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Assignment - CLIL


Teaching English Through Translation

Student´s name:
Dulce María Medina Castillo


June 3rd, 2019

Assignment - CLIL

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3

Justification ................................................................................................................... 3

Relevant Conclusion reached in the Report Translation and Language Learning: The
role of translation in the teaching of languages in the European Union ......................... 4

Unexpected conclusion reached in the Report Translation and Language Learning: The
role of translation in the teaching of languages in the European Union ......................... 5

Hypothesis related to the implementation of the survey based on translation and

language learning in Honduras would yield similar results as in Europe ....................... 6

CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 7

References ................................................................................................................... 8

Appendix....................................................................................................................... 9

Assignment - CLIL


In the next paper, it is presented an analysis related to a report on “Translation

and Language Learning: The role of translation in the teaching of languages in the
European Union” did by The European Union (2013), considering the most relevant
conclusions reached in the report and unexpected conclusion according to my own point
of view base on the application of the context seen in this module. Besides present an
analysis related to the hypothesis if this survey would yield similar results in my country
“Honduras”. At the end I present a general conclusion about the whole document.


Nowadays, globalization demand that people possess the ability to communicate

in the L2 without problem as a result possess the competence to be a translator.
Nevertheless, many people believe that Grammar-Translation Method must not be
useful in a classroom language because contribute to make students passive in the
language production”.

On the other hand, there are many arguments against translation associated with
Grammar Translation Method, and the way translation is used in this method. The
grammar- Translation method has a supportive role in foreign language learning, and let
students to notice the differences and similarities between L1 and L2 that will make the
students understand the language system better. (Mart, 2013)

Translation is a useful device in the learning process of ESL learners;

furthermore, it is an aid to improve foreign language proficiency and warranty a
communicative language competence defined by ( Common European Framework of
Reference for Language, 2001) that is “…..are those which empower a person to act
using specifically linguistic means.”. Besides, it has a function in the comprehension of
the foreign language.

The common European Framework of reference for language (2001) recognises

that all language learners are also enable to mediate, through interpretation and
translation. For (Pym, Malmkjoe, & Gutierrez, 2013) the term “translation involve the
reception or production and reworking of spoken or witten bi texts”

Assignment - CLIL

In the final report of the European Project “Translation and language learning:
The role of translation in the teaching of language in the European Union, translation is
found to be related to language learning on the basis of three proposition. The first of
these posits that translation and language learning are opposites and there would be no
need for translation if everyone could use all languages perfectly. The second notes that
translation and language learning complement each other, which means translation is
required because it is not possible for everyone to know a language, and language
learning is required for a translator to master a language. The third proposition
underlines that translation is inherent in language learning, where it can also be
considered to be the fifth language skill ( Common European Framework of Reference
for Language, 2001)

Relevant Conclusion reached in the Report Translation and Language Learning:

The role of translation in the teaching of languages in the European Union

Thanks to the result achieve in the survey, I can infer that translation plays an
important role in the teaching of language. Some of the most relevant conclusion
reached in the report are:

A. There is no evidence that communicative uses of translation in the L2

classroom have a detrimental effect on language learning

After the communicative approach appear, Grammar translation methods was seen as
something inapplicable to the learning of a second language, due to make learners
passive in the production of the SL. For his part Duff A. (1989) cited by (Fernandez
Guerra, 2014) said “Translation is not a communicative act and, thus, has nothing to do
in a communicative approach to language teaching”

Nevertheless, nowadays translation appear in Foreign language class as an opportunity

to enhance the SL and considering as the act of communication across languages and
cultures that means help learners to improve their linguistic and cultural knowledge in
the SL. The implementation of this exercises enhance four skills (listening, speaking,
reading and writing) also develop accuracy, clarity and flexibility. Develop translation

Assignment - CLIL

lead learners to practice the foreign language in a real context and also develop
learners ‘critical thinking.

B. Schools where translation is used in the L2 class have a high level of L2

Translation has an impact of how people learn the language and has good effects.
Translation can be used to aid learning, practise what has been learned, diagnose
problems and test proficiency. (Cook, 2011). Learners get better result if they use
translation because they have the opportunity to relate new knowledge to existing
knowledge and also they feel motivated because they can measure their English level

C. Using Translation as Scaffolding

As a supplementary learning activity, translation can be used as scaffolding in initial
l2 learning and as a complex communicative task at higher levels.

D. The acquisition of Translation competence as the fifth language skill and

furthering of intercomprehension skills.
The first one, according to (Dahlgren & Sitwell ). “Translation competences is the
sum total of what a translator needs to know, and, how to do, in order to translate”,
therefore this fifth language skill is the last level of the language acquisition.
Translation is inherent in language learning process itself, because they complement
each other. Also it is considered as the fifth skill that is practised in class to achieve

The second one is related to the ability to comprehend and interact with structures
that are common in different languages.

Unexpected conclusion reached in the Report Translation and Language Learning: The
role of translation in the teaching of languages in the European Union

Considering my teacher experience and focus in the conclusions of the report some of
the unexpected conclusions for me are the following:

Assignment - CLIL

a. In this survey shows that translation both written and spoken can contribute to
the learning of a foreign language in SLA and enhance learner’s motivation in
their learning process.

b. Translation is a means of communication in the teaching of foreign

During the last decade language teachers supported that learners shouldn´t translate
into L1, nevertheless nowadays translations is a means of communication. As it is
mentioned by (Raymond, 2013) “Grammar cannot actually be ignored when using a

c. Translation activity improves students´ language skills

Having the idea “Translation is not just one thing” that means it goes more than
translate word per word; so it involves use translation as scaffolding as it is cited by
(Bradley & Bradley, 2019) mentioned by Ovando (2003) “scaffolding refers to providing
contextual supports for meaning through the use of simplified language, teacher
modelling, visuals and graphics, cooperative learning and hands on learning” through
this support learners can translate and also correct their classmate.

