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Solid Foundations Study 3 Baptism in water

Baptism is an important part of a Christian’s life. This lesson investigates baptism in water. What
it is, why, and who is it for. In the next study (Solid Foundation # 4) we will look at what is
sometimes called “baptism in the Holy Spirit”, so we won’t look at that topic in this study.

Baptism can mean many different things to different people. Often your
experience growing up can influence your understanding. Baptism is not
meant to be confusing or controversial. Baptism IS simple, yet dynamic.
It is powerful in a believer’s life, and a part of what Jesus tells all disciples
to do. The best thing to do is to simply look at what the Bible has to say.

Facts about Jesus & Baptism

1. Look up the following verses, and answer these questions:

Mark 1:9-11 NIV
At that time Jesus came from
Mark 1: 9 –11 (Jesus baptised in the Jordan river)
Nazareth in Galilee and was
baptized by John in the
(a) Who was Baptised? Jesus
Jordan. 10As Jesus was coming up
(b) What was the setting-where was he baptised? out of the water, he saw heaven
being torn open and the Spirit
Into the Jordan River descending on him like a
2. Matt 28:18-20 (Jesus tells us to Baptise- Great commission) dove. 11And a voice came from
heaven: "You are my Son, whom I
(a) Who is speaking? Jesus love; with you I am well pleased."

(b) Who is to be baptised? All disciples/ Matt 28:18-20 NIV

18Then Jesus came to them and
all nations
said, "All authority in heaven and
on earth has been given to
3. Baptism in the New Testament church? me. 19Therefore go and make
Read & Answer Acts 18: 8 disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and
(a) Did the New Testament church baptise people? Yes of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
(b) Is Baptism in water the same as receiving the Holy Spirit? 20and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to
(c) Did they practice baptism by full immersion? Yes the very end of the age."

What does Baptism mean?

4. Fill in the blocks, using words that give us the meaning of baptism, from these verses:

Baptised into his D eath______

Romans 6:3 & 4
B uried with him
Col 2:12
R aised with him

Solid Foundations Study 3 Baptism in water

The New Testament was written in the Greek language.

Let’s take a quick look at the Greek meaning of the word: BAPTISE
English- Baptise Greek-Baptizo
dip, immerse, cleanse, purify, wash
-The New Analytical Greek Lexicon

Baptism- body, soul & spirit

When a believer is baptised, it has an impact on them in every realm of their
being. The physical, the inner person (the soul) and their spirit and are all
involved baptism. When a person is baptised, they play a part, and God is at
work too. Let’s take a look at what is taking place.

Full Immersion Baptism

As we examine what is experienced at an individual’s baptism, the first and most obvious aspect to
notice is that…

(a) Baptism in water is a physical experience. There is a going down into the water. There’s a
moment under the water and the rising up out of the water. The experience is a physical act.
There is no question of whether an individual has been baptised- you either have or have not been
baptised in water.

(b) A witness to others. Baptism is also a very definite public witness. The person going through
the waters of baptism is making a very clear statement. It is a statement about their individual
relationship with Jesus. It is a statement of obedience to what Jesus says to do. It is a statement
of repentance towards God.

(c) Baptism in water has a powerful impact in an individual’s soul. Your

soul is your inner person. It is the mind, will and emotions of a person.
To be born again, you must believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord, and you
must repent of your sin See Lesson 1). Jesus died, was buried and rose
again so that you could be in relationship with him- free from sin. Sin
affects the way you think (your mind), your beliefs and decisions (your
will), and your emotions. Sin also often has physical consequences.
Baptism is an outward expression of the repentance that has taken place
in a person’s heart (or soul).

(d) The outworking of repentance in the individual’s life. When choosing to repent, and live a life
of repentance of sin towards God, there is a very real impact on who you are on the inside.
Baptism is part of the outworking of repentance.

(e) An act of obedience. Jesus states that we should be baptised. Baptism impacts on the
individual who is being baptised by bringing a sense of being washed clean. The act of being
obedient to what Jesus asks us to do brings with it a breakthrough to many individuals;
Breakthroughs of being released from sinful habits that have been hard to break. God chooses to
move powerfully within a person who chooses to move in this step of obedience. Baptism
symbolises a cleansing or washing clean of your sin.

Solid Foundations Study 3 Baptism in water

(e) Deliverance & release from bondages. Baptism is a very spiritual

experience. When a person is baptised, there can be a deliverance take
place of spiritual strongholds that have been weighing the person

(f) Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Some people receive the baptism in the
Holy Spirit at that time. Some people just sense God like they have
never done so before. Whatever the individual’s experience, there is
no denying it impacts on our spirit. [more about that next week!]

NOTE: An individual may receive eternal life without ever being baptised in water
(for example the criminal on the cross next to Jesus at his death. Luke 23:26-43).

Have you been baptised in water?

We understand that the Bible teaches that we must be baptized. It is easy for some to get
confused between full immersion believers baptism and ‘baptism’ as an infant or christening as it
is sometimes known as. Although this may have had a powerful effect on you through out your
life, having been baptized as an infant is not the same as believer’s baptism in the Bible. At the
same time Church confirmation can be a fantastic commitment to Jesus. If you came to a place of
understanding, and have been christened or confirmed, your decision to follow Jesus and walk
with him is awesome. However Biblical, full immersion baptism is what Jesus set as an example to
us. It is what all believers are commanded to do. Be willing to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show
you the place for Believer’s –full immersion- baptism in your life. God is looking for a heart open to
be obedient to HIM.

Believer’s baptism is powerful in a Christian’s life. No matter how long since you took the first
steps towards God, stepping into the waters of baptism will always be a big and a powerful step.
You never go there alone. Jesus went there himself and cheers on every act of obedience.

Take time now.

Reflect on your born again or conversion experience. Reflect on Your repentance of sin.
What’s next?

Matt 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very
end of the age.

Solid Foundations Study 3 Baptism in water

Baptism at our church:

On the day…
1. Wear modest clothing (bathers with a t-shirt / shorts) & bring a change of clothes
2. Bring a towel & ask someone to assist you by holding your towel.
3. You are introduced to the church before you are baptized.
4. You are given the chance to testify about what Jesus has done in your life.
5. Once you are in the tank you are asked these two questions:
6. Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
7. Do you choose to follow him for the rest of your life?
8. Currently you sit and will be baptized backwards (lying completely under the water) and are
helped immediately back to sitting position.
9. Normally you will be prayed for before getting out of the water.

Leader’s Notes

1. It may be helpful for different people in your group to share their baptism experience.
2. Encourage any one who has not been water full immersion baptised, to do so.
3. Ask for prayer needs and give others the opportunity to pray for those needs.

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