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Emma Donovan

January 22, 2019

Independent Research - 3
Annotated Source List

Bavelier, D., Green, C. S., & Dye, M. W. (2011, September 12). Children, wired - for better and
for worse. Retrieved December 20, 2018, from
This ​journal​ describes how children today use technology constantly at home and in school,
making it a part of their development. Technology undoubtedly has its pros and cons. These
benefits and consequences are dependent on the context of the technology, the context in which
the technology immerses the user, and the developmental stage of the user. Many video games
act as exemplary learning tools through their enhancement of numerous abilities. There is no
single effect of watching tv or playing video games. Different types of media have different
content and attentional demands, thus different behavior effects as well. Violence and addiction
are two of the biggest concerns. In a study completed, it was revealed that reading with a parent
is associated with a 7-point increase in language score, but each hour of daily baby DVD
viewing was associated with a 17-point decrease. Babies learn from real world experiences as
they watch their parents act and interact with others. Many babies cannot link the information in
videos to reality.
Application to Research:
This study dives into specific benefits and consequences of technology while putting emphasis
on the fact that different types of technology have very different pros and cons. It discusses the
need for more research on this ever growing problem.

Bay, L. (n.d.). Five ways to monitor your child's time with technology. Retrieved November 27,
2018, from
This ​article​ describes how technology has created numerous opportunities for teaching and
learning, enhancing curriculum and meeting the unique demands of children. With the benefits,
however, comes countless risks. It is crucial that kids are taught to be responsible in this digital
age. Screen time must be limited for children of all ages. An “online” and “offline” schedule
should create balance between the internet world and the real world. Privacy setting can also be
activated. Location tracking, parental control, and monitoring apps are very accessible. Parents
need to address the health risks associated with overuse of technology. Texting while driving,
along with cyberbullying, are neverending problems. A strong example of good digital habits
should be set by parents. Kids need expectations to flourish. A personalized family plan for
technology usage may help some families to create a guide.
This article is very beneficial to my research. It provides ways that parents can and should
monitor their children’s technology time. My other research focuses on its harmful effects, but
these specific ways to limit the dangers of technology will be very helpful.
Bindley, K. (2011, December 09). When children text all day, what happens to their social skills?
Retrieved October 4, 2018, from
This ​article​ explains how parents are often worried about cyberbullying and incomplete
homework as a result of their children using technology, but there is a much more important,
usually forgotten, question: Will children be able to hold their own conversations? Real
conversation is becoming a thing of the past, harming children’s futures. Although it has
minimized over the years, adults still have the experience of talking face-to-face with people.
Children today are growing up with instant dependence on technology. Since so many things
occur through technology, handling conflict in person is becoming increasingly difficult.
Conversation takes practice, but if people’s faces are constantly in their device, this critical
practice is nonexistent. Brains have evolved to need constant stimulation. Reading nonverbal
cues is something today’s young people are not learning. Children are being given devices to
entertain them, losing the strong connection between parent and child. Mental illnesses are
soaring in children. Humans need to be connected to other humans to thrive. Creativity,
imagination, and self-initiation are becoming a thing of the past.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It shows how much technology
affects children in so many ways, focusing on social effects. The way they interact with others
has been changing for the worse. Children are not learning communication skills needed for later
in life. This needs to be changed.

