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The Influence THe of Main Characters’

Conflicts Toward Plot in Oscar Wilde’s

Abstraksi Tugas Akhir / Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dengan Judul: The
Influence THe of Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot in Oscar Wilde’s

In this thesis the writer uses a drama by Oscar Wilde, a controversial man of letters of
England. This thesis focuses on the influence of the main characters’ toward plot in Oscar
Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. This thesis also applies psychological aspect
to analyze the main characters’ characteristics.

In writing this thesis, the writer conducts library research method to collect the data and
information by using some books and internet which are related to the problem. The
writer employs one method of approach namely semiotic approach. The semiotic
approach is applied to analyze the character, especially the main character, plot in the
drama. The writer also uses psychological approach to analyze the intrinsic aspect such as
character and plot.

In The Importance of Being Earnest, Jack and Algernon, are two characters who have
different characteristics. Each of them creates another character. Jack creates Ernest and
Algernon creates Bunbury. Having two different names, they can do anything in two
different places, in the town and in the country.

In addition, the main characters experience both internal and external conflict during the
drama. Mainly, both Jack and Algernon have the same internal conflict. They concern if
someday their real identity would be revealed by their girls. Meanwhile Jack’s conflict
toward Lady Bracknell about his origin makes him try hard to reveal it. Algernon’s
undercover as Ernest at Manor House, Jack’s place, makes their real identity are finally
revealed and clear up Jack’s origin through Miss Prism and Lady Bracknell’s

In conclusion, the internal and external conflicts of Jack and Algernon lead to the
revelation of Jack’s origin. Both internal and external conflicts influence the plots of
drama, such as Algernon’s conflict toward Jack causes him to pretend as Ernest at Manor
House in order that he can meet Cecily, and Jack’s internal conflict causes him to decide
to vanish his created bother, Ernest.

The Importance of Being Earnest reflects a moral value dealing with human’s daily life,
namely honesty. A person may do anything to reach his/her aim, but being honest is
something hard to do. He/she may be smart to conceal a falsehood, but it would be
revealed eventually. Hence, in any condition honesty is needed although it is painful.
An Analysis Of The Main Character’s
Hatred Depicted In Sandra Brown’s
Abstraksi Tugas Akhir / Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dengan Judul: An Analysis
Of The Main Character’s Hatred Depicted In Sandra Brown’s Novel

This is the result of An Analysis of the Main Characters’ Hatred Depicted in Sandra
Brown’s Novel, “Where There’s Smoke”. This analysis shows that Jody hates Lara
because she knows Lara is the woman who makes her son’s carrier, Clark, in political
down. Jody also hates her son, Key, because Keyis the same as her husband who always
makes love adventure to all women whom he like, so it is makes her hate Key so much.

Lara’s hatred to her husband occurred as her husband is the cause of their daughter’s
death. Her husband is too ambitious to be a hero for his country, America.
Analisis Makna Implisit Pada Novel
Harry Potter And The Prisoner
Abstraksi Tugas Akhir / Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dengan Judul: Analisis
Makna Implisit Pada Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner

This thesis is entitled Analisis Makna Implisit pada Novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner
of Azkaban Karya J. K. Rowling dan Terjemahannya. The objects of the analyses are
sentences containing implicit meanings in the novel previously mentioned.

The sentences with implicit meanings are taken as data, and analyzed using descriptive
and comparative methods. The novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is written
by J.K. Rowling and translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti entitled Harry Potter
Dan Tawanan Azkaban.

The purpose of this research is to study the translation of implicit meanings from the
source language into the target language. The results of this research show that (1) an
implicit meaning should be explicitly translated if the system of the target language
requires it, on the other hand (2) an implicit meaning can be explicitly translated if the
system of the target language allows it and the last is (3) an implicit meaning should be
explicitly translated if the meaning causes ambiguity or vagueness in the target language.
Howard Schultz (Starbuck)

Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika ide Anda ditolak dan dilecehkan-bahkan dianggap gila-
oleh 217 orang dari 242 yang diajak bicara? Menyerah? Atau malah makin bergairah?
Jika pilihan terakhir ini yang Anda lakukan, barangkali suatu saat, sebuah impian
membuat bisnis kelas dunia bisa jadi milik Anda.

Yah, itulah kisah nyata yang dialami oleh Howard Schultz, orang yang dianggap paling
berjasa dalam membesarkan kedai kopi Starbucks. “Secangkir kopi satu setengah dolar?
Gila! Siapa yang mau? Ya ampun, apakah Anda kira ini akan berhasil? Orang-orang
Amerika tidak akan pernah mengeluarkan satu setengah dolar untuk kopi,” itulah sedikit
dari sekian banyak cacian yang diterima Howard, saat menelurkan ide untuk mengubah
konsep penjualan Starbucks.

Dalam buku otobiografinya yang ditulis bersama dengan Dori Jones Yang- Pour Your
Heart Into It; Bagaimana Starbucks Membangun Sebuah Perusahaan Secangkir Demi
Secangkir-Howard menceritakan bagaimana ia merintis “cangkir demi cangkir” dan
menjadikan Starbucks sebagai kedai kopi dengan jaringan terbesar di seluruh dunia.

Awalnya, Howard Schultz adalah seorang general manager di sebuah perusahaan

bernama Hammarplast. Suatu kali, ia datang ke Starbucks yang pada awalnya hanyalah
toko kecil pengecer biji-biji kopi yang sudah disangrai. Toko ini dimiliki oleh duo Jerry
Baldwin dan Gordon Bowker sebagai pendiri awal Starbucks. Duo tersebut memang
dikenal sangat getol mempelajari tentang kopi yang berkualitas. Melihat kegairahan
mereka tentang kopi, Howard pun memutuskan bergabung dengan Starbucks

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