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Can Natural History Museums

Capture the Future?

s natural history museums prepare to enter the Although formidable, these four challenges encompass the

A twenty-first century, much of their core still sits in

the 1800s. Despite enormous expansion in collec-
tions and exhibits during the past 100 years, many muse-
main responsibility of natural history museums—to
deploy their vast research collections, systematics exper-
tise, and knowledge of the planet’s biodiversity to inform
ums still resemble Victorian cabinets of natural history. the stewardship of life on Earth. Others, most notably
Many still behave as isolated island endemics undergoing Alberch (1993), have sounded this call to arms for natural
genetic drift, eschewing the hybrid vigor and collaborative history museums, but it seems to have been ignored.
power of a community. In this article, we sound the call to arms again and sug-
The future of natural history museums requires salta- gest some answers. More important, we invite dialogue
tional doses of the very process we study—evolution. It and solutions from all members of the natural history
asks for bold, decisive steps—“convention-busting proce- museum community—research curators and faculty, col-
dures” in the words of Daniel Seymour (1993), president lection managers, students, educators and exhibit special-
of Q Systems, Palm Springs, CA—if museums are to fulfill ists, administrators, development personnel, directors,
their mission to science and society. The future of natural and board members.
history museums demands that they not be prisoners of
history because, as the saying goes, every time history The challenge of the biodiversity crisis
repeats itself, the price goes up. Natural history museums have a commanding mission—
Natural history museums face a number of fundamen- nothing short of understanding the life of the planet for
tal challenges for the twenty-first century. In this paper we the benefit of the earth and its inhabitants. Their business
address only four: is the science of biological diversity. They document and
study life on Earth, its animals, plants, and microbes; its
• The challenge of the biodiversity crisis. Museums must history, patterns, and processes; and its levels of organiza-
immediately harness their vast, authoritative, collection-
tion, from genes to species to clades to ecosystems. They
based information if the millions of specimens they
do so for the sake of knowledge and the biodiversity solu-
house are to be relevant to understanding biological
tions this knowledge can inform. Whereas medical science
diversity and sustaining the earth’s plants, animals,
is concerned with the health of one species on Earth, bio-
microbes, and natural environments.
diversity science at natural history museums is concerned
• The challenge of education. University natural history
with the evolutionary and ecological pulse of the earth’s
museums (and associated academic departments) must
radically alter how they educate graduate and under- other 15 million or more species.
graduate students if the next generation of biodiversity This mission has never been more important to humans
research scientists is to be adequately equipped to tackle than it is today. The grand challenge for the twenty-first
and decipher complex biological phenomena. century is to harness knowledge of Earth’s biological
• The challenge of public programs. Natural history muse- diversity and how it shapes the global environmental sys-
ums must rethink their educational and exhibit pro- tems on which all of life depends. This knowledge is criti-
gramming if they are to engage the people in becoming cal to science and society—for managing natural re-
the environmental conscience of the nation. sources, for sustaining human health, for ensuring
• The challenge of management and leadership. Museums economic stability, and for improving the quality of hu-
must evolve their management culture if they are to man life. Urgent need for this knowledge increases daily as
meet these and other challenges. the conversion of natural systems to human-managed sys-
tems accelerates the decline of biological diversity. At the
current rate of species extinction, biodiversity science has
Leonard Krishtalka (e-mail: is director and approximately 50 years or so to answer this challenge
Philip S. Humphrey (e-mail: is director emer- (Raven and Wilson 1992, SA 1994, Wilson 1998). The
itus of the Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research coming century, as Wilson (1998) predicts, will be the cen-
Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, where Krishtalka tury of the environment. Natural history museums should
is also a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary be poised to inform the environmental management of
Biology. © 2000 American Institute of Biological Sciences. the planet.

