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JUDICAL PRECEDENTS facts of the case at hand are dissimilar to the facts of

the binding decision.He may rule that the principle

being cited is obiter dista and not ratio decicendi
.Distinguishing between ratio and obiter involves
The primary task of judges is to find pre-existing law
creativity.It is rare to have only one binding precedent
and to apply it to the facts of the case before them in
on a point.Sometimes there is a whole line of cases on
an impartial,disinterested way.By far and large ,judges
an issue.The court may read the binding principle in
are law-finders,not law-makers.But it is now universally
the context of prior and subsequent decisions and may
recognised that in many direct and indirect ways
include thr ratio from a basket of precedents.This is a
judges leave their imprint on the legal system.In a
creative task.Sometimes a decision has several
recent,learned but dissenting judgement,PP v Kok Wah
“concurring judgement” and more than one ratio
Kuan (2008) 1 MLJ 1,Richard Melanjum ,CJ (Sabah and
decidendi .The lower court has a choice as to which
Sarawak)outlined to many ways in which judges can
ratio to follow.Alternatively,the court may add its own
contribute to legal growth.According to the learned
gloss to the binding precedent by inducing from the
judge ,judicial functions are multi-faceted and varied
concurring judgement a principle of law that bears the
and they necessitate creativity in many ways.Building
imprint of the construction
on the views of the learned judge it is apparent that in
a democracy with a common law system,the judicial
role is creative and not passive
2.The judge may uphold the supremacy of the
Constitution by examining the constitutionality of
parliamentary and state enactments.The judge may
Manifestation of creativity
declare the statute null and void ab-initio(from the day
it was enacted) or only from the date of the ruling .For
instance in Dato Yap Peng v PP(1987) 2 MLJ 31 the
1.The operation of the doctrine of binding precedent is Supreme Court invalidated section 418A of the
a creative task .The common law doctrine of stare Criminal Procedure Code prospectively.
decisis(“let the decision stand”) refers to the related
rules.First,interior courts are bound by superior court
decision in like cases .Second,superior court are
generally bound by their own decision .To this can be
added a third rule that superior court have the power 3.The judge may modify a pre-Merdeka law under
to overrule principle of law laid down by court of Article 162(6) to make it fall in line with the supreme
inferior jurisdiction .In operating the doctrine of Constitution.
binding judicial precedent,a judge may formulate an
original precedent;overrule an earlier precedent ;or
creatively interpret an existing one .He may
distinguish the cases on facts. He may decide that the
4.The judge may interpret an existing statute situation when the stated law is either silent on
creatively.The interpretive task is,in its functioning if procedure or the prescribed procedure is found
not in its form,virtually indistinguishable from the law wanting.
creating task.In interpreting pre-existing law the judge
is not an automaton performing a slot-machine
function Statutes enacted in one age have to be
Criticisms of judicial activism
applied in a time frame of the continuum to problem of
another age.A present time-frame interpretation to a It must be noted,however ,that the “traditionalists”
past time frame statute invariably involves the judge disfavour an activist role for the judiciary .The
in a time-travel from the past to the present .He has to supporters of the “declaratory theory” assert that the
cause the statute to leapfrog decades or centuries in primary function of a judge is to give effect to the will
order to apply it to be felt necessities of the times .For of Parliament and to undertake the “disinterested
example Article 5 (1) of the Constitution requires that application of known law” .The prominent arguments
“no person shall be deprived of his life or personal of the traditionalists are as that the function of the
liberty save in accordance with law” .In Tan Tek Seng judge is to
(1996) 2 AMR 1617 and Hong Leong (1996) 1 MLJ 46
the court held that the term ‘life’ does not refer to
mere physical existence .It include the dignity and
necessities of life like employment and the right to live
in a reasonably healthy and pollution free
enviroinment.In Sugumar Balakrishnan (1998) 3 MLJ Expound,interpret and apply preexisting law. In
289 it was held that the term ‘personal liberty’ include interpreting the language of statue, judges must show
the liberty of an individual to seek judicial review.In fidelity to the text and intent of legislation. They must
