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The Meaning of "Estoria" in Juan Manuel's "El Conde Lucanor"

Author(s): Jules Piccus

Source: Hispania, Vol. 61, No. 3 (Sep., 1978), pp. 459-465
Published by: American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
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Accessed: 18-05-2017 16:20 UTC

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University of Massachusetts, Amherst

tienen el nucleo didictico del exiemplo" and are

A T THE VERY END of forty-nine of the "aplicacion moral o moraleja."
fifty-one Exiemplos of Part I of Juan
Manuel's El Conde Lucanor in the version However, despite these four possible
of MS. S. (sig. 6736 of the National Li-supportive statements that could be ad-
brary of Spain, Madrid), the best of theduced in favor of Lida de Malkiel's deter-
extant manuscripts of the work, one finds mination that estoria means the narrative
the enigmatic expression "Et la estoria [orpart of the exemplum in Juan Manuel's El
ystoria] deste exiemplo [exemplo or enxiem-Conde Lucanor, the perceptive reader may
plo] es esta que se sigue."'' This expressionwith good reason be quite disconcerted. If
is discussed by Maria Rosa Lida de Mal- the word estoria means or somehow refers
kiel in her article "Tres notas sobre don to the first, or narrative, part of the exem-
Juan Manuel" where she elaborates upon plum then it seems indeed absurd for the
aspects of Juan Manuel's narrative tech- expression "Et la estoria deste exiemplo es
nique and defines his particular use of the
ista que se sigue:" to appear at the very
exemplum.2 In her view, his exemplunm, end of the entire exiemplo, after the moral-
"unidad que consta de narraci6n, aplicaci6nizing verses, rather than at the beginning
moral y moraleja en verso" is made upwhere of it would obviously make more sense,
two different parts: the first being the fores- the words que se sigue within the ex-
toria, "o parte narrativa" [italics mine] fol-
pression necessarily refer to what follows,
lowed by the "aplicaci6n moral y moraleja" not to what precedes. Furthermore if, as is
in the form of viessos (verses) "que con- clear, the words "Et la estoria deste exiem-
plo es 'sta que se sigue:" are absolutely
tienen el nmicleo didaictico del exiemplo.""3
the last words of the exiemplo, then Lida
While no one would quarrel with Lida
de Malkiel's assertion that the proverbial
de Malkiel's division of Juan Manuel's
exemplum into two parts and while no one verses terminate the exiemplo appears in-
would contest the terminology of viessos deed strange. She writes: "Ahora bien; hay
en el Conde Lucanor varios Exemplos cuya
for the verses, her determination that es-
"historia"-para emplear los terminos mis-
toria means the narrative part of the exem-
plum is nevertheless subject to grave ob-
mos de su autor"1 [this is her note 16,
which will be discussed below] culmina en
jections. Favorable to Lida de Malkiel's
hypothesis apparently appear to be four
[italics mine] un dicho proverbial y lo ex-
considerations which, when taken together, plica, de suerte que la relaci6n entre refrin
seem conclusive: y "estoria" sugiere varias conjeturas sobre un
1. The word estoria is directly related, etymologi-aspecto de la tecnica narrativa de don Juan
cally, to Lat. historia(m), which meant narra-Manuel."4

2. The word estoria is found in other Hispanic Lida de Malkiel was no doubt definitely
texts contemporaneous with, or previous to, Juan aware that this statement might startle a
Manuel's El Conde Lucanor, where it means reader familiar with Juan Manuel's El
Conde Lucanor, and therefore explained
3. Every exemplum in Part I of El Conde Luca-
nor contains a narrative section. exactly what she meant in her accompany-
ing note 16. According to her interpreta-
4. The narrative part of Juan Manuel's exem-
plum always precedes the verses which tion
"con-the expression "Et la estoria deste


