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and AIDS
Online Textbook: Chapter HS 8

1. What is the definition of HIV? Is HIV Viral or Bacterial?
Human immunodeficiency virus

Immune system
1.a. What system of the body does HIV attack? ___________________________

2. What is the definition of AIDS?
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

3. What role do lymphocytes play in our body?
They provide the body with immunity

4. What role do antibodies play in our body?
They destroy pathogens that enter our bodies

5. What are AIDS-opportunistic illnesses (AIDS-OIs)?

Infections that the body can no longer fight off because their immune system is too weak

6. What are the four stages that HIV patients typically go through? Give a brief
description of each stage.
Description: 10+ years, takes over lymphocytes and no symptoms

Description: Also called acute antietroviral stage. Fever, headache, sore throat, rash,
diarrhea, and enlarged lymph nodes
Description: T cells falls to 200-400 per mL of blood, and begin experiencing flu
like symptoms. Too little lymphocytes to fight off the disease.
Description: Scarce T cells, allowing AIDS-OIs to enter. Most likely death
soon after.
7. What are the four body fluids HIV can be transmitted through?
1. Blood.
2. Semen

3. Vaginal
4. Breast milk

8. List and briefly describe the two behaviors know to transmit HIV.
1. Sexual intercourse
2. Contaminated needles

9. List three ways we know that HIV is not transmitted.
1. Shaking hands

2. Touching

3. Kissing

10. What type of test is used to detect HIV & what are they looking for in the test?

Detecting antibodies

11. If a person shows a reaction (tests positive) for HIV what are the next steps?
Additional testing to confirm

12. If a person tests negative for HIV what are the next steps?

13. What are the short and long term symptoms of HIV?
Short term- Fever, headache, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes

Long term- Persistent swollen glands, lack of energy, weight loss, frequent fevers,
Persistent yeast infections, skin rashes, short term memory

14. How is it determined that a person has AIDS?

If there are antibodies

15. What is an AIDS-OIs(opportunistic infections)?
that could be fought off without HIV

16. Briefly describe how HIV is treated and what are some of the strengths and
weaknesses of the treatment.
Very expensive drug research and vaccines

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