Bowman, N. (2018). Banning smartphones for kids is just another technology-fearing moral
panic. In ​Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection​. Detroit, MI: Gale. (Reprinted from
Banning smartphones for kids is just another technology-fearing moral panic, ​The
Conversation,​ 2017, July 10) Retrieved from
This ​document​ explains how it would be wrong to ban kids from using smartphones, which
define their generation. A lobbying group, called Parents Against Underage Smartphones,
believes children under the age of thirteen should not have smartphones due to the negative
effects they carry. However, this alarm and panic with new technology is both common and
unnecessary. Humans constantly innovate, but humans can not keep up their understanding of all
the new. Panicking about technology encourages people to avoid it, thus harming them in the
future due to lack of understanding and knowledge about the tools of the future. Technology
must be used safely, but banning it will have no benefits in the end.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It shows how although there are
many downsides to technology, especially for children, banning it will not ultimately benefit
anyone. However, it will lead to misunderstandings and problems in the future world dominated
by technology.
Cox, D. (2007). The Benefits of Technology are Diminishing. In D. Haugen & S. Musser (Eds.),
Opposing Viewpoints​. ​Techology and Society​. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted
from ​New Statesman,​ 2006, January 9) Retrieved from
This ​document​ discusses how the benefits of technology are greatly diminishing. Technological
inventiveness has reached its peak. The devices people become obsessed with, such as flat screen
tvs, are not necessary, nor do they truly enhance your life. There is very little real worth in what
we are constantly presented with. Our era may have had many advancements, but none compare
to those of the past, such as the first telephone. The “benefits” of technology have their numerous
downsides as well. Our faith in technlogy has been misplaced. Updated technology is giving
people false hope.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It shows how although there are
benefits to technology, they are diminishing in quantity and quality. It encourages me to research
the opposing side of this to find out the perspective of people who believe technology is
extremely beneficial.

DeLoatch, P. (2015, May 2). The four negative sides of technology. Retrieved November 8,
2018, from
This ​article​ discusses four negative effects that come with our high-tech world. iPads are used in
classrooms, tweets integrated into presentations, and smart devices are used to teach students.
This adds diversity to lessons, increases student interaction, and brings new perspective. Overuse
of technology, however, has many serious long-term consequences. Parents and teachers need to
recognize these problems in order to avoid them to the best of their ability. First, technology
changes the way children think due to changes in their brain. Technology alters the actual wiring
of the brain. More than one third of children under the age of two use mobile media, and this
number increases as childrens age. Video games, for example, condition the brain to pay
attention to multiple stimuli, decreasing memory and increasing distraction. Children can find
information easily, but their ability to retain it is very poor. Their imagination and deep thinking
skills suffer greatly. Second, technology changes the way children feel, decreasing their ability to
empathize. A study proved that increased face-to-face interaction improves a person’s ability to
pick up emotions. Kids who use computer games and internet for more than four hours a day do
not have the same wellbeing as those who use it for less than said time, according to a report
from the United Kingdom. Third, technology puts privacy and safety at risk, exposing children to
many risks. In 82% of online sex crimes against children, social networking sites were used to
get information. Due to technology’s anonymous aspects, children can be bullied much more
easily. One fourth of teens stated that they have been bullied over text or another means of
technology. Finally, due to more technology use, less physical activity occurs, leading to obesity,
which is rising. Pediatricans have testified to this. Technology should be limited, responsibility
should be taught, technology should be familiarized, classroom technology should be intentional,
and alternatives should be offered in order to limit these problems.
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It describes, in detail, four of the
common consequences that come with increased technology use for children. It also includes
ways to avoid these problems on a larger scale. This allows me to draw strong supported
connections between technology use and children’s brains, feelings, safety, and health.

Fifteen disadvantages of technology in education. (2015, December 09). Retrieved October 11,
2018, from
This ​article​ shows how technology usage in the classroom inhibits the steps of learning.
Dependency on technology replaces the need for a complex thought process. Even though
technology has advanced, the teachers are not being properly trained on how to implement it.
Inquiry-based learning is the best option because, instead of complete dependency on
technology, it keeps the brain working. Relying on computers that are able to do many things for
us worsens study habits. Technology creates major sources of distraction, with increased rate of
cyberbullying. Learners are disconnected from the real world. Instead of being experts in the
class they teach, teachers must also learn the ways of technology. The use of technology instead
of writing by hand slows down the thinking process.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It shows how there are many known
disadvantages to incorporating technology into education. I can now compare the cons with the
pros that I previously researched to develop strong statements.