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Deploy the information. How can natural history and the public. Increased information...on...geographical occur-
museums help meet the challenge of the biodiversity crisis? rence and associated environmental conditions would greatly
By deploying their libraries of life—knowledge of the plan- increase the ability to sustain terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
et’s biodiversity gained during 300 years of biological explo- and to conserve biodiversity in harmony with land use. (Chap-
ration of the earth. This knowledge is grounded in research ter 3, p. 6)
collections and associated data, from the 7 million speci-
mens of animals and plants at the University of Kansas Nat- Essentially, natural history museums must realize that
ural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center to access to their collection-based knowledge for biodiversity
the 500 million in all US museums to the 2–3 billion in research, education, and expert decision-making is as
museums worldwide. important as the knowledge itself. It is time for museums to
These specimens document the global composition, bring the intellectual content of the world’s biocollections
identity, spatial distribution, ecology, systematics, and histo- into currency for science and society. They must do so intel-
ry of known life forms (approximately 1.8 million species). ligently, quickly, and as a community. In short, it is time for
They provide the raw research material for revealing the the “knowledge networking” of biodiversity information.
patterns, processes, and causes of evolutionary and ecologi-
cal phenomena. These specimens comprise our invaluable Biodiversity informatics. How can natural history
knowledge commodity—we use “commodity” in its eco- museums provide access to their vast stores of vouchered
nomic sense because, in the end, stewardship of global bio- biotic information? By employing current information
diversity and ecosystems is an economic necessity. technology, they can furnish instant, powerful, and shared
We have the technological ability today to harness this electronic access to their collection-based archives of bio-
enormous information store and leverage centuries of diversity data. Furthermore, they can integrate these data
investment in biotic surveys, research collections, and the across biotic, geospatial, genomic, and atmospheric
systematics enterprise. But the biological collections com- domains—for example, with terrain, land cover, climate,
munity is deploying its enormous archives of specimen- and gene sequence data—to create new classes of biotic
based biodiversity information much too slowly to affect information for computational analysis and modeling.
its own research objectives in systematics, ecology, or Such interdisciplinary integration is a prerequisite for
broader earth systems science, or to influence education investigating and advancing knowledge of complex evolu-
and public policy. Collections from single natural history tionary and ecological phenomena.
museums rarely contain enough information for compre- Biodiversity informatics describes a new, synthetic disci-
hensive biodiversity analyses of a clade, geographic region, pline that integrates biological research, computational sci-
or geologic period. Only by pooling and integrating bio- ence, and software engineering to deal with biotic data—
collections data through information technology can their storage, integration, retrieval, and use in analysis,
museums begin to enable their widespread use in research prediction, and decision-making. The National Science
and education, especially research into complex biodiver- Foundation (NSF) identifies bioinformatics as having the
sity phenomena that were hitherto intractable. highest priority for knowledge creation in the biological sci-
The first task for natural history museums in meeting the ences, whether it is mining neuroscience data, genomic
biodiversity challenge is to rescue their research collections data, or biodiversity data (Bloch et al. 1995). Systematics
from their information sinks. Each year, numerous studies Agenda 2000 (1994, pp. 6, 14) presaged the task in its Mis-
recognize that such an information enterprise is fundamen- sion Three: “To organize the information derived from this
tal to national and global biodiversity solutions. Recent global program [of biodiversity inventory and systematic
examples include the Australian government’s Darwin Dec- analysis] in an efficiently retrievable form that best meets
laration (Environment Australia 1998), the President’s the needs of science and society.”
Committee on Science and Technology’s Teaming with Life At the global level, the Organisation for Economic Co-
(PCAST 1998), the National Biodiversity Information Cen- operation and Development (OECD) Megascience Forum
ter’s Consensus Document (NBIC 1994), the systematics and recommends establishment and support of “a distributed
biocollections communities’ Systematics Agenda 2000 system of interlinked and interoperable modules (databas-
(1994), the National Science Foundation’s Loss of Biological es, software and networking tools, search engines, analytical
Diversity (Black et al. 1989), and the Committee on Envi- algorithms, etc.) that together will form a Global Biodiver-
ronment and Natural Resources and National Science and sity Information Facility” (OECD 1999, p. 2). The challenge
Technology Council’s Strategic Planning Document—Envi- for the biological collections community is to enable its par-
ronment and Natural Resources (CENR, NSTC 1994). As the ticipation in such global information architectures through
last of these examples recommends, development and maintenance of its own informatics infra-
structure. Specifically, the biocollections community needs
Enhance access to information on the nation’s plants and ani- to be able to share and disseminate specimen-based biodi-
mals. Existing collections of data for millions of specimens will be versity data and to integrate this information across
computerized and made more accessible to the nation’s scientists research domains.

