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El grupo más importante de la historia del rock. Su aparición modificó por completo la
significación de la música popular en todas sus vertientes, configurando una nueva etapa que
trocaría por completo la expresión artística presente y futura, otorgando a la música popular
un valor trascendental en las pautas lúdicas y socioculturales de la sociedad contemporánea.
Su talento como autores, desarrollado en una intensa trayectoria repleta de evolución y
originalidad, con una constante reinvención sónica, moldeó las bases claves de la
composición pop y rock e impulsó una mímesis creativa en sus coetáneos, ejerciendo una
inmensa influencia en cualquier grupo formado a raíz de su surgimiento.

Cuando el 6 de julio de 1957 Paul McCartney (nacido el 18 de junio de 1942 en Liverpool) se

unió a los Quarry Men, un grupo de jóvenes rockeros liderados por John Lennon (nacido el 9
de octubre de 1940 en Liverpool), ninguno de los dos podía imaginar lo que esa asociación
proporcionaría al desarrollo musical del siglo XX.
Tras hacer una prueba de audición en el patio de la iglesia de Woolton y compartir gustos por
Elvis Presley, Eddie Cochran, Little Richard, Lonnie Donegan o Gene Vincent, Paul sería
admitido como nuevo miembro de la citada formación de skiffle en calidad de guitarrista.
Unos meses después, en febrero de 1958, otro guitarrista llamado George Harrison (nacido el
25 de febrero de 1943 en Liverpool), amigo del barrio de McCartney, también se integraría en
los Quarry Men, quienes tenían como batería a Ken Brown.
El 29 de agosto de 1959 debutan en el Casbah, un local propiedad de Mo Best, cuyo hijo Pete
(nacido el 24 de noviembre de 1941 en Madras, India) toca la batería. Pete y Brown formarían
meses después el grupo The Blackjacks.
Tras diversos abandonos en la formación, Harrison, Lennon y McCartney adoptarían el
nombre de Johnny & The Moondogs, nombre que cambiarían poco después por el de Long
John & The Silver Beatles.
Este apelativo más tarde se recortaría a The Silver Beatles, para finalmente hacerse llamar The
Realmente y antes de llamarse The Beatles, la banda se hacía llamar The Silver Beetles, pero
cambiaron la letra “e” por la “a” a raíz de un sueño de John Lennon en el que un hombre
encima de una tarta llameante le recomendaba el citado trueque de letras. Por esa época su
manager era Allan Williams, el dueño del club Jacaranda.
En mayo de 1960 y gracias a la mediación de Larry Parnes, el gurpo gira con Escocia junto al
cantante Johnny Gentle.
Un amigo de la escuela de arte de John Lennon, Stuart Sutcliffe (nacido el 23 de junio de 1940
en Liverpool), se incorporaría al bajo en enero de 1960 y Pete Best ocuparía el puesto de
batería tras abandonar los Blackjacks en el mes de agosto del mismo año.
Ese verano comienzan a actuar en los bulliciosos locales de Hamburgo, como el Indra Club.
En la ciudad alemana aprenderían entre el alcohol y las prostitutas a perfeccionar sus
habilidades instrumentales, interpretando básicamente clásicos del rock and roll durante
largas e interminables actuaciones.
A finales del año 1960 y a causa de la deportación de Harrison debido a su minoría de edad
y de la pérdida de los permisos de trabajo de los restantes componentes, regresaron a
Liverpool, en donde comenzarían a actuar con gran seguimiento popular en un club
denominado The Cavern, en el que habían tocado por primera vez y cuando todavía se
llamaban The Quarry Men el 24 de enero de 1958.
Su primera actuación con el nombre de The Beatles sería el sábado, 9 de junio de 1961.

El 22 y 23 de junio los Beatles graban una serie de temas con Tony Sheridan, entre ellos “My
Bonnie”. Este single sería lanzado, como Tony Sheridan & The Beat Brothers, en agosto del
mismo año en Alemania. En Inglaterra aparecería publicado el 5 de enero de 1962, siendo
acreditado a Tony Sheridan & The Beatles.

En julio de 1961 retornarían a Hamburgo, época en la cual Stuart Sutcliffe se enamoró y se

hizo novio de Astrid Kirchherr, una fotógrafa alemana que en esos momentos era pareja de
Klaus Voorman.
Astrid les propuso un cambio en su peinado, sugiriéndoles cambiar el tupé por los después
famosísimos flequillos (el famoso look moptop). Cuando regresaron de nuevo a las Islas
Británicas el grupo se redujo a cuarteto ya que Sutcliffe se quedaría en Alemania viviendo con
Astrid y prosiguiendo sus estudios de arte. Fue en esos momentos cuando Paul pasaría a
ocupar el puesto de bajista.

En octubre de 1961 "My Bonnie" causa un fuerte impacto en un joven empresario propietario
de una tienda de discos llamada North End Music Store quien, ante las masivas peticiones del
single, decidió ir a conocer personalmente a esa nueva banda que aparecía en los créditos
junto a Sheridan y que se hacía llamar The Beatles. El nombre de ese empresario era Brian
Epstein (nacido el 19 de septiembre de 1934 en Liverpool).
Nada más poner los pies en The Cavern, el 9 de noviembre de 1961, Epstein quedó
entusiasmado ante el desparpajo y vitalidad de los cuatro muchachos.

Rápidamente se les ofreció como representante y los Beatles, con gran ansia de alcanzar la
popularidad, aceptaron la oferta a comienzos de diciembre de 1961. La primera estrategia
promocional de Epstein fue vestirles de traje y corbata e intentar encontrarles una compañía
La primera prueba de grabación la harían para la poderosa Decca Records. La audición, que
se produjo el día 1 de enero de 1962, ofreció resultados negativos. Dick Rowe, uno de los
jerifaltes del sello, decidió descartar a los Beatles en beneficio de Brian Poole & The Tremeloes,
a quienes veía con más gancho comercial.
Además de esa mala noticia, recibieron la comunicación del fallecimiento de Sutcliffe el 10 de
abril de 1962 a causa de un derrame cerebral. Tenía solamente 22 años.

No sólo la Decca desestimó a los Beatles, otros sellos menores descartarían proporcionar
cobijo a los músicos de Liverpool hasta que toparon con la EMI y Parlophone.
En Parlophone, los Beatles y Brian Epstein presentaron su trabajo y sus propuestas a un
hombre de la casa llamado George Martin (nacido el 3 de enero de 1926 en Londres), quien
les hizo firmar un contrato para grabar un primer single, oficializado dicho contrato el 4 de
junio de 1962.

Antes de las grabaciones, Martin adoptó una decisión importante: la expulsión del grupo del
batería Pete Best (el único en no adoptar el moptop), quien dejaría la formación el 16 de
agosto de 1962.
Este hecho provocaría una protesta enérgica por parte de sus seguidores, ya que Best era el
Beatles con más simpatía entre el público femenino.
A pesar de ello, George Martin no cejó en su empeño y Pete abandonó la banda para unirse
poco después la Lee Curtis All Star Band y posteriormente liderar el Pete Best Group.
El sustituto de Best sería el simpático Richard Starkey, alias Ringo Starr (nacido el 7 de julio
de 1940 en Liverpool) el conocido batería de otra formación de la localidad inglesa, Rory
Storm and The Hurricanes, grupo con los que ya habían coincidido en sus actuaciones en
Hamburgo. El 18 de agosto Ringo se convertiría en miembro oficial de la banda y el 23 John
se casaba con Cynthia Powell.
Con Brian Epstein como mánager, George Martin a la producción y Dick James como publicista
(quien también los llevaría a Northern Records), la maquinaria Beatle comenzó a grabar.

Su música, que se cimentaba en una amalgama de influencias sonoras como el clásico rock’n’
roll, el skiffle, el R&B, las girl groups o el soul, filtradas por su maestría compositiva, una
ejecución enérgica y fresca, y un genial sentido de la melodía y de las armonías vocales, sería
plasmada en vinilo el 5 de octubre de 1962 con el single "Love me do" (cara b "P.S. I love you"),
un tema escrito por la Lennon/McCartney, los principales compositores de la formación y una
de las parejas de escritores de canciones más importantes de todos los tiempos.

En la grabación en el mítico Estudio 2 de Abbey Road del 11 de septiembre de 1962 estaba

George Martin apoyado en la producción por Ron Richards (futuro productor de los Hollies) y
como ingenieros de sonido Norman Smith y Chris Neal. El batería del single era el músico de
sesión Andy White, elegido en principio por Martin para reemplazar a Best. En el del Lp, por
el contrario, suena la batería de Ringo. El 17 de octubre los Beatles aparecerían por primera
vez actuando en televisión al aparecer en el programa de Granada Television “People and
Places”. En enero de 1963 giran por Escocia y en Febrero con Helen Shapiro por el Reino
“Love me do”, consiguió notable repercusión comercial, alcanzando en Inglaterra el número
17. “Please please me/Ask me why”, single aparecido el 11 de enero de 1963 subió hasta el
número 2 (número 1 en la revista Melody Maker) y con “From me to you/Thank you girl”
alcanzarían su primer número 1 en Gran Bretaña tras ser publicado el 11 de mayo de 1963.

Con el Lp “Please Please me” (1963), un disco aparecido el 22 de marzo de 1963 que ponía
de manifiesto con descaro, inocencia y brío sus influencias (refrendadas con la elección de las
versiones) y su incomparable habilidad para las melodías y armonías, los Beatles barrerían las
listas británicas consiguiendo auparse con facilidad a lo más alto gracias a temas como “Do
you want to know a secret?”, “I saw her standing there”, “Misery” o “Ask me why”.

Entre las versiones hallamos un famoso cover de “Twist & Shout” una canción escrita para los
Isley Brothers por Phil Medley y Bert Russell, seudónimo del productor Bert Berns, la excelente
adaptación del “Anna (Go to him)” del soulman Arthur Alexander, el “Chains”, canción escrita
por Carole King y Gerry Goffin para el girl group The Cookies, o “Boys” de las Shirelles, a
quienes también versionan con “Baby, It’s you”, tema compuesto por Burt Bacharach y Hal

El 3 de agosto de 1963 ofrecen su último concierto en The Cavern y veinte días después
publican el single “She loves you/I’ll get you” (número 1 en Inglaterra).
El 4 de noviembre, los Beatles actúan en el Royal Command Performance. En medio de la
actuación Lennon dice una de sus frases más recordadas: “Los de los asientos baratos pueden
aplaudir, los restantes basta con que agiten las joyas”.

"With the Beatles" (1963), aparecido el 22 de noviembre, sería su fenomenal segundo disco,
que ya tenía pedidos antes de su salida de más de 250.000 copias, convirtiéndose en el
primer Lp en la historia del Reino Unido en superar el millón de ejemplares vendidos en menor
tiempo, solamente dos semanas.
“With the Beatles”, con foto en portada de Robert Freeman, reemplazaría a “Please Please Me”
como número 1 en la lista de ventas de Lps en Inglaterra, confirmando la Beatlemania
existente en el Reino Unido.

En el álbum incluían temas propios como "It won't be long", "All my loving", "All I've got to
do", "Don't bother me", la primera canción compuesta por George Harrison o “I wanna be your
man”, tema escrito por Lennon y McCartney para los Rolling Stones que interpreta Ringo Starr.
También versionaban, definiendo de nuevo sus raíces (rock’n’roll, soul, girl groups), a Chuck
Berry con “Roll over Beeethoven”, las Marvelettes con “Please Mr. Postman”, Smokey Robinson
& The Miracles con “You really got a hold on me”, “Till there was you”, una canción del musical
de Broadway “The Music Man”, “Devin in her heart”, del girl group The Donays, o la conocida
“Money”, tema escrito por Berry Gordy Jr., el creador de la Motown, para Barret Strong.

A pesar de que su fama en Inglaterra y Europa era extrema, los Beatles no lograrían el éxito
masivo en los Estados Unidos hasta la publicación del single "I want to hold your hand/This
Boy", publicado en Inglaterra el 29 de noviembre de 1963. El disco llegaría, como era usual,
al número 1 en Gran Bretaña y, por primera vez en los Estados Unidos, un país en donde
generalmente prestaban poca atención a la música procedente de fuera de sus fronteras,
hehco que cambiaría con la aparición de los Fab Four. .

La popularidad lograda por los Beatles tras “I want to hold your hand”, confirmada con
actuaciones en directo y en el famoso programa de Ed Sullivan, en donde actuaron por
primera vez el 9 de febrero de 1964, provocaría la llamada "Invasión Británica", en la cual un
tropel de grupos del Reino Unido prosiguieron la triunfante estela del grupo de Liverpool en
tierras americanas, provocando asimismo que innumerables jóvenes estadounidenses
emularan a sus ídolos británicos.

Sus conciertos estaban llenos de escenas histéricas, las actuaciones televisivas, batían records
de audiencia, su estética era imitada por doquier y sus trabajos obtenían ventas
1964 se convirtió en el año del asalto británico por excelencia, no sólo los Beatles, sino que
gente como Peter & Gordon, Animals, Dave Clark Five o Herman's Hermits, por citar algunos
nombres (los Rolling Stones lo conseguiría un poco más tarde), coparían las listas de éxitos
estadounidenses, antes de la llegada del grupo de Liverpool un coto casi privado de los
artistas estadounidenses.
El fructífero talento compositivo (fue el primer grupo en escribir la mayoría de sus canciones,
hecho que incitó a las demás formaciones a hacer lo mismo) les llevó a escribir temas de éxito
para gente como Billy J. Kramer, Peter & Gordon, Chad & Jeremy, Cilla Black o los mismísimos
Rolling Stones.

El 2 de marzo de 1964 comenzaron a rodar la película “A hard day’s night”, un film dirigido
por Richard Lester que supuso toda una revolución en la manera de abordar la historia y
actuación en pantalla de un grupo cinematográfico. El 31 de marzo del mismo mes alcanzan
lo nunca visto en el Billboard, nada más y nada menos que cinco canciones de un mismo
grupo encabezan el famoso listado de ventas, encabezado por el sencillo “Can’t buy me love”,
en el número 2 se encontraba “Twist & Shout”, en el 3 “She loves you”, en el número 4 “I want
to hold your hand” y en el 5 “Please Please Me”.

El extraordinario album “A hard day’s night” (1964), el primero y único (ya que después
también aparecerían temas de Harrison y de Ringo) escrito en su totalidad por
Lennon/McCartney, que incluía canciones como "Can't buy me love", "And I love her", "I
should have known better", "Any time at all" o "If I fell", y "Beatles for sale" (1964), un disco
con estupendos temas propios como "Eight days a week", "I'm a loser", "I'll follow the sun" o
"No reply" y versiones de clásicos del rock'n'roll, fueron los Lps publicados por los Fab Four
el año de su consagración.
En "For Sale" homenajeaban a algunos de sus músicos favoritos, como Carl Perkins, Chuck
Berry o Buddy Holly.

En 1964, además de “Can’t buy me love”, aparecerían los singles “A hard day’s night/Things
we said today”, “I feel fine/She’s a woman” y “If I fell/Tell me why”.

El 11 de febrero de 1965 Ringo contrajo matrimonio con Maureen Cox, con Brian Epstein
como padrino de boda. “Help” sería su segunda película con Richard Lester, en donde
cantaban varios temas, como “The night before”, “I need you”, “You’re going to lose that girl”,
“Ticket to ride” o “You’ve got to hide your love away” que fueron incluidos en el Lp homónimo
“Help” (1965), un disco que aparecería dos meses después de ser condecorados por la reina
de Inglaterra, el 11 de junio de 1965, con la orden del Imperio Británico, a pesar de la protesta
de otros miembros galardonados que optaron por devolver sus condecoraciones.

En “Help” versionaba a Larry Williams con “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” y “Act Naturally” del cantante de
country Buck Owens.
“We can’t work it out/Day Tripper”, un doble sencillo no aparecido en el álbum, volvió a
proporcionarles otro número 1.
La música y las letras de los Beatles fueron progresando a pasos agigantados a través de su
trayectoria musical, con mayor agudeza y reflexión en la expresión lírica y una sorprendente
madurez sonora percibida en “Rubber Soul” (1965), un disco aparecido en diciembre de 1965
en el cual se apreciaba una mayor experimentación y una expansión mayor de sus habituales
sonidos, siendo influenciados por algunos nombres fundamentales del continente americano,
en especial Bob Dylan y la contribución rockera al folk por parte de los Byrds.
Este fue el primer disco en el cual Harrison utilizaba el sitar. “Norwegian Wood”, “Think for
yourself”, “Nowhere Man”, “Michelle”, “Drive my car”, “If I hended someon”, “Girl” o “In my life”
son parte de un Lp verdaderamente excepcional.

El 21 de enero de 1966 George se casó con la modelo Pattie Boyd, con quien venía
manteniendo una relación desde la época en que rodaron “A hard day’s night”. Ese año resultó
muy movido para los Fab Four. En el mes de marzo una frase sacada de contexto de John
Lennon, afirmando que los Beatles en ese momento eran más famosos que Jesucristo,
provocó una reacción virulenta en su contra por parte de los fanáticos religiosos de los
Estados Unidos, que quemaron sus discos de manera pública (tras unas aclaraciones
televisivas de Lennon las cosas terminarían serenándose), en julio decidieron no acudir a una
recepción del dictador filipino Ferdinand Marcos y tuvieron que salir “por patas” del país,
mientras que en el mismo mes tuvieron problemas para actuar en el Budokan japonés, un sitio
dedicado a la lucha. Ante los impedimentos para su actuación Lennon expresó: “creo que es
mejor tocar música que pelearse”.

El magistral Lp "Revolver" (1966), publicado el 5 de agosto de 1966, mostró al grupo en plena

lucidez como compositores y músicos. Paul McCartney con el single "Eleanor Rigby", "For no
one" o "Here, there and everywhere" y John Lennon con "And your bird can sing", "I'm only
sleeping", "She Said She Said" o "Tomorrow never knows" llegarían a un punto culminante en
su carrera como autores.
George Harrison presentaba la ácida y corrosiva "Taxman". El fenomenal sencillo "Paperback
writer” (con la cara b “Rain”), una irónica canción de McCartney sobre la habilidad literaria de
Lennon, define bien esta etapa de propagación sónica del grupo.
La complejidad de sus composiciones y el ruidoso alboroto que armaban las fans en sus
conciertos, lo cual imposibilitaba la escucha entre los propios músicos, obligó a los Beatles a
abandonar los escenarios tras un último concierto ofrecido en el Candlestick Park de San
Francisco el 29 de agosto de 1966.

