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Zayne Ginsburg-Characteristics of Organisms

A prokaryotic cell is a single celled organism

that doesn’t have a nucleus or have any
specialized organelles. Their reproduction is
asexual and usually takes place by binary
Eukaryotic cells are cells that contain a nucleus and
organelles, and are enclosed by a plasma
Fun fact: Did you know that plants are similar membrane. Organisms that have eukaryotic cells
to prokaryote cells because they have cells walls
include protozoa, fungi, plants and animals.
like plants?

Did you know we are eukaryote cells?

A heterotroph is an organism that cannot

manufacture its own food and instead obtains its
food and energy by taking in organic substances,
usually plant or animal matter. All animals, An autotroph is an organism that is able to form
protozoans, fungi, and most bacteria are nutritional organic substances from simple
heterotrophs. inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.

Did you know heterotrophs cannot make their

own food, so they must eat or absorb it? Did you know Autotrophs store chemical energy
in carbohydrate food molecules they build
Asexual reproduction is a type Sexual reproduction is the production of new living
of reproduction by which offspring arise from a organisms by combining genetic information from
single organism, and inherit the genes of that two individuals of different types (sexes). In most
parent only; it does not involve the fusion of higher organisms, one sex (male) produces a small
gametes, and almost never changes the motile gamete which travels to fuse with a larger
number of chromosomes. stationary gamete produced by the other (female).

DID YOU KNOW? A new individual is

produced by a single parent without Did you know a female can give birth to about 35
pollination or mixing genetic material by babies in a lifetime?
sexual reproduction?

Multicellular means having or consisting of many

Unicellular means consisting of a single cell.
Did you know all the multicellular cells with the
same function work together? Did you know Valonia ventricosa is one of the
largest single cell organisms in existence?

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