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A number of museums have begun to do this, among along the lines recommended by OECD (1999). But the
them the Natural History Museum, London (NHM 2000), barriers are formidable at the community and institutional
and the Museum of Texas Tech University (Baker et al. levels. Although the museum systematics community views
1998, Parker et al. 1998). Another example is NABIN, the its research enterprise as global, it still regards its collections
North American Biodiversity Information Network, and information enterprise as local. Biodiversity data may be
its prototype projects (Peterson et al. 1998, 1999). Web- more complex than those from other biological and scien-
based software developed by a consortium (University of tific disciplines. Yet, unlike the geospatial, genomics, and
Kansas Natural History Museum, Bishop Museum, Cali- library communities, biocollections institutions still lack a
fornia Academy of Sciences, the US National Museum of standards-based informatics infrastructure for network
Natural History, the Missouri Botanical Garden, US Geo- communication of specimen data. This deficiency, in turn,
logical Survey–Biological Resources Division) of systema- has hindered integration of biocollections data with infor-
tists and computer scientists enables any user to query mation and tools across research domains.
multiple collection databases in the United States, Canada, At the institutional level, most collection data are not
and Mexico simultaneously. Once retrieved, the informa- captured in electronic databases. Those that are (perhaps
tion is assembled and integrated in a matter of seconds 5%) feature multiple, idiosyncratic information systems
with geospatial and computational tools and data, permit- within and across that rarely scale technically beyond their
ting analysis, modeling, and prediction of species occur- original installation; usually have no mechanism for long-
rences based on locality data and underlying environmen- term support and maintenance; and are not engineered
tal and climatic variables. for network authoring, updating, dissemination, and inte-
This system, dubbed the Species Analyst (Vieglais gration of specimen data. Use of these databases typically
1998), uses the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 standard for informa- does not extend much beyond local collection manage-
tion retrieval, which has proven successful in enabling ment and answering individual data requests.
data-sharing and knowledge networking in the biblio- Many biocollections have policies that discourage or do
graphic and geospatial domains (Kaiser 1999). The appli- not permit data-sharing. Ironically, such policies deliber-
cation for predicting species distributions, called the Bio- ately quarantine museum collections and their essential
diversity Species Workshop (SDSC 2000), provides an specimen information from research on the very biodiver-
online facility for creating distribution maps from biocol- sity phenomena that those collections were intended to
lections data on species occurrences and electronic maps help elucidate. Lacking interoperability—the ability to
of climate, land cover, and soils. The NABIN infrastruc- integrate data across taxa and research domains—muse-
ture provides a direct connection with the Biodiversity um biocollections lack synthetic power. Without a com-
Species Workshop system at the San Diego Supercomput- munity informatics infrastructure, the vast libraries of life
er Center (SDSC). in our museums remain largely unseen and unread. To
With the collaboration of other institutions (SDSC; paraphrase what Umberto Eco said about books: The
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; and Consejo good of collections and their data lies in their being read;
Nacional para el Uso y Conocimiento de la Biodiversidad, without an eye to read them, they contain signs that pro-
CONABIO), researchers have employed this open technol- duce no concepts; therefore, they are dumb.
ogy to retrieve specimen data from different collections in
North America to predict, among other examples, the Solutions. These barriers can be overcome if natural his-
occurrence of Hantavirus with Peromyscus maniculatus in tory museums are willing to come together to build and
Mexico and the United States, the fate of rare and endan- support a dazzling biodiversity informatics infrastructure
gered species of birds in Mexico under scenarios of global in an open, collaborative, and community-based manner.