1967 comenzaría con el sencillo "Penny Lane"/"Strawberry Fields Forever", cuyas notas se
encontraban empapadas de psicodelia, sonido esencial en su siguiente trabajo, una de las
obras claves de su trayectoria.
El 1 de junio de 1967 aparece "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967), con una
fenomanal portada obra de Peter Blake (en la que aparecían rostros de amigos y gente que les
habían inspirado), el álbum fue el epítome de la música pop psicodélica.
"Lucy in the sky with diamonds", "A day in the life", "When I'm sixty four", "Whith a little help
from my friends" o "For the Benefit of Mr. Kite" singularizan la gran capacidad de progreso
musical, donde sondeaban muchos instrumentos por esos momentos ajenos al pop y
pertenecientes en cambio al ámbito de la música clásica, music hall, circense u oriental.
Además, fue la primera vez que un grupo ofrecía sus letras en un disco.
La permuta constante del grupo también se apreciaba en su original vestimenta y en su nuevo
look bigotudo, que volvió a influenciar a sus compañeros de profesión.
El 15 de mayo de 1967 Paul conocería a Linda Eastman asistiendo a un concierto de Georgie
Fame & The Blue Flames. Para añadir más records a su carrera, los Beatles fueron elegidos
para inaugurar la primera emisión vía satélite interpretando para todo el mundo y en directo
el tema "All you need is love".
En esa actuación, llevada a cabo el 25 de junio de 1967, participaron haciendo coros gente
como Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Marianne Faithful o Graham Nash.
El suicidio el 21 de agosto, época en la cual los Beatles estaban con el Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
en la localidad de Bangor (Gales), de ese mismo año de su mánager Brian Epstein supuso una
conmoción en el seno de la banda. Aunque musicalmente no les afectó en demasía, perdieron
esa fuerza aglutinadora cuya falta habría de notarse con el paso de los años.
Paul McCartney ideó un nuevo proyecto cinematográfico al que llamarían "Magical Mistery
Tour", que finalmente obtendrían mediocres resultados. El disco homónimo aparecido en
1967 como complemento al producto fílmico fue la conjunción de lo que habrían de ser dos
EPs. El exuberante talento de los Fab Four volvería a brillar con canciones como "I'm the
walrus" o "Fool on the Hill".
Las correrías hindúes de los Beatles (con especial significación para George Harrison) llegarían
a su punto más álgido cuando en febrero de 1968 decidieron visitar el subcontinente asiático
para pasar unos días en compañía del famoso gurú Maharishi Mahes Yogi en Rishikesh.
Junto al cuarteto de Liverpool también se trasladó a la India el cantante Donovan, la actriz Mia
Farrow, su hermana Prudence (a quien Lennon le dedicó el tema "Dear Prudence") y Mike Love,
componente de los Beach Boys.
Después de comprobar que el Maharishi tenía tantas necesidades físicas como espirituales
tras intentar mantener relaciones sexuales con Mia Farrow, los Beatles, escaldados con la
experiencia, regresaron a Europa.
Un mes antes, El 22 de enero de 1968 habían creado oficialmente su propio sello discográfico
al que denomina Apple, una iniciativa que finalmente les produciría graves pérdidas
John, por su parte, acababa de empezar a mantener una relación sentimental con una artista
japonesa de nombre Yoko Ono, una mujer que ejerció una gran influencia en Lennon, cosa
que no le agradaba nada a Paul McCartney, quien rompería con su novia Jane Asher (hermana
de Peter Asher de Peter & Gordon) en julio del 68.
En cuanto a su faceta artística, el 15 de marzo aparece el single “Lady Madonna/The Inner
Light” y el 30 de agosto “Hey Jude/Revolution”. El 22 de noviembre publican un disco doble
con portada minimalista totalmente en blanco en la que solamente aparece el nombre del
grupo. El trabajo pasaría a la historia como "The White Album" (1968) y se convertiría en una
de las experiencias más eclécticas y satisfactorias en la historia del rock, con una sonoridad
más directa y espontánea que la encontrada en sus pretéritos discos.
El blues, el rock, el music-hall, el pop, el boogie, el vanguardismo, la psicodelia, el country, el
folk y hasta el heavy se dan cita en un Lp imprescindible para entender la música futura en
cualquiera de sus vertientes estilísticas.
John Lennon y Paul McCartney ofrecían su habitual genialidad en la escritura y George
Harrison compondría uno de los mejores temas del doble album, "While my guitar gently
weeps", canción que contaba con la ayuda en la guitarra de Eric Clapton.
Otras composiciones destacadas de esta obra maestra serían "Back in the USSR", "Glass
Onion", "Ob-la-Di, Ob-La-da" (famoso tema definido por el batería de Police Stewart Copeland
como la primera composición de reggae blanco), "Happiness is a warm gun", "I'm so tired",
"Rocky Raccoon", "Julia" (dedicado por Lennon a su madre) "Blackbird", "Birthday", "Sexy
Sadie", "Helter Skelter" (pieza que influenció al asesino satanista Charles Manson), "Revolution
1", "Dear Prudence" o "Cry baby Cry".
Una surrealista película animada dirigida por George Dunning con el título de una antigua
canción del grupo, se convertiría en su Lp "Yellow Submarine" (1969), aparecido el 17 de
enero de 1969. El álbum, con temas como “All together now”, “Only a northern song” o “Hey
Bulldog”, y pasajes instrumentales escritos por George Martin, subió hasta el número 3 en las
listas británicas al mismo tiempo que el “White Album” permanecía en el número 1. El film,
que habia sido dirigido por George Dunning, también incluía diversos pasajes instrumentales
de George Martin.
Las relaciones entre los miembros a partir de ahí comenzaban a estar tirantes. El 17 de enero
de 1969 publican “Yellow Submarine”En 1969 desecharon mucho material (en unas sesiones
en las que colaboró Billy Preston) por no estar conformes con su resultado y presentaron el
sencillo "Get Back", que llegaría con facilidad al número 1 en todo el mundo.
Por esa época decidieron subir a la azotea de Apple y dar un concierto sorpresa ante la mirada
atónita de los viandantes. Esto sucedió el 30 de enero de 1969, convirtiéndose en la última
ocasión en que los cuatro Beatles tocarían juntos en directo.
Todo este suceso y las citadas sesiones de grabación quedaron recogido en el film"Let it be",
un documento histórico de un grupo en pleno proceso de desintegración.
El sencillo "Ballad of John and Yoko", publicado el 30 de mayo de 1969, sería su postrero
número 1 en listas británicas de singles.
El 12 de marzo de 1969 Paul contrajo matrimonio con Linda Eastman. Lennon haría lo mismo
con Yoko casándose en Gibraltar el 20 del mismo mes, pasando la luna de miel en el Hotel
Milton de Amsterdam, alojándose en la habitación 902 y estableciendo una protesta pacifista
con el contexto de la Guerra del Vietnam denominada “en la cama por la paz”.
La ausencia de Brian Epstein comenzaba a hacerse notar. Los Beatles estaban desorientados
sin una persona de confianza mutua que llevara sus asuntos.
Paul propuso a su suegro, Lee Eastman, recomendación no aceptada por los demás que
preferían a Allen Klein, quien al final se haría con el cargo.
En medio de esas disconformidades presentarían una nueva obra maestra, "Abbey Road"
(1969), maravilloso disco publicado el 26 de septiembre de 1969 en el cual se puede escuchar
temas extraordinarios como "Here comes the sun", "Something", "Come together" o "Because".
Ese trabajo no provocó la cohesión de la banda, sino todo lo contrario. Las composiciones
habían sido grabadas por separado y sus miembros ya planeaban nuevos proyectos al margen
de los Beatles.
Lennon ya había formado la Plastic Ono Band con Yoko Ono, Eric Clapton, Klaus Voorman y
Alan White y ya le había comentado a Paul que iba a abandonar el grupo aunque no lo
comunicaría públicamente ya que deseaba que todos los componentes hiciesen una
declaración conjunta del fin oficial de la banda.
Mientras tanto, el legendario productor Phil Spector recogió las grabaciones abandonadas tras
las sesiones en las que participó Preston.
Tras una serie de arreglos y orquestaciones presentó el último Lp oficial de la banda, "Let it
be" (1970), un magnífico disco que contenía los temas "The Long And Winding Road" (número
1 en EEUU) y el popular single homónimo, "Let it be", último sencillo oficial de los Beatles
publicado el 6 de marzo de 1970.
Paul McCartney obvió la recomendación de Lennon y anunció (con enfado de los demás, en
especial de John y George) el 10 de abril de 1970 la separación definitiva de los Beatles,
mientras presentaba su primer Lp en solitario. Nunca más volverían a reunirse.
John Lennon moriría asesinado el 8 de diciembre de 1980 en Nueva York.
Los tres restantes Beatles se reunirían mucho más tarde, en los años 90 para grabar junto a
Jeff Lynne dos canciones de la época post-Beatle de John Lennon, "Free as a bird" y "Real Love".
Fueron los dos últimas canciones inéditas de una banda inmortal, que perdería a George
Harrison a causa de un cáncer el 30 de noviembre del año 2001.
• Please please me (1963)
El arranque de la banda más significativa de la música moderna fue este primer disco titulado
"Please Please me", Lp empapado de ritmo, espontaneidad y frescura, en el cual compaginan
composiciones propias con versiones/homenajes a su música favorita, el rock'n'roll, las girl
groups o el soul. Así, covers del cantante soul Arthur Alexander ("Anna (go to him)"), de las
Cookies ("Chains"), de las Shirelles ("Misery" y "Baby it's you") o los Isley Brothers ("Twist &
Shout") suenan de forma inmejorable gracias al desparpajo rítmico, talento instrumental y
habilidad vocal del cuarteto. Como compositores, Lennon y McCartney resultan practicamente
infalibles. "I saw her standing there" es un vívido rock'n'roll estilo Little Richard. "Misery" es
una melancólica pieza de Lennon con George Martin al piano. "Ask me why" es una
sentimental canción repleta de bellas armonías. "Please please me", con el atractivo sonido de
armónica de Lennon, es una perfecta ilustración del beat de los Fab Four que los conduciría
al éxito. La sencillez rítmica de la gloriosa "Love me do" te recuerda desde su grandeza que
ese difícil valor de simplicidad es el cimiento del buen pop.
"P.S. I love you", sublime tema de amor dedicado por Paul McCartney a su novia Dot Rhone.
"Do you want to know a secret?" es un tema de aroma acústico y maravillosa melodía
cantando de forma espléndida por George Harrison pero compuesto por John Lennon, quien
también elabora "There's a place", un introspectivo viaje al refugio mental con pegadizo ritmo

01 I Saw Her Standing There

02 Misery
03 Anna (Go To Him)
04 Chains
05 Boys
06 Ask Me Why
07 Please, Please Me
08 Love Me Do
09 P.S. I Love You
10 Baby It's You
11 Do You Want To Know A Secret
12 A Taste Of Honey
13 There's A Place
14 Twist And Shout
• With The Beatles (1963)
El segundo larga duración de The Beatles supone una progresión respecto a su primerizo "Please
Please Me", en parte debido a un mejor criterio a la hora de escoger los temas a versionar, que
representan básicamente lo que el grupo ofrecía en sus actuaciones antes de conquistar la fama.
También es destacable una propensión más personal en el tratamiento de los textos en sus
composiciones originales y en el aspecto técnico, el empleo de las voces dobladas, una
característica sonora muy utilizada por el grupo de Liverpool. Entre los covers destacan la
maravillosa adaptación del clásico de las Marvelettes "Please Mr. Postman", la no menos magnífica
recreación de "You're really got a hold on me" del gran Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, el clásico
de Chuck Berry "Roll over Beethoven" con George tomando el liderazgo vocal y "Money (That's what
I want)", la canción escrita por el fundador de la Motown, Berry Gordy Jr, que encuentra en este
album su revisitación más popular. Pero como de costumbre (por algo son los mejores compositores
de la historia del pop), los mejores momentos vienen de la mano de sus propias canciones, una de
ellas, "Don't bother me", representa el debut de George Harrison como autor. Además nos
encontramos a un inspiradísimo Lennon en joyas como "It won't be long", "All I've got to do", con
un estilo similar al de los Miracles, al igual que "Not a second time" (con un piano interpretado por
el productor George Martin) y a un Paul McCartney que, aunque en menor cantidad, ya empezaba
a demostrar sus enormes cualidades como compositor en la primorosa melodía de "All my loving",
tema dedicado a su novia Jane Asher y en la efervescente "Hold me tight". Aunque no sea lo mejor
que han editado los Fab Four, "With The Beatles" es un disco tremendamente aprovechable y repleto
de magníficos temas. La fotografía de la elegante portada es obra de Robert Freeman y su diseño
fue ampliamente imitado por artistas de muy diversa condición.

01 It Won't Be Long
02 All I've Got To Do
03 All My Loving
04 Don't Bother Me
05 Little Child
06 Till There Was You
07 Please Mr. Postman
08 Roll Over Beethoven
09 Hold Me Tight
10 You Really Got A Hold On Me
11 I Wanna Be Your Man
12 Devil In Her Heart
13 Not A Second Time
14 Money
• A Hard Day’s Night (1964)
Proyectada como banda sonora para la película del mismo título dirigida por Richard Lester,
"A hard day's night" es un Lp dominado por las composiciones de un genial John Lennon, que
vuelve a incidir en las relaciones de pareja desde una agridulce gradación.
Con supremacía del sonido acústico, el disco contine exaltados comprimidos pop de
reconstituyente ejecución, como la homónima y revoltosa "A hard day's night", "I should have
know better", distinguida por una inequívoca introducción Beatle en la que destaca la
armónica de John, "Tell me why", estupendo tema agraciado por una alta facturación vocal
que incluye falsetes a dúo de Paul y John y la rítmica "Any time at all", expresión filántropa de
un inspirado Lennon.
El sabor country de "I'll cry instead" pone de manifiesto el gusto por la música de Merle
Haggard y Buck Owens, en especial por parte de Ringo.
La balada "If I fell" y la primorosa "I'll be back", expresan con majestuosidad el incomparable
sentido de la armonía y melodía de los Fab Four. Lennon también regala a Harrison el tema
"I'm happy just to dance with you", otra pieza pop de gozosa audición.
Paul participa en tareas de escritura sólo en tres magníficas canciones. Sólo hay que escuchar
y disfrutar con la cálida ligereza romántica a ritmo de bongos y caja china de "And I love her",
el rock'n'roll al estilo Little Richard de "Can't buy me love" y el sencillo e instantáneo arrojo
pop de "Things we said today".
"A hard day's night" es un Lp fantástico, que singulariza a la perfección la capacidad creativa
de los Beatles, quienes confeccionan aquí su primera obra maestra, marcada por una frescura
y lozanía inmarchitable al paso del tiempo.

01 A Hard Day's Night

02 I Should Have Known Better
03 If I Fell
04 I’m Happy Just To Dance With You
05 And I Love Her
06 Tell Me Why
07 Can't Buy Me Love
08 Any Time At All
09 I’ll Cry Instead
10 Things We Said Today
11 When I Get Home
12 You Can't Do That
13 TI’ll Be Back
• Beatles For Sale (1964)
El cuarto Lp de los Beatles supuso un retroceso respecto al anterior "A hard day's night",
aunque en sus composiciones se continúa apreciando su incesante desarrollo compositivo.
Los de Liverpool en la cima de su popularidad y ante la ausencia de suficientes temas propios
(debido al escaso tiempo para componer que por esas fechas les dejaba su ajetreado ritmo
de vida), decidieron homenajear a sus maestros y rellenan buena parte del álbum con algunas
aceptables versiones de grandes nombres del rock.
Las mejores: "Rock'n'roll music" de Chuck Berry y "Words of love" de Buddy Holly, en las cuales
Lennon y McCartney armonizan sus voces a la perfección.
A pesar de ser uno de los trabajos menos interesantes del grupo, el material propio ensalza
la calidad del conjunto, presentando excelentes canciones escritas en estrecha unión por John
y Paul, como "Baby's in black", tema a ritmo de vals o "Eight days a week", una magistral pieza
Lennon lleva el peso en "No reply", con una temática similar al éxito de The Rays "Silhouettes",
canción popularizada por los Herman's Hermits, "I don't want to spoil the party" y la dylaniana
"I'm a loser", una amarga canción de naturaleza introspectiva que supone lo mejor del Lp
junto a la preciosa balada "I'll follow the sun", un tema pretérito que McCartney había
compuesto en el lejano año 1959.
Paul compone otros destellos pop como "What you're doing", canción dotada de una
pronunciada introducción de Ringo y "Every little thing", pieza dedicada a su (por entonces)
novia Jane Asher (hermana de Peter Asher del conocido dúo Peter & Gordon) y, curiosamente,
interpretada por John Lennon.

01 No Reply
02 I'm a Loser
03 Baby's In Black
04 Rock and Roll Music
05 I'll Follow the Sun
06 Mr. Moonlight
07 Kansas City, Hey Hey Hey Hey
08 Eight Days a Week
09 Words of Love
10 Honey Don't
11 Every Little Thing
12 I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party
13 What You're Doing
14 Everybody´s Trying To Be My Baby
• Help! (1965)
Como no puede ser menos en una banda tan dotada como los Beatles, su quinto álbum
"Help!" es un fenomenal muestrario de canciones que muestran la constante escalada del
grupo como autores e intérpretes. John Lennon brilla en la canción que da título al disco, un
juguetón tema de infeccioso estribillo con depresiva lírica, en la dylaniana "You've got to hide
your love away", con mensaje subliminal para el mánager Brian Epstein (enamorado de
Lennon), la exquisita elegancia pop de "You're going to lose that girl", que incluye un gran
trabajo en los coros de Paul y George, la extraordinaria ejecución de "Ticket to ride" y la
magnífica balada de tenue romanticismo "It's only love". McCartney presenta varias piezas
rebosantes de sapiencia melódica como "Another girl" y la jubilosa "The night before", que
cuenta con la acertada inclusión de un piano eléctrico, al igual que hace en "Tell me what you
see". Recoge influencias folk y country & western en "I've just seen a face" y deja para la
historia una de las mejores composiciones de la música moderna, la melancólica "Yesterday",
que en un principio iba a llevar por título "Scrambled Eggs" y en la que solamente participa
Paul a la voz solista y guitarra acústica, acompañado por un cuarteto de cuerda. El trabajo se
completa con dos de las primeras y satisfactorias creaciones de George Harrison, "You like me
too much" y especialmente la pegadiza "I need you".
Además incluyen dos adaptaciones de temas ajenos, el rock'n'roll "Dizzy Miss Lizzy", cantado
por John Lennon y escrito por Larry Williams y la inevitable canción de Ringo con esencias
country, "Act Naturally", interpretada en su versión original por el tejano Buck Owens, uno de
los principales integrantes del sonido Bakersfield.

01 Help!
02 The Night Before
03 You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
04 I Need You
05 Another Girl
06 You’re Going To Lose That Girl
07 Ticket To Ride
08 Act Naturally
09 It's Only Love
10 You Like Me Too Much
11 Tell Me What You See
12 I've Just Seen a Face
13 Yesterday
14 Dizzy Miss Lizzie
• Rubber Soul (1965)
El sexto Lp de los Fab Four significó una notable progresión tanto lírica como musical en su carrera.
La influencia en los textos de Dylan con "Bringing it back home" y el consumo de drogas,
especialmente la marihuana, estaban consiguiendo que se abrieran a nuevos sonidos, exprimiendo
cada vez más su inmenso talento y escribiendo sobre asuntos de mayor carga filosófica y letras más
maduras, cínicas y agudas en cuanto a las relaciones de pareja. Por otra parte, cada vez se iban
interesando más por el trabajo en estudio, introduciendo en su perenne búsqueda de
experimentación sonora nuevos instrumentos a su música. Así, en en esta obra maestra que es
"Rubber Soul", se puede escuchar un armonio en "The Word", una composición de Lennon que con
sus constantes referencias al amor, se adelantaba al movimiento hippie. Un órgano Hammond
interpretado por Ringo en "I'm looking through you", tema escrito por Paul McCartney. El sitar indio
de George Harrison es un complemento perfecto para Norwegian Wood", bellísima canción de John,
muy influenciada por Dylan y que inspiró al propio Dylan para escribir "4th time around". El fuzz-
bass suena en manos de Macca en "Think for yourself", pieza escrita por George al igual que "If I
needed someone", un tema de clara influencia Byrds. Incluso introducen un solo de clavicémbalo
tocado por George Martin en "In my life", la mejor aportación, junto a la delicada balada "Girl", de
Lennon al álbum. Son dignas de reseñar la estrecha colaboración a la hora de componer entre John
y Paul, en formidables canciones como "Drive my car" y "Wait", su admirable conjunción vocal en
glorias como "You won't see me", la citada "The word" y sobre todo "Nowhere man", la inmensa
balada (con versos en francés incluidos) "Michelle" de McCartney, la estupenda y socarrona "Run for
your life" y una curiosidad, "What goes on?", simpática pieza de aromas country & western firmada
por Lennon, McCartney y Starr y cantada por este último, gran amante del citado género

01 Drive My Car
02 Norwegian Wood
03 You Won't See Me
04 Nowhere Man
05 Think For Yourself
06 The Word
07 Michelle
08 What Goes On
09 Girl
10 I'm Looking Through You
11 In My Life
12 Wait
13 If I Needed Someone
14 Run For Your Life
• Revolver (1966)
Uno de los trabajos definitivos en la historia del poprock fabricados por los incomparables
Fab Four.
En su anterior disco "Rubber Soul" (1965) ya habían demostrado una notable madurez como
compositores pero es en "Revolver" cuando su capacidad como autores se elevó a una
categoría excepcional.

