. Comb the nits out of the client’s hair.
B. Massage the reddened area on the hip.
C. Scrape the burrows to remove the scabies mite.
D. Apply antifungal lotion to the groin area.

Nurse Joseph Bahian Abang

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