climate change, the spread of invasive species, and priori- Information technology is not the limiting factor. Efforts
ties for conservation based on concentrations of rare and during the past 3 years (e.g., ASC 1993, Krebs et al. 1995,
endemic species. As an Internet-based testbed application Morris 1997, Berendsohn 1999) have produced detailed,
for public use, the NABIN facility has stimulated novel robust information models for biocollections data that are
biodiversity research applications at the Environmental the basis for the design of sophisticated institutional and
Resources Information Network in Australia, the Academy community systems.
of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, CONABIO in Mexico A community enterprise can mobilize biocollections
City, the Canadian National Collections in Ottawa, the information for institutions large and small that, alone,
University of Kansas, and other institutions. could not finance, develop, or support the essential ele-
ments of a biodiversity informatics infrastructure. Muse-
Barriers. Natural history museums should unite to es- ums need to follow the collaborative informatics examples
tablish and develop a biodiversity informatics infrastructure set by the geospatial, bibliographic, genomic, and neuro-
1Research funded by NSF grant DBI 9811443–SGER: An experimental
science research communities and reap similar benefits of
Z39.50 information retrieval protocol testbed for biological collection and
increased research opportunities, accomplishments, fund-
taxonomic data. ing, and economies of scale. Only then will museums be

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able to deploy their enormous store of biodiversity knowl- its larger role foreordained by the biodiversity crisis, its
edge for science and society and expand their descriptive practitioners need to formulate an explicitly stated mission
systematics enterprise into a predictive, prescriptive one. with a timetable and cost estimate.” Systematic Agenda 2000
Finally, in anticipation of criticisms we have heard before, (1994) set forth one such explicit mission and helped
we do not say, believe, or mean to imply that biodiversity launch NSF’s innovative PEET program (Partnerships for
informatics is the only or even the major “fix” for biodiver- Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy; NSF 2000) to address
sity problems. But it is one of the most powerful tools that the vanishing expertise in the systematics of the world’s
natural history museums can employ to finally contribute poorest known taxa. Larger NSF initiatives along these lines
their collection-based knowledge to that fix. To be sure, are brewing, but the systematics practitioners in natural his-
museum collections and their databases are imperfect— tory museums must be ready as a community to take
they need to encompass more taxa and specimens, be advantage of these opportunities.
checked for accuracy, and be geocoded for geospatial use. Furthermore, as others (Soulé 1990, Alberch 1993) have
But these improvements can be ongoing while verified data- reminded us, it has taken the systematics enterprise 250
bases are being employed for successful biodiversity model- years and roughly 3 billion specimens to document 1.8
ing, prediction, and conservation. In fact, geospatial map- million species on Earth. At that pace, museums and sys-
ping and modeling of collections data expose the outliers in tematics will have little or no impact on remaining biodi-
the database for correction (if the records are erroneous) or versity, which number at least 15 million species. More to
for exciting research (if they are real). the issue, documenting the rest of biodiversity or even a
Some systematists and museum personnel worry that fraction of it with voucher specimens will result in survey
successful use of electronic biocollection data for biodi- collections and associated biodiversity data that are mas-
versity conservation will convince administrators and gov- sive and unmanageable with current protocols.
ernment authorities that new biotic surveys and collec- In addressing these issues, Alberch’s (1993, p. 372) diag-
tions are no longer needed. On the contrary, integration nosis of what ails museums is brutally blunt:
and visualization of museum voucher collection data will
demonstrate both the power of existing collections and Natural history museums are at a turning point in their history.
the geographic, ecological, and taxonomic gaps that need They can now play a central and critical role in the development
to be filled by additional surveys and collections. Further- of research leading towards the understanding, conservation and
more, integration of existing museum biocollections data sustainable use of biodiversity. To achieve this goal, however, they
may be the best tool for systematists and funding agencies must radically change their mode of operation and public image,
worldwide to prioritize, plan, and support cost-effective, to clearly define goals, objectives, and new research strategies. If
nonoverlapping biodiversity surveys. museums are unable to meet the challenge, other institutions will
Critics also worry about errors in species predictions be created de novo to fill the niche.
