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The success of the Frog VLE is going to rely heavily on how well the system is
accepted by the learners. Therefore, effective communication, before, during, and after
the implementation process can foster increased Frog VLE acceptance and use. The
implementation team must create effective communication with the target audience.
Whether the Frog VLE is for your class students, or your teacher, there will need to be an
open communication network.

1. Provide Frog VLE Online Training Tutorials and User Support Resources

Certain teachers of our team may need additional support to utilize the Frog VLE
effectively. Even those who are tech-savvy require online training tutorials and
walkthroughs to refresh their memory. Especially if they’ve never used the Frog VLE
before or aren’t familiar with the information architecture. Provide them with ongoing
support resources that show them how to navigate the platform and access the online
training content. You might even consider more rudimentary walkthroughs for those who
are new to online training. For instance, bite-sized online video demos that highlight the
login process.

2. Test Their Tech Familiarity

The teacher probably hail from different backgrounds and cultures. Their tech experience
spans the entire spectrum. For this reason, you need to test their familiarity with learning
technologies, not just the Frog VLE. Doing so allows you to create distinct user profiles
so that you can customize the VLE User Experience for each subset of online learners
without making anyone feel excluded or singled-out. As an example, teachers who have
never used an Frog VLE may require basic controls and functions. Like a simplified
dashboard that helps them wade into the eLearning waters until they gain more
experience. Then they can move on to more advanced or interactive online training
resources and activities that take them out of their tech comfort zone.
3. Add Gamification To The Frog Vle

By adding gamification functionality to the online learning in the form of badges, points,
achievements and leaderboards, you create a learning environment in which the students
are motivated, intrigued, engaged and eager to learn.

You can set up the Frog VLE to award points and badges when learners complete
eLearning modules and interact with the platform. Give them the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ badge
for using the search functionality, or the ‘Long Haul’ badge for having been logged in for
90 minutes; the ‘Learning Legend’ achievement for completing 3 eLearning modules, or
‘Super Scholar’ for gaining 100% on a test. Far from standing around helplessly on their
sinking ship, once you add gamification to the Frog VLE, students will take an active role
in their online learning.

4. Updated Relevant Content Each Day Drives Usage

When we reflect on why people visit sites regularly it is clear that updated news,
content or relevant information are key factors. We all need to stay on top of trending
information. So how often is the teacher’s Frog VLE content updated? Formal courses
are valuable and play a key part in building initial skills and knowledge, but they don’t
address the need learners have for continuous learning and updated. Ideally the Frog
VLE should enable people to continuously learn and develop every day. It should provide
updated relevant content alongside the formal learning to support continuous learning.


Once you’ve created leaderboards on Frog VLE that display to the whole class
how well each student is doing, you’ll find that their motivation soars. No one wants to be
at the bottom of the leaderboard in fact, coming second can feel pretty bad too, so you’ll
find competition is rife at both the bottom and top of your leaderboard. When learners are
fighting it out amongst themselves to gain the most points, achieve the most badges and
‘level up’ the fastest, you won’t have to worry about any icebergs on the horizon.

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