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Dioeese of Pittsburgh Chnreh Mosie

Regulations Sneeessfnlly in Foree
Sinee 1931
1. No organist or choir director is to be singing not only for hymns at Low Mass
engaged or used as a substitute who has not and evening Services but also for the Re~
been examined and appl.'loved by the Oioce~ sponses and the Ordinary parts at High
san Music Commission. ~ The most im~ Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Bene~
portant requisite for a church organist in dictus and Agnus Dei) has been always
our Diocese shall be a fair knowledge of considered by the Church as the best of all
liturgical matters and the ability to train a and most worthy at any time. School girls,
church choir, rather than organ technique. therefore, and m.embers of Sodalities should
be encouraged to take the lead in this move~
2. At High Mass it is obligatory to sing ment. The congregation may also alternate
all the prescribed parts (Proper and Ordin~
(in unison) with the liturgical choir in sing~
ary) and to sing them in their entir~ty. The ing the different verses and phrases of the
Proper parts, however ( i. e. Introit, Grad~ sacred text. Gregorian Chant is recom~
ual or Tract, Offertory and Communion) mended as the most suitable music for the
may be chanted by the choir according to purpose, when a competent teacher is at
simplified musical arrangements approved hand.
by the Diocesan Music Commission. At Re~
quiem High Mass the Sequence Dies Irae 7. Whenever school children must be
and the Offertory are to be sung in their placed in the choir loft at High Mass, the
entirety, the same as other parts; the Cele~ Boys may sing but the Girls must keep
brant. therefore, must here have regard for silent, unless the whole congregation takes
the organist. part in the singing. Women organists are
not permitted to sing together with nor
3. At High Mass the Celebrant is not alternat'e with the male choir.
allowed to proceed with the Offertory while
the Credo is being sung. Likewise he should 8. No School Sister may play the organ
not proceed with the Consecration until the at Mass and other Services in the parish
singing of the Sanctus is completed. church, in place of the regular organist.
without the approv·al of the Diocesan Music
4. It is strictly forbidden to substitute Commission. Sisters organists in Mother~
other selections for the prescribed chants houses and Convent Chapels must also be
of the Mass; for instance, to sing Ave Maria approved by the Music Commission. Their
or Ave Verum or De profundis etc. instead church music shall be submitted for the
of the proper Offertory at Requiem Mass; diocesan "stamp of approval''.
to sing Miserere instead of the "Libera" at
Funeral Mass; etc. 9. Since church singers are given the
"privilege" of holding an Ecclesiastical
5. According to the teaching of the Cath~ Office, the Church requires that catholic
olic Church the members of the church choir men "of good will and good conduct"
(like the altar~boys) hold an Ecclesiastical (rather than men of good voice only) be
Office next to that of the Celebrant and his admitted in the choir. According to Pope
Ministers. Consequently Women (ladies or Pius X: "These men should, by their modest
girls) cannot be members of the church and devout bearing during the liturgical
choir. Mixed choirs of men and women, functions, show that they are worthy of
therefore, or choirs of women only, are for~ the holy office they exercise."
bidden in church at any time ,...- that is to 10. Gregorian Chant mu:>t be rendered
say not only for the Sunday High Mass according to the rhythmic method of the
and Vespers but also for High Masses and Benedictine School of Solesmes. Such meth~
other Services on week~days. od has been authorized and endorsed by
6. Women may sing "in unison" from the Holy See. Consequently: (a) books
their pews in the body of the church as containing Gregorian Chant without rhyth~
part of the Congregation. Congregational mic marks are forbidden for church or

