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The pictorial evidence;


I have wondered for many years at the images of Black farmers among Vincent van Gogh’s
(né le 30 mars 1853 à Groot-Zundert aux Pays-Bas - mort le 29 juillet 1890 à Auvers-sur-Oise
en France) oeuvre. Did nobody else notice this? The Potato Eaters on his first formal painting
look like Blacks, and so they also do on the preliminary sketches. The separate portraits of
several models among this series look like showing Blacks. He might have been a brown or
black complexioned bourgeois, with dark copper coloured hair and freckles; as I remember a
portrait of him that was clearly afterwards whitened. Some pink people who usually never
read past my supposed grammatical failings, and just skip meaning as if we are animals, will
tell me that ‘looking Black’ and ‘being Black’ are two different things. He was speaking about
Queen Charlotte-Sophie von Mecklenburg Strelitz, who was the wife of George III. She is
supposed to be a propagandistic choice for a wife in that frame of time, when the French
Revolution and Charterism were prepared. They were the grandparents of Queen Victoria,
who looks like a normal Black lady. So does her daughter, the Princess Royal Vicky, who
became Empress Frederick of Prussia. Black ladies.

(Van Gogh Family.)

(Queen Charlotte_Sophie of Mecklenburg Strelitz, Queen Victorias grandmother.)

If you are brainwashed to believe there were ‘No Blacks’ in Europe, because after all between
Africa and Europe there is a 14 kilometres wide sea gap and stupid Blacks could not make a
dugout if their lives depended on it, you might say something like that. And believe yourself
clever too. Was it not J.F.Blumenbach himself who said he based his race taxonomy on skull
shape, not complexion, and came up with the fantasy of black Caucasians? Whites, but
externally degenerated, and showing black skin. On a portrait he looks like those externally
degenerated black Caucasians. But some clearly had classical African facial traits that, as we
know; often go with a black skin. So, what about those: are they just Blacks?
(Princess von Metternich 1836-1921, by Xavier Winterhalter/ whitened.)
(Princess Pauline von Metternich)
(Princess Pauline von Metternich by Edgar Degas, afterwards whitened. Her famous
grandfather. Her husband and uncle von Metternich.)

Princess Pauline von Metternich must have heard or have met Vincent van Gogh. She was
portrayed by Edward Degas, and she had a political salon. He did not sell a painting during
his lifetime, but he was about town. Her daguerreotype photos unmistakably show a black
complexioned, classical African looking European princess. Her trophy Xavier WinterhHalter
portrait however shows a brown-haired pink looking woman, without any classical African
facial traits. Full lips and dark eyes, maybe she was black of had some black ancestors, but a
mostly pink lady. Its not clear if the complexion was whitened afterwards. Another
Winterhalter portrait of another woman showed signs of whitening. And peeling, but as the
image was unfurled on the screen, the indication of peeling was photo shopped away. So,
perhaps Winterhalter did not whiten the skin, but he surely changed the contours, and such
with the consent of the sitters. But this made me wonder at what the other Winterhalter ladies
really looked like, and which one was so classically African as Von Metternich. The Black
elite did not make any bones about their looks, by way of making sure that no one would
doubt their existence as Black Europeans. Only at the end of the 18th and during the 19th
century, I find some writers counter revolutionarily putting emphasis on the blackness of the
elite. During the Regency Era Jane Austen (1775-1817) witnessed how Blacks were written
out of history, and whites were given positions over Blacks. So, this should take care of
wondering what someone really looked like. As the norm is to deny there were any Blacks, a
truly Black looking painting should be taken at face value. Would a pink person be shown as a
Black? Why? Would a Black person be shown as pink? Why?
(Gordina de Groot)