based on habitat data, because species don’t always occur
where the habitat is right. Although these errors can occur, One of the next steps in the systematics revolution should
as with most of science, predictions of species occurrences be systems-level studies of biodiversity, namely, the inter-
are statistical statements subject to falsification, whether play between multiple phylogenetic lineages and ecological
the predictions are based on vouchered collection data, patterns and processes. NSF is working with the systematics
on-the-ground observations, or remote sensing data. Con- and ecology communities to formulate a new, integrative
tinued use will only hone the predictive models and their research program along these lines involving a network of
algorithms. environmental and biodiversity observatories (Mervis
1998). This program promises to expose a good deal of the
Prisoners of history. After devoting 250 years to the unknown 90 percent of biodiversity to survey, systematics,
vertebrates and selected nonvertebrate and plant groups, and ecological analyses, with vouchering of large new
isn’t it time for natural history museums to commit mas- research collections and associated data in the nation’s
sive curatorial and systematics resources to the approxi- museums. Such a systems approach will require the com-
mately 90 percent of biodiversity that remains a black box, bined proficiencies of the traditional disciplines—mam-
such as soil biota, arthropods, fungi, marine invertebrates, malogists working with coleopterists, botanists with
and microbes? Instead, systematics resources, education, ornithologists, ichthyologists with nematologists, cladists
and expertise at too many of our institutions remain a with ecosystem ecologists—as well as the collaboration of
paean to the past, out of kilter with the biological diversi- systematists with information technologists, geographic
ty of the planet and its needs. information specialists, climatologists, computer scientists,
We emphatically are not advocating that the collecting of mathematical modelers, and so on, which brings us to grad-
and research on vertebrates is complete or should diminish. uate education.
But, with regard to the unstudied 90 percent of biodiversi-
ty, the systematics community needs to heed Raven and The challenge of graduate education
Wilson (1992, p. 1099): “In order to propel systematics into Biodiversity is suffering from two emerging extinction

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events: One involves the planet’s species, the other the rare Furthermore, the data and tools (conceptual, physical,
and endangered scientists who study them. As mentioned computational, and so on) required to investigate the
above, NSF’s current PEET program is a landmark attempt causes of complex biological phenomena are beyond the
to reverse the loss of taxonomic expertise, especially for scope of any single investigator and often beyond the mis-
poorly studied groups of animals and plants. Biodiversity sion, infrastructure, and expertise of any single institution.
scientists—systematists, ecologists, population geneticists, Therefore, such research requires cross-domain approach-
and evolutionary biologists, among others—who will work es involving interdisciplinary, collaborative teams within
in the twenty-first century are now being educated and and across institutions. Finally, there may no longer be
trained in university natural history museums and associat- disciplines or knowledge domains in the classical sense, as
ed departments. But these educational programs are insuf- the growing continuum between individual humanities,
ficient, both in number and kind (Humphrey 1989), to pre- social sciences, and natural sciences is collapsing the
pare the biodiversity scientist for the needs of the new boundaries of classical core disciplines (see, e.g., Wilson
century. How can we meet this challenge? 1998).
Skeptics ask: Once trained in this manner, where will all
Taxonomic training. First, beginning in the high school these students get jobs? The answer is throughout acade-
and early undergraduate years, we need to recruit an army mia, government, nongovernmental organizations, and
of students to study the 90 percent of biodiversity that the private sector, where the need and demand will be
remains unknown, in addition to the high-profile verte- great for cross-disciplinary expertise across the environ-
brates. Otherwise, our educational curriculum in biodiver- mental and biodiversity sciences in the policy, education-
sity science fails the present and the future. Moreover, as al, and research arenas.