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460 JULES PICCUS Hispania 61 (Sept. 1978)

exiemplo es esta que se sigue:" which

But then, it may be questioned, if estoria
comes at the very end of the
cannot meanexiemplo,
the narrative part of the sub-
sequent exemplum,
necessarily refers to the narrative part ofwhy the may it not mean
subsequent exemplum, never to the
the narrative exem-
part of the exemplum just com-
plum in which it is specifically found.
pleted, or perhaps Thus,
mean a short prose ex-
significantly, she clarifiesplanation
what of she means:
the narrative part of the exem-
the expression found atplum the very
just end
completed, of a verbal gloss
or even
Exiemplo I does not refer ortocommentary
Exiemplo I but
on the narrative part of the
rather to Exiemplo II, the subsequent
exemplum ex- In answer, one
just completed?
emplum. She pointedly adds the
could say thatwords
since the"el
narrative part of
segundo" within square brackets the exemplum after thebeen completed
has already
word exiemplo so that there may be no
it is senseless-especially in an author like
mistake regarding her interpretation. Juan Manuel who is soAt conscious of his
this point it is opportune style-to to cite herinentire
repeat prose what has already
note 16. It reads as follows: "Al final del been said in prose and has been succinctly
Ejemplo I, don Juan Manuel distinguesummarized,
el explained, or glossed in verse.
exiemplo, unidad que consta de narraci6n, Furthermore, if the estoria were concerned
aplicaci6n moral y moraleja en verso, de la with a prose gloss or commentary on the
estoria o parte narrativa, y de los viessos narrative part of the exemplum just com-
que contienen el n6cleo didactico del pleted, it is indeed difficult to comprehend
exiemplo (p. 16) [of the edition of E. Juli-A,
why no part of such gloss or commentary
Madrid, 1933, which she utilizes for her appears at all after the expression "Et la
citations]: "Et entendiendo don JohAn estoria
que deste exiemplo es -sta que se sigue:"
estos exiemplos eran muy buenos, fizolos in any of the exempla of Part I.
escribir en este libro, et fizo estos viessos enYet, unless we pay no attention at all to
que se pone la sentencia de los exienplos. what the words mean, the expression must
refer to something that follows having to
. . . Et la estoria deste exienplo [el se-
gundo] es esta que se sigue." do with the same exemplum, and not at all
Thus, seemingly, Lida de Malkiel has
with the narrative part of the subsequent
countered a stumbling block in the way of exemplhm. Another consideration: if es-
her affirmation that the word estoria means
toria meant something which was totally in
the narrative part of Juan Manuel's exem- the form of writing, then it is unreasonable
plum. But the idea that estoria means the to suppose that the copyist would not have
copied it-in some form at least-for he
narrative part of the following exemnplumn
is also absurd, since the expression "Etsurely
la copied in his own hand the text,
both prose and verse, that he found in the
estoria del exiemplo es esta que se sigue:"
original MS. We are thus forced to the
appears at the very end of the final exiem-
plo, Exiemplo LI, of Part I of El Conde conclusion that estoria in the expression
Lucanor and therefore neither the entire "Et la estoria deste exiemplo es ista que se
sigue:" that appears at the end of the
expression nor the word estoria within can
possibly refer to any subsequent exiemploexempla refers to a subsequent something,
within the same exemplum, which cannot
-for there is none-but must necessarily,
in some manner, refer to the exiemplo justbe duplicated in the form of writing, prob-
ably because its duplication was difficult,
completed. In consonance with similar logic
inopportune, or impossible.
the identical expression encountered at the
very end of the other forty-eight exempla A reasonable hypothesis regarding what
of the work must also necessarily refer tothat something may have been is suggested
the exemplum just completed. by Jos1 Manuel Blecua in his recent edi-

