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PE Weight Training Project

Dante Sbarbaro

Physical Education 9-1

Mr. Charos

4 October 2018

Basic Goal of Workout Plan:

- Muscle Strength

Weight Training Plan:


Perform the same warm-up at the start of each workout. The warm-up takes 5 minutes in total.

Exercise Description Repetitions Time

Haole Hulas- 20 per direction 1 minute
plant feet shoulder width apart and move
hips in a circle in both directions

High Knees (in place)- 1 per second 30 seconds

Bring knees up to hips in rapid motion.

Ankle Rolls- 15 per direction per foot 1 minute 30 seconds

Plant toes on the ground with heels lifted
up. Roll your ankle in circles while
keeping your toes planted. Switch
directions and feet.

Frankenstein kicks- 30 seconds of swinging per leg 1 minute

Straighten your leg and swing it as far
back as possible. Then swing it forwards
as far as possible. Do not bend leg. Switch

Kettle weight lifts- 20 lifts 1 minute

In both hands, lift 5 pound kettle weights
at the same time using proper weight
lifting form.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday (Leg Day):

Exercise Weight Reps Sets Muscles Targeted Rest Machine Importance

Standing calf raise 60 pounds 10 4 Gastrocnemius, 40 secs Standing calf raise Calves are important to
soleus machine strengthen because they
will allow me to run up
steep hills faster and
with more power.

Half squat 80 pounds 8 5 Hamstrings, 30 secs Barbell, squat rack Strengthens the
glutes, quadriceps hamstrings, glutes, and
quads, all muscles that
help to prevent injury in

Hamstring curl 40 pounds 10 4 Biceps femoris, 40 secs Hamstring curl Helps strengthen my
semitendinosus, machine hamstrings, which
semimembranosu prevent injury and
s control the lifting of my
leg. This will allow me
more strength when
running short distances
such as the end of a

Knee extension 40 pounds 10 4 Rectus femoris, 40 secs Knee extension The quads are one of
vastus lateralis, machine the muscles that
vastus medialis prevent knee injury in
runners, an injury that I
have had in the past and
want to prevent.

Seated leg press 80 pounds 8 5 Gastrocnemius, 30 secs Leg press machine Strengthens the
soleus, glutes, hamstrings, glutes, and
quadriceps quads, all muscles that
help to prevent injury in

Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday (Arm Day):

Exercise Weight Reps Sets Muscles Targeted Rest Machine Importance


Bench press 70 pounds 8 5 Triceps, pectorals 40 secs Barbell This exercise is very
important because the
triceps and pectoral
muscles are both used
when lifting large
objects. Along with
this, these upper body
muscles help propel
runners forward when
sprinting short

Biceps curl 60 pounds 8 5 Biceps, 40 secs Barbell The biceps curl is very
brachioradialis important to me
because the biceps are
also used a lot when
lifting heavy objects in
everyday life. The
biceps help with
running as well in the
same way described

Bent over 50 pounds 10 4 Biceps, trapezius, 30 secs Dumbbell The bent-over dumbbell
dumbbell row posterior deltoid, row is a very significant
brachioradialis exercise because it
strengthens muscles in
the pulling upwards
motion, increasing how
much weight I can lift.

Seated overhead 60 pounds 10 4 Deltoid, triceps 30 secs Barbell This exercise is

press important to practice
because the deltoids are
not often utilized, so
working this muscle
will help build and
strengthen muscle in
that area.

Lat pull-down 60 pounds 10 4 Trapezius, teres 30 secs Cable lat pull-down The lat pull-down
major, latissimus machine works three muscles
dorsi that are not commonly
used in daily life, but
make certain tasks
easier and increase how
much weight can be
pulled using my arms.
Sunday (Rest Day):

Exercise Weight Reps Sets Muscles Targeted Rest Machine Importance


x x x x x x x x


Perform the same cool-down at the start of each workout. The cool-down takes 6 minutes in total.

Exercise Description Repetitions Time

Jog on the treadmill- 12 minute mile pace 3 minutes

Jog ¼ mile on the treadmill.

Jumping jacks- 30 jumping jacks 30 seconds

Jump up and down, spreading your arms
and legs out wide before you land and
back closed again on the next jump.
Repeat this at a slow pace of 1 jump per

Touch your toes- Hold stretch for the entire duration of the 20 seconds
Stand straight. Reach down and attempt to exercise
touch your toes. Bend down as far as you
can go, even if you can’t reach your toes.

Abdominal stretch- Hold stretch for the entire duration of the 20 seconds
Lay flat on your stomach and push up exercise
your upper body with your arms so that
your lower body does not move at all.
Your arms should straighten out. Let your
abdominal area move forwards and your
back curve.

Cross arm stretch- Hold stretch for the entire duration of the 40 seconds
Bring your left arm across your body and exercise
hold it to your body with your right arm.
Switch arms 20 seconds/arm

Calf stretch- Hold stretch for the entire duration of the 40 seconds
Go into downward dog position and put exercise
one leg over the other leg so that it is not
touching the ground. Make sure the leg on 20 seconds/leg
the ground is straight and you should feel
it in the back of the calf. Switch sides.

