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Workshop details

1. This is a 4 day workshop. Each session will be of 1 hr duration.

2. Student only needs to carry a note book
3. The projects will be made on a breadboard and a 9V battery will be used

Workshop Itenary

1. What is electricity?
a. Current
b. Voltage
c. Resistance
d. Ohm’s Law
e. Power supply
2. Understanding the breadboard
3. Knowing the basic electronic components
a. Resistors: Fixed and variable
b. Capacitors: Types and function
c. Inductors
d. Diodes
e. Bipolar Junction Transistors: Types and function
f. LED
g. LDR
h. DC Motor
i. Switches
j. Jumper wires
4. Project
1. Connect one led
2. Connecting leds in series
3. Connecting led and tactile push button switch
4. Connecting led and self locking switch
5. Connecting a piezo buzzer
5. Introduction to Arduino

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