Five stages of human brain development. (2018, August 30). Retrieved October 25, 2018, from
This ​article​ describes in detail the five stages of human brain development. Stage one takes
place from zero to ten months, when neurons and connections are growing. While in the womb,
outside sounds stimulate the brain. The second stage, which occurs from birth to six years,
includes the development of voluntary movement, reasoning, and perception. Frontal lobes are
active in the development of emotions, attachments, planning, working memory, and perception.
Experiences shape the emotional well-being, developing a sense of self. Negative treatment leads
to emotional consequences later in life. Daily individualized communication is necessary. From
age seven to twenty two, stage three, neuron connections are still occuring, along with brain
wiring. The fatty tissues around neurons increases and aids the speeding up electrical impulses,
stabilizing connections. The last to mature is the prefontal cortext, which involves the control of
decision-making. Teenagers must learn to control irrational behavior. The fourth stage takes
place between ages twenty three and sixty five. The brain reaches its peak at age twenty two. The
first part of the brain to go is the exective control that takes place in the prefontal cortex, along
with memory recall. Staying mentally active helps to avoid this. The final stage, sixty five years
and up, is when brain cells are lost in the hippocampus. New skills should be learned to improve
reasoning and concentration. Stress should also be avoided as much as possible.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It describes the five stages of brain
development. After reading this, I can make connections and hypothesize about what effect
technology usage would have on the development of young children based on the connections
made in each stage of development.

Five ways technology is altering our brains. (2017, March 15). Retrieved October 31, 2018, from
This ​journal​ shows how technology is changing not only our lives, but our brains as well.
Human’s inability to look away from handheld devices and social media changes the way
information is processed, along with our view on the world. A Gallup panel survey revealed that
52% of smartphone users check it at least three times every hour. More than 70% of young
smartphone users check their devices more than three times an hour, and 22% of these young
users check it every few minutes. Boredom is “cured” by reaching for our devices.
Communication has been limited to 140 charactes, and emojis replace emotions. As a result of
iPads and iPhones becoming increasingly popular, the average attention span has dropped from
twelve seconds to eight seconds. A Microsoft corporation study found that “heavy multiscreeners
find it diffcult to filter out irrelevant stimuli - they’re more easily distracted by multiple streams
of media.” Tasks are not being completed sufficently when our phones are alerting us of every
new message and post. Although people’s ability to multitask has improved greatly in the mobile
age, it is not beneficial. Performing different activities with the same part of the brain processing
is not possible, so information is not retained. Digital technology has created addictions. Social
media feeds never end. The New York Times described how ​“We are engineered in such a way
that as long as an experience hits the right buttons, our brains will release the neurotransmitter
dopamine. We’ll get a flood of dopamine that makes us feel wonderful in the short term, though
in the long term you build a tolerance and want more.” Social interactions in person have been
weakened. Research shows that kids who spend more time staring at screens than interacting
personally have an inability to empathize, read social cues, or detect people’s emotions.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It describes, in detail, five of the
ways technology is altering our brains. It also mentions how children growing up in the digital
age will suffer far worse consequences than those who were born prior to technology being the
center of our lives. This allows me to draw connections between technology use and the brain.

