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# Copyright (c) Trend Micro Inc. 2004-2013, All Rights Reserved #


# Requirements
- Trend Micro Deep Security Manager 9.0
NOTE: Third Brigade Deep Security Manager 5.x or 6.x is not supported
by this sample SDK. More advanced versions of the Axis, Ant and Java
Runtime may have not been tested with this version of the Web Service
API samples but will most likely work.

- Apache Axis 1.4 (binary -

- JDK 1.6.0_26 (and optionally JRE 1.6.0_26 if you plan to run the samples in a
separate JRE)

If you're building from the command prompt:

- Ant 1.7.1 (

If you're building/developing in Eclipse:

- Eclipse 4.x

# Initial Steps
1. The following steps assume the SDK package was extracted to:


2. Enabling the Deep Security Manager Web Service

Please refer to product documentation for help in enabling the Web Service.

3. Obtaining the Deep Security Manager Web Service API WSDL

The Deep Security Manager Web Service API describes its services in a published
WDSL document. The
SOAP Axis library is used to generate source code from the WSDL that reflects all
the services
available through the Web Service. This source code can be used to build Java
that can communicate with the Deep Security Manager Web Service API.

In order to develop for the Deep Security Manager Web Service API, the manager WSDL
file will
need to be downloaded from a Deep Security Manager install.

a) Open an internet browser and connect to the Deep Security Manager Web Service


b) Save the document as Manager.wsdl to the root of the WebServiceSamples



4. Importing a Deep Security Manager public certificate into the JRE certificate
Communication between a client application and the Deep Security Manager Web
Service interface
occurs over SSL encryption. Inorder for the Axis library to successfully
communicate to a
SSL peer, the peer public certificate will need to be imported into the JRE's
certificate store.

There are many ways to retrieve an installed Deep Security Manager's public
certificate. The
following is one method:

Using Internet Explorer 7:

a) Launch IE 7 and connect to the Deep Security Manager web page.
b) Click on the Certificate panel next to the address bar.
c) Click View Certificates.
d) Click the Details tab.
e) Click "Copy to File..."
f) Export the certificate as "DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)".
g) Save it to the root of the WebServiceSamples directory as manager.cer.


Using Firefox 18:

a) Launch Firefox and connect to the Deep Security Manager web page.
b) Double-click on the Lock icon next to the address.
c) Click More Information.
d) Click View Certificate
e) Click the Details tab.
f) Click Export...
g) Export the certificate as "X.509 Certificate (DER)".
h) Save it to the root of the WebServiceSamples directory as manager.cer.


Next import the public certificate into the JRE trust certificate store:

a) From the command prompt (As Administrator), change to the root directory of the

cd C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_26

If using a JDK's JRE (which could be the case if the samples are intended to be
executed from the command prompt) the JRE can be located under \jre in the JDK

cd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre

b) Import the certificate into the root store.

.\bin\keytool.exe -import -noprompt -alias <Friendly Name> -file <location of

.cer file> -keystore .\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit


.\bin\keytool.exe -import -noprompt -alias DeepSecurityManager -file

"c:\work\Deep_Security_9_WebService_SDK\SOAPSamples\manager.cer" -keystore
".\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit
NOTE: All distributions of a WebService application will be required to import or
copy this cacert certificate store file to the destination system for the target
JRE used.

5. Download and uncompress Apache Axis.


6. (If building the samples from the Command Prompt) Download and uncompress Apache


# Building and Running the Samples from the Command Prompt
a) Launch a Command Prompt.
b) Set the environment path to include the the JDK \bin and Ant \bin directories.

On Windows Command Prompt:

set PATH=$PATH;c:\work\apache-ant\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin

On Linux or Unix the Java binaries will already be available and no change is
needed. If Ant
is installed on the system, it will be be available. Only if an alternative JDK/JRE
is used
should the path need to be modified.

c) Edit the build.xml Ant script file in the root of the sample directory.