Los recursos de experimentación tanto en su sonoridad como en sus letras los alejaban de
sus colegas de la primeriza Invasión británica introduciéndoles en mundos más complejos
que influenciarían ampliamente de nuevo a sus contemporáneos y futuros hacedores del

Píldoras psicodélicas, maravillosas baladas, retazos powerpoperos, música hindú, secciones

de cuerda, pop con sabor a ragtime, poderosos pasajes de metal, arriesgados efectos sonoros
y cuentos infantiles de gran imaginería colorista son algunas de las travesías sónicas de un
album clave en el desarrollo musical moderno que presagiaba otras obras maestras que
estaban por llegar.

Todo un hito de un grupo nunca acomodado en sus posturas musicales. La portada (sin el
nombre de la banda impreso) está diseñada por Klaus Voorman.

01 Taxman
02 Eleanor Rigby
03 I'm Only Sleeping
04 Love You To
05 Here, There And Anywhere
06 Yellow Submarine
07 She Said She Said
08 Good Day Sunshine
09 And Your Bird Can Sing
10 For No One
11 The Doctor Robert
12 I Want To Tell You
13 Got To Get You Into My Life
14 Tomorrow Never Knows
• Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
Marcado por su ambiciosa y compleja experimentación que aunaba elementos típicos de pop con
características clásicas y vodevilescas sumergidas en mesmerizantes esencias psicodélicas, este
disco ahondó en esa faceta experimental de una manera nunca vista (sólo Brian Wilson y su "Pet
Sounds" había cuidado tanto un producto musical) y abrió la senda sónica a todos los demás grupos
para la expansión y renovación audaz de las constantes básicas de la música poprock. Con una
soberbia y vivaz introducción descriptiva sobre la banda de los corazones solitarios, el deleite
melómano rebosa con alegres piezas de ejemplar construcción melódica como "With a little help of
my friends", oda a la amistad cantada por Ringo y posteriormente versionada con éxito por Joe
Cocker, "Fixing a hole", "Getting Better" o "She's leaving home" (un prodigio de sensibilidad y belleza
introducida por el arpa de Sheila Bromberg) y caleidoscópicas naturalezas como "Lucy in the sky
with diamonds", canción que aunque se dijo que estaba dedicada al LSD, el propio Lennon afirmaba
que era la descripción de un dibujo realizado por su hijo Julian; visiones y aromas circenses en
"Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite", amaneceres granjeros en "Good Morning Good Morning", irónicas
reflexiones sobre el amor eterno adornadas por elegantes clarinetes en la cabaretera "When I'm
sixty-four", o la imaginería que diatriba sobre la condición humana, la fugacidad vital, el éxito y el
poder de "A day in the life", un corte maestro de extrema complicación que ejemplifica bien el
poderío de elaboración y ejecución de un disco esencial en el que participaron más de setenta
músicos, entre ellos, el gran George Martin, que aportó además de su sabiduría en la tarea
productora (¡¡¡utilizando sólo 4 pistas!!!) algunos pasajes de teclados. Como últimos datos, aportar
que este es el primer disco en la historia de la música en publicar todas las letras impresas y que la
extraordinaria portada (con gente como Karl Marx, Fred Astaire, Edgar Allan Poe, Marilyn Monroe,
Oscar Wilde Marlene Dietrich o Bob Dylan) fue realizada por Peter Blake.

01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

02 With A Little Help From My Friends
03 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
04 Getting Better
05 Fixing A Hole
06 She's Leaving Home
07 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
08 Within You Without You
09 When I'm Sixty-Four
10 Lovely Rita
11 Good Morning Good Morning
12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13 A Day In The Life
• Magical Mistery Tour (1967)
Un gran disco psicodélico de los Beatles, compuesto por dos Eps que sirvieron como
acompañamiento musical para una fallida emisión televisiva proyectada por el inquieto Paul
McCartney. Invitándonos a un acomodo en un viaje mágico y misterioso iniciado con una
briosa apertura avasallada por nervudas trompetas, "Magical Mistery Tour" es un notable
complemento a "Sgt Peppers", con piezas que incluso superan el nivel de lo ofrecido en su
más aclamado disco. El sublime sentido del pop de Paul (que cuando se pone cañero es, con
diferencia, el más rockero de los cuatro) refulge en la taciturna balada "The fool on the hill",
historia sobre la alienación social con espléndida simbología y un sonido marcada por el
clásico piano Macca y unas bellas flautas ornamentando la melodía. McCartney también brilla
con la jugosa e iterativa "You mother should know", de aliento nostálgico cabaretero, o "Hello
goodbye", canción de minimalismo lírico, hermosa arquitectura melódica y contagioso
sentido del ritmo. Los mejores temas de este magistral trabajo son obra de John Lennon. "I'm
the walrus" es un hipnótico artificio surrealista de esceptismo vital, poderosa imaginería y
exuberante instrumentación, "Strawbery fields forever", pieza con el inolvidable mellotron
(interpretado por Paul McCartney) en la cual el hálito psicodélico de la época alcanza su
cumbre más elevada, y el clásico cántico de amor y paz "All you need is love", con MacCartney
berreando "yesterday" y "she love you" en su parte final junto a fragmentos swing de Glenn
Miller. El delirio alucinógeno de Harrison con "Blue Jay Way" y la canción más inspirada escrita
por Paul para este álbum, "Penny Lane", un evocativo recuerdo de la vida en Liverpool con esa
trompeta tan evocativa e imitada, son otras travesías sónicas de un grupo incomparable.

01 Magical Mystery Tour

02 The Fool On The Hill
03 Flying
04 Blue Jay Way
05 Your Mother Should Know
06 I Am The Walrus
07 Hello Goodbye
08 Strawberry Fields Forever
09 Penny Lane
10 Baby You're A Rich Man
11 All You Need Is Love
• White Album (1968)
En un álbum doble de tanta riqueza, matices y diversidad estilística en el que han participado
más de cuarenta músicos, entre ellos Billly Preston, Nicky Hopkins o el mismísimo Eric
Clapton (toca la guitarra en "While my guitar gently weeps") es imposible destacar alguna
canción (menos el vanguardismo latoso de "Revolution 9") ya que cada escucha puede revelar
un aspecto o detalle pasado por alto de una pieza no valorada en su justa medida, que nos
alcance su verdadera dimensión e impregne nuestras más agudas sensaciones entre sus
elaboradas notas, ya que hasta la más nimiedad de los genios de Liverpool es un hecho
gigantesco para la mayoría de los grupos.

"Revolution 1" (un tema de posturas revolucionarias pero de esencia pacifista presentado aquí
en su versión acústica, inferior a la fuerza eléctrica y distorsionada del single), "Helter Skelter"
(la canción más potente en la carrera de los Fab Four, obra de McCartney que enloqueció al
futuro asesino Charles Mason), "Dear Prudence" (dedicada a Prudence, la hermana de Mia
Farrow), "Back in the USSR" (una simpática mezcolanza entre Chuck Berry y Beach Boys), "Sexy
Sadie" (una acérbica crítica al Mararishi Yogi), "Martha My Dear" (un tema que Paul dedicó a
su perra), "Rocky Raccon" (un tema acústico de sabor country), "Glass Onion" (en el que
Lennon repasa con tono jocoso algunos temas de los Fab Four), "Happines is a warm gun"
(absorbente pieza de sublimes variaciones), "Julia" (un emotivo, hermoso y obsesivo recuerdo
de John a su querida madre) o "Why my guitar gently weeps" (la mejor canción escrita por
George Harrison junto a "Something" de "Abbey Road") son algunos importantes elementos de
un impresionante viaje al pasado, presente y futuro de la música del siglo XX, efectuada por
unos Beatles faltos de cohesión, que ideaban y ejecutaban sus piezas casi en solitario,
provocando desde su característica composición una asombrosa heterogeneidad nunca
contemplada en un trabajo discográfico.

Pop, rock, music-hall, psicodelia, country, blues, reggae, folk, surf e incluso heavy metal se
dan cita en un álbum esencial, de una influencia descomunal en todo tipo de vertientes

En la lírica mantiene tonalidades que alternan la melancolía, el júbilo, el desamparo, la acritud,

el sarcasmo, la ironía o el cinismo.
01 Back In The USSR 01 Happy Birthday
02 Dear Prudence 02 Yer Blues
03 Glass Onion 03 Mother Nature’s Son
04 Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da 04 Everybody’s Got Something To Hide
05 Wild Honey Pie 05 Sexy Sadie
06 The Continuing Story 06 Helter Skelter
07 While My Guitar Gently Sleeps 07 Long, Long, Long
08 Happiness Is A Warm Gun 08 Revolution 1
09 Martha My Dear 09 Honey Pie
10 I'm So Tired 10 Savoir Trufle
11 Blackbird 11 Cry Baby Cry
12 Piggies 12 Revolution 9
13 Rocky Raccoon 13 Good Night
14 Don't Pass Me By
15 Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?
16 I Will
17 Julia
• Yellow Submarine (1969)
Más que un Lp de los Beatles, "Yellow Submarine" es la banda sonora de la película de dibujos
animados que sobre la famosa canción infantil escrita por Paul McCarney realizara George
El disco es totalmente prescindible menos por la aparición de la fantástica canción de Lennon
"Hey Bulldog", con un poderoso riff y penetrantes aromas psicodélicos.

La psicodelia también empapa los temas compuestos por George Harrison. "Only a northern
song", un tema desechado del "Sgt. Peppers" que contiene una extraña y sugestiva atmósfera
rodeando una competente melodía y "It's all too much", un estrambótico caos sónico en el
cual dan cabida a la lírica del tema "Sorrow" de los Merseys (ex Merseybeats) con "You have
long black hair and your eyes are blue".

McCartney por su parte compone "All together now", un insignificante tema de pegadizo
estribillo y aires de music-hall.

El resto del disco son la referenciada "Yellow Submarine", ya encontrada en "Revolver", "All
you need is love", publicada en "Magical Mistery Tour" y las composiciones instrumentales del
productor George Martin.

01 Yellow Submarine
02 Only A Northern Song
03 All Together Now
04 Hey Bulldog
05 It's All Too Much
06 All You Need Is Love
07 Pepperland
08 Sea Of Time
09 Sea Of Holes
10 Sea Of Monsters
11 March Of The Meanies
12 Pepperland Laid Waste
13 Yellow Submarine In Pepperland
• Abbey Road (1969)
Vio la luz con anterioridad a "Let it be", pero en realidad, el extraordinario "Abbey Road" fue la última
grabación de la inmortal banda de Liverpool, concluyendo de manera magistral la trayectoria del
mejor grupo de la historia. El enfoque musical para el album de los componentes era muy distinto,
John, continuando las pautas de los cortes grabados para "Let it be", deseaba un album cuyo
basamento fuese la vuelta a las raíces más básicas del rock'n'roll y el blues, mientras que Paul
ansiaba la grabación de un disco más complejo, que rememorara los logros del "Sgt. Peppers". Por
su parte, George, cansado de permanecer a la sombra de los dos grandes genios, y después de ya
haber grabado los discos experimentales "Wonderwall Music" y "Electronic Sound", deseaba volar en
solitario, no sin antes dejar su brillante impronta compositiva en este Lp. Esa constancia en las
pautas básicas del rock llevaron a Lennon a componer temas como "Come together", una canción
dominada por una base de blues que John compuso para la campaña del político Timothy Leary,
aspirante a Gobernador del estado de California. El tema fue acusado de plagio por Maurice Levy,
propietario de Big Seven Music, que inculpaba a Lennon del empleo de varias frases aparecidas en
el tema de Chuck Berry "You can catch me", canción que finalmente y en beneficio económico de
Berry y Levy, fue incluido en el posterior Lp "Rock'n'roll" del Beatle en solitario. El cimiento bluesy
vuelve a asomar en "I want you (She's so heavy)", tema dedicado a Yoko Ono que cuenta con una
insistente letra y una hipnótica parte final de abrupta conclusión. Otro corte destacado compuesto
por John es "Because", una mágica y bella composición en la cual se aprecia la maestría del grupo
en la utilización de las armonías vocales. George sorprende con dos de sus mejores composiciones.
La preciosa balada "Something", canción dedicada a su esposa Pattie Boyd que se ha convertido en
uno de los mejores temas de amor de todos los tiempos. Pattie se casaría con posterioridad con uno
de sus mejores amigos, Eric Clapton. Curiosamente sería en el jardín de Clapton en lugar en el cual
Harrison escribió "Here comes the sun", hermosa pieza acariciada por la delicada y soleada
vocalidad de su autor. Igualmente cabe destacar la utilización en algunos temas ("Maxwell's Silver
Hammer", "I want you", "Here comes the sun" o "Because") del sintetizador Moog por parte de
George, un elemento que por aquellos tiempos raramente se utilizaba en la música pop (uno de los
primeros en utilizarlo fue Keith Emerson), lo que demuestra una vez más su indiscutible capacidad
de innovar y adelantarse a su tiempo. Ringo, por su parte, nos deleita con una simpática tonada de
corte infantil, "Octopus's Garden", canción en la cual recordaba las historias de pulpos que le contó
un capitán de barco en unas vacaciones pasadas en la Isla de Cerdeña. Paul, el mayor artífice del
grueso del album, también retoma las patrones de "Let it be" en "Oh! Darling", gran canción blues
de desgarrada vocalidad. Su pasión por el vodevil, heredada de su padre, se plasma en "Maxwell's
Silver Hammer", un tema en el que incluso utilizan el sonido de un yunque, golpeado por Ringo.
"You never give me your money" da inicio al glorioso medley final, obra básicamente de Macca,
quien intentó realizar una especia de mini-ópera pop, en donde se encuentran eclécticos ritmos y
sonoridades. La propia "You never give me your money" está fragmentada en cuatro partes: "You
never give me you money", "That magic feeling", "One sweet dream" y el final con "1,2,3,4,5,6,7...all
good children go to heaven". Posteriormente vendrán las lennonianas "Sun King", onírica pieza con
John chapurreando varios idiomas, entre ellos, el español; "Mean Mr. Mustard", canción en la cual
Paul utiliza el fuzz bass y la rítmica "Polythene Pam", tema dedicado a una fan de Liverpool llamada
Pat Hodgett, que tenía como singular afición comer pedacitos de polietileno. Paul continúa el medley
con "She came in through the bathroom window", canción escrita en homenaje a las "Apple Scruffs",
admiradoras del grupo que los acosaban insistentemente en la puerta del estudio o pululando cerca
de sus hogares. La historia fabula sobre un hecho real acaecido cuando un grupo de fans entraron
en casa de Paul por la ventana de su cuarto de baño. "Golden Slumbers" es una preciosa balada que
McCartney adaptó con su extraordinario sentido de la melodía, tras hallar en casa de su padre la
canción tradicional del mismo título. Esta pieza enlaza con "Carry that weight" y de nuevo un
fragmento de "You never give me your money", preludio de "The End", canción que contiene el único
solo de batería de Ringo en toda su trayectoria con los Beatles y que era la indicada para poner punto
y final a su carrera sino fuera por la inclusión de "Her majesty", exigua coda acústica escrita por Paul
que, en principio, iba a unir "Mean Mr. Mustard" y "Polythene Pam", y tras ser desechada por el propio
McCartney fue incluida al final de la cinta por Geoff Emerick. Cuando sonó de manera sorprendente
tras "The End", los Beatles decidieron dejarla en el album, uno de los grandes logros en la historia
de la música moderna.

01 Come Together
02 Something
03 Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
04 Oh! Darling
05 Octopus's Garden
06 I Want You
07 Here Comes The Sun
08 Because
09 You Never Give Me Your Money
10 Sun King
11 Mean Mr Mustard
12 Polythene Pam
13 She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
14 Golden Slumbers
15 Carry That Weight
16 The End
17 Her Majesty
• Let It Be (1969)
La vuelta a lo básico por parte de unos fracturados Beatles, que recuperan la esencia más
rock'n'roll en unos temas arreglados y producidos por el legendario Phil Spector, quien
desarrolló un magnífico y desestimado trabajo presentando un excelente álbum a la altura de
sus más destacadas obras.

El folk en "Two of us" de sencilla melodía, el rock'n'roll de "909" con Billy Preston al órgano o
el blues en "For you blues" (citando a Elmore James) de Harrison son aceptables piezas que
complementan los mejores momentos del disco iniciados por la gloriosa "Across the
universe", un prodigio de composición enfatizado por la acertada producción de Spector y
continuados por "I me mine", una de las mejores y más subestimadas obras de George
Harrison, que presenta una ensoñadora melodía y una preciosa y plañidera vocalización.

El canto consolador de la mítica balada "Let it be", el poderío bluesy de "I've got a feeling", la
embriagadora vuelta a las raíces del rock de "Get back" y la criticada pero bella producción de
Spector añadiendo suntuosos arreglos orquestales y vocales para "The long and winding
road" que McCartney deseaba con la desnudez de su voz y piano son otras joyas de un disco
a revalorizar.