Guernsey, L. (2014, April 27). Retrieved January 10, 2019, from
This ​TedTalk​ is given by a former technology reporter from the New York Times. However, she
didn’t realize how technology affected children until she had her own kids. She began to wonder
if babies could understand what was happening and sounding on television. The screen has a
hold on us, controlling our lives, reflecting reality, but also displaying a fantasy. It took over
twenty years for television discussions to begin. A study was done to highlight the fact that
children to not receive information seen on screens in the same way adults do. In a room full of
three year olds, a tv screen displayed a bowl of popcorn. When asked if the popcorn would spill
if the tv was flipped over, all the children said yes. Kids see things different than we see them.
Children can learn from television. We want to look for the same aspects in a preschool teacher
as the person on screen. You don’t want violence or aggression because children will want to
imitate that. Scientists are looking at the age of twenty four months. A study done at Georgetown
University showed that toddlers perceive information very differently when seeing real life
action, stimulations, or television acting. A laundry room scene was recreated with puppets
hiding behind a pair of jeans. When all the children were sent into the room with the actual
scene, the two and three year olds who were in the room with the television screen had no idea
where the puppets were. The children who were in the actual room, along with the children who
played the stimulation of the room online to find the puppets, ran immediately to where the
puppets were.
Application to Research:
This shows how television information is not received nearly as well as real life experiences for
young children, indicating a need in kids to build relationships in real life instead of behind a
screen. The studies described provide extensive research and support for these claims.

Howcast. (2013, October 24). Retrieved January 03, 2019, from
This ​video​ describes our current era as the age of technology. Everyone has an iPad, iPhone,
youtube, and everything else. You go into a restaurant and you have to take out the iPad for the
child. This has a large negative impact on children. Sometimes, it can help them with learning
numbers and letters. Ten to twenty minutes a day should be the maximum time. However,
children use these things in place of other ways of learning. Communicating and engaging with
people face-to-face is limited in our day and age. We have to be mindful that children need to be
taught common skills through experiences with their peers and through observation. What
parents do impacts their child’s development. Watching tv does not engage the children with
their friends. Technology has a lot of visual stimulation. Once devices are introduced at meal
time, the child will always associate the restaurant with the iPad. However, the devices should be
kept for learning purposes or small game time.
Application to Research:
This video will be beneficial to my research. It reinstates the idea that children are spending far
too much time on technology devices. There is a large difference between the time parents were
raised and children being raised today. Parents must realize that in order to understand the vital
role they play in their children’s lives with the evergrowing presence of technology.

How technology has affected communication. (2018, August 30). Retrieved November 2, 2018,
This ​article​ describes how technology has affected communication. Technology speeds up
communication, making it more convenient in various forms. Before the digital age, humans
were more productive with fewer distractions, more creative, and more focused on goals. When
technology is overused, just as anything not done in moderation, it is unhealthy. Technology
affects the peace of mind due to people constantly showing off their money, among other things,
in communications. Additionally, communication often hides the truth. Technology destroys the
emotions of people. Communication is manipulative based on popularity and reputation in
society. For example, political leaders are chosen based on popularity instead of leader qualities.
People are becoming so absorbed in sharing their lives through online communication that life is
seeming more like a race. Everything must be done as quick as possible, which loses some of its
meaning often times. People are more busy than productive. Humans are reaching higher levels
of anger, greed, fascination, and jealousy. Communication also comes with a lack of integrity.
People are less interested in learning.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It describes the many negative
effects of technology, specially focusing on the overuse of technology. This allows me to draw
connections between technology use and the brain.

Hunter, E. (2017, February 22). How a child's brain develops from the womb to age five.
Retrieved October 25, 2018, from
This ​article​ explains how a child’s brain is ninety percent developed by age five. Outside
influences can affect an unborn baby’s brain. For example, dolphin noises can stimulate the
nerves in the brain. During the first three years of a child’s life, seven hundred new neural
connections are made every single second. Hearing a lullaby or reaching for a toy involve
different neural networks. The brain goes through cycles of growth between ages one and five.
By age three, most children have already mastered many grammatical rules. Outside inputs
heavily influence, whether hindering or helping, the development of the brain. During ages three
to five, when brain development is so rapid, body growth is limited. It is said that a child’s
vocabulary increases from 55 words at 16 months to 225 words at 23 months to 573 words at 30
months. Talking and interacting with children increases their brain development.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It dives into the scientific
background of how the brain develops. Since I want to focus on how technology usage at a
young age affects the development of children, the facts included in this article will benefit my
research tremendously.