In the 19th century, pinks were finally recognized since 3000 BC, as humans and were given
human rights, and political rights. To hide their origins as immigrants from Central Asia and
low positions as serfs, villains and basically pariah outcasts, it was decided for them to whiten
all brown and black portraits of the ancien regime. The ancien regime were descendants of the
first people who made it to thawing Europe 45.000 years B.C. They were North Africans and
looked light brown, brown, very brown, and black of complexion. A part looked like Von
Metternich, and those were considered pure of blood. And not mixed with ‘inferior’ others.
Because the nobility was obliged to marry among its own ranks, I believe they were blacker
then the bourgeoisie, who were also North Africans. Because the nobility looked down on the
bourgeoisie, they made an alliance with their pink Caucasian brethren to overthrow the
nobility, and give all rights to pinks. Then next changed all portraits, to finally give pinks a
history. No previous historical researcher stumbled on these facts. Most accepted racism
against Blacks as something natural to whites, while using pinks as shoe leather might have
definitely turned pinks against their Black masters.

(Jo Bonger, schoonmoeder Van Gogh, en jongen die te jong oogt om echtgenoot Theo van
Gogh te kunnnen zijn.)

Of interest is also Van Gogh’s sister in law Johanna Bonger ho is the only person we have to
thank for knowing about Van Gogh; to begin with. She offered his collection to the
Rijksmuseum, which refused it. Then by judicially selling and exhibiting parts, she as an
amateur in the world of art created the status he has today. On a photo with her mother in law,
and husband Theo van Gogh, who both look pink, she stands out as a very brown
complexioned Indonesian type. Her brother also has this strong Indonesian look, but they
were Dutch, not recent immigrants. German business partners described her as ‘a lady of high
standing.’ This might also have been in reference to her looks, as the ancien regime still
looked Black way into the 20th century, and pinks still clang to the lowly servant position of
their ancestors. Feudalistic relations prevailed till the WWII, and rich people no matter their
complexion, were feared and obeyed by the servant class. From what I have seen of Van Gogh
and his family one would think them pinks. But that could be false. A niece who he was in
love with looks ‘ethnic’ on a whitened photo. A supposed picture of his father looks overly
glamorous, and fake. A niece of his inheritor, the son of Theo, who sought media attention to
get money from her extremely wealthy cousin Vincent Theo van Gogh, looks coloured. So,
perhaps Van Gogh also got into trouble by portraying Black Europeans as Blacks, and
reminding Europe of its ancien regime.

(Jo Bonger. Kee Vos, niece of Vincent. Jo Bonger.)

A Wikipedia article further justified my musings about the existence of brown and black
European nations right up till the end of WWII. Hitler not only had Jews, Gypsies, and
mulatto Germans on his shopping/killing list. Also historical nations like the Danes, Wends,
East Europeans and the Polish nobility. Apparently, they failed to biologically assimilate and
become pink after 1848. The Jews outside Germany shocked the pink German soldiers with
their dark complexions and oriental clothes, in the middle of Europe. A Polish shtettle looking
like an African village in middle Europe? I did not come across any ethnographical photos of
the brown and black European nations. Jews, even today underplay their blackness. But did
not they come out of Africa, lead by Moses? This information about Blackness among Wends
and Danes is still very taboo, apparently. The subject is further confused by war movies
showing pink, blond haired Jews round up for execution by equally blond Germans. They
were in reality mostly brown and black complexioned, and many had classical African facial
traits. Like Einsteins wife who is clearly a Jewish Negress. Old pictures of the Polish nobility
show whitened images of dark people. Von Metternich’s mother’s name sounds Eastern

Virginia Woolf was British Indian and looked quite black of skin. Her sister, even more so.
They were rich, tall, slender, sexually liberated, and decked out in the latest French fashions.
They must have been a sight. The people in her life, her female lovers, and personages in her
books are likewise British Indians and dark brown or black complexioned. During colonial
times, there were Indian social clubs in London. Likewise, wealthy Blacks from the colonies
had their own private institutions. Colonialism always relied on elite members of the
conquered nation for support, and they had their privileges. Like during the slavery era, there
were Africans who travelled freely between Africa and the Americas, to monitor their part in
the slave trade. The fact that the king of Congo had an ambassador in Brazil in the 17th
century, and Don Carlos’ portrait, shows the complicity of Africans with the selling of
Africans. They sold them to other Blacks, Christian Europeans. European Blacks were
obliged to become pinks, with Blumenbach allowing some grace period, by defining them as
whites with black skins. Woolf’s mother’s relatives have Indian surnames, and look Indian.
Her father was European elite, and brown or black complexioned.