01 Two of Us
02 Dig a Pony
03 Across the Universe
04 I Me Mine
05 Dig It
06 Let It Be
07 Maggie Mae
08 I've Got A Feeling
09 One After 909
10 The Long And Winding Road
11 For You Blue
12 Get Back
A DAY IN THE LIFE I'd love to turn you on heart,
There lingers still, 'though we're
I read the news today oh boy A HARD DAY S NIGHT far apart,
About a lucky man who made the That taste of honey... tasting
grade It's been a hard day's night, much sweeter than wine.
And though the news was rather And I've been working like a dog, I will return, yes I will return,
sad It's been a hard day's night, I'll come back
Well I just had to laugh I should be sleeping like a lo for the honey,
I saw the photograph but when I get home to you and you.
He blew his mind out in a car I'll find the things that you do
He didn't notice that the lights had will make me feel alright ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
changed You know I work all day
A crowd of people stood and to get you money, Words are flowing out like
stared to buy you things endless rain into a paper cup,
They'd seen his face before And it's worth it just to hear you They slither while they pass, they
Nobody was really sure say, slip away across the universe
If he was from the House of Lords you're gonna give me everything Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are
I saw a film today oh boy That's why I like to come home drifting through my open mind,
The English Army had just won 'cause when I get you alone Possessing and caressing me.
the war you know I feel allright Jai guru de va om
A crowd of people turned away When I'm home, Nothing's gonna change my
but I just had to look everything seems to be right world,
Having read the book When I'm home, Nothing's gonna change my
I'd love to turn you on feeling you holding me tight, tight world.
Woke up, fell out of bed That's why I like to come home,
Dragged a comb across my head 'cause when I get you alone Images of broken light which
Found my way downstairs and you know I feel allright dance before me like a million
drank a cup you know I feel alright eyes,
And looking up I noticed I was late you know I feel alright That call me on and on across the
Found my coat and grabbed my universe,
hat A TASTE OF HONEY Thoughts meander like a restless
Made the bus in seconds flat wind inside a letter box they
Found my way upstairs and had a A taste of honey. Tumble blindly as they make their
smoke Tasting much sweeter than wine. way
Somebody spoke and I went into a I dream of your first kiss and then, Across the universe
dream I feel upon my lips again, Jai guru de va om
I read the news today oh boy A taste of honey. Nothing's gonna change my
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Tasting much sweeter than wine. world,
Lancashire I will return, Nothing's gonna change my
And though the holes were rather yes I will return, world.
small I'll come back
They had to count them all for the honey, Sounds of laughter shades of
Now they know how many holes it and you. earth are ringing
takes to fill the Albert Hall Yours was the kiss that awoke my Through my open views inviting
and inciting me are ringing through my open ears that's sad and lonely
Limitless undying love which Inciting and inviting me And begging down upon his
shines around me like a Limitless undying love which bended knee
million suns, it calls me on and on shines around me like a million I'll play the part and I won't need
Across the universe suns rehearsing
Jai guru de va om It calls me on and on, across the All I gotta do is act naturally
Nothing's gonna change my universe Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big
world, Jai Guru Deva OM star
Nothing's gonna change my Might win an Oscar you can never
world. Nothing's gonna change my world tell
Nothing's gonna change my world The movies gonna make me a big
ACROSS THE UNIVERSE Nothing's gonna change my world star
Nothing's gonna change my world 'Cause I can play the part so well
Words are flowing out like Well I hope you'll come and see me
endless rain into a paper cup Jai Guru Deva in the movies
They slither wildly as they slip Jai Guru Deva Then I know that you will plainly
away across the universe Jai Guru Deva see
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are Jai Guru Deva The biggest fool that ever hit the
drifting through my open mind Jai Guru Deva (fade out) big time
Possessing and caressing me And all I gotta do is act naturally
Nothing's gonna change my world They're gonna put me in the
Nothing's gonna change my world movies Whenever I want you around,
Nothing's gonna change my world They're gonna make a big star out yeah.
Nothing's gonna change my world of me All I gotta do,
We'll make a film about a man Is call you on the phone,
Images of broken light which that's sad and lonely And you'll come running home,
dance before me like a million And all I gotta do is act naturally Yeah, that's all I gotta do.
eyes Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big And when I, I want to kiss you,
They call me on and on across the star yeah.
universe Might win an Oscar you can never All I gotta do,
Thoughts meander like a restless tell Is whisper in your ear
wind inside a letter box The movies gonna make me a big The words you long to hear,
They tumble blindly as they make star And I'll be kissin' you.
their way across the universe 'Cause I can play the part so well Chorus:
Jai Guru Deva OM Well I hope you'll come and see me And the same goes for me,
in the movies Whenever you want me at all.
Nothing's gonna change my world Then I know that you will plainly I'll be here, yes I will, whenever
Nothing's gonna change my world see you call.
Nothing's gonna change my world The biggest fool that ever hit the You just gotta call on me, yeah,
Nothing's gonna change my world big time You just gotta call on me.
And all I gotta do is act naturally And when I, I want to kiss you,
Sounds of laughter shades of live We'll make the scene about a man yeah.
All I gotta do, Skip the rope, Look at me Love is all you need (love is all you
Is call you on the phone, All together now.... need).
And you'll come running home,
Yeah, that's all I gotta do. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE
Love, Love, Love. Love, Love, Love.
ALL MY LOVING Love, Love, Love. Love, Love, Love.
Love, Love, Love. Love, Love, Love.
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, There's nothing you can do that There's nothing you can do that
Tomorrow I'll miss you, can't be done. can't be done.
Remember I'll always be true. Nothing you can sing that can't be Nothing you can sing that can't be
And then while I'm away, sung. sung.
I'll write home everyday Nothing you can say but you can Nothing you can say but you can
and I'll send all my loving to you. learn how to play the game. learn how to play the game.
I'll pretend that I'm kissing It's easy. It's easy.
the lips I am missing, Nothing you can make that can't Nothing you can make that can't
and hope that my dreams will be made. be made.
come true. No one you can save that can't be No one you can save that can't be
And then while I'm away, saved. saved.
I'll write home everyday, Nothing you can do but you can Nothing you can do but you can
and I'll send all my loving to you. learn how to be you in time. learn how to be you in time.
All my loving, I will send to you, It's easy. It's easy.
All my loving darling I'll be true. Chorus: Chorus:
All you need is love. All you need is love.
ALL TOGETHER NOW All you need is love. All you need is love.
All you need is love, love. All you need is love, love.
One, two, three, four Love is all you need. Love is all you need.
Can I have a little more? Chorus
five, six, seven eight nine ten I Chorus Nothing you can know that isn't
love you. known.
A, B, C, D Nothing you can know that isn't Nothing you can see that isn't
Can I bring my friend to tea? known. shown.
E, F, G H I J I love you. Nothing you can see that isn't Nowhere you can be that isn't
Sail the ship, Jump the tree shown. where you're meant to be.
Skip the rope, Look at me Nowhere you can be that isn't It's easy.
All together now.... where you're meant to be. Chorus
It's easy. All you need is love (All together,
Black, white, green, red now!)
Can I take my friend to bed? Chorus All you need is love (Everybody!)
Pink, brown, yellow orange blue I All you need is love, love. Love is
love you All you need is love (All together, all you need (love is all you need).
All together now.... now!)
All you need is love (Everybody!)
Sail the ship, Jump the tree All you need is love, love.
AND I LOVE HER Will it bring you down nobody but you.
You may be awoken But as from today, well I've seen
I give her all my love I'll be round i'll be round somebody that's new.
that's all I do Tell me that you've heard every I ain't no fool an I don't take what
and if you saw my love sound there is I don't want
you'd love her too And your bird can swing for I have got another girl,
and I love her But you can't hear me, you can't another girl.
She gives me everything hear me She's sweeter than all the girls and
and tenderly I've met quite a few.
the kiss my lover brings ANNA GO TO HIM Nobody in all the world can
She brings to me do what she can do.
and I love her Anna, And so I'm telling you this time
A love like ours You come and ask me girl, you better stop
could never die To set you free girl, for I have got another girl,
as long as I You say he loves you more than another girl
have you near me me, who will love me to the end,
Bright are the stars that shine So I will set you free, through thick and thin
dark is the sky Go with him. she will always be my friend.
I know this love of mine Go with him. I don't wanna say that I've been
will never die Anna, unhappy with you.
and I love her girl before you go now, But as from today well I've seen
Bright are the stars that shine I want you to know, now, somebody that's new.
dark is the sky That I still love you so, I ain't no fool an I don't take what
I know this love of mine but if he loves you more, I don't want
will never die Go with him. for I have got another girl,
and I love her All of my life, another girl, another girl
I've been searching for a girl
AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING To love me like I love you. ANY TIME AT ALL
But every girl I've ever had,
You tell me that you've every Breaks my heart and leaves my Any time at all,
thing you want sad. any time at all,
And bird can sing What am I, what am I supposed to any time at all,
But you don't get me, you don't do. all you've gotta do is call and I'll
get me Anna, be there.
You say you've seen seven Just one more thing, girl. If you need somebody to love,
wonders You give back your ring to me, just look into my eyes,
And your bird can sing and I will set you free, I'll be there to make you feel right.
But you can't see me, you can't see go with him. If you're feeling sorry and sad,
me I'd really sympathize.Don't you be
When your prized possessions ANOTHER GIRL sad, just call me tonight.
Start to wear you down Any time at all,
Look in my direction For I have got another girl, any time at all,
I'll be round i'll be round another girl. any time at all ,
When your bird is broken You're making me say that I've got all you've gotta do is call and I'll
be there. That I know, blue,
If the sun has faded away, That I, should never ever ever be Tell me, oh what can I do?
I'll try to make it shine, blue. She thinks of him,
there's nothing I won't do Ask me why, I'll say I love you, and so she dresses in black,
If you need a shoulder to cry on, And I'm always thinking of you. and though he'll never come back,
I hope it will be mine. I can't believe it's happened to me. she's dressed in black.
Call me tonight, and I'll come to I can't conceive of any more Oh dear, what can I do?
you. misery. Baby's in black and I'm feeling
Any time at all, Ask me why, I'll say I love you, blue,
any time at all, And I'm always thinking of you. Tell me, oh what can I do?
any time at all , I think of her, but she only thinks
all you've gotta do is call and I'll BABY IT S YOU of him,
be there. And though it's only a whim, she
Any time at all, It's not the way you smiled that thinks of him.
all you've gotta do is call and I'll touched my heart, Oh how long will it take,
be there. It's not the way you kiss that tears till she sees the mistake she has
me apart. made?
ASK ME WHY Ooh oh many many, many nights Dear what can I do?
go by, Baby's in black and I'm feeling
I love you, 'cause you tell me I sit alone at home and cry over blue,
things I want to know. you. Tell me, oh what can I do?
And it's true that it really only What can I do? Oh how long it will take,
goes to show, Can't help myself, Till she sees the mistake she has
That I know, 'cause baby, it's you. made?
That I, should never ever ever be Baby, it's you. Dear what can I do?
blue. You should hear what they say Baby's in black and I'm feeling
Now you're mine, my happiness about you, blue,
still makes me cry. They say, they say you never Tell me, oh what can I do?
And in time, you'll understand the never never ever been true. She thinks of him,
reason why, Ooh oh it doesn't matter what and so she dresses in black,
If I cry, they say, And though he'll never come back,
It's not because I'm sad, I know I'm gonna love you any old she's dressed in black.
but you're the only love that I've way. Oh dear, what can I do?
ever had. What can I do? and it's true. Baby's in black and I'm feeling
I can't believe it's happened to me. Don't want nobody, nobody, blue,
I can't conceive of any more 'cause baby, it's you. Tell me, oh what can I do?
misery. Baby, it's you
Ask me why, (repeat) BABY, YOU'RE A RICH MAN
I'll say I love you, Don't leave me all alone...
And I'm always thinking of you. How does it feel to be
I love you, 'cause you tell me BABY S IN BLACK One of the beautiful people?
things I want to know. Now that you know who you are
And it's true that it really only Oh dear, what can I do? What do you want to be?
goes to show, Baby's in black and I'm feeling And have you travelled very far?
Far as the eye can see. Love is all, love is new preparation
How does it feel to be Love is all, love is you A splendid time is guaranteed for
One of the beautiful people? all!
How often have you been there? Because the sky is blue, it makes And tonight Mr. Kite is topping the
Often enough to know. me cry bill
What did you see, when you were Because the sky is blue.
Nothing that doesn't show. BEING FOR THE BENEFICIT TO
Baby you're a rich man, OF MR. KITE There's a fog upon L.A.
Baby you're a rich man, And my friends have lost their
Baby you're a rich man too. For the benefit of Mr. Kite way
You keep all your money in a big There will be a show tonight on We'll be over soon they said
brown bag inside a zoo. trampoline Now they've lost themselves
What a thing to do. The Hendersons will all be there instead.
Baby you're a rich man, Late of Pablo Fanques Fair what a Please don't be long please don't
Baby you're a rich man, scene! you be very long
Baby you're a rich man too. Over men and horses, hoops and Please don't be long or I may be
How does it feel to be garters asleep
One of the beautiful people? Lastly through a hogshead of real Well it only goes to show
Tuned to A natural E fire! And I told them where to go
Happy to be that way. In this way Mr. K. will challenge Ask a policeman on the street
Now that you've found another the world! There's so many there to meet
key Please don't be long please don't
What are you going to play? The celebrated Mr. K. you be very long
Baby you're a rich man, Performs his feat on Saturday at Please don't be long or I may be
Baby you're a rich man, Bishopsgate asleep
Baby you're a rich man too. The Hendersons will dance and Now it's past my bed I know
You keep all your money in a big sing And I'd really like to go
brown bag inside a zoo. As Mr. Kite flies through the ring Soon will be the break of day
What a thing to do. don't be late! Sitting here in Blue Jay Way
Baby you're a rich man... Messrs. K. and H. assure the Please don't be long please don't
public you be very long
BECAUSE Their production will be second to Please don't be long or I may be
none asleep.
Because the world is round it And of course Henry the Horse Please don't be long please don't
turns me on dances the waltz! you be very long
Because the world is Please don't be long (2 times
round...aaaaaahhhhhh The band begins at ten to six more)
When Mr. K. performs his tricks Don't be long
Because the wind is high it blows without a sound don't be long
my mind And Mr. H. will demonstrate
Because the wind is Ten somersets he'll undertake on
high......aaaaaaaahhhh solid ground
Having been some days in
BOYS that money just can't buy and they ain't the kind,
For I don't care too much for that you can see,
I been told when a boy kisses girl, money, Ooh, these chains of love got a
Takes a trip around the world, money can't buy me love hold on me.
Hey, hey (3 times) Please believe me when I tell you,
yeah, she say you do. CARRY THAT WEIGHT Your lips are sweet.
My girl says when I kiss her lips, I'd like to kiss them,
Gets a thrill through her Boy, you gotta carry that weight But I can't break away from all of
fingertips, Carry that weight a long time these Chains,
Hey, hey (3 times) Boy, you gotta carry that weight my baby's got me locked up in
yeah, she say you do. Carry that weight a long time chains.
Well, I talk about boys, And they ain't the kind,
Don't ya know I mean boys, I never give you my pillow that you can see.
Well, I talk about boys, now, I only send you my invitation Ooh, these chains of love got a
Well, I talk about boys, now, And in the middle of the hold on me, yeah.
What a bundle of joy celebrations Chains, chains of love, chains of
I break down love (fade)
Boy, you gotta carry that weight COME TOGETHER
Can't buy me love, love Carry that weight a long time
Can't buy me love Boy, you gotta carry that weight Here come old flattop he come
I'll buy you a diamond ring my Carry that weight a long time grooving up slowly He got
friend joo joo eyeball he one
if it makes you feel alright CHAINS holy roller He got
I'll get you anything my friend hair down to his knee
if it makes you feel alright Chains, my baby's got me locked Got to be a joker he just do what
'cause I don't care too much for up in chains. he please
money, And they ain't the kind,
money can't buy me love that you can see. He wear no shoeshine he got
I'll give you all I've got to give Ooh these chains of love, got a toe jam football He got
if you say you love me too hold on me, yeah. monkey finger he shoot
I may not have a lot to give Chains, well I can't break away coca cola He say I know you, you
but what I got I'll give to you from these chains. know me
For I don't care too much for Can't run around, 'cause I'm not One thing I can tell you is you got
money, free. to be free
money can't buy me love Ooh, these chains of love won't let
Can't buy me love, everybody tells me be, yeah. Come together right now over me
me so I wanna tell you, pretty baby,
can't buy me love, no no no, no I think you're fine. He bag production he got
Say you don't need no diamond I'd like to love you, walrus gumboot He got Ono
ring But, darling, I'm imprisoned by sideboard he one
and I'll be satisfied these Chains, spinal cracker He got feet down
Tell me that you want the kind of my baby's got me locked up in below his knee
thing chains, Hold you in his armchair you can
feel his disease (Don't take chances, leave your I roll a stoney
romances Yes you can imitate everyone you
Come together right now over me so important to you) know
She'll never hurt me Yes you can imitate everyone you
He roller coaster he got she won't desert me know
early warning He got muddy water (She's an angel sent to me....) I told you so, all I want is you
he one (She's got the devil in her heart) Everything has got to be just like
mojo filter He say One and one Oh, no, no, no... No, this I can't you want it to
and one is three believe Because...
Got to be good looking 'cause he's (She's gonna tear your heart apart)
so hard to see No, no, nay will she deceive I feel the wind blow
(She's got the devil in her heart) Yes you can indicate everything
Come together right now over me No, she's an angel sent to me you see
Oh you can indicate everything
DEVIL IN HER HEART (She's got the devli in her heart) you see
No, she's an angel sent to me...
(She's got the devil in her heart) Oh now
Oh, no, no, no... No this I can't DIG A PONY I buy a trolley
believe Well you can syndicate any boat
(She's gonna tear your heart apart) All I want is... you row
No, no, way will she deceive I dig a pony Yes you can syndicate any boat
Don't take chances Well you can celebrate anything you row
for romance is you want I told you so, all I want is you
so important to me Yes you can celebrate anything Everything has got to be just like
She'll never hurt me you want you want it to
she won't desert me Because...
(She's an angel sent to me) Oh now
(She's got the devil in her heart) I blew a road hog All I want is you
Oh, no, no, no... No this I can't Well you can penetrate any place
believe you go [Sheelabop!
(She's gonna tear your heart apart) Yes you can penetrate any place
No, no, way will she deceive you go Ah very...
I can't believe that she'll ever, ever I told you so, all I want is you
go Everything has got to be just like Shaloom!
not when she hurts me and says you want it to
she loves me so... Because... You see, you see.
She'll never hurt me
she won't desert me I pick a moon dog It was good.
(Listen, can't you see?) Well you can radiate everything
(She's got the devil in her heart) you are, yes you can We improve each time.
Oh, no, no, no... This I can't Yes you can radiate everything
believe you are You're not talking to Ricky and the
(She's gonna tear your heart apart) Red Streaks, you know!
No, no way will she deceive Oh now
Like a fine wine really. you see come on baby
I'd put us down like Beaujolais 62. Ooh I want to be your lover man
I dug a pony Run and tell your mama
I think we should invite them...] Well you can syndicate any boat I want you to be my bride
(fade out) you row Run and tell your brother
Yes you can syndicate any boat Baby, don't run and hide
DIG A PONY you row You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzie
I told you, all I want is you Girl I want to marry you
I dig a pony Everything has got to bejust like Come on, give me fever
Well you can celebrate anything you want it to Put your little hand in mine, girl
you want Because You make me dizzy, dizzy Lizzie
Well you can celebrate anything Girl, you look so fine
you want DIG IT You're just a rockin' and a rollin'
Ooh. Oh I said I wish you were mine
I do a road hog Like a rolling stone
Well you can penetrate any place A like a rolling stone DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A
you go Like the FBI and the CIA SECRET
Yes you can penetrate any place And the BBC
you go BB King You'll never know how much I
I told you, all I want is you. And Doris Day really love you.
Everything has got to be just like Matt Busby You'll never know how much I
you want it to Dig it, dig it, dig it really care.
Because Dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, Listen,
dig it, dig it, dig it Do you want to know a secret?
I pick a moon dog Do you promise not to tell?, Ooh
Well you can radiate everything DIZZY MISS LIZZIE oh, oh.
you are Closer,
Yes you can radiate everything You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzie Let me whisper in your ear,
you are The way you rock'n'roll Say the words you long to hear,
