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7 Morning Habits of

Successful People

Tim Han

“The early bird catches the worm” seems to be

the common theme for some of the worlds most
successful people.
That’s why in this guide, I’m going to be breaking down 7 powerful habits that
will set you up for massive productivity to achieve success— and it all starts in
the morning!

1 Become an Early Bird

Why do you think so many successful

people are early birds? Well, think
about it - they get an immediate head
start on their day while the rest of
the world is asleep.
Here are a few early birds who you may recognise:

Richard Branson gets up with the sun at 5:45 am.

Warren Buffett wakes up at 6:45 am.

Elon Musk rises at 7 am.

Surprisingly, in a study conducted by Thomas C. Coreley on 177 self-made

millionaires, approximately 50% of them purposely woke up 3 hours before they
started work.


Because during those few undisturbed hours, before everyone else got to put
something on their to do list, they managed to dedicate time to their priorities.

Is there a specific time you need to wake up in order to be successful? No.

But what is important is that you make time during the early hours of your day to
dedicate towards your priorities and goals.

2 Exercise is a MUST in
the Morning

Have you ever sworn to yourself

that you would fit a workout in
the morning - only to find yourself
putting it off until the following day?
That’s a dangerous pattern that many successful people have caught onto, so,
during those early, undisturbed hours in the morning— they make it a MUST to
fit in a workout.

That way, the temptation to skip a workout becomes a lot less likely.

But why is exercise so important in the first place?

It should come as no surprise that exercising is good for you, both physically
and psychologically.

Not only are you doing helping your body stay in shape — it also sets your mind
up for success for the rest of the day with the increase in energy and elevated
serotonin levels - according to a study conducted at the University of Bristol.

So, if you would like this competitive advantage of having more energy amongst
other things, add a workout to your morning routine!

3 Start Your Day Off
With Meditation

Time and time again, meditation has

been at the top of many successful
people’s morning routines.

Because this purposeful calmness ritual allows their minds to slow down
and focus.

As a result they’re able to focus on their priorities of the day, reduce

unnecessary stress and allow room for more creativity towards their life
and work.

In fact, meditation has been so beneficial to the point where Deepak Chopra and
Oprah collaborated to create a 21-day meditation challenge to help thousands
of people around the world to instill this habit into their routines!

So, if some of the most successful people on the planet can take
out 10 minutes of their morning to meditate? So can you.

4 Be Proactive,
Not Reactive

As the great saying goes;

“Failing to plan is planning to fail” -
Benjamin Franklin.
If you take the time to plan your top priorities of the day, you’re more likely to
get it done. Ask yourself, how many times have you put off a task because you
didn’t “feel” like it?

When you do that, you’re allowing yourself to be reactive as opposed

to proactive.

Tony Robbins takes just 10 minutes in his morning to visualize and plan what he
wants to do that day.

So, by adding planning to your morning routine, you give yourself less chances to react
to the people and environment around you, and remain focused on your tasks that will
help you achieve success.

5 Read

“Read 500 pages like this every day.

That’s how knowledge works.
It builds up, like compound interest.
All of you can do it, but I guarantee
not many of you will do it.”
 -  Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett spends 80% of his day reading— and he’s one of the most
successful people in the world! So there’s definitely something we can learn
from his behaviour.

By continually building your knowledge, you’re providing yourself with a

competitive advantage over those who don’t read books.

So, if you’ve been putting off reading because you never seem to have time?
Try fitting it into your morning routine.

6 Dress More Simply

Steve Jobs was known for his

signature look of a black jumper
and jeans (same with Mark Zuckerberg
and Barack Obama). So while dressing
yourself in the morning might not
seem important, it does more than
you think.
On a daily basis, you have a limited amount of cognitive fuel that gets drained
after every decision you make. So in order to keep it as full as possible for the
more important decisions of your day, minimise the minor decisions you make
each morning.

So, try preparing your outfits the night before or have a go-to outfit to
minimise the stress of what you need to wear each day.

7 Be clear on
your priorities.

Time is the only resource that will

never come back.
That’s why being organised and having your priorities straight in the morning
is so important. In fact, Arianna Huffington - founder of the Huffington Post and
Thrive Global - claims that this is a MUST for her everyday in order to prevent
distractions and to get things done in a timely fashion.

We’ve all had that one thing on our to-do list that we avoid like the plague -
even though we know it’s important. So, do it at the time of day where you won’t
be as easily distracted - in the morning!

“Your most important tasks and priorities are those that can
have the most serious consequences, positive or negative, on your
life or work. Focus on these above all.” 
Brian Tracy

Once you tackle this big task, the rest of your day will be a lot
easier without this at the back of your mind.

And there we have it Insider!
7 Morning Habits of Successful People
that you can immediately implement from today.

While there’s no guarantee that all of

these habits will lead you directly to success,
they will definitely turn the tables in your favour.

If all 7 seem too much in one go?

Just start with one and keep building up from there.

And as always Insider,

Follow Your Heart & Take Action,

and Go Live the Life You Were Born to Live

Your Friend & Coach,

Tim Han

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