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hallaba historiado:
tion of MS. S of El Conde Lucanor,5 when este es, exornado de
he is first confronted by the miniaturas
enigmatic queex-
servian como de grafica
pression at the end of the first exiemplo."de los Enxiemplos. El c6dice
He is, of course, thoroughly familiar with
asi enriquecido seri sin duda uno de los
Lida de Malkiel's identification of estoria
documentos del arte y de la indumentaria
with the narrative part of the exempla.
de mayor precio, en el siglo XIV; y esta
Although he does not examine her inter-
consideraci6n hace mas sensible su per-
pretation nor refute its implications, as we
have done here, he nevertheless feels that The suggestion that estoria in El Conde
she is wrong in her interpretation. He sig-
Lucanor may mean a [italics mine] minia-
nificantly points to a crucial datum regard-
ture is much closer to the truth than is
ing MS. S, of which datum Lida de Mal-
Lida de Malkiel's mistaken hypothesis that
kiel was either unaware-thus attempting
it means the narrative part of the exem-
her ingenious although mistaken explana-
plum, but this idea necessitates a good deal
tion of the word estoria-or to which she of refinement and redefinition which will
did not pay sufficient attention. Blecua be provided below. Even though Blecua's
points out that MS. S of El Conde Luca- is merely a suggestion rather than a con-
nor "deja un blanco entre cuento y cuen-viction substantiated by sufficient evidence,
to," which must mean that there is always one would have expected the surprisingly
an empty space after the expression "Et la bare documentation he utilizes as the basis
estoria deste exiemplo es esta que se sigue:" for his idea to be somewhat more precise.
which terminates almost every Exiemplo,Unfortunately, the documentation he pre-
before the beginning of the next Exiemplo.sents is both misleading and inconclusive
Blecua is of course familiar with one of the and needs to be rectified before we can
possible meanings of estoria in medieval arrive at a correct definition of estoria in
Spanish literature, namely that of pintura El Conde Lucanor.
or dibujo and cites four lines from the
The documentary evidence that Blecua
thirteenth-century Libro de Alexandre in
adduces derives, ostensibly, from R. S.
support of this meaning of estoria. Thus,
Willis, Jr.'s edition of the Libro de Ale-
with empty spaces in the MS of El Conde xandre." Blecua states: "La voz 'estoria'
Lucanor into which to fit a possible pin-
tiene tambidn el significado de 'pintura' y
tura or dibujo, or rather, estoria, Blecua
'dibujo,' como es bien sabido. Aunque
suggests that "podria quizai insinuarse que abundan los testimonios, aduzco s61o el
la 'estoria' fuese una [italics mine] minia-
que figura en el Libro de Alexandre (edic.
tura que siguiese al cuento cn el c6dice de R. S. Willis, Jr.) 2386 y 2388ab.
original, miniatura quc no se traslad6 al
copiar el texto. Tratindose de un c6dice Era en la corona el qielo debuxado
toda de criaturas angelicas poblado [...])
casi regio, la hip6tesis no parece descabe-
Ilada." Qerca estas estorias e gerca un rrincon.
algauan los gigantes torres a grant mission."'a
Here Blecua, knowingly or unknowing- The first of two observations to be made
ly, is echoing an interpretation of Amador regarding Blecua's view is that from the
de los Rios given over a century ago when ample evidence available to him from the
he too was confronted by the enigmatic Libro de Alexandre, he could surely have
passage found so frequently in El Conde made a stronger case to justify his belief
Lucanor. Amador explains: "Esta indica- that estoria in El Conde Lucanor may
ci6n repetida en otros pasajes, prueba que mean some sort of painting, even though
el c6dice original, formado bajo la inme- estoria in this sense is never found in the
diata inspecci6n de don Juan Manuel, se Libro de Alexandre related to a codex or a

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462 JULES PICCUS Hispania J1 (Sept. 1978)