Modify the src.axis.dir property value to the location of the Axis \lib directory:

<property name="src.axis.dir" value="c:\work\axis\lib" />

d) Run the Ant script to generate the Web Service code from the WSDL and compile
all the samples.

ant build

NOTE: To clean up all generated files, run the following command:

ant clean

At this point all the samples have been compiled and copied into a new jar file
called samples.jar.
It can be found in the root WebServicesSamples directory. All compiled source can
be found in the
newly created \build directory.


The sample applications can be executed from the sample.jar. Use the following
example usage to
execute them:
java -classpath .\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*
java -classpath .\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*
java -classpath .\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*
java -classpath .\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*
java -classpath .\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*
java -classpath .\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*
java -classpath .\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*

Note that each sample application has its own command line usage. By executing the
without any arguments the usage will be displayed.

> java -classpath ..\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*

Invalid number of arguments found.
Connect <webservice url> <username> <password>
This sample application can be used to authenticate to a Deep Security
Manager WebService end point.

Here is an example of the Connect application with the correct usage:

> java -classpath ..\samples.jar;c:\work\axis\lib\*

com.trendmicro.webserviceclient.samples.Connect masteradmin password
Attempting to authenticate to Manager WebService...
Authentication successful.
Authentication session ID string recieved: 0CA8E23075296FD4E4AB6A4477A9DB8D

Ending session...
End session successful.

# Building and Running the Sample from Eclipse
1. Launch Eclipse, create a new Workspace.
2. Create a new Java Project.
a) Select File -> New -> Java Project
b) Name the project WebServiceSamples.
c) Create it from existing source by specifying the Java sample root
directory by Deep Security version as the source directory.

e.g. \WebServices\DeepSecurityManager_v9.0\Java\

d) Click Next.
e) Select the Libraries tab.
f) Click Add External Jars.
g) Navigate to the Axis library directory and select all the JAR files.
h) Click Finish.

NOTE: Ignore any errors at this time. The Web Service API code has not been
generated yet.
3. Edit the build.xml Ant script file in the root of the WebServicesSamples
project. Modify the src.axis.dir property value to the location of the Axis \lib

<property name="src.axis.dir" value="c:\work\axis\lib" />

4. Generate the Web Service API source from the manager.wsdl file by completing
the following by right clicking the build.xml file and select "Run As..." -> "Ant

NOTE: Make sure the Manager.wsdl obtained in prevoious steps is located in the root
directory of the Java project.

e.g. \WebServices\DeepSecurityManager_v9.0\Java\Manager.wsdl

5. Right click on the project and select "Refresh" (or press the F5 button) to
refresh the project source. The missing class errors will no longer appear.

NOTE: Ignore the Axis warnings, they are not a concern.

At this point all the samples are ready to be modified and executed as desired. To
execute any of the sample application class files in the Package Explorer under
WebServicesSamples -> src -> com.trendmicro.webserviceclient.samples, just
right click on any of them and select "Run As" -> "Java Application".

The sample applications are command line based, so runtime arguments will be
However the usage for each will be displayed in the Eclipse Console window when

Invalid number of arguments found.

Connect <webservice url> <username> <password>
This sample application can be used to authenticate to a Deep Security
Manager WebService end point.

To specify arguments for a sample application:

a) Attempt to run the application once by right clicking on the sample file and
selecting "Run As" -> "Java Application".

NOTE: This step is necessary only the first time the sample is run as it will
in the project as an application.

b) Right click on the same sample application and select "Run As" -> "Open Run
c) Select the Arguments tab.
d) Specific the desired "Program arguments". For example, for the
the Web Service URL and user account are required.

https://<manager hostname/IP>/webservice/Manager <username> <password>

e) Click Apply and Close.

Now each time you execute that sample application by right clicking on it and
"Run As" -> "Java Application", the arguments will be passed to it.
Attempting to authenticate to Manager WebService...
Authentication successful.
Authentication session ID string recieved: F842656DD2422B5874140DD645E16939

Ending session...
End session successful.

Explore the samples! Suggest new ones! Have fun! Let us know!

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