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Yanika Pin Srisunthorn

Mr. Abel Cadias

English 1004

June 5, 2019

The Type of Extracurricular Activities that help MUIDS’ Students with Their

Electives Choice

There are a lot of students around the world who don’t know what will be their

elective choice for the next year. According to YouthTruth (2015), a San Francisco-based

nonprofit, over 55 percent of students around the world don’t know what major or elective

they will choose next year. Only 46 percent of the student said that their school help them

to choose their major or electives. A lot of people believe that the school’s counseling helps

them to apply for admission or college but doesn’t provide help on choosing the electives

for learning. Not only does MUIDS provide school’s counseling but also extracurricular

activities to help students choose an elective they wanted to study next year. Unfortunately,

not all activities help students to know what kind of electives or subject they like. How

many MUIDS students use that opportunity to find out what electives they are willing to

learn next year? MUIDS should have more extracurricular activities to help students in

choosing their electives.

The purpose of this research report is to find out whether MUIDS students think

MUIDS activities is helpful for them in choosing the electives so that MUIDS can create

more of good extracurricular activities. The author does a survey to find out the

effectiveness of MUIDS extracurricular activities so that MUIDS could create better

extracurricular activities. Three academics article is used to relate to this research’s result.

There are 64 responds to the author’s survey. The first question asked how effective

are MUIDS' extracurricular activities in helping students choose their electives in grade

11. The choices are in a scale which 5 represent very effective and 1 represent ineffective.

The figure below shows that 26 students or 40.6 percent choose number 3 but not much

followed by 15 students or 23.4 percent answered a little effective, 10 students or 15.6

percent answered effective, 7 students or 10.9 percent answered very effective, and 6

students or 9.4 percent answered not effective at all which means that most of the students

think MUIDS’ extracurricular activity is effective. The second question asked for the most

helpful MUIDS’ extracurricular activity when it comes to choosing the elective. The

choices are Thai College Fair, Oversea College Fair, Career Day, Week without wall,

Clubs, and others. The figure below shows that 20 students or 31.3 percent of MUIDS

student think that Career day is the most helpful, followed by 12 students or 18.8 percent

said Oversea college fair, 11 students or 17.2 percent said Thai College Fair, 10 students

or 15.6 percent said Clubs and 8 or 12.5 percent said Week without wall. There are three

students who answer differently. One of them answered science fair, one answered friends,

and another answered MUIDS market. These two questions show that MUIDS student

think that the extracurricular activity does help but it would be better if MUIDS provide

more of extracurricular activities that will help the student to choose their electives easier

for next year .

Schools should help students in finding their interest and choosing their electives.

Students pick the elective without knowing their interest. This will make the elective less

valuable (Edutopia, 2016). Students are taking electives that is not relevant to the field of

study they would eventually major in university (thesunchronicle, 2016). This will make

students waste their time learning the things they do not want to because they do not know

what they really want to study. By providing more extracurricular activity, students would

be able to get more opportunity to find want they are willing to learn.

Figure 1 The effectiveness of MUIDS extracurricular activity

Figure 2 The most helpful MUIDS extracurricular activity

This research report concludes that extracurricular activities in MUIDS are not

effective enough in helping the students to choose the electives. MUIDS should provide

more helpful extracurricular activities for MUIDS student so that it will help them in

choosing the elective for the next year.



Leal, Fermin(2015). Most high school students feel unprepared for college, careers.
Retrieved May 28, 2018 from

Wolpert-Gawron, Heather(2018).The Case for Electives in Schools Retrieved May

29, 2018 from

Knight, Shannon(2016).Why students should choose their own classes Retrieved

May 29, 2018 from

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