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Welcome to English Language Arts 

Course syllabus 

Instructor: Ms. Andrea Rodriguez

Contact Information: ​

Office Hours:
Important dates to remember: 
- End of 6 Week Grading Period: - First Day of Second Semester:
- End of 12 Week Grading Period: - End of 6 Week Grading Period:
- Parent Conferences - End of 12 Week Grading Period:
- Thanksgiving Break: - Parent Conferences:
- Spring Break:
- First Semester Finals:
- Second Semester Finals
- End of Semester
- End of Second Semester:
- Winter Break

Course Description:
Students will broaden their literacy skills, using….
Students will focus on…
Task, summative assessments

The purpose of this class is to give you the opportunity to

become a stronger reader, writer, and speaker of the English
language. Language is always developing, and so are you.

Required Text:
Course Goals:
● Common Core Standards Focus

Class Expectations
● Be Prompt: You might have a whole day of classes, but we only have 50 scheduled minutes
together, don’t be late!
● Be Prepared: Remember your homework, bring your materials, print before class
● Be Present: Participation is part of your grade, you have to be present to participate. Constant
absences will affect your grade. :(
● Be Professional
○ Address colleagues with respect
○ Academic language is required within the class
○ No cheating or copying of any work
○ Follow all school rules
Rules are in place to create a positive educational environment for everyone.
Grade Breakdown Grade Scale
Assessments: 60% 100 - 90% = A
Homework/Classwork: 20% 89.9 - 80% = B
Accelerated Reader: 15% 79.9 - 70% = C
Binder Check: 5% - Pass / Fail 69.9 - 60% = D
59.9% and below = F (Failing)

Grading Policy
❖ Cheating and Plagiarism
➢ Cheating and copying will result in automatic zeros for all participating parties.
➢ If caught copying homework there may be a possibility to make up credit by attending
lunch or after school tutoring
➢ Essays and Exams that are plagiarized (copied directly word for word from outside
sources, improperly cited, using other people’s ideas without acknowledging sources) or
cheated on will require a student conference to clear it, and can result in further
disciplinary action affecting your overall grade

❖ Late Work
➢ Homework/Classwork
■ You may turn in one day late for half credit
➢ Essays
■ Due dates and rubrics will be assigned with reasonable time. Late essays will
receive 30% deduction, and are ineligible for Re-grade/Make-up Credit.
■ If you know you will be absent, submit your essay ahead of time; in cases of
sickness or emergencies send via email, or text a photo.

❖ Make-Up Policy
➢ If you receive an incomplete grade on homework/classwork
■ You have until the following Monday to complete for full credit (do not fall
behind on your work, as it can pile up)
■ Homework/Classwork that receives a 0 is not eligible for Make-Up credit
➢ If you receive a grade below 70% on an assessment:
■ You may request to resubmit with corrections for a regrade
■ Must be completed within one week of receiving grade
➢ Excused Absence
■ Homework: If you were absent you must submit homework and/or classwork
within a week of the absence. Otherwise you will receive no credit.
■ Exams: Make-up exams will be administered after school, and will vary from
original exam, and must be completed within a reasonable period of time.
■ Essays: If absent on due date, you are still required to email a copy of completed
essay, you can even text a photo. Please communicate any limitations.
Discuss with Parent/Guardian & return to your English Teacher

After reading the syllabus with your parent/guardian, please sign below to acknowledge you have read
and understand the policies outlined on this syllabus. Return to Ms. Rodriguez by ________________

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Welcome to __________. I am eager and excited to be your child English Language Arts teacher.
I look forward to connecting with you and your student, and hope to meet you at our Back to School
Night and conferences. I have attached my cell phone number and email, do not hesitate to contact me.
I have high expectations for all of my students, and expect your child to strengthen their skills this
year as a reader, writer, and speaker of the English language. Students should expect to challenge
themselves daily, and will be working on mastering California State Common Core Standards. You can
expect your child to have some form of homework from my class every day, if no homework is assigned
they will still have a reading journal to complete that day. Studies show that reading 30 min a day has
both cognitive and physical benefits, please always encourage them to keep reading! <3
Thank you for your involvement and support. I am looking forward to an interesting school year,
with you and your daughter or son in creating a positive learning environment. Attached you will find the
course syllabus. Please review it with your child.

I look forward to your student’s academic development and success in my class this year.
Thank you!

Ms. Rodriguez

I have read and understood this syllabus and the classroom procedures. I intend to meet the expectations
of this course.

Parent/Guardian Name Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

Student Name Student Signature Date

Emergency Contact Phone #: ____________________________________

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Ms. Rodriguez
Cell #: (​626) 543-4378 ​Email:

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