Jolly, J. (2016, March 15). In 'Screenagers,' What to do about too much screen time. Retrieved
December 13, 2018, from
This ​documentary​ informs us how children today have trouble resisting the desire to use
technology. The average child in America spends more time online than at school. Six in ten
parents worry that their children are spending too much time looking at screens. On the oppsoite
side, seven in ten children worry that their parents are constantly plugged into their devices. Dr.
Ruston, the creater of the ​Screenagers​ documentary, struggled with technology control with her
own children. As a doctor and parent, she was surrounded by kids who were constantly glued to
their devices. The overuse of technology may harm the physical development of the brain in
children. Studies have revealed a strong negative correlation between screen time and attention
spans. In a study done on mice as a stimulation, the young mice repeatedly exposed to lights and
flashing sounds developed fewer nerve cells in the learning and memory parts of the brain.
However, those same lights and flashing did not affect the brains of adult mice. In another study,
preschoolers were divided into two groups. One group watched fast-paced images on screens
while the other drew pictures. After taking the same cognitive skills test, it was found that the
kids exposed to the screens did much worse. The frontal cortex, which is responsible for decision
making and impulse control, grows slowly over the teen years. Screen time releases dopamine,
but there is no other time in your life to produce that pleasure-producing chemical than in
adolescense. Kids brains aren’t wired to self-regulate.
This is very beneficial because it discusses a documentary that is informing parents and children
alike about the consequences of technology overuse.

Miller, D. J. and Robertson, D. P. (2010), Using a games console in the primary classroom:
Effects of ‘Brain Training’ programme on computation and self-esteem. British Journal
of Educational Technology, 41: 242-255. doi:​10.1111/j.1467-8535.2008.00918.x
This ​scholarly journal​ explains how computer games can be motivating for children, but there
is not enough research on their effects on classroom learning methods. In this study to explore
the effects of computer games on children’s mental computation skills and self-perceptions,
seventy one primary school children (10-11 years old) from three classes were examined. In
School 1, a class of twenty one children used a gaming console twenty minutes each day to play
a ‘brain training’ game. In School 2, thirty one children used ‘Brain Gym’ techniques. In School
3, nineteen children acted as the controls. This was done for a ten week period. Significant
improvements in accuracy and speed of calculations improved with the games. The games group
showed increased self-esteem, but no changes in other parts of self-concept. The comparison
groups showed no changes in self-perception.
This study will be very beneficial to my research. It desrcibes in detail how gaming affects
children. My previous research has lacked true experiments.

Nguyen, J. (2016, June 15). Retrieved January 10, 2019, from
This ​TedTalk​ discusses how technology is reinventing humanity. The line between the virtual
world and reality is starting to become blurred. Everyone finds themselves somewhere along the
spectrum between virtual reality and the real world. The speaker worked on building a smart
wheelchair for his PHD. People begin to think that the virtual reality is real life, and they
remember things they saw as if they were real memories. We are standing at the verge of a
massive technological revolution. With every new technological development comes challenges
and opportunities. Whenever we have big technological advances, it makes us realize and reflect
on what it means to be human. At the core of humanity is empathy and connection.
This video shows how technology is taking control over all aspects of our lives. People need to
be aware of the large presence technology holds.

Patel, D. (2017, March 04). How technology impacts children's development – Thrive Global –
Medium. Retrieved October 4, 2018, from
This ​article​ explains how in the past couple decades, technology has taken over our society in so
many ways. Big changes have took place in the ways young children play with each other. There
are positive benefits for enhanced learning. However, both child development and quality of life
have suffered the consequences. Today, when kids come home from school, instead of playing
outside, they are found staring at screens. This has caused a dramatic increase in child obesity
rates. Kids also spend much more time inside, which prohibits them from the Vitamin D supply
from being out in the sun. Screens have been proven to emit a harmful blue light that may cause
headaches for children. Sleep schedules are disturbed by this same light. Children who spend the
majority of their time using technology have shorter attention spans and less ability to focus. It
limits them from thinking critically and creatively. High levels of social media lower
self-esteem. Emotions become much more difficult to develop due to limited human interaction.
Meaningful relationships suffer as well.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It shows how detrimental
technology use can be on young children. The way their brains function and engage with others
has drastically changed over the years. This means that stricter guidelines should be put in place
by parents and guardians.

