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Presenter: Under The Guidance Of :

Dr. Madhu Ranjan Dr. Prakash Paltye

1st year PG Scholar Associate Professor
Panchakarma Dept Panchakarma Dept
 Introduction
 Bastidefinition
 Classification
 Ingredients
 Mode of action
 References
 यस्मात बस्स्तभि: चममपट
ु कै: दीयते तस्मात
बस्स्तना दीयते इतत बस्स्त:॥
( अ.द.अ.हृ.सू १९/१)

 बस्स्त:
यस्मात बस्स्तभि: दीयते गद
ु दे शे
तस्मात बस्स्तरितत स्मत
ृ :॥
शाखागत: कोष्ठगताश्च रोगा ममोर्ध्व स्ाव्व्ान्गााश्च।
वे सन््त तेषाां न हि कन्श्चद्वो ्ावो: परां ा्मनन
िे तुरन्तत॥...
ततमात चचककत्सार्वममनत ब्र् ु न््त स्ाव चचककत्सामपप
(च. मस.१/३८-३९)

बन्तत्ावते च पपत्ते च कफे रक्ते च शतवते।

सांसगे सन््नपाते च बन्ततरे ् हित: सदा॥
स तु बस्स्तस्स्िविध: आस्थापनं अनि ु ासनं

माक्षिकं लिणं स्नेहं कल्कं कषायं इततक्रमात
आव्पेत तनरुहणां ह्येषं संयोजने विधध:॥

 Guna: Snigdha, Tikshna, Sukshma.
Karma:cures aruchi, ajirna, vibandhaand
agnimandya. Even in small doses it is carminative,
stomachic and digestive.
Encolonic and endocolonic action:
Helps in elimination of Basti due to its irritant
The presence of Na+ in Bastidravya helps in
absorption of drugs as the Na+ channels are the most
commonly used channels for the absorbed almost as
rapidly as pure water.
The concentrated dose of salt causes irritant action
on bowel producing peristalsis.
When strong solution of salt is administered into
rectum it destroys thread worms.
Guna: Kaphachedana property, scraping and balya
Karma: Fatty acids present in honey stimulate
peristaltic digestion.
As Vayu is Yogavahi, madhu equivalent to its
combats its disaatrous effects, hence
potentiating the quality of other ingredients.

Encolonic and endocolonic action: Honey along

with salts makes a homogenous mixture to form
a solution having properties to permeable the
water easily thus absorbing quickly and acting as
an instant energizer. It has hygroscopic
properties which speed up the heeling, growth of
heeling tissue. It scrapes out Malarupa Kapha
from Intestine.
It lubricates colon, soften mala and helps to eliminate
without strain.
Encolonic and Endocolonic action:
Oil helps in protecting the intestinal mucosa from irritating
substances, thus helping an easy and smooth elimination of
Basti Dravyas without causing wear and tear to mucosa.
Adding Sneha (lipid) with decoction aims to provide a dual
base of the preparation for trans-mucosal and intercellular
absorption. Volatile substance are rapidly absorbed from
aqueous or oil solutions. Oil enema or oil present in enema
preparation helps to absorb the toxic substance in it.

KALKA : It also helps to disintegrate malas. increasing

osmotic permeability of solution.
Encolonic and endocolonic action:the action of these two
component mainly depend upon the drugs used in it.

KWATHA:This is main content of Basti dravya. The drugs

used for decoction are mainly according to disease and
stage of disease. It brings homogeneousity to mixture.
पक्िाशये तथा श्रोणयां नाभ्यधस्ताच्च सिमत:।
सम्यक प्रणणहहतो बस्स्त: स्थानेष्िेतेषु ततष्ठतत॥
पक्िशयाद्बस्स्तिीयं सिमदेहनुसपमतत।
िि ृ मूले तनवपक्तानामपां िीयमभमि द्रमु म॥
स चावप सहसा बस्स्त: केिल: समलोवपिा॥
प्रत्येतत िीये त्ितनलॆिपानाद्येविमनीयते॥
िीयेण बस्स्तिादत्ते दोषानापादामस्तकात।
पक्िाशयस्थोम्बिगो िूमेिको िसातनि॥
स कटीपष्ृ ठकोष्ठस्थान िीयमणालोड्य संचयान।
उत्खात मूलान हितत दोषाणां साधुयोस्जत:॥
(सु.धच. ३५/ २४-२७)
Administration of Basti dravya via Bastinetra

Netra penetrates up to Pravahaini and Visarjini

Vali (A.H.Ni.7/3)

When pressure is applied the Vastidravyas gets

pushed further into Antra (intestine)