Butterfly stretch- Hold stretch for the entire duration of the 30 seconds
Sit down with the bottoms of your feet exercise
touching each other. Hold your feet
together and bend over your legs slightly.

If I were to change my weight training program, I would most likely make it harder and utilize the principle of overload. I

would accomplish this by manipulating the weight and manipulating the repetitions for each exercise in my plan. Every other week, I

could increase the weight lifted in each exercise by 5 pounds. Based on how my body is feeling, I could stop or postpone the increase

in weight once I felt like I couldn’t lift any additional weight or once I felt like it would take longer to reach the point where I could

increase the weight. When I reached this point, I could start increasing weight again. Without this type of progression, my weight

training plan would not make me a much stronger in the long run, especially in a time period where my body is still changing. My

body could naturally gain over 15 pounds of muscle over the course of one year, so that physical change would have to be accounted

for by increasing the weight lifted in each exercise. If this was not accounted for, the plan would not be challenging enough to make

me a stronger person.

Along with weight, I could manipulate the repetitions of my exercises as well. Instead of 5 repetitions per set, I could increase

by one or two repetitions. However, unlike manipulating weight, it would not make sense to continue changing the number of

repetitions over a long period of time. With the goal of my plan being to improve my muscular strength, the repetitions of each

exercise should not be increased to over 10 repetitions per set. For this reason, the repetitions of each exercise is an aspect of my plan

that should be modified much less than the weight lifted.

The Importance of Weight Training:

Currently, weight training is somewhat important to me, however, I believe that that should change. Although I have a busy

schedule that involves multiple sports, weight training should be more important to me because it helps build muscle that can help me

with certain everyday tasks as well as enhance my performance in sports. With more muscular strength or endurance, I would be able

to run for longer periods of time and run long and daunting hills in much less time than normal. Also, in the other main sport that I

participate in, golf, I would be able to hit the ball farther and improve my game. Even hobbies such as surfing would be made easier

with more strength, allowing me, for example, to catch more waves with ease. Another reason why weight training should be more

important to me is because it helps prevent injury. I used to wonder how my sister could run so often, yet rarely ever encounter a

major injury. I have come to find out that this is due to weight training and targeting her lower body in her weight training workouts. I

know that I will continue to be a very active and athletic person throughout my life, so if I want to continue pursuing the activities that

I love with less of a risk of harming myself, weight training should be more important to me.

Weight Training Article:

Tonal Digital Weight Training Machine

This month, a San-Francisco based company called Tonal released a weight training machine that is designed to be built into a

wall within a home and replace every machine within a gym. It has a large screen where you can determine the number of repetitions,

sets, and the weight lifted for each exercise. It even accounts for your rest time and reminds you when you need to start the next set.

To change between the type of exercise that you want to complete, you simply move the two bars that have cables attached to them

into a different position that suits the exercise you want to do. Although training with a cable based weight training machine

eliminates the need for a spotter, this machine will act as a spotter anyways, helping you prevent injury by noticing when you’re

struggling and reducing the weight for you in the middle of an exercise. One of its featured characteristics is the programmed personal

trainer function that can be accessed on the screen while you’re exercising. With the tap of a button, you can have a pre-recorded

session with a certified personal trainer pop up on the screen. The trainer will instruct you how to do certain workouts, monitor your

progress, and even incorporate the principles of overload, progression, and rest and recovery to change your workout routine as you

continue using the machine. If you don’t feel like designing a weight training plan for yourself, simply plug in a small amount of

information on the types of muscles you want to work and how often you are available to do it.

Overall, I am amazed by how far we have come in the world of technology and how we are able to produce weight training

machines like this one that take up hardly any space at all and give more people easy access to tools that can improve their fitness and

well-being. I am puzzled by how well the machine is able to fit into a wall without taking up much space at all. What kind of

technology is used that allows specific amounts of weight to be lifted within a super thin wall. I imagine that designing this machine
took many years of development and dedication to give the machine so many different options that allow practically any weight

training exercise to be done. Probably the biggest advantage of this machine is having an entire gym within one machine is very

innovative and gives the user many different options so that they never get bored with the machine, even after many years of using it.

This is definitely my kind of machine because I wouldn’t waste much time going to the gym and switching from machine to machine

whenever I wanted to do a different exercise. Along with this, the machine being in your own home encourages you to exercise more,

since it’s so convenient and doesn’t take a whole lot of time out of your schedule.

There are not a whole lot of downsides to this product, however, one of them is that the machine requires electricity to

function. The machine doesn’t use a normal weight system, it uses an engine powered resistance system instead. I don’t know exactly

how energy efficient the machine is, but I’m sure that if you used it a lot, you would be taking up a lot of electricity and spending a lot

of money. The second disadvantage to this machine is that it is very costly. I did research on the price of the machine and I found that

it costs approximately $3000. This doesn’t even cover the cost of accessories, shipping, and installation fees. Many families would not

be able to afford this type of machine, making it unavailable to a large portion of the country’s population. Besides that, I am

impressed by the digital weight training all-in-one machine and the wide range of capabilities that it has. I think that products like

these will grow in popularity over the next few years, drop in price, and potentially get more people interested in weight training than

ever before.
Article source: ​

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