Ramey, K. (2015, July 01). Technological advancements and their effects on humanity.
Retrieved November 8, 2018, from​/
This ​article​ shows how technology has advanced and is affecting humanity. Many things are
changed, including the products we buy, the way we live, the way we communicate, the way we
travel, and the way we learn. Technology’s advancements have led to advancements in medicine
and healthcare. Communication has been greatly improved with the development of mobile
devices, as well as live video calls. Another area where improvements can be seen on a large
scale is in education. Technology has simplified the teaching process, allowing easy interactions
between teachers and students. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are all commonly used in the
classroom. In the past, some students had trouble learning through blackboard work due to its
lack of real time visual representation. In many classrooms today, smartboards keep students
engaged due to visuals for every subject.
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It describes some benefit that
technology has had on our lives. This allows me to determine if the pros outweigh the cons or
vice versa. My previous research, up until this point, has shown me the harmful effects of
technology, so this article will help me have a unbiased research paper.

Rowan, C. (2013, May 29). The impact of technology on the developing child. Retrieved
November 27, 2018, from
This ​article​ describes how twenty years ago, children were often found playing outside, building
forts, riding bikes, and just being active. Children created their own imaginery games. Their
sensory world was nature based. Families gathered together for dinner to discuss their days. The
technology today has broken many of the values that used to hold families together.
Communication is heavily relied upon to make daily lives more efficient. Enertainment
technology has advanced so quickly that families are not noticing its effects on a large scale. A
2010 Kaiser Foundation study revealed that elementary kids use entertainment technology for an
average of 7.5 hours each day. Fifty percent of North American homes have the television on
constantly. Children’s creativity is limited with the demand for technology in play. Additionally,
they are not challenged to reach optimal sensory and motor development. This leads to delayed
developmental milestones. Today’s children have poor attention skills from the high-speed of
technology, creating behavior management problems for teachers. Children’s developing
sensory, motor, and attachment systems have not evolved to satisfy the sedentary, but hectic
nature of technology. This has created an increase in physical, psychological, and behavior
disorders. Child obesity and diabetes rates have risen, along with diagnoses of ADHD, autism,
anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, developmental delays, coordination disorder, unintelligible
speech, sensory processing disorder, and other learning difficulties. The four factors to reach
healthy child development are movement, touch, human connection, and exposure to nature. The
vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile and attachment systems are under stimulated, but the visual and
auditory sensory systems are overstimulated. This imbalance creates problems with neurological
development, altering the brain's anatomy, chemistry and pathways permanently. Young children
who are exposed to violence through TV and video games are in a high state of adrenalin and
stress. Children who overuse technology are in a state of unease, a persistent hypervigalent
sensory system. Chronic stress in adults results in a weakened immune system, along with other
This article will be very benefical to my research. It dives into the scientific aspects of
technology’s damaging effects. The chemistry of the brain is so important. It also includes strong
scientific evidence and data to support the claims.

