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Mic ghid pentru elementele SEO ale unui articol:

A. Cuvinte cheie si densitatea lor in articole

Usor de intuit, cuvantul/fraza cheie reprezinta subiectul articolului (adica “cine?”), sau “actorul
principal” despre care se povesteste 

1. Keyword density is the number of times your focus keyword occurs on a web page,
compared to the total text of that page.
If you write a post for your blog, you should have thought about what keyword you want to rank
that post for. That keyword is what we call the focus keyword.
Exemplu: If you have a text that is 100 words and 5 of those are your focus keyword, your
keyword density is 5%.
We encourage you to aim for a keyword density range of 0.5% to 2.5%

2. Titlul SEO (titlul articolului) trebuie sa conțina cuvântul/fraza cheie la început (exact-
match). Asta pentru a fi luat în considerare la îmbunătățirea rezultatelelor de căutare (ceea ce ne
dorim cel mai mult).

3. Cuvântul/fraza cheie trebuie sa apara în primul paragraf al textului (exact-

match). Ar fi cel mai bine chiar sa si inceapa primul paragraf direct cu cuvantul/fraza cheie
(exact-match). Dar de multe ori e greu de realizat si atunci daca apare totusi in primul paragraf, e

4. Folosirea cuvântului/frazei cheie nu trebuie sa se repete sau sa fie aceeasi de

la un articol la altul.
Pot exista variatii de ex. la cuvantul "bitcoin" folosit deja intr-un articol, se pot folosi variatii ale
termenului daca trebuie reluat acelasi cuvand/fraza cheie in alt articol pe teme similare:
"bitcoinului", "la bitcoin", "despre bitcoin", "ale bitcoinului" etc.

5. Sinonime ale cuvantului/frazei cheie

You want to rank for a specific term. That term is your focus keyword. If you’ve done your
keyword research properly, this will be the term that is used the most by your audience. But
Google is able to recognize synonyms as well. So, if you’re aiming to rank for ‘bicycle’, Google
will understand ‘bike’ as well.
You can use keyword synonyms in order to take plurals into account as well.
Exemplu: Imagine you are writing about forests. You might also want to use the word ‘woods’
to refer to the same thing. You can set ‘forest’ as a keyword and ‘woods’ as a synonym. In
addition, you can also use the synonym field to add the plural ‘forests’.
6. Distributia (repartizarea) cuvantului/frazei cheie:
We can tell you that your page has 2.5% keyword density, but if your 2,500 words article uses
your focus keyword and synonyms 62 times in just the first two paragraphs, your text will still
look strange, right?
If your article is about ‘plugins’, you’ll want to use that word throughout the article, not just at
the beginning or end.

7. Cuvântul/fraza cheie este recomandat sa apara în textul tău în cel putin 1

subtitluri (sau daca articolul este mai lung si este posibil in mai multe din subtitluri, cu atat
mai bine).

B. Lizibilitate

1. Maxim 25% dintre propozitiile unui articol trebuie sa contina mai mult de
20 cuvinte.

Tip 1: Write clear paragraphs. Always start a paragraph with the most important sentence, then
explain or elaborate on that sentence. Make sure your paragraphs aren’t too long either (7 or 8
sentences is quite long enough).
Tip 2: Write short sentences
Shorter sentences are easier to read and understand than longer ones. Also, you’re likely to make
fewer grammatical errors as your sentences are nice and short. We consider sentences containing
more than 20 words to be too long.
Tip 3: Limit difficult words
make sure your sentences and paragraphs aren’t too long, and your readers will still be fine!
Tip 4: Use transition words
Transition words are words like ‘most important’, ‘because’, ‘therefore’, or ‘besides that’. They
give direction to your readers. These words give a signal that something is coming up: if you’re
summarizing, you’ll use ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’, etc. If you want to compare, you’ll write
‘same’, ‘less’, ‘rather’, ‘while’ or ‘either’. If you want to conclude, you’ll use ‘hence’,
‘consequently’ or ‘therefore’.
Using transition words is a bit like putting cement between your sentences.
Tip 5: Mix it up!
Alternate longer paragraphs and sentences with shorter ones and try using synonyms if you tend
to use a particular word too often. Some people use the words ‘and’ or ‘too’ a lot. Mixing it up
with words like ‘also’ or ‘moreover’ could make your writing more attractive – and much more
readable too.

2. Subtitluri (la articole peste 300 de cuvinte, frecventa subtitlurilor este

recomandat sa apara la cate un calup de maxim 150 cuvinte). Ochiometric asta
inseamna cam o data la 3-4 paragrafe gen…
It’s hard to read a piece of text with no headings to break it up. Headings and subheadings are the
most important signposts for the reader, and people tend to read headings more carefully.
Reading from a screen is difficult. People can easily get distracted and lose track of the story
you’re trying to tell, but headings will help people stay on track, and to grasp the message of
your post.

3. Lunigmea paragrafelor
Trebuie sa fie de cateva propozitii. In functie de situatie, maxim 6-7 propozitii intr-un paragraf
dupa care pot fi folosite treaba-i buna :)

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