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Deconstruction of the story “the kite ‘’ by peter

Barry ?

General discussion:
In the society where we lived the parents wants
to hold their children in their hands. Mothers will resort to any
type of subterfuge (fraud) to manipulate their children into
obeying their every dictate. They often do “loyalty test” to ensure
that their children do that what they want. It is said that excess of
everything is bad. The story “kite” reflects true image of the
subterfuge kind of mothers that how they control their children’s.
I will present the text with the deconstruction approach. The
deconstruction approach basically close and critical reading of a
written text to uncover the wages of thinking that constrain our
impressions or conceptualized of the world. The aim of this
research study is to apply the three-stage model of
Poststructuralist /deconstructive process, as proposed by Barry
(2002) 1: verbal 2:textual 3: linguistics. In the verbal stage the
words are studied in isolation, with the concept that they do not
contain pure or fixed meanings, but rather, they represent
contradictions and paradoxes in a text. It reveals binary
oppositions and slipperiness of the language being used. In the
textual stage overall meaning of the text is identified. It also
analyses shifting meanings, textual contradictions and the
continuity of the texts. The linguistic stage calls into question
the trustworthiness and reliability of language being used in a
literary text.
Writer introduction
The William Somerset mugham was a British playwright, novelist
and short story writer of human bondage. Though Maugham's
stories are deeply psychological like those of Katherine Mansfield
and Virginia Woolf. The Kite” is a short story written in 1947 by
William Somerset Maugham. Mr. Maugham is well known
for his very popular short stories. “The Kite” is one of his
psychological short stories.
This story focuses upon a young man’s transition from son to
husband and back to son following his wife destruction of his kite,
the principal object of his passion and affection. And his mother
characterized as mother with borderline. Borderline mothers
expect their children to be on hand all times.

Main tenants:
Derrida: deconstruction is not a method, but an activity of
reading as it refers to certain new strategies for interpreting
literary texts.
j-Hillis miller: deconstruction is not a dismantling of the
structure of a text, but a demonstration that it has already
dismantled itself. Its apparently solid ground is no rock but thin
Hannack & Taylor (2001) define deconstruction as “a
methodological strategy which seeks to uncover layers of hidden
meaning in a text which have been denied or suppressed”
Lashari & Awan, (2007) Deconstruction finds out the unfixed
meanings; finds untruths behind the truths; ambiguities behind
the expressions.
Barry, 2002; Deleuze, (2006) Deconstruction is, in fact,
based on the philosophy of Nietzsche’s famous remark “There are
no facts, only interpretations”

Research Questions
By using the approach of peter Barry, we will discuss following
(a) What are the omissions and language slips in the story?
(b) What are the contradictory (clashing) ideas?
(c) What are the changes in viewpoints?

Discourse analysis:
William Somerset mugham “The kite” is an impressive
and pathetic story with the theme of jealousy and possessiveness
of mother. The Kite” has an open first-person narrator in the
beginning and in the end. Ned Preston is the one who told our
narrator the story. The story revolves around the very stubborn
boy who would not retreat from his opinions. His relationship
with his parents, especially his mother, is a lot different, to what
one would call a normal relationship between mother and son.
His mother is enough conservative; she won’t let Herbert play
with other children; she won’t have him going out on Saturday
evenings even though he is by far old enough to do so. His mother
also very arrogant because of the way she sees and talks to
strangers. After the marriage his wife Betty objects and rebels
against is Herbert’s flying of the kite on Saturdays with his
parents. But Herbert’s fatal attraction for the kite is a string of
mother fixation. When All when the possible pleadings result
in vain, Betty hacks down the kite which ultimately aggravates the
situation.Herbert chooses the prison instead of providing the
alimony to his wife.
In the application of the first stage of verbal analysis, the words
are studied in isolation from other linguistic items and their
subconscious or hidden meanings are identified. This analysis
reveals various contradictions and fluidity of meanings in the text
under discussion.

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