manuscript book, but rather to theby

been suggested dome
Blecua, is definitely re-
and inside walls of a tent lated
(Comp. 2548-
to painting, for we find that an es-
2594); on a chariot (Comp.toria850-851); on by a painter or
is created or executed
a shield (Comp. 990-998); and
maestro.on a are
Here sepul-
four examples:
cher (Comp. 1240-1248). 1. Comp. 2567a; P 2531a; Las estorias cabdales
Secondly, Blecua's numbersfechas fordethebuen quat-
pintor/; O 2403a; Lis estorias
rains and his versions of the cabdales text fechas de bon pintor/.
of Willis's
edition of the Libro de Alexandre are in- 2. Comp. 993; P 974, Por amor que las armas
no fuesen mansilladas/ vnas estorias bueltas
accurate. As is well known, Willis's edi- [feas] que non fuesen entecadas/ non quiso el
tion of the poem consists basically of a maestro que fuesen y pintadas/ que serien las
paleographic edition of MS. P[aris] on thederechas por esas desfeadas; O 946, Por amor
left hand, or even numbered pages, and of que las armas non fuessen mazelladas/ vnas
estoria[s] bueltas hy fueron encerradas/ non
MS. O[suna] on the right hand, or oddquisol maestro que hy fuessen notadas/ ca serien
numbered page. There are three different las derechas por essas desfeadas/.
sets of strophe or quatrain numbers, name- 3. Comp. 1240a; P. 1220a, Ally pinto las esto-
ly: 1) a set of Composite numbers re-rias quantas nunca cuntieron/; O lacking.
peated within parentheses on both the4. Comp. 2549b-2550a; P 2513b-2514a, [La
even and the odd numbered pages; 2) atienda] suso era rredonda a derredor quadrada/
different set of strophe, or quatrain, num-de baxo entro ad alto era estoriada/ que cosa
conteqio o en qual tenporada/ Era en la corona
bers of MS. P; 3) a third set of strophe, or
el qielo debuxado"; O [2385b]-2386a, [La tien-
quatrain, numbers of MS. O. Blecua's da] suso era redonda en derredor quadrada/ de
strophe numbers for the Libro de Ale- somo fasta fondo era bien escoriada/ qual cosa
xandre do not-as might be expected-referconteqio a ome qual temporada/ Era enna corona
to the composite numbers which are identi- el qielo deboxado/
cal for MS. P and MS. O in Willis's edi- < followed by >
Comp. 2554ab; P 2518ab; El vno de los fastiales
tion, but refer exclusively to the numbers
[patios] luego en la entrada/ la natura del afio
of MS. O. Yet in his note the first two sedie toda pintada/; O 2390ab, El un de los
lines of verse do not come from MS. O, fastiales luego enna entrada/ la natura del anno
but rather are copied from MS. P,lo andsedie toda pintada/.
the final two verses differ substantially Secondly, an estoria is not a single paint-
from both MS. 0 and MS. P.11 ing, as Blecua seems to say, but rather sev-
We shall be able to arrive at a correct eral paintings in a series or sequence related
definition of estoria as utilized in the final
to a common theme, or topic, or person-
age. Thus, for example, in his long digres-
expressions of Juan Manuel's exempla af-
ter consideration of the evidence available sion (Comp. 2539-2595) dealing with a
from the Libro de Alexandre taken together description of Alexander's enormous, ma-
with evidence from another contemporane- jestic, doomed four-sided tent which on the
ous source, namely the second testament inside "de baxo entro ad alto era estoriada"
(dated January 1284) of Juan Manuel's (Comp. 2549c; P 2513c), the author (after
uncle King Alfonso X, el Sabio. There describing the biblical estorias in the dom2
are three significant aspects of the meaning (Comp. 2550-2553), and the estoria hav-
of estoria12 as used in the Libro de Ale- ing to do with the twelve months of the
xandre which, when related to evidence year on the first panel) significantly, and
from the second testament of Alfonso el conclusively for our purposes, refers spe-
Sabio clarify Juan Manuel's use of the cifically to two different estorias both of
term in the expression "Et la estoria deste which appear on the second panel (Comp.
exiemplo es esta que se sigue:" of his 2567; P 2531; O 2403). The first of these
exemVpla. In the first place estoria, as has estorias, which is concerned with Hercu-