Ooh You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzie I'm in love with you.
I roll a stoney When we do the stroll Listen,
Well you can imitate everyone you Come on, Miss Lizzie Do you want to know a secret,
know Love me 'fore I grow too old Do you promise not to tell, whoa
Yes you can imitate everyone you Come on, give me fever oh, oh.
know Put your little hand in mine Closer,
I told you, all I want is you. You make me dizzy, dizzy Lizzie Let me whisper in your ear,
Everything has got to be just like Oh girl, you look so fine Say the words you long to hear,
you want it to Just a rockin' and a rollin' I'm in love with you, Ooh oh oh.
Because Girl I said I wish you were mine I've known the secret for a week
You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzie or two,
I feel the wind blow When you call my name Nobody knows, just we two.
Well you can indicate everything O o o o oh baby Listen,
you see Say you're driving me insane Do you want to know a secret?
Yes you can indicate everything Come on, come on, come on, Do you promise not to tell? Ooh
oh, oh. And if somebody loved me like
Closer, Since she's been gone she do me
Let me whisper in your ear, I want no one Oh, she do me, yes, she does
Say the words you long to hear, to talk to me.
I'm in love with you. It's not the same, Don't let me down, don't let me
Ooh oh oh, Ooh oh oh (fade) But I'm to blame, down
It's plain to see. Don't let me down, don't let me
DOCTOR ROBERT So go away, down
Leave me alone,
Ring my friend, I said you call Don't bother me. I'm in love for the first time
Doctor Robert I can't believe Don't you know it's gonna last
Day or night he'll be there any that she would leave It's a love that lasts forever
time at all, Doctor Robert me on my own. It's a love that had no past
Doctor Robert, you're a new and It's just not right (Seeking past)
better man, When everynight
He helps you to understand I'm all alone. Don't let me down, don't let me
He does everything he can, Doctor I've got no time down
Robert For you right now, Don't let me down, don't let me
If you're down he'll pick you up, Don't bother me. down
Doctor Robert I know I'll never be the same,
Take a drink from his special cup, If I don't get her back again. And from the first time that she
Doctor Robert Because I know she'll always be, really done me
Doctor Robert, he's a man you the only girl for me. Oh, she done me, she done me
must believe, But 'till she's near good
Helping everyone in need please don't come near, I guess nobody ever really done
No one can succeed like Doctor stay away. me
Robert I'll let you know Oh, she done me, she done me
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine when she's come home, good
Well, well, well, he'll make you ... until that day,
Doctor Robert Don't come around, Don't let me down, hey don't let
My friend works for the national leave me alone, me down
health, Doctor Robert don't bother me, Heeeee, don't let me down
Don't pay money just to see don't bother me (fade)
yourself with Doctor Robert Don't let me down
Doctor Robert, you're a new and DON'T LET ME DOWN Don't let me down, don't let me let
better man, down
He helps you to understand Don't let me down, don't let me Can you dig it? Don't let me down
He does everything he can, Doctor down
Robert Don't let me down, don't let me DRIVE MY CAR
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine down
Well, well, well, he'll make you ... Asked a girl what she wanted to
Doctor Robert Nobody ever loved me like she be
does She said baby, can't you see?
DON T BOTHER ME Oh, she does, yeah, she does I wanna be famous, a star on the
screen Eight days a week Where do they all belong?
But you can do something in I love you.
between Eight days a week EVERY LITTLE THING
Baby you can drive my car is not enough to show I care.
Yes I'm gonna be a star When I'm walking beside her
Baby you can drive my car ELEANOR RIGBY AH People tell me I'm lucky.
And maybe I'll love you Yes, I know I'm a lucky guy.
I told that girl that my prospects look at all the lonely people I remember the first time
were good Ah, look at all the lonely people I was lonely without her.
And she said baby, it's understood Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in Yes I'm thinking about her now.
Working for peanuts is all very fine the church where a wedding has Every little thing she does,
But I can show you a better time been She does for me, yeah.
I told that girl I could start right Lives in a dream And you know the things she
away Waits at the window, wearing the does,
And she said listen babe I got face that she keeps in a jar by the She does for me, oooh.
something to say door When I'm with her I'm happy
I got no car and it's breaking my Who is it for? Just to know that she loves me.
heart All the lonely people Yes, I know that she loves me now.
But I've found a driver and that's a Where do they all come from? There is one thing I'm sure of,
start All the lonely people I will love her forever.
Baby you can drive my car Where do they all belong? For I know love will never die.
Yes I'm gonna be a star Father McKenzie writing the Every little thing she does,
Baby you can drive my car words of a sermon that no one will She does for me, yeah.
And maybe I'll love you hear And you know the things she
Beep beep, Mm beep beep yeh No one comes near. does,
Look at him working. Darning his She does for me, oooh.
EIGHT DAY A WEEK socks in the night when there's Every little thing she does,
nobody there She does for me, yeah.
Ooh I need your love babe, What does he care? And you know the things she
guess you know it's true. All the lonely people does, She does for me, oooh.
Hope you need my love babe, Where do they all come from? Every little thing,
Just like I need you. All the lonely people Every little thing (fade away)
Hold me, love me, hold me, love Where do they all belong?
me. Eleanor Rigby died in the church EVERYBODY S TRYING TO BE
Ain't got nothing but love babe, and was buried along with her MY BABY
Eight days a week. name
Love you every day girl, Nobody came Well they took some honey from a
always on my mind. Father McKenzie wiping the dirt tree
One thing I can say girl, from his hands as he walks from Dressed it up and they called it me
love you all the time. the grave Everybody's trying to be my baby
Hold me, love me, hold me, love No one was saved Everybody's trying to be my baby
me. All the lonely people Everybody's trying to be my baby,
Ain't got nothing but love babe, Where do they all come from? now
Eight days a week. All the lonely people Well half past nine, half past four
Fifty women knocking on my door wrong kindness linger on
Everybody's trying to be my baby I'm right When she no longer needs you
Everybody's trying to be my baby Where I belong I'm right She wakes up, she makes up
Everybody's trying to be my baby, Where I belong She takes her time and doesn't
now feel she has to hurry
Went out last night, I didn't stay See the people standing there who She no longer needs you
late disagre and never win And in her eyes you see nothing
'fore I got home I had nineteen And wonder why they don't get in No sign of love behind the tears
dates my door Cried for no one
Everybody's trying to be my baby A love that should have lasted
Everybody's trying to be my baby I'm painting my room in a years
Everybody's trying to be my baby, colourful way You want her, you need her
now And when my mind is wandering And yet you don't believe her
Went out last night, I didn't stay There I will go when she said her love is dead
late You think she needs you
'fore I got home I had nineteen And it really doesn't matter if I'm And in her eyes you see nothing
dates wrong No sign of love behind the tears
Everybody's trying to be my baby I'm right Cried for no one
Everybody's trying to be my baby Where I belong I'm right A love that should have lasted
Everybody's trying to be my baby, Where I belong years
now You stay home, she goes out
Well they took some honey from a Silly people run around, they She says that long ago she knew
tree worry me someone but now he's gone
Dressed it up and they called it me And never ask me why they don't She doesn't need him
Everybody's trying to be my baby get past my door Your day breaks, your mind aches
Everybody's trying to be my baby There will be time when all the
Everybody's trying to be my baby, I'm taking the time for a number things she said will fil your head
now of things you won't forget her
That weren't important yesterday And in her eyes you see nothing
FIXING A HOLE And I still go No sign of love behind the tears
Cried for no one
I'm fixing a hole where the rain Fixing a hole where the rain gets A love that should have lasted
gets in in years
And stops my mind from Stops my mind from wandering
wandering Where it will go FOR YOU BLUE
Where it will go
FLYING [Queen says no to pot smoking
I'm filling the cracks that ran FBI members]
through the door Instrumental.
And kept my mind from Because you're sweet and lovely
wandering FOR NO ONE girl I love you,
Where it will go Because you're sweet and lovely
Your day breaks, your mind aches girl it's true,
And it really doesn't matter if I'm You find that all the words of I love you more than ever girl I do.
I want you in the morining girl I I'm with you Get back Loretta
love you, Your mother's waiting for you
I want you at the moment I feel [Ha ha ha!] Wearing her high heel shoes
blue, And her low neck sweater
I'm living ev'ry moment girl for GET BACK Get on home Loretta
you. Get back, get back.
I've loved you from the moment I Jojo was a man who thought he Get back to where you once
saw you, was a loner belonged
You looked at me that's all you But he knew it wouldn't last.
had to do, Jojo left his home in Tucson, GETTING BETTER
I feel it now I hope you feel it too. Arizona
Because you're sweet and lovely For some California grass. It's getting better all the time
girl I love you, Get back, get back.
Because you're sweet and lovely Get back to where you once I used to get mad in my school
girl it's true, belonged (No, I can't complain)
I love you more than ever girl I do. Get back, get back. The teachers that taught me
I really love you. Get back to where you once weren't cool (No, I can't complain)
belonged. Holding me down, turning me
FOR YOU BLUE Get back Jojo. Go home round,
Get back, get back. Filling me up with your rules
Because you're sweet and lovely Back to where you once belonged
girl I love you Get back, get back. I've got to admit it's getting better,
Because you're sweet and lovely Back to where you once belonged. A little better all the time (can't get
girl I do Get back Jo. no worse)
I love you more than ever girl it's To admit it's getting better,
true Sweet Loretta Martin thought she It's getting better since you've
I want you in the morining girl I was a woman been mine.
love you But she was another man
I want you at the moment I feel All the girls around her say she's Me used to be angry young man
blue got it coming Me hiding me head in the sand
I'm living ev'ry moment girl for But she gets it while she can You gave me the word I finally
you Get back, get back. heard
Get back to where you once I'm doing the best that I can.
I've loved you from the moment belonged
that I saw you Get back, get back. To admit it's getting better,
You looked at me that's all you Get back to where you once A little better all the time
had to do belonged. To admit it's getting better,
I feel it now I hope you feel it too Get back Loretta. Go home It's getting better since you've
Get back, get back. been mine.
Because you're sweet and lovely Get back to where you once
girl I love you belonged Getting so much better all the
Because you're sweet and lovely Get back, get back. time
girl it's true Get back to where you once It's getting better all the time
I love you more each moment belonged. Better, better, better,
It's getting better all the time. she acts as if it's understood.
She's cool Once there was a way to get back
Better, better, better girl, girl homeward
When I think of all the times I've Once there was a way to get back
I used to be cruel to my woman tried to leave her home
I beat her and kept her apart from She will turn to me and start to Sleep pretty darling do not cry
the things that she loved cry. And I will sing a lullaby
Man I was mean but I'm changing And she promises the earth to me
my scene and I believe her, GOOD DAY SUNSHINE
And I'm doing the best that I can. after all this time I don't know
why. Good day sunshine, good day
I admit it's getting better, Ah, girl, girl sunshine.
A little better all the time (can't get She's the kind of girl who puts you Good day sunshine.
no worse) down when friends are there, I need to laugh and when the sun
Yes, I admit it's getting better, You feel a fool. is out
It's getting better since you've When you say she's looking good, I've got something i can blab
been mine. she acts as if it's understood. about.
She's cool, I feel good in a special way
Getting so much better all the girl, girl I'm in love and it's sunny day.
time Was she told when she was young Good day sunshine, good day
It's getting better all the time the fame sunshine.
Better, better, better, would lead to pleasure? Good day sunshine.
It's getting better all the time. Did she understand it when they We take a walk the sun is shining
said down
Better, better, better, that a man must break his back to Burns my feet as they touch the
Getting so much better all the earn ground.
time. his day of leisure? Good day sunshine, good day
Will she still believe it when he's sunshine.
GIRL dead? Good day sunshine.
Ah girl, girl, girl. And then we lie beneath a shady
Is there anybody gone to listen to tree
my story GOLDEN SLUMBERS I love her and she loving me
all about the girl who came to She feels good she knows she's
stay? Once there was a way to get back looking fine
She's the kind of girl you want so homeward I'm so proud to know that she is
much Once there was a way to get back mine
it makes you sorry, home Good day sunshine, good day
Still, you don't regret a single day. Sleep pretty darling do not cry sunshine.
Ah girl, girl And I will sing a lullaby Good day sunshine.
She's the kind of girl who puts you Good day sunshine, good day
down Golden slumbers fill your eyes sunshine.
when friends are there, you feel a Smiles awake you when you rise Good day sunshine
fool. Sleep pretty darling do not cry
When you say she's looking good And I will sing a lullaby
GOOD MORNING GOOD Good morning, good morning... You say yes, I say no.
MORNING You say stop and I say go go go,
Nothing to do to save his life call LIFE You say goodbye and I say hello
his wife in Hello hello
Nothing to say but what a day, I was alone, I took a ride, I don't know why you say
how's your boy been I didn't know what I would find goodbye, Isay hello
Nothing to do it's up to you, there Hello hello
I've got nothing to say but it's OK Another road where maybe I could I don't know why you say
Good morning, good morning see another kind of mind there goodbye, I say hello.
Ooh, then I suddenly see you, I say high, you say low.
Going to work don't want to go Ooh, did I tell you I need you You say why and I say I don't
feeling low down Every single day of my life know, oh no.
Heading for home you start to You didn't run, you didn't lie You say goodbye and I say hello
roam then you're in town You knew I wanted just to hold hello hello
Everybody knows there's nothing you I don't know why you say
doing And had you gone you knew in goodbye, I say hello
Everything is closed it's like a ruin time we'd meet again hello hello
Everyone you see is half asleep For I had told you I don't know why you say
And you're on your own, you're in Ooh, you were meant to be near goodbye
the street me I say goodbye.
Good morning, good morning Ooh, and I want you hear me Why why why why why why do
Say we'll be together every day you say goodbye goodbye, oh no?
After a while you start to smile, Got to get you into my life You say goodbye and I say hello
now you feel cool What can I do, what can I be, Hello hello
Then you decide to take a walk by When I'm with you I want to stay I don't know why you say
the old school there goodbye, I say hello
Nothing has changed, it's still the If I'm true I'll never leave Hello hello
same And if I do I know the way there I don't know why you say
I've got nothing to say but it's OK. Ooh, then I suddenly see you, goodbye, I say hello.
Ooh, did I tell you I need you You say yes, I say no,
People runing round it's five Every single day of my life You say stop and I say go go go,
o'clock, Got to get you into my life oh no.
Everywhere in town it's getting Got to get you into my life You say goodbye and I say hello
dark, I was alone, I took a ride, Hello hello
Everyone you see is full of life, I didn't know what I would find I don't know why you say
It's time fot tea and meet the wife there goodbye, I say hello
Another road where maybe I could Hello hello
Somebody needs to know the see another kind of mind there I don't know why you say
time, glad that I'm here Then suddenly I see you, goodbye, I say goodbye
Watching the skirts you start to Did I tell you I need you... Hello hello
flirt now you're in gear I don't know why you say
Go to a show you hope she goes HELLO, GOODBYE goodbye, I say hello hello.
I've got nothing to say, but it's OK
HELP! I've opened up the doors. dies
Help me if you can, I'm feeling Watching her eyes and hoping i'm
Help!, I need somebody, down always there.
Help!, not just anybody, and I do appreciate you being To be there and everywhere
Help!, you know I need someone, round. here,there,and everywhere.
Help!. Help me, get my feet back on the
When I was younger, so much ground, HEY BULLDOG
younger than today, won't you please, please help me,
I never needed anybody's help in help me, Sheepdog
any way. help me, oh. Standing in the rain,
But now these days are gone, I'm Bullfrog
not so self assured, HERE, THERE AND Doing it again
now I find I've changed my mind EVERYWHERE Some think that happinness is
I've opened up the doors. measured out in years
Help me if you can, I'm feeling To lead a better life You don't know what it's like to
down, I need my love to be here listen to your fears
and I do appreciate you being Here,making each day of the year Child like
'round. Changing my life with wave of her No one understands,
Help me get my feet back on the hand Jack knife
ground, Nobody can deny that there's In your sweaty hands,
won't you please, please help me? something there. Some think that happiness is
And now my life has changed in There,running my hands through measured out in miles
oh so many ways, her hair What makes you think you're
my independence seems to vanish Both of us thinking how good it something special when you smile
in the haze. can be You can talk to me, if you're lonely
But every now and then I feel so Someone is speaking but she you can talk to me
insecure, doesn't know he's there. Big man
I know that I just need you like I've I want her everywhere Walking in the park
never done before. And if she's beside me i know i Whigwam
Help me if you can, I'm feeling need never care Frightened of the dark
down But to love her is to meet her Some think that happiness is
and I do appreciate you being everywhere measured out in you
'round. Knowing that love is to share You think you know me but you
Help me, get my feet back on the Each one believing that love never haven't got a clue
ground, dies You can talk to me, if you're lonely
won't you please, please help me? Watching her eyes and hoping i'm you can talk to me
always there.
When I was younger, so much I want her everywhere HOLD ME TIGHT
younger than today, And if she's beside me i know i
I never needed anybody's help in need never care It feels so right now.
any way. But to love her is to meet her Hold me tight,
But now these days are gone, I'm everywhere tell me I'm the only one,
not so self assured, Knowing that love is to share and then I might,
now I find I've changed my mind Each one believing that love never never be the lonely one.
So hold me tight, I say you will when you won't Sky, see how they run.
tonight, tonight, Honey don't I am the eggman, they are the
it's you, you, you, you. I feel fine... eggmen.
Hold me tight, Mmmm,mmmm... I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob
let me go on loving you I said... g'goo goo g'joob.
tonight, tonight, Well sometimes i love you on a Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob
making love to only you. saturday night g'goo.
So hold me tight, Sunday morning you don't look
tonight, tonight, right I DON T WANT TO SPOILA THE
it's you, you, you, you, you You've been out painting the town PARTY
don't know, Uh uh baby been stepping around
what it means to hold you tight, ah ah I don't want to spoil the party so
being here alone tonight, Well honey don't I'll go,
with you, Honey don't I would hate my disappointment
it feels so right now. Honey don't to show,
Honey don't there's nothing for me here,
HONEY DON T Honey don't so I will disappear,
I say you will when you won't if she turns up while I'm gone
Well how come you say you will Honey don't please let me know.
when you won't Well honey don't I've had a drink or two and I don't
Say you do baby then you don't Well honey don't care,
Let me know honey how you feel A little little honey don't there's no fun in what I do if she's
Tell the truth now is love real but I say you will when you won't not there,
ah ah Honey don't I wonder what went wrong,
Well honey don't I've waited far too long,
Honey don't I AM THE WALRUS I think I'll take a walk and look for
Honey don't her.
Honey don't I am he as you are he as you are Though tonight she's made me
Honey don't me and we are all together. sad,
I say you will when you won't See how they run like pigs from a I still love her,
Honey don't gun, see how they fly. If I find her I'll be glad,
Well i love you baby and you I'm crying. I still love her.
ought to know Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for I don't want to spoil the party so
I like the way you wear you're the van to come. I'll go,
clothes Corporation tee shirt, stupid I would hate my disappointment
Everything about you is so bloody Tuesday. to show,
doggone sweet Man, you been a naughty boy, you there's nothing for me here so I
You got that sand all over you're let your face grow long. will disappear,
feet but ah ah I am the eggman, they are the if she turns up while I'm gone
Well honey don't eggmen. please let me know.
Honey don't I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob. Though tonight she's made me
Honey don't Mister City Policeman sitting sad,
Honey don't Pretty little policemen in a row. I still love her,
Honey don't See how they fly like Lucy in the If I find her I'll be glad,
I still love her. I LL CRY INSTEAD In the end you'll know, oooh.
I've had a drink or two and I don't One day you'll find,
care, I've got every reason on earth to that I have gone.
there's no fun in what I do if she's be mad, For tomorrow may rain so,
not there, 'cause I've just lost the only girl I I'll follow the sun.
I wonder what went wrong I've had. Yes, tomorrow may rain so,
waited far too long, If I could get my way, I'll follow the sun.
I think I'll take a walk and look for I'd get myself locked up today, And now the time has come
her. but I can't, And so my love I must go.
so I'll cry instead. And though I lose a friend,
I LL BE BACK I've got a chip on my shoulder In the end you'll know, oooh.
that's bigger than my feet, One day you'll find
You know, I can't talk to people that I meet. that I have gone.
if you break my heart I'll go, If I could see you now, For tomorrow may rain so,