(Virginia Woolf. Merle Oberon)

The idea of a British Indian, or like in Holland we have the Indo community of Eurasians,
would make us think they are half pink half brown or half black persons. But the European
fathers who married native women, were brown and black complexioned. So, to style them as
half European is just an indication of their loyalty to colonialism and imperialism, not their
looks. They had no allegiance with pink pariah’s who were their servants. Woolf married a
Dutch Jew. Actress Merle Oberon, called Queeny, and who played Queen Mary of Scots, was
a brown skinned British Indian. She was married to the filmmaker, King Vidor? Her white
skin in movies was achieved with make-up, and lighting. According to some biography, she
was a mistress of Prince Philips, consort of Queen Elizabeth II. A photo taken in Mexico,
where she had a home, also shows them together. Makes me think of the Princess of Wales,
Diana, taking a Pakistani doctor as a lover, wanting to marry a Black Egyptian, Dodi Alfayad,
and being pregnant with his child. Royalty and the British establishment already feted his rich
businessman father. But Diana took it a step to far.

All this shows that blackness among the elite prevailed well into the 20th century, that the
Dutch Orange family remained a Negro family in the 20th century. Black and white footage of
Elizabeth II shows her wearing heavy white make up. Queen Mary, her father’s mother looks
slightly prognastic. George VI, her father, was a great-grandchild of Victoria. And, that
perhaps pinks are genetically selected through thousand years of holocausts, instruments of
civilisation, to arrive at an ideal slave nation that does not ever question their masters. For
comparison I show the photo’s of Von Metternich, Prince Alexander of Orange-Nassau,
Queen Victoria and her kin, and King Alfonso of Spain.
(Victoria, Vicky and Albert. Louise, daughter of Edward VII, son of Victoria)
(Prince Alexander of Orange Nassau, son of King William II. His brother, King William III.
Prinsess Marie van Orange Nassau, niece of William III, known as ugly, as she had classical
African facial traits. Sophie van Weimar Eisenach, sister of William III. King William III.)

The people who Van Gogh saw and portrayed looked like them, and someone should trace
these families and find out what happened to them. How they disappeared. Were they still
Black when Hitler came calling in 1940, already invited by the State of the Netherlands in
1933, for ethnic cleansing? The wiki article mentions there were Polish name list discovered
with individual persons who were going to be exterminated. Such list should have also been
produced in Holland for the separate, isolated, remaining Black Europeans. It is known that
the Dutch state identified its Jewish citizens based on the Nuremberg-law criteria, to give the
invading nazis a head start. The Dutch state could also have selected the remaining Blacks, for
extermination, so such list might already exist today in some dark archive. There was
haggling over some East European nations, whether they had too much ‘inferior’ blood. The
father of actress Audrey Hepburn’s had to go into hiding. Why? He was a noble man and I
believe I saw some blackness. Her uncle was governor of Suriname. She had to go in hiding.
Why? Married an Italian and had Italian looking sons.
(King Alfonso XIII and his wife. Alfonso and his mother, Maria Cristina Habsburg)
(Audrey Hepburn. Her father. Her grandfather, Aarnoud baron van Heemstra en gezin.)

xVan Gogh Family

xVon Mettenich
xQueen Victoria
xPrincess Royal Vicky, Empress Frederick of Prussia
Wilhelm II, Der Kaiser, her son
xCharlotte-Sophie of Mecklenburg s Strelitz
xPrincess Mary
xPrince Alexander van Oranje Nassau
xPrincesse Marie van Oranje Nassau
xKing Alfonso XIII
xVan Gogh
xVan Gogh Sister in law
xSister in law, with van Gogh’s mother and his brother
Heir Vincent Theo van Gogh
Niece of heir
xNiece of Van Gogh, he was in love with
xBlack Portraits
xPotato Eaters

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