Hypothesis related to the implementation of the survey based on translation and

language learning in Honduras would yield similar results as in Europe

First of all, result interesting to compare both context Honduras and Europe by
considering different elements such as political, economic and cultural aspect. First in
Honduras in spite that laws and government support that teachers must teach English
as a Second Language in public school; the last year Honduras Congress assigned the
7.1% and this year 5.5% in education (Heraldo, 2019) and this avoid significative
changes in education specially in the English teaching. On the other hand, the Honduras
National Curriculum says that teacher must teach English from 4th grade not from pre-
school as it is mention by the Ley Fundamental de Education. Unfortunately, learners
just receive English class 2 hours per week and the worst is teachers cannot speak
English, so they teach it because they must do it. They usually teach them vocabulary
and assign students to repeat the words from English to Spanish 10 or 15 time according
to the result of an interview I develop in public school of La Paz, Honduras. This situation

Assignment - CLIL

reflect teachers are using Grammar translation method as the las century without helping
students to produce the language.

Contrary to European governments that redistribute income amongst their citizens

with guarantee quality in education. In Europe, students receive English classes at least
15 hours per week. And teacher who teach English can speak and teach the language
so they are mastering in foreign language. Another important element is that in those
school exist the most technological advance and let students the opportunity to have free
access to English lab, computer, and count with the most sophisticated teaching aids to
acquire the language as a means of communication.

Therefore, this survey could be developing in Honduras but the result will be contrary,
because in our country the majority of teacher teach English focus on vocabulary as
isolated words and there is not exist a real communication in the foreign language,
therefore their contexts are totally different to get similar result for example European
students move in a technological environment and Honduras ‘students don´t have the
opportunity to access to a computer or to the internet. Honduras is different from Europe
due to political, cultural and economic situation.


Translation can be used as a means to achieve learning of a FL or at least to aid

the learning process. The real function of translation in foreign or Second language
learning is to facilitate the learning process and offer students security and motivation in
the learning of a SL. As a result, the more proficient learners become in a language, the
more competent they are likely to be at translation. On the other hand, translation can
also be used to gain proficiency in a language so as to be a more competent user of that
language. Therefore, exist a reciprocal relationship between translation and language
learning. Every method in teaching a foreign language has advantages and
disadvantages that should be taken into account by teacher. Our goal is to help learners
to be competent in the language

Assignment - CLIL

Common European Framework of Reference for Language. (2001). Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching,
Assessment. Europe: CAMBRIDGE University Press. Recuperado el 31 de May
de 2019
Bradley, K. S., & Bradley, J. A. (25 de may de 2019). Scaffolding Academic Learning
for Second Language Learners. Texas, Usa: The Internet TESL Journal.
Recuperado el 25 de May de 2019, de
Cook, G. (20 de 10 de 2011). Translation in Language Teaching and Tearning. English
Language TEaching Global Blog. Recuperado el 1 de June de 2019, de
Dahlgren, M., & Sitwell , J. (s.f.). Teaching English Through Translation. FUNIBER.
Fernandez Guerra, A. (2014). The Useful of Translation in Foreign Language Learning:
Students´attitudes. International Journal Of English Language & Translations
studies, 2. Recuperado el 19 de May de 2019, de
Heraldo, E. (2019). Presupuesto de Salud y Educación. Recuperado el 1st de June de
2019, de
Mart, C. (18 de October de 2013). The Grammar- Translation Method and the Use of
Translation to Facilitate Learning in ESL Classes. Journal Advances in English
Language Teaching 2013, 1(4).
Pym, A., Malmkjoe, K., & Gutierrez, M. d. (2013). Translation and language learning:
The role of translation in the teaching of languages in the European Union. A
study. Europe. Recuperado el 29 de May de 2019, de
Raymond, T. (2013). Translation in Foreign Language Pedagogy: The Rise and Fall of
the Grammar Translation Method. Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard.
Recuperado el 25 de May de 2019, de

Assignment - CLIL




This assignment must be done individually and has to fulfil the following conditions:

E. Length: between 6 and 8 pages (without including cover, index or appendices –

if there are any-).
F. Type of font: Arial or Times New Roman.
G. Size: 11.
H. Line height: 1.5.
I. Alignment: Justified.

The assignment has to be done in this Word document and has to fulfil the rules of
presentation and edition, as for quotes and bibliographical references which are detailed
in the Study Guide.

Also, it has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the “Subject

Evaluation” document. Sending it to the tutor’s e-mail is not permitted. Make sure to
include the following information in the name of the file: initial of your name, surname
and FP036_assignment.

In addition to this, it is very important to read the assessment criteria, which can be
found in the “Subject Evaluation” document.

Assignment - CLIL

In 2013, the European Union did a report on translation and language learning
(Translation and Language Learning: The role of translation in the teaching of languages
in the European Union, summary. Brussels: Eu Law and Publications). You can read it
here and here

There was also a small presentation of the report followed by a questions & answer
session, which can be found in YouTube as “Translation and language learning – open
discussion” (here and here, for example).

Read the report and answer the questions:

J. What is the most relevant conclusions reached in the report, in your opinion?
K. What is the most unexpected conclusion reached in the report, in your opinion?
L. If you are in Europe, do you think it is accurate for the country you live in /a
country you know well? Why?
M. If you are not in Europe, do you think the survey in your country would yield similar
results? Why?
N. What conclusions can you draw for your professional development.


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