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sons life
les, depicts several scenes of his of Noah, "Sem Cam e Jafet cada vna
ning with his strangling of the[vno?]
two en snakes
su comarca/" (Comp. 1241c; P
1221c; O lacking),
placed in his crib by his step-mother when or among "todos los dose
he is a mere child (Comp. 2568-2569)
tribus fiios de to
Ysrrael/" (Comp. 1242b; P
scenes from his twelve labors 1222b; O (Comp.
lacking), or to identify "las pla-
2570) when he is grown. The gas second
de Egibto es-
. ./" (Comp. 1242c; P
toria is concerned with Paris 1222c; O lacking) in
and depicts one must imagine that
sequence the carrying off of these
(Comp.renderings were accompa-
2571), the siege of Troy (Comp. 2572),titles or rubrics. The
nied by identifying
estoria relating
the killing of Hector by Achilles (Comp. to the biblical prophets,
2573), the death of Achilles (Comp. which also appears on the sepulcher of the
2574), the Trojan horse (Comp. 2574) wife of Darius, leaves no room for doubt
and finally the destruction of Troy (Comp. that identifying titles, rubrics, and seasons
2574). were an integral part of the depictions:
Thirdly, an estoria includes identifying (Comp. 1246; P 1226; O lacking) "Ally
written rubrics such as titles and seasons. eran los prohetas conuento general/ todos
The shields of Darius and of Alexander, tablas en manos todos con su serial/ cada
as well as. those of other warriors men- vno que dixo o en qual tenporal/ quisque
tioned in the Libro de Alexandre were en su escripto de do era natural/."
covered with estorias that surely included A final indication that identifying dates
titles and rubrics. Darius's shield (Comp. or seasons are included in the painted es-
990a; P. 971a, "Auie en el escudo mucha torias occurs in Comp. 2549; P 2513: "Bien
bella estoria"; O 943a, "Auie en escudo paresgie la tienda quando era algada/ suso
mucha bella estoria") is covered with eraes-
rredonda a derredor quadrada/ de baxo
torias which depict: entro ad alto era estoriada/ que cosa con-
tegic o en qual tenporada"; O 2385 "Bien
1. the res gesta of the kings of Babylon (Comp.
990) parecie la tienda/ quando era algada/ suso
2. the res gesta of Nebuchadnezzar (or Ne- era redonda en deredor quadrada/ de somo
buchadrezzar) (Comp. 991-995) fasta fondo era bien escoriada/ qual cosa
3. the res gesta of King Cyrus (Comp. 996- contegie a ome qual temporada/."
Our evidence from the Libro de Alexan-
Now, when the author mentions specifi- dre has shown that estoria there means a
cally an estoria of Nebuchadnezzar in sequence or series of paintings bearing ti-
which he is shown to conquer a number tles or rubrics or other verbal or numerical
of specific places (Comp. 991; Fion, Tripol explanatory indications on a tent, on shields,
c Tabarea in P 972d; and Tribel e Tabarea and on a sepulcher:' but no mention is
in O 994c), or when an estoria of Nebu- made there of any codex or manuscript
chadnezzar can clearly be distinguished book that is estoriado. However, a specific
from an estoria having to do with King indication of estoria in a manuscript or
Cyrus, then we suspect very strongly that codex is found fn the second testament
there must have been identifying titles or (dated January 1284) of King Alfonso X,
rubrics included in these estorias.
el Sabio, the uncle of Juan Manuel, author
Our suspicion becomes a certainty when of El Conde Lucanor. The familial propin-
we come to the estorias executed at Alex- quity between Alfonso el Sabio and Juan
ander's command by the master craftsman
Manuel, and the fact that the expression
Apelles el ebreo on the sepulcher of the
[Biblia] estoriada occurs in a paragraph of
wife of Darius. In order for the viewer of the last will and testament of Alfonso cl
the sepulcher to distinguish among the Sabio, and would therefore certainly have

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464 JULES PICCUS Hispania 61 (Sept. 1978)