articulated by Bazzaz et al. (1998, p. 879), we hope these stu-
dents “will be ready and willing to devote part of their pro- The challenge of leadership and
fessional lives to stemming the tide of environmental degra- management
dation and the associated losses of biodiversity and its Organizations, including natural history museums, are
ecological services, and to teaching the public about the akin to complex ecosystems (Blackburn 1973). They have
importance of those losses.” an evolutionary history that bequeaths structural con-
straints; a vital web and flow of resources, energy, and
Interdisciplinary training. Second, systematists for information; homeostatic mechanisms that tend to keep
the twenty-first century must be trained beyond areas of the organizations conservative and stable; niche special-
taxonomic expertise to work in teams with other evolu- ization and diversification among their personnel; succes-
tionary biologists and ecologists, earth systems scientists, sional change from new paradigms to maturity; periods of
informatics specialists, and so on. Universities and univer- chaos; and occasional catastrophic events.
sity natural history museums are where such interdiscipli- If natural history museums are to meet the challenges of
nary, cross-domain education should be occurring; how- the biodiversity crisis, graduate training, and public edu-
ever, it is not, or at least not sufficiently. cation, they will need bold, innovative leadership that is
Citing a study by the National Academy of Sciences, especially skilled at managing the museum’s organization-
Jasanoff et al. (1998, pp. 2066–2067) conclude that “more than al ecosystem, charting the landscape of the future, and
at any time in the recent past, there is a demand for mecha- navigating adaptation to that landscape. Otherwise, as
nisms and incentives to foster interdisciplinary research, edu- Alberch (1993) warned, natural history museums will be
cation and problem solving....[T]oday’s young scientists will out-competed by new institutional species that will
find their advancement restricted unless they are trained from emerge as champions of the very initiatives the museums
the start to diversify their expertise and career objectives.” A should be leading.
recent NSF report (Bloch et al. 1995) echoed this recommen-
dation for the biological sciences in general and for biodiver- Management training. Although the task of leading a
sity science in particular. In short, we should be educating bio- natural history museum several years into the future is
diversity scientists for the future, not the past. complex and demanding, directors of most natural histo-
Doing so will require a radical shift in academic culture and ry museums, including ourselves, have little to no training
practice toward much more collaboration in education and in how to do so. Many of the biodiversity scientists edu-
research across disciplines, faculty, and students. Without such cated at universities will eventually move into leadership
a shift, students—and worse, future knowledge creation in the and management positions in natural history museums,
biological sciences—will be shortchanged. Why? To para- academia, and government. At least we hope they will—
phrase Jasanoff et al. (1998), biological phenomena are vastly editorials in Science and other journals regularly bemoan
complex systems. Their causes are multiple, diverse, and dis- the absence of scientists in high-level policymaking posi-
persed. Therefore, they cannot be understood, managed, or tions. Yet, we do not train our academicians to understand
controlled through scientific activity organized on single or the complexities of organizational ecosystems and how to
traditional disciplinary lines. lead, manage, represent, or effect change within them. We

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suppose, naively, perhaps even arrogantly, that these tal- such as city and state government organizations in Madi-
ents will somehow spring from having a PhD. son, Wisconsin (Hunter et al. 1987), have been radically
Directing a natural history museum requires more than transformed into organizations that are focused on serv-
common sense and a PhD in paleontology or ornitholo- ing their customers and meeting or exceeding their cus-
gy—we say this from personal experience. Most directors, tomers’ needs. They have eschewed the traditional author-
including ourselves, were trained on the job, but experience itarian, top-down management style that has been the
is an expensive teacher. If museums were airplanes, one corporate tradition and the model for universities and
expense of such seat-of-the-pants-flying could be crash museums for more than a century. They have devoted
landings and loss of passengers, unfortunate events for themselves to improving the quality of their goods and
some of our natural history museums. Another expense is services, consulting their customers, and treating their
that museum pilots may think they are in the air and flying employees as the most valuable resources of their organi-
comfortably into the next millennium when in fact they are zations.
still in the hangar. Do natural history museums pass this test? Not yet.