school use; (b) organists and school teach~ High Mass and Vespers, and also during
ers who never attended a regular Course Low Mass. At Funerals, nothing can be
of Gregorian Chant are not permitted to sung in the vernacular-neither before nor
teach the children anything in Gregorian. after the Mass since the Church provides
11. Music in the modern style may be the proper chants, namely; "Subvenite",
used in Church, provided it has been pre~ "In Paradisum" and "Benedictus Dominus"
viously submitted to the Diocesan Music or De profundis.
Commission and given the official "stamp 17. It is forbidden to sing or play in
of approval". The latter is required also church any music from secular sources, or
for music which is known otherwise to be music in use in Non~Catholic churches, like
acceptable. As for new compositions in the Ave Maria's by Schubert, Gounod,
manuscript form, they cannot be approved Millard, Rosewig, etc., "0 Promise me," "I
for church use, since the church is not a Love you truly," etc.; "Nearer, my God, to
place for experiment nor is the congregation Thee," "Face to Face," "The end of a per~
a body to practice on. feet day," etc.; Wagner's "Lohengrin
March", Mendelssohn's "Spring Song" and
12. It is obligatory for every Church with Midsummer Night's Dream," "Chopin's
a parish school to have a Boy~Choir (not Funeral March," etc.
necessarily a surpliced Sanctuary Choir)
which will be employed at least once a 18. At Requiem and Funeral Masses the
month for the Sunday High Mass, with or organ can be used (in subdued tone) only
without the asisstance of the men's choir. to accompany the singing, that is, the organ
It is obvious that the selection of boys for must stop playing when the singing ceases.
the choir (at the beginning of the scholastic The same rule holds at Feria! Masses and
year) should precede the selection of boys Sunday Masses during Advent and Lent,
for the altar, since any intelligent boy can except on "Gaudete" and "Laetare" Sun~
learn how to serve at the altar, but not days respectively.
every intelligent boy may be able to sing. 19. It is forbidden to accompany the
13. Organists and choir teachers, should Celebrant with the organ for the Preface
see that the members of the church choir and the Pater Noster. It is an abuse to
become familiar with the Italian pronun~ sing Deo gratias after the Epistle, or Laus
dation of the Latin, and also with the tibi Christe after the Gospel at High Mass.
meaning of the liturgical text through the So, too, to sing the Responses in harmony
aid of a Latin~English Missal-for as men instead of in unison at High Mass.
ought to know what they are talking about, 20. Church Choirs of fewer than Ten,
so singers ought to know what they are Fifteen and Twenty volunteer members are
singing about. forbidden to sing music for Two, Three
14. Musical compositions for "Solo" are and Four Voices respectively.
strictly forbidden in church. Likewise "solo~ 21. Music being a "complimentary" part
singing" is forbidden, except for "incidental of the Liturgy should not be made to ap~
phrases" of a Ion- composition (Gloria, pear as the principal part. Musical Pro~
Credo, etc). Only the Organist is allowed grams, therefore, or other items concerning
to sing alone when the choir is not present. church music and church choirs, whenever
Hence during the summer months, if the intended for publication in the local Cath~
male choir is not available, the organist olic or secular papers, must be submitted
shall sing alone at High Mass and other for approval to the Diocesan Music Com~
church services, unless the Congregation mission not later than Monday of the week
can take care of the singing. of publication.
15. No individual singer (except the or~ 22. The Diocesan Music Commission
ganist) can be permitted to sing alone for must see not only that the music to be
Weddings and Funerals. Whenever special rendered in church is good in itself, but also
music is requested for these occasions that it is well within the ability of the
FOUR singers at least (a Male Quartet) choir and of the organist and properly exe~
must be engaged. cuted. For this purpose and for the educa~
16. It is forbidden to sing anything in tional benefit of organists, choir directors
the vernacular during High Mass and Ves~ and church singers, a Recital of liturgical
pers. Hymns in the vernacular, however, music will be given on Sunday afternoons
may be sung immediately before and after at the Synod Hall by church choirs.