but I'll be back again. I'd try to make you sad somehow, I'll follow the sun.
'Cause I, but I can't,
told you once before goodbye, so I'll cry instead. I M A LOSER
but I came back again. Don't want to cry when there's
I love you so, people there, I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser,
I'm the one who wants you, I get shy when they start to stare, and I'm not what I appear to be.
yes I'm the one who wants you, I'm gonna hide myself away, Of all the love I have won or have
You, but I'll come back again someday. lost.
could find better things to do, And when I do you'd better hide There is one love I should never
than to break my heart again. all the girls, have crossed.
This time, 'cause I'm gonna break their She was a girl in a million my
I will try to show that I'm hearts all 'round the world. friend,
not trying to pretend. Yes, I'm gonna break them in two, I should have known she would
I thought that you would realize, I'll show you what your loving win in the end.
that if I ran away from you, man can do. I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser,
that you would want me too, Until then I'll cry instead. and I lost someone who's near to
but I've got a big surprise. me.
You, I LL FOLLOW THE SUN I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser,
could find better things to do, and I'm not what I appear to be.
than to break my heart again. One day you'll look, Although I act and I laugh like a
This time, to see I've gone. clown,
I will try to show that I'm For tomorrow may rain so, beneath this mask I am wearing a
not trying to pretend. I'll follow the sun. frown.
I wanna go, Some day you'll know, My tears are falling like rain from
but I hate to leave you, I was the one. the sky,
you know I hate to leave you. But tomorrow may rain so, is it for her or myself that I cry?
You know, I'll follow the sun. I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser,
if you break my heart I'll go, And now the time has come and I lost someone who's near to
but I'll be back again. And so my love I must go. me.
And though I lose a friend, I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser,
and I'm not what I appear to be. Let's pretend we just can't see his I'm looking through you,
What have I done to deserve such face, and you're nowhere.
a fate? In this world there's nothing else Why, tell me why
I realise I have left it too late. I'd rather do did you not treat me right?
And so it's true pride comes 'cause I'm happy just to dance Love has a nasty habit
before a fall, with you of dissapearing overnight.
I'm telling you so that you won't Just to dance with you, I'm looking through you,
loose all. It's everything I need, where did you go?
I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser, Before this dance is through, I thought I knew you,
and I lost someone who's near to I think I'll love you too what did I know?
me. I'm so happy when you dance with You don't look different,
I'm a Loser, I'm a Loser, me. but you have changed.
and I'm not what I appear to be. I discovered I'm in love with you I'm looking through you,
'cause I'm happy just to dance you're not the same.
Before this dance is through When I wake up early in the
I think I'll love you too, I'm looking through you, morning
I'm so happy when you dance with where did you go? Lift my head, I'm still yawning
me. I thought I knew you, When i'm in the middje of a dream
I don't want or need to hold your what did I know? Stay in the bed, float in the stream
hand, You don't look different, ( float in the stream )
if it's funny try to understand, but you have changed. Please don't wake me, no dont'
there's really nothing else I'd I'm looking through you, shake me
rather do, you're not the same. Leave me where I am I'm only
'cause I'm happy just to dance Your lips are moving, sleeping
with you. I cannot hear. Everybody, seems to think I'm lazy
I don't need to kiss or hold you You're voice is soothing, I don't mind, I think they're crazy
tight, but the words ain't clear. Running everywhere at such a
I just want to dance with you all You don't sound different, speed
night, I've learnt the game. Till they find there's no need (
In this world there's nothing else I'm looking through you, there's no need)
I'd rather do, you're not the same. Please don't spoil my day, I'm
'cause I'm happy just to dance Why, tell me why miles away
with you did you not treat me right? And after all, I'm only sleeping
Just to dance with you, Love has a nasty habit Keeping an eye on the world
It's everything I need. of dissapearing overnight. going by my window
Before this dance is through, You're thinking of me, Taking my time, lyginn there and
I think I'll love you too, the same old way. staring at the ceiling
I'm so happy when you dance with You were above me, Waiting for a sleepy feeling
me. but not today. Please don't spoil my day, I'm
If somebody tries to take my The only difference, miles away
place, is you're down there. And after all, I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world I me mine, I me mine could see
going by my window No one's frightened of playing it That before too long I'd fall in love
Taking my time Everyone's saying it with her.
When I wake up early in the Flowing more freely than wine She wouldn't dance with another
morning All through your life I me mine since I saw her standin' there.
Lift my head, I'm still yawning Well, my heart went boom
When I'm in the middle of a dream I NEED YOU When I crossed that room
Stay in bed, float up stream ( float And I held her hand in mine.
stream) You don't realize how much I Well, we danced through the
Please don't wake me, no dont' need you, night,
shake me love you all the time and never And we held each other tight,
Leave me where I am I'm only leave you. And before too long, I fell in love
sleeping Please come on back to me, with her.
I'm lonely as can be, Now I'll never dance with another
I ME MINE I need you. Since I saw her standing there
Said you had a thing or two to tell
All through the day, I me mine me. I SHOLD HAVE KNOWN BETTER
I me mine, I me mine How was I to know you would
All through the night, I me mine upset me? I should have known better with a
I me mine, I me mine I didn't realize, girl like you,
Now they're frightened of leaving as I looked in your eyes, that I would love everything that
it You told me you do,
Everyone's weaving it Oh yes you told me, you don't and I do,
Coming on strong all the time want my loving anymore. hey hey hey,
All through the day I me mine That's when it hurt me, and and I do.
feeling like this I Never realized what a kiss could
I I me me mine, I I me me mine I just can't go on anymore. be,
I I me me mine, I I me me mine Please remember how I feel about this oculd only happen to me,
you, can't you see?
All I can hear, I me mine I could never really live without can't you see?
I me mine, I me mine you. That when I tell you that I love
Even those tears, I me mine So come on back and see, you, oh
I me mine, I me mine just what you mean to me, you're gonna say you love me too.
No one's frightened of playing it I need you. And when I ask you to be mine,
Everyone's saying it you're gonna say you love me too.
Flowing more freely than wine I SAW HER STANDING THERE I should have realized a lot of
All through the day I me mine things before,
Well, she was just seventeen, If this is love you've got to give
I I me me mine, I I me me mine And you know what I mean, me more,
I I me me mine, I I me me mine And the way she looked was way give me more,
beyond compare. hey hey hey
All I can hear, I me mine So how could I dance with another give me more
I me mine, I me mine And I saw her standing there. I Never realized what a kiss could
Even those tears, I me mine Well she looked at me, and I, I be,
this oculd only happen to me, Tell me that you love me baby, Oh no. Oh no, Oh no,
can't you see? tell me you understand Yeah I've got a feeling.
can't you see? I wanna be your lover baby,
That when I tell you that I love I wanna be your man. Oh please believe me, I'd hate to
you, oh miss the train
you're gonna say you love me too. I WANT TO TELL YOU Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
And when I ask you to be mine, And if you leave me I won't be late
you're gonna say you love me too. I want to tell you again
You love me too, My head is filled with things to say Oh no, Oh no, Oh no.
you love me too (fade) When you're here Yeah I've got a feeling yeah.
All those words, they seem to slip
I VE JUST SEEN A FACE away All these years I've been
When I get near you, wandering around,
I've just seen a face The games begin to drag me Wondering how come nobody told
I can't forget the time or place down me
Where we just meet, It's all right All that I was looking for was
She's just a girl for me I'll make you maybe next time somebody
and I want all the world to see around Who looked like you.
We've met. But if I seem to act unkind
Had it been another day It's only me, it's not my mind Everybody had a hard year
I might have looked the other way That is confusing things. Everybody had a good time
And I'd have never been aware, I want to tell you Everybody had a wet dream,
But as it is I'll dream of her I feel hung up but I don't know Everybody saw the sunshine
tonight. why, Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
Falling yes I am falling, I don't mind Everybody had a good year,
And she keeps calling I could wait forever, I've got time Everybody let their hair down,
Me back again. I have never Sometimes I wish I knew you well, Everybody pulled their socks up,
known Then I could speak my mind and Everybody put their foot down.
The like of this, I've been alone tell you Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
And I have missed things Maybe you'd understand
And kept out of sight, I want to tell you IF I FELL
for other girls were never quite I feel hung up but I don't know
Like this why, If I fell in love with you
Falling yes I am falling, I don't mind would you promise to be true
And she keeps calling I could wait forever, I've got time, and help me understand?
Me back again. I've got time, I've got time 'Cause I've been in love before
and I found that love was more
I WANNA BE YOUR MAN I'VE GOT A FEELING than just holding hands
If I give my heart to you,
I wanna be your lover baby, I've got a feeling, a feeling deep I must be sure
I wanna be your man. (twice) inside from the very start
Love you like no other baby, Oh yeah, Oh yeah. that you,
like no other can. (twice) I've got a feeling, a feeling I can't would love me more than her
I wanna be your man (4 times) hide If I trust in you oh please,
don't run and hide recall. Yes it's so hard loving you,
If I love you too oh please Some are dead and some are loving you.
don't hurt my pride like her, living,
'cause I couldn't stand the pain in my life I've loved them all IT WON T BE LONG
and I, But of all these friends and lovers
would be sad if our new love, there is no one compares with It won't be long yeh,
was in vain you. It won't be long yeh,
So I hope you see that I, And these memories lose their It won't be long yeh,
would love to love you, meaning Till I belong to you
and that she will cry when I think of love as something Everynight when everybody has
when she learns we are two. new. fun,
If I fell in love with you Though I know I'll never lose Here I am sitting all on my own
affection It won't be long yeh,
IF I NEEDED SOMEONE for people and things that went It won't be long yeh,
before It won't be long yeh,
If I needed someone to love I know I'll often stop and think Till I belong to you
you're the one that I'd be thinking about them Since you left me,
of, in my life I love you more. I'm so alone,
If I needed someone Now you're coming,
If I had some more time to spend, IT S ONLY LOVE you're coming on home
then I guess I'd be with you my I'll be good like I know I should.
friend, I get high when I see you go by You're coming home,
If I needed someone My oh my. you're coming home.
Had You come some other day When you sigh, my, my inside just Every night tears come down from
then, flies, my eyes,
It may not have been like this, butterflies Every day I've done nothing but
but you see now I'm too much in Why am I so shy when I'm beside cry.
love. you? It won't be long yeh,
Carve your number on my wall It's only love and that is all, It won't be long yeh,
and maybe you will get a call from Why should I feel the way I do? It won't be long yeh,
me, It's only love, and that is all, Till I belong to you.
If I needed someone. but it's so hard loving you. Since you left me,
Is it right that you and I should I'm so alone,
IN MY LIFE fight Now you're coming,
every night? you're coming on home
There are places I'll remember all Just the sight of you makes I'll be good like I know I should.
my life, nightime bright, You're coming home,
though some have changed. very bright. you're coming home.
Some forever not for better Haven't I the right to make it up Every day we'll be happy I know,
some have gone and some girl? Now I know that you won't leave
remain. It's only love and that is all, no more.
All these places have their Why should I feel the way I do? It won't be long yeh,
moments It's only love, and that is all It won't be long yeh,
with lovers and friends I still can but it's so hard loving you, It won't be long yeh,
Till I belong to you. Ah Kansas City (bye bye bye bye)
Going to get my baby back home
IT'S ALL TOO MUCH I'm going to Kansas City LET IT BE
Going to get my baby back home
It's all too much, It's all too much Well its a long long time too When I find myself in times of
When I look into your eyes, your My baby's been gone trouble
love is there for me Ah, Kansas City Mother Mary comes to me
And the more I go inside, the more Going get my baby one time Speaking words of wisdom, let it
there is to see I'm going to Kansas City be.
It's all too much for me to take Going get my baby one time And in my hour of darkness
The love that's shining all around Its a just a 1 2 3 4, She is standing right in front of me
you 56789 Speaking words of wisdom, let it
Everywhere, it's what you make Hey Hey Hey Hey be.
For us to take, it's all too much (hey hey hey hey) Let it be, let it be.
Floating down the stream of time, Hey, baby Whisper words of wisdom, let it
of life to life with me (hey, baby) be.
Makes no difference where you Ooh now girl
are or where you'd like to be (yeah, yeah) And when the broken hearted
It's all too much for me to take I said yeah now, huh people
The love that's shining all around (girl, girl) Living in the world agree,
here Now now now now tell me baby There will be an answer, let it be.
All the world's a birthday cake, What's been wrong with you For though they may be parted
So take a piece but not too much Hey hey hey hey there is
(hey hey hey hey) Still a chance that they will see
Set me on a silver sun, for I know Hey now baby There will be an answer, let it be.
that I'm free (hey baby) Let it be, let it be. Yeah
Show me that I'm everywhere, and Ooh now girl There will be an answer, let it be.
get me home for tea (yeah, yeah)
It's all to much for me to see I said yeah now, huh And when the night is cloudy,
A love that's shining all around (girl, girl) There is still a light that shines on
here Now now now now tell me baby me,
The more I am, the less I know What's been wrong with you Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
And what I do is all too much I said bye I wake up to the sound of music
It's all too much for me to take (bye bye bye bye) Mother Mary comes to me
The love that's shining all around Bye bye baby bye bye Speaking words of wisdom, let it
you (bye bye bye bye) be.
Everywhere, it's what you make So long Let it be, let it be.
For us to take, it's all too much (so long so long) There will be an answer, let it be.
It's too much.....It's too much Bye bye baby I'm gone Let it be, let it be,
Too much too much too much (bye bye bye bye) Whisper words of wisdom, let it
I said bye bye baby be.
KANSAS CITY HEY HEY HEY Bye, bye, bye, bye
HEY Bye now bye
Bye now baby bye
LITTLE CHILD So please, And the bag across her shoulder
love me do. made her look a little like a
Little child, Love, love me do. military man.
little child, You know I love you,
little child I'll always be true, Lovely Rita meter maid, may I
won't you dance with me? So please, inquire discreetly,
I'm so sad and lonely, love me do (repeat to fade) When you are free to take some
baby take a chance with me. tea with me
If you want someone to make you LOVE YOU TO
feel so fine, Took her out and tried to win her,
then we'll have some fun, when Each day just goes so fast Had a laugh and over dinner
you're mine oh mine, I turn around it's past Told her I would really like to see
so come on, come on, come on. You don't time to hang a sign on her again
Little child, me
little child, Love me while you can Got the bill and Rita paid it,
little child before I'm dead old man Took her home and nearly made it
won't you dance with me? A lifetime is so short Sitting on a sofa with a sister or
I'm so sad and lonely, A new one can't be bought two.
baby take a chance with me. And what you've got means such
When you're by my side you're the a lot to me Oh, lovely Rita meter maid, where
only one Make love all day long would I be without you,
Don't you run and hide, just come Make love singing songs Give us a wink and make me think
on, come on, There's people standing round of you
so come on, come on, come on. Who screw you in the ground
They'll fill your head with all the LUCY IN THE SKY WITH
LOVE ME DO things you see DIAMONDS
I'll make love to you
Love, love me do. If you want me too Picture yourself in a boat on a
You know I love you, river
I'll always be true, LOVELY RITA With tangerine trees and
So please, marmalade skies.
love me do. Lovely Rita meter maid, lovely Somebody calls you, you answer
Love, love me do. Rita meter maid quite slowly,
You know I love you, A girl with caleidoscope eyes.
I'll always be true, Lovely Rita meter maid, nothing
So please, can come between us Cellophane flowers of yellow and
love me do. when it gets dark I tow your heart green
Someone to love, away Towering over your head.
Somebody new. Standing by a parking meter when Look for the girl with the sun in
Someone to love, I caught a glimpse of Rita her eyes
Someone like you. Filling in the ticket in her little And she's gone.
Love, love me do. white book.
You know I love you, Chorus:
I'll always be true, I the cap she looked much older Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds my pay metaphysical
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah, Science in the home
ah MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR Late nights all alone with a test
Follow her downto a bridge by the Roll up, roll up for the mystery Ohh oh oh oh...
fountain tour. Roll up, roll up for the
where rocking horse people eat mystery tour. Maxwell Edison majoring in
marshmallow pies. Roll up (and that's an invitation), medicine
Everyone smiles as you drift past roll up for the mystery tour. Calls her on the phone
the flowers Roll up (to make a reservation), Can I take you out to the pictures
That grow so incredibly high. roll up for the mystery tour. Joan?
The magical mystery tour is
Newspaper taxis appear on the waiting to take you away, But as she's getting ready to go
shore Waiting to take you away. A knock comes on the door...
Waiting to take you away Roll up, roll up for the mystery
Climb in the back with your head tour. Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver
in the clouds Roll up, roll up for the mystery hammer
And you're gone. tour. Came down upon her head
Roll up (we've got everything you Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver
Chorus need), roll up for the mystery tour. hammer
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed), Made sure that she was dead
Picture yourself on a train in a roll up for the mystery tour.
station The magical mystery tour is Back in school again Maxwell
With plasticine porters with hoping to take you away, plays the fool again
looking glass ties, Hoping to take you away. Teacher gets annoyed
Suddenly someone is there at the Roll up, roll up for the mystery Wishing to avoid an unpleasant
turnstile, tour. scene
The girl with caleidoscope eyes. Roll up, roll up for the mystery
tour. She tells Max to stay when the
Chorus Roll up (and that's an invitation), class has gone away
roll up for the mystery tour. So he waits behind
MAGGIE MAE Roll up (to make a reservation), Writing 50 times I must not be
roll up for the mystery tour. so...
Oh dirty Maggie Mae they have The magical mystery tour is
taken her away coming to take you away, But when she turns her back on
And she never walk down Lime Coming to take you away. the boy
Street any more The magical mystery tour is dying He creeps up from behind
Oh the judge he guilty found her to take you away,
For robbing a homeward bounder Dying to take you away, take you Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver
That dirty no good robbin' Maggie away. hammer
Mae Came down upon her head
To the port of Liverpool MAXWELL'S SILVER HAMMER Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver
They returned me to hammer
Two pounds ten a week, that was Joan was quizzical, studied Made sure that she was dead
Dirty old man misery.
B.C. Thirty One said we caught a I'm the kind of guy,
dirty one MICHELLE Who never used to cry,
Maxwell stands alone The world is treating me bad,
Painting testimonial pictures ohh Michelle, ma belle. misery.
oh oh oh These are words that go together I've lost her now for sure,
well, I won't see her no more,
Rose and Valerie screaming from my Michelle. It's gonna be a drag in misery.
the gallery Michelle, ma belle. I'll remember all the little things
Say he must go free (Maxwell Sont les mots qui vont tres bien we've done
must go free) ensemble, Can't she see she'll always be the
The judge does not agree and he tres bien ensemble. only one, only one.
tells them so I love you, I love you, I love you. Send her back to me,
That's all I want to say, 'Cause everyone can see
But as the words are leaving his until I find a way. Without her I will be in misery
lips I will say the only words I know I'll remember all the little things
A noise comes from behind that we've done.
you'll understand. She'll remember and she'll miss
Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver Michelle, ma belle. her only one, lonely one.
hammer These are words that go together Send her back to me,
Came down upon his head well, 'Cause everyone can see,
Bang, Bang, Maxwell's silver my Michelle. Without her I will be in misery
hammer Michelle, ma belle. In misery,
Made sure that he was dead Sont les mots qui vont tres bien My misery,
MEAN MR. MUSTARD tres bien ensemble. MONEY (THAT S I WANT)
I need you, I need you, I need you.
Mean Mister Mustard sleeps in the I need to make you see, The best things in life are free
park oh, what you mean to me. but you can tell me 'bout the birds
Shaves in the dark trying to save Until I do I'm hoping you, and bees.
paper will know what I mean. Now gimme money THAT'S WHAT I
Sleeps in a hole in the road I love you. WANT
Saving up to buy some clothes I want you, I want you, I want you. that's what I want THAT'S WHAT I
Keeps a ten bob note up his nose I think you know by now WANT
Such a mean old man I'll get to you somehow. that's what I want, ye ye yeh,
Such a mean old man Until I do I'm telling you so that's what I want.
you'll understand Money don't get everything it's
His sister Pam works in a shop And I will say the only words I true.
