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The target of the discussion is to analyze and highlight the importance of the findings in

comparison to what was previously found]about the parental effect on the academic standing

of children. Even more, it aims to interpret any new findings of the issue stated. We suggest a

few factors and correlations that might induce the relationship between parental involvement

and educational outcome.


The relationship among parents may induce a huge effect on the psychological state of

children. When parents are “resilient” facing life’s obstacles, they create a bond that can itself

induce better environment that affects their beloved ones on several different levels, as

coinciding in the results of Geitsidou & Giovazolias, 2016. This important factor revolving

around resilience has led to a better parent-children relationship and better involvement in

their educational achievement. Therefore, there lies a positive link between parental

relationship and the children’s outcomes. The majority of children have two tutors in life,

school or university, and their parents. Parents might be the primary source of motivation that

enhances education. In other words, students tend to achieve more when parents and

educators work simultaneously, in their turn parents can contribute as the primary source of

confidence, self-esteem, and motivation. The results show that when parents are physically

and mentally involved in the educational life of their children, it may lead to a positive effect

on their psychological state of mind , as well as ,boosting their results and performance in

school or university and their relationship with their colleagues , as coinciding in the findings

of Zhan, 2015 and Wilder ,2013. This could show that students presenting positive feedback

from their parent's involvement tend to be happier and way more comfortable in their skin

and mind which shed the light on their high level of confidence , capacity to learn and the

degree of accepting themselves and other , these factors themselves play a major role in

increasing their grades and their academical achievements in general. It appears that the

outcomes are highly linked to the career path of their child and to its working future as a

whole, which adds to the findings of ZAHEDANI, REZAEE, YAZDANI, BAGHERI

&NABEIEI,2016. The results lead to a similar conclusion that emphasizes the fact that

probably “Education begins at home”. The start point may be the involvement and presence

of parental figures in a children's life. The more the parent’s assets and motivates to their

beloved ones, the more they tend to unconsciously present an increase in educational

interaction and outcomes. On another note, it seems that parental participation in children’s

life is a multidimensional pathway, that is proven by previous results of Van der Giessen &

Bögels ,2017, that this pathway has a clear link with social, emotional and academical levels

for children. Perhaps that once the parents are consistent and serious in their relationship with

their children, they might induce a better capacity for accepting knowledge and also a better

perspective of life and a clearer view of their emotion and psychological state as a whole,

agreeing again with Van der Giessen & Bögels,2017. The findings show that there is a

significantly positive connection between parental participation and the academical

achievement of children. This overall outcome confirms our hypothesis which states that high

parents’ motivation is the cause of good academic outcomes of children.

Regardless of this, the limitations of the present studies naturally include that the number

of respondents (22) is too narrow to generalize our findings. Moreover, there are different

types of involvement and family conditions to be taken into consideration before discussinthe

g conclusions and outcomes othe a research. Not to forget that only a small group in an

Advanced Academical English class at the Lebanese American University respondent which

ia s very small group from the same environment whicpreventsnt us tover-generalizeze our

conclusion and findings.


Geitsidou, A., & Giovazolias, T. (2016). Intimate Partner Acceptance–Rejection and

Subjective Well-Being: What is the Role of Resilience? Journal of Child and Family
Studies,25(11), 3260-3269. doi:10.1007/s10826-016-0493-7
Giessen, D. V., & Bögels, S. M. (2017).

Father-Child and Mother-Child Interactions with Children with Anxiety Disorders:

Emotional Expressivity and Flexibility of Dyads. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology,46(2), 331-342. doi:10.1007/s10802-017-0271-z

Wilder, S. (2013). Effects of parental involvement on academic achievement: A meta-

synthesis. Educational Review,66(3), 377-397. doi:10.1080/00131911.2013.780009

Zahed Zahedani Z, Rezaee R, Yazdani Z, Bagheri S, Nabeiei P. The influence of parenting

style on academic achievement and career path. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2016;4(3):130-134.

Zhan, M. (2006). Assets, parental expectations and involvement, and children’s educational
performance. Children and Youth Services Review,28(8), 961-975. doi:

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