been known to Juan Manuel, are que

Hlaman Espejo historial, men-
mand6 facer el rey
Luis de Francia, e el pafio rico que nos di6 la
tioned here not to attempt to prove that
reina de Inglaterra, nuestra hermana, que es
Juan Manuel borrowed the para term
poner sobre from
el altar, eAl-
la casulla, e el alma-
fonso X: these data merely show
tica, que that
son de paiio thelabrado muy
concepts estoria and estoriado [italics
the mine] [et la casulla et dalma-
tica this
that we are discussing in et casa etiam,
studyquia suntwere
panni istoriaci diver-
sarum istoriarum ditissime laborati] e una tabla
well known and understood in King Al-
grande hestoriada en que ha muchas imagenes de
fonso's court before Juanmarfil,
Manuel fechos e wrote
hestorias dehis
fechos de Sancta
El Conde Lucanor. Maria [italics mine] [et quedam tabula magna
in qua plures diversse ymagines eburnee conti-
To verify that in the second testament
nentur facte ad similitudinem istoriarum Virginis
of Alfonso el Sabio'1 the related meanings
Marie] que ia ponga cada sabado sobre el altar
of estoriado and estoria (in the expressions
de Sancta Maria a la misa. E mandamos otrosi,
que las dos Biblias en18 tres libros de letra gruesa,
"la casulla, e el almatica, que son de patio
cobiertas de plata, e la otra [Biblial en tres libros
hestoriado labrada muy ricamente," and in
estoriada que nos dio el rey Luis de Francia
"una tabla grande hestoriada en que [italics
ha mine] [due Bibrie quarum una continetur
muchas imagenes de marfil, fechos e hes-
in tribus libris literam rossam habens, argente
torias de Sancta Maria," and in "las dos
cooperte, et alia in tribus libris intus istoriis
adornata, quas nos contulit res Francie Lodo-
Biblias en'5 tres libros de letra gruesa,
vicus] ...
cubiertas de plata, e la otra [Biblia] en tres
libros hestoriada que nos dio el rey Luis deV E HAVE ANALYZED and rejected Maria
Francia") are equivalent to the meanings V Rosa Lida de Malkiel's definition of
of estoriada and estoria in the examples
estoria in the exempla of Juan Manuel,
from the Libro de Alexandre we have dis-
have considered Blecua's (and Amador's)
cussed above, I will cite not only the major
suggestion regarding its possible meaning,
portion of the paragraph of the Spanish and have demonstrated that its meaning is
text of the testament in which these ex-
that of a sequence of paintings related to
pressions are encountered but also, in italics a common theme, topic, or personage
within square brackets, translations of the rather than a single miniature: paintings
significant phrases from a Latin version of which included titles and other rubrics.
the text doubtless made soon after the
The titles and rubrics in the original of
original was composed in 1284 in the vul-
El Conde Lucanor were no doubt ex-
gar tongue.16 The Latin translation leaves
pressed in words and numerals which
no doubt regarding the meaning of these could have been copied by a scribe, but
terms, now that we have become aware of since the titles and rubrics would have
their meaning in the Libro de Alexandre. made little sense without the accompany-
The Latin translation of the terms estoriado
ing depictions which were not duplicated
may illustrate some of the obscurities thatin the extant version, it is readily under-
portions of the Latin translation had for standable why they were not copied in
Georges Doumet, the editor of the LatinMS. S, which was probably a copy of the
text which, he indicates, was "faite pres- original codex that did contain the estorias.
que mot pour mot et dont les phrases sont
The expression libro estoriado was clear-
souvent embarrassees et obscures."'1
ly understood (in the sense that we have
Otrosi mandamos, que si el nuestro cuerpo discussed in reference to the second testa-
fuere y enterrado en Sevilla, que sea y dada la
nuestra tabla que fecimos facer con las reliquias
ment of Alfonso el Sabio) by SebastiAn
de Covarrubias in the seventeenth cen-
a honra de Sancta Maria, e que la trayan en la
procesi6n en las grandes fiestas de Sancta Maria, tury"9 and by Amador de los Rios in 1863.
e las ponga sobre el altar, e los cuatro libros que

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1For purposes of this article I have known