One solution is a two-headed approach to leadership, They place great value and resources in collection man-
adopted with greater or lesser success by a number of the agement but pay scant attention to people management—
nation’s large, freestanding natural history museums—a the very people they depend on to manage and use the col-
CEO with corporate or university experience in manage- lections in research and education. Museums trumpet the
ment, development, and strategic planning, and a subordi- quality of their scientific “goods,” the irreplaceable
nate with established scientific credentials in charge of the research collections and associated data that document
museum’s research and collections enterprise. Such a sys- Earth’s biota through time and across space. Yet the quali-
tem is fragile. Its success demands that the CEO and sub- ty of museum services is poor in providing those goods
ordinate share a common vision of the institution and its (e.g., accessible and interoperable specimen-based biodi-
scientific rationale and work well together in implementing versity data) to address global biodiversity issues and oth-
the museum’s mission, goals, priorities, investments, and er scientific and societal needs. It is too easy and intellec-
actions. tually dishonest to blame this state of affairs on previous
technological shortcomings. Rather, most museums chose
Students as future pilots. Rather than hope for “natu- not to do business as a community with their most valu-
rals”—born leader–managers—to come along, universities able knowledge commodity.
and their natural history museums should be imparting
modern management, administrative, and leadership skills The challenge of public programs
to their students at the same time they are teaching them How well do natural history museums fulfill their mission
systematics, ecology, and the evolutionary history of life. of bringing their collection-based knowledge of biological
Teaching biodiversity students that an organization’s prior- diversity to society? For example, many permanent, classic
ities must be tailored to its mission invokes the same prin- dioramas at natural history museums are, essentially, nine-
ciple that governs the students’ educational and research teenth-century trophy halls. They marry art and science to
priorities. Teaching students that organizations can work produce a snapshot of a wild scene, often contrived, pre-
together to accomplish nationally what each alone cannot tending nature is still pristine, untouched by humans. Their
invokes the same principle that governs interdisciplinary fidelity to biodiversity typically ends with the larger verte-
research teams. And teaching students how to manage and brates and a few background plants. They are quaint, reas-
effect change in complex organizations may one day help suring, and appreciated, but the stories they tell need to go
them lead a museum, a government agency, or an interna- beyond the superficial lesson that a moose lives in the bore-
tional research expedition in new, daring directions. al forest. Otherwise, they will continue to be largely ineffec-
What management paradigms are important to learn tive at increasing the public’s sense of responsibility for
and teach? Ones that replace the folklore of “This is how we environmental stewardship.
do things around here” (Seymour 1993), which is mal- The challenge for natural history museums is to tell the
adaptive for the mission, demands, and responsibilities of real stories of biological diversity and connect them to the
our museums in a new era of exponential change. As everyday life of our visitors. For example, museums need to
Hunter et al. (1987, p. 19) observed, “Traditional American instill the lesson of Easter Island, our Earth in a microcosm.
management philosophies have become obsolete. Most When the islanders destroyed the biodiversity of their own
managers in this country have been taught how to control, island world, they extinguished themselves and their cul-
rather than lead.” ture. Museums need to deliver the splendor of biodiversity
During the past three decades, such corporations as and the consequences of its ongoing extermination, from
Hewlett-Packard (Fuller 1985), Ford Motor Company, and our own backyards to Amazonia. Museums need to show
Nashua Corporation (Karney 1988); several colleges and uni- visitors how our planet’s biotas are fundamental for human
versities, including Oregon State University and Virginia Tech life, providing “free” ecosystem services valued at trillions of
(Sherr and Teeter 1991); and various government entities, dollars annually. And museums need to do so with the

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Environment Australia. 1998. The Darwin Declaration. Canberra (Aus-
visceral impact that inspires the citizenry to become the tralia): Australian Biological Resources Study, Environment Australia.
environmental conscience of the nation. Fri RW. 1997. Toward a natural history museum for the 21st century.
Meeting this challenge will require great resources and Museum News 76 (Nov–Dec):49.
Fuller FT. 1985. Eliminating complexity from work: Improving productiv-
great resourcefulness, but no less should be expected of
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