23. It is strictly obligatory for Organists that Pastors and others concerned with
and Choir Directors to attend the meetings church music may be informed.
called by the Diocesan Music Commission. 30. The ELECTROTONE (or Hammond
Likewise it is ob.Jigatory for Church Choirs Organ) is forbidden for church use at its
to take part in the Sunday Recital at the present experimental stage.-The ORGA-
Synod Hall whenever appointed by the fRON (or Everett Organ) is permitted
Music Commission. Organists and Choir for church use, provided the organist shows
Directors must attend at least TEN of discretion in operating the Amplifier. Its
these Recitals, within the year. cost, however, is not any lower than that
24. Masses and other music by the fol- of a middle-size Pipe Organ (Wicks or
lowing composers are forbidden for church Kilgen Organ) which is certainly to be
use: Ashmall, Battman, Bartholomeus, Bor- preferred.
dese, W. Brown, Concone, Durant, Farmer, I ask the complete and whole-hearted
Giorza, Gounod, B. Hamma, Kalliwoda, assistance of priests, sisters, organists and
Kahn, Lambillotte, LaHache, Leonard, members of church choirs in order that we
Loesh, Luzzi, Marzo, Mercadante, Millard, may once for all secure a conformity with
Poniatowski, Rosewig, Schubert, Sorin, the law of the Church in the matter of music
Stearns, Weigand, Wilkes. at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and at
other liturgical Services-which will mark
25. The following English-Latin Hym- us as a Catholic-minded people, obedient
nals and Collections are forbidden for to the Vicar of Christ, and reverent towards
church and school use; St. Basil's Hymnal; the ancient traditions of the Faith. The
The Gloria Hymnal; Catholic Youth's Diocesan Music Commission has no stand-
Hymnal (Christian Brothers); Catholic ards except those, and no desire to enforce
Choir Manual {Wynne); Crown Hymnal; unique notions of its own; it is competent in
May Chimes; Hellebusch's Hymnal; Psallite its field and it has a right to ask every
Hymnal; American Catholic Hymnal (Mar- Catholic in the Diocese to encourage and
ist Brothers) ; Wreath of Mary; New Cath- support its work. I shall be grateful to Pas-
olic Hymn Book; all of Berge's, Giorza's, tors and Superiors of Religious Houses for
Gaines', Marzo's, Peter's Rosewig's and any opportunities they may afford their or-
Werner's Collections. ganists and music teachers for self-improve-
26. Organ accompaniment to Gregorian ment, and in general for the elevation of
Masses by L. Bonvin, P. Griesbacher, Fr. the standard of music in Churches, Con-
Mathias, N. Montani, J. Otten and J. Sing- vents and Parish Schools.
enberger is forbidden because of the new + HUGH C. BOYLE,
rules which govern Gregorian Rhythm and Bishop of Pittsburgh.
Gregorian Aesthetics.
27. When, for any reason, the observ- To Pastors:
ance of Church laws concerning Music and
Choirs is impossible, let the pastors be con- (a) We would beg Pastors to bear in
tent with Low Mass, at which appropriate mind that the purpose of a beautiful church,
hymns in Latin or in the Vernacular may be of a splendid liturgical service and of a fine
sung by the congregation. sermon may be entirely defeated by the
incompetence of the organist. On the other
28. Organists or choir directors who hand too often the organist receives little
within One Month after receiving notice consideration for his work (to put it po-
from the Music Commission fail to send a litely) and no encouragement for self-im-
written assurance that abuses on their part provement. Pastors should not forget that
against any of the Regulations listed above a better equipped organist means better
have been corrected, will be disqualified for music in church, a more dignified litu11gical
any church position in the diocese of Pitts- service and a congregation inspired to co-
burgh. operate loyally in the parochial enterprises.
29. The names of organists, choir in- (b) Music books are made of perishable
structors and school teachers who prove material and they wear out with use. You
that they possess a solid liturHical-musical cannot expect volunteer choir members to
training and experience together with a be interested in their work with books fall-
Catholic attitude toward the Diocesan ing apart or not sufficient in number. Nor
Authority, will be published from time to can you expect volunteer singers to attend
time in the Diocesan Catholic Papers, so rehearsals if the same Mass and the same

