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I love Warframe, but the game just drives me up the wall sometimes.

My brother and Girlfriend also

play, and we often play together. As such, its not uncommon for us to discuss the game from time to
time. It is not rare to find us complaining about the game, be it some part of its design, or a particular
mechanic. As you say, it is good (even necessary) to get stuff off our chest and let our frustration out
from time to time. However, just as we complain about the game a lot, we also praise it a lot. Its not
uncommon for us to discuss the things that we enjoy from the game, aspects that we think are cool
and how Warframe does a lot of things so much better than other games.

When we talk about it, we talk about both the good and the bad. The things that need changing, the
things that are great, the things we could do without and the things we need more of. I feel like I am
not alone in this either, I have met many people who love to discuss Warframe: be it the good, the
bad or the ugly. Rahetalius on the other hand seems to focus exclusively on the bad. Shifting through
his channel it is difficult to find a video in which he honestly praises Warframe or discusses the myriad
of things that the game gets right. Instead, his videos would suggest that Warframe is a huge pile of
trash. Discussing mistakes is very, very important, but likewise its also important to discuss success.
Just as we should tell DE what parts of the game we dislike so they may address the issue, we should
also tell them which parts of the game we do like. It is important for them to know when they do things
wrong, as well as when they do things right, or the game will never improve. A channel dedicated
exclusively to ranting on the bad is not healthy, not for the community and not for Rahetalius. Without
a balanced view we will never get anywhere, hence why I said that it seems like he loves to hate on
warframe, because it is the only thing he seems to do.

About the illusion of difficulty: I found his opinions on Eximus interesting, although not particularly
original. Many people have brought up similar issues for the past few years. My issue is that
Warframe has HUGE problem in its difficulty (or lack thereof). Eximus and nullifiers are just a part of
the problem, and it does not matter how much you tweak them, you will never be able to solve the
problem because they are not the problem, just a symptom of an issue that lies deep within
Warframe's design.

Payday 2 is actually a fantastic example of this with its special enemies: The reason they work is
because normal enemies are already a threat which is more than able to kill you on their own. In
Payday you will be dealing with a decent amount of enemies already, so specials serve as a way to
mix up the game play by giving you opponents that require special tactics to beat. Tasers for example
are not all that hard to beat, even if they manage to tase you there is still a good chance you can kill
them depending on the gun you are using. Even if you are not able to kill them, it is very easy for an
ally to kill them and free you, as they do not have all that much health, and actually take ages to down
you. The reason tasers are so scare is because they are never alone. Killing a taser who got your
friend is not hard . . . unless he has ten dudes around him (which they tend to do). Even if you
manage to kill the taser they will probably have drained a decent amount of ammo from you, which on
the long run is a huge blow as ammo is quite precious in that game.

Another great example is the Bulldozer. The Bulldozer is a very, very tough unit. However the
Bulldozer is actually not that scary on their own: They have various weaknesses which are easily
exploited. The problem is that in order to exploit those weaknesses players need to use specific
equipment, and the more anti-dozer equipment a player takes, the less effective they will be against
normal enemies, making the mission harder overall. Furthermore, even if equipped properly, a
Bulldozers tankiness means that he needs to be focused down in order to be killed, and every second
you spend focusing down a Bulldozer is a second not spent keeping at bay the hordes of normal
enemies swarming at you. It is not uncommon to put yourself out of position in order to kill of a
Bulldozer just to be killed by normals that took that opportunity to surround you.

As a rule of thumb, specials in pay day are not there to kill you. They are there to distract you, to
make normals more effective, to force you to make tough choices, to mix up your gameplay, etc.

In warframe however, normal’s cannot kill you

When I said I would be happy to see an in depth discussion of the issue I meant it, but this is not it.
This video might as well be called "The problem with Warframe's Eximus and Nullifiers" as at no point
does it actually touch upon the illusion of difficulty present in this game. Its a huge wasted opportunity
to talk about a very complex issue, instead of making it all about Nullifiers and Eximus.

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