She never stops, she's a go getter know that What it don't get I can't use.
Takes him out to look at the queen you'll understand, my Michelle. So gimme money THAT'S WHAT I
Only place that he's ever been WANT
Always shouts out something MISERY a little money THAT'S WHAT I
obscene WANT
Such a dirty old man The world is treating me bad that's what I want, ye ye yeh,
that's what I want. And from your beam, you made 'cos I looked up to see,
Yeh gimme money THAT'S WHAT I my dream your face.
WANT And from the world you sent my I tried to telephone,
a little money THAT'S WHAT I girl they said you were not home,
WANT And from above you sent us love that's a lie,
that's what I want THAT'S WHAT I And now she is mine, i think you'll 'Cos I know where you've been,
WANT find I saw you walk in your door.
so gimme money THAT'S WHAT I That we love you I nearly died, I nearly died,
WANT Mr. Moonlight 'cos you walked hand in hand
that's what I want, ye ye yeh, Mr. Moonlight, come again please with another man,
that's what I want. Here i am, on my knees, begging in my place.
Your lovin' give me a thrill if you please If I were you, I'd realise that I,
but your lovin' don't pay my bill. And the night you don't come my love you more than any other guy.
Now gimme money THAT'S WHAT I way And I'll forgive the lies that I,
WANT I pray and pray more each day heard before,
that's what I want THAT'S WHAT I Cause we love you when you gave me no reply.
WANT Mr. Moonlight I've tried to telephone,
that's what I want, ye ye yeh, And the night you don't come my they said you were not home,
that's what I want. way that's a lie,
Money don't get everything it's I pray and pray more each day 'Cos I know where you've been,
true. Cause we love you I saw you walk in your door.
What it don't get I can't use. Mr. Moonlight I nearly died, I nearly died,
So gimme money THAT'S WHAT I Mr. Moonlight come again please 'cos you walked hand in hand
WANT Here i am on my knees, begging if with another man in my place.
a little money THAT'S WHAT I you please No reply, no reply.
WANT And the night you don't come my
that's what I want, ye ye yeh, way NORWEGIAN WOOD
that's what I want. I pray and pray more each day
Yeh gimme money THAT'S WHAT I Cause we love you I once had a girl,
WANT Mr. Moonlight or should I say she once had me?
a little money THAT'S WHAT I Mr. Moonlight... She showed me her room,
WANT Mr. Moonlight... isn't it good, Norwegian wood?
that's what I want THAT'S WHAT I Mr. Moonlight... She asked me to stay and she told
WANT me to sit anywhere,
so gimme money THAT'S WHAT I NO REPLY So I looked around and I noticed
WANT there wasn't a chair.
that's what I want, ye ye yeh, This happened once before, I sat on a rug,
that's what I want. when I came to your door, biding my time, drinking her wine.
no reply. We talked until two
MR. MOONLIGHT They said it wasn't you, and then she said It's time for bed
but I saw you peep through your .
Mr. Moonlight... window. She told me she worked in the
You came to me one summer I saw the light, I saw the light, morning and started to laugh.
night, I know that you saw me, I told her I didn't and crawled off
to sleep in the bath. Take your time, don't hurry,
And when I awoke Leave it all 'till somebody else We would be so happy you and me
I was alone, this bird had flown. lends you a hand. No one there to tell us what to do
So I lit a fire, He's a real Nowhere Man, I'd like to be under the sea
isn't it good, Norwegian wood? Sitting in his Nowhere Land, In an octopus' garden with you.
Making all his nowhere plans Here Comes The Sun
NOT A SECOND TIME for nobody.
Here comes the sun, here comes
You know you've made me cry, OCTOPUS GARDEN the sun,
I see no use in wondering why, and I say it's all right
I cried for you. I'd like to be under the sea Little darling, it's been a long cold
And now you've changed your In an octopus' garden in the shade lonely winter
mind, He'd let us in, knows where we've Little darling, it feels like years
I see no reason to change mine, been since it's been here
my crying is through. In his octopus' garden in the Here comes the sun, here comes
You're giving me the same old shade the sun
line, and I say it's all right
I'm wondering why. I'd ask my friends to come and see
You hurt me then, An octopus' garden with me Little darling, the smiles returning
you're back again, I'd like to be under the sea to the faces
no, no, no,not a second time. In an octopus' garden in the Little darling, it seems like years
shade. since it's been here
NOW HERE MAN Here comes the sun, here comes
We would be warm below the the sun
He's a real nowhere Man, storm and I say it's all right
Sitting in his Nowhere Land, In our little hideaway beneath the
Making all his nowhere plans waves Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
for nobody. Resting our head on the sea bed Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Doesn't kave a point of view, In an octopus' garden near a cave Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Knows not where he's going to, Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Isn't he a bit like you and me? We would sing and dance around Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Nowhere Man, please listen, because we know we can't be
You don't know what you're found Little darling, I feel that ice is
missing, I'd like to be under the sea slowly melting
Nowhere Man, the world is at your In an octopus' garden in the shade Little darling, it seems like years
command. since it's been clear
He's as blind as he can be, We would shout and swim about Here comes the sun, here comes
Just sees what he wants to see, The coral that lies beneath the the sun,
Nowhere Man can you see me at waves and I say it's all right
all? (Lies beneath the ocean waves) It's all right
Doesn't kave a point of view, Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knows not where he's going to, Knowing they're happy and OH! DARLING
Isn't he a bit like you and me? they're safe
Nowhere Man, don't worry, (Happy and they're safe) Oh! Darling, please believe me
I'll never do you no harm twice twice
Believe me when I tell you Come on baby don't be cold as ice Come on baby don't be cold as ice
I'll never do you no harm I said I'm trav'ling on the one after I said we're trav'ling on the one
909 after 90
Oh! Darling, if you leave me I said we're trav'ling on the one
I'll never make it alone I begged her not to go and I after 90
Believe me when I beg you begged her on my bended knees I said we're trav'ling on the one
Don't ever leave me alone You're only fooling around, you're after 909
fooling around with me
When you told me you didn't need I said move over once, move over [Oh Danny Boy, the old summer is
me anymore twice calling.]
Well you know I nearly broke Come on baby don't be cold as ice
down and cried I said I'm trav'ling on the one after ONLY A NORTHERN SONG
When you told me you didn't need 909
me anymore If you're listening to this song
Well you know I nearly broke I got my bag, run to the station You may think the chords are
down and died Railman says you've got the the going wrong
wrong location But they're not
Oh! Darling, if you leave me I got my bag, run right home He just wrote it like that.
I'll never make it alone Then I find I've got the number It doesn't really matter what
Believe me when I tell you wrong chords I play
I'll never do you no harm What words I say
Well I said I'm trav'ling on the one or time of day it is
When you told me you didn't need after 909 As it's only a Northern song
me anymore I said move over honey I'm It doesn't really matter what
Well you know I nearly broke travelling on that line clothes I wear
down and cried I said move over once, move over Or how I fare
When you told me you didn't need twice or if my hair is brown
me anymore Come on baby don't be cold as ice When it's only a Northern song.
Well you know I nearly broke I said I'm trav'ling on the one after When you're listening late at night
down and died 909 You may think the band are not
quite right
Oh! Darling, please believe me I got my bag, run to the station But they are, they just play it like
I'll never let you down railman says you've got the the that
Believe me when I tell you wrong location It doesn't really matter what
I'll never do you no harm I got my bag, run right home chords I play
Then I find I've got the number What words I say or time of day it
ONE AFTER 909 wrong is
As it's only a Northern song.
My baby says she's trav'ling on Well I said I'm trav'ling on the one It doesn't really matter what
the one after 909 after 909 clothes I wear
I said move over honey I'm I said move over honey I'm Or how I fare
travelling on that line travelling on that line or if my hair is brown
I said move over once, move over I said move over once, move over When it's only a Northern song.
If you think the harmony you, you, you. another customer,
Is a little dark and out of key You, you, you. We see the banker sitting waiting
You're correct, there's nobody I love you. for a trim.
there. And then the fireman rushes in
It doesn't really matter what PENNY LANE From the pouring rain, very
chords I play strange.
What words I say or time of day it In Penny Lane there is a barber Penny lane is in my ears and in my
is showing photographs eyes.
And I told you there's no one there Of every head he's had the There beneath the blue suburban
pleasure to know. skies
P.S. I LOVE YOU And all the people that come and I sit, and meanwhile back.
go Penny lane is in my ears and in my
As I write this letter, Stop and say hello. eyes.
Send my love to you, On the corner is a banker with a There beneath the blue suburban
Remember that I'll always, motorcar, skies,
Be in love with you. The little children laugh at him Penny Lane.
Treasure these few words 'till behind his back.
we're together, And the banker never wears a PLEASE MISTER POSTMAN
Keep all my love forever, mack
P.S. I love you, In the pouring rain, very strange. Wait, oh yes wait a minute mister
you, you, you. Penny Lane is in my ears and in postman
I'll be coming home again to you my eyes. Wait, wait mister postman
love, There beneath the blue suburban Mister postman look and see
And 'till the day I do love, skies If you've got a letter in your bag
P.S. I love you, I sit, and meanwhile back for me,
you, you, you. In penny Lane there is a fireman I been waiting for such a long,
As I write this letter, with an hourglass long time
Send my love to you, And in his pocket is a portrait of since I heard from that girl of
Remember that I'll always the Queen. mine.
be in love with you. He likes to keep his fire engine There must be some word today
Treasure these few words 'till clean, From my girlfriend so far away.
we're together, It's a clean machine. Please mister postman look and
Keep all my love forever, Penny Lane is in my ears and in see
P.S. I love you, my eyes. if there's a letter in your bag for
You, you, you. A four of fish and finger pies for me
As I write this letter, In summer, meanwhile back I been standing here and waiting
Send my love to you, Behind the shelter in the middle of mister postman,
(You know I want you to) a roundabout So patiently
remember that I'll always The pretty nurse is selling poppies For just a card or just a letter,
be in love with you. from a tray Saying she's returning home to
I'll be coming home again to you And tho' she feels as if she's in a me.
love, play So many days you passed me by,
And 'till the day I do love, She is anyway. See the tear standing in my eye.
P.S. I love you. In Penny Lane the barber shaves You didn't stop to make me feel
better, Get a dose of her in jackboots and hurrican'
By leaving me a card or a letter kilt That's why I go for that that rock
You've got to wait a minute, wait a She's killer diller when she's and roll music
minute dressed to the hilt Any old way you choose it
wait She's the kind of a girl that makes It's got a backbeat, you can't lose
Check it and see, one more time the News of the World it
for me Yes you could say she was Any old time you use it
Deliver the letter, the sooner the attractively built. It's gotta be rock roll music
better Yeah yeah yeah. If you wanna dance with me
If you wanna dance with me
Last night I said these words to Just let me hear some of that rock The jokey folks they had a
my girl, and roll music jamboree
I know you never even try girl. Any old way you choose it They're drinkin' home brew from a
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon It's got a backbeat, you can't lose water cup
Please please me oh yeah, it The folks dancin' there are all
like I please you. Any old time you use it shook up
You don't need me to show the It's gotta be rock roll music And started playin' that that rock
way, love. If you wanna dance with me and roll music
Why do I always have to say love, If you wanna dance with me Any old time you use it
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon I've got no kick against modern It's got a backbeat, you can't lose
Please please me oh yeah, jazz it
like I please you. Unless they try to play it too darn Any old time you use it
I don't wanna sound complaining fast It's gotta be rock roll music
but you know there's always rain And lose the beauty of the melody If you wanna dance with me
in my heart. Until they sound just like a If you wanna dance with me
I do all the pleasig with you, it's so symphony Don't care to hear 'em play a
hard to reason with you, That's why I go for that that rock tango
oh yeah, and roll music And In The Mood they take a
why do you make me blue? Any old way you choose it mambo
It's got a backbeat, you can't lose It's way to early for a congo
POLYTHENE PAM it So keep a rockin' that piano
Any old time you use it That's why I go for that that rock
Well you should see Polythene It's gotta be rock roll music and roll music
Pam If you wanna dance with me Any old time you use it
She's so good looking but she If you wanna dance with me It's got a backbeat, you can't lose
looks like a man I took my loved one over 'cross it
Well you should see her in drag the tracks Any old time you use it
dressed in her polythene bag So she can hear my man awail a It's gotta be rock roll music
Yes you should see Polythene sax If you wanna dance with me
Pam. I must admit they have a rockin' If you wanna dance with me
Yeah yeah yeah band
Man, they were blowin' like a
ROLL OVER BEETHOVEN will never stop. can,
Roll Over Beethoven, little girl,
I'm gonna write a little letter, Roll Over Beethoven, hide your head in the sand,
gonna mail it to my local DJ. Roll Over Beethoven, little girl,
It's a rockin' rhythm record Roll Over Beethoven, catch you with another man,
I want my jockey to play. Roll Over Beethoven and dig these that's the end,
Roll Over Beethoven, rhythm and blues little girl.
I gotta hear it again today. I'd rather see you dead, little girl
You know, my temperature's risin' RUN FOR YOUR LIFE than to be with another man.
and the jukebox blows a fuse. You'd better keep your head, little
My heart's beatin' rhythm Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl
and my soul keeps on singin' the girl or I won't know where I am.
blues. than to be with another man. You'd better run for your life if you
Roll Over Beethoven and tell You'd better keep your head, little can,
Tchaikowsky the news. girl little girl,
I got the rockin' pneumonia, or I won't know where I am. hide your head in the sand,
I need a shot of rhythm and blues. You'd better run for your life if you little girl,
I think I'm rollin' arthritis can, catch you with another man,
sittin' down by the rhythm review. little girl, that's the end,
Roll Over Beethoven rockin' in two hide your head in the sand, little girl.
by two. little girl,
Well, if you feel you like it, catch you with another man, SGT. PEPPER LONELY HEART S
go get your lover, then reel and that's the end, CLUB BAND
rock it. little girl.
Roll it over and move on up just Well you know that I'm a wicked It was twenty years ago today
a trifle further and reel and rock it, guy Sergeant Pepper taught the band
roll it over, and I was borned with a jealous to play,
Roll Over Beethoven rockin' in two mind. They've been going in and out of
by two. And I can't spend my whole life style,
Well, early in the mornin' I'm a trying just to make you toe the But they're guaranteed to raise the
givin' you a warnin' line. smile,
don't you step on my blue suede You'd better run for your life if you So may I introduce to you,
shoes. can, The act you've known for all these
Hey diddle diddle, I am playin' my little girl, years,
fiddle, hide your head in the sand, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts
ain't got nothin' to lose. little girl, Club Band.
Roll Over Beethoven and tell catch you with another man,
Tschaikowsky the news. that's the end, We're Sergeant Pepper's Lonely
You know she wiggles like a glow little girl. Hearts Club Band
worm, Let this be a sermon, We hope you will enjoy the show
dance like a spinnin' top. I mean everything I said. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts
She got a crazy partner, Baby, I'm determined, Club Band
oughta see 'em reel and rock. and I rather see you dead. Sit back and let the evening go
Long as she got a dime the music You'd better run for your life if you Sergeant Pepper's Lonely
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Daddy, our baby's gone
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts And so I quit the police Why would she treat us so
Club Band department thoughtlessly
And got myself a steady job How could she do this to me
It's wonderful to be here, And though she tried her best to
It's certainly a thrill help me She (We never thought of
You're such a lovely audience, She could steal but she could not ourselves)
We'd like to take you home with rob is leaving (Never a thought for
us, we'd love to take you home. ourselves)
Didn't anybody tell her? home (We gave her everything
I don't really want to stop the Didn't anybody see? money could buy)
show, Sunday's on the phone to Monday, She's leaving home after living
But I thought you might like to Tuesday's on the phone to me alone for so many years. Bye, bye
know, Oh yeah.
That the singer's going to sing a Friday morning at nine o'clock she
song SHE IS LEAVING HOME is far away
And he wants you all to sing Waiting to keep the appointment
along, Wednesday morning at five she made
So let me introduce to you o'clock as the day begins Meeting a man from a motor trade
The one and only Billy Shears Silently closing her bedroom door
And Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Leaving the note that she hope She (What did we do that was
Hearts Club Band. would say more wrong)
She goes downstairs to the Is having (We didn't know it was
SHE CAME IN THROUGH THE kitchen clutching her wrong)
BATHROOM WINDOW handkerchief Fun (Fun is the one thing that
Quietly turning the backdoor key money can't buy)
She came in through the Stepping outside she is free
bathroom window Something inside that was always
Protected by a silver spoon She (We gave her most of our denied for so many years
But now she sucks her thumb and lives) She's leaving home, bye, bye.
wanders Is leaving (Sacrificed most of our
By the banks of her own lagoon lives) SHE SAID SHE SAID
Home (We gave her everything
Didn't anybody tell her? money could buy) She Said She Said She said I know
Didn't anybody see? She's leaving home after living what it's like to be dead
Sunday's on the phone to Monday, alone for so many years. Bye, bye I know what it is to be sad
Tuesday's on the phone to me And she's making me feel like I've
Father snores as his wife gets into never been born.
She said she'd always been a the dressing gown I said Who put all those things in
dancer Picks up the leter that's lying there your hair
She worked at 15 clubs a day Standing alone at the top of the Things that ake me feel that I'm
And though she thought I knew stairs mad
the answer She breaks down and cries to her And you're making me feel like
Well I knew what I could not say. husband I've never been born.
She said you don't understand I don't know, I don't know it's all wrong, that is I think I
what I said You stick around now it may show disagree.
I said No, no, no, you're wrong I don't know, I don't know Let me take you down, 'cos I'm
When I was a boy everything was going to Strawberry Fields.
right Something in the way she knows Nothing is real and nothing to get
Everything was right And all I have to do is think of her hungabout.
I said Even though you know what Something in the things she Strawberry Fields forever.
you know shows me Strawberry Fields forever.
I know that I'm ready to leave
'Cause you're making me feel like Don't want to leave her now SUN KING
I've never been born You know I believe her now
She said you don't understand Here comes the sun king
what I said STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER Here comes the sun king
I said No, no, no, you're wrong Everybody's laughing
When I was a boy everything was Let me take you down, 'cos I'm Everybody's happy
right going to Strawberry Fields. Here comes the sun king
Everything was right Nothing is real and nothing to get
I said Even though you know what hungabout. Cuando para mucho mi amore de
you know Strawberry Fields forever. Living is felice coraz n.
I know that I'm ready to leave easy with eyes closed, Mundo paparazzi mi amore chica
'Cause you're making me feel like misunderstanding all you see. ferdy parasol.
I've never been born It's getting hard to be someone Questo obrigado tanto mucho que
but it all works out, it doesn't canite carousel
much to me. TAXMAN
Something in the way she moves Let me take you down, 'cos I'm
Attracts me like no other lover going to Strawberry Fields. Let me tell you how it will be
Something in the way she woos Nothing is real and nothing to get There's one for you, nineteen for
me hungabout. me
Strawberry Fields forever. 'Cos i'm the taxman
I don't want to leave her now No one I think is in my tree, I mean Yeah, i'm the taxman
You know I believe her now it must be high or low. Should five percent appear too
That is you can't you know tune in small
Somewhere in her smile she but it's all right, that is I think Be thankful i don't take it all
knows it's not too bad. 'Cos i'm the taxman
That I don't need no other lover Let me take you down, 'cos I'm Yeah, i'm the taxman
Something in her style that shows going to Strawberry Fields. If you drive a car, i'll tax the street
me Nothing is real and nothing to get If you try to sit, i'll tax your seat
hungabout. If you get too cold, i'll tax the heat
Don't want to leave her now Strawberry Fields forever. If you take a walk, i'll tax your feet
You know I believe her now Always, no sometimes, think it's Taxman
me, but you know I know when 'Cos i'm the taxman
You're asking me will my love it's a dream. Yeah, i'm the taxman
grow I think I know I mean a 'Yes' but Don't ask me what i want it for
(taxman mr. Wilson) Can't you try to see that I'm Oh yeah, all right
If you don't want to pay some trying to get to you? Are you going to be in my dreams
more Open up your eyes now, Tonight?
(taxman mr. Heath) tell me what you see.
'Cos i'm the taxman It is no suprise now, And in the end
Yeah, i'm the taxman what you see is me. The love you take
Now my advice for those who die Is equal to the love you make
Declare the pennies on your eyes TELL ME WHY
'Cos i'm the taxman Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
Yeah, i'm the taxman Tell me why you cried, but she doesn't have a lot to say
And you're working for no one but and why you lied to me. Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