utilized familiar meaning, which is not under dis-
the most recent published version of MS. cussion here. On all other occasions estoria has
S by
the meaning we are attempting to elucidate in
Jose Manuel Blecua, Madrid, 1969 (ClIsicos
Castalia 9). The expression is lacking inthis
plo V and in Exiemplo XXVII, probably13Estorias
due are also found on chariots (Comp.
to an oversight of the copyist. I wish to851thank
and 863), but a discussion of these in-
my colleague Prof. Irving Rothberg for astances
numberwould not significantly add to our deter-
of valuable suggestions which have been incor-
porated into the text of the article. 14The second testament was first published,
2Romance Philology, Iv (1950-1951), according
155-94, to Georges Daumet, "Les testaments
subsequently republished in her posthumous d'Alphonse X le Savant," Bibliotheque de l'12cole
book, Estudios de literatura espafiola y com- des Chartes, LXvII (1906), 70-99 (see p. 73), at
parada (Buenos Aires: EUDEBA, 1966), pp. 92- the end of the book entitled Chronica del muy
133. References here are to the book. esclarecido principe y rex don Alfonso el qual
3Lida, Estudios, p. 105, note 16. fue par de emperador e Hizo el libro de las siete
4Lida, Estudios, p. 105. partidas (Valladolid: 1554), folios LIIr et sqq.
aSee note 1. Alfonso's [first and] second testament can be
6Blecua, Lucanor, p. 61, note 100. found in the Memorial historico espaiiol . . . que
publica la Read Academia de la Historia (1851),
7J. Amador de los Rios, Historia critica de la
tomo II, pp. 110-34. The text of the Memorial
literatura espaiiola, Iv (Madrid: Cancela, 1863),
613-14. I quote from the facsimile edition is that of a copy of a MS of the R. Academia de
drid: Gredos, 1969). 1 wish to thank my la Historia, Madrid. For purposes of this article,
league, Prof. Harlan Sturm, for calling Ama- I have utilized part of a copy of the text of the
dor's interpretation to my attention.
Memorial published in A. G. Solalinde, Antolo-
gia de Alfonso X el Sabio, quinta edici6n (Ma-
SPrinceton: Princeton University Press, 1934)
drid: Espasa Calpe, 1965), p. 236, first pub-
[Elliott Monographs 32]. References are to the
lished in 1941.
edition of this work republished in facsimile by
the Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1965. I use the 15The text given by Solalinde reads et here.
I have corrected the text to en, basing my cor-
abbreviation Comp. to refer to Willis's composite
numbering of the quatrains in the work. rection on the Latin version of this passage (See
Daumet, "Les testaments . .. ," p. 91), where
9Blecua, Lucanor, p. 61, note 100. The
brackets in the second verse are Blecua's. we find "Mandamus etiam quod due Bibrie
quarum una continetur in tribus libris...
'0In my version of the text of Willis's paleo-
graphic edition I write e for the sigla 7, write '6Daumet, "Les testaments," pp. 73-74: "Les
in conventional script Willis's resolutions (intextes latins que nous publions ici sont la tra-
italics) of abbreviations, do away with the dou-,duction de ces originaux, que dtaient naturelle-
ble bars of the caesura of MS. O, write rr for ment rediges en langue vulgaire, une traduction
small capital R, normalize the forms for the let-faite presque mot pour mot et dont les phrases
sont souvent embarrass'es et obscures. Il n'est
ters s and i, do away with the mark above the
letter y and with the horizontal bar of the letter
pas douteux que ces traductions furent faites
specialement pour etre envoybes au roi de France
h, do away with the tilde above the letter n in
the word graiit and with the bar above the letter[Louis], que la teneur des testaments d'Alphonse
X inte"ressait au premier chef, puisqu'il y etait
in in ome-in other words I do approximately
what Blecua has done. Cf. Comp. 2550ab; P designe comme heritier 5ventuel.
2514ab. O 2386 reads as follows: Era enna co- i7See note 16.
rona el cielo deboxado/ todo de creaturas an- "sSee note 15.
gelicas poblado/ (italics mine). g9Sebastiain de Covarrubias [Horozco], Tesoro
'lComp. 2552ab; O 2388ab; 2516ab. de la lengua castellana o espaiiola [seglin la im-
0 Cerca estas estorias e qerca un rrancon
presi6n de 1611, con adiciones de Benito Re-
migio Noydens, publicadas en la de 1674] edici6n
alqauan los gigantes torre a grant mission
P Cerca estas estorias e cerca vn rrincon preparada por Martin de Riquer (Barcelona:
alqauan los gigantes torre a grant mision
Hlorta, 1943), s.v. Historia, where we read:
[italics mine] "Libro historiado, se dize comuinmente el que
tiene algunas figuras en dibuxo o estampa, que
'2On one occasion (Comp. 294c; P 278c; O
responden con la escriptura."
271b) estoria is used to mean story, the well-

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