Ruston, D. (2018, December 11). Groundbreaking study discovers an association between screen
time and actual brain changes. Retrieved December 13, 2018, from
n-association-between-screen-time-and-actual-brain-changes?utm_source=Impact Flow
This ​article​ describes how new research has shown that children who spend more than seven
hours a day on screens have shown premature thinning of the cortex, which is the outermost
layer of the brain. This research comes from the National Institutes of Medicine. Eleven
thousand youth, ages nine and ten years old, will be studied for ten years. MRI scans will be
done on the kids, along with the children and their parents answering questionnaires. The study
released data based on the results gathered. The cerebal cortex is where higher order thinking,
problem solving, and planning are done. This is also the part of the brain that controls our
emotional responses. When babies are born, they have many more brain cells than they will later
have as adults. The extra cells are thought to give them greater adaptability. Experiences as
babies grow up control how their neurons lay patterns. The neuronal connections not used go
away. Early maturation, indicated by the thinning of cortexes, may sound good. However, this
thinning has been correlated with lower ‘crystalized’ intelligence. This means knowledge that
children get from simply living their lives, such as vocabulary. At this point, it cannot be
determined if the kids who spent more than seven hours on screens were more likely to have a
thinner cortex from the beginning, or if the screen time caused this thinning.
Application to Research:
This information is very relavant due to its currency. The data is currently being collected, so
many conclusions haven’t been made yet. The findings, however, support the idea that
technology overuse is effecting the brains of young children.

Strohman, L. (2017, November 16). Retrieved January 03, 2019, from
This ​video​ describes how addiction to technology begins at such a young age. Children who play
video games find themselves playing for hours, focused on perfection. Scientists today estimate
that over fifty million Americans will be struggling with the issue of addiction at some point in
their lifetime. Today, we have a new socially acceptable addiction, which is technology. Every
day, children spend countless hours online gaming, watching videos, posting on social media
accounts. Many children are recieving their first personal devices as early as six or seven years
old. 85% of American parents have allowed their young children under the age of five to go
online weekly, and, often, daily since infancy. In the United States, we have over 17 million
children growing up endlessly connected to technology. Drug addictions reduce dopamine levels.
An addicts brain motivates them to repeat their behavior again and again. When comparing brain
scans of drug addicts and technology addicts, the damage is parallel. Humans are wired to seek
reward, and technololgy companies have begun to involve neuroscientists and behaviorists to
work with the programmers to develop products that keep users hooked. With behavioral
addictions, there is no substance, so it is hard to identify and understand. The 24/7 access to
technology is making us more impulsive, disconnected, anxious, and emotionally unregulated.
The more time children spend online, the more isolated and depressed they become. The more
time they spend viewing digitally altered social media posts, the more inadequate they feel.
Between 2008 and 2015, hospital admissions more than doubled for children age 5 to 17 for
self-harm, suicidal thinking, and suicidal actions. There has been a 200% increase in suicides
among young girls age 10 to 14, and a 50% increase in boys. The suicides have been linked to an
online incident. A healthy balanced relationship with technology must be found. Empowering
children with knowledge and trusting them with that information leads them to make better
decisions. Upon teaching educators, parents, and children about the need for balance with
technology, the technology related incidents decreased by over 50%. We must trust our children
with the emerging science to guide them in the right direction.
This TedTalk will be very benefical to my research. It dives into personal stories about the role
technology plays. It gives ideas for how to control technology’s life-altering negative effects. It
also mentions how technology has numerous benefits. However, this is an issue that must be
adressed immediately.

Use of technology in teaching and learning. (2018). Retrieved October 11, 2018, from
This ​website​ discusses the use of technology for learning purposes within schools. Technology
offers benefits in both teaching and learning. Computers and handheld devices are now
commonalities. With the use of technology, course offerings are expanded, along with
experiences, and learning materials. Learning can occur more deeply at all times, building
twenty-first century skills. Student engagement and motivation have increased with an
acceleration in learning. Additionally, technology creates a stronger link between teachers and
students, allowing for communication outside the classroom with helpful resources and
personalized learning.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It shows how there are many known
benefits to incorporating technology into education. It encourages me to research the opposing
side of this to find out the disadvantages of technology use in schools.