me tell me why you cried, but she changes from day to day
Taxman. and why you lied to me. I want to tell her that I love her a
Well I gave you everything I had, lot
TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE but you left me sitting on my own. But I gotta get a bellyful of wine
did you have to treat me oh so Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
If you let me take your heart, bad, Someday I'm going to make her
I will prove to you, all I do is hang my head and mine, oh yeh,
We will never be apart, moan. someday I'm going to make her
if I'm part of you. Tell me why you cried, mine
Open up your eyes now, and why you lied to me.
tell me what you see. tell me why you cried, THE FOOL ON THE HILL
It is no suprise now, and why you lied to me.
what you see is me. If there's something I have said or Day after day alone on the hill,
Big and black the clouds may be, done, The man with the foolish grin is
time will pass away. tell me what and I'll apologise. keeping perfectly still,
If you put your trust in me, if you don't I really can't go on, But nobody wants to know him,
I'll make bright your day. holding back these tears in my They can see that he's just a fool,
Look into these eyes now, eyes. And he never gives an answer,
tell me what you see. Tell me why you cried, But the fool on the hill
Don't you realise now, and why you lied to me. Sees the sun going down,
what you see is me. tell me why you cried, And the eyes in his head,
Tell me what you see. and why you lied to me. See the world spinning around.
Listen to me one more time, Well I beg you on my bended Well on his way his head in a
how can I get through? knees, cloud,
Can't you try to see that I'm if you'll only listen to my pleas, The man of a thousand voices
trying to get to you? is there anything I can do, talking percetly loud
Open up your eyes now, 'cos I really can't stand it, But nobody ever hears him,
tell me what you see. I'm so in love with you. Or the sound he appears to make,
It is no suprise now, Tell me why you cried, And he never seems to notice,
what you see is me. and why you lied to me. But the fool on the hill...
Tell me what you see. Nobody seems to like him
Listen to me one more time, THE END They can tell what he wants to do.
how can I get through? And he never shows his feelings,
But the fool on the hill... before? It's so fine,
When I held you near, you were so It's sunshine,
THE LONG AND WINDING sincere, It's the word, love.
ROAD treat me like you did the night Now that I know what I feel must
before. be right,
The long and winding road that Last night is a night I will I want to show everybody the
leads to your door, remember you by, light.
Will never disappear, when I think of things we did it Give the word a chance to say,
I've seen that road before It always makes me wanna cry. that the word is just a way,
leads me here, We said our goodbyes, ah the It's the word I'm thinking of,
leads me to your door. night before. and the only word is love.
Love was in your eyes, ah the It's so fine,
The wild and windy night the rain night before. It's sunshine,
washed away, Now today I find, you have It's the word, love.
Has left a pool of tears crying for changed your mind, Say the word love,
the day. treat me like you did the night Say the word love,
Why leave me standing here, let before. Say the word love.
me know the way.
Many times I've been alone and
many times I've cried Say the word and you'll be free, There is a place,
Anyway you'll never know the say the word and be like me, Where I can go,
many ways I've tried, but say the word I'm thinking of, When I feel low,
have you heard the word is love? When I feel blue.
Still they lead me back to the long It's so fine, And it's my mind,
and winding road It's sunshine, And there's no time when I'm
You left me standing here a long, It's the word, love. alone.
long time ago In the beginning I misunderstood, I think of you,
Don't leave me waiting here, lead but now I've got it, the word is And things you do,
me to you door good. Go 'round my head,
Say the word and you'll be free, The things you said,
THE NIGHT BEFORE say the word and be like me, Like I love only you.
say the word I'm thinking of, In my mind there's no sorrow,
We said our goodbyes, ah the have you heard the word is love? Don't you know that it's so.
night before. It's so fine, There'll be no sad tomorrow,
Love was in your eyes, ah the It's sunshine, Don't you know that it's so.
night before. It's the word, love. There is a place,
Now today I find, you have Everywhere I go, I hjear it said. Where I can go,
changed your mind, In the good in the bad books that When I feel low,
treat me like you did the night I have read. When I feel blue.
before. Say the word and you'll be free, And it's my mind,
Were you telling lies, ah the night say the word and be like me, And there's no time when I'm
before? say the word I'm thinking of, alone.
Was I so unwise, ah the night have you heard the word is love? There's a place...
THINGS WE SAID TODAY think for yourself high,
'cos I won't be there with you. She ought to think twice,
You say you will love me I left you far behind She ought to do right by me.
if I have to go. the riuns of the life that you had in Before she gets to saying
You'll be thinking of me, mind. goodbye,
somehow I will know. And though you still can see, She ought to think twice,
Someday when I'm lonely, I know your mind's made up She ought to do right by me.
wishing you weren't so far away, you're gonna cause more misery. I think I'm gonna be sad,
then I will remember Do what you want to do, I think it's today yeah.
things we said today. and go where you're going to, The girl that's driving me mad
You say you'll be mine, girl, think for yourself Is going away, yeah.
till the end of time. 'cos I won't be there with you. She's got a ticket to ride,
These days such a kind girl, Although your mind's opaque She's got a ticket to ride,
seem so hard to find. try thinking more if just for your She's got a ticket to ride,
Someday when we're dreaming, own shake. But she don't care.
deep in love, not a lot to say, The future still looks good,
then we will remember and you've got time to rectify TILL THERE WAS YOU
things we said today. all the things that you should.
Me, I'm just the lucky kind, Do what you want to do, There were bells on a hill,
love to hear you say that love is and go where you're going to, But I never heard them ringing.
luck. think for yourself No I never heard them at all
And though we may be blind, 'cos I won't be there with you Till there was you.
love is here to stay, and that's think for yourself There were birds in the sky,
enough 'cos I won't be there with you. But I never saw them winging.
to make you mine, girl, No I never saw them at all
be the only one. TICKET TO RIDE Till there was you.
Love me all the time, girl, Then there was music, and
we'll go on and on. I think I'm gonna be sad, wonderful roses
Someday when we're dreaming, I think it's today, yeah. They tell me,
deep in love, not a lot to say, The girl that's driving me mad, in sweet fragrant meadows
then we will remember Is going away. of dawn,
things we said today. She's got a ticket to ride, and you.
She's got a ticket to ride, There was love all around,
THINK FOR YOURSELF She's got a ticket to ride, But I never heard it singing.
But she don't care. No I never heard it at all
I've got a word or two She said that living with me, Till there was you.
to say about the things that you is bringing her down yeah.
do. For she would never be free TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS
You're telling all those lies When I was around.
about the good things that we can She's got a ticket to ride, Turn off your mind, relax and
have She's got a ticket to ride, float down stream,
if we close our eyes. She's got a ticket to ride, It is not dying, it is not dying
Do what you want to do, But she don't care. Lay down al thoughts, surrender
and go where you're going to, I don't know why she's riding so to the void,
It is shining, it is shining. Come on and twist a little closer
Yet you may see the meaning of now, (twist a little closer) Two of us wearing raincoats
within And let me know that you're mine Standing so low
It is being, it is being (let me know you're mine ooooh!) In the sun
Love is all and love is everyone You and me chasing paper
It is knowing, it is knowing TWO OF US Getting nowhere
And ignorance and hate mourn On our way back home
the dead [OK, what's there? We're on our way home
It is believing, it is believing We're on our way home
But listen to the colour of your Don't know, you'll hear it. We're going home
It is not leaving, it is not leaving Yeah? You and I have memories
So play the game Existence to the Longer than the road that
end Just the first occasion that you stretches out ahead
Of the beginning, of the beginning get.
Two of us wearing raincoats
TWIST AND SHOUT I did it with my thumb! Standing so low
In the sun
Well, shake it up, baby, now, Yeah.] You and me chasing paper
(shake it up, baby) Getting nowhere
Twist and shout (twist and shout) Two of us riding nowhere On our way back home
C'mon c'mon c'mon, c'mon baby, Spending someone's We're on our way home
now, (c'mon baby) Hard earned pay We're on our way home
Come on and work it on out (work You and me Wednesday driving We're going home
it on out oooooh!) Not arriving
Well, work it on out (work it on On our way back home WAIT
out) We're on our way home
You know you look so good (look We're on our way home It's been a long time,
so good) We're going home now I'm
You know you got me going now, coming back home.
(got me going) Two of us sending postcards I've been away now,
Just like I knew you would (like I Writing letters Oh how
knew you would oooooh!) On my wall I've been alone.
Well, shake it up, baby, now, You and me burning matches Wait
(shake it up, baby) Lifting latches until I come back to your side,
Twist and shout (twist and shout) On our way back home we'll forget the tears we cried.
C'mon c'mon c'mon, c'mon, baby, We're on our way home But if your heart breaks,
now (c'mon baby) We're on our way home don't wait,
Come on and work it on out (work We're going home turn me away.
it on out oooooh!) And if your heart's strong,
You know you twist your little girl, You and I have memories hold on,
(twist your little girl) Longer than the road that I won't delay.
You know you twist so fine (twist stretches out ahead Wait
so fine) [Take it, Phil.] until I come back to your side,
we'll forget the tears we cried. WHAT YOU RE DOING When i'm home tonight, i'm gonna
I feel as though, Hold her tight.
you ought to know Look what you're doing, I'm gonna love her till the cows
that I've been good, I'm feeling blue and lonely, come home.
as good as I can be. would it be too much to ask you I bet i'll love her more,
And If you do, what you're doing to me? Till i walk out that door
I'll trust in you, You got me running, Again.
and know that you will wait for and there's no fun in it, Come on, let me through,
me. why should it be so much to ask I've got so many things i've got to
(again) of you, do.
what you're doing to me? I've got no business being here
WHAT GOES ON I've been waiting here for you, with you
wondering what you're gonna do, This way.
What goes on in your heart? should you need a love that's true, Whoa ho, whoa ho
What goes on in your mind? it's me. I've got a whole lot of things to tell
You're tearing me apart, Please stop your lying, her,
when you treat me so unkind. you've got me crying, girl, When i get home yeah.
What goes on in your mind? why should it be so much to ask
The other day I saw you as I of you, WHEN I M SIXTY FOUR
walked along the road, what you're doing to me? (twice)
but when I saw him with you I When I get older losing my hair,
could feel my future fold. WHEN I GET HOME Many years from now
It's so easy for a girl like you to lie, Will you still be sending me the
tell me why. Whoa ho, whoa ho Valentine,
What goes on in your heart? I got a whole lot of things to tell Birthday greetings, bottle of wine
What goes on in your mind? her,
You're tearing me apart, When i get home. If I'd been out till quarter to three
when you treat me so unkind. Come on, out of my way, Wold you lock the door
What goes on in your mind? 'Cos i'm gonna see my baby today Will you still need me, will you still
I met you in the morning waiting I've got a whole lot of things i've feed me
for the tides of time, got to say When I'm sixty four.
but now the tide is turning I can To her.
see that I was blind. Whoa ho, whoa ho You'll be older too,
It's so easy for a girl like you to lie, I got a whole lot of things to tell And if you say the word I could
tell me why. her, stay with you.
What goes on in your heart? When i get home.
I used to think of no one else, but Come on if you please, I could be handy mending a fuse
you were just the same I've got no time for trivialities, When your lights have gone
You didn't even think of me as I've got a girl who's waiting home You can knit a sweater by the
someone with a name. for me tonight. fireside
Did you mean to break my heart Whoa ho, whoa ho Sunday morning go for a ride
and watch me die? I got a whole lot of things to tell
Tell me why. her, Doing a garden, digging the
What goes on in your mind? When i get home. weeds,
Who could ask for more What do I do when my love is WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU
Will you still need me, will you still away
feed me (Does it worry you to be alone ?) We were talking about the space
When I'm sixty four. How do I feel by the end of the between us all
day, And the people who hide
Every summer we can rent a (Are you sad because you're on themselves behind a wall of
cottage in the Isle of Wight, your own ?) illusion
if it's not too dear Never glimpse the truth then it's
We shall scrimp and save No, I get by with a little help from far too late when they pass away
Grandchildren on your knee my friends
Vera, Chuck & Dave Mm, I get high with a little help We were talking about the love we
from my friends all could share
Send me a postcard, drop me a Mm, gonna try with a little help When we find it to try our best to
line from my friends hold it there with our love
Stating point of view With our love we could save the
Indicater precisely what you mean Do you need anybody world if they only knew
to say I need somebody to love
Yours sincerely, wasting away Could it be anybody Try to realise it's all within
I want somebody to love. yourself no one else can make you
Give me your answer, fill in a change
form, Would you believe in a love at first And to see you're really only very
Mine for evermore, sight small
Will you still need me, will you still Yes, I'm certain that it happens all And life flows on within you and
feed me the time without you.
When I'm sixty four What do you see when you turn
out the light We were talking about the love
WITH A LITTLE HELP FOM MY I can't tell you but I know it's that's gone so cold
FRIENDS mine, And the people who gain the
world and lose their soul
What would you think if I sang out Oh, I get by with a little help from They don't know, they can't see
of tune, my friends are you one of them ?
Would you stand up and walk out Mm, I get high with a little help
on me ? from my friends When you've seen beyond yourself
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you Mm, gonna try with a little help then you may find peace of mind
a song from my friends is waiting there
And I'll try not to sing out of key. And the time will come when you
Do you need anybody see we're all one
Oh, I get by with a little help from I just need someone to love And life flows on within you and
my friends Could it be anybody without you.
Mm, I get high with a little help I want somebody to love.
from my friends WORDS OF LOVE
Mm, gonna try with a little help Oh, I get by with a little help from
from my friends my friends Hold me close and tell me how
with a little help from my friends you feel
Tell me love is real Yellow submarine, yellow I think I'll let you down, and leave
Words of love you whisper soft submarine you flat.
and true We all live in a yellow submarine (gonna let you down and leave
Darling i love you Yellow submarine, yellow you flat)
Let me hear you say the words i submarine Because I've told you before, oh,
long to hear We all live in a yellow submarine you can't do that.
Darling when you're near Yellow submarine, yellow Everybody's green,
Words of love you whisper soft submarine 'cause I'm the one, who won your
and true love.
Darling i love you YESTERDAY But if it's seen,
you're talking that way,
YELLOW SUBMARINE Yesterday, all my troubles seemed they'd laugh in my face.
so far away, So please listen to me if you
In the town where i was born, Now it looks as though they're wanna stay mine,
lived a man who sailed to sea here to stay, I can't help my feelings, I'll go out
And he told us of his life, in the Oh I believe in yesterday. of my mind.
land of submarine Suddenly, I'm not half to man I I know I'll let you down,
So we sailed up to the sun til we used to be, and leave you flat.
found the sea of green There's a shadow hanging over (gonna let you down and leave
And we lived beneath the waves in me. you flat)
on yellow submarine. Oh yesterday came suddenly. Because I've told you before, oh,
We all live in a yellow submarine Why she had to go? you can't do that.
Yellow submarine, yellow I don't know she woldn't say.
submarine I said something wrong, YOU LIKE ME TO MUCH
We all live in a yellow submarine now I long for yesterday.
Yellow submarine, yellow Yesterday, love was such an easy Though you've gone away this
submarine game to play, morning,
And our friends are all on board Now I need a place to hide away, you'll be back again tonight,
Many more of them live nex door Oh I believe in yesterday. telling me there'll be no next time
And the band begins to play If I just don't treat you right.
We all live in a yellow submarine YOU CAN T DO THAT You'll never leave me and you
Yellow submarine, yellow know it's true,
submarine I got something to say that might 'cause you like me too much and I
We all live in a yellow submarine cause you pain, like you.
Yellow submarine, yellow if I catch you talking to that boy You've tried before to leave me,
submarine again, but you haven't got the nerve
As we live a life of easy I'm gonna let you down, to walk out and make me lonely
Every one of us has all we need and leave you flat. which is all that I deserve,
Sky of blue and sea of green Because I told you before, oh, You'll never leave me and you
In our yellow submarine you can't do that. know it's true,
We all live in a yellow submarine Well it's the second time I've 'cause you like me too much and I
Yellow submarine, yellow caught you talking to him, like you.
submarine do I have to tell you one more I really do, and it's nice when you
We all live in a yellow submarine time I think it's a sin? believe me,
if you leave me Came true today (yes it did) I don't want you, but I need you
I will follow you and bring you don't wanna kiss you, but I need
back where you belong, One two three four five six seven, to
'cause I could't really stand it,I All good children go to Heaven Oh, ho, ho you treat me badly
admit that I was wrong, I love you madly
I wouldn't let you leave me 'cause YOU RE GOING TO LOSE THAT You really got a hold on me
it's true, GIRL (you really got a hold on me)
'cause you like me too much and I You really got a hold on me
like you. You're going to lose that girl, (you really got a hold on me)
you're going to lose that girl. Baby...
YOU NEVER GIVE ME YOUR If you don't take her out tonight, I love you and all I want you to do
MONEY she's going to change her mind, is just
and I will take her out tonight, Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold
You never give me your money and I will treat her kind. me...
You only give me your funny You're going to lose that girl, Tighter...
paper you're going to lose that girl. Tighter... I want to leave you
and in the middle of negotiations If you don't treat her right my don't wanna to stay here
you break down friend, Don't wanna spend another day
you're going to find her gone. here
I never give you my number 'Cos I will treat her right and then Oh, ho, ho I wanna sit now..
I only give you my situation you'll be the lonely one. I just can't quit now
and in the middle of investigation You're going to lose that girl, You really got a hold on me
I break down you're going to lose that girl. (you really got a hold on me)
I'll make a point You really got a hold on me
Out of college, money spent of taking her away from you, (you really got a hold on me)
See no future, pay no rent yeah, Baby
All the money's gone, nowhere to the way you treat her, what else I love you and all I want you to do
go can I do? is just
Any jobber got the sack You're going to lose that girl, Hold me (please)
Monday morning, turning back you're going to lose that girl. Hold me (squeeze)
Yellow lorry slow, nowhere to go Hold me.... Hold me
But oh, that magic feeling, YOU REALLY GOT A HOLD ON You really got a hold on me
nowhere to go ME (you really got a hold on me)
Oh, that magic feeling You really got a hold on me
Nowhere to go I don't like you but I love you (you really got a hold on me)
seems that I'm always thinking of
One sweet dream you YOU VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR
Pick up the bags and get in the Oh, ho, ho, you do me wrong now LOVE AWAY
limousine My love is strong now
Soon we'll be away from here You really got a hold on me Here I stand with head in hand,
Step on the gas and wipe that tear (you really got a hold on me) Turn my face to the wall.
away You really got a hold on me If she's gone I can't go on,
One sweet dream came true today (you really got a hold on me) feeling two foot small
Came true today Baby... Everywhere people stare
each and every day. and since I lost you,
I can see them laugh at me It feels like years.
And I hear them say. Yest it seems so long,
Hey you've got to hide your love girl since you've been gone,
away I just can't go on,
Hey you've got to hide your love If you won't see me.
I can never win.
Hearing them, seeing them, Let's all get up and dance to a
In the state I'm in song
How could she say to me That was a hit before your mother
Love will find a way. was born.
Gather around all you clowns, Though she was born a long, long
Let me hear you say time ago
Hey you've got to hide your love Your mother should know
away Your mother should know
Hey you've got to hide your love Sing it again.
away Let's all get up and dance to a
YOU WON T SEE ME That was a hit before your mother
was born.
When I call you up Though she was born a long, long
your line's engaged. time ago
I have had enough, Your mother should know
so act your age. Your mother should know
We have lost the time, Lift up your hearts and sing me a
that was so hard to find, song
and I will loose my mind, That was a hit before your mother
If you won't see me. was born.
I don't know why you, Though she was born a long, long
should want to hide. time ago
But I can't get through, Your mother should know
my hands are tied. Your mother should know
I won't want to stay, Your mother should know
I don't have much to say. Your mother should know
But I can turn away Sing it again.
and you won't see me. Though she was born a long, long
Time after time you refuse to even time ago
listen, Your mother should know
I wouldn't mind if I knew what I Your mother should know
was missing.
Though the days are few,
they're filled with tears,

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