Hymns are to he sung all the ye<:~r round. fruits from it. It is a privilege, therefore, to
(c) Likewise the pipe~organ is not an be a of the church choir ,_ but it
everlasting instrument, therefore it needs re~ is also a responsibility which commands
pairing now and then, it needs "tuning" at a scrupulous attendance not only at the
least tour times a year (at the change of Sunday Services but at the weekly rehearsal
the seasons) on account of the different as well. The latter is by all means neces~
temperatures affecting the metal pipes. sary even for the best trained choirs.
Economy now (in the matter of organ re~ (b) The only purpose of church music
pairs) means a bigger expense later and is the ·glory of God and the .edifi.cation of
unsatisfactory service in the meantime. the faithful. Any personal ambition, there-
d) An appeal to the congregation should fore, or any desire to "show off" in singing
be made once a year (preferably in Sep~ should be sacrificed and discarded. Self~
tember when church choirs generally re~ control and self~denial are most necessary
sume their duties) encouraging and urging to church singers.
young men of the parish to join the litur~ To Sisters and School T eacherst
gical choir.
To Organists: (a) The diocesan Scholastic Program
calls for Twenty Minutes of Music daily
a) It is not the large number of singers
in our schools--such period must actually
nor the rendition of elaborate music that be devoted to music both sacred and secu~
makes a "good choir", but rather the good lar. It is not fair, in fact, that Catholic
judgment of the organist in choosing music children (who are "obliged" to attend
within the powers and ability of the choir,
Catholic schools) be deprived of musical
and the proper rendition of the same.
knowledge which plays such important part
(b) People go to the theatre for excite~
in man's education. School children should
ment and entertainment, but go to church
he taught to sing appropriate hymns (in
for prayer and recollection. Loud singing
and excessive organ~playing in church, unison) during the children's Mass on
often make of it a place of discomfort and
distraction for the faithful. Never allow (b) It is suggested that one or two
Sisters look after the behavior of the Choir
your singers (Men or Boys) to "force"
Boys while the latter sing in the choir loft
their voices in singing.
(c) Absolute silence in church at the and the organist is busy at the organ. A
sensible, sympathetic co~operation between
more solemn moments of the liturgical ser~
vice is .far more eloquent and effective than School Sisters and the organist is most
organ~playing. It is suggested, therefore,
necessary for the success of the Boy~Choir.
not to play the organ during the Consecra~ (c) Let us teach children how to sing by
Musical Notation rather than by the anti-
tion and from the end of the "Benedictus"
till the "Agnus Dei" at Mass. Likewise quated methods of Alphabetical Letters or
during the blessing at Benediction. Numerical Figures in use centuries ago, be-
(d) There are only three successful fore the invention of the Staff.
means to improve your work and become To All Those Concerned
efficient in the field of Liturgical Music, with Church Music
namely: Reading, Observation and School Regular lessons on Organ, Gregorian
Training. For your benefit, a weekly Chant, Harmony, Counterpoint and litur-
article concerninq liturgy, church music, its gical Composition are given at the Du~
legislation, its history and aesthetics, etc. quesne University of Pittsburgh by com-
is published in THE PITTSBURGH petent teachers, at very reasonable terms.
CATHOLIC (special subscription for Or~ A Certificate from the Universitv or from
ganists $1.00 per year); a Church Choir some other recognized School of Church
Recital is given on Sundav afternoons at Music will be required henceforth from or-
the Synod Hall; a School of Church Music ganists seeking any important position in
has been established at the Duquesne Uni~ the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
versity. You should avail yourselves of THE DIOCESAN MUSIC
these opportunities. COMMISSION
To Church Singers: Rev. Carlo Rossini, Chairman
(a) By his, the choir member Rev. C. A. Sanderbeck, Secretary
takes active part in the Holy Sacrifice of 108 N. Dithridge St. (Oakland Station)
the Mass, thus sharing special spiritual Pittsburgh, Penna.
Entered as second class mat·
ter, October 20, 1931, at the
Post Office at Boston, Mass.,
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Formerly published in St.
Prands, Wisconsin. Now issued
monthly, except in July. Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music
Subscription: $3 per year, pay•
~ble in advance. Single copies
50c. Vol. 64 October 1937 No. 10
Prior, Conception Abbey
Conception, Mo.
100 Boylston Street
Boston, Mass.
St. Mary of Lake Seminary
Mundelein, lll. Redfern Mason . 381
Belmont, N. C.
Milwaukee, Wise. IN REFORM OF CHURCH MUSIC • 383
St. Francis Seminary
SiSTER M. GISELA, S.S.N.D. Rev. Leo Rowlands, O.S.F.C. . 385
Milwaukee, Wise.
St. Louis, University, Mo. THE TEACHING OF PLAINSONG IN ScHooLs
REv. LEo RowLANDS, O.S.F.C.· · Dom Gregory Murray, O.S.B. 388
Providence, R. I. '
St. Mary's College SACRED M usrc IN OuR CoLLEGES
Sherman, Texas Rev. Joseph Kelly, Ph. D. 407
Luxemburg, Wise.
Spencerport, N.Y. SINCE 1931 409
Kirkwood, Mo. ST. MARY's CHuRcH, CAMBRIDGE, BoASTs A
Chicago, Ill. QuESTION AND ANSWER Box • 415
Hollywood, Calif. AccoMPANIMENT To THE KYRIALE 419
New York, N.Y.
New York, N. Y.
Syracuse, N. Y.
Chicago, Ill.
Brooklyn, N. Y.

Contents of each issue,
Copyright, 1937

Copyright 1937, by McLAUGHLIN & REILLY CO., 100 Boylston St., Bostpn, Mass.

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