the USA in Roe v Wade 410 U.S 113(1973) a woman’s interpret the law strictly. They must rely on logic. They
personal liberty was interpreted to encompass a right must not ignore the clear word of a statue or travel
to abortion. outside the four corners of a judicial interpretation
because it is for parliament to set things right if the
consequences are undersirable. In sum, judges must
be servants, not masters of the law.
5.The application of the doctrine of ultra vires permits
tremendous judicial creativity. Such judicial restraint is consistent with the
doctrine of separation of powers which forbids one
branch of government from usurping the functions of
another branch. In facts judges themselves disclaim
6.The import of the rules natural justice into statutory the power to lay down a new principle on the ground
contexts permits the court to apply common law that is parliament’s job. For examples’s, in Knuller v
standards of procedural fairness to situations when the DPP [ 1973 ] AC 435 the English House of Lords
stated law is either silent on procedure fairness to rejected the doctrine that the courts have some
general power either to create a new offences or to Even though it is true that superior courts can
widen existing offences, so as to make punishable overrule inferior courts decision, the reality is that
conduct not hitherto subject to punishment. despite the possibility of overruling, a judicial rule once
firmly established cannot be easily altered except by
Even if it is conceded that judicial creativity is statutory intervention.
sometimes unavoidable, it must be noted that judicial
law-making, when it takes place, Is severaly Judicial creativity, whenever it takes place, is
constrained. Judges cannot ignore the clear words of not always a good thing. Even if we grant that great
statue. Judicial legislation is always subject to being progress has been made in many branches law
overridden by parliamentary enactments. because of judicial creativity, it must be acknowledged
that sometimes judge-made law is plainly bad law.
What is mistaken as judicial law making is often The doctrine of “common employment” in Priestly v
the application of existing law to new circumstances. Fowler 3 Mees. & Wels 1 ( Exchequer, 1837) is widely
Much of the common law is nothing but the customs regarded as a disastrous doctrine forbade an
and usages of the realm. In any case in most litigation employee from suing the employer for the negligence
the issues is one of fact not of law. of employees.
Statutory interpretation does not give judges an Judicial interpretation and reinterpretation of
unfettered discretion because most legal expressions binding precedents and statues does not always lead
have acore or paradigm of certainty even if there is a to desirable results. Because of the very nature of
penumbra of uncertainty at the fringes. judicial decisions the law that they expound is often
vague and with many loose ends. The deads weight of
The proliferation of legislation, particularly over
precedent often carries the law in wrong channels.
the last half-century, has greatly narrowed the field in
Attempts to “distinguish” cases only confuse the
which purely common-law principles may be brought
situation. Whenever reform of the law undertaken by
into play. On most questions of law there is already
the judiciary, the reforms is, necessarily, piece-meal
existing an Act of Parliament to be applied or abinding
and incomplete.
judicial precedent to be followed irrespective of
wheather the judge likes them or not. In any case the Judicial law-making, wheather as an original
law-creative role of the judges is not an independent precedent or as an overruled precedent suffers from
or separate power. It is purely incidental to his role as one great vice. It is generally backdated. It is
the interpreter of law. retrospective in nature unless the courts employ the
doctrine of prospective over-ruling. Whenever an
The doctrine of stare decisis fetters judicial
existing rule of common law is dissented from, a new
discreation. Under this doctrine undoubtedly hampers
complexion is imposed on past events. What was
judicial creativity and judges have often felt duty
previously settled is made uncertain.
bound to rely on previous decisions even if in their
opinion these decisions were clearly wrong.
If a judges leaves the law and makes his own
decision, even if in substance the decision is just, he
sacrifies the appearances of impartiality, which is
given by adherence to the law. The law ought the
guide the judge. A judge’s obsession with social justice
might be dangerous. He might not administer the law
fairly if he were constantly questioning its justice or
agitating his

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