(2017, August 30). Want to raise happy kids? Well you need to stop your child's technology
dependence now! Retrieved December 20, 2018, from
This ​article​ explains how if parents want to raise happy children, they need to stop their kids’
dependence on technology.
Research has shown that the overuse of mobile phone and devices usage has a largely negative
neurological effect on children. However, parents do not understand the scale of this
ever-growing problem. Some children can navigate an iPad even before they can feed themselves
or talk properly. Suicide rates, eating disorders, and self-harm have risen greatly among children.
In this era of technology, young people are more wired than ever before. Children are being
handed devices to entertain themselves or to keep them busy. A child who constantly uses
devices has constant entertainment, giving them no need to be creative. When they grow up
during times when devices aren’t available, a large increase in teen depression is seen. Children
should not have any technology until they’re at least two years old to allow them to properly
learn how to play, eat, and talk. The age when kids create social media accounts is becoming
younger and younger. The problem is that social media represents a superficial, leaving users
with unrealistic body images.
This article will be very benefical to my research. It dives into problems with overuse of
technology. It provides ways that parents can and should monitor their children’s technology
time. My other research focuses on its harmful effects, but these specific ways to limit the
dangers of technology will be very helpful.
Wartella, E., & Jennings, N. (2000). Children and Computers: New Technology. Old Concerns.
The Future of Children,​ ​10​(2), 31-43. doi:10.2307/1602688
This ​website​ shows how computer technology has guided the current era of mass media. With it,
however, comes benefits and consequences, specifically on the development and wellbeing of
children. These same benefits and consequences have been seen throughout the past with each
new technology boom. Educational benefits of technology for children are often a major selling
point. On the opposite side, many stated their worries about children seeing violent and
innapropriate commercials. Initial research for each new technological invention has had a focus
on the amount of time children were spending on it. Now, as technology use has become more
common, research has been focusing on its content and effects on children. By the age of seven,
a child’s interactions with others plays a key role in the development of interpersonal skills and
social competence.
Due to increased interactive activities on computers, along with easier communication, there are
many pros for learning, as well as room for harm. Research on the effect of the content displayed
on the internet is becoming more necessary. More research is crucial in order to inform people
about the effects of media on children.
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It dives into both sides of
technology use on children, examining the pros and cons. It also talks about the need for more
extensive research on the harmful effects of media on children, which makes my research topic
very prevalent and revalent in the current time period.

Previous Topic

Aspen, A., Beresford, D., Boyd, S., & Brennan, L. (2010). ​Neonatal Intensive Care ​(2nd ed.).
New York, NY: Routledge. Retrieved September 27, 2018, from
This ​book​ explains what things have changed over the years within neonatal nursing, as well as
what things have remained consistent. Ten percent of babies need neonatal intensive care. Some
conditions can be better managed with improved technology. Therapeutic strategies have been
introduced into the thermal management of babies. Delivering preemie babies into polyethylene
bags is something that has been proven to be effective in reaching and sustaining thermal
stability. As always, support is still provided to parents with babies in the NICU, along with
nurses who face tough ethical decisions.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It shows how neonatal intensive
care. This article explained that although only ten percent of babies wind up in the NICU, it is
still such a large number. The effect on people is very large. Support must be provided to parents
within the NICU, which shows that it is very difficult to watch your newborn baby fight for their

What is neonatal nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2018, from
This ​website​ explains exactly what neonatal nursing is. It is a category of nursing in which
people work with newborn babies who are born with an assortment of problems. For example,
some problems could be prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac malformations, and
surgical problems. Most neonatal nurses care for babies from their birth to their discharge from
the hospital. In the United States alone, approximately forty thousand infants are born at a weight
much too low. Survival rates have improved by ten percent in the last fifteen years. As a neonatal
nurse, you are essentially the voice for the smallest and sickest patients.
Application to Research:
This information is very beneficial to my research this year. It describes what is involved in
neonatal intensive care. This article explained how important the role of neonatal nurses is for
babies who are born premature and their families. It also elaborates upon prematurity, adding a
list of other problems that would lead babies to be in the NICU.

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