It traverse whole Antra and reaches Pakvashaya

Amsa(part) of jatharagni is present in
Pakvashaya as Katu Avasthapaka takes place
here. This little agni has only Soshana
property, and avoid any complex digestion
chain formation (ca. chi.15/11)

Finally Bastidravya is reached is Pakvashaya

and the Virya of the Basti medicine spreads
all over the body through micro and macro
channels (systemic action of Vasti)

In Basti it is the Virya of drug which brings

about an action. Virya is nothing but energy/
potency capable of bringing a change.
Various branches of Adhogami dhamanis
( 6) present in Pakvashaya absorb the
Virya and carry it to Urdhwagami and Tiryaka
Gami Dhamanis.
Action of first Niruha Vasti : dravyas by
reaching upto umbilical region (transverse
colon), sacro iliac region (rectum), flanks
and hypochondriac regions (ascending and
descending colon), churns up the fecal and
morbid matter present there and at the same
time by spending its unctuous effect in the
whole body, draws out the fecal and morbid
matter with ease.

Action of second Niruha Vasti: If dosas are in

excess quantity we need to repeat Niruha
Second Niruha again does the same action.
This time acting on Pitta Dosha dependent on
Vata in Pakvashaya.

Action of Third Niruha Vasti: Just as blowing of

air ( in fire place) propels fire upwards; in
the same way vayu throws Virya to Pitta and
Kapha; thus pulling them out. The third
Niruha Basti if given expels out morbid Kapha
in pakvashaya dependent on Vata.

Thus the excess Pitta and Kapha Dosha which

have moved from their own abode to
Pakwashaya gets dislodged/ thrown out by
giving continuos three niruha basti
As cloth takes away the dye from water mixed
with Kusumbha(plant). Likewise Niruha Basti
eliminates excrements from the liquefied
body materials (selective absorption action
of vasti karma)

Once all Pakvashayagata dosha get cleared

Vayu attains normalcy(local action of vasti).
Thus it is clear that vasti is not given merely
to draw out the impacted feces from the
colon but it is one of the routes of drugs
administration for systemic therapy of many
diseases also. That is the reason why vasti
alone has been unanimously claimed as half
treatment of diseases.
All the activities of body both external and
internal are essentially dependent on Vata is
normalcy. Vasti makes the vitiated Apanavata
to move in a downward direction and cures
the multitude of diseases.

Thus when Apana Vata attains normalcy it

corrects disorders of Vita, Sleshama , Pitta,
Anila, Mutra and provides strength.
The potency of drugs of enema material present in
colon is transported quickly by Apanavayu to
regions of SamanaVayu, thus normalizing it.

Thus when Samana Vayu attains normalcy it

corrects disorders .

From Samana Vayu it gets transmitted to Vyana


VyanaVata transmits the actions of enema

sideward's, Apanavata downwards, and Pranavata
upwards, through their own channels; just as
canals transport water to a field.
On Vyana Vata corrections it brings

Similarly udanavayu gets normalizes bringing

And further it effect is transmitted to Prana Vayu

Thus these Vayu getting satisfied(nourished)

become normal and helps to regain health.

Now slowly and steadily they subdue aggravated

Pitta and sleshma dependent on them and
restore them to their own seats, and thus
nourish all the constituents of the body by
supplying the required bhutas.
 Direct access  Indirect access

 Via tiryakagami dhamanis  Via urdhwagami dhamanis

 It goes directly to skin and  Where they further go to

pores and nourishes them hridaya

 Once rasadhatu gets  Divide into various

nourished branches

 Further uttaradhatu  With the help of Vyana

attains nourishment vayu

 Nourishment to all dhatus  They are explled out of

the heart
Thus the nourishment reach the whole body again
and nourish various dhatu.
 So basti introduced in the colon acts upon every
system of body from head to toe and draws out the
impurities by its potency like sun evaporates water
from earth by its heat (eliminative or purificative
action of Basti)
 Just as the comb arranges the entangled hair in order
similarly does basti the deranged dosa to its normalcy.
 Basti are chief among all therapies; cures all diseases
without any residue; purifying/ clearing the interior
of channels; its also increases the ojas, tejas, semen,
intelligence and digestive power.
 In regard of encolonic , endocolonic and dicolonic
action, vasti dravya when administered reaches upto
the micro and macrocellular level due to its virya
helps firsts to disrupt the pathogenic process and
carries out the morbid matter towards Pakvashaya for
elimination and then after absorption it starts
regenerative process.
 Thus it works as a curative as well as a purificative

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